Fortune telling on a comb on the night: how to see the narrowed in a dream and other rites. Fortune telling with the comb - the right way to see the narrowed

Fortune telling on a comb on the night: how to see the narrowed in a dream and other rites. Fortune telling with the comb - the right way to see the narrowed

If you do not wait to see the appearance of the future husband, buy or take a wooden comb for fortune telling. Before you lie to bed, put a comb under the pillow and say the following words: "Durable, my dazzy, come to comb!". Waking up in the morning, try to remember who you saw in a dream. To do this, do not mind your head, if you do it, sleep may be forgotten.

Another way to fortune telling on a comb in a dream will suit a girl with long hair. Before departing to sleep, turn the braid, take a small light castle, secure it in the hairstyle. For these purposes, you can take a light souvenir or toy castle. Say: "Daughty-dressed, come to me the key to ask the castle to spill, hair to combat." Key and comb hide under the pillow. A future chosen one will appear in a dream. But be careful or think about whether it should be so guessing on the crest and hair, as there were cases when someone came to the girls, combed his hair or opened the castle in reality, but whether it was a groom, remains a question ...

Meet a narrowed or go to trichologist

There is another simple way of divination using combs. It will help not only learn about the ambulance with a significant person, but also that you promises the coming or subsequent days.

Combining in the morning, do not rush to clean the comb, put it on paper, carefully get the left hair there. Consider how many of them. Well, if one, then on this day you have a chance to meet your future chosen one. Watch out for all potential candidates for your hand and heart, perhaps it will be a well-known person to you, whom you have not perceived seriously.

If 2 hair remains, be prepared to hear not very pleasant news. But you already know in advance what you can expect you, so you will take it calmly, philosophically. After all, as you know, sometimes trouble can help future happiness.

Three hair will encourage you more observant. It turns out that there is a person who is only pretended by a friend in your environment, in fact he is a detractor and can build a goat behind your back. Think who can be envious? Maybe there is another applicant in your place or your success do not give him peace. Suddenly it is rejected by the cavalier. Look at these people, and you will understand who does not want to you.

Four hairstones can signal that you need to take care of your health and strengthening immunity to not get sick due to infection. Perhaps you should capture with you to the street, if you are guessing the season of infectious diseases.

More than four hair and without divination can remind you that you should take care of strengthening your chapels. This will help the advice of a trichologist, special ointments, masks for the head.

If the comb during divination remained clean, the baldness does not threaten you. You can relax, as no important events are expected on this day.

The unknown always manits a person. It was interesting for him to find out that he was waiting for him in the future, find out the answers to the disturbing questions. It was for this that Christmas divisions were invented. And in order to quench your curiosity, there is no need to go to the grandmother-leader or to psychic, especially if you do not have confidence in their professionalism. All necessary rituals can be safely held at home. You only need to follow some conditions.

It is very important to verify the correct time for the ritual. In Russian traditions, it is customary to guess in the period from Christmas and until January 19, but many years of experience noted that the perfumes are especially often responding to appeals advantage over the night from January 6 to January 7, on the eve of Christmas.

According to our ancestors, it is during this period of time all the predictions and answers to your questions will be the closest to reality.

After the baptism passes, all the spirits from the otherworldly people again leave there, from where they came, and at this time all predictions will be distorted.

It is necessary to produce in those places that are considered an intermediate link between the world of living and illuminated. Basically, these places are attics, basements, especially dark and mysterious places that inspire a vague sensation of the presence of something else. Also, Russian women went to the bath, because there is especially a high concentration of spirits.

To encourage the Spirit and find out what worries you, you must follow some rules:

  • during the rite, remove the talismans and crosses, if you wear such;
  • in the process of conducting a ritual, dissolve your hair, because this species will allow to establish the most dense connection with spirits, and will also protect you from the impact of negative energy;
  • keep your hands parallel to the body, because hands lying on hand, make it difficult to establish contact with a different world;
  • remove all church utensils, icons, etc., since you bind to the forces opposite to divine energy;
  • the place where you plan to produce a rite, you need to illuminate exclusively with candles, no other light sources should be available.

Fortune telling on the narrowed branches

Christmas fortune telling on the narrowed - this is the tradition for young girls. One of the most famous rituals is the one that is called "Bridge". To carry it, you need to preach a couple of thin twigs from the trees that need to be cleaned from the bark.

Before going to bed, place them as follows: the two are the longest put in parallel to each other, and those that shorter (2-3 pieces) put a long one. This bridge structure must be erected alone.

Before bedtime, put the resulting bridge under the pillow, saying: "Who my narrow-sized, he will hold me through the bridge." On this night, the girl will see a bridge in a dream, on which a person stretching her hand will be. It is he who will be a way to whom you will subsequently drive fate.

Fortune telling on the narrowed ring

Christmas fortune telling on the narrowed rummy can also be held with things that are at your hand. In this case, use the ring. To do this, take the ring that belongs to you, it is desirable that it is from the precious metal, after which take the glass and pour water into it.

At night, when the room in which you will spend the ritual will be lit only with candles, throw the ring with a glass with a glass and carefully look at the center. After a certain period of time, the image of a man, who will be your life satellite in the future.

Fortune telling on maps

For this ritual, you will again need a simple remedy - the deck of ordinary cards. For the accuracy of the prediction, they certainly take that deck on which they have not yet played, that is, clean, otherwise the prediction may be distorted. Separate from other cards of the walts and kings, after which you thoroughly mix them.

Only these cards will be required because they symbolize men. Such Christmas divisions on the narrowed on the maps are very common due to their simplicity.

Explodulate before bedtime card by the shirt up, after which they say: "Delicious-rude, dream of me!". Then go to bed. In the morning, take an arbitrary card. If you fell a currency, then your man will be young and about your peer, and if the king, then his age will be many more than yours. After that, look at the suit that falling you.

  • worms - your groom is much closer than you think, take care of your surrounding;
  • peaks - Your life satellite will be rich enough;
  • trephs - Fate will connect you when you do not wait for it;
  • bubnes - you will get acquainted through friends or relatives.

Divination on the narrowed in a dream with its comb

Christmas fortune telling on the narrowed in a dream is also an integral annual tradition in young girls. There is a divination, with the help of which you can find out not only what is the name of the future spouse, but also see his image. It is quite possible, since the vision will come to you when you sleep. Put your comb directly before bedtime under your pillow. After that, say such a phrase: "Daughty-rude, come to me, yes my head is tested to me. Amen".

It is necessary that your comb, except you, no one else has used. If the image of the narrowed to you so did not come to you, you can repeat the ritual after a couple of days.

Fortune telling on a new comb

Christmas fortune telling on the narrowed with the comb are equally effective and accurate. To this end, you need to buy a new comb, which is manufactured exclusively from natural materials. In no case take the crest made using plastic elements. Before bedtime, spend it on the hair and tell me the following phrase: "My squeezed, oh, you come to me yes, tested by my ridge. Amen".

Then go to bed, and as soon as you wake up, take a look at the comb. If you find hair on it, then believe me - a person will appear in your near future, which will be your companion. Such a ritual refers to the truthful enough, since our ancestors have convinced more than once.

Many women subsequently argued that the hair they discovered on a comb, the color and length coincided with those that wears their real spouse.

Fortune telling on paper

Christmas fortune telling on the narrowed on paper is also a simple way to learn a little information about your future spouse. However, in this fortune telling, you will need to show a certain guafection, it is very important in the process of conducting a ritual to focus. You will need to include associative thinking to guess that fate sends you.

Take some paper, preferably more (you can even newspaper), and in question to a shapeless state. After that, take a flat plate and put a crumpled paper on it and install it. A few seconds before paper finally burn, bring the plate to the wall. According to the shadow images that will arise on the wall, you must recognize that they predict otherworldly.

Divination with salt

Christmas divisions on the narrowed at home can be checked using a standard salt. Here it is also in the interpretation of sleep. Immediately before immersed in the kingdom of Morpheus, the girl should eat something or drink salty, and even better if it is just a little pure salt.

After that, without drinking and not talking to anyone, she needs to pronounce a phrase: "Daughty-rude, bring the water to get drunk." Then it is important to try to quickly sleep. That person who in a dream will give the girl water, and will be her spouse.

Fortune telling on mirrors

If you want to see how you can see the image of your future husband, then use the mirrors. Choose the most secluded place, desirable, dark, which will provide you with absolute silence. Rotate your hair, and then start the ritual.

Put the mirrors closer to each other, preferably opposite. On both sides of each mirror, put on one candle. After all the manipulations, say the next phrase: "Daughty-rude, show me!". Then, for some time, carefully pepper in the mirror. The image of the future spouse may be either at the same moment or after a certain amount of time. Therefore, most likely, you will have to wait a bit.

Hair has always been considered something mystical. Not by chance by many rituals require carrying out with loose hair. Probably, that is why many christmas ghosts for the future with comb. Mostly divination with payment Delivered when they wanted to learn more about the narrowed.

Fortune telling on the messenger

This ritual is a simple and easy way to learn about its narrowed. It is possible to use it not only during the period of the winter shin, but also in the summer, during the Slavic "green" shin, another name of this period is the rule of the last week. There are several ways of this type of divination. If the ritual is properly executed, you can see the face of the future husband in a dream, as well as learn his name.

Fortune telling on the messenger 1.

The most common fortune telling with the comb in Christmas night. Take your comb, put it under the pillow and say the following words for divination:

"You're moyed you, muddy, you come to me in a dream, and my head is the head. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Foreign on the narrowed 2.

For this divination you will need a new comb. Well, if the comb will be made of wood. Before bedtime, spend her hair and say words:

"Delicious my darling, you come to me in a dream, yes crest mine. Amen".

Then the comb remove the pillow. The fortune telling say that if the hair on the comb will appear hair, it will soon appear in your life - narrowed!

Divination with the comb on the narrowed 3.

On the night before Christmas, put a comb under the pillow. Early Christmas in the morning, before standing out of bed, disperse your hair comb. Carefully remove your hair and count them. The result of divination will depend on the amount of hair that will remain on the comb.

0 Volume - You have good hair, but the fortune telling you will have to repeat on another day.

1 hair - The meeting with the narrowed should take place in the coming month. Carefully look at others.

2 Volos. - Soon you will receive news about your narrowed.

3 Volos - Beware of a friend's cunning. She can lead your narrowed. Therefore, if you get acquainted with a man, try as long as you can not imagine his girlfriends.

4 Volos. - During the year you are inserted into a major trouble. Unfortunately, this result does not give a response about the narrowed.

5 hair And more - alas! No response from the higher forces on your narrowed yet.

Fortune telling with castment

"Daissed-dressed, come to me the key to ask, to spill the castle."

Fortune telling using mirrors and combs

Both of these subjects are put under the pillow with the following plot:

"Come come, come. Taken, tag. I look at it, show yourself. "

In the second version, sit in front of the mirror and, combing the hair, say the following text:

"Delicious oiled, for you dressed up for you good. You come to my dream and concave conversation. Tell me what is your name, tell me when we meet. I'll wait for you and be together. Forces by almighty I spend you: come in my dream. Amen".

After that, leave the comb under the pillow.

Rules of fortune telling on narrowed with comb

It is important that the comb was exactly yours, and no one else except you use. It will also be better if the comb is made of natural materials. It is necessary to spend the ritual on the night from Thursday to Friday until the midnight on the growing moon or the fifteenth lunar day. Sleep after the ritual is necessary alone.

Divination on the narrowed | Viktor Dolya.

Sleep on the future husband

Putting a ridge under the pillow, saying: "Daughty-dressed, taking my head". The narrowed is in a dream and scratches the head.

Take thimble salt, thimble water, mix and eat. Looking at bedtime, the girl says: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - he will give me to drink." The narrowed is in a dream and feeds to drink.

They put four card kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhen - that dream in a dream." If you dreamed the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of Chervalon means a young and rich, the crusade - wait for the match from a military or businessman, and Bubnov - from the desired one.

Divination - the name of the narrowed

If you want to know the name of the narrowed, then make it simpler simple. Take several sheets of paper, write on each of them one male name and put, for example, in a hat. Shake the hat several times and pull out one piece of leaf. Then the name that will be written on the leaflet will be the name of your future husband.

Towel fortune telling

At night, they post the white towel over the window (I wonder if it was more visible to the future groom?) And they say: "Daughty-rude, come and ferment." If in the morning because of the window you got a completely dry towel, then you sit in the girls this year, and if the towel is wet, then to be married.

fortune telling at night with spots on the narrowed

Make a bridge from the twigs and put it under the pillow, on the sleep of riddling, "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzha, will translate me across the bridge." Of course, he must dreamed her.

fortune telling on the groom sitting by the window

Before you go to bed, dine pure white shirt and sit in front of the mirror. An indispensable condition will be the fact that your body should be reflected at least a waist. Run the hair, take a comb's comb and start hairstyle, senoming: "Dailed meal, I dressed for you, good for you. You come to my dream and concave conversation. Tell me what is your name, tell me when we meet. I'll wait for you and be together. Forces by almighty I spend you: come in my dream. Amen".

Further, according to the ritual of fortune telling on the narrowed with the comb, you should lie down in bed and light into the headboard church candle. Put the comb under the pillow. We draw your attention to the fact that on the day, when the fortune telling is performed, it is necessary to go to bed until midnight, because the otherworldly forces come to contact exactly at this time.

Divination at home with a boat

For this divination of the house take a pelvis with water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this pelvis hang or stripes are hung with the names of gadgets or write possible events: Wedding, passion, abduction, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, winnings, unexpected happiness, or luck, etc. Take the shell from walnut (its half) and in the middle of it, a small grinder of the Christmas tree candle is installed. The boat is allowed for the middle of the pelvis and, depending on which edge, it is suitable and what kind of paper it will set fire to - such an event will happen with the one whose name is written on a piece of paper or who is guessing.

Fortune telling on paper

At home, a whole sheet of paper is taken or the best newspaper is taken, and this sheet of paper should be made with their hands so that it would turn into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding it to turn it into a ball, but leaving some contour. When paper is ready, it is put on the bottom of the tilted plate and ignite with the help of a match. The burnt paper, not a mechanical and not destroying the shape of the ashes, bring to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until any shadow is drawn, along the outlines of which exactly as in the previous fortune judgment, judge the future .

Fortune telling at the gold chain

Wait until the houses fall to sleep. Sit at the table and spend the gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain into the right hand, shock a little and sharply throw on the floor. The chain forms various figures that are interpreted as follows.

Circle - soon you will find yourself in a predicaid position, as in a closed circle.

The fortune telling is done on Saturday, before this it is necessary to observe 3 days of fasting.

Divination by dreams

Divination by dreams about the most diverse dream. The best days of fortune telling - under Christmas (they are also called Christmas fortune tells) or under Friday, when the growing month or full moon. It is necessary to sleep alone, no one should be in the room. After pronouncing the words to the narrowed, it is not talking to anyone and not distracted by outsiders. The fewer conversations with outsiders about the estimated fortunening, the better. To see a truthful dream, you need to lie down your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where the legs were going to bed), flip the pillow to the opposite direction, the sheets are also rearranged by the bottom side and the shirt put on inside out.

1. This is a fortune telling for girls with long braids. Sleeping to bed, to go into the spit paddy castle, close it with a key and speak: "Daughty-dressed, come to me to ask the key." Put the key under the pillow. In a dream, the groom came to the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb, comb, talk: "Daughty-dressed, come to combing me" (while it is not combing to go to bed).

3. Put the mirror under the pillow and the comb with the words: "Come, come. Taken, tag. I look at it, show yourself. "

4. Put a bed with a jug with water and a mug before bedtime. Before you go to bed, say: "You get tired with the path, my narrowed, I have a lot, come, let's get drunk." Crightening and go to bed.

5. For the night, eat thimble salts, without drinking water. "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzy, that way I do." Instead of the thimble of salt, you can eat carriage.

6. Make a bridge from Prutikov, put under the pillow, makes it up: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich, he will translate me across the bridge."

In a dream, both young people may be launched at once (draw conclusions with whom you have to stay, based on the plot of dreams), and maybe not a single one. In the latter case, after awakening, get from under the pillow to the touch one of the photos. Whose portrait will get, with the same.

If you have no photos of young people at hand, which you are interested, and you need to do the choice as follows.

Delicious-rude, come to undress me.

Fortune telling using cards coming

For the night under the pillow, there are four kings from the usual card deck for 36 cards. The deck must be new, it should not be used for games or divination. Conspiracy:

Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, dream of me!

This divination on the narrowed should assume the presence of a man's heart. You can determine with matches, is destined to be together. You need to take a matchbox and insert two matches on the sides. At the same time, they set fire to them, at the same time, determine which match symbolizes you, and what is your love. If the burnt matches will be connected together, you will be together. The fortune telling on the water and fire has always been considered one of the strongest, because these natural elements of the time of the centuries have ended with magical qualities.

Fortune telling on the king

Onions as one of the ways of fortune telling on the narrowed

Names on possible candidates for husbands need to be written in bulbs.

Personal things of man have an energy relationship with their owner. The use of ordinary comb, hairpins, pins or other things in magical rituals are popular among young girls who want to find their soul mate.

Comb - that item that will help to pay on the narrowed

It was happening since ancient times. So, fortune-telling on a comb refers to the soda rites used before the baptism of Russia. Rituals can be carried out on any other day. The main thing is that the girl believes in magical forces and waiting for her narrowed.

When it is better to guess with a comb

Already for several centuries, fortune-telling on the narrowed with the comb is one of the strongest magical rites for love. It was previously believed that it was possible to spend the ritual on the eve of Christmas and baptism.

These days followed the period of winter solstice. In Russia, in addition to the winter holidays, the people were also celebrated and the summer shists, who were called "green". Unmarried Maiden tried to "grasp" for any opportunity to see their future husband and during this period.

The most suitable day for magical rituals is June 22. Magical forces during the summer solstice is the most powerful, which gives young girls a more accurate result in their fortune. Now, open the "veil of the future" in another time.

But whether the destiny will show her personal happiness depends on the girl itself. And it does not matter, the magician practic is conducting a ritual or experienced magician, faith in magic can give a fine sex a representative of the hope of strong and strong love.

What you need to take care

Any rite on a narrow-sized solution will be effective only if the girl itself will believe in the favorable outcome of the magic act. Without this, something to see or find out is impossible.

You must also adhere to some rules that are an integral part of the ritual:

  1. The divination is carried out only in its own home and without outsiders. It should be one until the dawn. The ritual may not bring the desired result, even if someone is located in the next room behind closed doors.
  2. The best time is the Thursday night. The result will be the most accurate if this time falls on the 15th day of the lunar calendar.
  3. Nobody cannot talk about the rite and its results.
  4. Use only a personal combing girl who spends fortune-telling. It is important that no one uses this magical accessory besides this magical accessory.
  5. The magic ridge can only be a piece of wood or ivory.

The magic crest can be an object from a tree (or ivory)

Some girls argue that it is possible to strengthen the effect of divination with bed linen turned inside out. He is stated before the departure to sleep, placing the pillow in the opposite side from its usual place. And also you should turn out the night shirt.

Ancient night divination with comb

One of the most ancient and magically strong rituals is fortune-telling with a comb under the pillow. If the girl itself believes in the highest strength and their help, then in a dream it will appear to her. Depending on whether the ritual was spent correctly, it can see his silhouette, face or find out his name.

The most accurate result of divination is considered a dream with a narrow, which combs the hair of the comb, which was used in the ritual.

What will take for ritual

In order for the fortune telling to be accurate and the girl saw her future husband, she will need:

  • personal comb;
  • sleeping place with a pillow;
  • the words of the conspiracy.

How ritual is held

In order for in a dream to the girl came her narrowed, it follows:

  1. Before going to bed, put your own comb under the pillow.
  2. Pronunct the words of the conspiracy:

"You're moyed you, muddy, you come to me in a dream, and my head is the head. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On the night of the rite, the unmarried maiden must dream of her future husband. Sometimes, he comes to her in dreams and the next night. If this did not happen, the ritual should be held again.

Fortune telling with new comb

Modern unmarried girls are often asked how to guess on the narrowed with the help of a new comb. For many years already, in magical practice, one method is used, similar to the usual night fortune. It has some features that should also be taken into account in order to keep the rite with a lonely maiden dreamed of a narrowed, who would stand in front of her, combing her hair.

What will be needed for a ritual with a new comb

The fortune telling with the new comb is little different from the ancient rite, which was carried out with the personal accessory of the girl itself. The girl who decided to pay out, it is only necessary to prepare a new accessory to the long-awaited magical night.

How is a ritual with a new comb

The rite with a new magic attribute will be successful if before leaving to sleep:

The rite with a new wooden ridge will be successful if you perform several conditions

  1. The girl will be able to comb their hair to them, seniting words:

    "Delicious my darling, you come to me in a dream, yes crest mine. Amen".

  2. After the spoken of words of the conspiracy will put the crest floor pillow.
  3. On the first night after divination, her future husband should appear in dreams.
  4. If this did not happen, you should look at the ridge in the morning.
  5. If there is hair on it - this is the first sign that the love of a weak floor will come to life very soon.

Some girls argue that the morning find in the form of hair in color and the length coincided with the hair of their future spouse.

Morning rite for narrowed

Since ancient times, lonely men have enjoyed magic rituals not only at night. By numerous reviews, learn about love and happiness, it is possible with the help of morning divination. Such a rite has been popular for many centuries, and all due to the fact that he justifies the waiting for girls with his simplicity.

What will be needed for the morning rite

In a soda night, before going to bed, you need to put a new comb on the table. The rite will be successful, only in the case that the magic accessory will be made of natural materials - wood or ivory. These materials have a strong energy.

How is the morning rite

After waking up with the sacchar in the morning, come to the table and take the ridge. Drawing them to them and look at it. The number of hairs remaining on it can tell about the emergency meeting of a loved one or about problemswhich can affect personal life:

  1. On the ridge's teeth, 1 hair remained - soon you will meet your beloved.
  2. If 2 hair remains - wait for the news from the narrowed (it can be bad).
  3. 3 hairs - an opponent will appear, which will want to "catch" a young man or will dissolve bad rumors about him.
  4. 4 hairs - troubles in relations or in any other sphere of life.
  5. If on the comb of 5 hair (or more) - the fortune telling is unsuccessful. It is better to transfer it to another time.
  6. There is one advice - taking hair carefully. Fate is not favorable to people who go to tricks. Just doing everything correctly you can achieve the desired result.

For accuracy of fortune telling you should not be sick - comb your hair carefully

A few more secrets

For many years, fortune telling with combers help young unmarried girls learn about their personal life. But not always their result depends only on the selected time and the magic accessory itself. It is important and the condition of the girl's hair itself. After all, each person can actively fall out for health.

It is dangerous that in some divination, it can give an inaccurate result. Because of this, the girl is upset and no longer believes in the highest forces that can help her. This often leads to problems in the future search for a loved one. Therefore, it is recommended to hold a rite only when the internal and physical state of fortunening is normal.