Drawing birch forest. Schemes for drawing leaves, branches and trees (birch, spruce, oak, maple)

Drawing birch forest.  Schemes for drawing leaves, branches and trees (birch, spruce, oak, maple)
Drawing birch forest. Schemes for drawing leaves, branches and trees (birch, spruce, oak, maple)

1. When drawing the leaves, notice that the vein goes into the stalk. Also notice that the midrib of some of the leaves cuts them exactly in half.
To draw a leaf, first draw an oval. Then draw a midline and lightly outline both halves. Check the accuracy of the drawing, and then draw the halves more clearly. Now add cloves around the edges of the leaf.
When coloring a leaf, remember that the veins are lighter than the leaf itself.

2. You can start drawing an oak leaf with an oval tapered downwards. In the middle of the oval there is a vein that turns into a leaf stalk. The edges of the oak leaf resemble waves.

3. Drawing a maple leaf let's start by displaying its shape. Then you need to find the node of all the veins of the leaf (the maple leaf has five main veins, around each of which there is, as it were, a separate leaf) and outline their direction. Then draw the jagged edges.

4. Now let's try to draw a branch with leaves. First, consider it: how many leaves are on the branch, how are they located relative to the branch, what size are they, are they all visible, what is the shape of the leaves, which leaves seem darker, which are lighter, are the leaves the same color? Having answered these questions, proceed to the drawing according to the first scheme.
As you begin the second step, trace the direction of the veins and marginal notches on each sheet.
Painting over the drawing, show the volume and color of the leaves with light and shadow.

5. Drawing a tree should be started from the trunk. The trunk is the thickest part of the tree. The trunk is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. The branches are located along the trunk and directed upwards. The closer to the top of the tree, the shorter the branches of the tree.
After the trunk, draw large tree branches. They are drawn in the same way as the trunk: thinner at the top, thicker closer to the trunk. The branches on the trunk are at different distances.
Then we draw small branches that branch off from the large ones. A lot of them. Small branches are drawn of the same thickness - they are thin, but also stretch upward in many trees.

6. One of the most common trees in our country is birch. Before you draw it, take a close look at it. A feature of birch branches is that they are rather thin, bend, hang down, and thicker branches are divided into even thinner branches. In the wind, birch branches sway from side to side.

7. The silhouette of the tree resembles a triangle. When drawing it, it should be remembered that instead of leaves, it has needles.

8. When drawing trees in a landscape, it should be borne in mind that being far from the tree, we see only its general shape, which must be depicted.

Step by step drawing: how to draw a birch?

What is the difference between birch and oak or pine, maple or spruce? Of course, all these trees have different trunks, branches are arranged in different ways, completely different leaf patterns, and pine and spruce have no leaves, but only green needles. But it is most convenient to start drawing any tree from the trunk. Explain to the child so that he does not suffer, trying to draw a perfectly straight line of the trunk, that it is not necessary to draw a line straight. A tree looks more naturalistic if it is drawn curved, since in nature there are practically no straight lines and straight tree trunks.

Do not forget to remind the child that the tree grows from the ground, therefore, he must mark the place from which the tree grows and shade a horizontal line under the tree.

The trunk is the most important and thickest part of the tree. And the trunk of a birch tree is very easy to draw with a pencil. Because the trunk of a birch is flexible, uneven, and the bark is very interesting - black and white. Therefore, you do not need to shade the entire trunk, as in the previous figure. Better to leave it white, like this:

Now the child should draw branches near the birch and partially shade the bark of the tree:

If you explain to your child that there are different birch trees, he can draw birch branches hanging down. Then it will be a weeping birch.

If a child draws birch branches stretching upwards, then it will be a curly birch tree.

Then it remains only to add foliage, and the birch is ready:

When drawing a tree, it is not necessary to draw each leaf separately. No artist does this, because the tree is at a distance, and the characteristic features of the leaves are hidden in the general mass of foliage.

Autumn birch in gouache. A pictorial image of a birch tree on tinted paper. Master class with photo

Elena Alekseevna Nadeenskaya
Position: art teacher
Place of work: MOU "Arsenyevskaya secondary school", Arsenyevo village, Tula region
Description: the material will be of interest to elementary school teachers, teachers of fine arts, educators, teachers of additional education, creative children 7-12 years old
Purpose: use in fine arts lessons
Target: acquaintance with the technique of painting autumn birch with gouache.
- improve the skills of working with gouache;
- to develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing;
- develop color sensitivity, imagination;
- to educate accuracy, love of creativity.
-brushes No. 3, 5,
- A4 size light blue.

I love Russian birch,
That light, then sad,
In a white sarafan,
With handkerchiefs in their pockets
With pretty clasps
With green earrings.
I love her, beyond the river,
With smart shoulders
That clear, ebullient,
That sad, weeping.
I love Russian birch,
She is always with her friends
In the spring it dances
Kisses as usual
Goes where there is no city,
Sings where it shouldn't be
Down in the wind
And bends and does not break!
(Alexander Prokofiev)

The sun slightly warmed the slopes
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Hot summer meets
She is at the edge of the forest.

Will the storm sweep over her,
Will the swamp haze cling to, -
Shaking off the rain, smiles
Birch - and again cheerful.

Her light outfit is wonderful,
There is no tree dearer to the heart,
And many brooding songs
It is sung by the people about her.

He shares joy and tears with her,
And so her days are good
What it seems is in the noise of the birch
There is something from the Russian soul.
(Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky)

1. We outline the outline of the birch trunk with white gouache.

2. Fill the birch trunk with white gouache, add shades of pink and yellow.

3. Mark birch branches with a thin brush.

4. Mark the birch foliage with yellow gouache, add grass at the base of the tree trunk.

5. We shade the birch foliage with green color, outline individual blades of grass under the tree.

6. Add orange color to the main color of the birch crown and to the grass image.

7. Draw the trunk of the birch, add a pattern on the bark, outline the branches of the birch with a thin brush.

8. Add shades of deeper green to the crown of the tree and the grass underneath. We clarify the details.

The work is ready.

Thank you for the attention!

Studying the basics of painting, there comes a moment when you are interested in drawing landscapes. To do this, you need to learn how to depict trees. The most common trees in our strip are birch and spruce.

Before we start drawing, we will carefully consider the birch and try to highlight the main features that distinguish it from other trees. The main feature of birch is a white, yellowish or pinkish trunk covered with characteristic spots, the upper part of which peels off with peculiar ribbons. The trunk is curved, the branches are directed downward. Birch leaves are toothed and very small. The crown of a tree often appears to be a homogeneous green mass. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow. Birch flowers are collected in earrings. Birch has a powerful root system, so there is rarely dense vegetation under them. First, let's try to depict a birch with a pencil. You need to start drawing a tree from its trunk. To do this, draw a slightly curved vertical line. Add volume to the trunk, draw branches. There should be a lot of them, they are all directed towards the ground.

For each branch, add many of the typical birch "earrings" dangling. Paint dark spots on the bark. Now start coloring the leaves. Birch leaves are yellow in autumn, green in summer. To make the picture more vivid, use several shades of the same color, from very light to deep dark. Draw as many leaves as possible, fill each branch thickly.

Thin, weightless birch looks very beautiful done in watercolor. To paint with this paint, you need to have some skills and follow the practical recommendations exactly. Start by sketching. To do this, take a thick watercolor sheet and draw with a slate pencil on the rough side. Please note that the pencil should not be sharpened too sharply, as it will leave scratches on the paper that are later visible through the transparent watercolor paint.

We begin to draw the future birch from the trunk, depict branches. Unlike drawing with a pencil, we do not draw each sheet, but mark the place where the crown will be. Draw with minimal pressure so that later unnecessary lines can be easily erased with an eraser.

Now get your brushes ready for work. It is best to use natural round ones made from squirrel wool. Also in the process you will need a palette, for this use an old glossy postcard. It is not advisable to use plastic cups or lids. on an absolutely smooth surface, the watercolor will collect in a drop, and the color will be strikingly different from what you end up on paper. It's also important to stock up on a separate container of water for each color you use.

Let's start painting over our sketch. We start with the lightest shades. We use green paint for foliage and grass under the tree. We outline the sky with light blue. Cover the bark of the tree with light gray or pale pink. After that, move on to darker colors. For the sky, you can use purple, putting it on top, gradually reducing to naught to the horizon line. Dark green, with separate lines pointing downwards, denote the foliage. Draw a shadow on the grass. On the bark of the tree, we mark dark lines and spots, trying to place them as chaotically as possible. Add thin hanging twigs on the crown of the tree.

As you can see, drawing a birch tree is not that difficult, pick your favorite tool and start drawing.

Of course, graceful white birches are one of the most common and beloved trees by all. Poets often devote lines of their beautiful poems to them, and artists depict their black and white trunks on their colorful canvases. Therefore, in order to understand how to draw a birch, it will be useful to get acquainted with the work of the most famous painters by visiting the nearest museum of fine arts. You can also draw a birch tree with a pencil directly from nature, coming for this to a park or even a deciduous forest.
Before drawing a birch, you should prepare:
1). Eraser;
2). Album leaf;
3). Pencil;
4). Liner;
5). Multi-colored pencils.

The easiest way is to understand how to draw a birch with a pencil in stages, if you do not rush, but slowly draw each tree step by step:
1. Draw a line for the horizon. Draw a thin path approximately in the middle. Draw five trunks of birch trees. Try to keep trees of different sizes;
2. Draw tree trunks, depict branches and outline stripes characteristic of birch trees;
3. In the distance, outline the outlines of the forest. Draw a couple of rocks in the foreground;
4. Mark the foliage of the trees;
5. Now you know how to draw a birch in stages using a pencil. But this is just a sketch that needs to be colored. But first sketch out the sketch with a liner. Also shade birches with a liner, depicting with its help a pattern characteristic of them;
6. Use the eraser to delete the original sketch;
7. With a dark gray pencil, paint over the stripes, as well as birch branches;
8. Shade the stones with brown and gray pencils;
9. Color the birch foliage green;
10. Mark the clouds with blue and shade the sky;
11. Paint the forest with dark green, and the grass with bright green;
12. Tint the path with brown shades.
Now the birch is drawn and colored with a pencil. To make the landscape more realistic and colorful, it is better to use gouache or watercolor. Also, birches can be depicted with an ordinary pencil, having worked out the drawing in more detail using shading. You can create a very beautiful picture if you paint a bright autumn landscape, because in September the foliage of these wonderful trees acquires a magnificent golden yellow hue. Birches look wonderful in winter, when their bare branches are decorated with lush snowdrifts.