Love scenes in fathers and children. Artistic reception "Psychological couple" in the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

Love scenes in fathers and children. Artistic reception "Psychological couple" in the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

The name of the novel "Fathers and Children" is often understood very simplified: change of public ideology of generations, conflict of aristocrats and allocates. But Roman Turgenev is not exhausted by one social sphere, he also has a psychological sound. And to reduce the whole meaning of the work exclusively to ideology - it means to understand its "Bazarovski". After all, the Bazarov himself believes that the essence of the new time is needed to sleep from the face of the Earth, made by the "fathers", discredit them, with their princes and morality, in the name of a foggy "bright future." Such a vulgar simplification of the meaning of the era and the novel, this era of the recreation and exploring, is unforgivable. The problem of paternity is one of the most important, this is the problem of the unity of the development of all mankind. Only the awareness of the man of its roots, his deep spiritual relationship with the past gives him the future. Changing generations - the process is always difficult and unsubestal. "Children" are inherited from "fathers" the entire spiritual experience of mankind. Of course, they should not be slaky copied "fathers", it is necessary to rethinkting their life Credo - but rethinking on the basis of respect for the principles of ancestors. In the era of social shocks, such a reassessment of values \u200b\u200bwith the new generation occurs much more rigidly and brutally than necessary. And the results are always tragic: too much in a hurry is lost, these gaps are too difficult to fill.

In Russia of the 19th century, the raising of the Decembrists was the strongest social shock. The generation for which the period of formation was held in the era of the Nikolaev reaction, could not perceive the High Code of His Fathers, "Lost Generation" will be in Russian history. "The crowd sullen and soon forgotten" calls him one of the best sons of this generation M. Yu. Lermontov, comprehended all the tragic for the spiritual life of the society of the events of December 14. There was a gap in the chain of generations, one link - fell: and our ashes with the rigor of the judge and a citizen of the descendant will insul a contemptuous verse, a mockery of a bitterly deceived Son over the fucking father, "he predicted.

The concept of the "Hero of Time" concept introduced by Lermontov means the person most typical for this era, the nature and fate of which are formed by this era, reflect its pain and misfortunes, ups and downs.

Of course, the generation cannot consist of some "time heroes". The main mass of people of the era, as it were, "hurts the edge," they know how to adapt to any era. And it is wonderful - imagine a generation of some peasants or bazaarovy! It is impossible: life would stop.

Roman Turgenev was built in such a way that it reflects the eternal types: "time heroes" and ordinary people. Brothers Kirsanov just make up such a psychological pair.

Pavel Petrovich is no closer to the Pisarean "Little Pechor". It really not only belongs to the same generation, but also is the "Pechorinsky" type. "Note that Pavel Petrovich is generally not a father at all, but for the work with such a name it is far from indifferent. Pavel Petrovich - Host Soul, nothing to" be born "; it cannot happen; it is in this that all the appointment of its existence in Turgenev Roman is "," comments A. Zhuk.

Compassionally Roman Turgenev is built on the connection of direct, consistent narration and biographies of the main heroes. These stories are interrupting the course of the novel, lead us to other epochs, turn to the origins of what is happening in modern times. The livelihood of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova emphasized "falls" from the general stroke of the narration, it even stylistically alien to the novel. And, although the reader learns about the history of Pavel Petrovich from the story of Arkady, facing the Bazarov, the language of this story does not resemble the style of communication of young nihilists. Turgenev is as close as possible to the style and image form of the 30s-40s of the X1x century, recreates a special style of romantic narration. It takes everything from real, landed everyday life. We will not know the real name of the mysterious beloved Pavel Petrovich: it appears under the conditionally literary name Nelli, or under the mysterious "Princess P". We do not learn that it was tomil, which was forced to rush across Europe, to move from tears to laughter and from carelessness to despondency. Much in it will not be solved by the reader. Yes, it does not matter. The main thing is to understand that Paul Kirsanova attracted in her, on what his unearthly passion is based on? But this is just pretty clear: the most mysteriousness of Nelly, the meaningful emptiness, its obsession "to her the most unknown forces", its unpredictability and inconsistency and make her charm for Kirsanov.

Love and friendship in Bazar's life all people are different, and everyone understands love and friendship in its own way. For some, find a loved one is the goal and the meaning of life, and the friendship is an integral concept for a happy existence. These people make up the majority. Others consider love to be invention, "Beliberda, unforgivable foolishness"; In friendship, they are looking for a like-minded woman, a fighter, and not a person with whom you can hover about personal topics. There are few such people, and such people belong to Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

His only friend - Arkady is a naive, unformed UNCENT. He was attached to the bazaarov with all his soul and heart, deifying him, loves every word. Bazarov feels this and wants to raise a person from Arkady like himself who deny the modern public system that makes the practical benefit of Russia. Supporting friendly relations with Bazarov wants not only Arkady, but also some, so-called "noble-progressists." For example, Sitnikov and Kukshin. They consider themselves with modern young people and are afraid to fall back from fashion. And since Nihilism is a fashion trend, they take it; But they take partially and, I must say, the most unsightly sides: a slope in clothes and a conversation, the denial of what has no idea. And the bazaarov perfectly understands that these people are stupid and non-permanent - he does not accept their friendship, he all hopes imposes on young Arcadia. He sees his follower in him, like-minded. Bazarov with arkadium often talk, a lot is discussed. Arkady inspired himself that he agrees with Bazarov in everything, divides all his views. However, disagreements were increasingly between them. Arkady realizes that all the judgments of Bazarov cannot accept. In particular, he cannot deny nature and art. Bazarov believes that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it is a worker." Arkady believes that nature needs to be enjoyed, and from this pleasure draw strength to work. Bazarov laughs at the "old romantic" Nikolai Pavlovich, when he plays a cello; Arkady does not even smile his joke, but despite the differences that have arisen, continues to love and respect their "teacher." Bazarov does not notice treason in Arcadia, and therefore his marriage absorbs Evgeny from equilibrium. And Eugene decides to part with Arkady, parting forever. Arkady did not justify his hopes, he led him. Bazarov is bitterly aware of this and difficult to renounce each other, but he is solved on it. And leaving with such words: "... You did it cleverly; for our bitter, the bobbly life is not created. You don't have a keenness, nor anger, and there is a young courage, and a young enthusiasm, for our business it is not suitable .. . You are nice small; but you still have a meak, liberal baric. " Arkady does not want to part with Bazarov, he is trying to stop a friend, but he is unshakable in his cruel decision.

So, the first loss is a friend loss.

Love is a romantic feeling, and since Nihilism rejects everything that does not bring practical benefits, then love rejects.

Bazarov takes love only with the physiological side of the relationship between a man and a woman: "You like a woman - try to achieve a sense, but you can not - well, you don't need to throw it away: the earth did not come together."

Love for A. S. Odintova bursts in his heart suddenly, without asking his consent and not glad him with his appearance. Another Ball of Odintova attracted the attention of the Bazarov: "What is that figure? On the other no, it is not similar." Anna Sergeevna seemed to him a very beautiful young woman. He accepts her invitation with curiosity in her estate Nikolsky. There, he opens for himself very clever, hetrut, who saw no priest. Odenty, in turn, met man extraordinary; And a beautiful, proud woman wanted to get out of his charms. Bazarov and Odintov are spent a lot of time: walk, talk, argue, in a word, know each other. And in both there is a change. The bazaarov struck the imagination of Odintova, he occupied her, she thought a lot about him, she was interested in his society. "She seemed to want to experience him, and he herself."

And what happened in Bazarov! He finally fell in love! This is a real tragedy! All his theories and arguments are crumbling. And he tries to push off this intrusive, unpleasant feeling, "Romance is recognized with indignation in itself." And, meanwhile, Anna Sergeyevna continues to flirting in front of Bazarov: She invites him to secluded walks in the garden, causes a frank conversation. She seeks his recognition in love. It was its goal - the purpose of cold prudent coquette. Bazarov does not believe in her love, but his soul will hope hope for reciprocity, and in the rust of passion he rushes to her. He forgets everything in the world, wants only to be with his beloved, never part with her. But "Odentova became scary and sorry for him." "No, God knows where it would be believed to be joking, tranquility is still best in the world ..." So, he rejected. This is the second loss - the loss of the beloved woman. Bazarov is very hard to experience this blow. He leaves home, feverishly looking for an occupation and, finally, calms down with his usual work. But Bazarov with one was destined to meet - for the last time.

Suddenly bazaars are ill and sends a partial to one: "Tell me, that we need to be told, nothing more needs." But it only says that "nothing more needs," in fact he is timidly, but hopes to see a favorite image, hear gentle Voice, look in beautiful eyes. And Bazarov's dream comes true: Anna Sergeyevna comes and even brings a doctor with him. But she arrives not from love to the Bazarov, she considers her duty of a good good woman to give the last debt dying. At the sight of it, she did not rush with tears to his feet, as rushed to his beloved man, "she was simple, somehow cold and troubling fright." Bazarov understood her: "Well, thanks. This is a royal. Speak, kings too Attend dying. " He waited for her, and Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov dies on his favorite hands. He dies with a strong, volitional who did not refund from his judgments that did not despair in life, but lonely and rejected.

It is a pity that the life of such a person broke so early. With his desire and will, he would have achieved his own, would bring the practical benefit of Russia, and maybe not only Russia.

Love is the lightest and wonderful feeling in the life of every person. Only here everything is different about it. Someone existence has improved, and someone has spoiled the whole future. So in the life of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and children" I.S. Turgenev This feeling has played not a last role.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a young nihilist man who came with his best friend in Kirsanov's estate. He denied all the feelings, including the love, which some kind of nonsense considered. But everything changed when she herself knocked in his heart. During this trip, he met a young woman named Anna Sergeyevna Odintov, who was not only beautiful, but also very smart. Eugene fell in love with her, but tried to get rid of this feeling that only complicated the whole thing. Because of this, the bazaarov understood the entire surface of his worldview, which was a significant blow to it.

But for his best friend, Arkady Kirsanova, love has become a really beautiful feeling that put everything in its place. He has known for many years a girl named Katya, who was his close friend. But over time, it all turned into a beautiful and gentle feeling that combined two hearts.

Also happened and with the father of Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, who has helped to cope with a terrible blow and return to a full-fledged life. After the death of the parents, he immediately decided to marry, finding in his family life. Just for a long time it did not last, his wife died a few years later. This accident knocked out Nikolai from the rut and he began to lead a closed lifestyle. Just meeting a young and a little naive girl named Fenchka, he began to flourish again. It was her cleanliness that Kirsanov helped to see paints in life and remember the fact that he can still live and enjoy this. Fenechka, in turn, was able to see in the elderly a man truly kind and open heart in which she had a good place.

But in contrast to Nikolai Petrovich and Fenzheka show the sad love story of his brother, Pavel Petrovich. In his youth, he met Princess R., in which they fell in love without memory. True, the subject of his adorations did not respond to the reciprocity that he broke the hero's all life. At first she showed interest in him, but then even stopped to pay attention to him at least a drop of attention. After this personal tragedy, the singer closed in himself and was never able to open up for new love, which may have saved him. But still, it has already been to attract Fenzka, which personified homemade comfort and calm.

Thus, love is a bright feeling that can change the life of any person, very much influenced the fate of all heroes of Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." Someone she presented calm and joy, for example, Nikolai Kirsanov and his son Arkady. But in contrasts, they show NiHist Bazarov and Uncle Arkady, Pavel Petrovich, whose destiny changed for the worse after sad love.

Roman "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev raises many ideas and problems of their time, namely the 60s. 19th century. One of the most important topics of the work is the topic of love.

Love is the test of heroes, showing their true essence. For the author, love is the meaning of life, the ability to feel love is the main thing in man.

Love Bazarov

The main love line is connected to the image of the main character of Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov and the nobility of Anna Sergeyevna Odintova. It should be started with the fact that Bazarov initially denied love as such, considered it a fantasy, habit, sexual attraction - anything, just not a romantic nonsense. The life of the chief hero proceeded on the call of reason. But after meeting, his soul seemed to turn over. He sincerely and deeply loved the girl, unable to restrain all the frenzy of his passion.

Feelings Eugene contradictory. He is angry with himself for experienced emotions, but nothing can do anything with them. Love will not leave him to the very last breath, he wanted to see his beloved for the last time. Anna Sergeyevna at the last meeting is careful, afraid to get infected, with reluctance comes to his mortal lie. This strong nature was unable to love Eugene. At first, he called in it a living interest as a person is extraordinary, but when the feelings of Bazarov walked passion, the fear took possession. She did not want to exchange her peace and comfort to the love of this strange person. And this is her choice.

Love of opponents of Bazarov

Bazarov's opponent also failed in love. All his life he loved one woman, unrequited love ruined him, stretched out all the vitality of life from him.

Young Kirsanov and Katya represent the other side of love. They are happy, they are capable of dreaming together, understand each other and see true happiness in the family comfort.

Happy family and Nikolai Petrovich - Father Arkady. Having loved the baubles, the peasant girl, and marrying her, he is happy. Turgenev with these two examples shows that such a comprehensive feeling as love can overcome prejudices, theories and denials.

Theme of love

The topic of love is the main thing in the Roman Turgenev. All heroes are tested by love, love as they can. Love is the magnitude of the measurement of the human essence, which makes sense to existence or circumvents death.

Roman Turgenev was built in such a way that eternal types reflect: "time heroes" and ordinary people. Brothers Kirsanov just make up such a psychological couple. Pavel Petrovich is no coincidence of the Pisarean "Little Pechor". It really not only belongs to the same generation, but also shows the "Pechorinsky" type. "We note that Pavel Petrovich is not at all a father, but for the work with such a name it is far from indifferent. Pavel Petrovich - Hallowing of the soul, nothing to "be born" from him, cannot happen; It is in this that

All the appointment of its existence in the Turgenev novel, "comments A. Zhuk.

Compassionally Roman Turgenev is built on the connection of direct, consistent narration and biographies of the main heroes. These stories are interrupting the course of the novel, lead us to other epochs, turn to the origins of what is happening in modern times. The lives of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov emphasized "falls" from the general course of the narration, it even stylistically alien to the novel. And, although the reader learns about the history of Pavel Petrovich from the story of Arkady, facing the Bazarov, the language of this story does not resemble the style of communication

Young nihilists.

Turgenev is as close as possible to the style and image form of the 30-40s of the XIX century, creates a special style of romantic narration. It takes everything from real, landed everyday life. We do not know the real name of the mysterious beloved Pavel Petrovich: it appears under the conditionally literary name Nelli, or under the mysterious "Princess P". We do not learn that it was tomil, which was forced to rush across Europe, to move from tears to laughter and from carelessness to despondency. Much in it will not be solved by the reader.

Yes, it does not matter. The main thing is to understand that Paul Kirsanova attracted in her, what is his unearthly passion? But this is just pretty clear: the most mysteriousness of Nelly, the meaningful emptiness, her obsession "to her the most unknown forces", its unpredictability and inconsistency and make her charm for Kirsanov.

Love and friendship are present in the life of Bazarov.

All people are different, and everyone understands love and friendship in its own way. For some, find a loved one is the purpose and meaning of life, and friendship is an integral concept for a happy existence. These people make up the majority. Others consider the love of fiction, "Belibard, unforgivable foolishness"; In friendship, they are looking for a like-minded woman, a fighter, and not a person with whom you can hover about personal topics. There are few such people, and such people belong to Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

His only friend - Arkady is a naive, unformed UNCENT. He was attached to the bazaas for the whole soul and heart, deifying him, catches every word. Bazarov feels it and wants to raise a person from Arkady like himself who deny the modern social system that makes the practical benefit of Russia. Maintain friendly relations with Bazarov wants not only Arkady, but also some so-called "noble progressists." For example, Sitnikov and Kukshin. They consider themselves with modern young people and are afraid to fall back from fashion. And since NiGilism is fashion, they take it; But they take partially and, I must say, the most unsightly sides: a slope in clothes and a conversation, the denial of what has no idea. And the bazaarov perfectly understands that these people are stupid and non-permanent - he does not accept their friendship, he all hopes imposes on young Arcadia. He sees his follower in him, like-minded.

Bazarov with arkadium often talk, a lot is discussed. Arkady inspired himself that he agrees with Bazarov in everything, divides all his views. However, the differences arise more and more often. Arkady realizes that all the judgments of Bazarov cannot accept. In particular, he cannot deny nature and art. Bazarov believes that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it is an employee." Arkady believes that nature needs to be enjoyed, and from this pleasure draw strength to work. Bazarov laughs at the "old romantic" Nikolai Petrovich, when he plays a cello; Arkady does not even smile his joke, Io, despite the differences that have arisen, continues to love and respect his "teacher."

Bazarov does not notice the change in Arcadia, and therefore his marriage absorbs Evgeny from equilibrium. And Eugene decides to part with Arkady, parting forever. Arkady did not justify his hopes, he led him. Bazarov is bitterly aware of this and difficult to renounce each other, but he is solved on it. And leaving with such words: "... You did it cleverly; For our bitter, you are not created bobbly. You don't have a keenness, nor anger, and there is a young courage and a young badger, for our business it is not suitable ... you are nice small; But you still have a meak, liberal baric. " Arkady does not want to part with Bazarov, he is trying to stop a friend, but he is unshakable in his cruel decision.

So, the first loss of the Bazarov is a loss of a friend, and therefore the destruction of the psychological gift. Love is a romantic feeling, and since Nihilism rejects everything that does not bring practical benefits, then love rejects. The bazaarov takes love only from the physiological side of the relationship between a man and a woman: "You like a woman - try to achieve a sense, and you can not - well, you don't need to throw it away: the land is not cling." Love for A. S. Odintova breaks into his heart suddenly, without asking his consent: and not glad him with his appearance.

Another balusa was attracted to the Balar's attention: "What is the figure? On the other women are not similar. " Anna Sergeevna seemed to him a very beautiful young woman. He accepts her invitation with curiosity in her estate Nikolsky. There, he opens for himself very clever, hetrut, who saw no priest. Odenty, in turn, met man extraordinary; And a beautiful, proud woman wanted to get out of his charms. Bazarov and Odintov are spent a lot of time: walk, talk, argue, in a word, know each other. And in both there is a change. The bazaarov struck the imagination of Odintova, he occupied her, she thought a lot about him, she was interested in his society. "She's as if she wanted to experience him, and he had gone."

And what happened in the bazaarov, he finally fell in love! This is a real tragedy! All his theories and arguments are crumbling. And he tries to push off his intrusive, unpleasant feeling, "Romance is recognized with indignation in itself." Meanwhile, Anna Sergeyevna continues to flirting in front of the bazaarov: she invites him to secluded walks in the garden, causes a frank conversation. She seeks his recognition in love. It was its goal - the purpose of cold prudent coquette. Bazarov does not believe in her love, but his soul will hope hope for reciprocity, and in the rust of passion he rushes to her. He forgets everything in the world, wants only to be with his beloved, never part with her. But Odenty refuses him. "No, God knows where it would be believed to be joking, calm is still best in the world." So, he rejected. This is the second loss - the loss of the beloved woman. Bazarov is very hard to experience this blow. He leaves home, feverishly looking for an occupation and, finally, calms down with his usual work. But Bazarov with one was destined to meet - for the last time.

Suddenly bazaars are ill and sends a partial to one: "Tell me that we need to put, nothing more needs." But this he only says that "nothing more needs," in fact he is timidly, but hopes to see a favorite image, hear a gentle voice, look into wonderful eyes. And Bazarov's dream comes true: Anna Sergeyevna comes and even brings a doctor with him. But she arrives not from love for Bazarov, she considers her duty of a bladded woman to give the last debt dying. At the sight of it, she did not rush with tears to his legs, as they rush to his beloved person, "she was simply frightened by some cold and troubling fright." Bazarov understood her: "Well, thanks. This is a kingdom. They say, the kings are also visited by dying. " Having waited for her, Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov dies on his favorite hands - dies with a strong, volitional who did not refund from his judgments that did not desperate in life, but alone and rejected.

The main psychological couple of the novel is Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The views of Nigilista Bazarov and Kirsanov were completely opposite. From the first meeting, they felt each other enemies. Pavel Petrovich, having learned that Eugene will have to have, asked: "This hairy?". And the bazaars in the evening I noticed Arkady: "And you have an uncle." Between them always arose contradictions. "We still have a fight with this lycakera, I am a presentiment," says Kirsanov. And it happened. Nihlist unreasonably proved the need for denial as a lifestyle and, naturally, by virtue of its low philosophical culture, it came out for the logically correct conclusions of the enemy. This was the basis of the hostility of heroes. Young people came to destroy and expose, and someone else will be built by the construction. "You all deny, or, or rather, you all destroy. Yes, because it is necessary and build, "says Evgenia Kirsanov. "This is no longer our business. At first you need to clear, "the bazaarov answers.

They argue about poetry, art, philosophy. Bazarov is striking and annoying Kirsanova with its comprehensive thoughts on the denial of personality, all the spiritual. But, after all, as if, Pavel Petrovich thought properly, to some extent his presentation is outdated. Of course, the principles in the ideals of fathers are departed into the past. Especially clearly it is shown in the scene of Duel Kirsanov and Eugene. "Duel," Turgenev wrote, "introduced for visual evidence of the emptiness of the elegant-noble knight, exposed exaggerated by comic." But with the thoughts of Nigilist, too, can not agree.

Attitude towards the people of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov Rvanoe. Pavel Petrovich the religiousness of the people, the life according to the students of the grandfathers seems to be original and valuable features of the people's life, they die. Basarovoy these qualities are hated: "The people believe that when the thunder rattles, this is Ilya-prophet in the chariot drives around the sky. Well? Do me agree with him? ". Pavel Petrovich: "He (People) cannot live without faith." Basaarov: "The gross superstition is stupid." The disagreements of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich regarding art, nature are viewed. From the point of view of Bazarov "Read Pushkin - Lost Time, Music Funny, Enjoy Natural Nature."

Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, loves nature, music. The maximalism of the Bazarov, believing that it is possible and necessary to rely only on their own experience and their own feelings, leads to the denial of art, as art is just a generalization and artistic understanding of someone else's experience. Art (and literature, and painting, and music) softens the soul, distract from the case. All this is "romanticism", "Chepuha". Bazarov, for which the main figure was a Russian man, crushed by poverty, "gross superstitions", seemed to be a blasphemous "interpret" about art, "unconscious creativity", when "the case goes about the bread."

In the novel, Turgenev "fathers and children" collided two strong, vivid character. In his views, the beliefs of Pavel Petrovich appeared in front of us as a representative of the "Scriming, Drying Force of the past", and Evgeny Bazarov - as part of the "destructive, liberating force of this".

The value of the concept of "psychological couple" in the Roman Turgenev, in my opinion, is that it allows not easy to watch the heroes and being passive spectators, but helps to compare, compare heroes, pushes the reader to the desired conclusions. Turgenev heroes live in relationships with each other.

The theme of love in the novel "Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev

Love is a very important technique for any novelist, and in particular for Turgenev, since in his novels heroes become themselves under the action of love. L. N. Tolstoy said: "Who is happy, that rights", but in the case of Turgenev novel, this statement can be rephrased: "Who loves, that rights." Another A. S. Pushkin in his novel "Eugene Onegin" sympathizes in turn first Tatiana, then Onegin, that is, the author is always on the side of that hero who is able to love. Pushkin welcomes the love of Onegin in every way, since this feeling should contribute, according to the author, the revival of the hero.

Turgenev has a slightly other love: this is intrigue, and it always takes a very important place in the work. The love plot in the "fathers and children" is built up for each of the heroes and is very well complemented by the author's characteristic of each of them. The story of love Paul Petrovich and the history of his life are described in the VII chapter as it were as an individual story given from the author's mouth, but according to the plot told by Arkady Bazarov. Love for Princess R. Defines the whole life of Pavel Petrovich. She became a woman of his life, and he really "all his life put on a female love card," as the bazaarov said then. And so, after the flight of the princess from Pavel Petrovich, he returned to

Russia, but his life cannot enter the habitual rut. Pavel Petrovich then just "took into a vague, twilight time, time of regrets, similar to hope, hopes, similar to regret, when youth passed, and old age has not yet come." It turns out that not only by age and the situation for replacing new people like Bazarov. It can be said that Pavel Petrovich was a man without the past, but also without the future, akin to "excess people." This is evidenced by the author's characteristic of Pavel Petrovich's behavior in the village: "It was rarely seen with the neighbors and went only to the elections, where he gave the greater part of the part, only occasionally a teasing and frightening landowners with the liberal leavings and not approaching the new generation representatives."

Turgenev reveals the history of the love story of another hero - Nikolai Petrovich. He loved his wife very much, named after her the estate ("Marino" in honor of Mary), but he loves Fennica. Here the author seeks to show that love can be not only once in life, and this polymanity is the most important mental experience.

If you look at the story of Love Nikolai Petrovich and Fuenuschi through the eyes of a detractor, it can be seen that Fencake - the daughter of the housekeeper and, it seems, not at all a couple of Nikolay Petrovich - nobleman in the years, especially considering what they live in a civil marriage. Fenechka is in ambiguous position: she is shy to Pavel Petrovich and Arkady, feels like a man of a lowest variety. Nikolai Petrovich loves Fengetics, but continues to remember the deceased wife, misses her and obviously, still loves her. This story may seem strange, and if you look from the point of view of the public, it just vulgar, but in fact, here Turgenev wanted to show that both of these love can get around in one person, because the love of deceased wife and longing for her can rather bring Nicholas Petrovich in the grave than to give him the strength to live; But the love of Fencake and the Little Son of Mitya is what gives Nikolai Petrovich to feel his need and integrity, gives his life some meaning.

Turgenev, like Pushkin, sympathizes those heroes that are capable of love. The brighter the contrast between the love lines of the other heroes and the relationship between Arcadias with Anna Odintova. Here Arkady - a smart man, thin, kind, generous - acts incapable of love. He could not figure out for a long time, who he loves - Anna or her sister Katerina. When he understands that for him, Katya was created for him, his return to his own, in the Lono of Fathers, the period of apprenticeship of the Bazar was ends, and their paths are completely divergent. Arkady is designed to return to the traditional way of life and deal with decent doctors - to make a family and to do the economy. Marrying on Kate, he says goodbye to his recent past. In the last chapter, which acts as a peculiar epilogue, Turgenev shows two weddings. When Arkady "did not solve the loud to offer" toast for the Bazar, it becomes clear that much has changed.

The contemporaries of Turgenev believed that he was dealt with Bazarov and showed the full collapse of his ideology, encountered his theory with real life, with love, with all its ambiguity. According to the plot, bazaarov, having acquainted with Anna Sergeyevny Odentova, gradually falls in love with her, and his love is strong. Suddenly it turns out that Bazarovsky cynicism (or what can be taken for its cynicism) is not a natural property, but one of the extremes of his youth. Cynicism is some soulful undeveloped, but it is not worth condemning the Bazar for it, as with age, as a rule, it passes. Love turns out to be much deeper than all his theories, no wonder bazaars, confessing in love, says he loves "stupid, madly," that is, the hero can not understand how it happened, does not see the meaning and logic.

Anna Odintova is perhaps the most insensible character in the whole novel. She "disappeared with her husband, does not depend on anyone," but she does not like not only her husband - she does not seem to love at all. She scares the love of Bazarov, because she did not meet such strength and such love and does not find a response to it. In the end, Anna comes to the conclusion that "calm still is best in the world."

In the XXVIII chapter of the novel, in Epilogue, Turgenev says that Anna Sergeyevna married not on love, but by conviction, for one of the future Russian figures, "young, kind and cold as ice." Turgenev absolutely does not believe in such love, but it is not important here, but the fact that in this background, putting the Bazarov before such a woman, Turgenev showed that the bazaars could love.

In the history of love, each of the heroes, of course, manifests the author's position. From the image of the hero, everything is exhausted and useless, only natural and truthful remains. It turned out that Nigilism of Bazarov - the phenomenon is applied that the bazaars can love, and hence it changes. In no way, he does not annoy the nihilism of his hero, he only wants to say that changes are the characteristic feature of a person that he is not static, he is peculiar change and this is the most valuable.

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