How and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. How to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the devil to sell the soul on mutually beneficial terms. Description of rituals and spells for the sale of the soul. How to really sell the soul

How and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. How to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the devil to sell the soul on mutually beneficial terms. Description of rituals and spells for the sale of the soul. How to really sell the soul
How and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. How to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the devil to sell the soul on mutually beneficial terms. Description of rituals and spells for the sale of the soul. How to really sell the soul

How can you independently conclude a contract with a demon? The one who does this becomes a tool in his hands, the performer of his will. In life, a person gets an illusion, and after the death of the soul he will go to hell. Dark Angels and themselves are looking for those who wish conclude a contract with demons And sell your soul, picking up absolute insignificance - losers, criminals, they raise them to the top of power - the more painful will fall down. The consequences of these acts are destructive not only for the very seller of the soul, but also for humanity as a whole. But, trying to disaggregate from madness - the madness itself.

How to conclude this contract with the demon

there is certain rules To conclude a contract with a demon. The ritual of the challenge should be carried out in circles that protect the caster, symbols that will serve as protection from the demon are also written around the figure. Next pronounces spells, obeying, the demons are materialized in our world.

  • Demons of hell can be in our world only strictly a certain amount of time
  • after they should leave
  • therefore, having received from the demon desired, send it back.

It is safely happening only if the defined circle of protection is not disturbed. Protection is violated by any intersection. Important moment: The demon can call his name, so that the sorcerer can call him again, but to report someone's name to the demon cannot be - they will not be disclosed to their secrets.

Look at the video as independently how to conclude an agreement with the demon

How to conclude a contract with a demon, everything is clear in theory

It is believed that the demons of hell are submitted to certain spells in certain days And the clock, so, pronounce the spell, make sure you do everything right. Rituals of concluding a contract with a demon suggest a sacrifice. Live creature are endowed large quantity Energy, at the time of the murder, the energy breaks out out, so the ritual is performed inside the circle, so that energy remains there. An animal must have health, youth and virginity.

For the execution of the desire when concluding a contract, the demon may ask for a fee, for example, in the form of a symbolic thing, and this is true. I hope you understand the other: Communication with demons is possible, but it is very dangerous, therefore rituals should be carried out by an initiated magician.

Remember that the payback for the contract will always be one - the enslavement of your soul.

Watch the video list of people who have concluded a deal with Satan

In the world, where material benefits have the highest value, success, luck, even love is easily bought. The price of feelings, comfortable life and good luck is always different, because there are no two different people with the same goals. If with a plan for the future more or less understandable, then choose the method of its implementation is extremely difficult. Ritual Sales of the Immortal Soul Dark Forces is one of the most severe, innermost and exhausting rites, which gives one hundred percent result. Black magic will contribute to the rapid career Growth, prosperity in the family and the search for the second half. How to sell the soul to the devil for desire?

Ritual Sales of the Immortal Soul Dark Forces - This is one of the most difficult

The essence of the Deal with the Devil

In order to achieve the desired, lined in every sense of the goal, you need to conclude the so-called "contract" with dark forces. Ancient rituals and rituals will be accomplished, which will provide the desired result in the shortest possible time. The ability to measure the price of your own soul is provided to the seller, that is, a man who performs a magical effect. Whether love or successful businessFor black magic, this isobled things, the significance of which you give on your own will. For some families - only an unnecessary attribute, and for others, goodness in the immortal soul.

There are two ways to conclude an important contract with the devil: a written, fixed on paper, or oral - a duty without witnesses. In the second case, when the material confirmation of the transaction does not remain, a characteristic label appears on the human body, meaning all the severity and responsibility this promise. Sign symbolizing acting contract, in no way gives out itself, does not hurt and not inflamed. He appears so unnoticed that the person marked with the label does not even immediately notice her. The contract on paper is signed by the blood of the one who sells the immortal soul. There is nothing irregular than the seal bonded by the inborn power of the person himself.

Features of the rituals selling soul devil

The whole essence and nature of the contract with dark forces are that they allow (provide all the possibilities) to implement your ideas and plans. A favorable period for a career or love lasts, no little, twenty-one. During this time you will get infinite power over own life And luck, previously completely absent. Accept weighted, thoughtful many times, the decision is the key to your future achievements. Are you ready for such a long time successful life? Are your desires, the only soul? If the answers to these questions are positive, then proceed to the preparation of the transaction without unnecessary delay. Cancellation or adjustment Similar types of contracts are not amenable, so the initial conditions must be acceptable and satisfactory in all plans.

Before proceeding to commit a secret ritual, formulate a cherished desire on paper. Make it more specific, living not only in your head. Such a procedure will help not only to change the goals, but also prepare for their implementation from a moral point of view. Your desires are obliged to be clearly outlined, real for execution, because in any case, the contract under the contract will be withdrawn by the contract.

Preparation for rituals for the sale of the immortal soul

The first and most important condition, the conclusion of the transaction with Satan himself, is the complete secrecy of the magical rites committed by you. For any kind of ritual for the sale of the soul, you will need a certain attribute - things insignificant in the magical sense for ordinary person. They will be your guides that allow with the help of black magic to contact dark forces. After the rite, with a successful outcome, all the residual materials of the transaction are stored until the moment of death. The soul that you plan to sell is also necessary to subjected to metamorphosis. All your actions lead to certain results, therefore, deciding on a deal with the devil, you must renounce the church once and forever.

For the correct work of the entire contract, it should be made only at full moon

Get rid of church attributes in the house: throw away icons, crucifying and holy water. A couple of days before consolidating the transaction, in no case cannot attend temples or holy places (including drinking from holy sources or talk with church ministers). For the correct work of the entire contract, it should be made only at full moon. Otherwise, the results of such magical manipulations are unpredictable. Rituals for the sale of the soul are serious things that are not just bad for joke, but deadly. Do not use black magic for pampering, otherwise lose the immortal soul to the task.

Features of the Deal with the Devil

The ceremony of the soul of the devil is a multi-step process to which you are methodically prepared and reinforce it a few days after the conclusion of the transaction. Call so complicated business with your own soul per day will not work. For a persistent, powerful result of the execution of intimate desires, an excerpt will be delayed, responsibility and confidence that all rites will certainly work. Before signing the contract, discontinue active social communication. Strying, and close people, will only distract you from the most important thing in your life. Get rid of habits to look around or peering in people wandering around. Daily, B. obligatory, read the prayers of Satan.

Thus, you will achieve attention to your person and the predisposition of the dark forces. By desire or goal, for which you went to radical measures, there are separate requirements. It is impossible to ask a lot, one who does not know what exactly wants - gets "nothing", a real frightening emptiness. At the end of the transaction, you do not like the good, like rain among the clear sky. Covenate dreams will not come to you, your actions and actions - that's what will be a lever to a new, desirable life. The conditions specified in the contract are performed on your part unquestionably, otherwise you pay the soul before the deadline.

Benefits of a transaction with dark forces

Sell \u200b\u200bthe soul of the devil means to exchange it on any benefits in which you need so hard that you can not simply breathe in their absence. Each person's priorities are absolutely different, and a separate situation, the compilation of a contract with Satan, has no analogues. Request the damp for mutual assistance is possible only with your complete reporting of your own actions. So, with the help of black magic, such joys of life are available to you as:

  • complete recovery, even from a deadly ailment;
  • limitless wealth, incredible income;
  • life to deep old age;
  • worship, fame and success;
  • achieving a certain social status;
  • power over people, their unconditional obedience;
  • improving your own appearance;
  • mutual feelings from the opposite sex;
  • posthumous binding.

The desire to change the whole life is drastically - failed, because dark forces are not a bag with new Year's giftsThis is a powerful magic that has not only price, but also limitations. So, you are not able to turn the time to reverse or resurrect the dead people. In everything you need a reasonable limit about which it is worth thinking in advance.

Ritual rejection of God in the name of Satan

A preliminary rite capable of clearing your soul for further changes with the help of dark forces is carried out for your good. If you decide to sell the soul, then take place to a similar ritual, as a mandatory component of the future contract with Satan. A magical effect on disgust from religion eliminates from the baptism of divine protection. Remove from everything that is superfluous for you and your future achievements.

The entire process of renunciation on average takes up to three hours and is carried out exclusively at night. Happy, on the eve of the rite, please:

  • 4 candles;
  • candlestick or small glass;
  • cross assigned to you at birth.

You will not need any unnecessary tricks.

Happy, on the eve of the rite, stock 4 candles

How to spend ritual

Having waited for the night, get in a secluded place where no one will see you and not disturb. Next, do the following:

  1. Lock the candle in a glass, burn it.
  2. Remove from yourself native Cross And lay it under the left heel.
  3. Sit on the floor and say the words of the spell:

    "I (name), a reading about renunciation. I repent of the god of Jehovah, from Jesus Christ, from the Virgin Mary, from the Holy Spirit, from them outgoing, from all of the Holy Christian Place, from his place among Paradise, from any Christian thought and act, from the alms and forgiveness of the Lord God. And let him never step onto the road to the salvation of Christ, God is given, and my soul for the Lord will forever disappear, and he will not hear my more voices. Maybe it will be so forever. For my will of my will ".

  4. Repeat the conspiracy three times.
  5. Read the prayer "Father Our" backward 3 times.
  6. Wait until the candle's fruit (a small piece of wax and wick should remain from it).
  7. Do not break silence until morning.
  8. Do magical manipulations for another 2 nights.
  9. Remain from ritual Save, well hiding them from prying eyes.

For orthodox people In the rite of disgust, the prayer "Our Father" is used, and for other cultures - their traditional appeals to God. Conduct a ritual of this action at home will not be any difficulty.

The rite of making a deal with the devil for the sale of the immortal soul

The main ritual, how to sell the devil for money or other benefits, the soul is performed only when you will be morally ready for it. Hurry in such a serious business is the worst enemy. One thing to renounce God and completely different, never again to contact the faith you knew throughout the conscious life. Before the start and after the end of the ritual, none alive soul In the world should not know about him, otherwise heavier consequences are waiting for you. Wait for full Moon And proceed to the rite capable of changing the whole of your life.

What will be needed for the ritual

For the ritual, only poorly illuminated, dark rooms are suitable, preferably without huge windows. Collect necessary attributes To conclude a contract in advance:

  • black candles;
  • matchbox;
  • transparent dishes;
  • paper and pen;
  • needle.

For the rite of selling souls, both church and black ritual wax candles are suitable.

How to spend ritual

Stay alone S. own desires. Feel the connection with the life that you expect, and then:

  1. Sit on the floor, surround yourself with candles.
  2. Say about myself, whisper conspiracy to the devil:

    "Satan is the Lord of Darkness and all evil on earth, come to me, fulfill all my desires."

  3. Expand the plot exactly 21 times.
  4. Feel the presence of dark forces, and only then - continue the ritual.
  5. Write an agreement consisting of the wording of your innermost desire.
  6. Take the candle and burn the contract (so you will fix it).
  7. Collect the ashes in the dishes and do not throw it away.

As soon as you secure the deal, start acting to achieve the desired results. Sold Spirit guarantees their success.

Only dark rooms are suitable for ritual

Ritual Soul Exchange for Love

Love is the greatest strength on the planet and weakness in the soul of man. Kid elevated feelingsThe poor fellow is ready for everything - for any victims and punishment. Ritual real soul, Able to give mutual desired feelings. Such a rite guarantees a long binding of the sympathy object. Touch black magic and get what you really deserve.

What will be needed for the ritual

Before starting a secret magic action, make sure that you have all the necessary "ingredients" for the future ritual:

  • fresh pork hoofs;
  • candle.

You can buy trimming from pork legs in any meat store or market. Do not put on unnecessary explanations in preparation for the ritual.

How to spend ritual

Before the start of the main ritual, lean the empty in running water. Use in strong magic Raw trimming of pigs in no way. Further, do all the necessary steps of the rite:

  1. Rear all windows and doors.
  2. Put yourself a bowl with hoofs and speak them in the following words:

    "Skill and Prince hellish, who owns everyone from the dark shovels of hell to the surface of the earth and the sea, the hellish spirit that everything that has a scepter come, come, come. Together with the son, the spirit of falling lightning in the night, sharpened by you forever eternal. The hooves are cooking, the matter is aroused, the ancient agreement will soon, soon will be fulfilled. I go beyond the fiery river, for red water, blue Leedsim in Paradise is my keeper angel. I will not give anyone, only at the request of mine, and I will stand up, I will leave the genus and tribe, I conjugate, I conjugate, conquer. I worship, worship, worship. "

  3. Raise your hands over the saucers with the emptyers, which still proceed to the ferry.
  4. Continue to disclaim "true for me (say the essence of the desire) instead of the blue leadsaima of the keeper, the soul of my preservative the word is the case, 13 winters of the pact - go the shadow, a hell-prince."
  5. Farm smiling under a healthy tree.

After, favorable change will begin to carry out your hopes in personal life.

Life after a deal with the devil

If the ritual of the sale of the soul of the devil was successful, you immediately feel it. Your own inner strength Street, you will feel the tide of energy and inspiration to new accomplishments. After death, the man who soldered the soul is waiting for hell, due to the lifetime debt, dark forces and black magic. The contract is most often negotiated by a period that a person will hold in Satan's slavery. Magic action is so strong as a deal with the Devil for the sale of the immortal soul, there are a number of similar effects. So, seeking success with the help of dark forces, a person who sold the soul often suffers from insomnia, on obsessive nightmares, small constant diseases and attacks of sudden rage. To withstand the upcoming tests are far from everyone, therefore, during the preparations for an irreversible ritual, we repeat everything thoroughly. The victims on which you are going to go should be equal to the strength of joy and happiness, tangible only after achieving a certain goal. The next 20 years is everything that you can count if you decide to realize the intended rite.

It does not matter how you feel about the deal with the devil. Did you turn into it or you are absolutely indifferent to the manifestations of black magic. Sale for sale for obtaining a certain benefit is the reality that some prefer to ignore, and simply others are afraid. The point of view depends on which party to look at things that do not change at all. If you are resolutely configured to achieve the goal at any cost, then use all the available forces - light rites, rituals with dark energy and transaction with Satan. Actions at the intersection, ritual "gift" to the devil (as an option - mighty demon) It is worth spending only under the supervision of an experienced magician or magician. In any case, the ritual spent will work on your soul, and only depends on you what will have an impact.

Sometimes the world is not changing into the most best side. This moment can be easily traced by exactly how it changes the number prisoners deals with the devil. Why can this factor be interpreted from a negative point of view? Therefore, as a semantic shade, which carries such a contract so terrible and incredibly terrible that it sometimes is sometimes it is difficult to call it hard. Is it really interesting? Then let's deal with this question.

Initially, you need to pay attention to the fact that the question itself is about conclusions of the Deal with the Devil Not so simple. Of course, it will be possible to perform a direct schedule on the items, that's just in fact it is hardly useful to someone. There is an incredible problem. After all, before Lord of Darkness It is also necessary to reach. People believe that it is worth it to click the finger and Satan will appear here as here. That's just everything is completely different, because the devil is actually not so interesting human suggestions. Everything is incredibly difficult.

What is an agreement with the devil?

It is necessary to plunge a little in history. It will only be enough to understand what is meant by direct treaty with the devil. Throughout the history of the development of human society special role And the place was given exactly the spiritual field, i.e. man. And to a greater degree of embodiment, this aspect found in religion.

The devil is a creature that has an incredible force.

So if you don't look too deep, then from a formal point of view, the universe can be divided into just two main poles: and Paradise.It is these two points that are the ultimate, according to a person, for his soul.

It is also necessary to indicate that these end destination items may well have a different name, but nothing will change. People understand, they have a valuable, immortal... something that is an incredible value for a person.

Today, the immortal component is called soul. That's just the exact concept of this term Most at the very matter and not. It is at the moment when people start thinking about make a deal with the devilThey offer him "his piece". From the point of view of practice, this is a completely useless substance, and the spiritual side of the question says that the soul is priceless. So what prevents the magnetize this substance? Sometimes realists think that way. After all, a person sells his talent for money for money, own time, beauty, feelings and abilities. So why not sell something that does not work?

What do you need to devil?

For example, when one individual seeks to conclude a contract with another individual. It carefully thinks not only its own needs and desires, but also tries not to conced the side partner.

Psychics about the deal with the devilit is said that it begins with a negative feeling. It is necessary to attract it with his desire greater money, envy or hatred.

The devil from a person needs his vital energy , which is just the assurance of most psychics, and hidden in the soul of human.

Soul Instructions

First of all, man before concluding a contract with the devil It will be necessary to believe in its existence. After that, it is necessary to carefully consider the preparation of a text agreement. In fact, make a written agreement not so simple. Here you can face the incredible number of nuances. It is likely that the lack of understanding may be limited only by the imagination of a person.

That's just a contract for all my life ... one, one contract for life. It will not be possible to rewrite or remake. It is for this reason that you should enter as much as possible. As for the scope, you should demand everything that the soul will wish. For example, if a decision was made sell \u200b\u200bthe soul of rich life then you should specify what and how much you want to get. Moreover, not only the period of receipt, but also the amount and quality of the property provided and material values \u200b\u200bare prescribed.

Only after that it will be necessary to cause the devil. Moreover, it is recommended that the challenge takes place directly at the mirror. A person must stand at the mirror and look at his eyes.

The appearance of the devil will noticeably in the premises of the cold and flickering of lights. Someone can come in the image of human, someone in the image of the animal. Then the conditions and requirements are put forward. All papers should be prepared before. If something fell on paper and left the imprint, then The devil signed a contract.

Terms of contract

It is important that in agreement with the Devil, all moments are clearly spelled out. For example, if a person wants to receive a billion dollars, he needs not only clearly indicate the amount, but also the timing of it.

But just do not forget that the devil is a cunning creature and is ready to go for different meanness. This means that in the contract you must register all points:

  • First, since human soul After signing the agreement, it becomes the property of the devil, the contract will provide for absolute patronage. Consequently, you need to say a moment that indicates the inability to revise the terms of the contract.
  • Secondly, you need to register in the contract what from now on Devil Must take care of human health.
  • Thirdly, do not hurry sign a blood contract. After all, after a drop falls on paper ... nothing can be changed.

Nuances of the contract with the devil

In fact, not many people are ready to sell for material benefits. Some people comes to mind sellhis soul for love.The contract of such a plan has several differences from the usual contract with the devil.

After all, after concluding a deal, a person's feelings are minimized. There is a risk that the desired still sails into the hands, that's just the ability to use your "purchase" in fact. In fact, everything will become insignificant. More object adoration Will not cause admiration and former feelings. Passion subsides.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to carefully register all points in treaty with Satanov. It will be necessary that in order to ensure that it is necessary to indicate that not only the object of adoration will become the second half, but also the soul who sold will be able to enjoy his desire. Contract with the devil The process is troublesome and painstaking, it is worthwhile to understand the jurisprudence.

Over the past 2 thousand years, our world has not changed. At all times there were braves who wish to conclude a contract with the devil. But we must pay tribute to the former centuries. At that time, there was such an organization as a holy inquisition in Europe. Its responsibilities included to identify the accomplices of the unclean strength and destroy. Nowadays, for some reason, it is believed that they were tortured in the caases and burned the innocent people on fires. This opinion is based on disbelief in the devil, witches and other representatives of unclean power.

However, there is no evidence that all this odious public does not exist. But the evidence of communication with the devil and witch is complete. The Holy Inquisition was very scrupulous to interrogated, and therefore all the testimony of suspects were clearly fixed. Of course, it is possible to declare that there is at least a person under torture. But after all, the suspect was not immediately dragged on the piles. Initially, they were watching, they collected information, and after that the inquisitors came and took into the caasemate.

In addition, it is now very difficult to judge what was 500 or 400 years ago. And everyone can shout about innocent torture. So scream those who do not believe in the hell, nor in the devil. And the princess of darkness and his surroundings are on hand. The adherents of Satan feel freely. These are simple mortals who have entered into a corresponding agreement with the master of the dark forces. But what represents such an agreement? Let's figure out.

What is a contract with the devil?

Each person has a soul. This is the energy entity sitting in each of us. This type of energy is extremely important for dark forces. He is also needed to them as the energy of the sun or water. Light or paradise is also needed this species Energy. From here it is clear why there is an unceasing struggle for human souls between the dark forces and God.

That is why the agreement with the devil applies primarily to the soul. A person who wants to step on a dark path, signs a contract for which his soul after death immediately goes to hell, bypassing god's court. Therefore, for dark forces, such paper is a 100% guarantee of obtaining an additional energy source. Consequently, the devil is extremely interested in such contracts.

By concluding an agreement with the Prince of Darkness, a person may require anything: high position, wealth, luxury home, many women and cars. All this will be performed. But the soul who sold did not think about the future. He gets earthly good now, but in the future it is waiting for eternal horror in the otherworldly world: the soul sold will be disposed of as they consider it necessary, and it will no longer have to change the course of events. Well, now, when everything is clear, let's talk about the main thing: where and how to conclude a contract with the devil?

How to inform the prince of darkness about your desire to sell the soul?

If there was a desire to sell the soul to the prince of darkness, then in the generally accepted understanding of this word not necessary to report anywhere. Telegrams email And letters are excluded. And how to write when the addresses do not know. You won't write on the envelope: "Underworld, personally to the devil in hand." Such a letter to the addressee will definitely not happen, as mail employees will consider it a stupid joke. And how to be in such a situation?

It should be understood that inherent in the kingdom of darkness in the kingdom. They can take human imagesBut they have no specific bodily shell. But these creatures are perfectly focused in human thoughts and feelings. This is a bustle sea for them home native. And if someone from the living sincerely begins to want to sign a contract with Satan, then this very quickly becomes unclean. Therefore, you do not need to say anything and even thinking, you only need to feel right. If the feelings and emotions flow in the right direction, the devil himself will find such a person and will appear to him.

How to make a contract with the devil

As for the contract with the devil, he is quite a material thing, as it needs to put his signature in it. Therefore, the text is written on a sheet of paper, in which you need to provide all the nuances. The most important thing is to require as much as possible, since the soul is expensive.

If a person wants to be rich, then specify a specific amount. And that devilry Give 200 thousand dollars and considers that this is enough. Therefore, it is necessary to register 300 or 500 million dollars. These are already concrete amounts that exclude any fraud in this issue.

The same applies to real estate. It also needs specifics. What house, how many rooms, how many floors, where this house should be. All this must be described in detail.

But the most important thing is the terms of the contract. The devil and his company - creatures are very cunning. They will not sign everything and give everything, but in a year they will make it so that the soul sold the soul. Consequently, you need to specify, for example, 30 or 40 years. But this is not enough. It is necessary to write that the evil spirits should take care of the health of its ward, that is, to protect it from dangerous diseases, injuries and injury. So after that you can sleep well.

Ritual concluding a contract with the devil

So, the prince of Darkness knows about the desire of a person to sell him the soul. He reported this, appeared in a dream or in reality. The appropriate paper is written, everything is checked and remains to make a ritual, the final chord of which will be the signature of the selling soul.

This rite is carried out as follows: 13 candles are taken, bought not in the church, but in the store. Selects the room in which there is a table. All windows are tightly wrapped with curtains, church attributes and silver items are taken out. The table is covered with a black cloth, and the mirror is installed in the middle. Before him is put on a contract written on a sheet of paper. Candles are placed around and ignited. The edge of the table is grown with a sharp knife.

A man sits on a chair, looks into the mirror and mentally calls on Satan. For a while, and the flames of candles begins to tremble and fluctuate, and the atmosphere in the room is thickening. Sitting on a chair begins to feel like a dark wave covers it from the inside. At this moment, the time comes to mentally transfer the terms of the contract.

If the devil agrees with everything, then one of the candles should fall on paper. This means that the prince of Darkness signed an agreement. After that, the selling soul should also assure an agreement with his signature. He takes a sharp knife, cuts the finger and drips blood on paper. Everything is done. Already the next morning the terms of the contract will begin to be performed.


So, now we know how to conclude an agreement with the devil and sell him the soul. The case, as you can see, quite simple. It is only necessary to have a serious psychological attitude, which is expressed in ignoring God and the corresponding feelings. But is it worth contacting the mighty dark forces? Years will pass, the fatal end will come, and the soul sold will go straight to hell. It will forever be ordered by the road to Paradise, in which so many wonders and happiness, which is not even imagined. However, each of us has the right to its choice, but, in any case, there is a reason to think.

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Today we will talk about how and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. We also learn how to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the devil about selling the soul on mutually beneficial terms. Consider the description of rituals and spells for the sale of the soul. Let's learn how to really sell the soul over the Internet for big money

Even in the medieval era, people believed that the devil loves the innocent and sinless souls, so he hunts with great pleasure. Satan is experiencing great joy when the soul of a righteous man is finally ruined, she as an endless bearer of bliss, filling his insatiable flesh. As a rule, for such a "thing" you can give any price. A sinless soul is considered at the rates of the devil with a first-class product, so he offers incredible amounts of money and, as a rule, not one person is not able to resist such temptation.
In order to understand this issue, we will proceed from a purely logical chain: Take the phrase "sell the soul of the devil" and we will deal with its constituent.

What is the soul? This question is very controversial and always attracts thinking people. But everyone converges in the fact that the soul is the most expensive, which has a person.

But why do people themselves want to not just "give", namely, "sell" the most valuable thing that they have and not to someone, but the most princess of darkness? Let's figure it out.

Most main question: Why don't you need your soul? Only one thing is understandable: if a person craves it to sell it, then he wants something in return. Usually a person wants to sell the soul for money and considerable. There are also many people who want to sell the soul for the desire that they want to implement. This topicIn principle, it has always been relevant. It is very interesting that nothing is said about the sale of the soul in the Bible.

So, before someone try to sell something, you need to make sure that it is necessary. In this case, your immortal shower of the devil. If you are not a righteous and not holy, he has no reason to buy it, because If desired, he will take it and so.

In the question, how to sell the soul to the devil for big money may contribute to various charlatans that offer their mediation. Naive people believe them, not even thinking about the fact that he should have their soul?

In essence, I will buy a selling of the soul more correctly called the "contract with the devil", under this ritual it means that you get the desired from Lucifer, and he takes your priceless soul after death. Perhaps the most famous act The "purchase and sale" of the soul is a transaction concluded between Faust and Mephistofel. Mention of such facts in other literary works.

The set of data on the sale of the soul to the devil came to us since the Inquisition times - mainly due to such literary worklike "Witch Hammer." It was believed that a woman who sold the soul to the devil had to kill children or devote them at the moment of birth to serving Satan. In some cases, representatives of the beautiful sex were forced to give birth from incubuses.
If the "guilt" of a person in witchcraft managed to "prove", then it automatically meant that he concluded a contract with some demon or with Satan himself, and vice versa - the contract must necessarily be sorcerers or witches. However, all the so-called "confessions" were knocked out under torture, so they can hardly believe.

According to Folklore, the contract with Satan can be both oral and in writing. To conclude an oral contract, you need to read a certain spell or spend the ritual. Sassosing offers dark forces his immortal soul in exchange for money, immortality, power and other "earthly" benefits. The Holy Inquisition believed that after such a contract on the human body remains a special mark - the Devil Tag. In this place of the body, a person does not feel absolutely no pain.

A written contract records all the main points of the oral, in addition, the person who decided to sell the soul to the Devil should sign on the contract with his blood. It should be remembered that the devil is quite picky and picky, so if a serious sin is found - murder, violence, theft, then for such a "torn goods", oddly enough, he will not particularly fight, but rather, will offer its conditions. Therefore, asking the question "How much to sell the soul to the devil", you should think about whether it is necessary to heal with such a droin and request a bunch of impracticable desires?

When selling an invaluable soul there is a danger that the devil himself can be the owner - you want to believe in its existence, you want no. And then the joy of the resulting lady may be short. This proves the case that happened recently in Brazil. The unemployed Andrea Janeiro unexpectedly found himself at one table in the local bar with a stranger, who poured him a glass behind a glass until he admitted that he was ready to sell soul, just to get rich. And one day he came a letter - a contract with the devil, compiled quite modern tongue and signed by Andrea's blood. It said that for wealth and success in business, the seller gives the Vladyka hell his immortal soul.

Murtado is now bathed in money: each transaction brings him huge launches, he constantly wins in all lotteries, and casino owners are ready to pay him only for them to play them. But the businessman is ready to give all his wealth to save the soul and get rid of the contract. He asks for help from warlocks, white sorcerers and scientists. But so far no one to help him is not able. Among esoteric, there is a rumor that the devil has already mastered the Internet and offers its services himself. So be careful.

Paganini Niccolo (1782-1840), Italian violinist and composer. His game revealed such ample violin capabilities that contemporaries suspected that he owns some kind of hidden from others. Some seriously believed: the great violinist sold the soul to the devil.

They say that in Berlin in the last century in the basement of the house to demolish the house was found, which Adolf Hitler concluded with the Devil. As the German media reported, the contract dated April 30, 1932 and signed by the blood of both parties. Graphologists set the authenticity of the handwriting of the Fuhrera. According to the document, the devil provides Hitler with almost unlimited power with the condition that he will use it exclusively in evil. In exchange, the Führer promised to give his soul exactly after 13 years. And April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years old, hated by all mankind, he committed suicide .

The famous artist of the XIV century Spinello from Arezzo in his contract with the devil was supposed to give his soul hell for writing to the Church of San Angelo to brilliant picturedepicting the fall of angels. But on it, he gave Lucifer to such a terrible appearance that he himself could not stand the spectacle created by him. An old man began to appear everywhere the devil, reproaching spinello for his ugly portrait. This permanent hallucination has so worked on the artist that he fell ill and soon died.

How to sell the soul to the devil? The question is quite relevant today. The people who ask them will certainly finally lost faith in themselves and the Most High, or they are simply tired of living ordinary, boring and monotonous life. Or maybe someone just wanted sharp and unknown sensations? In any case, a person who thinks about this one way or another is confident that such a desperate step will solve all his pressing problems.

Even in the Middle Ages, people who told "I want to sell the soul to the Devil," they knew that in this case the agreement should be concluded, according to which a person gives his "treasure" in return to Satanic services. As a rule, most preferred irrelevant wealth, immortal life, fame and power. Satan, as the true owner of the soul sold, forever curses a person desperate to this act and manages his fate as he pleases. According to legend, there were those who were deceived by Satan. But such, as a rule, lived for a short time and died in hellish torments. In some cases, according to legend, a person with a soul, to get from Lucifer what he had to be needed to kill innocent people and sell the souls of his who had not yet born children. Also in the contract existed a condition that a person, after sold the soul to the Devil, was to enter into sex with demons, devils and other evil spirits; To give birth from them children and participate in Satanic sabshams.

What is the Satanian contract? As a rule, the contract may be concluded in both written and in oral video. The latter is carried out by conducting a certain rite or ritual, which allows you to call demons or Satan itself. After that, the request calls the price for selling his soul. Written evidence, as a rule, after the conclusion of such a contract is not. The only thing that remains after this process is barely noticeable devil label on the body, which is direct evidence that the contract was signed

It should be remembered that, after the contract subscribes, the person decided to have exactly 21 years old to exercise his desires. After that, the watch would stop fighting, and a person, more precisely, his soul will leave the ravoisi. Where, incorrect, easy to guess. Therefore, before selling the soul to the devil for a desire or money, think if this time is enough and will you truly happy? So, the text of the act, as a rule, is written by special satanic symbols or on Latin, the hand has decided for the sale of the soul. Thoughts should be clearly aimed at the text. The approximate translation of the text is: "Satan, Lord of Darkness, accept my own soul, after 21 years after the conclusion of the contract, observing some conditions."

Remember, in no case will not be imparting, do not ask to master all the money of the world or become the king of the universe, this you will never get, and in response to your arrogance of Satan will kill you, and the soul will take himself. Please note that the devil is rather cunning and at any circumstances will try to deceive you, so be alert, do not miss any little things. So, after signing the contract, you will need to draw 21 of the key of hell on the same sheet, then write 21 words in Latin (they should dictate to themselves) and saying them loud and clearly out loud. And then scratch: "I want to sell the soul to the devil!"

Take the church candle and outline her a circle around yourself. The room should be dark and quiet. No one ever should know about the fact that this ritual was committed. So, standing in a circle, you have to utter 21 times loudly and clearly, closing my eyes the following words: "Satan, Lord of Darkness and all evil on earth, I spend you, come to me and fulfill my desires!". When the unclean appears, the unusual coolness will feel and the feeling of the presence of an extraneous indoor. As soon as this happens, the candle should be lit and set fire to the contract. Black magicians argue that in this way he will turn into another world. If the paper unexpectedly broke out, Satan heard the seeker and noted his participation in the ceremony of selling the soul.

The ashes from the contract should be collected and keep until the end of the days. If you decide to make the rite "Sale of the Devil", treat it with all seriousness and responsibility. Remember that jokes with unclean bad. Many died in flour, without observing the elementary rules. What needs to be done before exercising a rite? If you are interested, how to sell the soul to the devil, know that he has decided to go for such a step, should forever renounce God, get rid of icons, crosses and any sacred attributes. You can not attend temples, pray, participate in baptism ritual. Conduct the ritual for sale of the soul should be at night at night, from 24:00 to 03:00. If the full moon, for example, the 7th number, the ritual should be carried out on the night from 6 to 7. Before concluding a contract, a person must pray to the devil daily to strengthen the connection with him and get its favor. If anything asked, do not expect Satan to bring the desired on a sowing with a blue wheelchair, start acting. Do not try to deceive unclean, otherwise it will lead to terrifying consequences, because many people already paid for it, forever remaining without soul and body. Guess one thing. Spell is better to learn by heart. Before holding a rite and after anyone do not talk and do not look around on the sides.

According to black magicians, the devil will be favorable to a person who will help you get a few more souls. What happens to the soul after the implementation of the contract? So, as people sell the soul to the Devil, we have already disassembled, and now let's talk about what happens to her after the conclusion of the contract after the term of the act expires, the human body is dying, and the soul goes into the world of other and starts working in black. Satan uses the soul as he will do. For example, remember how they treated in America with black slaves. Beaten, humiliated, raped and the likely of no less bad things. So, the same will be with the soul. Only the difference from slaves is that the soul will not die until it fulfills the temporary condition of the contract

Nowadays, sell the soul of the devil is not difficult. But at the same time, do not forget that Satan is broken and picky. He is not alien to human vices. Someone's soul, he takes quickly and tries not to ceremony, and for someone he is ready to compete with Azart in demonic eyes. Sensational news for anyone who wants to sell the soul to the devil - it turns out that Prince Darkness has a shower rating. Before selling the soul for a desire, read the requirements. And only then dictate the conditions.

1. Lowest class. It includes people with a grave sin on the soul, or servants of Satan. Remember, the devil is profitable to buy a soul in those who serve the enemy, i.e. God. Why should it make an agreement with killers or thieves if their souls are prefeed before A terrible court? In this case, you should not hope for large gifts and it is better to sell the soul for a desire that does not go beyond the limits of decency. Do not ask much. It is how to trade in the market of a pick-up thing and ask for her Stydoroga.

2. Middle class. It includes people who have not committed three sins: mockery, violence, murder. If you are not seen in bad misconduct, you can sell the soul to the devil for money. And for decent. Create your business, buy a house, car and get a normal family.

3. Higher class. The most lackless souls for Prince Darkness. Monks, virgin, children. For them, he is ready to lay out all the gifts of the Universe and even more. If you feel about this class, then know: the devil with great pleasure will come to you. You do not have to ask for a long time.

Now let's figure it out how to sell the soul over the Internet. There is a whole closed network of sites and organizations, actually buying souls for fabulous money.

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