Winter games for children. Scenario "Winter fun on the street in kindergarten" - outdoor winter games, relevant for any age

Winter games for children.  Scenario
Winter games for children. Scenario "Winter fun on the street in kindergarten" - outdoor winter games, relevant for any age

New Year's holidays are the most fun and interesting time for children. And on how well and richly the guys have a rest, their further educational activities will depend. The event is aimed at maintaining a festive mood, physical activity and interaction of children with each other. The script is designed for children 7-12 years old.

Target: organization of leisure time for schoolchildren during the winter holidays.

  • open the mind;
  • develop coordination, mobility, attentiveness;
  • foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity.

Equipment: 2 hoops, 6 orange traffic cones, 2 brooms, 2 small Christmas trees, 2 boxes for tree decorations, paper or padding snowballs (according to the number of players), A4 paper, masks of fairy-tale characters, a microphone.

Scenario plan:

  1. Leading exit
  2. The game "Yolki"
  3. Command Representation
  4. Relay "On a Broomstick"
  5. Snowball game
  6. Game "Alphabet"
  7. Relay "Sanki"
  8. Captains competition
  9. Relay with herringbone
  10. New Years quiz
  11. Game "Who am I?"
  12. Summarizing

Event progress

Before the start of the event, all participants receive tokens with the team number.

Cheerful music is playing, the presenter comes out.

Ved .: hello girls, hello boys! So the New Year holidays are coming to an end, and you will again go to school cheerful, cheerful and rested. And today we will check how much fun you spent your vacation. And, to begin with, we will warm up and play the game "Yolki". A variety of Christmas trees grow in the forest: both high and low, and wide and thin.

If I tell you “wide” - get wider in a circle, “thin” - get narrower in a circle, “high” - raise your arms higher, “low” - sit on your haunches ”.

The game "Yolki"

Ved .: Well done, guys! Before the event, you received tokens with a team number, and I suggest that you unite in teams and come up with a name for your team and choose a captain.

Teams introduce themselves.

Led .: This beard with a handle

Always waiting for you in the corner.
Her labor, though not soon,
But rubbish will help to remove.
I tried, swept up -
Bearded ..... ( broom)

Ved .: Right! The first relay is called “on a broomstick”. Your task: to run on a broomstick, bypassing every cone and not knocking down a single one. Pass the broomstick to the next player. Whose team cope faster will win. Is the task clear? We got ready and started.

The relay race "On a Broomstick" is underway

Lead: The winner of the first competition is the ___________ team.

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way (snow).

That's right guys, it's snow. I suggest you play snowballs. We stand in teams opposite each other. Each team has an equal number of snowballs. A line is drawn in the middle. The teams are thrown over within 2 minutes while the music is playing. Which side has fewer snowballs, that team wins. So the time has passed.

The game "Snowballs" is going on.

Ved .: the most energetic in this competition was the team ______________.

On the ABC page
Thirty-three heroes.
Everyone knows the literate (letters).

That's right, these are letters, or the alphabet. I propose a competition for ingenuity and erudition. Are you strained? Not worth it because this is a fun and amusing competition. The essence of the competition is as follows: In turn, starting with the first player, everyone says proposals related to congratulations for the new year. And they don't just say, but we must start with the letter of the alphabet. That is, the first participant speaks with the letter A. For example, I wish you a Happy New Year. The second one with the letter B. And so on. A player who cannot say congratulations within 30 seconds will not receive a point. So the assignment is clear? Then let's get started.

The game "Alphabet" is running

Ved .: This is how interesting and fun you can congratulate your family and friends. And the ___________________ team wins this competition.

Oh, snow has poured!
I bring out my horse-friend.
For a bridle rope
I lead a horse through the yard,
I fly from the hill down on it,
And I drag him back (sled).

Ved .: That's right, guys, this is a sled. And now we will check your speed in the "Sanki" relay. Teams are built in 2 columns. At the signal, 3 players from each team: one in a “sled” (hoop), another in a team (in front of the hoop), the third pushing the sled from behind, running to the finish line and back. Then the one who was carrying the sleigh stands at the end of the column. He is replaced by the one who sat in the sleigh, who pushed the sleigh - rides in the sleigh, a new player pushes the sleigh. Is the task clear? Reade set Go!

The relay race "Sanki"

Ved .: In this competition, the fastest were the guys from the ______________ team.

Ved .: And now I propose a captain's competition. I give each captain a few sheets. And at the signal of the leader, everyone crumples the paper with his hands so that it can be crumpled into a fist. The winner is the one who makes the fastest snowball from the newspaper. Well, or who has more fist.

Captains competition is underway

Ved .: We have snowballs ready, and now we’ll check whose snowball will fly away further without falling apart. Are the captains ready? On the count of three. One two Three.

Ved .: So, the captain of the __________________ team wins.

What kind of girl is this:
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn't sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round? (Christmas tree)

That's right, and since the New Year's holidays have come to an end, you need to remove the decorations from the Christmas tree. The players take turns removing the toys from the tree and carefully placing them in the box. The team that completes the task faster wins.

A relay race with a Christmas tree is going on.

Lead: Well done, team ________________.

I am a small figure
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what will you gather,
You can't do without me (question mark)

Of course, this is a question mark, and I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz. Questions come across, both easy and difficult. Therefore, you will not only test your knowledge, but also learn something new. I will ask questions to each team in turn, and you will be responsible and get 1 point for each correct answer. And the first question to the team ________________

The "New Year's quiz" is taking place

  1. In which country are New Year's gifts put in a stocking? ( USA, Russia, Vietnam)
  2. In which country is it customary to throw furniture out of the window for the new year? ( Italy, India, Australia)
  3. In what country is Santa Claus called Peer Noel? ( France, USA, Argentina)
  4. In what country is Santa Claus called Bobbo Natale? ( Italy, Argentina, Hungary)
  5. What is traditionally set on fire in France for the New Year? ( Log, tree, clothes)
  6. According to Japanese tradition, what do children put under their pillow on New Year's Eve? ( Drawing of your dreams, sweets, money)
  7. In which country is a palm tree used instead of a New Year tree? ( Brazil, Germany, Romania)
  8. In what country is it a tradition on December 31 to climb onto chairs and jump off on New Year's Eve with the first strike of the clock? ( Germany, Russia, Turkey)
  9. In Greece, on New Year's Eve, according to tradition, the fruit is smashed against the wall of the house. What is this fruit? ( Pomegranate fruit, potato fruit, mango fruit)
  10. In which country is New Year's Day of Lanterns? ( China, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic)
  11. In this country, women love board jumping more than any other New Year's entertainment. A board is placed on a rolled-up mat. Someone jumps sharply to one end - the one on the other end flies up into the air. When it goes down, the first one takes off. The spectacle is spectacular - women in beautiful festive clothes soar in the air like birds with bright plumage. What country is it? ( Korea, Spain, Ukraine)
  12. In Cuba, there is a tradition: on New Year's Eve, at 12 strikes, eat 12 berries. What is this berry? ( Grape, sea buckthorn, cherry)
  13. Homeland of Santa Claus? (Lapland)
  14. Homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
  15. In which country, for the new year, earthen pots filled with fruits, water or New Year's gifts are smashed? ( Mexico, India, Japan)
  16. What holiday does Mongolian New Year coincide with? ( Pastoralists, veterinarians, builders)
  17. In which country is the New Year celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise? ( Japan, Croatia, Philippines)
  18. In which country are there 8 dates that are celebrated as New Years? ( India, Russia, Belarus)
  19. In what country does Santa Claus have such a funny name - Joulupukki? ( Finland, Turkey, Vietnam)
  20. In what country is New Year's grandfather called Baba Zhara? (Panama, Cambodia, Canada)

Lead: Team ____________________ wins in this competition

And the final riddle for the final competition.

We know how to hide everything
Try to guess us. (Riddles)

And the riddles will not be easy! Now 4 people are needed from the team. In the meantime, you choose them, I will explain the rules. The masked man must ask leading questions to find out who he is, and the team must answer only yes or no. For each guessed mask, the team gets 3 points.

The game "Who am I?"

Ved .: Team ____________________ won this competition

So, the teams have passed all the tests with dignity, and now is the time to take stock. Whose team turned out to be faster and smarter? With a score of _________ points, the team _______________ wins. Let's welcome them!

The team is awarded with sweet prizes.

Well, the holidays are already - a wonderful time.
Coming to completion, so let's say to them - Hurray!
We had fun, no doubt about it.
We had a great rest, and it's not a secret.
The holidays are over, do not be discouraged people.
Realize your dreams, strive only forward.
And what pleases me more is a short break
In the spring, we will all be delighted with a new explosion!

Thank you guys for your participation, goodbye, see you soon!

Scenario of the competition program "Winter Fun"
New Year's holidays are the most fun and interesting time for children. And on how much
the guys will have a good and rich rest, their further educational
activity. The event is aimed at maintaining a festive mood,
physical activity and interaction of children with each other. The script is designed for
children 712 years old.
Purpose: organization of leisure time for pupils during the winter holidays.

open the mind;
develop coordination, mobility, attentiveness;
foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity.
Equipment: 2 hoops, 6 orange traffic cones, 2 brooms, 2 small Christmas
Christmas trees, 2 boxes for Christmas decorations, paper or cotton snowballs (by quantity
players), A4 paper.
Scenario plan:
Leading exit
The game "Yolki"
Command Representation
Relay "On a Broomstick"
Snowball game
Game "Alphabet"
Relay "Sanki"
Captains competition
Relay with herringbone
New Years quiz
Game "Who am I?"
Event progress
Before the start of the event, all participants receive tokens with the team number.
Cheerful music is playing, the presenter comes out.

Ved .: Hello girls, hello boys! So the New Year is coming to an end
vacation, and you will go back to school cheerful, cheerful and rested. And, today we
check how much fun you spent your vacation. And, for a start, we will break up with you and
let's play the game “Yolki”. A variety of Christmas trees grow in the forest: both high and low, and
wide and thin.
If I tell you "wide" - become wider in a circle, "thin" - stand in a circle
narrower, "high" - lift the handles higher, "low" - sit on your haunches. "
The game "Yolki"
Ved .: Well done, guys! Before the event, you received tokens with your team number and I
I suggest that you unite in teams and come up with a name for your team and choose
Teams introduce themselves.
Led .: This beard with a handle
Always waiting for you in the corner.
Her labor, though not soon,
But rubbish will help to remove.
I tried, swept
Bearded ..... (broom)
Ved .: Right! The first relay is called “on a broomstick”. Your task: to run on horseback
on a broomstick, bypassing every cone and not knocking down a single one. Pass the broomstick to the next player.
Whose team cope faster will win. Is the task clear? We got ready and started.
The relay race "On a Broomstick" is underway
Lead: The winner of the first competition is the ___________ team.
Ved .:
He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way (snow).
That's right guys, it's snow. I suggest you play snowballs. Stand up in teams
in front of each other. Each team has an equal number of snowballs. In the middle
the line is drawn. The teams are thrown over within 2 minutes while the music is playing. On
whose side has fewer snowballs, that team wins. So the time
The game "Snowballs" is going on.
Ved .: The most energetic team in this competition was the ______________ team.
Ved .:
On the ABC page
Thirty-three heroes.
The wise men of the warriors
Everyone knows the literate (letters).
That's right, these are letters, or the alphabet. I propose a competition for ingenuity and erudition.
Are you strained? Not worth it because this is a fun and amusing competition. The essence of the competition is as follows:
In turn, starting with the first player, everyone speaks sentences related to

congratulations for the new year. And they don't just say, but we must start with the letter of the alphabet. That
Yes, the first participant says the letter A. For example, I wish you a Happy New Year.
The second one with the letter B. And so on. A player who cannot speak for 30 seconds
congratulations, does not receive a point. So the assignment is clear? Then let's get started.
The game "Alphabet" is running
Ved .: This is how interesting and fun you can congratulate your family and friends. And in this
the competition is won by the ___________________ team.
Ved .:
Oh, snow has poured!
I bring out the horse-girl.
For the rope the bridle
I lead a horse through the yard,
I fly from the hill down on it,
And I drag him back (sled).
Ved .: That's right, guys, this is a sled. And now we will check your speed in the relay
"Sled". Teams are built in 2 columns. At the signal of 3 players from each team:
one in the "sled" (hoop), the other - in the harness (in front of the hoop), the third - pushes
sled behind, run to the finish line and back. Then the one who drove the sleigh stands at the end
columns. He is replaced by the one who sat in the sleigh, who pushed the sleigh - rides in the sleigh, pushes the sleigh
new player. Is the task clear? Reade set Go!
The relay race "Sanki"
Ved .: In this competition, the fastest were the guys from the ______________ team.
Ved .: And now I propose a captain's competition. I give each captain a few
sheets. And at the signal of the presenter, everyone crumples the paper with his hands so that it can be
take the crumpled one into a fist. The winner is the one who makes the fastest snowball from the newspaper. Well,
or who has a bigger fist.
Captains competition is underway
Ved .: We have snowballs ready, and now we will check whose snowball will fly away further and at the same time not
fall apart. Are the captains ready? On the count of three. One two Three.
Ved .: So, the captain of the __________________ team wins.
Ved .:
What kind of girl is this:
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn't sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round? (Christmas tree)
That's right, and since the New Year holidays have come to an end, you need to remove the decorations from
Christmas trees. The players take turns removing the toys from the tree and carefully placing them in the box. That
the team that completes the task faster wins.
A relay race with a Christmas tree is going on.
Lead: Well done, team ________________.
Ved .:

I am a small figure
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what will you gather,
You can't do without me (question mark)
Of course, this is a question mark, and I invite you to participate in the New Year
quiz. Questions come across, both easy and difficult. Therefore, you are not only
test your knowledge, but also learn something new. I will ask questions to each
team in turn, and you will be responsible and for each correct answer you will receive 1 point.
And the first question to the team ________________
The "New Year's quiz" is taking place
In which country are New Year's gifts put in a stocking? (USA, Russia, Vietnam)
In which country is it customary to throw furniture out of the window for the new year? (Italy, India,
In what country is Santa Claus called Peer Noel? (France, USA, Argentina)
In what country is Santa Claus called Bobbo Natale? (Italy, Argentina, Hungary)
What is traditionally set on fire in France for the New Year? (Log, tree, clothes)
According to Japanese tradition, what do children put under their pillow on New Year's Eve?
(Drawing of your dreams, sweets, money)
In which country is a palm tree used instead of a New Year tree? (Brazil, Germany,
In which country is the tradition of December 31 to climb on chairs and with the first strike of the clock
jump off on New Years? (Germany, Russia, Turkey)
In Greece, on New Year's Eve, according to tradition, the fruit is smashed against the wall of the house. What is this
fetus? (Pomegranate fruit, potato fruit, mango fruit)
In which country is New Year's Day of Lanterns? (China, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic)
In this country, women love jumping on
boards. A board is placed on a rolled-up mat. Someone jumps sharply to one
the end - the one at the other end flies up into the air. When she goes down
the first takes off. Spectacular spectacle - women in beautiful festive clothes
soar in the air like birds with bright plumage. What country is it? (Korea, Spain,
In Cuba, there is a tradition: on New Year's Eve, at 12 strikes, eat 12 berries.
What is this berry? (Grapes, sea buckthorn, cherry)
Homeland of Santa Claus? (Lapland)

Homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
In which country for the new year they break clay pots filled with fruits,
water or New Year's gifts? (Mexico, India, Japan)
What holiday does Mongolian New Year coincide with? (Cattle breeders, veterinarians,
In which country is the New Year celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise? (Japan,
Croatia, Philippines)
In which country are there 8 dates that are celebrated as New Years? (India,
Russia, Belarus)
In what country does Santa Claus have such a funny name - Joulupukki? (Finland,
Turkey, Vietnam)
In what country is New Year's grandfather called Baba Zhara? (Panama, Cambodia,
Lead: Team ____________________ wins in this competition
And the final riddle for the final competition.
We know how to hide everything
Try to guess us. (Riddles)
And the riddles will not be easy! Now 4 people are needed from the team. Until then, you
choose, I will explain the rules. The masked man should ask leading questions
to find out who he is, and the command to answer only yes or no. For every guessed mask
the team gets 3 points.
The game "Who am I?"
Ved .: Team ____________________ won this competition
So, the teams have passed all the tests with dignity, and now is the time to take stock.
Whose team turned out to be faster and smarter? With a score of _________ points
the team _______________ wins. Let's welcome them!
The team is awarded with sweet prizes.
Ved .:
Well, the holidays are already - a wonderful time.
Coming to completion, so let's tell them Hurray!
We had fun, no doubt about it.
We had a great rest, and it's not a secret.
The holidays are over, do not be discouraged people.
Realize your dreams, strive only forward.
And what pleases me more is a short break
In the spring, we will all be delighted with a new explosion!
Thank you guys for your participation, goodbye, see you soon!

Game program "Winter fun"

Target: acquaintance with new games for leisure time, health promotion.

Registration: on the site where the event will be held, you need to trample the path in advance (it is better if it is winding), draw footprints in the snow not far from it. It is also necessary to bury the treasure shallowly and mark this place either on the map, or with the help of multi-colored flags.

Required attributes:

  • Items for decorating snowmen: carrots, ember for the eyes, twigs, a bucket;

  • Colored water, bottled with a spray bottle;

    Sets for playing in the sand - shovels and molds;

    Treasure (bag with sweets or toys), map or flags;

Event progress:

Leading: Winter has come! Open the gate!

Snowstorm and blizzard - winter friends!
Snow and frost will freeze your nose!
Hide your ears, nose soon!
And on the street faster!

Guys! Today we are here to have fun, play and frolic! Let's prove to Mother Winter that we are not afraid of frost! We are ready to sing and dance in any situation! Right?

Let's go then! Rather, they ran! One after another! We warm our legs by running and jumping along the path!

Snow Runner game

On a previously trodden path in the snow, children follow the presenters, repeating their movements: jumping on one leg, on two, walking, grabbing the lower leg, stepping over small steps. It will be more interesting if the path is winding, and the turns are in the most unexpected moments. The task of the participants is not to deviate from it.

Leading: Our legs were warmed, winter will not freeze them now! Frost will not get to them! Now we will warm our hands! Tell me, who without hands can paint a wonderful picture?

Leading: Right. Well done! Well, it will be difficult for us without hands! Therefore, we will now warm them up. And at the same time, let's say hello to each other!

Contest "Greetings" is being held

Children are divided into two teams. Teams line up opposite each other. The task of the participants is to pass the handshake to the end of the line as quickly as possible: first, the first and second participants shake hands, then the second and third, and so on.

Leading: Guys, winter is a wonderful time! It allows you to create paintings right in the snow! You can paint and not be afraid to get dirty with paint. And if something did not work out, then you can cover up your tracks and draw a new drawing. Our next competition is "Funny Artists".

There is a competition of artists in the snow.

You can give the task to draw a cheerful sun, a house for a frozen animal, or a drawing on a free theme.

Leading: Well, now let's try to guess what Mother Nature painted on the snow.

The "Pathfinder" competition is held

Traces of different animals are drawn on the snow in advance. The task of the participants is to guess which animals have left their prints in the snow.

Leading: You see how easy it is to “read” through the snow who passed, and how many there were. Do you think that by all the tracks you can guess how many animals have passed? Guys, wolves, when they pass through the snow, follow each other - trail after trail to confuse those who follow them. Do you think it is difficult? This is what we are going to check now!

A relay race with two teams "Follow in the next"

Players must follow each other through the snow, stepping on the footprints of those in front. At the same time, it is important not to stumble, not to leave additional traces by which one can guess that more than one person passed.

Leading: Winter is a great time for sledding! Previously, people harnessed several horses to a large sleigh and rode on freshly fallen snow.

Competition "Troika Races" is being held

The competition requires a sled according to the number of participants, grouped by three. Participants take the sled by the rope. You can put a doll on the sled. The task of the players is to run to a certain place and back as quickly as possible.

Leading: Guys, what else can you do in winter? How many interesting things to do! Tell me, what is the name of the snowman, whom you sculpt from snow every winter? That's right, snowman! And our next competition is "Blind the Snowman". Let's see whose team will cope with this task faster.

Children make snowmen, decorate them.

Leading: So the residents of our winter town are ready. But they can be attacked by destroyers. What to do? We will protect them! To do this, we need to learn how to shoot accurately! Let's learn to throw snowballs at them!

The presenter conducts the game "Hit with a Snowball"

A pre-made scarecrow is installed on the playground. Participants try to hit it with a snowball from a certain distance.

Leading: You are accurate and dexterous! Didn't you forget to install a carrot instead of a nose for the snowmen? No? Then you are just great! Tell me, what color is winter? Why is she white?

(White because the snow is white.)

Leading: It's boring to see the same color all the time. Let's colorize the winter. Let's make it colorful! How do we do it? That's right, with the help of paints! Rather, with the help of colored water!

The game "Color winter" is being held

For her, you will need multi-colored water poured into spray bottles. Children can color previously prepared drawings. You can draw a rainbow: seven participants follow each other, spraying water of the desired color.

Leading: We have a beautiful winter, bright, bright! Now it's more fun on the street! Are you tired yet? Shall we continue to play? Let's be culinary specialists now. Let's try to make a huge, beautiful cake.

First, prepare the basis for the future cake - the cake. For this, snow is applied, it is compacted. Then decorations are made using molds.

Leading: Boys and girls! Still want a competition? There is a real treasure buried all over the site! Yes Yes! Do not believe it - check it out! Try to find at least one! And what do those who want to dig up the treasure need? That's right, a map and a shovel! Here's a map for you, here's a shovel - let's go in search of the treasure!

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a paddle and a map where the location of the treasure is marked with a cross. Participants find this place and break the snow. For younger children, you can mark the place where the treasure is, mark with flags of different colors for each team.

Leading: Hooray! We have found a treasure! And each of us is happy! Now we will share this treasure, then we will continue to play! And the next winter fun will allow you to gain honor and glory. After all, only those who can defeat the honest people will be known to be strong and courageous!

Competition "Flamingo" is held

Participants stand on one leg - who can hold this position longer?

Leading: So our snowy meeting is over! We were tired, but we had fun and interesting! Until next time, guys!

You can also do the following games and contests:

    "Snowman": The driver is chosen from among the participants - "snowman". He catches up with the other participants and presents them with a snowball. Anyone hit by a snowball becomes a driver.

    "Snowflakes": All participants run and frolic. As soon as the command sounds, they should unite in groups of 6 people (less if there are few children). The first snowflake wins. The game can be made more difficult by setting this rule: all players must join hands and assume the same pose.

    "Winter and Spring": Snow falls in winter and melts in spring. If the presenter says the word "Winter", the children run and spin, imitating snowflakes. If the presenter says the word "Spring" - the children should sit down, as if they have melted. Whoever makes a mistake loses.

    "Guess whose mitten": Game for attention. The driver is selected. He turns away from the rest of the participants. One of the players takes off the mitten, puts it on a predetermined place. All children hide their hands in their pockets. The driver turns, takes the mitten, walks up to the child to whom, in his opinion, the mitten belongs, and says: "The mitten has a pair." The competitor takes his hands out of his pockets. If this is his mitten, then he becomes the driver, if not, the driver gives the mitten to the owner and guesses again.

    Winter Relays:

    "Ski track!"- with ski poles, depicting skiing;

    "Bunnies"- two jumps forward, one back;

    "Sly chanterelles" - to run, covering tracks with a broom - with a tail;

    "Snowball" - roll as large a ball of snow as possible;

    "Decorate the snowman" - at a distance from each team there are snowmen who do not have eyes, nose, hands. The task of the participants is to take turns bringing the required attribute and installing it in the right place. For example, put a bucket on your head, carrots in the center of your face.

    "Tunnel"- dig as deep a hole as possible with a spatula;

    "Snow well" - fill the improvised well (bucket) with snow as soon as possible;

    "Washer!"- using a club, move the ball to the end of the distance.

Scenario of the game program "Winter Fun"

The game program "Winter Fun" is designed for children aged 3 to 10 years. It can be held both on New Year's Eve and during the winter school holidays in order to organize meaningful leisure for children.
The program includes a variety of New Year's games and contests aimed at developing in children such qualities as curiosity, activity, emotional responsiveness, the desire to master ways of interacting with peers and adults. All games, contests and tasks are quite understandable and simple enough to perform, which allows children of different ages and their parents to be included in the gameplay, while the quantitative composition of the players does not really matter.
The Snegurochka and Santa Claus act as the presenters of the game program, their assistants (arranging equipment, arranging children in round dances, helping kids to complete tasks, etc.) can be Snowmen.
Necessary equipment for competitions: skittles (10 pcs.), paddles (2 pcs.), snowballs (2 pcs.), candy (30 pcs.), snowflakes (30 pcs.), Christmas trees (2 pcs.), baskets (2 pcs.).

The Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden: Hello dear children,
Adorable girls and naughty boys!
Hello dear and dear parents!
Would you like to participate in our holiday?
For fun, not for fame
The schoolchildren's house invites you to winter fun!
We are waiting for everyone near the beautiful Christmas tree!
We hope you enjoy it very much!

Phonogram "If there was no winter".
Children gather near the tree.

Snow Maiden: We start the winter holiday
There will be games, there will be laughter
There will be songs, there will be dances -
A joyful holiday for everyone!
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time,
Of course, you all recognized me here -
Always dressed in silver with pearls,
The magic granddaughter of the magic grandfather.
Jacket covered in snowflakes
Who am I? (Snow Maiden).

And now I would very much like to meet all of you. But there are so many of you today that if we name all the names, then the holiday will already end. Therefore, let's do this: I will call the name, and you listen carefully and carry out my assignments. Deal? Then let's give it a try.

All Sasha clap their hands,
Natasha's feet stamp
Andryusha and Seryozha are jumping
Katya and Ani are jerking their legs,
Lights raise their hands
Roma and Nastya are squatting,
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names!
One, two, three - name the name!

Very nice! So we met! Now, guys, answer me this question -

We celebrate the New Year with her
In the light of the holiday lights
We love her needles -
We decorate our ... (tree)

Well, who helped to decorate the New Year's forest beauty at home? Do you know what a Christmas tree is usually decorated with? Now we will check it! I will name the Christmas tree decorations, if you agree with me, then loudly and loudly answer “yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, then answer “no” and stamp your feet. Deal? Then let's get started!

Decorate the Christmas tree with firecracker toys? ... (Yes)
Blankets and pillows? ... (No)
White snowflakes? ... (Yes)
Torn boots? ... (No)
Glass balls? ... (Yes)
Wooden chairs? ... (No)
Teddy bears? ... (No)
Clever books? ... (No)
Are the cones golden? ... (Yes)
Radiant stars? ... (Yes)

What fellows you are! But it seems to me that our holiday is missing a guest - the most important and long-awaited one!

He's always on New Year's Eve
Goes on a hike.
To celebrate the holiday with us,
To make children happy.
Who is this, that's the question?
Well, of course … (Father Frost)

He is kind, he is strict,
All overgrown with a beard,
Now he is in a hurry for a holiday,
Who is this? ... (Father Frost)

He arranged skating rinks for us,
Snow covered the streets,
Built bridges of ice
Who is this? ... (Father Frost)

Who comes to every house
New Year with a big bag?
Fur coat, hat, red nose,
It … (Santa Claus)

Guys, Santa Claus, probably, does not hear us! He is already very busy: he either chooses Christmas trees for the holiday, or collects gifts for boys and girls! But I know how to invite Santa Claus to our party! I have a magic clock, as soon as it strikes twelve times, Santa Claus hears and immediately comes. But this clock is with a secret, it runs only when the guys sing a magic song to them. Let us learn it with you.

Tick ​​tock, the clock is ticking
The clock ticks, measuring out the step.
Tick ​​tock, the clock is ticking
The clock is ticking, tick tock.

And we will also use pens to show how our clock is ticking. And now we will stand with you in a big, big circle.

All our magic song awaits
Get ready for a round dance, people!

Soundtrack "Tick-tock, the clock is ticking."
Round dance.

Snow Maiden: Guys, you hear, our magic watch has woken up!

Phonogram "Russian Santa Claus".
Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost: Hello guys!
I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys.
The year passed like an hour, I didn't even notice
Here and again among you, dear children!

Snow Maiden: To meet with a ringing song
Nice holiday New Year,
By a big beautiful tree
We start ... (round dance)

Guys, we invite you to dance with Santa Claus around our wonderful Christmas tree, we become in a big, big circle.

Around the Christmas tree rather
We will start a round dance
May it be more fun for her
After all, today is the New Year!

Phonogram "Let this Christmas tree make us happy with every needle at the holiday hour."
Round dance.

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you danced with me.
Tell me, kids, are you having fun in winter?

Snow Maiden: Frost does not matter to us!
The cold is not terrible either.

Father Frost: Aren't you afraid of the frost?
Beware, beware
Well show your hands
Take it behind your back,
Who will I touch
I will freeze those joking.

Snow Maiden: Guys, put your handles forward. As soon as Santa Claus approaches you, immediately remove your hands so that Santa Claus does not freeze you.

Phonogram "What is New Year".
Game "Freeze".

Father Frost: And now tests are for the strongest, bravest and most agile,
Well, show your skill!
We will split into two teams now,
And the strongest will win, we really hope!

Children are divided into two teams - "Snowflakes" and "Ice Flakes".

Snow Maiden: For you guys to warm up
I will suggest one riddle:
All carved, laced -
Light fluffs
They flew to us from the sky
White ... (snowflakes)

Father Frost: And our first competition is called “Snowflake”. There is a basket with snowflakes on the finish line. Each team member (in turn) runs to the finish line, takes one snowflake, returns and puts it in his basket. The team with the most snowflakes wins.

Phonogram "New Year".
Snowflake competition.

Father Frost: And now our wonderful snowflakes will turn into a real blizzard. Each team member receives a snowflake. Each team member (in turn) needs to throw a snowflake so that it falls into the basket. The team with the most snowflakes hitting the target wins.

Phonogram "Holiday New Year".
Competition "Blizzard".

Snow Maiden: Let's continue our fun with the game "New Year's Treat"! I will now name a variety of goodies and delicious varieties. If they meet in New Year's gifts, then you say "yum-yum" together and pat yourself on the tummy. If, what I will call, does not come in sweet bags, you just say "oo-oo-oo". Deal? Then let's get started!

Are there lollipops in the bags? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
And cabbage rolls? ... (ooh ooh)
Oranges, tangerines? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
Pasta and sardines? ... (ooh ooh)
Colored caramels? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
Smoked sausages? ... (ooh ooh)
Halva, raisins, nuts? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
Hot dumplings? ... (ooh ooh)
Milk toffee? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
With mustard sausages? ... (ooh ooh)
Garlic and eggplant? ... (ooh ooh)
Apples, bananas? ... (Om-Nom-nom)
Delicious cutlets? ... (ooh ooh)
Different sweets? ... (Om-Nom-nom)

Well done guys, bravo!
You answered perfectly!

Grandfather Frost, look how many sweet tooth we have on the holiday today!

Father Frost: Here is our next competition for them! The first team member runs to the finish line, pours sweets from the basket under the Christmas tree, returns, gives the basket to the next player. He runs to the Christmas tree, collects candies in a basket, returns and gives them to the third player, etc. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Phonogram "New Year - cones, balls, crackers".
Contest "Collect a gift".

Father Frost: Thank you, now, when I collect gifts, I know who to turn to for help! Dear sweethearts, can you cope with the next test? Each team member receives a large candy. The first member of the team runs to the finish line, puts down his candy, comes back, the second member runs and puts his candy on the previous one to make a pyramid, etc. The first team to finish the relay and build the pyramid wins.

Phonogram "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".
Competition "Sweet Pyramid".

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for us to rest, kids! Now I will tell you what I like to do, if you like it too, then you answer with the words “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”. Let's learn these words. Now, be very careful!

I like to walk in the snow
And I love to play snowballs!

I love to ski
I also love skates!

I love in winter and summer
Sing, play and dance!

I also love candy
Chew straight with a candy wrapper!

I like to fly on sleds
So that the wind whistles!

I'm inside out today
Put on a warm fur coat!

Both boys and girls
They run to the round dance as soon as possible!

We love to sing songs loudly,
We love playing in the snow!

Father Frost: Well, if you love playing in the snow so much, then please get these snowballs. Each team member must carry a snowball to the skittles on a paddle, go back and pass the paddle and snowball to the next participant. The first team to complete the relay wins.

Phonogram "Holiday".
Snowball competition.

Father Frost: You can play with snowballs in different ways, for example, like this. The first member of the team rolls a snowball with a snake between the pins using a spatula, returns, passes the snow and a spatula to the next player. The first team to finish the relay wins.

Soundtrack "Song about snowflakes".
Competition "Roll a Snowball".

Father Frost: Congratulations to the winning team! Well done, guys! Pleased Grandpa! Now let's get together in a friendly round dance around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Here we have no place for boredom!
Come on, little people,
Give each other hands -
Let's start a round dance!

Phonogram "New Year's round dance".
Round dance.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, good day,
With a New Year tree!
We spent our holiday
Have fun today!

Father Frost: It's time, friends! You need to say goodbye.
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
May the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids.
See you next year!
You are waiting for me, I will come!

Snow Maiden: Let them come in the coming year
Health and success to you,
May he be the best
Most joyful for everyone.

Father Frost: May for you good people
Not afraid of worries
It will not be just New,
Happy New Year.

Everything: The moment of goodbye has come
We say to you "Goodbye!"

Phonogram "Happy New Year!"
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave.

Elvira Koval
Scenario of the entertainment event "Winter Adventures"

GBOU JSC "Severodvinsk orphanage"

Educator: Koval Elvira Vladimirovna

Game event scenario

"Winter Adventures"

Scenario of the game program "Winter Adventures"

Target: organization of leisure time for schoolchildren during the winter holidays.


open the mind;

develop coordination, mobility, attentiveness;

foster a sense of camaraderie and solidarity.

Equipment: 2 hoops, 6 orange traffic cones, 2 brooms (brooms, paper or padding polyester snowballs (according to the number of players, A4 paper with the words of songs and encrypted words, 2 balls, cards with letters, tokens with the team number (1 or 2).

Event progress

Choice of the jury.

Before the start of the event, all participants receive tokens with the team number.

Cheerful music is playing.

Hello girls, hello boys! Today we will check how much fun you are spending your holidays. And, to begin with, we will warm up and play the game "Yolki". A variety of Christmas trees grow in the forest: both high and low, and wide and thin.

If I tell you “wide” - get wider in a circle, “thin” - get narrower in a circle, “high” - raise your arms higher, “low” - sit on your haunches ”.

The game "Yolki"

Well done boys! Before the event, you received tokens with a team number, and I suggest that you unite into teams and come up with a name for your team, preferably with a New Year or winter theme.

Teams introduce themselves.

1 competition

New Year's vinaigrette

The presenter mixes up the words of the New Year's song, and the participants need to guess what kind of song it is.

Examples of New Year's vinaigrette:

blizzard - growing - slender - hare (Song of the Fir-tree: A fir-tree was born in the forest, in the forest it grew);

icy - frost everywhere - frost - thorny (Song of Winter: The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky);

ringing - me - horse - cooled down (Song of Three White Horses: And they carry me away, into the ringing bright distance);

frost - wires - blue - star (Song Blue frost: Blue, blue frost, lay on the wires, in the dark blue sky);

The jury will award points.

2 competition

New year melody

The pots are put out and the spoon is given. In turn, the participants go to the battery of dishes and use a spoon to perform the New Year's melody. Those present must guess the song. The winner is the one whose melody the jury will find more musical and recognizable. (1 and 2 points)

3 competition

Make up a word

“Strange” words are written on the sheet. Rearrange the letters in them so that the word ceases to be strange.

Veralf - (February)

Rags - (January)

Rose - (frost)

Zaok - (goat)

Jinsneka - (snowflake)

Ulsosa - (icicle)

For each guessed word, the jury will award one point.

4 competition

Competition "Name a friend of Santa Claus"

There are letters on the chairs. It is necessary for each participant to overcome the distance to the chair by jogging. Take one letter on the chair and bring it to the team.

The team that reads the name of Santa Claus's friend first wins.

Snow Maiden

Snowman (ka - two extra letters crossed out)

5 competition

Relay "Snowball"

Participants of each team raise their arms up, and put their feet shoulder-width apart. At the signal, the first competitor passes the ball over the head to all team members up to the last competitor. And the last participant passes the ball under their feet to the first participant. The first team to complete the task wins.

6 competition

Relay "On a Broomstick"

This beard with a handle

Always waiting for you in the corner.

Her labor, though not soon,

But rubbish will help to remove.

I tried, swept up -

Bearded. (broom)

Host: Right! The relay is called “on a broomstick”. Your task: to run on a broomstick, bypassing every cone and not knocking down a single one. Pass the broomstick to the next player. Whose team cope faster will win. Is the task clear? We got ready and started.

7 competition

Snowball game

He's busy all the time

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints white

Everything that he sees on the way (snow).

That's right guys, it's snow. I suggest you play snowballs. We stand in teams opposite each other. Each team has an equal number of snowballs. A line is drawn in the middle. The teams are thrown over within 2 minutes while the music is playing. Which side has fewer snowballs, that team wins. So the time has passed.

8 competition

Oh, snow has poured!

I bring out my horse-friend.

For a bridle rope

I lead a horse through the yard,

I fly from the hill down on it,

And I drag him back (sled).

Host: That's right, guys, this is a sled. And now we will check your speed in the "Sanki" relay. Teams are built in 2 columns. At the signal, 3 players from each team: one in a "sled" (hoop, the other - in a harness (in front of the hoop, the third - pushes the sled from behind, run to the finish line and back. Then the one who was carrying the sled goes to the end of the column). the one who sat in the sleigh, who pushed the sleigh - rides in the sleigh, the new player pushes the sleigh. Is the task clear?

The first team to complete the relay wins.

Now I invite everyone to have a rest, while the jury will sum up the results for now.

To fill the gap, I'll run a little quiz.


1. What did sister Alyonushka say to her brother Ivanushka to avoid turning into a Goat?

Do not drink water !. "Don't drink, Ivanushka, you will become a kid!"

2. Children's toy, weapon for throwing, shooting.

3. What did the Goat forbid her husband in the cartoon "Cat's House"?

"Listen, you fool, stop eating the neighbor's geranium"

4. A mythological animal that looks like a horned white horse.


5. What kind of goat frighten little children?

Horned goat

6. The color of the goat that lived in the song with your grandmother?


7. And what was left of this goat who lived with your grandmother?

Horns and legs

8. In Russian fairy tales we are talking about a runaway bunny, a little fox - a sister. And who is the goat?

Goat - Dereza

9. What instrument do schoolchildren call “goat's leg”?

Summing up the results, determining the winner. Rewarding.

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