Riddles on spring insects migratory birds. Puzzles about birds: home and wild, migratory and wintering

Riddles on spring insects migratory birds. Puzzles about birds: home and wild, migratory and wintering
Riddles on spring insects migratory birds. Puzzles about birds: home and wild, migratory and wintering

All her, of course know
In the courtyard they meet.
Mischievous this bird
Called ... (blind)

He is like an apple on the branch,
Seen him immediately kids.
Sits, sneaked like a bubble,
Called ... (bullfinch)

Abdomen - in the specks as if
He sings, happens in the morning.
The bird has low growth,
Call her ... (Drozd)

In her name is "Raspberry".
White belly, orange head,
And the votes are thin-thin.
It is called ... (Malinovka)

Fly from September
For distant seas.
Bird - White, like a grenochka,
Call her ... (foam),

Orange himself like a sunset
The beak is short - strong grip.
Sails in the sky like a boat
Call it ... (champion)

The name of the Great River "Volga" is present in her name
It is only worth adding the letter "and" and it will ... (Oriole)

Small, light and yurt,
Long tail and white breast
Stranger called ... (Swallow),
On her head - like Kassochka.

The name of this bird sounds the same as the name "Horse",
But consists of two words.
This chick is not simple
And the name is ... (Konk) Forest

Rushing across the sky an arrow
Quickly, tearing as if swarm.
She is never narrowly
Her name - ... (shaking)

He flies like an eagle,
Called ... (Schegol),
Multicolored, long beak,
A sharp eye, good rumor.

He flies like an arrow,
Once - and there is no him, friends.
He is very similar to "Chizh",
But his name is everything ... (strife)

Quietly ... hear, knocks?
This ... (woodpecker) everything is hammering.
Makes himself a hooker
It was to live warm.

This bird - as if "landslide",
Only "P" add and will ... (range)

Khokholok on the head
She sees everything, always, everywhere.
This bird, like an iris,
But her name is everything ... (Chibis)

It seems that the tail is burning,
... (Gorikhvostka) flies!
But the tail and the truth is bright,
Redhead, long and crested.

In her name "there is Slavka",
Black head - bright,
Well, the abdomen itself - gray,
And she flies boldly (Slavka - Chernogolovka)

Other riddles:

Picture migratory birds

Several interesting children's mysteries

  • Puzzles about the bee for children with answers

    Striped, she, in the field, simply, he does not want to sit on the spot, the nectar with floweks collects, and then, how to gather, in the hive, it beats his speeds. Answer: Bee.

  • Riddles about a horse for children with answers

    There are in the apple, gray, black, reddish - brown. This is ... (horses).

The mentality of the people, its uniqueness is expressed in the language. As far as a person is familiar with its own language culture, it can be called a representative of this culture.

Folklore in Education

Acquaintance with folklore is laid in early childhood. Mother, soning baby, sings him a popular song. Grandma expresses thoughts by sayings and booms. The grandfather sings a chastushka under the harmonica, and the father - the Bardian songs, accompanying themselves on the guitar.

In childhood, the concepts "good" and "bad" are laid. That it is possible that it is impossible that taboo.

The little man absorbs the surrounding sounds. Learn to respond to the outside world. How exactly screams the rooster, which says the cat. In different nations, these animals publish different sounds.

Children ask a lot of questions. So they fill their "intelligent piggy bank", which will then go through the life path. They love to guess the mother's mamines about birds and animals and compose their own.

Character features in birds in folklore

In fairy tales, certain features are attributed to each animal. This is no accident. The person watched them before giving one or another name.

If you contact only the world of feathered, you can see the rich palette of bright characters:

  • Eagle - proud.
  • Korshun - cruel.
  • Falcon - valiant.
  • Swan - faithful.
  • Chicken - caring mother.
  • Cuckoo - Bad Mother.
  • Goose is stupid.
  • Crows - wise.
  • Owl - wise.
  • Stork - loves children.
  • Woodpecker - treats trees.
  • The vulture is unclean, sneaky.
  • Forty - curious, thief and chatter.
  • Parrot - has no opinion.
  • Nightingale - singer.
  • Turkey - inflated and important.
  • Ostrich - hiding from problems.
  • Peacock is a smug man.

This list can be continued. But how to explain to the child these concepts? A mystery comes to the bird for children. They understand the characteristic behavior of one of the representatives of the bird. The mystery is attributed to the bird feature inherent in people.

Poultry yard

Puzzles about domestic birds composed people who closely watched them in their lives. There are sometimes several of their species and rocks on the bird yard.

Rooster reports on the occurrence of a new day. Fishermen go on the morning fishing. Chickens output. For them geese, smooth system. Turkey does not give to pass, they are bypass.


He is getting used to get up.

All wokes up his cry.

It is very important to fisherman

Hear: "Kukarek".

Chicken chicken

First sat in a basket,

Heat warming children.

Then led along the path,

Looking for a worm of an elderly.


An important step is stepping,

No one notices.

Beak in coral from him.

We must get around it.


He and his wife in the morning

Will tagging grass.

And the guys go guys

Called ... (geusat).

These birds have a child easily showing in summer on a walk. They can be fed, siling: "TSP TSP chick", "tag tag". In winter, reading fairy tales and riddles about domestic birds, these summer walks will be especially roads.

In zoo

Migratory birds

Going squad

He is a fearless and waters.

For the winter he flies away,

And spring flies back.

Wild duck

So the name is not in vain.

She says: "Vary-Varya."

And when the ponds freeze,

Flying for the sea.

Swan's outlines resemble the number "2".


In the pond floats the powerively,

And behind it is a wave.

This bird is certain

You will remind you the digit "two".

In the zoo you can see the herd. She has an interesting feature stand on one leg.


On the swamp among the girlfriends

On one leg stands.

For lunch, sow frogs

And the stomach will not overtake.


There are many sounds in the forest. You can hear a cuckoo, Dyatla, Ol.


Who in the forest shouts "ku-ku",

Answering a mushroomnik?


Who knocks on the tree?

He will knock - and wipes.

Owl is a night animal, not to meet her for a walk. But the puzzle of the bird for children will be informative.


She has big eyes,

In the afternoon, she sits in the day.

At night in the forest flies

And "U-GU" says to everyone.

Swallows and haircuts fly over the field. They wish the nests under the roofs of the houses and are beautifully sitting on the wires. The swallows have a narrow tail and strongly twisted, and at the haircuts like her herring. The haircuts are larger, and the swallows sing beautifully.


Along the road, on the poles,

On elastic wires

Like notes, birds sat down

Music in heaven.


Beautiful tail for a fork

Diving flight.

Nest your kids

Under the roof of the Council.

In the town

Urban birds have developed their tactics to feed. They have a characteristic behavior that it became a reason to compose puzzles about birds.


Comb will lose

And forgive with your head.

And then your hairstyle,

As a nest of the bird that.


He goes on the pavement,

Helps heads.


We are feeding pigeons.

Arriving quickly!

Dragged a piece of them

Brave guy ... (sparrow).

When the winter window, it happens not before walking. But you can hang the feeder and watch the guests fly to treat. Pigeons on a small feeder will not be able to stand steadily, and the sits and bullfight will arrive.

Sitzen can simply hang a piece of sala on a string. They will peck him, hanging down their heads. How not to guess the child riddles about birds!


On Ryabina flew

Red berries roe

He has a red tummy

I saw today.


Key in the window knocks

Babe girl,

Arrive to feed themselves

In yellow scarf ... (blind).

Bird in a cage

Children always want to make a pet. Not every parent will be perfected on the dog, but you can agree to the bird. Purchase a cage, a bird and make a surprise, fading the riddles about birds in rhyme.

A bird boy flew to us.

This is blue ... (parrot).

Flew birds to us

To wake us in the morning.

Songs of a little family

Performed ... (Canaries).


Two lumps, blue with yellow,

The window is sitting in the cage.

Then sing each other songs

Then in a friendly silent.

Riddles as didactic material

In working with children riddles about birds for preschoolers - excellent didactic material, developing analysis and abstraction:

  1. Children are well aware of the characters.
  2. Do not be distracted by emotional attachment (as in the case of dogs and cats).
  3. Cancel and draw conclusions without fear of the character (as in the case of a bear, wolf, snake).

Gaming tasks about birds:

  • Swan geese.
  • Finger games.
  • Dance of little ducks.

Costume Scenes:

  • Fox and crane.
  • Two cheerful geese.
  • Thumbelina.
  • Ugly duck.

Artists tell a fairy tale by adding riddles to the plot about migratory birds. It is very interesting.

After the speech, the presenter sets children a riddle about birds, and they answer the choir. Then play tasks. Such an event will be remembered for a long time.

The benefits of classes with the baby is obvious. Help him enter the world, find his place in it - this is the responsibility of the parents. On a simple, understandable child, in a games form, the main training takes place. Communication with the native nature, the folklore will leave the mark in the heart of the baby and will make it kind.

Quiz "Birds" with answers for children of middle and senior preschool age in riddles.

Vedeneeva Vera Petrovna, Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Ontressive Type No. 77", city Miass Chelyabinsk region
Description: This quiz is designed for children of middle and senior preschool age. The material can be useful both teachers of preschool institution and parents. You can use in classes on the topic of the week "Animal World". The riddles will help to expand the knowledge of the world of birds, will allow you to develop thinking, curiosity.

Purpose: Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about birds world.
- expand in children knowledge and ideas about the peculiarities of the appearance, life manifestations, hawves of birds and adapting them to the habitat;
- develop cognitive and creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, horizons;
- to bring up a sense of love for your native nature, to all of the living.
Equipment: Pictures depicting birds.
1. I catch a bug all day
I eat bugs, worms.
I do not fly to winter
Under the cornice, inhabit.

2. Coloring - grayish,
The hawk is painted.
Krikunya hoarse
- Famous person.
Who is she?

3. He is in his forest chamber
Wears a variegistic robe
He trees treats
Hello - and easier.

4. Who jumps there, rustles,
The beak bumps will crack?
Voice cleaner, clean
- Clee! Clee! Clee! - Sings with a whistle.

5. Spindle of greenish,
Tummy yellowish
Black hat
And strip of scarfic.

6. Let i have a bird-like
I, friends, habit
- how the cold will begin,
Right from the north here.

7. For a paham, walks,
And under the winter
With a cry leaves.

8. Even - straight will fly,
Wants - in the air hangs,
Stone falls from heights
And in the field sings, sings.

9.not crow, not tit
- What is this bird called?
Sucked on bitch
- Rounded in the "Ku-ku" forest.

10. takes to us with warmth,
The path, doing a long.
Looks a house under the window
From grass and clay.

11. It flies every year
Where the house is waiting.
Other people's songs can sing
But still my voice has.

12.Friends finally
Our best singer.
Days and nights
He sings, sings, sings.

They are so different. Little and huge, terrible and nimble. So different from each other, and at the same time incredibly similar. Birds: Sparrows and Eagles, Dyatla and Owl, Penguins and Ostrich. They run, float, fly, dive. Riddles about birds will certainly come up by children, as well as adults. They remember the main signs of each individual.

Quarterly about poultry

The kids are primarily acquainted with them. Therefore, for children it is better to start with the solution of those in which the main characters are chicken with chicken and rooster.

1. In a white house he lived.

He lived without stairs and railing.

But time came and the house crashed,

From him, Yellow Kick appeared.

2. This mother has many kids

Chicks - one-air.

She loudly quoucht

She wants to cover them.

3. Although not the king and not the king,

But he is in the crown and a colorful suit.

An important role is entrusted to him -

Wake up on the dawn and house.

Continue searching for answers to puzzles about birds. You can the answers in which the duck with goose or turkey.

1. It is water like on the road,

Flowing and dives, not knowing the alarms.

And followed her babies from birth

The chain is sailing everyone surprisingly.

2. This white bird has a rather formidable look.

He will replace the guard, round without offense.

Everyone who doesn't like him, calmly go away

And those whom he hit, quickly run.

3. Sitting Mr.,

Tail he is exactly like peacock.

But only he is not so beautiful

Although very speaking.

Quartens about wild birds

About them should be remembered after homemade. Because the riddles about birds that live in the yard or forest, as well as on the lake or swamp, significantly expand the horizons of the child. You can start with the most familiar, for example, sparrow, cuckoo and owls.

1. In the gray fur coat, small

He jumps on the pavement.

Not afraid of a formidable cat.

Boyko collects crumbs.

2. This gray forest bird

Does not want to build a house at all.

Therefore, having demolished the testicle

Think and waving the wing.

3. In the afternoon in his hollow sits,

And at night, only a friend is lucky.

Caught your booty,

Rotating heads in a circle.

The following can be riddles about birds with answers: seagull, tit, forty, woodpecker, heron.

1. Above the sea, river or lake

Birds of white flock.

Fishermen are very clever -

Easy catches fish ...

2. This bird wears a variety of outfit:

Yellow vehicle visible on his chest

And on the back of the feathers black in a row.

In the blue shrink, it flies to us in winter.

3. Her suit as a conductor:

Black fracture on a white shirt.

But only the role of a reporter:

News Everyone is disselected by the edge.

4. This bird treats trees,

Hammered by their beak and worms takes out.

On the back of black feathers,

And so it is quite beautiful:

In red spots head and abdomen.

2. In the spring of all arrive,

On black pashene making.

His feather of the earth is black

He cleans the worms.

3. It will build your house from clay and grass.

To relax, then goes on the wires.

Her back black to tail from head

Digured as if someone and the tail split.

Ryash about exotic birds

It is so beautiful, bright and unusual. But according to the characteristic only by them, it is easy to learn: flamingo, parrot, penguin and peacock.

1. in shallow bay

Stating bird proudly walking.

And keep your head beautifully

And painting pink.

2. If they are small, they sing very beautifully.

And those that were born big, easy words will be recognized.

They learned to speak, living in the pole in humans.

And there is no smarter, brighter, kind.

3. Walks between the formidable ice floes

Brave proud gentleman.

He always dressed in the black fracture,

He is not terrible cold.

4. Ensures important and reveals the tail,

Which is like a fan, the pattern is not simple.

And it seems beautifully he would have to sing,

Yes, only he can disgust so hoarse.

And finally, a few riddles of the egg, a nesting and a nest.

1. The house is small and round, there are no corners in it.

And there will never be many tenants in it.

2. On the tree on the branch built a new home,

And the carpenter made only one window in the house.

But the cats and wind do not fit with the rain,

From spring and to frost residents reliably in it.

3. This house was a twig,

There is no doors in it, no roofs.

But withdraw birds of children.

So the white light is arranged.

This bird does not hide,
He hits, and you do not rub!
Those who are a short
Because it…

He sings songs very very ringing,
Among forests, among the fields,
Displays Ptashchka so thin
As can only ...

She will tell how old
It remains on your century
And hear loudly, on the whole light
Her cheerful ku-ku.

He lives in Antarctica,
He is so one of the birds
Loves snow, and loves ice,
Called ...

On the swamp, in the distance
Rain goes, droplet,
One is standing on one
With a long beak bird- ...

Green back and yellow belly,
Grains in the trough on the tree waiting.
Very beautiful, chopping bird.
Name you know. It…

Wears a fracture, on the paws of flippers,
Very important gentleman
He is a power, chunky,
North resident ...

Speaking pet
In the cage, the bird is headed.
Let's chat at Finance
With a parrot ...

I will hear the sound from afar,
Fascinated on the branch lonely,
The bird has white sides,
The thief is numb ...

The alarm clock walks the yard,
On spurs legs, scallop,
Wake wakes early in the morning
Out of us ...

Sharp wings forked tail
Rushing across the sky over the hundreds of roofs,
Rushing at a speed of a thousand versts,
Master in flight, desperate ...

Walnut and acorn, all in the nest,
Cracks and fun and boyko,
Is afraid of everyone, is there anyone
Slipped in the bushes of a coward ...

Small bird
In the middle of the dress
The streets flies
Krochi collects (sparrow)

Long neck
A long nose
Fairy tales of gorge
That he brought children (stork)

Bright, multicolored
Many says
If you ask something
He will repeat everything (parrot)

Screaming over the sea
Like moans
Flies down quickly
As if sink (seagull)

Went quietly on the roof
It is practically not heard
In winter it does not fly to the south
His any passerby knows (dove)

Hide the head in the sand
If you feel that dangerous
His quiet voice
For strangers sounds terrible (ostrich)

Will be all at dawn
With his ring voice
Know all it in the world
Walks with a red scallop (rooster)

Veliad gait
For Chudakov Nakhodka
Laughing everything is not in vain
And teases the rus quage (duck)

Snow-white bird
Gracefully flies
And when cold
South flies (swan)

Bird - Gadalka
Lives in the forest
Walking through the cow
The answer gives (cuckoo)

Tuk Tuk Tuk Yes Tuk Tuk Tuk
All day knocks in the hollow
What a strange sound
We have heard for a long time (woodpecker)

Red legs
White wings
For the heels grabs
All people scares (goose)

Ringing singing
Here is his ability
In the field nest vit
And in it he lives (larks)

Wading bird
All her can not sleep
Catching frogs
Green Cups (Heron)

Demolished the egg once
Demolished two eggs
And third neighbor
Annoying zenet (chicken)

Five yellow lumps
Run behind his mother
Mother is looking for Chervillachkov
To feed the speeds (chickens)

Very terrible very scary
Walks the yard bravely
He shakes his nose
Displeased so shouts (turkey)

What kind of fan painted
This bird has behind
It is covered with bright fringe
Everyone admires beauty (peacock)

Lives in Antarctic Ice ice
Where many, a lot of snow.
Funny gait
He can't fly ... (Penguin)

Puzzles about birds for children 5, 6, 7 years

Beautiful wings, smooth beak
Black tail and gray vest
Ile will come in, or will fly.
"Car-Car-Car" - she screams.

Black wat
White watie
On the branch jumps and loudly sings.

Pepor, like rainbow,
Abilities has unusual -
You tell him a few words,
And he will quickly repeat them!

Goes proudly in the yard
Blossomed tail and feathers
And granted like a pan
(Not rooster, and not phase)
Noisy song is climbing
People interfere with people!

The first I brought the spring,
Awakened nature all
Do you under the window,
And call me

He sleeps all day, and nights at night,
In the dark sees, passersby are scary.

This poultry bird,
Although it will quickly run away
In heaven will not fly away.
I'm trying to catch her
Fast as the wind bird

In pink shirts,
In blue jackets,
Despite the cold winter,
They walk peacefully in the garden.

A strange key flies across the sky
Such a key in autumn days
Fly away

White cheeks,
Gray paws, black hat,
Apron yellow,
And the voice is thin.

She lives alone
Bird with flippers, not legs
It is important to carry a black tuxedo,
But it is not given to her.
A resident of distant ice floes called everything

Bird walks in the yard and sings "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Little, sulfur
At the sunflower sat down, it was good and flew further
In the water was redeemed, and dry remained

Black, Motor, shouts: "Krak", - Worms he is an worst enemy

Giddefully walks the bird -
She has a flower garden in her tail
How to spread out the heritage -
As if the grove bloated.

On asphalt wanders quietly
And with passersby worry.
Blocked bird world.
Even in letters knows a lot about!

Lives at the sea this bird,
There flies on the expanses,
The beak fish catches deftly,
And sings easily and loud

Flew to the bazaar,
Shouted ringing "car" -
Let me not really scientist
But I am a push crow

Poems riddles about birds

I will go out in the morning
Raw grain
To her in the barn
Roller is empty
Kushai eat you grain
Beak - needle
Kushi eat you grain ...
Answer: Cooked.

Having sat on the roof
Fucked your tail:
"Give me nature to nourge" -
I dug a song ...
Answer: Drozd.

I fly high
I see everything far
Where would you not go
Find you ...
Answer: Eagle.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk" - hear knock
"Who knocks?" - All silent
"Tuk Tuk Tuk" - again a knock
"Hey answer, what are you knocking?"
"I, Tuk Tuk, do not knock,
I treat trees "
Answer: Woodpecker.

Big bird
Having fun
Screaming and dancing
Tail waves
Yes, after dancing
Sucks on stick
I feel sorry for me
Funny ...
Answer: Galka

Black feathers, beak big
Sucks to the tree crown
Yes he will start a frantic howl
Evil old woman ...
Answer: Crow

In the cell of the house lives
Does not give sleep at all
Only eye just comes
He will shout again:
Vovka hey, do not fall
Bored me alone
You play with me
Yes, eat more
Shouting on bitch

Answer: Parrot Cockada

Beautiful tail like damn
Revealed the pride ...
Answer: Pavlin

Moving dozens of nest
Started offspring ...
Answer: Drozd.

All their beauty amazing
Along the lake Bird floats,
Personal people attracting
Spin smoothly as a candle carries.
Answer: Swan.

Cutting the whole city
Flying over the forest
He is in a hurry in the village
For loyal bread
There atheging the hearts
He takes off again
Clouds and wind
In a hurry overtakes
Arrive in the city
Eats Ryabin
And then by grove
And home to the nizen
Bird - fighter
Flew to the crane
All familiar friends
Small …
Answer: Sapsan.

Song sweet spilled in the big steppe
Eh singers like us in life not to find
Come on Listen
Come on dreamed
Ah listen like
Sings ...
Answer: Nightingale.

Heaven frowning and crying
Hail of solid blocks
Someone in the rain all jumps
All vinitis
Somewhere I was quietly
Someone's crying is heard
And laughs over a mischievous
Evil minion ...
Answer: Grach.

I asked her
How much live still left
And she says the third year
"Ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku ku"
I will not tell you, kuku-cook "
I do not understand her
I think on pebbles
Answer: Cuckoo.

Do not wade a funny shoe
Crumbs do not wade
I'll give you a crust bread
You heart her
The poor fellow lives among us
Among us are people
He lives the tramp poor
Nice …
Answer: Sparrow.
When frosts are coming
And cold robbed into the window
When thunderstorms got up
And all one canvas
When snow curtain
Covered the city of empty
They arrive at the honey
Crowd friendly big
Their laugh is distributed in all our wide
For a long time, everyone understood that it was ...
Answer: bullfinch.

Will not miss the period
Surface ...
Answer: Soroka