Tale Time Night Petrushevsky Analysis. Time night

Tale Time Night Petrushevsky Analysis. Time night

Writing text:

When acquaintance with the prose of cruel realism, Ludmila Petrushevskaya, a particularly strong emotional impression on me, a tale was made by the tast time, in which, in my opinion, this tradition of modern literature was very consistently traced.
The product has a frame composition and opens with a brief preface, from which we learn the story of the first text of the story. It is reported that the author called a woman with a request to read the manuscript of his mother. So we appear a diary of the poetess Anna Andrianovna, revealing the tragedy of the life of a large family.
In the Time Time Night we discover practically all the main topics and motifs, which sounded in L. Petrushevskaya: loneliness, madness, illness, suffering, old age, death.
In this case, the reception of hyperbolization is used: the extreme degree of human suffering is depicted, the horrors of life appear in a concentrated form, many naturalist-repulsive parts arise. Thus, we have the impression of complete immersion in the insoluble household problems of the heroes of the story.
It is the lyry time that night, from my point of view, can be considered one of the most striking examples of shock prose, as determined by ҭvorility L. Petrushevskaya many crimes.

What is the world of characters a story? This is a closed circle of ҭ-itary life circumstances: close quarters, in which there are three generations of people, unsettled, social insecurity, the impossibility of obtaining reliable information.
Petrushevskaya shows the household conditions and the sizations, on which the existence of heroes is closed, and peculiar signs of eҭi siseuctions: from empty plates, cherished linen, Polvihank Chernyashki and soup from Mixed to abortions, divorces, abandoned children, crazy old women.
At the same time, it can be noted that the text of the manuscript of Anna Andrianovna is extremely physiological, it is widely used by the spacious (trump, smoke, sink, sick, snatch, and ҭ. N.) And even a fateful vocabulary (dialogs of poetess and her daughter, Replica Andrei) .
It seemed to me that in the world of heroes of the story is not a view of real-time. Oyud, as I think, one of the meaning of the name of this work arises: at night, the time is not felt, as if freezing. I do not feel the time and Anna Andrianovna, and Alena, and Andrei, who live with symphosy problems, everyday ruҭin.
On the other hand, night the time of intensive spiritual life, engaged in reflections, memories, self-analysis. I wrote the poems at night, the diaries are leading, as it does a storyteller: at night you can stay alone with paper and pencil.
From my point of view, time night is also a permanent sense of all the characters of the storyguard, depression, mental, premonition of new problems and tragedies: Everything hung in the air as a sword, our whole life, ready to collapse. In addition, it seems that the heroes are constantly wandering around in the dark, moving to the touch. AU, Alena, my distant daughter; My poor, poor daughter, ay, eҭi exclamation Anna Andrianovna, in my opinion, define the tonality of the whole story.
Thus, Petrushevskaya depicts a world in which a person is not aware of the values \u200b\u200bof his life and the life of other people, even the closest. In this work, we are observing the terrible state of separation, the alienation of loved ones: children do not need parents, and vice versa. So, Anna Andrianovna writes about his children: they didn't need my love. Rather, without me, they would die, but at the same time, I personally prevented them.
Finally, time night is a state of challenge, the world without God. At the same time, hell is depicted as a continuation of life. This is darkness and darkness of human existence. You can see the desection of the religious principle in the worldview of all the characters of the story. This presentation is only the narrator itself, and even then a smooth, indefinite. And only at the end of the diary she asked for all forgiveness and directly appeals to God: Lord !!! Save and merry!
This state of the soul inspires the thoughts of hopelessness, the end of existence. My life is king, announcing Anna Andrianovna several times. Such reflections are infinitely varying and become leu at the entire narrative. How fast everything flows, how helplessly look at yourself in the mirror! You are the same, and already all ...; ... as avalanche began to melt life, the story regret. He beat the tail and silent in flour, it shared it determines its position in life.
Who is to blame in Eҭih endless suffering? Anna Andrianovna is the simplest explanation: about the fraction nature! About the Great! For some reason, she needs eҭi suffering, this horror, blood, stench, sweat, mucus, cramps, love, violence, pain, sleepless nights, the heavy work, it seems to be all good! But no, and everything is bad again.
It can be noted that the method of presenting an event in this work is ҭIpic for artistic manner of Petrushevskaya. Thus, in the text of the manuscript, Anna Andrianovna often disseminated with causal relationships, logical explanations of the actions of the characters. I think that this is done intentionally in order to enhance the horror of the perception of the described ever.
The same purpose served and the invertation of the characteristics of the story. For example, we do not know what verses writes Anna Andrianovna. It is difficult to understand who really love Alain and why she threw her son, but herself brings up two other children. It is not entirely clear what kind of sideways are her brother Andrei.
At the same time, it can be noted that a certain schematics of the characters makes them generalized by ҭipami, universal images. Before us arises, for example, the image of an innocent jervy, in which there are almost all the heroes of the story.
So, Andrei Zheruva his truthful, but angry nature, * sufferers, whom to the breast of eight friends. Timofey Zherevy family strife, wild hunger, a closed child to tears. Alena Zheruva who left her wrong men. Anna Andrianovna Georgva, Andrianovna, and his life looks. You can designate more specific humanities: orphans (Timofey), the mother of the family (Anna Andrianovna and Alena as the opposites of this image), Star (Alena), rejected (Andrei).
Similar schematics also involves the ambiguity of the heroes, various understanding of the essence of their characters. For example, who is Alena in a stupid woman and a bad mother? Or a dissatisfied personality looking for love and understanding and therefore suffering? Or maybe it's just an advancement, irrepressible, thirsty of adventures? We cannot definitely respond to Eҭi questions and give an objective assessment of the heroine.
However, the narrower story is presented to me the most complex character. I have created about it the most controversial impression. Is this a woman who fished everyone for the sake of family, or unsuccessful graphoman poetess (by definition of Alena), who made the unfortunate children?
Initially, it seems that the first definition is true. However, the second Natura Anna Andrianovna appears behind the scores of the diary: a mentally unbalanced woman, a despotic person who steal and reads the diaries of her daughter, overhears her telephone conversations under the door. She declares about it almost with pride: all the news was mine.
Annative attitude of Anna Andrianovna is also alarming almost to all other stories. This manifests itself in how she describes them in her diary. For example, a husband is one familiar with the physiognomy of the gorilla; Mandatory passing dirty, sweaty; Cobra's own mother; daughter busty shocking aunt; girlfriend daughter blacksmith with mustache; My husband's daughter rascal and scoundrel.
At the same time, we again arise an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life circle, the repeatability of siasias and circumstances. So, the mother of Anna Andrianovna called her husband with Darmo and Leskach.
Causes doubt and mental health of the storytellers. So, a strange story with pills for the horse, described by Anna Andrianovna, indicates the possible presence of hallucinations. On her mad

the procession hinting and the sanitary panel of a psychiatric hospital at the end of the story: you need you yourself, you need in madhouse!; Yes, you need a doctor with a syringe!
In general, the topic of illness and madness is ҭipichna for prose L. Petrushevskaya. In a story, time night this topic reaches a limit development. Disease is a natural state of heroes. On each of them there is a seal not only spiritual suffering, but also physical degeneration. Schizophrenia Generic curse of the whole family. This disease is suffering a grandmother of Little Timothy on the father's line and the mother of Anna Andrianovna. Registered in the dispensary consist of Alena.
However, I think that the motive of the disease acquires here more philosophical, expansion significance: the whole world is sick spiritually, but people do not see and do not understand it. The storyteller rightly suggests that there, outside the hospital, much more crazy. At the same time, she believes that the main thing in life is love. Anna Andrianovna is paradoxically love his unavaevy daughter, son, grandson, mother and in his own way explains this: so appointed by nature, love.
So, in the story, the time of the night is shown a terrible, suffering, cruel world, depicts the wear of human relations. However, exposing the sinful essence of man, L. Petrushevskaya, like her heroine, nevertheless, love her reader. In my opinion, so this unusual writer makes us aware of the contradictions of our own life and calls to comprehend your position in the world: ... Tolstaya, sagging, dirty, come home, people! You look like insects, and demand love ...
In my opinion, the author fully succeeded!

The rights to the writing "Time Night" belong to its author. When quoting the material, it is necessary to specify the hyperlink on

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

Time night

I was called, and the female voice said: "Sorry for anxiety, but here after mom," she was silent, "the manuscript remained after Mom. I thought maybe you will read. She was a poet. Of course, I understand you are busy. A lot of work? Understand. Well, then sorry.

Two weeks later came in the envelope, the manuscript, a dusty folder with a lot of written sheets, school notebooks, even forms to telegrams. Subtitle "Notes on the edge of the table." Neither the return address, nor the surname.

He does not know that on a visit it is impossible to choose to rush to the frame and hang everything, vases, figurines, bottles and especially boxes with jewelry. You can't ask you to give it yet. He, having come to someone else's house, shake everywhere, the child of his hunger, finds somewhere on the floor driving a car under the bed and believes that this is his find, happy, presses to his chest, shines and tells the hostess that he has found himself, but Where - drove under the bed! And my friend Masha, this grandson rolled down her gift, american typewriter, and forgot, she, Masha, is rolled out of the kitchen, her grandson of Denis and My Timka is a wild conflict. Good post-war apartment, we came to raise to a pension, they were all already floating out of the kitchen with oil mouths, licking, and Masha had to return to us on the same kitchen and thinking that without prejudice to us to give. So, Denis pulls out the car, but this one clung to the unfortunate toy, and Denis of these cars just have an exhibition, rimpets, he nine years old, a healthy calaunch. I leave Tima from Denis with his typewriter, the Timochka is embittered, but they will not be empty here, Masha, and so thought, seeing me in the door pepper! As a result, leading it to the bathroom washed to weaken from tears, hysteria in someone else's house! We do not like us therefore because of the Timochka. I behave like an English queen, from all I refuse, from what the whole: tea with crackers and sugar! I drink their tea only with my brought bread, pressing off the package unwittingly, because the flour of hunger for a stranger table is unbearable, Tima is asked for crackers and asks, and you can with the butter (on the table there is an oilball). "And you?" - Masha asks, but it is important for me to feed Timofeya: no, thanks, the alarm is tightened by Timochka, you want, Tim, still? I catch the oblique looks of Denis, standing in the door, not to mention the smoking who went to the stairs to smoke in Vladimir and his wife Oksana, who comes right on the kitchen, perfectly knowing my pain, and right when Tim says (and it looks great), says:

And what, Aunt Anya (I), walks to you Alena? Timka, your mom visits you?

What are you, dunechka (this is her baby nickname), Dunyash, didn't you tell you. Alena is sick, she is constantly breastless.

Mastitis??? - (And a little bit like that of anyone is her breast, from whose milk?)

And I quickly, grabbing a few more crackers, good creamy cream, leading out of the kitchen Tim watch TV in a large room, go, go, soon "good night", although at least half an hour before it.

But she goes after us and says that you can declare Alena, that the mother threw the child to the mercy of fate. Is it me, what, arbitrariness of fate? Interesting.

What kind of work, what are you, Okshanka, she sits with an infant child!

Finally, she asks, this is, if, from what Alena once told her on the phone, he did not know what it happens and that it does not happen, and she cries, wakes up and crying from happiness? From that? When Alena asked for a cooperative, but we did not have, did we change the car and repair at the cottage? From this? Yes? I answer that I do not know.

All these questions are set in order to not go to them anymore. But they were friends, Dunya and Alena, in childhood, we rested near the Baltic States, I, young, tanned, with my husband and children, and Masha with the Duni, and Masha was recovered after cruel runner after one person, made an abortion from him, and He stayed with his family, without refusing anything, nor from the Tomik mannequer, nor from Leningrad Tusi, they all were known to Masha, and I poured oil into the fire: because I was familiar with another woman from Vgika, which Slavna was wide hips and the fact that then married, but the agenda came to her house from the skin and venereological dispensary, that she missed the next infusion about gonorrhea, and with this woman he broke out of the window of his "Volga", and she, then A student, fled after the car and cried, then he threw the envelope from her window, and in the envelope (she stopped raising) were dollars, but a little. He was a professor on Leninsky theme. And Masha remained under the Dun, and we entertainly entertained her, she Tomno went with us to the Kabach, who was hung by networks, at the Maori station, and we paid for it, Odnovy live, despite her earrings with sapphires. And she is on my plastic bracelet with a simple modern form 1 ruble 20 kopecks Czech said: "Is this a ring for a napkin?" "Yes," I said and put it on my hand.

And the time passed, I'm not talking about how I was fired, but I say that we were at different levels and we will be with this Masha, and now Her son-in-law is sitting and watching TV, that's why they are so aggressive every evening Because now Denis will have a fight with his father for switching to "good night." My Timochka sees this transmission once a year and says Vladimir: "Well, please! Well, I beg you! " - And folds the handles and almost knees get it, it he copies me, alas. Alas.

Vladimir has something against Tima, and Denis is tired of him at all like a dog, son-in-law, I will tell you a secret, obviously on the outcome, already melts, from here Oksanina Poisonousness. The son-in-law is also graduate student on the Leninskoy theme, this topic will stick to this family, although Masha itself makes anything, editor editorial board of calendars, where and I gave me to Tomno and arrogant to me, although I reversed it, quickly having mastered the article about the two hundred years of the Minsk Tractor Plant But she prescribed me a fee even unexpectedly small, apparently, I was imperceptible for myself with someone in collaboration, with the main technologist of the plant, so they relies because competence is needed. Well, then it was so hard that she said to me the next five years there did not appear there, there was some kind of replica that what could be the bicotion of the tractor, in a thousand seven hundred and what year was released (came down from the conveyor) the first Russian tractor?

As for the son-in-law of Vladimir, then the time described by Vladimir is watching TV with red ears, this time some important match. Typical anecdote! Denis crying, she snatched her mouth, sat on the floor. Timka climbs him to cut down to the TV and, ineptly, somewhere blindly pushing your finger, the TV goes out, the son-in-law jumps with a scream, but I'm here on everything ready, Vladimir is on the kitchen behind his wife and the mother-in-law, not the presets, thank God, Thank you, came to my senses, did not touch the abandoned child. But already Denis drove the apoluted Timu, included what it is necessary, and they are already sitting, peacefully watch the cartoon, and Tim laughs with a special desire.

But not everything is so simple in this world, and Vladimir touched women thoroughly, demanding blood and threatening with the departure (I think so!), And Masha enters sadness on his face as a person who made a good deed and completely in vain. Behind her is Vladimir with the physiognomy of Goril. A good male face, something from Charles Darwin, but not at such a moment. Something low in it is manifested, something despised.

Next, you can not watch this movie, they yell on Denis, two women, and Timochka that, he heard these screams ... It just begins to crime the mouth. Nervous tick such. Shouting on Denis, scream, of course, on us. Orphan you, orphan, here is a lyrical retreat. It was even better in the same house where we went with Tima to a very distant friend, no phone. They came, they entered, they sit at the table. Tima: "Mom, I want to eat too!" Oh, oh, we walked for a long time, the child was hungry, go home, Timochka, I just ask whether there are news from Alena (the family of its former colleague, with which they seem to be called). The former colleague rises from the table as in a dream, pours us over a plate of fatty meat borscht, oh, oh. We did not expect this. There is nothing from Alena. - Is it possible? - I did not come in, there is no phone at home, and she does not call to work. And at work, a person is there, then here ... then contributions collect. What. - Ah that you, bread ... Thank you. No, we will not, I see, you are tired, from work. Well, unless Timofea. Tima, will you be meat? Only him, only him (unexpectedly I cry, it is my weakness). Suddenly, the bitch of sheepskirts sweep away from under the bed and bites timing for the elbow. Tim wild yells with full meat mouth. Father of the family, also with something remotely resembling Charles Darwin, falls out due to the table with a cry and threats, of course, pretending to the dog. Everything, we no longer here, this house I kept about a great stock, on a very early case. Now everything, now in the extreme case you need to search for other channels.

Ay, Alena, my distant daughter. I believe that the most important thing in life is love. But for what I all this, I loved her madly! Madly loved Andryuha! Infinitely.

And now everything, my life is horse, although I don't give me any age, one even made a mistake from the back: the girl, oh, says, sorry, woman, how do we find such a blade here? The dirty, sweaty, money, apparently, is a lot, and looks gentle, but that, he says, all are busy. We know you! We know you! Yes! It wants to spend the night for the pomegranates for free. And some more small services there, and put the kettle, the sheets of spending, the hook on the door is thrown into the door, so that I do not swear, - everything is calculated in my mind at the first glance. Like a chess player. I am a poet. Some love the word "poetess", but see what Marina says to us or the same Anna, with which we are almost a mystical disease, a few letters difference: she is Anna Andreyevna, too, but Andrianovna. When I occasionally speaking, I ask to declare as: Poet Anna - and the surname of the husband. They listen to me, these children, and how they listen! I know children's hearts. And he is everywhere with me, Timofey, I'm on the stage, and he sits down for the same table, in no case in the audience. Sits and and the mouth curvates, my grief, nervous tick. I'm kidding, I am strangled by a head: "We are a couple with Tamara", - and some idiots the organizers begin: "Let the Tamary sit in the hall", do not know that this is a quote from the famous poem of Agnia Barto.

Of course, Tima in response - I am not a brachochnaya, and closes in myself, I don't even say thanks for the candy, stubbornly climbs on the stage and sits down with me for the table, soon no one will invite me to speak because of you, do you understand? A closed child to tears, a serious childhood fell. Silent, quiet child at times, my star, my casha. A clever boy, it smells of flowers. When I endured his tiny pot, always told himself that his urine smells like a chamomile meadow. He is headed when he is not so washed, his curls smell like floccals. When washed, the whole child smells like inexpressible, fresh child. Silk legs, silk hair. I do not know anything more than a child! One fool of Galina in our former work: I would be a bag (fool) from children's cheeks, an enthusiastic idiot, who dreamed, however, about a leather bag, and he also loves her son, too, and spoke at one time, long ago, that His ass is so arranged, the eye does not tear off. Now this ass regularly serves in the army, it's already over.

How fast everything flows, how helplessly look at yourself in the mirror! After all, after all, the same, and already all, Tima: Baba, went, tells me immediately at the arrival of the speech, does not carry it and jealines for my success. So that everyone knew who I am: His grandmother. But what to do, small, your Anna must earn money (I call him Anna himself). For you, the bastard is unconvinced, and even for women, thank God, Alena enjoys alimony, but Andrei, it is necessary to raise his heel (then he will tell), for his sake of him crippled in life. Yes. Speech eleven rubles. When and seven. At least twice a month, thanks to the hope again, a low bow for this wonderful being. Somehow Andrei, in my order, went to her, took the tickets and, a scoundrel, occupied by the poor rubles! With her sick, a warless mother! As I then beat the tail and silent in flour! I myself, whispered to her with her full room of employees and the same indefinite poets, like me, I myself know ... At the very mother in the hospital, what year ...

What year? Seven years. Once a week, the flour visit, everything that I approach, eats immediately with me, crying and complains about the neighbors, that she is all eaten. Her neighbors, however, do not get up, how did the older sister told me, where did such complaints from? Better you do not go, do not balamn the water to us patients. So she defined exactly. I recently said again, I came with a break per month for Tim's disease: do not really go. Firmly.

Andrei comes to me, requires his. He is at his wife and live, asks. Requires what? What, ask, do you pull the mother, tear off the grandmother and babies? To which, what, answers, let me rent my room and will have so many rubles without you. Kaku your room, I am amazed at once again, I'm speaking, we are spelled out: Baba Sima, I, Alena with two children and only then you, plus you live in my wife. You rely on five meters here. He exactly thinks out loud: once the room is fifteen meters worth so much rubles, from somewhere he insists on this crazy figure, divided into three, there will be such a sum of thirty three kopecks. Well, well, he agrees, for the apartment you pay, it was possible to six and Otni. Total you should be exactly a million rubles per month. Now, Andryusha, in this case, I say to him, I will give you to alimony, is suitable? In this case, he says, I will inform you that you already get alimony from the Tymkina dad. Poor! He does not know that I don't get anything, but if I learned, if I learned ... I would like to go to Alenushkina to yell and apply for an application for something. Alena knows this my argument and keeps away, away, away from sin, and I am silent. Lives somewhere, takes off his child. For what? I can calculate: Alimony is so many rubles. How mother's mother is so many rubles. As a nursing mother until the year from the enterprise is still some rubles. How she lives, I will not make a mind. Maybe the father of her baby pays for an apartment? She herself, by the way, hides the fact with whom he lives and lives whether only crying, coming to an even account twice since childbirth. That was the date of Anna Karenina with his son, and this was the role of Karenina. It was a date that happened for the reason that I talked to the girls in the mail (one girl of my age) so that they talked with such a thing, let them leave the money alone, and the daughter on the day of the alimony arose on the threshold furious, ahead Pushes a stroller of red (it means that we have a girl, I thought it was a glimpse), again, sparkle again, as in the old days, when I fed Timka, a busty shocking aunt, and screams: "Collect Timka, I pick it up to ... her mother." Timochka overwhelmed by a thin voice like Cute, I began to very calmly say that it should be deprived of the rights to motherhood, how can you throw a child on the old woman and so on. This seter. She: "Timka, we are going, at all of this became a sick," Timka moved to the screech, I only smile, then I say that she will hand over for fifty child in a mental hospital, she: it's you mother passed into a mental hospital, and I: "For you And she passed, at your reason, "the nods in the direction of Timka, and Timka squeals like a pig, the eyes are full of tears and does not go to me, nor to his" ... her mother ", but stands, swinging. I will never forget how he stood, barely holding her legs, a small child, staggering from grief. And this in the stroller, her brother, also woke up and went into the cry, and my busty, Shoulder daughter shouts too: you don't even want to see my granddaughter, and it is her! And, shouting, laid out all the amounts for which he lives. You are here to live here, but she has nowhere to her! And I calmly, smiling, answered and essentially that let her pay her, that yy, who embarked on her and washed off, as you can see, for the second time no one can stand you. She, my daughter-milf, to have a tablecloth from the table and threw two meters ahead in me, but the tablecloth is not such a thing so that it could be killed by anyone, I took the tablecloth from the face - and that's it. And on the tablecloths we do not have anything, a plastic tablecloth, nor your crumbs, good, no glass, nor you iron.

It was a peak time, before my pension, I get two days later her alimony. And the daughter grinned and said that I could not give these alimony, for they would not go to Tima, but on others - on what others, I crushed, raising my hands to the sky, see what we have in the house, Poltushkhan and Mixed Soup ! Looking, I screamed, thinking whether my daughter didn't spoil about the fact that I bought pills for one person for one person, the code name of a friend, comes to me in the evening at the center of the central pharmacy sorrowful, beautiful, elderly, only the face of some kind Daring and dark in darkness: "Help, sister, dying horse." Horse. What is such a horse? It turned out that from jockeys, his favorite horse dies. With these words, he crushed his teeth and grabbed my shoulder hard, and his arms had grown me to the place. The severity of men's ladies. I will bend or put or put it - as he will be pleased. But in a pharmacy along a horse recipe, the horse dose is not allowed, sent to the veterinary pharmacy, and it is generally closed. And the horse dies. It is necessary at least pyramidon, in the pharmacy it is, but give a meager dose. You need to help. And I as an idiot as under hypnosis ascended back to the second floor and there convinced a young saleswoman to give me thirty tablets (Three kids, grandchildren, lying at home, evening, the doctor only tomorrow, tomorrow amidopyrin may not be, etc.) and bought on your own. Empty, the money is small, but I did not give a friend to me, but I wrote down my address, I'm waiting for him from day to day. What was in his eyes, what tears stood, not shed when he was bent to kiss my smelling hand with a hand: I then specifically kissed her, really, lean oil - but what to do, otherwise chicks, rough skin!

Horror, the moment comes when it is necessary to look good, and then lean oil, semi-finished product of disappeared and inaccessible creams! Here and be beautiful!

So, away, the horse, especially since I gave a greedy, chain, swollen sick hand three leaf with pills, from somewhere, a scare with big ears, a quiet, sorrowful, hanged ahead of his head, he came up with the wrong step and walked back, preventing Our conversation and address entries on the matchbox is my handle. The friend only dismissed from the glory, carefully writing the address, and the girder jumped back, and, after another kissing in lean oil, the friend was forced to remove in favor of a distant horse, but one thing is packaging, a dozen, they immediately divided and, fed, Started to whine paper tablets. Strange people, can it be used such horsepower doses even if there is a fever! And that both were sick, I did not have doubts about this! And did these pitiful pills that have been intended for me? Is this not a hoax? But it will figure out when a friend calls my door.

So, I crushed: Look, to whom to spend me, - and she suddenly answers to having a tear, which is on Andrei, as always. Jealous crying truly, as in childhood, what? Sing with us? We sing. I planted her, Timka sat down, we had lunch the last, after which my daughter was upset and gave us a small tolik of money. Hooray. Moreover, Timka did not approach the stroller, and the daughter went with the girl to my room and there, among manuscripts and books, apparently, turned his brother and fed. I looked into the clock, a completely ugly child, not ours, bald, the eyes swimming, fat and crying in a different, unusual. Tima stood after me and pulled me to leave my hand.

The girl, apparently, is typical of their deputy director, with whom she was catching, as I learned from the passages of her diary. I found where to hide him, on the wardrobe under the box! I still wipe away from dust, but she so deftly hid that only the search for my old notebooks made me dramatically shock everything. How many years it broke! She herself was worried about every one and climbed and climbed on his bookpinels, and I was worried, would she take off for sale and my books, but no. A dozen leaves of the worst for me news!

"I ask you, no one read this diary even after my death.

Oh Lord, what dirt, in what dirt I plunged, Lord, forgive me. I fell low. Yesterday I fell so scary, I cried all morning. How scary, when the morning comes, how hard to get up for the first time in my life with someone else's bed, dress in yesterday's underwear, panties I turned into a lounge, just pulled the tights and went to the bathroom. He even said "What are you shy". What I'm shy. The fact that yesterday seemed native, his sharp smell, his silk skin, his muscles, his swollen veins, his wool, covered with dew droplets, his body of the beast, Pavian, horse, - all this morning became strangers and repulsive after he said What apologizes, but at ten in the morning he will be busy, it is necessary to leave. I also said that I need to be in eleven in one place, about the shame, shame, I cried and ran into the bathroom and cried there. I cried under the shower jet, washing the panties, kneading my body, which became a stranger, as if I watched it on a pornographic picture, my alien body, inside which some chemical reactions were accumulated, some mucus burst, all swollen, sore and burned Something happened such that it was necessary to stop, finish, cripple, otherwise I would die.

(My note: What happened, we will see nine months later.)

I stood under the shower with a completely empty head and thought: everything! I don't need him anymore. Where to go? All my past life was crossed. I can no longer live without him, but I don't need it. It remained only to quit yourself somewhere under the train. (Found because of what - A.A.) Why am I here? He is already out of. It's good that yesterday in the evening, as soon as I came to him, I called him. (This is me. - A.A.) and said that I would be at Lenka and staying at her spent the night, and my mother shouted something encouraging Type "I know, of which Lenka, and you can not come home at all," (what I said, so this is what: "You are, my baby, the child is sick, you are a mother, as you can", etc., but She already hanged the phone in a hurry, saying: "Well, well, while not hearing" what is good here "- A.A.) I put the phone, making a kind of person to do anything about anything, and he lossed wine and All somehow froze over the table, I began to think about something, and then, apparently, I decided something, but I all noticed. Maybe I too directly said that I stay at him for the night, maybe it was impossible to say, but I said exactly with some self-dedicated feeling that I give him all myself, a fool! (It was - A.A.) He stood gloomily with a bottle in his hand, and I was already completely different. I am not what I lost control of myself, I knew from the very beginning to go after this man and I will do everything for him. I knew that he was deputy director for science, saw him at meetings, and that's it. I could not have anything like that, all the more I was shocked when he sat down at the table next to me, but having a big man and older than me much, his friend, Bayun and Krasnobay sat down with him, Govorun Very good hair and rare vegetation on his face, weak and bright, raised the mustache and there was a kind of film cartartie of the police officer, but he himself was almost a woman about whom the laboratory orders said that he was wonderful and in the midst of events suddenly could run away In the corner and shout "Do not see here." And what does it mean, they did not explain, they did not know. This govorun immediately began to talk to me, and he was silent and suddenly came to my leg ... (Note: Lord, who I grow up! Head sad in front of her eyes! That evening, I remember Timochka became Somehow a strange to cough, I woke up, and he just ledal: Hav! Hav! And he could not breathe air, it was scary, he drove everything, exhaled, moved in a lump, became gray, the air came out of him with this lame, he I cried and could not take a breath, but all just Beyal and Leanal and began to cry from fright. We know it, we passed it, nothing, it's swelling of a larynx and a false croup, sharp pharyngitis, I experienced it with the children, and the first: you need to sit down and calm down, feet in hot water with mustard and call "ambulance", but all at once You will not do, I will not call the "ambulance", you need a second person, and the second person at this time look what he writes.) The one who sat next to me suddenly stepped me on his leg. He came once again without looking, and bolding into a cup of coffee, but with a smile. All the blood rushed into my head, it became stuffy. Two years have passed since the divorce with Sashka, not so much, but no one knows that Sasha does not live with me! We slept in the same bed, but he did not touch me! (My comments: This is all nonsense, but I coped with the situation, put the baby, began to stroke his handles, persuade to breathe a nose, well, little ones, well, well, like this, don't cry, oh, if there was a second person to heat WATER! I carried him into the bathroom, let it literally boiling water there, I began to breathe with him in these couples, and he began to calm down her little on. Sun! Always and everywhere I was with you alone and stay! Woman weak and indecision It concerns her personally, but she is a beast when it comes to children! What does your mother writes here? "- A. A.) We slept in the same bed, but he did not touch me! I did not know anything then. (Comment: Round, scoundrel, scoundrel! - A. A.) I did not know anything that and how, and it was even grateful to him that he did not touch me, I was terribly tired with the child, I had an eternally bent over the Tim Spin, two There was blood in the stream, I didn't ask any girlfriends about anything, no one didn't give birth about, I was still the first and thought that it would be so relied - (a comment: you would be stupid, I would say my mother, I would immediately guessed that a scoundrel was afraid That she will get pregnant again! "A. A.) - and thought it was so necessary that I could not and so on. He slept next to me, ate (Excessive comments - A. A.)

Saw tea (retarded, uringed, picked in the nose - A. A.)

Shaved (favorite occupation - A. A.)

I read, wrote my coursework and laboratory, I slept again and swallowed it softly, and I loved him gently and loyal and was ready to kiss him legs - what did I know? What did I know? (Just Poor - A. A.) I knew only one-only case, the first time he offered me in the evening after dinner to go to walk, there were still bright nights, we walked, went and went to the Senov, why did he chose me? In the afternoon, we worked in the field, picked up potatoes, and he said "You are free in the evening?", And I said "I don't know," we were rummaged at one penalized ridge, he was with forks, and I crawled in the tarpaulin mittens. It was a sun, and my Lenka screamed: "Alena, carefully!" I looked back, about me stood a dog and buried, and something terrible leaned under his belly. (So, give girls to work in the collective farm - A. A.) I bounced off, and Sasha stunned by the dog on the dog. In the evening we climbed onto the Senov, he climbed the first and filed my hand, oh, this hand. I ascended as a fluff. And then sat like fools, I took it on this hand, not all. And suddenly someone got ruth right next, he grabbed me and burned, we froze. He covered me like on the front with his body from danger so that no one saw me. He defended me as his child. I got so good, warm and cozy, I pressed to him, this is love, it was already not to tear off. Who rustled next there, I was still all the same, he said that mice. He persuaded me that the pain would pass the next time, do not shout, silently, it is necessary to gain strength, gained strength, and I only pressed to him with every cell of my being. He climbed into the bloody mess, in the patch, as the pump swout my blood, straw under me was wet, I singed like a rubber toy with a hole in the side, I thought he tried everything in one night, which I read and heard in a hostel from Others, but it didn't care, I loved him and sang as my son and was afraid that he would leave, he was tired.

(If the son is so! No words - A. a.) -

He as a result, he said that there was nothing more beautiful than a woman. And I could not go away from him, stroked his shoulders, hands, belly, he sobbed and also pressed me, it was a completely different feeling, we find each other after separation, we were not in a hurry, I learned to respond, I understood what I knew him in the right direction, he sought something, I was looking for and finally found, and I silent, all

(All, stop! As the Japanese poet wrote, a lonely teacher was brought by Fisharmonia. Oh kids, children, grow-belanding, live-tolerant, the words of one chalden cleaner in the holiday home, she looked through the swallow's nest so as not to guess on the porch, stick put there and beat, and the chick fell, quite large)

the heart beat greatly, and accurately he fell

(stick, stick)

enjoyment, that's what it is called

(and can be a man, he said in a drunk son of the son of Dobrynin on the phone, breathe hard as after a fight, could be a man who fights like a washcloth, I don't know who he meant)

(Children, do not read! When grown, then - A. A.).

And then he himself hammered, lay down, groaned through his teeth, hung up "SSS-SCS", cried, shook his head ... And he said "I love you." (This is called humanity - debauchery - A. A.) Then he was lying around with the pale light of the morning, and I rose like an empty my own shell, trembling, and on weak cotton legs all have made it possible. My T-shirt got under me, and she was all in the blood. I buried the bloody, wet hay, peeled and pulled out to wash the shirt on the pond, and he tried after me, naked and bloody, we were waved my friend and plunged into the pond and swam with him for a long time and splashed in brown transparent water, warm like milk . And here we saw our disciplined Veronica, which in the morning I used to clean my teeth and washing, she saw on the shore of the pond bloody, not yet a style of my T-shirt, Sasha even dived, looked at us with crazy eyes and rushed to run, and I I rushed to wash, and Sasha quickly pulled all the dry and left. I think he was afraid at that moment forever. Everything. He did not touch me anymore. (Yes, and from all this horror and debauchery was born clean, beautiful, innocent timka, and what they say that beautiful children are born from real love? Timochka is beautiful as God, despite this whole shame and shame. Hold these sheets from children! Let you read who is who, but later what I am and what is she!

Requiem by Anna ("- Do you can describe it?")

In the nature of the main character of the story "Time: Night" Anna combines two opposite trends - self-affirmation and self-denial. Anna Andrianovna collaborates through self-denial. Close to do not pay her for all its incredible troubles, life ends, and in the family a full disorder and lack of money. The content of the life of the slaughter: life and the search for livelihoods. The fierce struggle of the heroine for creating a context of life for his dignity, for identity with the poet and the community of experiences with children, which it leads in the family at the level of mutual moral destruction and in which the main spiritual powers are investing, and there is "Time: Night" - Bathless period which "put on her," how "the long night," and who recreates L. Petrushevskaya in his story.

Words in quotes ("Long Dark Night") belong to Anna Akhmatova in the retelling of Isaiah Berlin, who visited the famous poetess ("poet") on the eve of 1946. Akhmatov words are associated with the name of the story not only because the heroine of the story Anna Bogatvit Akhmatov, proud His relationship named. "Time: Night" reminds all the alley on the famous Akhmatov state "loneliness and isolation both in cultural and personal plan." On his inability to live a full-fledged life, Akhmatova also told Berlin, unfamiliar to her a foreigner who accidentally visited her in "Fountain House": "As night left, Akhmatova became more and more animated ... She spoke about her loneliness and isolation both in cultural and personal plan ... he spoke about pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg - about the city where she was formed, And about the long night night, which since then has shielded on it. ... No one ever told me anything that could at least compare to me to compare with the fact that she told me about the hopeless tragedy of her life. "(Berlin Isaiah" Memories about Anna Akhmatova. "CM Notes)

The visit of Berlin Akhmatova also knitted a number of most important biographical events ("serious historical consequences"): In September 1946, it was excluded with derogatory epitles from the Writers' Union, deprived food cards, a listening device was installed in her room, followed by her, and just The son of Lev Gumilyov, who returned after the end of the war and the capture of Berlin in 1949, was interpreted again. Isaiah Berlin did not catch in these misfortunes of Ahmatova direct connection with his visit, but he was struck by a network of hypotheses and built on them the concepts of Anna Akhmatova:

Her judgments about the personalities and actions of other people combined the skill of Zorko and
It is implanting to determine the most moral center of people and provisions - and in this sense she
did not gem the most closest friends - with fanatic confidence in attributing to people
Motives and intentions, especially regarding yourself. Even I often did not know
actual facts, this ability to see in all the secret motifs seemed often
Exaggerated, and at times and fantastic. However, it is likely that I was not in
condition to the end to understand irrational and sometimes to incredibility is a whimsical character
Stalinist despotism. It is possible that even now normal criteria are not applicable to it.
believing and fantastic. It seemed to me that on the prerequisites in which she was
Deeply confident, Akhmatova created theories and hypotheses developed by her with amazing
Connectivity and clarity. One of these examples of IDEES Fixes was her unshakable
The conviction is that our meeting had serious historical consequences. ... in these
Concepts seemed to have no visible actual basis. They were based on clean
Intuitions, but were not meaningless, fictional. On the contrary, they were all composite
parts in the connected concept of her life ... (Berlin Isaiah)

Berlin from the meeting with Ahmatova made a feeling, in many ways similar to the impression left Anna Andrianovna in the story of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. The judgments of Anna Andrianovna about the personalities and actions of other people are also fantastic, then tearful and insightful. She also does not spare the most closest people and can with fanatic confidence to attribute to people of intention relative to themselves. The "irrational nature of the" Dark Night "has long been absorbed by Anna Andrianovna, and how she sees this" night "depends not only from herself, but from the fact that she was invested during her life. Moving on a certain piece The world, immersed in their own problems, she sees what it can be seen, and, partly, therefore, its interpretations of what is happening sometimes seem on the verge of madness. In addition, the heroine of Petrushevsky Rodnit with Anna Andreevna Akhmatova (her period "Dark Night") metaphysical genesis of creative Self-consciousness fighting for the survival of his "I" in Soviet conditions.

In the story of the Petrushevskaya "Dark Night", Soviet reality is constantly being present outside the window even in the daytime in the form of a hopeless gloom of routine, the struggle for food and other material benefits, scandals, scandals, monotony, longing from the impossibility of finding the way to implement themselves, and follows the comparison The famous poet Akhmatova and failed for the and large account of the poet Anna Andrianovna. Rather, Anna Andrianovna considers himself a poet, and what about it is, what poems is unknown. Also known only by the prose of Anna Andrianovna, her diary, which is the content of the story of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.

The dark reality of the night is the time of Anna Andrianovna and in the literal, and in the figurative sense. Creative inspiration is connected with the night, and the painful exacerbation of all feelings: she listens whether anyone will shout, if anyone needs help, do not need to call the police - an irrational mixture of recycled fear that has accumulated from several generations over the years of Stalin's terror, with Believe that "my police will choose me." At night, Anna Andrianovna lives all the authentic forces of his "I" and confess confession in the diary. Not to write, it cannot, otherwise it will "break": she lives all the best that she feels that it could be done and said, in the diary between the lines of the made and said. The sublime poetic mood, which she invests in their "notes", produces a paradoxical impression in combination with domestic, "running" content. Anna Andrianovna is counting on the fact that her diary, addressed to the "insightful" reader-one-man, reader-comrades, will be read. At the same time she writes spontaneously, from the soul: art is not controlled, and the diary arises as a cry of despair about a catastrophe of life and values. It turns out a kind of reportage from the direct ether of the soul, in which the history of the Anna Andrianovna family is refracted by its psychology, in many respects following the standards of Soviet ideas, replaced by other norms of life. Many spiritual discoveries made by Anna Andriananovina in the diary are sensational primarily for it. She is trying to break through to the understanding of what is happening and to his spirituality through the capital infection by the Soviet regulations, and it succeeds in the last words of the diary, when "insane love" becomes a blessing and all-gracious. But then she goes to unprecedented.

In the story "Time: Night" Petrushevskaya uses the genre of the diary of Lermontovski. Anna Andrianovna, like Pechorin, herself creates a "collective portrait of a woman," drawn up from the vices of his generation in their full development. " Petrushevskaya also offers the reader "with spoiled stomach", Soviet "to the reader, who has long fed the sickness," "bitter medicines, caustic truths." It uses Pushkin-Lermontovsky reception, making an "innocent forgery" and putting his name under the "stranger," and calls it classically: "Notes." (Or does Anna Andrianovna make, as the heir to the classical tradition?) The death of the heroine gives L. Petrushevsky right to become a fictitious publisher and print notes. Petrushevskaya is undoubtedly (it says that she really speaks in Annons - the truth to another work - the following) following the "publisher" of the Pecherin's diary, believes that "the history of the human soul, at least the smallest soul, is hardly more curious and not more consistent with the history of the whole people. " The author "Time: Night" completely frankly follows a classical literary tradition, probably, not counting it either epigion, nor imitativeness, but, on the contrary, assimilating the experience that has become a history of literature: it is beneficial and saving, as given by fate. Thus, the spiritual continuity of generations is emphasized, understanding and continuation of the absorbed - "nothing in scratch does not happen." The fate of the heroine is based on continuity, Anna Andrianovna.

In the test, continuity occurs primarily in comparison of two Ann: recognized by the "Holy" Akhmatova ("Karenina") and unrecognized "sinful" "countermenters", whose name is not known (the identity crisis) and which Petrushevskaya under the rights of the publisher provides the right to vote. "Holy" for Anna Andrianovna Akhmatova is her unfulfilled twin.

Ahmatov in old age wrote: "I taught women to speak - but God, how to silence them?" Someone answered her that she was not accurate that she had taught not women to talk, and readers listen to the content of female poems and make sure that the voice of the poet could be no less significant than the male. "Taking the" Talking "to speak or listen, Akhmatova, the main thing, was able to teach to love his image: women of independence, spiritualized, then mistress, then martyrs, in the tragic fate of which high love drama is played. Thus, she gave a spiritual support and direction. Its poetic image is the path to spiritual survival, to overcome death and to the update. Through her poetic word, there was a transformation of household events and a low reality in the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof their own, on which life depends, further fate and self-determination. Words received by the content of high tragedy make in all the meaning necessary in the daily life of life. It is possible so its image replenished and thirst for holiness in life.

For all, in the Slavs of the famous your entrance, -
Earth woman, I am the Heavenly Cross!
You put Poklons with one nights -
And all your eyes look icons. (M. Tsvetaeva)

Ahmatova told Berlin as she "was formed" in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg before "Long the dark night shook at her," i.e. Before the start of the Soviet era. The pre-revolutionary Petersburg for Akhmatova was associated with the artistic style of life, designed for serving a wonderful lady, spiritual independence and equality with a man. The heroine of the story Anna Andrianovna was already formed already in the "Soviet night" ("Born in the Deaf"), but also counted for worship himself. Formally, the laws that put the woman in an unequal position with a man situation were canceled immediately after the 1917 revolution; And after the Stalinist Constitution (1936), the female question was considered finally solved. But the reality of the Soviet life adjusted family and social equality not in favor of women. Soviet times led Anna Andrianovna almost to the loss of female appearance. Parsy scene with a drug addict in a story to which Anna Andrianovna buys pills to her last penny, and he writes her phone on a dirty match box, with difficulty holding a pencil in swollen fingers, and kisses her hand, smeared from chicks with sunflower oil, parodiles artistic lifestyle And the worship of the man before the beautiful lady.

The heroine Petrushevskaya in its own way is adapted to cruel life circumstances in which it is forced to live. It is aware of a certain reality of the reality of the Soviet world as much as consciousness does not prevent her from keeping their resilience. Soviet reality is a literary and mythical atmosphere, which created on the basis of the official ideologue and literary images on the basis of the official ideologue and literary images, and their micromyphones were created in it, although they are in cruel discrepancies with actual reality, but allowing to keep peaceful homeostasis, to live and work. In this world, the character of Anna Andrianovna, who worshiped Akhmatova and the police causing a police in case of disagreements was formed. But Anna Andrianovna feels his depth relationship with Akhmatova and not only because of the name and poems. She, like Ahmatov, is visible to the tragic fate of Tolstovsky Anna Karenina.

In Soviet times, Anna Ahmatov was called Anna Karenina XX century (OB identification of Anna Ahmatova with Anna Karenina wrote, based on the records of L.K. Chukovskaya, the poet A. Kushner), and its image in a certain sense merged with literary heroine. Ahmatov in life sought to "take revenge" for humiliation and catastrophe of the Tolstovskaya Anna. (Berlin describes the argument of Akhmatova with a Tolstsky glance at Karenin in his "memories of Anna Akhmatova"). Themes of Karninsk Fate: Meetings of Mother and Son, "Love on the gap", love delirium, a suicide nightmare, his own death, as punishment for the guilty - lives and Anna Andrianovna, capturing them in her diary. The end of the life of Anna Andrianovna and the purpose of her diary is a kind of finale Anna Karenina. She, like Ahmatov, is trying to overcome the humiliation of the tolstoy heroine, that is, his own catastrophe.

Unlike the "Hero of our time" with his two prefaces, there are no direct author comments to the Diary of Anna Andrianovna. The word grafomanka, who calls Anna daughter or who Petrushevskaya could entrust her daughter to express the author's opinion about Anna, Nimalo does not contribute to the one-way image of the heroine - at least because we are obliged to our acquaintance with everything that happens in the story. It is unlikely that Petrushevskaya trusts his opinion to someone from the heroes - "Heroes" is not. Opinions are mumbling and related or with a very specific situation, or represent IDEES Fixes in the mind of the heroes. In addition, heroes can be transformed into their antipodes: tender, romantically in love Alyona (probably Anna was the same) becomes cynical, desperately bold Andrei - turns into a helpless alcoholic, deceiving all the money from the mother, and cynical and cruel Anna - capable of deep Neehiscose feeling. It seems that "Truth" does not know Lyudmila Petrushevskaya: she is "blessing." Ruthlessly putting out the weakness and vices of his heroine, she does not detract from the tragicity of her personal destiny. She knows what spiritual losses doomed the heroine and how it hurts, when the soul squeezed into the fist is breaking through the next scandal. Ten years before the story "Time: Night" in the announcement to his play "Three Girls in Blue" (1982), Petrushevskaya, like the Lermontov Fictal Publisher, proposed to replace the fret approach to heroes with understanding them and through that awareness of themselves:

"Who needs an ordinary person? Who needs this woman, with his concern, red from the washing with their hands, with such rare minutes of peace ...? Or an old woman who tells his stories so loud, because it is used to be accustomed that she does not listen, and hurry to speak While there is a living person, because she lives alone ... We go past them, we will not pay attention to them - and they are on us. And every person is a huge world. Everyone - the final link of the long chain of generations and the hear of the new row People. He was a favorite child, a gentle child, eyes like a star, a toothless smile, the grandmother, mother and father were embarrassed on him, and loved him ... and released into the world. And now for his hand clings a new little hand .. to think about another person, bowed to his courage, shed a tear over someone else's fate, as over his own, sigh, to breathe, when salvation comes. In the theater sometimes there is such a rare opportunity to understand another person. And understand yourself. "

This announcement echoes the words and intonations of Anna Andrianovna, when she, trying to understand himself, writes in the diary about his unspoken feelings, and not acting in accordance with generally accepted standards: does not encourage the public to help in order to marry a pregnant daughter Alena for the culprit Sasha It does not cause the police to drive out the friends of Alena and Sasha, does not turn off the refrigerator to prove Sasha and the daughter, that it is not obliged to feed them, does not harm the fear of imaginable orders of the window. Everywhere, where Anna Andrianovna puts his social and educational intents - there it is everywhere in Promach: Even if marriage succeeded, Alena hated his mother instead of appreciation for their help. Everything that Anna is accustomed to, which is taught what can rely on - everything is adapted to the everyday cynicism of the surrounding life. Its independent lyrical notes of character is weak and underdeveloped.

The story of the small family Anna has absorbed the features of Soviet times right up to the vague rebound period (N. Leiderman). The Anna Andrianovna family represents the micromodel of the Soviet society: it has its leader - Anna, who overthrew the mother, Babu, and sent it to a psychiatric hospital. In an effort to the abstract to the highest goals, Anna diligently promotes what she learned from the Soviet mythology: leads educational work, takes on clean water, performs total control, arranges the studies of alien elements and cleaning with "shooting out" (cm. Note). She is the carrier of the Soviet mentality and the history of her life - it is reduced to the size of the family, the Soviet lifestyle with all its forms of communication and rituals: feeding, the struggle around the "material base", "faulty valves in public areas, the queue in a bath, drunken plumbers, which We must give the ruble so that they agree to work - everything is familiar - habitual for their own and quite comic on the part.

Anna Andrianovna's hereditary memory received scandals and jealousy of the mother, Soviet educational principles and "crazy love." The mother of Anna considered the love of his daughter by debauchery and hoped that the real, "insane" love should be directed towards her, mother. When children appeared at Anna, Baba Sima began to fight Anna for the love of grandchildren, defending them from Anna. Annin husband, not to stand the jealousy, escaped, becoming indifferent to children. Anna has no one separate from the children of life, but to live for them by investing their content in them, they do not give her, she bothers them. Compensating the poverty of personal life by the struggle for their dignity, it suits the scenes, and the children laugh in her face and say that she is a round fool. Now Anna madly loves the grandson of Tima, whom she, unconsciously repeating his mother, protects against Alena's daughter.

In the youth, Anna worked as a editorial office, but she was asked to leave because of communication with a married artist, whose three children she was going to educate. "Fool fool!" - She is crushed now in the diary. According to the example of many, she found an exit from a dead end in an archaeological expedition, where he made his "another ambitious mistake in people." As a result, "Andrei and Alenushka, two sun, all in one room." The archaeologist moved from Kuibyshev to Anna, and in ten years "on the same scenario" followed Krasnodar. And Baba Siema triumphed, like Anna herself triumphs, getting rid of Alena's husband. "Everything went, however, what does not look like from the side?" - CLOSES IN ANNA DIARY.

Fate ordered Anna and thanks in his memory to her once close people: instead of Westa from beloved, who received Ahmatov, then in verses, then in music, Anna with Alena receive scarce alimony, and those with the help of public bodies to which Anna with hunting Resorts to solve hard problems of life problems. But in the main public authorities to protect the rights of the Anna family could not, did not want: her son Andrei was planted. From prison, he came out a broken person. Not putting anything more Anna, Andrei plays the scene in front of her, swearing that he would throw a drink. He takes all the money with her deception, and Anna does not feel false. In the diary she writes that only once she sewed, saying his daughter Alyona, that Andrei still drinks. And it was here that she was right. Anna was mistaken not only because "insane love" did not die to his son and she wants to believe him in spite of everything. She, like many, relies on the external theatrical effects - intuition, processed by Soviet artistic models, did not cope with the feeling of reality. Ultimately, all of them: Anna, Andrei and Alyona left in the world without any support, they are in the position of victims - unfortunate, mentally well. Who wants to be a victim? And they, as well as others, fight for their interests. Their family struggle in the story looks a trapping comically, parodying an understanding of the fair class struggle based on the distribution of material values.

Complex spiritual problems through which it is necessary to painfully catch, Anna hopes to solve the Soviet, with the help of a psychiatrist and state bodies. With a legalized Soviet lifestyle, fear of being not like everything, which means enemy of the people, or crazy - was one of the ways to create a cruel paradigm of mass consciousness, and the word 'madhouse' was firmly included in the everyday use. Nothing new was invented in the Soviet society, it was also in Russia of the 19th century (for example, the situation with Chaadaev), and before the revolution (for example, in 1910, contemporaries called the artistic exhibition "the hospital for mentally ill"). Soviet times simply beneficially used existing stereotypes and, destroying, proclaimed humanity on behalf of Chekhov "Chamber No. 6." This paradox, this type of "schizophrenia" and embodies the Anna family, the microworld of Soviet society.

Anna causes an incognito doctor from a psychdispean driver and secretly puts his daughter for accounting. The doctor, in accordance with the Soviet spirit, exercise social supervision is under someone else's name to the house and requires Alyona to respond to him why she is not at the institute. The mother of Siema, who passed the nerves in the common family tragedy with Andrei, Anna sends Kashchenko to the famous psychiatric hospital. The doctor in the hospital self-confidently says that the Baba Schizophrenia is and that it is "treated." Baba Simima, "Together" seventh year, slowly dies outside the walls of the house as an unnecessary person spent and anyone, and this is called progressive schizophrenia. (True, the responsible Anna regularly rides feeding a mother, which is not so starving, but all other contacts, except for the feeding, destroyed by intra-family conflicts). Indeed, it is more convenient for life to believe the doctor and write off all problems to progressive schizophrenia.

Heroes of the Tale can not enter each other's position and compassion; They are tormented and tormented by each other, drive each other's mind from visiting each other and social drive. Everyone lives in the desert of human relations, in a spiritual vacuum. "AU!" Schizophrenia is it called this vacuum? In a story about schizophrenia, no one really knows anything, but all as the heads followed by a commissioned order, trying to fit into the "normal". And there are no norms, the Soviet "norm" is only imaginary, and is it possible? Is it not impossible to ideal, this imaginary every one in its own way "norm," and is it not all called and from her name "shoot"?

Anna - Mistress in the house. She undoubtedly loves children, even if not real, but those in her imagination. She has at the outcome of strength, and she wants children to pay her devotion and love to her: "I give you the latter, and you?!" Therefore, Love Anna takes the shape of hate; The endless conversation about money, to whom who should - is the translation of the unraded to material values, the form of struggle for love and respect. Feeding children is the most important, if not the only way to express love. Anna's food and incredible efforts for its production should, according to her ideas, rally family, and children are separated, preferring society and confidence of friends. It's a shame and bitterly: traitors - and therefore she "holds defense", sows a discord, seeks to reveal the secrets and turn: overhears telephone conversations, peeps into the keyhole, reads the daughter's diary. Take control, and for betrayal and debauchery to punish - that's what I burn it from the inside.

Consciously conducting the parallel among themselves and Akhmatova (Karenina), Anna Andrianovna embodies the unconsciously learned team of Comrade Stalin. In addition, human nature shows itself, and the thirst for love and devotion and Stalin, and by Anna Andrianovna, turns into suspiciousness from vulnerable, thirst for his own celebration and revenge. And not desirable "wake up and sing" accompanies in the morning a family of poor Anne, but "as if the group scene by the strike of the execution." Anna Andrianovna almost involuntarily acts as Tirana and, like Akhmatov, feels his part of history.

Anna's diary is read as a book of woman's life, deceived by hopes. Her voice is a lot of votes, dispute with everyone, "not sparing the most closest." In this and all the "I" of her votes: in endless conflicts and disputes, rarely thanks (blessings to all those who helped, entered its position) and in a passing story about themselves and their feelings. So almost everything, probably lived, including Akhmatov, in the one night, at that time - all the heroes of the story live. But if Anna Akhmatova, who preserved the uniqueness of his personality, was where to invest "the ability to dust and insight to determine the most moral center of people and regulations", then such a quality of neurasthenical, drunk and dismanded Anna Andrianovna looks like a malicious evil, and especially with the end of the Soviet period : And look at yourself, you're someone else - everyone could tell her. And from this, her night time is even darker. She has to self-affirm to the end.

And Anna Andrianovna, and her daughter Alena, although they received a higher education, did not receive a spiritual heritage (N. Leiderman), spiritual joy - unless sadness about his own twisted personality. They hate primarily themselves and all that they got in life. But there is nowhere to go. As Petrushevskaya wrote in the "ninth volume": in the crowd, in this landfill, no one seeks: everyone has a sharpening need. But if you look closely, the crowd consists of people, and every deserves of love and respect, at least for the fact that there were weak babies, and they will be weak old men.

Anne Andrianovna Lyudmila Petrushevskaya succeeds in "saving", i.e., a certain inadequate spiritual essence is maintained in it, responsible for the individual. It is no longer able to change anything in the situation with the mother, she returns home with the intention to take part in the upbringing of grandchildren. From silence in the house in its inflamed, in Soviet literary imagination, there is a picture of the killed grandchildren's babies from her daughter of Alena. Waiting for seeing the corpses, she enters the room and sees that Alena hurt everyone, throwing her alone. And she is happy: "Alive left ..." The listing of all their names is "Lord, blessing."

Thus, the tale leaves hope, although the life of the heroine ends with the end of the diary, and the new post-Soviet reality does not give them any pleasant signals. Hope is to the extent that unprecedented optimism is possible: the family life continues, there is already experience of salvation and the diary is printed. Did Alena Anna recognize, saying: "She was a poet"? Or unleashed with the past, having committed his duty to the mother and not knowing that "in the manuscripts" mother and her diary? Or was Alena herself became "unrecognized poet," deliberately giving his diary to the court of readers? It is clear only that Petrushevskaya wants both confession diaries to be saved for offspring. The fictitious publisher, she also acts as a phenomenologist who owns the art of an accurate understanding of the spiritual content of the Soviet era of the Soviet era, and considers it necessary to give him, or rather by her, a trapped woman, the hero of his time, the right to vote. The life of the heroine in the story "Time: the night" undoubtedly "could at least be partly to compare with what Akhmatov told [Berlin] about the hopeless tragedy of her life."

* Notes:

Berlin Isaiah "Meetings with Russian" writers "from" Memories of Anna Akhmatova. "- M.: Soviet writer, 1991. - P. 436-459. TTP: //WWW.Akhmatova.org/articles/berlin.htm I. Berlin was born in 1909, in Riga. In 1915-1919 His family lived in Petrograd. In 1920, I. Berlin, together with his family, emigrated to England, graduated from Oxford University, reading lectures on philosophy in a new college in Oxford. In 1945-46 I. Berlin - 2nd secretary of the British Embassy in the USSR. In Leningrad on the coincidence, he was given the opportunity to visit Ahmatova in the so-called "fountain house", where she lived.

Anna Andrianovna in the diary, like Anna Akhmatova, in verses, repeatedly recalls the "Strellesky penalty" [with the Strethie execution (1698), the Music of the Buntovshchikov, began Peter I converting tyranny in the name of the glory of the beloved Fatherland]. For example, in "Requiem" the lyrical heroine Akhmatova - "Streletskaya Zhizka"; She mourns her husband and son: "I will be like shooting hairstyles / near the Kremlin tower tower." And the approach of death Anna Andrianovna describes in the diary in the images of the strike of the execution: "It has come white, muddy morning execution."

Tale hp Petrushevsky "Time Night": Requiem for the Epoch of Mraka.

Genre: Literary - Critical article.

Oreday, landiness, unpleasurity of life, poverty (though, rather spiritual than material) - the concentrate of all this you can easily find in the story of L.S. Petrushevskaya "Time Night".
The heroine of the story Anna Andrianovna, an elderly woman who lost his job and a family containing a family (daughter and son, and numerous grandchildren) on the income from writing activities (performances before the children's audience, translations from the subscript, answers to letters coming to the editor). The heroine calls himself a poet, "Mystical thesis of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Mention of Akhmatov with familiarity, which is essentially blasphemous: "I am a poet. Some love the word "poetess". But see what Marina says to us or the same Anna. " She quotes and reincarn her poems: "Mother in Mazazym, Son in prison, pray for me, as the brilliant said ...", in the original "Mother in the grave, son in prison ...". This phrase from Requiem A.A. Akhmatova, works dedicated to the victims of Leningrad and repression blockade. Petrushev's heroine, uttering this phrase, means its domestic troubles. Mother's insanity arose due to endless mutual reproaches and scandals. Son is sitting in prison for a fight. And little Tima, the grandson of Anna Andrianovna, "Child of Hunger", is already sick of cruelty. He is ruthless, shouts, swears, hits grandmother cams, kicks it with a scatter. The boy from the diaper did not have the opportunity to observe anything other than the constant quarrel between his "two goddesses", mother and grandmother, and therefore took over this manner of communication from them, and it is quite possible that it will give it subsequent generations. Thus, evil, in Petrushevskaya, inexperienced (vicious circle).
Unlike Anna Akhmatova and the image of her lyrical heroine, the image of Anna Andrianovna is described by Petrushevskaya as a vulgar, reduced, drowned in domestic trifles. There are doubts about the talent of the heroine of the story. In the text, excerpts from its poems are given by "portions", in several lines. This is not enough to do at least some conclusions. In addition, during one of the presense of Alena, Anna Andrianovna "Graphomans" is calling Anna Andrianovna, for which the latter meets consent and adds: "But I feed you!".
Interestingly, the text of the story is literally impregnated with conversations about food, her lack, about hunger flour, lack of money, while there are constant references to "snacks", "caches" with a deferred "pennies" or food supplies. There is a feeling that there are not so many heroes of the story and poor, how many greed are sick. The heroine, remembering his "bright past", in which the family did not know her yet, but the battles because of food, but they had a place to be, tells her diary, "something is not in order of food, it was always among the members of our family ... ".
The image of Anna Andrianovna and the image of the lyrical heroine Anna Akhmatova brings, perhaps, only one is the genuineness of suffering. So we see the heroine of the story, confessing to his diary, constantly mentions the pain and about flour; She, judging by the diary records, is sincerely worried about his grandson and loves (albeit strange love: confessions in love are intelligent with insults) of their children. Its reason is constantly "on the verge", and the madness is considered by it as a way of getting rid of the torment (which can be seen in the "Requiem" Akhmatova: "Half-madness has covered the soul." It must be said that the motive of madness, the motive of the disease is very often found in the story "Time Night" (one of the favorite motives of Petrushevskaya). The mother of Anna Andrianovna goes crazy. Registered consists Alena, her daughter. The mother of the father of TiMoshi, the grandson of the heroine, is also mentally unhealthy. The spiritual health and Anna Andrianovna itself causes considerable doubts at her surroundings, and the readers of the story ("you need to be in the madhouse" - hints at her Sanitary Hospital; a friend who asks for it to buy a medicine for a horse, may well be hallucination). But this is not a special case of ex-home insoluction, as it may seem. In this case, it is necessary to think more and otherwise, why did the author filled the story with such a number of "insane"?). According to Petrushevsk, the whole world is sick spiritually, but people do not see and do not understand it. The heroine of the story speaks of this as follows: "There, outside the hospital, much more crazy."
Now let's talk about the title of the story "Time Night." After all, it not only sets a gloomy tone of the narrative, but also emphasizes the events described in the story, enhances the impact on the reader. The name is symbolic (as in most postmodern works), and therefore can have countless interpretations. According to researchers, the night is and "the time of day, in which the heroine of Petrushevskaya can at least distract from concerns about his family."
The night is the same time in which everyone remains one on one with his joys and sorrows, sadness and reflections. This is the time when the creative thinking of a person is activated, when the most "pulls" to frankness, "on self-discharge," you can stay alone with paper and pencil. " And Anna Andrianovna leads his diary at night, writes, talks with the stars, with God and with his heart. And therefore, the name can be considered as a reflection of the theme of creativity, which dropped directly in the story.
But, at the same time, the night is the time in which all sulfur cats are the same, and not to disassemble who is right who is to blame. So in the story of Petrushevsky there is not a single positive hero, but "black" in the absence of "white" stops so clearly rushing into the eyes, faded, gray. There is not only a single "light" hero, but also almost a single event painted in "bright" tones (and if there are such, they, again, lead to negative changes in the fate of heroes). Heroes are constantly wandering in the dark, moving to the touch, do not feel time (at night the feeling of time is dulled). All deeds are influenced by the progress of circumstances, the heroes are adaptable, get used to life (whatever it is) and almost do not attempt to swim against the flow. The real struggle unfolds not with life, not with circumstances, but with each other. The heroes of Petrushevskaya send their energy to the destruction of relationships inside the family, the working team, for the destruction of his life, and without that very unfavorable. Therefore, the wave will appropriate will be the assumption that the reason for the "darkness of life", according to Petrushevskaya, not only (and not so much) in the "social", as in human nature.
The main place of action in the story is an apartment, the space is closed. Before our eyes, the tragedy of the family, generated by an endless chain of conflict, is unfolding. In fact, there is a gradual destruction of the family, the name of which the author is not revealed by the author, thereby creating an effect that it is an ordinary, standard, typical family, one of a number of similar. Thus, the family tragedy acquires a social scale. And the name of the story is rethought in the context of the era.
"Night" is the characteristic of the period of the end of the 20th century (approximately 70 - 80s G.G., it is impossible to say more precisely, the author of the story mixes the features of several time segments, and the "stagnation" period ("graduate student under Lenin theme") "). This is an era into which the fate of the heroes lead, the fate of Anna Andrianovna collapses. This is the lack of external dynamics, the lack of social security, the heroes are not able to take something, anything to change their lives for the better. At the same time, their attention is focused, pointed on domestic trifles, on things.
The thing is a disease that all the heroes suffer without exception; If we take into account and all of the foregoing, then all members of the society destroyed by this paradise from the inside suffer. But it was all this thing that deposited in the story everything and everything, does not allow to see the main thing, the essence, the author's thought.
Petrushevskaya "overpowered" the text of the story of various kinds of domestic, naturalistic details, conversations about the lowland, about the material, overstended the text "pain, fear, stuck ...". And after reading, a natural question arises: why is it written? On which not every ordinary reader, not burdened by the wisdom of philological knowledge, will be able to find an answer.
Focusing on the relief of events, the author is distracted from the general panorama of the work. And after reading it completely, we can no longer be peering into the depths of the story. There is a desire to "climb", because "Cruel Realism" (as many researchers characterize Maneru Petrushevskaya, in which this work is written) literally cuts the eyes, the impudent feeling of discomfort, the reason for which, the reader blinded by what he saw cannot understand.
The well-known fact is that the "Requiem" Anna Akhmatova is a clock song of the victims of Leningrad blockade and repression victims. The story L. S. Petrushevskaya, "Time Night" is also a kind of "Requiem", but throughout our era, for families, mired in the merchant, in petty things, in children growing without fathers. By society, drowning in the "material" and forgetting about the "spiritual".

Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

Time night

I was called, and the female voice said: "Sorry for anxiety, but here after mom," she was silent, "the manuscript remained after Mom. I thought maybe you will read. She was a poet. Of course, I understand you are busy. A lot of work? Understand. Well, then sorry.

Two weeks later came in the envelope, the manuscript, a dusty folder with a lot of written sheets, school notebooks, even forms to telegrams. Subtitle "Notes on the edge of the table." Neither the return address, nor the surname.

He does not know that on a visit it is impossible to choose to rush to the frame and hang everything, vases, figurines, bottles and especially boxes with jewelry. You can't ask you to give it yet. He, having come to someone else's house, shake everywhere, the child of his hunger, finds somewhere on the floor driving a car under the bed and believes that this is his find, happy, presses to his chest, shines and tells the hostess that he has found himself, but Where - drove under the bed! And my friend Masha, this grandson rolled down her gift, american typewriter, and forgot, she, Masha, is rolled out of the kitchen, her grandson of Denis and My Timka is a wild conflict. Good post-war apartment, we came to raise to a pension, they were all already floating out of the kitchen with oil mouths, licking, and Masha had to return to us on the same kitchen and thinking that without prejudice to us to give. So, Denis pulls out the car, but this one clung to the unfortunate toy, and Denis of these cars just have an exhibition, rimpets, he nine years old, a healthy calaunch. I leave Tima from Denis with his typewriter, the Timochka is embittered, but they will not be empty here, Masha, and so thought, seeing me in the door pepper! As a result, leading it to the bathroom washed to weaken from tears, hysteria in someone else's house! We do not like us therefore because of the Timochka. I behave like an English queen, from all I refuse, from what the whole: tea with crackers and sugar! I drink their tea only with my brought bread, pressing off the package unwittingly, because the flour of hunger for a stranger table is unbearable, Tima is asked for crackers and asks, and you can with the butter (on the table there is an oilball). "And you?" - Masha asks, but it is important for me to feed Timofeya: no, thanks, the alarm is tightened by Timochka, you want, Tim, still? I catch the oblique looks of Denis, standing in the door, not to mention the smoking who went to the stairs to smoke in Vladimir and his wife Oksana, who comes right on the kitchen, perfectly knowing my pain, and right when Tim says (and it looks great), says:

And what, Aunt Anya (I), walks to you Alena? Timka, your mom visits you?

What are you, dunechka (this is her baby nickname), Dunyash, didn't you tell you. Alena is sick, she is constantly breastless.

Mastitis??? - (And a little bit like that of anyone is her breast, from whose milk?)

And I quickly, grabbing a few more crackers, good creamy cream, leading out of the kitchen Tim watch TV in a large room, go, go, soon "good night", although at least half an hour before it.

But she goes after us and says that you can declare Alena, that the mother threw the child to the mercy of fate. Is it me, what, arbitrariness of fate? Interesting.

What kind of work, what are you, Okshanka, she sits with an infant child!

Finally, she asks, this is, if, from what Alena once told her on the phone, he did not know what it happens and that it does not happen, and she cries, wakes up and crying from happiness? From that? When Alena asked for a cooperative, but we did not have, did we change the car and repair at the cottage? From this? Yes? I answer that I do not know.

All these questions are set in order to not go to them anymore. But they were friends, Dunya and Alena, in childhood, we rested near the Baltic States, I, young, tanned, with my husband and children, and Masha with the Duni, and Masha was recovered after cruel runner after one person, made an abortion from him, and He stayed with his family, without refusing anything, nor from the Tomik mannequer, nor from Leningrad Tusi, they all were known to Masha, and I poured oil into the fire: because I was familiar with another woman from Vgika, which Slavna was wide hips and the fact that then married, but the agenda came to her house from the skin and venereological dispensary, that she missed the next infusion about gonorrhea, and with this woman he broke out of the window of his "Volga", and she, then A student, fled after the car and cried, then he threw the envelope from her window, and in the envelope (she stopped raising) were dollars, but a little. He was a professor on Leninsky theme. And Masha remained under the Dun, and we entertainly entertained her, she Tomno went with us to the Kabach, who was hung by networks, at the Maori station, and we paid for it, Odnovy live, despite her earrings with sapphires. And she is on my plastic bracelet with a simple modern form 1 ruble 20 kopecks Czech said: "Is this a ring for a napkin?" "Yes," I said and put it on my hand.

And the time passed, I'm not talking about how I was fired, but I say that we were at different levels and we will be with this Masha, and now Her son-in-law is sitting and watching TV, that's why they are so aggressive every evening Because now Denis will have a fight with his father for switching to "good night." My Timochka sees this transmission once a year and says Vladimir: "Well, please! Well, I beg you! " - And folds the handles and almost knees get it, it he copies me, alas. Alas.

Vladimir has something against Tima, and Denis is tired of him at all like a dog, son-in-law, I will tell you a secret, obviously on the outcome, already melts, from here Oksanina Poisonousness. The son-in-law is also graduate student on the Leninskoy theme, this topic will stick to this family, although Masha itself makes anything, editor editorial board of calendars, where and I gave me to Tomno and arrogant to me, although I reversed it, quickly having mastered the article about the two hundred years of the Minsk Tractor Plant But she prescribed me a fee even unexpectedly small, apparently, I was imperceptible for myself with someone in collaboration, with the main technologist of the plant, so they relies because competence is needed. Well, then it was so hard that she said to me the next five years there did not appear there, there was some kind of replica that what could be the bicotion of the tractor, in a thousand seven hundred and what year was released (came down from the conveyor) the first Russian tractor?

As for the son-in-law of Vladimir, then the time described by Vladimir is watching TV with red ears, this time some important match. Typical anecdote! Denis crying, she snatched her mouth, sat on the floor. Timka climbs him to cut down to the TV and, ineptly, somewhere blindly pushing your finger, the TV goes out, the son-in-law jumps with a scream, but I'm here on everything ready, Vladimir is on the kitchen behind his wife and the mother-in-law, not the presets, thank God, Thank you, came to my senses, did not touch the abandoned child. But already Denis drove the apoluted Timu, included what it is necessary, and they are already sitting, peacefully watch the cartoon, and Tim laughs with a special desire.