Large Dream Online. Dream of black magic

Large Dream Online. Dream of black magic
Large Dream Online. Dream of black magic

Many people have seen a famous Hollywood film about traveling in dreams and about a dream inside sleep. Many people can sleep in a dream. In terms of most dreams, this is a danger warning.

This phenomenon must be analyzed from the point of view not only scientific, but also esoteric. Some people never see such dreams or see once for life. You need to know what our body and our soul tell us, because it may be a kind of fate.

See yourself sleeping - what it means

Many specialists explain this to what you can get out of the body and see yourself from. From an esoteric point of view, this means that your soul is light, like a feather, and you know how to manage it. Scientists are a little different opinion, because they see in all the fads of the inner world of man. They say that seeing themselves sleeping in a dream is a deep desire to become someone else, try something new in life. Perhaps you need to change your genus of reality, because, it is quite likely that you are tired of everything around you.

Folk observations and dreams say that such a dream is an indicator of your unwillingness of change. You are afraid of them, do not want to take. When you see yourself in a dream, it symbolizes the approximation of changes, and not just your fear.

Sleep in a dream

When you sleep in a dream or woke up in a dream, this is a sign that you need to be careful. You can miss some opportunity to be late somewhere. This is a symbol of chance that may occur and not to delight you. Coming something unusual.

Freud said that such a dream from the point of view of psychology means some confusion in herself, and also shows that your mental capabilities are expanded. You want change, changes.

See sleep in a dream

This is an incredibly rare case. You sleep, but see sleep inside sleep, and then wake up first in a dream, and then you can wake up in real life. In esoteric, there are practically no information about such a phenomenon, so many specialists in the field of magic and bioenergetics say it to trouble.

If you do not suit you such a interpretation, then try to trust the opinion of Freud, who claimed that the multistage sleep is a sign of high intelligence, the large stock of the forces of your brain.

See someone else's sleep in a dream

When someone sleeps in a dream, and you see it, this man most likely needs your help, in your patronage, support. It is possible that this support will need him in the near future.

From a psychological point of view, see how another man sleeps, means that you are very much wanting to achieve something. This is the case when you see the enemy. If in a dream you see how a close man or a friend sleeps, then it shows your subconscious desire to heal him or protect it.

Despite the fact that such dreams are very rarely shot by people, they are not always dangerous. One way or another, do not think that something is wrong with you. It is not quite usually, but can talk about many positive things or upcoming changes. Successful dreams to you, success, and do not forget to press buttons and

What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do amazing fantastic images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor the master esoteric are given to these questions. And although the attitude to the question changes over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of the human life.

In deep antiquity, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the kind, gods or ancestors, in such a way the mysterious forces communicate with now living. Decipher these messages should have had local wisers, licensing and shamans. When, over time, primitive beliefs changed with religious systems, the interpretation of dreams was the task of priests of various cults. At that time, the night visions were more than serious. As you know, in ancient Greece, there were even special temples, where visitors came to bed if they needed to see the prophetic dream, and the civil servants helped with the interpretation. There was also the first dream book that came to us - the five-volume book written by Artemidor Daldian.

If a nightmare dreamed, you need to look out on the window and say three times:
"Where night, there and sleep"

In the era of Christianity to dreams continued to be very pretty. They were looking for a secret meaning, trying to unravel, which hints give higher strength. And this is not surprising: even the bible is described by prophetic dreams.

At a later time with the development of science, the attitude towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, dropping all the strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams - a storehouse of personality information, valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity of the scientific approach, is not ugas. Services of magicians and predictors, seams and interpreters of dreams have always been in demand, although they were silence.

So, in what worlds the soul wanders while you quietly stick in your bed, what experience does it extract from these wanders and what can you mean seen? If all these questions are worried about if we are disturbed by a strange dream, if you want to know what it would be - our online dream book will become an excellent consultant interpreter. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free.

Famous dream book Miller, interpretation from the legendary provenant of Vanga, a lot of author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loffe, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - all this you will find with us. And to interpret dreams to be as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

Combined dream book of various authors, submitted to the site helps to find the most complete description of each event seen in a dream.
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Work of our subconscious

Our consciousness that we sometimes consider our "I" is only a small part of the brain work as a whole. Awareness of itself as individuals only a small part of the brain, most of the other processes occurring in the head are processed without attracting consciousness. These are not only automated reactions like breathing, heart control, muscles when walking, but also more complex: recognition of images, formation of volume surrounding reality. Brain, in fact, at the preliminary level, chooses what to show consciousness, and what to omit. Some actions are carried out so automated that the consciousness is not observed about the work performed.

Quite by chance, recently found out that I got new books: "Conscious exits from the body. Travel experience in other worlds "and" Controlled dreams. Controlled reality. " They came out of a certain IPL publishing house in 2016. It turns out that it happens, the author himself does not know that he has new books.

Renamed the book on their own way and released as the author's innovations. What kind of publishing house I have no idea, but after reading the reviews for books it can be concluded: this is my first and second book published in the publishing house "All" called: "Latinet of dreams. Part 1. The beginning of the path "and" Dream traveler. Part 2. New millennium. "

In essence, it is the same books. If you have previously read a series of dream travelers, then new books do not make sense.

What is the dream of rats

Interpretation of sleep in which dreamed of rat. Closing ahead, somehow an article - I boldly say that sleep about rat is bad. Depending on sleep variations, you can determine where the danger goes from or what to expect in the near future, but in general the dream does not promise anything good. The only occurrence of a dream version, if the plot ends with the fact that the rat was killed or caught.

So, to find out which party to expect rat bite, analyze your dream.

Let's wonder how thought may have force. How thoughts can generally interact with the Universe, call events are not related to our direct actions. What laws of the Universe allow our mental desires to perform. How can our brain have a gift to see at a distance or feel the events of what is happening somewhere far from which we have no idea.

Suppose our body and brain in particular is the car. Complex, to some extent, incomprehensible, but still the device perceiving and transmitting signals at the outside. We will make another assumption that we are like a modern computer. Recently, more and more, our brain is compared with electronic devices, so we will not depart from this tradition. Thus, our thoughts are a kind of program, with cycles, functions that perform certain tasks. Part of the thoughts are the initial data, but the part possess the force - these are programs built according to the laws of the Universe.

Over the past month, I encountered several people trying to change your past. Then someone told about the memoirs of a non-existent past.

Most people consider the change in the past possible, and no accurate description How to change the past. But, one way or another, I come across mysterious stories that cannot be confirmed or refuted. Any change in the past leads to the fact that everyone surrounding remembers a new story. Therefore, it is impossible to confidently say that such a story is not the fiction of the author. Only some individuals retain memories of alternative real. Sometimes it is not even memory, but only the sensation of the wrong moment; Sometimes the illusion of outbreaks dejas, or false memories in the head of some moments that really never had, but for some reason it is stored in memory as memories.

Dreamings about people can predict a dream. They serve as a warning about the danger, or foreshadow the coming happiness. If a person dreams, it is necessary to determine who he is communicated, and also you know it. This will help to properly build sleep interpretation.

If a person dreams how it is interpreted in dreambooks

The dreams of people are considered relevant for sleeping, because it faces in life with a society where enemies are.

Based on this, sufficiently well-known esoterics offered their embodiments of interpretations of such visions:

  1. Vanga in his dream book paid great attention to the plot of dreams. She believed that if the same person was constantly seen, it signals the need to change the situation in life. Also sleeping should be acting quickly, otherwise it will be stagnant. When you see the individual in a dream, which recently thinks greatly, it means that the dream is justified on obsessive thoughts. In this case, the dream does not foreshadow. She also wrote about what a loved one dreams, who dressed in black clothes. This vision warns about the need to be alert due to the coming danger.
  2. Nostradamus believed that the vision of a person is a good omen. He believed that a dream about a man who was sitting on a rock, foreshadowing a stunning event. At the same time, it will be able to completely turn the ideas about life. If, in a dream, he turned out to be a stranger with a animal view, then sleeping will have to meet in the future with Antichrist. When a man in a dream was evil and aggressive, it means that a despotic tyrant will soon be as a ruler. If a wounded person dreamed, then in the future you are waiting for huge tests. Also in a dream, material wealth plays a big role. If you have dreamed of a beggar, expect minor troubles that can lead to loss of property. When he was rich, it is considered a prosperous sign. In this case, the sleep is thrusty life and prosperity in the family.
  3. In the family dream book it is indicated that if a dream is dreaming, in which the dream is not able to understand half a person, it means the need to change the post or place of work. In addition, if he was on an elevation, sleep foreshadows steep changes in the dream of a dream. Dreaming with evil people prophesy grieving from the events.

Dreamed a familiar person

It is very important to know to interpret sleep, who dreamed. If the dreams with a person was familiar, then it is considered a sign that serious events may occur. In this case, the interpretation takes on a particular importance if the dream is repeated daily. When a familiar person comes in night Gresses for a long time and often, this testifies to the presence of an internal astral connection with him. In addition, sleep indicates that it is strong enough, the relationship with the died strong and reliable personality.

Unfamiliar man

When a stranger was dreamed of a stranger, who does not bring any emotions, it may mean that it is an impersonation of a lost chance to change life.

According to Miller's theory, an unfamiliar man is considered a good harbinger of success in the financial sector. In addition, if he was beautiful and rich, then expect for grand changes in life. The opposite meaning is the dreams, in which there was an untidy and ugly man.

For unmarried girls, this vision is considered to be a warning about unwanted pregnancy, which will be the consequence of a slitty life.

What dreams of a person who likes

Another meaning is the dream of sympathy objects. When a person who likes, a dream often does not bear sacred meaning. Most likely, the dreams in real life thinks a lot about his object of desire, which is why the thoughts about the beloved do not leave even during sleep. On the other hand, a dream, in which the dreams saw a beloved face, foreshadowed him a romantic date. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the night when the lover was hardened, as the day of the week is of great importance for the interpretation of the dream.

Many people crowd

When many people dream at the same time, then it is worth thinking about internal condition. Often the crowd in a dream signals the manifestation of conflict situations that make sleeping nervous.

At the same time it is necessary to consider the behavior of the crowd. When the crowd behaves noisy, then sleep has no value for interpretation. If people are silent in a dream, it means that the dream in real life will soon be hard to transfer the tests. In order not to explode from the overaffect of emotions, you should take a long time to take leave. In addition, when society consisted of strangers, this is considered an omnant that the sleeping will wait for huge conflicts and quarrels.

In some cases, the vision testifies to the loneliness of the dream reality. In this case, it is advisable to visit the psychologist, as well as get friends.

A huge effect on the interpretation has a field of society in a dream:

  1. If not managed to learn the floor, it is interpreted that the dreams have a big chance to get into the elite.
  2. When women who were aggressively configured against Sleeping, this is a warning that the beautiful floor in the future can deceive and change the dream. Young and unmarried girls shoot on the eve of collisions with failures.
  3. In the event that there were some men in the crowd, the sleep recommends to be alerted, because he foreshadows both trouble and care. Therefore, in the following days after seen, a dream should be thought out every step.

Why dream of the same person

To find out why the same person dreams, it is necessary to approach the interpretation of a dream from a psychological point of view. Perhaps the dreams are denied on the same routine affairs. Usually it signals that the sleeping constantly walks in a circle. Based on that, it is necessary to change something in life so that everyday worries have not led to a mental disorder.

The reasons why dream of a person who do not think about

The most frequent cause of these dreams is that the identity donated at the moment misses the dream. It also means that he is constantly thinking about him.

On the other hand, sleep signals about the need for help. Usually some time after seen visions there will be a meeting with a dream object. Based on this, it is recommended to call a person sleeping with a person to make sure everything is fine with him.

With the interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to remember the feelings from sleep. In the case when the vision was alarming, then expect for trouble in work, to solve that old friends will help. If, during the dream, the sleeping felt happy, then the sleep says that it is difficult to feel good to get happiness, because of which the vision is a sign of subconscious about its need.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the day of the week

Depending on the specific day of the week, when the dream was seen, the interpretation of sleep will have a different meaning:

  1. A man was dreamed on Monday, the cause of seen dream is the emotional experience of the dream, as the patron saint of dreams is considered the moon on this day.
  2. Since Tuesday is considered to be a day of Mars, dreams on this day foreshadow large results in the work. Visions on Tuesday symbolize the desires of a dream to promotion to the target target.
  3. On Wednesday, the dreams about people often mean a little in the role of foresight. Usually, the vision is associated with the thoughts of the person donated.
  4. On Thursday, the dream is the most significant for interpretation. On this day, almost all dreams come true. Such dreams are promoted by activity in the professional sphere, as well as excellent results of the work done.
  5. On the night of Thursday, we come on Friday. If a person was hardened on this day, the dream should be interpreted in the love sphere. Usually, the vision reflects the desire of a dream, as well as it is able to foresee future relations.
  6. On Saturday, such visions warned sleeping about making an error.
  7. On Sunday, dreams have a positive interpretation. In any case, sleep is considered an omen of success and well-being.

Many psychologists explain why people who are often thinking about them. From the esoteric side, such vision signs both trouble and well-being. In any case, the interpretation of the dreams should be suitable consciously, given the plot of visions.

Very interesting is sleep in a dream. What he means, tell dreams. Various sources in different ways interpret this dream.

American dream book

If a man in a dream sees himself sleeping, then, most likely, this means that he travels in the subtle worlds and sees his body from the side. This dream can still be decrypted as strong reluctance and resistance to change. It can lead to stag. What does the dream mean in a dream? This gives the right to say that a person sees conscious dreams.

Idiom dream book

If a person dreams that he is lying to sleep in a dream, he wants to rejuvenate from affairs. Wake up in a dream is awakening to a new life. Sleep carelessly to infender.

Italian dream book: What do dreams mean in a dream

If a person dreams that he is sleeping, this suggests that he needs a pause, delay or a passage in taking some important decisions or in overcoming difficulties. Such dreams are not so rare.

Small dream book Veles.

Dream in a dream is unfinished sign. Sleeping can interfere. Sleep in a dream - to various obstacles in affairs, diseases and laziness. Do it standing - to close misfortune. Sleep on the grass - to joyful and carefree life.

Newest dream: sleep in a dream - what does it mean?

As a rule, when a person sees himself sleeping, it is the foresight of a protracted disease, the result of which even disability or severe complication can become.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A dream in which a person sees himself sleeping, or he dreams of a dream, can foreshadow his death. He may also say that the Greaming should wake up some positive aspects of his personality (faith, conscience, etc.).

Winter Dream: sleep in a dream - what does it mean?

When a person sees a dream, in which he sleeps or going to bed, is a sign of his inattention and inaction. If in a dream the atmosphere is severe and bad, then the reality should be expected. However, if a person is going to fit sleep in a beautiful mood, in real life, he needs to forget about some kind of problems and trouble. Most likely, they will be solved by themselves, or in the future, the sleep itself will find a way for this.

Modern dream book

When a man in a dream sees that he sleeps and at the same time he dreams sleep, it means that in reality he is twin towards a very good person and doubts the correctness of his actions. If someone is sleeping in a dream, someone tells about his dream, his relatives will have trouble, and they will be taught for help. To see a nightmare - to the lucky resolution of a very difficult situation. Colorful and good sleep - to disappointment.

Snorker from A to Z

A dream, in which a man after a hard day is tricked in a cozy soft chair, is the foresight of the treason of his beloved at the moment when the trust of sleeping to him is almost limitless.

Esoteric dream book: sleep in a dream - what does it mean?

If a person realizes that in a dream, he sees another dream, he needs to try to fix this condition. In the future, he can learn to order himself. Such dreams mean that the person is inclined to work with dreams and receive information from the subtle world by this way.

Dreamed that I was pregnant - what is it for? Interpretation of dreams: Pregnancy. See in a dream of a pregnant

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it? This question interests many representatives of weak gender, which saw such a dream. And this is not good. After all, everyone knows that dreams almost always mean something. Quite often, they warn us from the upcoming troubles, suggest how to do in one situation or another, and also give hope for a bright and happy future. That is why many girls and women turn to the dreams with the question of what is waiting if you see a pregnant yourself in a dream? This will be devoted to the presented article.

Modern dream book

Be pregnant in a poor girl promises a huge wealth, and a wealthy woman is a complete ruin. It is also worth noting that such an event can see not only the representatives of the weak floor, but also young people. Thus, a married man threatens a scandalous divorce, and on the initiative of his second half. As for idle boys, there is such a strange and unnatural sleep for them means that soon they will meet the girl of their dreams, which will subsequently become their legitimate wife.

Other interpretations from the modern dream book

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it? Modern dream interpretation interprets this vision completely differently. For example, for an innocent girl, such an event promises in reality shame and humiliation. Older women presented sleep, on the contrary, predicts very quick recognition and pride from family members, colleagues, close friends, etc. If such a vision came to an old grandmother, then it is to her closest death.

Constantly see in a dream that pregnant is not a very good sign for a person. After all, such an event foreshadows diseases, including quite serious. If your dreams are connected directly with childbirth, it is to the nearest exemption from all the seals and moral experiences, material debts, as well as to the disclosure of any foreign mystery.

To see a pregnant woman (or another woman) - this is an unexpected cash profit. If such visions come to the girl, who in reality is in the "interesting" position, then this speaks only about one thing - her childbirth will be favorable, and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

A man see a pregnant belly in a dream - his wife or mistress - says that those feelings that he experienced in relation to the second half are mutual.

Dream Miller

As you can see, there are quite a few interpretations of dreams about pregnancy. That is why for their decryption, it is necessary to carefully analyze the real situation in their lives, and already compare all events and make certain conclusions, based on the dream book.

A pregnant woman in a dream on Miller means that a beautiful sex representative in the very near future wait for a waving with his beloved spouse. In addition, such a vision foreshadows that children will be ugly.

What does dream mean, what am I pregnant? If a virgin is asked about this, then the answer will be like this: she should be generally in society, as it is very soon awaiting her universal condemnation, shame and even humiliation. It is also worth noting that the interpretation of Miller explains such a vision of a woman in the "interesting" position, the fact that in a short time it will have a healthy baby as a result of favorable childbirth.

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it?

As you noticed, a pregnant woman or even a man in a dream, has a huge number of different values. In this regard, it is rather difficult to decide which definition is suitable for your situation. In order to facilitate the decoding of their own visions, it should be understood that their interpretation depends on several circumstances. Consider them in more detail.

First, to see a pregnant woman in a dream, a representative of a weak floor, which in real life is already in the "interesting" position. As a rule, such visions of Dreams are interpreted with reluctance. And this is due to the fact that the girls who are so worried about the upcoming birth, their stormy emotions and feelings from reality are transferred to sleep, which makes them not particularly significant.

Secondly, find out what a pregnant woman, in a dream, a beautiful sex representative can only for the reason that in reality she really wants to be in this position.

Thirdly, such visions come to men or women as precursors of events, in no way connected with the past, real or future pregnancy. It should be especially noted that these dreams are actively interpreted in modern interpreters. After all, only such vision can warn, prevent, delight or predict.

Detailed interpretation of dreams (pregnancy women)

If you clearly see yourself pregnant in a dream, but in reality you are far from such a position, then this may mean the following.

First, at the moment you are in such a living stage, when you are open for something new and capable of doing do not have any actions. Such a dream means that you will soon make an important discovery for yourself, which later will turn your life into a real holiday. But this is only if the pregnancy you have become a joyful event and you felt a tide of strength and energy.

Secondly, to see yourself in a dream in the "interesting" position may mean what you subconsciously want to become a good and caring mother. Thus, if you are an active young woman who periodically looks at other fair sex representatives and dreams of such happiness as a child, but is still not ready for this, then the dream of pregnancy speaks of your full transition to another stage. In other words, you begin to gradually realize the possible birth of a baby and, quite likely, very soon thinking about this crucial event in the life of every woman.

"What does dream mean, what am I pregnant?" - A question that often worries women. It should be especially noted that such an unusual vision is quite often coming to those women who are very active in sex life. In this regard, such a dream can be a certain result of your permanent alarms "What if". Especially if at this stage of your life you do not want or are not ready to become a mother.

Dream Vangu

I dreamed that I was pregnant. What is it? This question gives an exhaustive response exactly to the dream book. But, like other interpreters, he recommends to evaluate such visions from 2 sides - do you think about the "interesting" position in reality or such a dream is for you a complete surprise? In the event that this event has dreamed of you during your pregnancy in reality, then there is no point in deciphering. After all, such visions do not carry any prediction in themselves, but only are a continuation of your emotions and feelings. An unexpected events that do not overcall with reality are more interesting for Wang Dream. It is these dreams that the interpreters are sprinkled by the deepest meaning.

So let's consider together what lies under the dream where you saw yourself or someone pregnant.

See in a dream itself in the "interesting" position - to pregnancy

Such visions often come to representatives of the beautiful sex of reproductive age shortly before the conception of the baby. It happens that such a dream sees a woman who is already pregnant, but still does not know about it. By the way, in this situation a girl can dream not only a big belly or feeling that someone in it is, but also, for example, images of a small child or even young animals. After that vision, the woman is recommended to check - and is not pregnant if it really is.

Subconscious desire to become a mother or father

Such dreams can see not only women, but also men. And the more people have thoughts about creating a strong family, including the birth of a child, the greater the chance to see this plot at night. There is nothing surprising. After all, the desire to become mother or father is quite natural for young people. It remains only to implement it.

See your own or other people's birth

After an interesting and exciting night plot, I want to look into the dream book. Pregnancy and childbirth vanity does not always mean that you want a child or already carry it under your heart. After all, such an unexpected sleep is often preceded by events, not related to the "interesting" position of a woman.

If this vision came to a girl or a man, then, most likely, this person is currently in the waiting position. This may be connected with love, business, friendly relations, etc. In addition, the pregnancy often dreams of who is ready to give rise to something new in his life. So, in reality, you can come up with something creative, implement it, and then content with your own brainchild. Thus, the dream of pregnancy and the immediate birth of a child should serve as a certain impetus for you and give you the confidence that is catastrophically lacking for self-realization and self-expression.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean if in a dream a man sees himself with "belly"? Surprisingly, it is often visions about their own pregnancy come precisely representatives of strong sex. This event, the psychological dream book gives two decoding.

First, this is a new and fairly promising project. After all, pregnancy condition is an unnatural process for strong sex. In this regard, the interpreters equate this vision to any large-scale undertaking in real life. Moreover, from emotions in a dream and its exodus, it depends on how the project is in reality - successful or failure. For example, if a man saw himself pregnant, and then born a healthy and strong baby, then, most likely, the work of his whole life will fully justify itself. If, in a dream, such an unnatural process brings only negative emotions and alienation, then in reality it is better not to experience fate and abandon all the planned plans relating to any monetary projects.

It should also be noted that according to one of the versions of a man who saw her pregnant women, a rather weak sexual activity in reality. In addition, such representatives of strong sex may be sick, as a result of which they have no chance to fertilize a woman. At the same time, in reality, a man may not even suspect about this problem. In this regard, after such sleep, it makes sense to refer to specialists and pass a number of analyzes for identifying relevant diseases.

By the way, such dreams can testify not only about the infertility of a young man, but also to talk about all kinds of sexual problems (for example, about weakened sexual function, unsatisfactory and irregular sex, etc.). In this case, a man who feels the presence of listed deviations, is trying to subconsciously fill this pretty score, in connection with which the condition of pregnancy is on behalf of. It should be especially noted that it is deeply psychological sleep. If this vision comes very often and begins to disturb the man, it is best to apply for a consultation to an experienced sexologist, otherwise a person may have others, quite real problems.

See in a dream germ, embryo

As in the previous case, such a vision can be interpreted in different ways. First, see the process of conception, as a result of which the embryo is attached to the uterine cavity, symbolizes the birth of a new and rather promising idea. Whether it will be implemented in life or you will have to face a lot of problems, completely depends on what emotions you watched this process in a dream. So, if a healthy and strong embryo began its further development, it testifies to the upcoming successful endeavors. If the embryo is rejected by the body of a woman, then it is likely to be expecting great difficulties on the way to success. But this does not mean that your project will be failed.

Secondly, the dreams with human germs often talk about the development of any serious illness. It should be very fascinated if such a vision came to a child (boy or girl) or a woman not reproductive age. In this situation, it makes sense to undergo a complete medical examination. After all, your own body with the help of such an explicit signal reports that you have a serious illness, but while it stays in the initial (or germ) stage.

Let's summarize

As you can see, today there is an incredible number of interpretations of why you dreamed that you are pregnant, give birth, etc. Of course, it is impossible to completely rely on a similar interpretation of dreams. The pregnancy of a woman or a man is far from always to us in a dream as a warning or caution. In addition, to understand why you saw this event, you can and without using all sorts of dreams. To do this, only you should think about your life and situations that you are very worried, and the interpretation will draw it by itself. It is also extremely important to recall all emotions in a dream. After all, it is possible to understand which events you expect ahead - joyful and happy or disturbing and sad.

Dream Snake, why dream snake in a dream to see

Dream of Astromeridiana

What do you dream of a snake in a dream?

  1. Snakes will dream of a woman to the fact that it surrounds a lot of ill-wishers. It should be extremely careful and not to succumb to provocations.
  2. What a snake is dreaming, a lot of snake to a woman - to betrayal from her loved ones.
  3. Snake in the house - enemies are near, perhaps it is someone from loved ones. Snakes are shot in the house - some trouble will happen in your house in your absence.
  4. Small snakes are a little evil, quarrel, small trouble. To see in a dream of small snakes on the trees - to a slander or punishment for your actions. A agricultural snake is a liberation from old habits and duties.
  5. If the Green Snake throws your body, it means that the old principles do not give you to develop further, so you need to cross through them and go further.
  6. What dreams of a yellow snake are a serious change in life. It may be reconciliation with an old friend or victory over a long-time enemy. What is the dream of yellow snakes in a dream - you will get acquainted with insincere people who, despite the glands, will chase their goals. Be careful with new acquaintances.
  7. Snake men dream - can signal about its hidden homosexual preferences, desire to notice the opposite sex. Keep them in your hands - to big troubles and care.

Snakes are starred - interpretation of sleep with different authors

Idiom dream book

Snake dreams, what does it symbolize?

"Snake Podkodnaya" - Cunning, danger, aggression; "Snake meanness", "Green Snake" (alcoholism); Kundalini is a mystical, demonic energy, the concentration of the human ego. "Snake Gorynych" - Russian analogue of Kundalini; "Break" - "Remove" - \u200b\u200b"Help".

Dream of spiritual seekers

Why dream snake in a dream?

Snake to see in a dream - a twisted ball or lifting - a symbol of the extreme danger of awakening the demonic energy of Kundalini and the destructive consequences of such activity.

Children's dream book

What a snake child dreams, sleep interpretation:

Snakes - anger, gossip, enemies, is a interpretation of what dreams of you at night.

Female dream book

Why dream of a woman snake, what is this dream?

  1. Snake - in general, snakes will dream of nursing troubles.
  2. Crazy snakes symbolize the struggle for the existence and remorse.
  3. To see in a dream of small snakes means that you will have a warm welcome to people who will be slander to slander and disappoint you, trying to upset your plans.
  4. Snake, a peacefully rolled ring, - the head of the fact that your enemies are waiting for a suitable moment to apply a crushing blow.
  5. To see a snake tangle in a dream - also a bad omen. Such a dream says that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of a career, misfortune in family life and even death.
  6. If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, she will suffer from injustice and hypocrisy of a close friend.
  7. To see in a dream, like snakes stuff others, means that you yourself hurt a friend.
  8. Killing snakes in a dream means that you will go for all for the sake of achieving your interests or the rest of the people are considered with them. Winning you will be provided.

Russian People's Sonniest

What a snake dream is - interpretation of sleep:

Snakes are one of the complex characters. In most cases, evil evils, cunning, envy and even death. May mean a woman. On the other hand, you can personify wisdom and a new life.

Gypsy dream book

Snakes What means and what is the dream:

Snake - in a dream, visible, means the enemies of cunning and people who are ungrateful, also seduction and debris; see the snake crawling from side to the side marks envy, illness, imprisonment and other misfortunes; Kill the snake means to triumph over the enemies of cunning and envious.

Dream of writer Ezopa

What are the snakes for you in everyday life?

Snake in a dream to see is one of the most complex symbols arising in a dream. The thing is that, on the one hand, the snake is the personification of evil, cunning, envy and even death. But, on the other hand, the same snake symbolizes wisdom, healing and new life. In the case, the first value is the most famous and common, such folk expressions are told about this, as "to warm the snake on the chest", "snake language", and the second meaning is not quite known, although many people know the ancient belief that the snake periodically Resets your skin to regain youth, and this also means that it is the only one on all white light has a secret of eternal life, that is, is also a symbol of longevity. In this belief, it is also said that if someone can find snake skin and make a wonderful decoction from it, he will save himself from all diseases and his loved ones. There are also folk signs that could contribute to the appearance of a snake image in your dream: "If you don't step by barefoot on the floor on the eve of external Egorya, then there will be no single snake," killing the snake, you have to hang it on Osin. " So, caused by your subconscious in dream, the image of a snake testimony that in real life you have faced with great evil, cunning, envy, death or wisdom, healing, hopes for a new life.

  1. To see a snake in a dreaming in the sun - a sign that you support the evil envious person who is trying to harm you, building a shovel against you and blossoming evil gossip.
  2. What dreams to watch in a dream by how the water snake devours frogs is a sign that a very strong person will want to influence you. Perhaps you even change your beliefs under his influence, which will later regret very much.
  3. To see the cavalous viper - means that someone from your loved ones has conceived evil against you, he will try to destroy your financial well-being and inconspicuous ways to destroy your financial well-being and make a discord to family life.
  4. What dreams of a viper, floating on the river on a thin branch, then such a dream warns that there is a bad man in your surroundings who wants to hurt you.
  5. What dreams of watching in a dream for the fighting of viper with a water snake - you will be able to prevent evil, which seek you to cause your enemies, and dispel rumors and gossip about you.
  6. If this fight is observed loudly screaming frogs, then such a dream indicates that in a short time you have a difficult case, to succeed in which you can only if you work a lot. This dream reminds one simple truth: decide your problems with affairs, and not in words.
  7. What dreams of watching in a dream as a snake drops his skin, "means that in real life you will find a meeting with a wise person who will not only correct your health, but also make you think about the eternal truths.
  8. Prepared in a dream a decoction of snake skins - a sign that in order to correct your health or the health of your loved ones, you need to seek help from folk healers.
  9. If a few snakes are attacked in a dream, then it means that you will need to protect your dignity from evil attacks.
  10. If you dreamed that the snake was stung you, then soon you will seriously suffer from evil rumors and gossip.
  11. To see the snake cubs - a bad omen. Such a dream warns about the evil betrayal of people who you trust.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Why dream snake - sleep symbolics:

Snake - represents various types of vital energy: sexy, spiritual, aggressive. Also symbolizes the art of healing. Bite snake - treason, deception, illness. Playing snake - sexual relationship, lust. Sleeping snake - healing, wisdom, good luck. Break - the symbol of the devil, the temptation.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist A. Malegetti

What are the snakes with, analyze the vision:

Snakes can symbolize a huge number of things. Since most snakes are poisonous and dangerous, then one of the most common values \u200b\u200bof this image is death. Since snakes are very slippery and creeping - another meaning of this symbol is a cunning, trick, deception. It was the snake who seduced Eve to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge and its image there is a temptation symbol (especially sexual temptation), and in the end the image of the snake is an actual symbol. The image of the snake expresses fear of death or her desire, anxiety about his health, fear that someone makes an unwanted action against you. The feeling that you are clever, cunning in this situation. Fear that the other may be more agile and cunning in this matter. The desire to give way to a certain temptation, the desire of sexual communication and at the same time fear of it. As a rule, the image of the snake is negative, indicates the impossibility of adequate command in the situation, the loss of individual information and the implementation of actions for an alien for an individual program entered into its logical, rational. Moreover, this program is like obsessiveness causes a person to walk in a circle or spiral - along the route that is predetermined in advance, so deciphering what you dream in a dream.

Family dream book

What do snakes dream of a dream?

Snake - a quietly lying snake - you are waiting for a responsible work that will require considerable effort, but will not bring the desired satisfaction. If the snake is overwhelmed by the road - someone interferes with you, acting a cheat. Sleep from Thursday to Friday - someone from your loved ones will support you in cash, do not reject help, it is necessary for you. Sleep from Friday on Saturday is a bad omen, your personal life is noteworthy not as I would like, many of your hopes are not destined to come true.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

What do snakes dream in dreams?

Snake to see in a dream - Deceit, betrayal; If it is changing - to the disease, this is the interpretation of the snake in the dream.

Ukrainian dream book

What a snake is being shot, according to the folk beliefs of Malorussia:

Snake - snake bite - quarrel, trouble, snake see - enemies; Bloody snake - a hidden enemy.

Dream Interpretary Prince Zhou-Guna

Snakes dreaming in a dream, why?

Snake or dragon kill a person. - foreshadows great misfortune. Snake bites a man. - foreshadows the acquisition of great wealth. Snake climbs over the sinus. - foreshadow the birth of a noble son. The snake moves under water, enters the water. - Resettlement to a new home or service increase. Snake followed man. - Says to change his wife. The snake crashes into the rear pass. - foreshadowed, quarrel. Snake is wrapped around the body. - Birth of a noble son. Many snakes. - Indicates cases associated with the afterlife. Snake cucumber, hoarse. - foreshadows officials.

Dream of the XXI century

Why dream snake in night gold?

  1. Snake - see the snake on his wife or that the snake crawled to you for the sinus - by the birth of the son.
  2. Detect the snake in his home in his home - means troubles that occur or will occur in the house in your absence.
  3. Keep a snake for the sinus - it means that you will soon become a good reputation, you will have a good glory.
  4. Snake's nest in a dream symbolizes a person from which it will be difficult to free themselves, quarrels and breakdowns in the family, the ball of snakes is the feeling of the internal disorder, discord within herself.
  5. See how snakes are stuffing others, means it is undeservedly offended to offend someone.
  6. Being a delight of the snake - a sign of impotence in front of the enemies.
  7. To see snakes in the water, which you have to go, - means that success will be followed.
  8. If you see in a dream that the snake turns into a dragon - expect support for an influential person; see how the snake moves under water or enters the water - it means that you are waiting for relocation to a new home or a promotion; Sleep, in which the snake follows a person - to the treason of his wife.
  9. To see Python in a dream - it means that to achieve the target target you will have to overcome the physical obstacle, to see the horny - the match will come to the house.
  10. A bronze-colored snake seen in a dream can be an envy or deception. To see a snake trying to attack you, run away from her - means that in real life you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, and not to lose everything, you need to show vigilance, especially if you are too trustful.
  11. Kill the snake - it means to triumph over the enemies with cunning and envious. To see the snake running from side to the side, "means that people are surrounded by cunning and ungrateful, envious, possibly imprisonment in prison and Czugie.
  12. If you dream that your neck challenged the snake and you chind, - we can go without a bladder.
  13. Being a snake in a dream - means someone's hostility, a quarrel, a nuisance; Crush the head of the snake - to give a lesson with a non-acceptable or immoral person.
  14. However, if you have bitten a snake in a dream, it may be the foresight of the acquisition of great wealth.

Egyptian dream book

Snakes dreams of what:

Snake - If a person sees himself in a dream, the bustted snake is bad, it means that the dispute will unfold against him.

Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

What a snake dream, dream interpretation treats like this:

Snake - to her husband, intimate friend. Snake bite - to pregnancy. If a month, especially the young if a girl dreams, then "a couple of people" will appear soon.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist K. Jung

Snakes appear in dreams in a variety of forms, confirming the breadth of archetypal values \u200b\u200bthat carries the same shaped type. Snakes, of course, may carry a phallic meaning (or even literally associated with penis), but it is only part of their symbolic potential. Jung believed that snakes can sometimes represent the vegetative nervous system - a very curious observation in the light of recent studies in the brain area belonging to the center of the human brain, the so-called "reptile brain" (as opposed to a more studied mammalian brain and exclusively human development of the head of the head brain). Sometimes there are very clear changes in a person or subject matter who pursue. At first, he may look frightening, but as you approach any signs of aggression, justifying fear, experienced by the ego of dreams, does not occur. One man saw in a dream a large monster coming out of the darkness in the direction of the dream ego, which stood in a circle of light from a street lamp. But when the "monster" approached the light, he was nothing more than a mouse. Perhaps in the dark, she was a monster, but changed, entering the "light" of consciousness surrounding the ego of dreams. Complexes associated with the ego (sleep or wakefulness) behave differently than the complexes with the ego are not related, but because unconscious.

Lunar dream book

What is the dream of a snake in a dream?

Snake - to the disease; crush - recovery.

Muslim dreamnik

What is the dream of a snake on the sacred Quran and Sunna:

The snake is to see the snake - to the enemy, and the strength of the enemy is appropriate to be the power of seen snake. If anyone sees a snake manual and obedient, reaches the property, and if he sees that the snake attacked him, - he will be comprehended by some kind of sorry from the king. If anyone sees that a lot of snakes gathered together and harm does not cause - means a person seeing such a dream will be superior over the army.

Dream dream psychologist D.Luffa

What is the dream of a snake dream, psychological analysis:

To see the snake - this is a difficult symbol, because in different cultures it is interpreted in different ways. Interpretation of sleep about snakes have a very wide range: from fear, cold blood, to peace and wisdom. Options are determined by the history of literature and folklore of different cultures, as well as personal experience. In real life, fear of snakes is the phenomenon is often. Some people have this fear of character so destructive, almost pathological, that even the photo of the snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes are not boring anything good. If someone who holds the snake in their hands is present in a dream, then it is likely to symbolize the source of wisdom and managing the order in the world of chasing and may be in some ways to his dear or any of his acquaintances. In the Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom follows from the ability of the snake to dump the skin and update. If someone has a snake in such a light, then this dream symbolizes the update, solving problems and streamlining. In the Jewish-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of a temptation or spiritual counteraction to achieve the goal. Such a interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the cnwe is seduced by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake doned in such a context hints to you on a particular person in your real life, with whom you have not completely smooth relationships. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes embodies the fear of the sex act, disgusting to it. It is quite difficult to interpret the snake you dreamed. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, with fear or friendly? Snake appeared when you were alone or with others? What feelings are you experiencing relative to those; People who were with you? Answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of sleep with a snake.

Biblical dream book Azara

Snakes on spiritual sources to what to dream?

Snake - an evil enemy

Dream Vangu

What does it mean if the snake is shot:

  1. Snake - see the snake crawling on the ground - evidence that soon you will fight with the worst enemy, which after the secret goat against you will be decided on an open war.
  2. If the creeping snake is poisonous, it is unlikely that you will be able to win over this person, because it is stronger and causar you.
  3. If the crawling snake is neyold, then you can easily handle your enemy, using his goats against him.
  4. To see in a dream of a ball of snakes - a bad omen. Such a dream says that there are a lot of evil, envious people around you who wish you the collapse of a career, misfortune in family life and even death. You should be careful in communicating with all your friends, because Passion expressed by you will serve you with a bad service.
  5. If a snake bit you in a dream, then in real life you have a deep disappointment in a close person. For a long time, you will seek the reasons for your constant bad luck, but it doesn't even mind that this is the work of the man's hands to whom you trust. Most likely, he resorted to the forces of black magic, putting his goal to make your life unhappy.
  6. To see a snake peacefully curled ring, the head of the fact that your enemies are just waiting for a suitable moment to apply a strong blow from which you most likely cannot recover.
  7. If you dreamed of a huge snake, squeezing a man's neck, then such a dream is a bad sign. Apparently, you are among the first to learn about the fatal disease of a loved one. You will need to show a great power strength to report it to the relatives of the patient and help a close person to live with dignity and humility of your last days.
  8. To see the snake of giant sizes in a dream - the prophecy of a big tragedy. The times will come when Satan will instill on Earth in human court. It will be a hunger, poverty, violence, human suffering, theft and death of millions of people living on our planet. Kill in a dream snake - a sign that mankind in the future, realizing how important it is to believe in God, will again open all the churches and temples. The unclean power will retreat, seeing that people became merciful and wiser.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Snake shot, what?

Snake - have enemies among women; Kill - get out of a difficult everyday situation.

Dream Nostradamusa

Why dream snake in a dream:

  1. Snake - a symbol of the sin of man, evil, tricks.
  2. To see a snake crawling on the ground - means that you should fear the years under its influence, that is, 2001, 2013, 2025, etc., it is within these years that you will hang out a real threat to be silent and tangible. Most likely, there is no longer a person who will not have a person who helps you overcome the disaster with you.
  3. The poisonous snake, who paid the number of Antichrist, is the sign that at the moment the antichrist will come to the ground, all the most terrible human defects are activated. The time of murderers, thieves, rapists will come. To see in a dream, a non-team snake approaching man - a warning that the person who starts the war against a weak state, but currently there is still the opportunity to prevent this person at the first time. The dream is such a dream warns of threatening danger, which can be avoided.
  4. If you were bitten by a poisonous snake in a dream - you, not wanting to be the cause of a very large scandal, perhaps on your fault or the fault of someone from your loved ones will have a political coup.
  5. If you dreamed of a huge snake, squeezing a man's neck, then, it means that this person threatens a real danger.
  6. The dream in which you saw the black, giant sizes of the snake, means not comparable evil.
  7. Snake, who blamed the rod, means evil, hiding the truth.
  8. If in a dream you saw the snake rolled around the ring, means you have a secret ill-wisher.
  9. To see a snake attacker on you - it means that there is a disaster and deprivation.
  10. Kill snake in a dream - get rid of the enemy.
  11. To dream snake with several heads - warning. You can become a victim of monstrous lies.
  12. Snake, the outlines of which are hidden behind the fog, is a symbol of a nuclear threat and can mean a nuclear missile.
  13. Sleep, in which you feel a snake look, means close attention to you very influential and cruel people.
  14. What a snake is being shot in the ball - in reality to become a victim of intrigue and gossip.

Esoteric dream book

Snakes for what to dream, interpretation:

Snake - Ring is very important (attention!). Deployed dangerous adventure. Attacks do not miss the moment! The closer contact, the closer in time.

Psychological dream book

What to dream in the Snake subconscious:

Snake is a common symbol of sexuality, and, according to some psychoanalysts, the original female sin.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

Why dream snakes - Dream Interpretation interprets:

Snake - cunning, evil enemies - for men - have enemies among women - kill - get out of difficult everyday situation

Small Velezov Sonnik

Snake (reptile) - the enemy will bite, the witch, the horse will hit, the disease, prison, deception, treason; bitten - sadness, woman hurt, quarrel, trouble; crawling - envy, illness; chasing you - to attack, the enemy (secret) wants to overtake; Snakes to beware - the danger from the cunning and harmful person (see, Viper); beat, kill - defeat the spell.

Dream Wander (T. Amplanova)

Dream: Snakes dreaming in a dream

  1. Snake poisonous - in general negative, destructive, dangerous power and including a sexy symbol.
  2. Bite - a disease.
  3. See - a cunning dangerous woman; evil; Treason.
  4. Friendly caresses - the acquisition of secret knowledge; flattering, but insidious mistress.
  5. Sometimes expresses hidden mystical energy in a person, called Kundalini, and in connection with this, the danger of demonic temptation by supernatural abilities and care from love.
  6. Tangle snakes - painful internal contradictions.
  7. White snake - touch dangerous, destructive knowledge. Water snake is a danger associated with the past.
  8. Kill the snake - very good.

Dream Taro.

If the snake is shot, how to understand it:

Snake, blamed around the tree - Single hero, Avenger

Aspid is a major poisonous snake - evil; bitten - a serious illness; Green Color - Drunkenness; A twisted ball - the danger of waking up the demonic energy of Kundalini (see the snakes of Gorynych).

Spring dream book

Snakes for what is shot in the spring?

Aspid (snake, snakes) - to temptation.

Summer Dream

Snakes for what is going on in the summer?

Aspid (snake) - to see a snake in a dream - to cunning from a close friend.

Hardening snake - to see a rattle snake in a dream - to a rival, insidious and unscrupulous.

Autumn dream book

Snakes for what is shot in autumn?

Aspid (snake, snake) - to see this unpleasant creature in a dream - to temptation.

Hardening snake - to the opponent that is overshadowed.

Hardening snake dreams of betrayal.

Dream of Yogov

If the snake is shot:

Snakes are a different type of energy. Good energy - powerful, with high vibrations. They are afraid mainly because of their strength, but they never hurt anything bad - they are our friends. Well make friends with her. Just see the snake - it is possible that you think in the direction of this power, but do not take anything yet. You fought with it - it means you control this energy.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

Why dream snake dreams:

  1. Snakes - if a woman dreams that she bites a dead snake - it means that anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer.
  2. Dreams of snakes are generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil. - To see in a dream of the serpenty or falling on someone - means the struggle for the existence and remorse.
  3. To kill snakes in a dream - means that you will go to all for the sake of achieving your interests or the rest of the people are considered with them. You will triumph victory over the enemies.
  4. To take place in a dream among the snakes - means that you will live in constant fear of the disease, and the egoists will encroach in your place in a friendly circle.
  5. If the snake in your dream will be stiven you, you will agree with evil incoste, and the enemies will damage your work.
  6. If you dream that on green grass to you crawls a flat spotted snake to you, you bounce aside, it crawls past, and you forget about her, how suddenly she approaches you, increasing in size and, finally, transforming in a huge snake, And you are at the price of insane efforts to successfully avoid his attack and completely gets rid of this creepy vision - all this means that in real life you will soon imagine that you are neglecting and do not respect, and your business go worse and worse.
  7. Diseases, anxiety, fierce will be scary to hypertrophy in your consciousness, but everything will end safely, imaginary misfortunes will be forgotten, and the obligations discharged aside, and you will be satisfied and rewarded.
  8. If you dream that the snake rings are wrapped around you and shoots your stale in you - it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies, and you are threatened with a disease.
  9. If in a dream you keep the snake in your hands - it means you will develop your strategy to overthrow your hostile forces.
  10. If, in a dream, your hair will turn into a snake - it means that in the life of insignificant, at first glance, the events will give you painful concern and care.
  11. If the snakes disintended to you take the bizarre outlines, this dream is fraught with troubles for you, which, however, dispel, if you consider them indifferent, keeping the presence of the spirit.
  12. To see or step in a dream on a snake, bathing or moving the rod of the river, means that you will be worried about the anticipation of clean joy.
  13. Why dreaming in a dream, like snakes stuff others - you hurt your friend.
  14. To see in a dream of small snakes - means that you will have a warm welcome to people who will be slander to slander and disappoint you, and will also try to upset your plans.
  15. to see in a dream of children playing with snakes, means that you will be confused, trying to recognize where your friends, and where the enemies.
  16. If a woman is worried about a child behind her, as she hears snake hiss - this means that it will persuade her to give up something, her dear, for her own good; But later, she will discover that it was involved in dishonest intrigue.
  17. to see in a dream, standing on a path, and snakes threatening his heads behind him, means that in reality you will reveal a conspiracy organized against you and your friend.
  18. If, in your dream, you understand that a friend holds snakes under control - it means that some powerful organization will act in your interest and reflect angry.
  19. If a woman dreams that she was fascinated by the snake - it means that they will begin to oppress her, but law and influential friends will speak to protect her rights.

Assyrian dream book

What is the dream of a snake on the book of dreams?

Snakes - if you caught a snake - find a patron and defender.

Vedic dream book

Why dream snake in a dream

Snakes - this dream says that you have cunning and dangerous enemies that will harm you and your life, so interprets the dream interpretation of the snake.

Small Velezov Sonnik

Why dream snake, sleep interpretation:

Snake - a polygous - wealth; Blink him - help, beat.

Mythological Dream

Snakes for what to dream in Slavic mythology:

Snake Gorynych - In the folklore of the Eastern Slavs, the multi-headed snakes are covered with a pension, the flames are a symbol of the human invulnerable, greed and always insatiable ego (some head cut down, others grow up again) the mystical energy of Kundalini, the demonic path of development; self-destruction at the psychic and physical levels. History to the various Eastern spiritual teachers, this hidden secret force inside a person, the essence of it is so unequivocal and very long ago was reflected in Slavic folk fairy tales and was known to every simple Russian man!

What does sleep mean in a dream?

Sleep in a dream I understand this: a person sees a dream, then wakes up, but certain events continue to happen to him. Then he wakes up again, and it turns out that he woke up and the events that happened to him just dreamed. In some people, such a chain can be more than 2 wakes.

The topic of similar dreams was reflected in the "Start" film. After that, it turned out that many people experienced a similar one.

What is it going on?

Esoterics believe that if you saw such a dream - it speaks of your predisposition to spiritual practices.

And official science cannot come to one opinion and explain why this happens.

I want to clarify. The question is set, which means sleep in a dream, and not an interpretation when a man in a dream sees himself sleeping. Sleep in a dream, very frequent phenomenon in people with deep experiences in reality. A person realizes that he sleeps and in a dream he sees a dream that he sees a dream. It is interesting. But, nevertheless, there is an active subconscious work, one deep experience is superimposed on another. And the fact that it seems was more hidden and painful, manifests itself in the second dream. And also, I think, since a person is aware of his condition during sleep, then we can talk about the "informed dream", and this is already a whole science.


The person is very difficult to arrange, the human brain operates at different frequencies, there are statements that a person also lives at various frequencies in various worlds, messages from another world and from another frequency as a rule comes from dreams when our brain operates on another frequency. Sleep In a dream, most likely it is some signals from the subconscious, it is not known that it is that only personal observations will be helped here. Many oriental teachings advise to record their dreams and then compare with real results, only in this way can be installed that may designate sleep in a dream.

What is the nature of sleep?


I don't quite understand what you mean, but from your own dream experience (rich enough), I can say that it happened that you feel that it's no longer sleeping, but at the same time you can't wake up and you are completely fixed. You realize that you do not control yourself at all. It lasts for a short time, but it seems that it happens for hours.


How we perceive sleep in a dream. It's like the second reality of our subconscious, we think that this is the real world, we think that in a dream we control all actions, thereby live there, in fact we sleep. Falling asleep in a dream We continue our journey in the Astral world already at the next stage. When you wake up in reality, you try to think as it could happen, you have anxiety, really the situation was not a reality. I will answer you that this is another unloading of thinking accumulated for a certain period, and while our brain is alive we see dreams. Nothing is predicted.

Crazy Biker.

Sleep in a dream Interesting thing) It turns out that we go to bed and fall asleep, and it seems to us that we live all the same reality and there we make all the same actions that we have in real life. There is no terrible incredibility, just scares that the idea that everything happened like Java, and you were sleeping.

So Sigmund Freud believed that our dream is the game of the subconscious, i.e., that we are either afraid or the reason for our problems. In any case, this our subconsciousness helps us to figure it out) If you can rightly analyze your dream, you can find a lawless solution, because in a dream we are subconsciously begin to repress many options for solving a particular problem.

Simply put, not afraid, but begin to analyze. Have a good morning and right decisions)

It is believed that seeing himself in sleep sleeping is a bad sign. It is assumed that such a dream foreshadows diseases, misfortunes, interference in affairs, excitement and experiences. The exception is "Dream in Nature", he means joy, fun. From the point of view of psychology, if such dreams are visited regularly, this indicates the fatigue of the organism, the need for rest, peace, communication with close and expensive people.

Oksana Dmitrieva

To see "sleep in a dream" means that a person wants those events that expect him in the future occurred. That is, a person builds some plans, the way for which he will move in achieving any goal. Therefore, when he sees that he sleeps, that is, he sees a dream, which there was no desire for the future.

What does sleep mean in a dream? ... to see himself in his sleep sleeping usually means that some misfortunes and illness await you soon. Still means that you may experience about something or just very often worried.

But do not forget that the dream for each person should be interpreted individually.

N i k o l a

Sleep "Sleep in Sind" most often foreshadows calm in life. You want to live since now, calm, do not want sharp changes, so you see this dream. Sleep has a rather pleasant interpretation. So you like the course of your life now, and you are happy to live like that.


what does sleep mean in a dream?

if you see yourself sleeping in your dream, it can mean:

  1. maybe aware-to-mind
  2. what you don't want any changes
  3. it may also be that soon meet a person who will be your destiny.

Elvira - Hasanchik

An amazing thing, but various dreams describe "sleep in a dream" completely differently. In most cases, such a dream does not predict anything negative. Most often similar sleep in a dream meansthat you do not want to change.

What does sleep mean in a dream

You can see even a visual demonstration of what it is. This concept is discussed in detail in the artistic film "Beginning". And, in general, this film is worth looking for it.

In a dream to see yourself pregnant to what?


Dream Interpretation Born from September to December
Pregnancy - sometimes this dream dreams of long-awaited pregnancy.

Female dream book

What dreams of pregnancy - if a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, then in real life this event will happen soon. If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces. For a man doned pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his beloved.

Italian dream book

Pregnancy is a symbol of tooling (wearing) of another. Usually, this image is considered negative, denoting the fact that the subject is subject to alien impacts (semantized by others) or indicates organic diseases. When he wants to designate the birth of an expected child, then a person is seen with certain physiognomic features.

Dream of flowers. Interpretation of dreams

Pregnancy - deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); build plans (for a man); See pregnant - trouble.

Dream of Freud.

Pregnancy - If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not slow themselves to wait. For a man dreaming pregnancy means that he would like to have a child from his partner.

Dream of the XXI century. Interpretation of dreams

Pregnancy - for a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to changes, material well-being, giving birth to difficulties in affairs, upcoming difficulties. With a pregnant woman lying nearby - to pleasant hopes. Being in a dream of pregnant - to the implementation of promising plans, profits, wealth. For a woman to see a pregnant woman in a dream - to success in the farm, in the family, to be pregnant - to joy. For a girl to be in a dream of a pregnant woman - to deception.

Dream Wander. Interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Pregnancy - for a girl - deception; For a woman - joy, fulfillment of desire. Men be pregnant - treason; Disease, danger; See pregnant - trouble.

Moon dream book. Interpretation of dreams

Dreamed / Dreamed pregnancy - for girls - deception; For a woman - joy and success

Dream Miller. Interpretation of dreams

What dreams of pregnancy is to see for a woman in a dream that she is pregnant, means that she will be unhappy with her husband, and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and attack. If the sleeping woman is actually pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a forecast of her prosperous permission from the burden and the rapid restoration of forces.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

Pregnancy - Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself, during pregnancy, the second is your real pregnancy is a silent event and sets the definite content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited to the sexual or age obstacles. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, but there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming about pregnancy, at the same time does not have real intent to get pregnant, such a dream may indicate your stay in the stage of primary transition to the new stage of self-analysis. One of the archetypes in Yung is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct of the preservation of the genus. To see himself involved in the activity in such a position - it means to observe your exit from the child's stage and the transition to the adult level. If you are active in a sexy sense, but you do not have intent to get pregnant, such a dream can be harmonious accompanied by your monthly cycle. In connection with such a sleep, there may be alarm type and what if requested comprehension and permission. A man who in a dream sees himself pregnant, is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is questionable. Such doubts often come to mind men who see themselves less act


For a girl, a dream in which she sees her pregnant means that he threatens dishonor. If such a dream dreams of a pregnant woman, then this is a sign that childbirth will be light. However, if pregnancy dreamed of a woman who does not expect in the near future to replenish the family, then such a dream may mean a bad marriage. If you meet a pregnant woman who amazes you with her huge, it promises you prosperity, which will be achieved by insignificant efforts during the shortest deadlines.