Compatibility of Aries and Scales: the harmonious union of two opposites. Warrior and Princess: Male Compatibility Aries and Women Scales

Compatibility of Aries and Scales: the harmonious union of two opposites. Warrior and Princess: Male Compatibility Aries and Women Scales
Compatibility of Aries and Scales: the harmonious union of two opposites. Warrior and Princess: Male Compatibility Aries and Women Scales

If you believe the stars, Aries and scales are fully compatible, since their patrons Mars with Venus are not against this union.

Love Compatibility: 100%
Marriage compatibility: 40%

Aerial sign and fiery fit among themselves in many parameters. For example, the air element of the weights helps to flare the fire of Aries, and both signs are capable of numerous exploits. In addition, Aries is always energy and vigor, activity and courage, and scales are objectivity and prudence. And these are two good interlocutor. Venus's pets will definitely stop Mars's wards, if they are solved on some nonsense or adventures. In addition, they perfectly understand people and are able to protect her friend of Aries from unnecessary personalities.

Most of the representatives of the sign of Aries love to argue, but the scales often choose the tactics of the observer, patiently waiting until the opponent is finished. Weighs are also peculiar to the readiness and sentimentality, which in the Union with the Ovant goes to them in a plus, bringing satisfaction.

The air sign can not be alone for a long time, so if fate will reduce it with a partner as Aries, it will definitely try to blame with a warlike person and arrange the most comfortable union.

Male Aries - Woman Scales

The guy Zodiac Aries, despite his cheerful and frivolous temper, tend to show power and despotism. This suggests that the rules for him are not written, well, except for them. The essence of the phenomena is a representative of the constellation of Aries grabbing a raid, and the will of his unshakable and strong.

A man-Aries can be very quickly captivated and cool, so it's not strange that some of his works remain unfinished. Around the fiery handsome man always spins many ladies, ready for everything. This Casanova rarely belongs to someone alone, because of which behind the Aries, as a rule, the "tail" of two or three girls with broken hearts stretches.

Woman constellation scales differ modesty since childhood, so hardly needs a crowd of fans. But, however, the airway is not against the worship itself, because thanks to him she blooms, becoming more beautiful. Scales - an extraordinarily feminine and cute girl, prone to early marriage. And, it should be noted, a man who has achieved her favor will really find happiness, as airborne nymph is capable of becoming a great wife.

The scales girl really appreciates good music, art and all that surrounds it. Because of this, its requests are exorbitantly high, becoming sometimes caused by her loneliness. But all the ladies-weights are missing for a long time to miss, as they are self-sufficient personality, and when it does not work with love, switch to creative work or make a career.

Dating guy-Aries with a girl-scales

The fiery Aries with air scales can anywhere - on the beach, exhibition, in the store. They, by and large, similar to the addiction and hobbies that pushed them to each other. A love guy-Aries rapidly pay attention to modest scales and immediately starts to take her, blowing his tail fan and putting all his skills into the move.

Scales love beautiful compliments, but flirting very rarely. If Aries is smart, instantly understand that under the shadow of the virtue and the modest is hidden by an unrestrained temperament. Only this fiery man will not hurt to know that simply to replenish this woman of the woman of the row of fans will not work, because it is a creature of another discharge, but, it means, it should be completely different from another scenario.

The air lady loves smart and gallant cavaliers, so the Aries have a chance to interest scales with its brilliant eloquence. Representatives of the specified signs it is better to remove banal phrases from their lexicon if they want, of course, that their acquaintance is further developed. For this purpose, it is advisable to get one of the advantages from the shops and enchant each other. After all, at the elements of Aries and scales are absolutely different, and that Cupid believes in their future union and did not regret arrows, they will have to try.

Date of Scales with Ove

The appointment of a date in the knocked pair is the prerogative of a guy-Aries. So that no part is overshadowed it, a fiery sign will have to think through everything: the route of the road, the script and other nuances. The girl-scales surprise is somewhat difficult, but Aries will show all their talents, and the date will be more than perfect.

To come to a meeting with the lady of the sign of the Libra fiery Aries best in elegant clothes, not forgetting to grab a bouquet of modest, but extraordinarily cute flowers. Why are they? And because almost every Venusian woman appreciates simplicity more, and not an excessive luxury. The scales themselves will prepare thoughtfully - will not allow deficiencies in the outfit, nor in make-up, that the picky Aries will have to do.

Aries with weights are best in some quiet restaurant, which serves unobtrusive and imperceptible waiters. After that, the air girl will not protest if the new cavalier leads it to the opera or theater. True, the Aries to go for such a step for the sake of the lady, you will have to drink at least a liter of coffee, since this man is not a special hunter to such a pastime, and it brings sleep on him.

So that a date has passed safely and gained a continuation, the Aries will have to try to hear your head and keep hands behind his back. After all, the scale of the scale of the scale will never endure the arrogance and familiarity from the unfamiliar man!

Wards Venus also will not hurt to take into account some moments - the modesty is attractive, yes, but with the guy the guy of the Aries sign will not put up. Therefore, a little flirting with this man will definitely benefit. In order for the dialogue to take place at ease, a bottle of excellent wine and a slight snack to it is very useful to a pair of Aries-scales.

Intima in the first meeting of fire-air signs is better to avoid, because the sympathy arises will still lead the Aries with weights to him, it remains only to wait for love, which is not far from the far mountains.

Aries-man and woman scales in love

The persistent amrofer had to spend a bunch of arrows in order to specifically fell in love with the scales with another each other. But the goal is achieved, the couple overwhelmed the love feelings in which they are like in a fairy tale. The fiery guy is unusually pulling to the air girl and it seems that it is simply unrealistic to part.

Emotional Aries is a real owner, so he will want to immediately sharpen his beauty-scales under the castle. Oils in the fire suddenly the activated fans of the ward of Venus, who were fortunate less than the pet Mars. Surprisingly, she learned that the scales met her prince in the face of Aries, they will be stubbornly called her, hoping for some feelings that, of course, would not remain unnoticed by jealous cavalier.

The guy-Aries is also not ideal and always has a queue of abandoned fans who simply cannot allow their idol to be happy with some kind of imposty-scale. In general, a couple for meetings will have to look for secret and deserted places, so as not to come across the fans on both sides and do not spoil the charm to each other.

Jealousy will be a constant companion of a pair of Aries-scales and therefore, if the guy with a girl does not want to part, they will have to make their emotions and completely forget all their past hobbies.

Relationship of Aries

Missing Aries and weights almost never have to never have, as their difference will not allow it. In addition, they will constantly support common friends, little believers that astrology is capable of bad things.

But the next relatives of the sweet pair of Aries + scales just the opposite - they will ride all sorcerers and psychics in the hope of breaking this, in their opinion, the vicious union as soon as possible. But experts of all kinds of levels will be able to convince a restless relative to the fact that love is serious, and that she has already launched roots in the hearts of their children.

True, the scales can succumb to external influence and even try to escape from his beloved. But the guy-Aries will be able to prove the beloved that all the difficulties are solved, and problems do not stand their separation.

Aries and scales at first should be abstained by joint residence. It is better for them to just meet, enjoying mutual society. You look, and the relatives of the little thing will face, and the lovers themselves will be convicted that the life is spoiled - not for them.

For the relationship of man-Aries with a woman-scale did not enter the dead end, they are better to give mutual freedom more often. This means that the mutual control and established framework should be completely eliminated.

Male Aries with Woman-Scales Marriage

The family of Aries with weights will be able to be able to negotiate their some habits. For example, the air wife does not need to greatly exacerbate the situation when the husband stays at work several times, and he needs to break all the ties with the former friends, and not to continue with them a correspondence, upseting his young wife. Male-Aries and Woman Scales are not ready to seriously quarrel, because they are obliged to agree - the problems decide immediately and not to take out of the house, whatever they touch!

Jealous Nature of spouses (and Aries, and Scales) Nowhere, of course, will not go, but with the exacerbation of the situation to help their native spouses will hurry. Yes, it is the relatives who have come to this time with the Union of Aries-Scales by this time and are now ready to give them and money, and valuable advice - if only the young were together.

The kids who will appear in the family of Aries and scales, distract all attention to themselves. Spouses will soon be aggravated by any situations - they will completely turn into caring parents of smart and obedient children. And rather soon dad-Aries with a mammary will become an authority for them, since the air and fire signs are good knowledge of educational tactics.

But engage in children, wife-scales and spouse her Aries are not obliged to forget about themselves. They at least sometimes need to entertain themselves to make a new stream in relation. Of course, now Aries will not be able to get lost on a couple of days, having fun with buddies. But the watch for three strict scales should let him go at least once a month, like him.

Aries-Male and Woman Scales - Friends

The weights with the autumn may have excellent friendship since childhood, despite the fact that Venusiance is more like solitude, and Aries is characterized by impulsivity. The fiery boy is always a clogging and started, so it is not strange that he is involved in all street scuffle. But the girl's girl is most often quietly sits in a corner and watches with delight. If someone tries to be offended, then the young knight in the face of the Aries will quickly put in place, explaining that the scales are his client.

With age, friendly relations of Aries with weights increase and stronger. And while the guy-Aries conquers another girl, the scales are always on guard of his rest: the young girlfriend will not let your friend, if it does not suit him only in its famous parameters.

Meaning Ove friends with weights can rarely, but, if they come together - cutting the candles and throw the candelabra. General friends adore when they come up with all sorts of entertainment together, and no one bakes.

Woman's scales will never bother his frivolous friend of Aries and will forgive him the unfulfilled promises. For example, the guy of the fire promised to help his girlfriend scales with relocation, but on the way he ran to a friend - she would not throw himself to call him, but would cause movers. And all because after the misconduct the fire sign will certainly ask for forgiveness and pour scales with pleasant gifts.

Partnership Scales and Aries

Scales and Aries are easily inspired by new things, which means that the man and the lady of these zodiac signs can be good partners. Fiery, as well as aerial representatives, in themselves are not bad businessmen, but union become material geniuses.

Scales will definitely help the Aries with the analysis of all the details of the future business, along the course, byshming some of his unsuccessful ideas. After all, the fiery guy in the head is crowded by an irreplaceable number of ideas, which only at first glance seem successful. And he, on the contrary, will help weighs brighter to express himself in creativity, especially if the Aries will clearly see her writer or design depositors.

The air lady is extremely wise and will not give up his Aries to ruin, realizing that such a companion must still be searched. After all, the bold thoughts of this guy with a smart approach can lead to an excellent result.

Male fire and lady air is better to be friends than to enjoy. In a joint partnership, a couple is not worth letting the distrust and lies, otherwise all the case will look like a card house. However, this man in tandem with an air lady shows all his mind and calcality. And both understand that without supporting each other, they are nowhere, and constantly ready for assignments and compromises.

The relationship of the Male Aries and Women Scales is very well safe at the first stage. Aries, as is known, managed by the planet Mars. Therefore, for a man of this sign, it is very important to feel the conqueror and owner of the best. Attractive, charming and very flexible woman under the sign of weights can arrange this harsh man. She will gladly talk to him compliments, emphasizing even those traits that are noticeable surrounding. A man of Aries will be proud of his woman. After all, he really likes when other men pay attention to his woman. And the woman scales usually have a good figure, a developed sense of style and beauty, natural brightness, so no one doubts that the best gift of fate got a random.

A man in such a pair behaves like a boy. Externally, of course, nothing in it gives out. On the contrary, the representative of the sign of Aries is very courageous, a firmly folded man. Woman scales must learn a little tricks so that the partner has a feeling that he constantly wins.

For this couple is characterized by endless magnetism. Passion to each other is so strong that they are able to forget about everything in the world. The surrounding seems that a man Aries and a woman scales are experiencing the influence of the witchcraft char. This is quite explained, because the woman is managing the planet Venus. Venus and Mars - the best combination.

In relations both will try to be honest. But the man of Aries is overly stubborn, and the woman's scales are prone to neurosis every time she understands that she does not give time to thinking and subordinate to themselves. Having lost the feeling of calm and inner harmony, a woman scales will try to dissuade their partner from rampant and speaking solutions. Male Aries does not tolerate direct instructions, and even more critics. Seeing how his half begins to doubt that he considers the only true, a man of Aries begins to spray. He does not understand how this suddenly beloved does not appreciate his mind, genius, pushing the correctness of his thoughts.

Woman scales in these stormy dialogues even more loses life equilibrium, opens up with everything on the other hand. Such relationships can bring it to the nervous breakdown. Trying to restore yourself, the woman's scales often decides to pause in relationships. The feeling of magnetism does not give her to get away from his beloved man, but the woman scales can leave one on vacation if not to continue endless disputes.

If such a woman has a wealth of experience in relationships, she can try to bypass sharp corners in love relatives with a man under the sign of Aries. A man of Aries will see that each time is offered an alternative to his decision. For example, it is not conceived today, and tomorrow. The task of a woman scales convince their partner in the fact that he, no doubt, is geniant, but just for him will be better to accomplish a little later. This formed reserve of time usually leads to the fact that a man of Aries can change the decision taken earlier.

If a man of Aries has more influence of the Moon on his life, then some critical comments of his beloved he will be able to take with humor. Difficulties in decision-making speed will interfere with this pair and in matters of child education. If a man of Aries will achieve serious success and high material position by this time, then the reasons for criticism from a woman will be less than. Combination may well be played: "Dad is smart, mom-painting." Otherwise, the children will be drawn into endless disputes about whether to carry out the conceived dad.

Usually at the end of each conversation for souls, a man of Aries will promise a woman's scales that it will definitely be more restrained and patient. But the man of Aries is not able to fight with its nature.

Woman scales should be ready in such relations and to the discussion of "enemies" of his man. Trying to explain that another point of view has the right to be, as well as in the actions of the enemy there is some kind of logic. A man of Aries perceives it as a betrayal.

If a scale of the scale manage to manipulate his man, then it is important that he would not guessed about it. Rather, a man of Aries understands that they are managed, but it is impossible to use one model of behavior in relation to it. Clear boundaries that can draw a woman scales will cause aggression and active resistance in a man. As a result, a man of Aries can make a decision to break the relationship forever. And he leaves, loudly clapping the door.

Surprisingly, but also to indulge, what a man of Aries wants, a woman's scales should not. The stormy tower of the lover requires the resistance to him. Then the feeling of the conqueror does not leave him, and he becomes happy.

The desire to defeat influence even the intimate life of the couple. One must lead one, and this is a man Aries. In this case, the woman will see how romantic, gentle and sophisticated lover is capable of being a man of Aries. If a man of Aries feel that his half wants to become a leader, he is able to turn into Tirana.

A man of Aries must feel that he is resting next to his beloved woman, but does not bored. Woman scales must constantly enchant him, and best - if it will set new tasks before him. Then the man of Aries will hurry to conquer new peaks, performing the cherished wishes of a woman scales.

Despite the harmony laid down by the planets, this couple will not be able to be happy if it does not be able to negotiate about the rules of the game. Alas, but a woman's scales will have to forget about his claims for the championship, if he wants to preserve the relationship. This, of course, can destroy the inner harmony. But the woman's scales can be sure that it will be infinite to adell in response, although a man of Aries and is selfish in nature. All this is possible if the relationship will not be built only on sexual deposition. Only real love will help this pair to achieve everything conceived and not lose the severity in their relationship.

Aries and scales are located on the opposite sides of the zodiac constellation, but despite this, the compatibility of this pair is very high. Their union is always peculiar, but it can be very strong. Such opposite characters are attracted from the first minutes of dating. The couple knows how to negotiate, therefore, there are rarely disagreements between the representatives of these two signs of the zodiac. Both partners are open to self-improvement, so pleased with each other, acquiring the necessary life experience. Aries implicit the prudence of the scales. The success of the relationship is related to the fact that partners do not try to remake their half, and none of them seeks to leadership.

Aries Aries and Woman Scales - Compatible

When meeting between a man, a man and a woman, the scale always arises mutual personal attraction. In its natural nature of Aries and scales, real wrestlers conquerors and, being together, they double their strength. This union is based on complete mutual understanding and harmony reigns in it.

In love relationships (loving compatibility 71%)

The compatibility of the Male Aries and Women Weighs in Love Relations is pretty high, although not ideal. The powerful and emotional partner attracts a soft and judicial lady. Aries immediately falls in love with his elegant and refined choices and will strive to preserve his admiration for a long time.

Both partners support cleanliness of feelings. The compatibility of the pair in love is related to the fact that partners completely exclude treason. The slightest reason for jealousy can destroy relationships.

It is important that the man understands that his chosen one needs to feel his beloved. He must surround it with such care and caress, so that she does not have a desire to turn to other men in society. The girl's scales should always be proud of his companion, it will allow her to not notice other men, and, therefore, not provoke the jealousy of his beloved by passion.

Love relations in a pair of Aries and scales, as a rule, are stored for life. This is facilitated by the desire of a woman scales to compromise in the most difficult household situations. Despite natural hotness, Aries takes such an approach to solving problems.

In bed (compatibility in sex 88%)

In general, the compatibility of the Men Aries and Women Weighs in Beds is very high, although it should be aware that at the initial stage of sexual relationships almost always misunderstanding. This is due to the fact that Aries manifests its factories and seeks to do everything in its own way, and the election of the scales believes that the sex is better "equality" and does not give up his desires.

But the high compatibility of a couple in bed allows you to quickly overcome such disagreements, and the partners begin to just enjoy sex without filling in internal contradictions. Over time, they start perfectly feeling each other. They both in bed are not afraid of experiments. In addition, sex filled with positive helps them to be successful and in other areas of vital activity.

Married (compatibility in family life 73%)

Representatives of these signs of the zodiac create strong families based on complete mutual understanding and support. This is evidenced by the high compatibility of partners in marriage. But at the same time, family relationships will be harmonious only if people tried to learn partner better before the wedding.

Very often, such a couple decides to live together before we offer a relationship to make sure your own feelings and will adapt into everyday life. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac immediately distribute duties. Global family questions always solves the spouse and is fully responsible for their mistakes. The spouse is responsible for organizing a reliable rear, and everything should be at the level, because for Aries, comfort is very important in everyday life.

High compatibility of Aries and scales in marriage is explained by the fact that the spouse is distinguished by natural wisdom. And acquiring the experience of family life, it becomes a real custodian of a homely hearth. She manages to smooth all conflicts, find compromises in case of problems and soothe quick-tempered from the nature of her husband. In the family always reigns well-being, as it controls spending and does not allow the wasteful Aries thoughtlessly spend money.

Spouses jointly solve all questions. They are great parents and create a favorable cozy atmosphere in a family for children, which contributes to their versatile development.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 32%)

Compatibility in friendship in man Aries and women scales that are peers very low. The thing is that any friendly relationships are almost always turned into a love relationship. Next to the Ove partner always feels a real lady, and she will not be able to behave in companions. On the other hand, Aries always responds to femininity in a natural way, which eliminates the development of friendly relations.

But if partners relate to different generations, there may be strong friendly relations between them. At the same time, they truly support their satellites, help them develop and overcome life obstacles. Especially strong maybe friendship in the event that people bind overall work.

Male Scales and Woman Aries - Compatible

The union between the guy Scales and the Girl of Aries almost always develops successfully. But such a couple from the side will seem strange. The thing is that the leadership positions in such a tandem always occupies a woman. The partner is quite satisfied with it, since it is not ready to resist the difficulties and make responsible decisions by virtue of a natural nature.

In love relationships (loving compatibility 51%)

Men's compatibility Scales and Aries women in love relationships are at the middle level. This is due to the fact that not every man can fall in love with a woman who prefers to be a leader in everything. But on the other hand, the scale is a soft sign of the zodiac, so the main thing for him, so that harmony rear in relations, which means that he will be able to relate to the activity of the partner, if he felt that she sincerely loves him.

At the initial stage of love relationships, one of the partners can attempt to change a loved one. But soon the understanding of how useless it is. Therefore, the Girl Aries will cease to categorically defend its positions, the satellite scales will learn to adequately respond to emotions of the chosen. Against the background of complete mutual understanding, love will flash with a new force.

The guy scales attracts the factories and courage to the beloved. And the Girl of Aries attract the calm and tact of the chosen one, that is, the qualities of the character who do not have the most. This explains the compatibility of scales and Aries in love. Partners perfectly complement each other and are capable of drawing strength in love, to achieve significant success in the life.

In bed (compatibility in sex 95%)

Compatibility of satellites in bed is almost perfect. The passion between these people arises almost immediately after the meeting. But, nevertheless, in order for a complete idyll in the intimate sphere, both partner will have to adapt.

The thing is that a woman in such a pair prefers slow, erotic sex, and frantic Aries can not always adapt to such requirements. But there will be very little time and partners will learn to adapt, in order to deliver the maximum pleasure of their half.

Aries girl admits any experiments in sex, and since the chosen one is not compacted in the intimate sphere, he will gladly respond to all the wishes of the partner. That is why compatibility of scales and Aries in bed perfect.

Married (family life compatibility 61%)

If, after a bouquet-candy period, partners remained together, they may well make a decision to conclude a marriage. And such unions are very successful. After all, while they met, the young man adapted to his elected and learned to understand her. He calmly refers to the impulsive nature of the young lady of Aries and is not offended by its quick tempering. The spouse is rational and knows how to find compromises in solving any questions, therefore, the quarrels in the family practically do not occur.

Male compatibility Scales and Aries women in marriage slightly above average. This means that divorces between couples are common. Promotes family strengthening the birth of joint children.

Over time, the wife of Aries learn to appreciate the family warmth and comfort, it will begin to pay more attention to their loved ones. She will like that the spouse understands her and withstands her quick-tempered character. The family can be ideal if the woman redirects its energy to home affairs and will support his spouse in all his endeavors. The compatibility of the pair in marriage does not guarantee peace of mind, but on the other hand it gives the hope that partners will be able to build a strong family based on mutual understanding, respect and support.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 67%)

Friendship between a guy Scales and a Girl Aries is possible if they have their own second halves. These people can combine joint interests and classes. Moreover, in this case, they will remain true to their second halves. The thing is that Aries woman is always extremely honest in a relationship and will never change. Therefore, friendships are such and will be. And by virtue of its natural decency, the elected scales will take it as proper and will never take attempts to rapproche.

Friendly relationships in a pair of scales and Aries can continue for many years. Over time, they are so closely that they become almost relatives. For such friendship is characterized by concern about each other. Quarrels and disagreements between them are possible, but, as a rule, are not delayed for a long time. Friends will be trusted by each other and will have important support for both in any life situations.

The guy scales will always pay attention to the extraordinary young lady of Aries. Sympathy from his part arises almost immediately. Therefore, she needs to know how to behave properly to keep his chosen one near him, who impresses her courage and originality.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your appearance. A male scales necessarily draws attention to this, as he wants to look worthily and confident, emphasizing it skillfully selected clothes. It is impossible to get involved in extravagance, only a proven classic will be justified.

In addition, the guy will always pay attention to a strong and energetic woman. It is these natural features that need to be demonstrated, trying to conquer the heart of your chosen one. At the subconscious level, not a very strong male scales will strive to be next to a confident woman. On the other hand, he will have a desire to calm down a satellite a little, demonstrating the charms of a quiet and balanced life.

It is noteworthy that if for some reason the heart of the beloved girl Aries will not conquer, they can stay friends. At the same time, friendship will be very strong, and none of them will return to the question of love relationships.

As a man's male conquering a woman of a ram

Before the guy scales begin to take attempts to conquer the heart of the Girl of Aries, he needs to understand that his chosen self-sufficient person. This means that to attract her attention to yourself will not be easy, for this you need to be patient.

Despite the strong natural character of the girl Aries - romantic nature. In order to win it, it will take a long-term candy-bought period. But the guy should take care of her with dignity, he must make it clear that it is not going to become a rebel. Despite natural calm, he needs to demonstrate that he knows how to defend his opinion and can become a reliable support of his chosen.

During the period of courtesy, he in no case cannot pay attention to other girls. The slightest jealousy will lead to the fact that the trust will be lost. It should also be done to understand the chosen one that the worker is waiting for mutual loyalty. It will also like it, because by the nature of the representative of the sign of Aries differ in exacerbated honesty and decency, so no lies are acceptable. As soon as the woman Aries will understand that there is a strong satellite next to her, which she is ready to trust and obey, her heart will belong to you.

Weighs and Aries are very small, but these people can get very good and to be useful to each other. Aries got used to dominate, and the scales agree to make concessions, but only if they are not oppressed. Despite the softness of character, representatives of the scale of the scales are not fraud, as it may seem to appear, and go towards only on their own desire, because the world and mutual respect are appreciated. A more successful will be the Union of these signs of the zodiac in the pair, where the man is a man.

Male Aries and Woman Scales

Male Aries and Woman Scales to each other are interesting and pleasant. Their union is the classical relationship between the decisive man and the fragile representative of the weak gender. Each of this pair next to another can remain themselves and only wins from it. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac are perfectly soldered at work, in an informal setting, as well as create strong and friendly families.

♈ + ♎: in love

Perfect para - If the guy of Aries became interested in a girl weighs, there is nothing surprising. She is feminine, balanced and very elegant, and the Aries these qualities will charm. A representative of the fiery sign of the zodiac is very picky in choosing a chosen one, so it will make every effort so as not to miss your chance. In very soon, the girl will answer him with reciprocity, but the scales often hesitate, making decisions, so the residence of the Aries will come to the rescue. The girl will make the seriousness of his intentions, she wants to be behind the beloved as a stone wall, and the power of the guy's character will appreciate.

This Union has a very favorable forecast, since there is no collision of interests in weights and aries. Lovers do not control each other and do not originate with jealousy - from the very beginning, the relationship has very trusted relationships. Such couples disintegrate extremely rare, and only as a result of unforeseen circumstances and unexpected turns in fate. Most often, the guy of Aries and the girl scales are solved on the creation of a family, which is not regretted.

♈ + ♎: married

Perfect para - Most likely, Aries and scales still managed to understand how well they are suitable for each other. The number of disagreements in this family comes down to a minimum, large quarrels and manifestations of aggression in relation to each other between spouses will not be. The man of Aries is pretty quick-tempered, but his wife scales can behave tactfully and delicately in any situations, and on her husband it acts very peaceful.

Aries perfectly copes with the duties of the spouse: he provides a family, solves alone the problem, cares about his wife and children. Woman scales such an attitude towards himself really appreciate, so it is always attentive to the mood of her husband and is considered with his interests.

With his intimate life, the spouses are very satisfied. Despite the fact that they have a completely different temperament, over time, each of them partially adapts the best qualities of the other. Woman scales are becoming more relaxed and passionate, and a man of Aries is more delicate sensual. Harmony in bed of this couple lasts for many years, her husband and wife have almost no chance to cool up to each other.

♈ + ♎: in friendship

Excellent compatibility - Aries guy and girl scales are perfectly soldered, but their relationship can not always be called. Most often, these people just look at each other, because they are experiencing mutual sympathy, but they are not ready for love relationships. If so, then they have all the best ahead.

The relationship between scales and the Aries implies mutual and care for each other. In such respects, the girl acquires a reliable patron, and herself becomes a trustee for the guy. Over the years, this connection becomes only stronger.

Male Scales and Woman Aries

Aries woman in a relationship with a male weights will strive for leadership. Since the representative of a strong sex does not like to make serious decisions and can not always withstand various vital difficulties, this option must be arranged. If it happens so that the Aries will begin to command and cease to reckon with the scales, the latter either stops these relationships, or closes in itself, but will leave everything as it is for some benefit.

♎ + ♈: In love relationships

Average compatibility - When the girl Aries falls in love, her feelings are clean and sincere, so she will go for her beloved on a lot. If the heart of a guy born under the sign of the scales, at the time of their acquaintance is busy, it will not stop her. From the side of the young man will be followed by return interest, but it does not mean that it is about love.

Aries is one of the most noble signs of the zodiac, so the material interest and any calculation in relationships considers great lowness. Very well, if the guy weights really loves her, and not just enjoys the fruits of the girl's success, otherwise he risks her serious psychological trauma.

The cup of all, the closest surroundings of the girl is not delighted with her choice, because it is precisely the most part in the relationship and is a more open person. The problem is that even if the guy scales really with her for the sake of benefits, the in love of the Aries is very difficult to convince this. It is unambiguous to judge this connection is not possible, and what will come of it - only time will show.

♎ + ♈: married

Unwanted Soyuz - In marriage, a woman's woman and a man's weights are not easy. The spouse will voluntarily take on all the goods of common problems and care for the material well-being of the family than the husband will not please. After a while, his wife will begin to seem to appear that her husband is only for the sake of benefit, it will begin to impose claims to him. Even if the senses of a man's weights initially were sincere, it will be too late to change in relationships, because he entered the taste and the role of the slave very much suits him. Aries woman until the latter will refuse to believe that she created the situation itself.

The accumulated fatigue and the inaction of the husband will annoy the already hot-tempered woman of Aries, it will begin to behave aggressively and make a spouse with hysteries. Take over the general concerns of the spouse of the scales hardly considers it necessary, most likely, he will find a thousand excitement and will calm his wife for a while.

Most likely, after a while, this marriage will still disintegrated. As a rule, after divorce, a man's scales in the near future marries again, and the Woman of Aries will not be able to trust the representatives of the strong sex for a long time.

♎ + ♈: in friendship

Unwanted Soyuz - Representatives of the signs of Aries and Scales friends will never be - there is nothing in common between them, and each of them has its own concept. The guy scales prefers communication with less emotional people than Aries, and the girl will not like the secretful character of a young man. It is impossible here. A friendly relationship is a maximum that such a couple can count on, and even if the relationship or overall work is combined.

Video: Aries ♈ zodiac sign

Video: Scales ♎ Zodiac Sign

Complement to each other, then the first thing should be noted by the attention of such an alliance as an Aries-man - a woman's scales. The compatibility of their horoscope is high enough, and therefore it is worth considering this topic in detail to find out how large this pair has a joint potential.

Brief about everyone

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about what particular features are characteristics of these people.

Men-Aries are personalities who attract views. To conquer the representative of the opposite half of humanity, they are not labor. After all, they are the hoire itself. Aries are very circumventive, friendly and almost always become a soul of the company. But those they are only with those who are pleasant. If the man is not in the soul, it means that he will not succeed. I really rarely change your opinion.

Girls-scales are sensual nature who are ready to give all of themselves to those who love her. They value reciprocity, honesty, sincerity, justice and themselves are the same. In addition, they, like Aries, easily find a common language with other people. Especially if it is a young man.

Opposites are attracting

This can be confidently to declare about such a pair as an Aries-man - a woman's scales. Compatibility of these two people, despite the polar opposite of the signs of the zodiac, was the best way. Of these, it turns out an excellent couple if there will be no rivalry between them. Of course, considering the specifics of character, it is safe to declare that in this pair the chapter will be the Aries-man. Women's scales, compatibility with which he has a very successful way, will not be against such a scenario. In addition, it is precisely the girl who, in the resulting moments, threaten to thrash their chosen one. She has a secret weapon for this - love, caressing and calm, peaceful beliefs.

Women's magic

A very harmonious can be a pair of man-Aries - Woman Scales. Compatibility in the love of these people is successful to a greater extent because the girls of this sign of the zodiac are almost perfect. No wonder with them, many find a common language, and subsequently claim something more. A man-Aries believes herself with steel, iron, but under the influence of magical spell of his chosen, he melts as if ice. She is very feminine, sensual and so drawn with his beloved that it is simply impossible to push. This will even affect such a person as an Aries-man. Women's scales, compatibility with which in most cases it creates positively, is a very subtle psychologist. She knows how to specifice the most tactful and soft way. And the girl does it so that its chosen one will be absolutely listening to her and start hard work on himself. He will be sure that it will be better for himself. Although, in fact, it is - the scales will never wish who loves something bad.

Problems in relations

It is worth noting another important nuance concerning such a couple as a man-Aries - Woman Scales. Their compatibility, of course, is very successful, but even in such a union there are quarrels and disorders. Sometimes, perhaps, the girl will have to tolerate rudeness and sharpness from his beloved. What to do is such a character. Aries faces for criticism and not used to restrain in expressions. Although the scales are not so simple as it may seem at first glance. She does not serve such an attitude towards himself and make a remark - as she can. Politely, tactfully, without screams and swearing. It will be able to prove that her partner is wrong, and tells him. Such situations, by the way, are not so rare in a pair of a man-Aries - Woman scales.

Compatibility of these people will remain at the same level if the head of the family learn to control its emotions. He must remember that in front of him is not someone else, whom you can crouch and forget. It is important for him to understand that this is his favorite, and with a rather sensitive heart. Therefore, it should be learn to listen to it and, most importantly, hear. Then the quarrel will be much smaller.

Aries-man - Woman Scales: Marriage Compatibility

These people under the power of creating a beautiful family. True, it will not come soon - they are not from those who like to hurry. Relationships First you need to check time to make sure your feelings. In addition, both before entering into marriage, do not mind try to live together. They consider it important - to take into account all the details before making such a responsible decision. But precisely because the guy and the girl adhere to this opinion, excellent couples are obtained. Married, they know what to expect from living together, what it's like to live with their second half together, and what they expect in the future. In other words, they are confident of each other one hundred percent. Of course, scales and Aries love surprises, but the unknown scares them. Especially if it concerns family life.

Intimate life

It should be noted by the attention of another important point regarding such a topic as the compatibility of signs of female scales - a man-Aries. And this is an intimate side of relationships. Well, there is nothing to hide - and for Aries, and for the scales it is of great importance. And this once again confirms their ideal compatibility. In intimate life, they merge like two halves of one whole. The scales feel great Aries, just like he feels his partner. They never get annoyed to join physical contact, because every time he brings them something new and unknown. But everyone knows that Aries and scales are lovers of experiments. So in this regard, they all develop perfectly. You can be sure that no one will have the desire to find a replacement for its partner.

Compatibility in the Chinese horoscope

And finally, a few words about how the combination of these signs looks in particular promising, if we take into account more and belong to the Chinese horoscope. Well, this zodiacal compatibility will look very good to look like: Woman scales (horse) - man-Aries (horse). That's right, the same couple in which both people will belong to the same sign on the Chinese horoscope will be perfect. Passionate and unpredictable guy-Aries with a raging temperament and cheerful emotional scales. With confidence you can declare that in this pair, such a thing as boredom will be absent completely. Sometimes, however, little quarrels or conflicts will arise due to the too high mutual emotion, but the reconciliation after that will come very quickly - so it is not worth much to worry.