Consecration of the cross. How to sanctify a native cross

Consecration of the cross. How to sanctify a native cross
Consecration of the cross. How to sanctify a native cross

Each bare person has a symbol of evidence of its belonging to Orthodox church. It is believed that this symbol is a means of protection against all troubles. Such an important attribute orthodox man Hands during baptism. Some historians note that such a rite was attended by Rus to Orthodoxy. This is what they explain what the cross are also those people who are not believers. They put the meaning of a symbol that prevents the negative.

Each blessing is the worship of God and prayer for his gifts. In Christ, Christians are blessed by God by the Father with "all spiritual blessings." Therefore, the church gives a blessing, calls on the name of Jesus and usually makes the sacred sign of the Cross of Christ.

Among these blessings - should not be confused with sacramental ordination - this is the blessing of the abbot or lap in the monastery, dedication of virgins, the rite of monastic vows and the blessing to fulfill certain ministries in the church. As an example of a blessing for objects, sacrifices of the church or an altar, blessing of sacred oils, vessels and liturgical clothes, bells.

It happens that people lose native CrossiK or get as a gift jewelry. Exactly saying about whether he is consecrated or not, no one can. What to do in this case? There are 2 outputs in this situation:

consecrate it in church

consecrate at home

Where to sanctify the cross is your decision.

How to sanctify the cross?

He practiced Jesus, and the church took the power and duty to say exile. In the simple form of exorcism occur during the celebration of baptism. Solemn exorcizms called "Great" can only be uttered by the priest and with the permission of the bishop. Exorcism should relate to great care, in accordance with strict standards, mounted church. Exorcizms should be expelled by evil spirits or free them from their demonic influence, the power of the spiritual power, which Jesus laid on the church.

Something completely different is a disease, especially mental illness, the treatment of which requires medical knowledge. Before making exorcism, it is important to make sure that this is the presence of evil, not illness. The religious meaning of the Christian people was always expressed in various forms of piety, which surround the sacramental life of the Church. This is: relicing relics, visit shrines, pilgrimage, procession, road trip, religious dances, rosary, medals, etc.

Often, a native cross is consecrated together with the newborn during the ceremony of baptism. And therefore it makes no sense to sanctify it again. But what to do in that situation if you lost this symbol? Church believers recommend buying new and sanctify it.

Sometimes it will be such a question: is it necessary to sanctify the cross? Crosses that are sold directly in the temples are already consecrated. But the jewelry from the shops is unlikely. In addition, no one can guarantee the purity of the metal from which these products were made and from where they were taken.

The practice of these forms of devotion is subject to the care and judgment of the bishops and the general standards of the Church. Religious religiosity in essence is a combination of values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the spirit of Christian wisdom, to the main existential issues. A good Catholic mind of people is characterized by the ability to create existential synthesis. This happens creative Soyuz Divine and human element, Christ and Mary, Spirit and body, community and institute, man and community, faith and homeland, mind and affection.

This wisdom is its kind of Christian humanism, which emphasizes the power of the dignity of every person, as a child of God, restore the main brachia, teaches a meeting with nature and understand that the work of motivation gives life in joy and peace of mind, even on the background of life. This wisdom is for the people the basis of distinction, the evangelical instinct, which allows you to be spontaneously judged when the gospel ranks first in the church, and when its content decreases, and other things drown.

It happens that the decorations steal are removed from the dead and interpret. Now imagine what energy can be a cross from such a metal. Of course, it is desirable to sanctify such a charm.

If you chose a place where to hold a similar ritual, then come to the ministers and specify when it is better to do. It is noted that a large number of There are such rituals on the eve of Easter. But you need to remember that not only crosses need to be consecrated, but also icons and other items.

Then the fact that we are confessing in faith and hope is fulfilled: I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and eternal life In the next world. A Christian who dies in Christ Jesus, leaves the body and stands in front of the Lord. He offers the Father in Christ, his child grace, and in the hope that he will make a body seed on Earth, the resurrection of glory. This victim was made entirely during the celebration of the Eucharistic Victim. The blessings that precede and follow him are sacramentals.

The funeral is, however, the liturgical rite of the church. The ministry of the Church should clearly report de facto with the deceased, as well as the participation of the participation of the community in rites and to proclaim her eternal life. He also takes into account that for the family has special meaningWhat are the local customs, which culture and folk bobby require. The holiday rate is common to all liturgical traditions and contains four main points.

Consecrate the cross in the church

Previously, there were no questions about the place of the Lighting of the Cross. In the depths, people knew that such a ritual could be carried out at home. The only requirement was the blessing of the father. In the cities, they recommended visiting the temple for such actions.

Argumenting by the fact that residents of cities are more susceptible to temptations. The consecration procedure itself is clearly spelled out in a special church book - church. In addition, after such a ritual, the priests are still reading prayers to secure the result.

The community gathered in prayer also expects "words of eternal life." The death of one of his members is the ability to draw attention to what goes beyond the "world" and bring faith faithful to the true perspective in the Risen Christ. Liturgy of this word during the funeral requires even more special training that believers can collect in society, which rarely participate in the liturgy, and a friend of the deceased who is not a Christian. In particular, the sermon should avoid literary commendable speech and show the secret of Christian death in the light of the Resurrection Christ.

In the demandman, certain requirements for this procedure are prescribed:

It is necessary to choose the right to choose a new cross. Church crosses Perform all canons and they no longer require crossing. But the jewelry is mainly fulfilled on the Catholic Manner.

It does not matter for Orthodoxy and then from the tree a cross or from metal.

On the conduct of this rite should be applied to the priest after the service.

When the celebration occurs in the church, the Eucharist is the center of the Easter reality of Christian death. It was then that the Church expresses its effective unity with the dead, offering the Father, the Holy Spirit, the victim of the death and resurrection of Christ. He asks his child to be cleared of his sins and their consequences and was admitted to the Easter execution of the kingdom of heaven. Celebrating the Eucharist, the community of believers, especially the family of the deceased, learns to live in communicating with those who "fell asleep in the Lord", taking the body of Christ, the dead are still living cocks, pray for him and with him.

At the request of the rite, contact the clergy need "Honest Father"

Anyone in the ssen of a priest can carry out such a ritual

Preferably to show the decoration of the priest and hang it on the thread or rope

The priest during the rite considers him for the altar and conducts a sinovation. At this time, you can put candles and pray.

This is the last farewell that the Christian community gives her a member before his body is raised and buried. Byzantine tradition expresses his kiss of the deceased. Death does not separate us from each other, because we are all follow the same way and we will find yourself in one place. We will never be divided because we live for Christ, and now we are united with Christ, go to him.

We will all together in Christ. Sacramentals first bring spiritual believers, but not the sacraments, the execution itself, but through the intercession of the church and the intercession of the receiving. They do not give, like sacraments, direct consecration of grace and participation in salvation, but are preparing for their adoption and action and sanctify various spheres and the circumstances of life. The sacraments, like the sacraments, result from passion, death and resurrection of Christ.

At the end of the items will be sprinkled three times with sacred water and are considered purified.


A native cross is a special Orthodox charm, which should defend a person from misfortunes, adversity and illness, helping them standing and maternally to transfer. Tanner (the second name of the Orthodox cross) will help get rid of ill-wishers and protects complex situations. In connection with these many crosses, you can see the inscription "Save and Save". This important thing for everyone. orthodox Christian The attribute is hanging on the neck after the sacrament of baptism was carried out. This means that the person accepted faith and is now a slave of God.

Or a slight consecration of water. The priest can fulfill this service either in the church or in the homes of believers. There is another explanation of the origin of the word "Agiam". It is said that he comes from the "Lake". The explanation is necessary in relation to the value of the word "Yasma-Aizma", "ugly and bad, mischievous, vision," contrary to the initial meaning of the "Holy Water".

As for the sanctification of the house, in the Agasamator we are confronted with two types of prayers: prayer at the base of the house and the blessing of the new home. When booking the base of the house there is a slight consecration of water. In this case, it is desirable that the workers are present.

Choose cross

If you buy a native cross, you should not pay attention to its beauty, appearance Or make a bet on the cost of the product. It must be remembered that he is just a symbol of that faith, which in a person in the soul. And the cost of the cross, as is known, has no effect on the depths of faith.

You can choose something from the assortment of church bench at the temple. Usually such crosses have already been consecrated before the sale, so you don't need to do anything with them. But the decoration in the form of a crucifixion from the jewelry store is still able to consecrate.

Consecration of the house is also carried out for repair or overall house cleaning, but also to move to another house. Taking into account that a person is agreed with everything that surrounds him, his sins, his fools defile the space in which he commits or lives. That is why the believer is not satisfied only by one person and therefore asks the priest to appoint the service of the sanctification of the house year or even earlier.

How do we need to prepare for salvation? It is desirable that everyone who lives in the house, where apostasy is committed, should be recognized. Then the house where you need to do should be cleaned. It is not recommended to sprinkle with holy water and prayers to clean the house from evil, and the house is dirty.

If you choose a cross not in the bench of Orthodox utensils, pay attention to how Jesus is crucified on the cross. If his legs are nailed with two nails - this orthodox cross. If one is a Catholic, which is forbidden to carry Orthodox Christians. Therefore, in the temple, they are not subject to consecration.

The cross himself can be:


To serve the conscience, a Christian should create an eastern oriental table, which he will put: a pot with clean water, a glass of clean oil, candy, wrapped at one end by cotton, candles, incense and basil. As a priest to remind everyone who will live in a new home and close to them, the believer should also prepare a gathering with their names.

Those who will be present at this work will stand for the priest, as in the church, and the priest before a special table, being facing the east. It is good to know that the sanctification of the neighbor's house does not mean the sanctification of his own home. God's grace comes where it is called. As in Divine Liturgy, the grace of God does not fall on all the bread, located in the church, to turn it into the body of the Lord, but only on the gifts specially cooked for him, so the grace of God descends during the ministry of the sanctification of water over the water prepared on time for this, and not for all water that exists elsewhere.

All of them are considered Orthodox.

How to sanctify cross

If you have a desire to wear consecrated crossmust be applied to the temple. Go to the employees who you can always find near the candle box (candles are sold there and requirements are recorded). Ask the priest to be attached to you. He is suitable immediately after the end of the service. Ask to sanctify your cross.

In the prayer of the sanctuary, the priest asks God to protect his homes from the temptations of evil and evil spirits. It is also a chance for a priest to better understand the parishioners and parishioners so that they are priests, to communicate more and share their joys and problems. For the blessing of the houses, it is necessary to prepare a cross, light a candle, invite all family members to pray. In addition, inviting the priest to the house, we call on our neighbors, whether they want the priest to visit and bless them at home.

You can register to consecrate your home by filling out the form below or by visiting the parish office. Religious paintings, pink, crosses, medals, candles, etc. may be consecrated. To consecrate these things, contact the scene to or after the holiday.

This rite of consecration can carry out absolutely any priest. At first, he should inspect whether the crucifixion corresponds to the Orthodox canons. If something confuses him or does not suit - you have to choose a new crucifix. It is usually holy by the cross himself, but it is impossible to pass it out of hand to hand just like that, and you must mow on a chain or a wax lace.

We pay attention to the fact that spouses who did not accept the sacrament of marriage are not blessed or not sanctified. Consecration of houses and things is sacramental. These are holy signs that, like sacraments, mean spiritual fruits. church prayers. Sacramentalism prepares people to the specific functioning of the sacraments and consecration of various life situations.

Almost everyone celebrates the life of believers when they are properly prepared, the grace of God, arising because of the secrecy of passions, passions and death of Christ; All the sacraments and sacraments get strength from it. So it is very important not only for the sacraments, but the sacramentals are correct preparation: the victim of God is your concerns, read the Word of God, open his will, prayer to thank for God's graceTo apologize for mistakes, ask the Holy Spirit for yourself and other people. Since the soil must be scattered in order to allow her to penetrate into rainwater, so much that a person must prepare his heart and believe that he can receive gifts and blessings of God.

Next, the father will take it into the altar and serves the quinuse, which relies in similar incident. During the sanctification of a native cross, the priest reads two prayers in which he asks to pour their power to the cross. So a small crucifix will not only protect the soul of man, but also to protect his body from evil forces, sorcery and witchcraft. After reading the prayer, the father will give you a cross.

"The hill of crosses is not a cemetery, here comes about the grace of God or thanks," said the eldest Jolanta Bashkene. Schulaulyansky district area is unique: outdoors there is a unique holy sanctuary - pilgrims, pilgrims, mountains of crosses visited by tourists. This year, the Elder will celebrate three beautiful anniversary: \u200b\u200bSt. Beauty Traditions continue to this day. The elderly of Jolanta Bashkene called every day to look into the baggy, told about the problems and development of the city.

Cross hill - exceptional place. Baskina on the hill of crosses. They will be taken in the sanctuary and burn. The large area of \u200b\u200bthe sacred plot: 2 hectares - the hill, another 5 hectares - the surrounding area. Recently, the municipality bought a new tractor and a new lawn mower, which cuts the grass. Now it will be in the mountains - you do not need to rape and remove the grass. Mountain itself should be unsubscribed by hand several times during the summer, no technique here cannot be used. People are found in the chat. Recently, the municipality has received financial support for steps to make a stranger on a steep slope.

Each baptized man carries a cross with the image of Christ on the chest. This is not a decoration, not a sign of distinction, it is a symbol of faith. The cross, which man gets with baptism, must be worn throughout life. Remove it not ...

Orthodoxy is rich in tradition. The sanctification of dwellings is one of the most important and obligatory rites. This ritual protects against the dark forces, is a symbol of the Lord's blessing and involvement in the Church. ...