How to draw Orenburg Pooh Punch Pencil. Russian fashion

How to draw Orenburg Pooh Punch Pencil. Russian fashion
How to draw Orenburg Pooh Punch Pencil. Russian fashion

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Mother's handkerchief MBOU Gymnasium №10 Peshkova I.V. (Grade 3)

Scarf is a popular popular and diverse women's accessory. After all, it is not only an ornament that can give the highlight to the most boring and everyday image, not only protection from cold or wind.

In the Russian Empire, antique shawls and Palants were first brought from Western Europe and from the East, but their production was very quickly established and in Russia the history of the handkerchief in Russia loses its roots in the 12th century: Then women wore the so-called head towel - remur. It was sewed from the canvas, and from silk, decorated depending on the wealth - stones, gold and silver thread, river pearl, embroidery; We wore such a handkerchief on top of the headdress. In the daily life of the peasant, there were simple scarves - a symbol of marriage. In the 17th century, "mass" began, the mainofactor production of handcrafts and chaleei, mainly in the Volga region. And still the handkerchief with traditional Russian patterns is relevant in our wardrobe.

Kashmir Shawli were miraculously crafts. The texts of them from the finest yarn, for which only the fluff of Tibetan goats was suitable, and at the worst of the fluff of saigas. Of 13 grams, such yarn pulled a thread of four and a half kilometer. Shawi were obtained by weightless and gentle to the touch. Each shawl that had tens of shades and combinations, two masters of the fabrics from one and a half to two years, and it cost it a whole state - up to 12 thousand rubles.

In the peasant and merchant medium in the second half of the 19th century, "Turkish" square shawls began to be very popular, they were quite accessible, as they were developed on jacquard machines. Different manufactories did different drawings, and it was in the drawing that it was possible to determine the place of origin shawl: on the headscarves of the factory of the Sharapovaya from the Vladimir province, bright yellow, green and blue flowers were burning, and the Moskovsk three-chip chapels were famous for the ornament with dark blue and red roses, Tulips and cloves. At the end of the 1850s, they begin to produce such shawls and in the small town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow.

Russian beauty in Pavloposad scarf

The culture of one or another people is multicomponent. Kitchen, life, traditions and features in clothing - all this is a holistic picture, making a recognizable one or other nation. It is the little things, the nuances, features and individual details of the traditional costume be the world's world. Without exaggeration, Russian culture is considered one of the brightest and most long and many people. Symbiosis of hardworking of skillful artisans and artist skills gave rise to such a unique work of applied art, like Pavlovo-Posal Shawl (shawls).

History chart

Today, every foreigner is a guest of a great and immense Russia, the honors for honor to acquire as a souvenir the unusual dressings or shawls. But few people know that the story of such a unique and popular accessory has more than 200 years all over the world.

Pavloposad scarf can be found in many pictures

The origins take their origin in the middle of the nineteenth century. The city in Russia Pavlovsky Posad, previously named Bogorodsky county, has long been considered a kind of center of talented and skillful artisans, and in particular textile skills. In those distant times, it was in Pavlovsky Posad a countless textile workshops, which were preserved with even more vintage times. In the twentieth century, the Bogorodski Shali had widely known, thanks to the recognizable ornament drawing of gilded threads.

Yes, and how such beauty could not become popular

Later, production rapidly gained momentum and already submissions were made from various tissues, and the character of the figure acquired more characteristic national traits and recognizable Russian.

Manufactory production expanded, the direction of silklook, the scarves were also made of woolen and half-walled fabrics.

History of Pavloposad Maker

Traditional Poshesky scarves had one feature - an unusual and unique stingy drawing. Patterns were so exclusive that it was impossible to find two identical handkerchiefs.

Technique Application Figure

The magnificence of the color, complex and unique flower pattern or ornament is achieved by a difficult application technology. Initially, the pattern was transferred to the material using carved wooden forms. Such boards are called "flowers" and "manners". The board "Flowers" was cut out of the tree, paints were applied to the fabric, but the contour of the ornament or pattern was stuck to the "manners" boards.

"MANER" for drawing patterns

Evolution touched on printing technologies, so in the 70s of the last century, the drawing began to apply to the submarines and shaved the screen printing method and special nylon patterns. More modern pavoposadic textile products have somewhat modified: the drawing has become less detailed, and the contours of the ornaments have become less intricate and non-floppy outlines.

Industrial production by no means played in favor of the beauty handker

Some time for drawing a drawing was used by the technique of a handbone, but by virtue of the special laboriousness of the process, he did not become popular. Although it was during this period that these exclusive models were created, decent titles of the cultural value of Russia.

In the 90s of the last century, at the time when many industries hit the crisis, the production not only did not come down. Pavloposadic products have become even more colorful and original. The number of paints on one handkerchief or shawl reached the 23rd. Today, the screening technology has been preserved, a unique drawing is pre-developed by artists, after which stencils are made, then shawls and shawls are started into production.

Development of the drawing of the future handkerchief - the task is not simple

Creation of Pavloposadic Platkov

Features of patterns

From a long time to date, Poskichki and Shali shawl are divided into two main types:

  • The first are scarves and shawls, which are made of fine translucent wool. Such paveloposadic products may have a silk praasno. The drawing on such a shawl or scarf was stuffed with cream, black, dark cherry or aal color soil. The ornament was large flowers or bouquets, strictly selected style patterns. As they say, the reward found his hero. Such submarines were received in 1896 the highest state reward, which gave the right to the image of the national coat of arms on the label or sign.
  • The second is the Pavloposadic products that were performed from dense wool. Such models, as a rule, differed from the first not only with tissues, but also ornament. The capital pattern was borrowed from the Eastern People "Cucumber", enclosed in floral patterns. The focus in such scarves was made to the edges, and more precisely, the corners of the handkerchief, leaving a small figure of the furnace in the central part.

In the post-war period, the landing scarves acquired a large brightness than the model of the military period. Coloring Pavlovo-Posal Shawli is built on the contrasts of yellow, green, red and blue. In the picture, black-free processing appear, which give realistic and tangibility with floral prints.

Such a principle of bright and unusual contrasts, a national ornament or flower pattern is so unique in its kind, which makes the landing scarves and shaved outside fashion trends.

Similar beauty can not get out of fashion

How to wear a Pavlovo Poshesky handkerchief or shawl?

Modern trends in fashion are a tribute to respect and even worship before the skill of our ancestors. Therefore, Pavloposadic Palants, Shali and Shawls are incredibly popular today among fashionistas. Such a bright and unusual accessory undoubtedly possesses its own character, history and soul, which gives the image of original folk notes in an unusual modern framing, like a precious diamond.

The image of Russian beauty will be not complete without such a handker

There are several tips, how to wear a Pavlovoposad accessory:

  1. In the traditional way, as we wore in Russia, riding on the head and tie under the chin. This method is suitable for beauties with clear and correct features of the face.
    Tie a shawl in traditional way very simple
  2. Sitting on the head, and the ends of the handkerchief winding around the neck. Ideally looks with a fur coat or sheep. You need to be careful with a way consisting of a fur coat in the floor and a pavoposadic handkerchief, so as not to take the appearance of the booth of frost.
  3. You can put on the head in the form of a bandana or turban, and the ends are fixed around the head. This method looks unusual and modern.
    Pavloposad scarf in the form of bandans
  4. Just throwing on the shoulders, arbitrarily tying the ends of the handkerchief so that others could admire the beauty of the drawing.
    Original Skirt from Pavloposad Card

Ways, how and with what to wear landing scarves, prostine and shawl a lot. You can safely let fantasy and experiment with such an extraordinary accessory, creating your own bright and original image.

A skillful combination or shawl will help give the appearance of not only folk identity. Pavloposadskaya products are not just fashionable accessories, they have a soul, the transformation appearance of a woman not only externally, but also internally. Such bright painted accessories will never come out of fashion, forming a real Russian style outside of fashion trends.

Interesting information about Pavloposad scarves

Moreover, as practice has shown, most often I get unsuccessful options.

So now stands in the corner, a huge subframe leaning against the wall is the future handkerchief. Silk, however, artificial, just a piece remained 90 x 90. The future accessory is waiting for his hour. And I'm flat drawing for a handkerchief looking for. It is not necessary to look for particularly, has long been taken by the Linda Klywin specially painted patterns for the heads - she "distributes" them to anyone, however, asks to mention the creator. Here, I refer

Thanks to this wonderful designer for such beautiful handicraft drawings:

The next template could be placed in the post, but I thought that adding a kaima around the perimeter, you can make it a great scarf!

Immediately I warn you: when you press the picture, sooo large size opens - you can even at first not to see boldly copy to my folder, and then reduce to consider the details.

Such a large size of the pattern is very convenient for the real handker template. Unless, of course, is where to print (for example, in a small typography). I have a story with my recent scarf: I independently increased the drawing, then cut out in the program 1 \\ 4 part to highlight the pattern, increased it, and only then I started to transfer it - manually! By cells - on paper.

Here is the actual process:

I apologize for a piece of cake not to the place I am so doing, I need feeding

The template was like this:

And this is his 1 \\ 4 Increased part:

A "History" is such that I cannot comprehend all the intricate patterns of this intricate pattern

Here are some more original drawings for the scarves that I learned in templates for tattoos. This Celtic patterns - I like them!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school №13" "

Theme "Pavlovo-Poshesky handkerchief. Ornament in a square. Naboyaka.

Lesson for grade 6.

Developed teacher MBOU "SOSH №13"

Lyagina Natalia Nikolaevna


2015 year

The purpose of the lesson: "Pictitate the ornament in the square based on Pavlovo - Posek handkerchief in the" Stamping "technique.


1. To get acquainted with the history of the Pavlovo-Posek stuffing handker.

2. To study the ornamental schemes in a square characteristic of a Pavlovo-Posad handker.

3. Examine the ornamental motifs of Pavlovo-Poshesky headscarves.

4. Examine the color gamut of the Pavlovo-Poshesky handkerchief.

5. Make a stamp - Manera with vegetable ornament from vegetables.

6. An image of an ornament in a square on one of the selected schemes in the "Stamping" technique (the square is cut out of colored paper).

The structure and course of the lesson.

Stage lesson

Teacher's activities

Activity student




Organizing time

It offers to formulate the purpose and task of the lesson.

Listen to the teacher. Formulate the purpose and objectives of the lesson based on the topic of the lesson.

Studying a new material

Offers information about the history of the production of Pavlovo-Posad-Poshicker.

The district of Pavlovsky Posada (the territory of the former Bogorodsky county) is one of the oldest Russian vintage centers. In the 18th and first half of the 19th century, the Bogorodsky scarves and sorrhal fabrics were distinguished by the special beauty of the ornament wounded by the golden thread. Later, shelkotokoticism was widely spread here, and since the 1860s, the release of woolen and half-walled headscarves began. Decorated with colorful stuffed ornaments.

Gradually, production has grown and acquired a pronounced national character. Features of production, composite and color splendor of Pavlovsky handkerchief is based on the virtuoso skill of the cutters of bellows, from which the drawing begins on the tissue, as well as the skill of colorists - typers. Each color is printed from a separate board, the number of which is sometimes reaches several dozen. In decoration of Pavlovsky handkerchiefs, lush flower bouquets and garlands are dominated. The ornamental motif "Turkish cucumbers" is popular, borrowed from the famous Indian Cashmere Shalee, who became fashionable in Europe in the Napoleonic era. Milk-white, black, red, dark blue, cherry background prevails.

Throughout the 1920-30s. In Pavlovsky Posad, predominantly cotton fabrics were produced with a printed and printed pattern.

The art of an elegant stuffed wool handker was revived after the Great Patriotic War, when a manual sleeping man was actively applied. However, from the late 1950s. Manual production began to gradually be supplemented with modern printing machines and photography technique. Currently, a little manual woven at the Moscow handling association in Pavlovsk Posad is produced a bit. However, creating samples for replication using modern printing methods, artists seek to preserve the traditional techniques for the Pavlovo-Poshee, the character of the composition and the characteristics of the flavor.

Listen to the teacher.

Remember new terms.

Answer questions.

Creative practical activity



It proposes to consider several schemes for constructing an ornament in a square (scheme for constructing the ornament of the Pavlo-Poskaya handkerchief), ornamental motifs, color gamut. Specifies the meaning of terms: ornament, sleeping, manner, stamping, stylization, flavor.

It offers to cut stamps from vegetables with floral ornament and depict the ornament in a square in the technique "Stamping".

The guys get acquainted with the meaning of new terms. Consider the patterns of ornaments; Cut stamps; Defined with a color decision. Perform the composition of the ornament.

The results of the lesson. Reflection.

It offers to admire your work and answer questions about the history of the handker, according to the schemes, ornamental motivations and implementation technique.

Consider their work. Make conclusions, answer questions.


1. Tit. sheet

Objective and task - on the 2nd sheet

3. History handker with handkerchiefs

4. Samples of slats

5 Examples of schemes

6. Examples of ornamental motifs

7. Photo of stamp making

8. Ornament printing photo

9. Photo of samples of children's work.

Theme of the lesson: "Mother's handkerchief"

Teacher: N.N.Kuzmina

Class: 3 - in


Kulikov Ivan Semenovich. « Wildflowers »

meet the mind escorted

Men lived, yes Baba. They had a daughter, and a little son.

Daughter, "Mother said," we will go to work, take care of the brother! "

Do not go from the courtyard, be a clever thing - we will buy you ...


In the XIX century Application of the pattern on the shawls on the Pavlovo-Posad Manufactory was carried out only manually.

Wooden shapes for packing patterns on Pavloposad's scarves were called "Claims" and "manners", only solid wood species (oak, pear, walnut) were used for their production, and for greater strength they were glued out of three layers of wood. With the help of "Claim" on a wool or silk fabric, paints were applied, for each color, a separate board was required - "Claim".

Wooden shapes for packing patterns on the scarves were called "Trica" and "manners". With the help of "Claim" on a wool or silk fabric, paints were applied, for each color, a separate board was required - "Claim".

The most popular flower in Pavlovo-Posad patterns - This is a rose.

Often in the "bouquet" of the Pavlovo-Poshesky handkerchief by artists used

lily flower.

"South night"

"Sunny summer"

"Evening Garden"

Multicolate scarves glorified Pavlovsky Posad to the whole world. Luxurious rose has become a symbol of a Pavlovo planting handker.

The usual drawing of the Pavlovo-Poshesky handkerchief is from large around the edges to the small in the center.

In the corners - large, catchy flowers, to the center the picture decreases, and the middle is filled with endangered small elements

  • We define the center with the help of diagonal lines.
  • We place the pattern in the center.

Master decoration

Warm and cold colors.

  • Choose location Pattern.
  • Choose picture On the scarf.
  • Turn the image into the pattern, for this choose color and rhythm pattern .