Larisa Udovichenko: Manka Bond and other bright roles. People's artist of russia larisa udovichenko: “they still tease me with a bond

Larisa Udovichenko: Manka Bond and other bright roles.  People's artist of russia larisa udovichenko: “they still tease me with a bond
Larisa Udovichenko: Manka Bond and other bright roles. People's artist of russia larisa udovichenko: “they still tease me with a bond

Full name the heroine of the series "The meeting place cannot be changed" - Maria Afanasyevna Kolyvanova (excellent role of Larisa Udovichenko).

A young woman is detained while running away from a restaurant during a general raid, and Zheglov recognizes in her an "old friend" Manka-bond. Maria is a very pretty person - young, well-groomed, with doll-like green eyes and light curls. True, at the time of her arrest, her left eye is adorned with an impressive fingal, and the manner of conversation, where a slang expression is inserted through the word, clearly indicates Manka's social position.

Zheglov notices Gruzdeva's bracelet on Manka, whose murder case is under his investigation. Citizen Kolyvanova is lying that the bracelet is old and has family value for her.

Upon learning that the jewelry was removed from the corpse, Manka-bond confesses that she received it as a gift from a thief named Smoked. Frightened to find herself in the dock because of the trinket, the detained woman is nervous and does not behave quite adequately - she cries, then laughs hysterically, then vulgarly lifts her skirt in front of Zheglov, exposing slender legs in stockings. As a result, she dutifully sits down to write an explanatory memorandum, in which she passes Smoked.

Quotes by Manka

So just tell me, I'll be faithful to you all my life.

My dad passed it on to me, who died at the front. And leaving for the war, he said: "Take care, daughter. The only memory for our mother is our dear." And he himself also died. And I was left alone, like a finger, in the whole world. And I have no help or support from anyone. Only you are trying to offend me more painfully. It is even more terrible to make my life ... already worn out.

Did you catch my hand, shameful wolf?

Only Smoked will not make a mess: his upbringing is not like that.

And treat the lady with a match, citizen boss.

Do not take it on show, garbage!

How do you spell it: bond or abligation?

Why should I answer for him? He almost let me down under the article, and I'm here to puff for him.

Now young people do not even know what it is, when the whole country, the streets of all cities are empty, if a new, and even an interesting movie is shown on TV. So it was in 1973, when all the inhabitants of the USSR watched "Seventeen Moments of Spring", and in the morning at work shared their impressions of watching. And then, in 1979, Zheglova and Sharapov were also discussed in the film series "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed." Actors - Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Konkin, who played the roles of detectives of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, were the most famous in the Soviet Union.

And the story itself aroused great interest among the audience. Against the backdrop of a great victory Soviet Union over Nazi Germany, post-war Moscow in August - November 1945 was flooded with various criminal groups. They felt quite at ease against the background of general devastation and tried to snatch more from the state, which survived hard times war.

"The meeting place cannot be changed": actors, history of creation

The script is based on the book "The Era of Mercy" that has just been published and has managed to be liked by many.

When Vysotsky got his hands on one of the first copies of the book, he went to Arkady Weiner and immediately announced that a film should be shot. And only he should be in the role of Zheglov. The writer himself was surprised, saying that there are many others. good actors: "For example, Nikolai Gubenko or Sergei Shakurov, both good, talented actors."

Vysotsky agreed that they are good actors, but the image of Zheglov, a police captain who works not just in the police, but in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, and even in the Department for Combating Banditry, will only succeed well.


The creators of the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" chose the actors and roles almost unanimously. There was a real struggle for the role of Sharapov. Many auditioned for this role famous actors... But as a result, Vladimir Konkin was selected and approved.

Actors Leonov-Gladyshev and Andrei Gradov were chosen for the role, as they say now, of a policeman "undercover" for the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed". But Gradov refused, Leonov was able to play a short screen time, but vivid image cheerful and optimistic thief Vekshin. And even if this role is small, but due to its tragedy, it engraves in the memory of the viewer for a long time.

The blotter surprised everyone

And for the role of Blotter in the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" Ivan Bortnik was approved immediately.

The famous scene, where the bandits emerge from the basement of the store, surrounded by a detachment of the Moscow police, did not work for a long time. The scene was gray and static. The bandits silently left the store and silently sat in the "funnels".

And at the request of director S. Govorukhin to somehow revive the episode, Ivan Bortnik thought about it and climbed into the basement. At the command "motor" a real criminal "blotter" came out of the basement, shouting and swearing on the go: "Garbage, bitches ...". On the way, he sang the verse "... In the dock." And when the "police" were driving him to the car, passing by Zheglov-Vysotsky, he even managed to spit in his face.

I must say that real employees were filmed in the role of policemen, and when they saw this behavior of the actor, they believed that they were a real criminal. And they began to be much tougher and even hit me several times on the way to the "funnels". At the same time, they hit quite tangibly, so that the actor screamed in pain. And then the militiamen shouted "Oh, you creature, but we'll run you over here right now!" ...

As soon as the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" was released, the actors began to receive letters from the audience. For example, one of the spectators who worked in the court was amazed at how Bortnik conveyed the character of a criminal "blotter". By the nature of her work, she had seen many criminals and was surprised at how accurately the inferiority and stupidity of people of this kind of activity was shown.

Post-war Moscow

Against the background of rampant crime in Moscow Soviet authorities decided to reinforce the ranks of the Moscow militia with soldiers returning from the front. This sounded especially well in the phrase of junior sergeant Varvara Lisichkina (Natalya Danilova) - "we will soon be replaced by more experienced front-line soldiers." One of these front-line soldiers turned out to be former intelligence officer, senior lieutenant Sharapov. And he was immediately "lucky" - he got to the investigation of the murder of Larisa Gruzdeva.

I must say that the Weiner brothers took the real criminal case of Evgeny Mirkin on charges of murdering his wife and sentenced to death penalty... After the verdict was passed, the Murovites continued the case and found materials that confirmed the doctor's innocence. Thanks to the work of detectives from the MUR, Mirkin was acquitted.

The story of the "black cat" gang, which terrorized Moscow with its forays, robbed shops and warehouses, is also organically interwoven into the plot of the film. As shown in the film, the criminals did not spare anyone - neither the elderly, nor women, nor children.

It was against the background of such events that the actors were selected for the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed". The blotter was like collectively typical criminals of those times.

Charming antihero

In 1975 the New Year comedy "The Irony of Fate ...!" Was released on the screens of the country. In it, one of the memorable supporting roles was played by the actor Alexander Belyavsky.

But the real fame was brought to the actor by the role of Eugene Fox. And until now, the audience, with the name of this actor, remember the charming bastard Fox as main job this actor.

Vladimir Vysotsky proposed the candidacy of Belyavsky, an urgent telegram was sent from Odessa to Moscow with a proposal to act in the film. Interestingly, the artist himself was not in Moscow. At this time, he mastered the received six acres in the village of Ershovo. But as soon as he found out that the film was supposed to involve Yursky, Vysotsky, Konkin and Dzhigarkhanyan, he put off farming and boarded a plane.

According to the director S. Govorukhin himself, for the role negative character the actors auditioned for the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed". Fox, as the director intended, was only achieved by Alexander Belyavsky. Although initially Boris Khimichev was approved for this role.

According to the actor himself, if this role made him famous, but for a long time ruined his film career. Many directors, after the release of the Soviet blockbuster on the wide screens of the country, did not see Belyavsky in another role, except as an "antihero".

Eh, Manya! ...

Manka Bond played by Larisa Udovichenko became a bright and memorable role. And this despite the fact that she was originally offered the role of Vary. But the artist immediately announced - either she will play the Bond, or she will not appear in the film at all.

For this role in the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", the actors also auditioned for others. The audience could see the actress Lyubov Polishchuk in this image.

But now it has become famous phrase: "Abligation or Bond?" is tightly connected with the image of Manka performed by Larisa Udovichenko.

Spectators, not spoiled by Soviet cinema, wrote letters to the artist even from prisons. And she had to turn to the real police for help with a request to protect her from the attention of such fans.

Musical arrangement

And, of course, it was not without music and songs. But no matter how much Vysotsky wanted to sing in this series, and there were even plans to include in final scenes each episode of the song performed by everyone's favorite bard, but it was decided to abandon these plans. And this decision allowed the film to preserve the spirit of that time.

The only episode where a small excerpt from Vertinsky's song is included was performed by Vysotsky, but the lyrics were interspersed with a conversation with Sharapov.

But the film was not without music at all. The scenes in the restaurant were played with famous singer... In the background, among the restaurant orchestra, Sergei Mazaev plays the saxophone.

Also, in the episode of waiting for the start of the film, the song "Unsuccessful date" was performed in the cinema in the lobby.

The songs themselves were performed professional musicians for the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", the actors only played on the soundtracks.

Also in the film the song "Bombers" was sounded, where it is sung by the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, riding in the bus on Saturday.

In the episode where Fox is dancing with a waitress, the tango Jalousie ("Jealousy") sounds, which was written in the 1920s by the Dane Jocob Garde.

Professional criminal

The thief in law, already well-known at that time, the artist Yevgeny Evstigneev, brilliantly played.

He managed to convey the image of a professional thief who had a narrow specialization - things from the theatrical wardrobe. Here you cannot do without the help of a beauty. It was she who took things out of the wardrobe according to the number, which Ruchechnik knew how to get out of the pockets of rich spectators. For many viewers it has become catch phrase, said to him during interrogation at Zheglov: "And today, fast day?"

I said hunchback!

For the role of gang members in the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", the actors were also colorful. The gang members were played by:

  • Sasha Belyavsky.
  • Victor Pavlov.
  • Valeria Zaklunnaya (mistress of "Humpbacked").
  • Ivan Bortnik.
  • Oleg Savosin.
  • Volodya Zharikov.
  • Tatiana Tkach (Fox's friend).
  • Alexander Abdulov.
  • Rudolf Mukhin (gang driver).

And, of course, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan (the leader of the Karp gang).

Now it is already known that the role of Karp was offered to the actor Rolan Bykov. Despite all the artist's excuses for his small stature, this role was given to him.

But during the filming of the episodes with Karp, Bykov ended up in the clinic with a heart attack. And then in urgent order it was decided to invite Armen Dzhigarkhanyan to this role. And despite the fact that at that time he had never heard anything about the novel "Era of Mercy", he agreed to shoot. And now it is difficult to imagine another "hunchback" instead of A. Dzhigarkhanyan.

Start of filming

After showing on blue screens of the film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" the actors and the roles they played became instantly famous throughout the country. I must say that the motion picture was not marked state awards, although it came out for the holiday of the Day of the Police.

32 years ago, on May 10, shooting of this five-part film began in the city of Odessa. During the absence of Stanislav Govorukhin, Vladimir Vysotsky continued to work on the film. And I must say, the filming process under his leadership was significantly accelerated. If the process of the episode was designed according to the script for seven days, Vysotsky managed to shoot in four. At the same time, the whole troupe took part in the discussion of how best to film this or that episode.

The film became popular

Now this project has become a favorite among many fans of Soviet cinema. And phrases from the tape: "There is a suspicion, my dear man, that you are a snitch", "Coffee-coffee-coffee ... What kind of coffee?", "Well, you have a face, Sharapov!" ... "- many people often said, especially trying to emphasize the hoarseness of Vysotsky's voice.

The film "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" itself, the actors, photographs of the footage have become the property of many cinema-lovers' sites.

The everyday life of criminal investigation officers is rarely cheerful, the police see too much grief, suffering, and deception. But even in their practice, there are truly curious cases from the category "you can't imagine it on purpose."

Version 1, tragic

One night a young girl came to the duty station and filed a rape report. Three men. The case is not an ordinary one, the group on duty went to the arrest. The first thing that the operatives heard from the suspects who opened the door for them was: "Well, we must, and we were going to go to you to write a statement" -?!?!

Version 2, real

Three friends celebrated the birthday of one of them in a nightclub. The evening was a success, I didn't want to leave, so it was decided to continue the celebration at the birthday man's dacha. And for the ennobling of the men's team, they invited a lady who worked in this institution.

In a friendly company we arrived at the dacha, to create a relaxed atmosphere, we drank at brotherhood, and then the gentlemen decided to go to the bathhouse to feel even more at ease. The girl refused to go with them.

When the lovers of wellness procedures returned to the house, they did not find either a lady or cell phones (the story happened back in 2000, when cell phones were just beginning to appear, they were expensive, and some kind of Ericsson push-button was an indicator of the incredible coolness of its owner), no cash.

In a stressful situation, the brain begins to work in a turbo mode: there is only one road from the dacha village to the city, the insidious getter could not go far. They quickly caught up with the fugitive in a car, took away all the stolen property, finally expressed everything they thought about her and went home.

In one fell swoop all enemies are beaten

The girl turned out to be a tough nut to crack: work time spent, the money she was flattered with (the stolen amount was rather big and significantly exceeded the one that the specialist would have received for her work) slipped out of her hands along with the cell phones. And what should the "mother" carry in this case? - you cannot return empty-handed.

And a brilliant plan arose, like beating all the enemies in one fell swoop (and getting the money): go to the police, write a rape report and inform greedy clients about it - let them get it right and pay for her to take her statement.

Of course, after hearing this heartbreaking story from the outraged men, the operatives laughed and said goodbye that it was unreasonable, ugly and generally dangerous for serious men to visit prostitutes. And that was the end of it.

Who are you, Manka-Bond?

The biography, of course, is rich: a prostitute, and even steals in a petty way, stipulates, tries, if possible, to avoid work, but at the same time to get her own benefit. All these are links in one chain that fit into a well-defined pattern of behavior characteristic of only one type of women. As Yuri Burlan says at his trainings on systemic vector psychology, only the owners of the skin vector can follow this path. It is they who, by nature, have a slender beautiful body, a quick mind, an instant reaction and, most importantly, the concept of benefit-benefit is in priority, and under certain conditions they become confused.
With proper development, all these qualities would help the girl, especially if there is also a visual vector, over time to become an excellent athlete, dancer, beloved teacher, successful business woman or muse, inspiring her chosen one to create brilliant works or accomplish great feats.

And if these innate properties were suppressed, did not develop, the picture is exactly the opposite. All the same dexterity, flexibility, resourcefulness remain, but they remain in an archetypal state, and now there will be enough intelligence not to organize the work of the company as efficiently as possible or to play a role in the play in the most emotional way, but how to weigh the buyer on the market, what kind of scam to come up with in order to make money quickly or how to use your body as an asset as profitable as possible, becoming a prostitute.

And as a result, instead of Thais Athens, Isadora Duncan, Irina Rodnina, a trader on trust, Sonya-Zolotaya Ruchka or Manka-Bond, will grow out of a girl, who is "a lady who is pleasant in all respects, but does not want to work and generally leads an antisocial lifestyle."

Why does it happen this way and only so that it does not allow development natural properties people with a skin vector, and as a result, it is Manka that grows out of the girl, and not Thais at all, or, for example, Fox becomes Fox, although he could become Zheglov - the answer is given system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using materials

The images of these ladies, pleasant in all respects, have long become classics. Many even put an equal sign between these images - they say they are both criminals. And there is nothing to take an example from them.
But in fact, the only thing that they have in common is their origin. Both were daughters of criminals.
And then two big differences begin ...

Sonya (aka Sheindlya-Sura Leibova Solomoniak) was still a criminal.
Her image is crystal clear - a high society thief, a sort of Arsene Lupine in a skirt. From 1884 to 1915 Madame Golden Hand whistled to rob bankers, timber merchants and other suckers. Sonya worked in Odessa, Moscow and St. Petersburg. I prepared all my operations in advance. She specially grew long nails in order to hide diamonds under them and take them out of jewelry stores.
In short, Sonya became a legend of the criminal world during her lifetime. Because I didn’t come across.
Once she was still caught and even taken to Sakhalin. But Sonya did not get to hard labor. Anton Palych Chekhov, seeing an adventurer on Sakhalin, expressed doubts: "It cannot be that it was her. The convict sniffs the air all the time, like a mouse in a mousetrap, and her expression is that of a mouse."
And the inhabitants of Odessa claimed in 1921 when the Cheka shot her last lover, Sonya was driving in a car along Deribasovskaya street and scattering money "for her husband's funeral." The last days of the Golden Hand lived in Moscow. And here on Vagankovsky cemetery they erected a shykar monument to her - female figure of white marble under black palm trees. Its pedestal is covered with inscriptions like: "Sonya, teach me how to live" or "Mother, give happiness to Zhigan".

But Manka - what colors will she be?
It seems that Zheglov's hint is understandable: it's time, they say, to evict you beyond the 101st km. So in those years prostitutes were frightened.
The same Zheglov claims that Manka's dad "The sniffer was famous, he smashed safes like bones from compote."
And Schneiffer's daughter couldn't possibly be a prostitute.
Safe Ripper was a prestigious and respected profession in the criminal world in those years. So the sidekick of the late Afanasy Kolyvanov would have put his unlucky daughter on knives long ago if she began to dishonor the surname ...

One more clear confirmation of the vague image we find in a phrase that has already become folklore: “We must remember that you are not Manka, but Maria Afanasyevna Kolyvanova, that you are a man and that you are a citizen, and not the devil knows what ...”
This contemptuous "devil knows what" can be interpreted as follows: Zheglov does not have a more precise word for defining Manka's occupation ...

Arkady Vayner characterizes Manka in one of his letters not at all as a corrupt woman, but rather as a parasite: “She spends her life, for what money it is not clear, one word - a jumping dragonfly”.
Thus, a certain lady of the half-world appears, entering the then “parties” - both Nepman and thieves.

And here are Manka's descriptions from the Weiner brothers' book “The Era of Mercy:
... I just now properly examined Manya: a pretty round face with round doll-like eyes, lips are painted with a heart, and curled yellow curls are laid in a fashionable mesh with flies. Under a round green eye, a liquid glossy fingal shone, iridescent like a Christmas tree toy.
... Manya opened her purse, took out a piece of sugar and very deftly threw it from her palm into her mouth, rolled it over her cheek with a pink cat's tongue, and so it looked like a rubber hamster in a shop window " Children's world"on Kirovskaya, she sat opposite the operatives, tastefully sucking sugar and looking at them with transparent eyes. Zheglov sat down next to her, tilting his head slightly to one side, and from the side they seemed like a painted postcard with two lovers and the inscription:" I love my love, like a dove to a dove. "

From these descriptions I found out for myself that Manka:
a) fashionable (mesh with flies),
b) secured (sugar gnaws when the whole country lives on ration cards),
c) communicates with bad guys (fingal).

At the same time, Zheglov stabs Manka carefully, without collisions (and not like, for example, citizen Gruzdev). Everything suggests that she is not a criminal, but a lost sheep that can still be saved and reforged ...
And it is possible that, having passed the relapsed person Smoked with giblets, Maria stopped leading an antisocial lifestyle and became one of the millions of normal Soviet citizens.

There must be morality here
Anything about the fact that you have to repent of your sins and become a normal Soviet citizen. But I have a completely different thought in my head: if Manka had taken up dark affairs in an adult way, and a monument would have been erected to her. And so go and find out where her grave is ...