Rules of life of successful mothers: Madonna.

 Rules of life of successful mothers: Madonna.
Rules of life of successful mothers: Madonna.
0 August 19, 2017, 10:45

59-year-old posted on its page in Instagram very rare framewhere all her children are present: 20-year-old Lourdes, 17-year-old Rocco, 11-year-old David and Mercy, as well as 4-year-old Stella and Esther. Together with them, she celebrated her birthday in the Italian town of Lecce on the Salentin Peninsula.

The celebrity has never published in social networks of all six children, so this picture can be considered one of the most valuable singers in the account. In June, Madonna appeared a photo on which he was captured from Lourdes, Rocco, David and Mercy, but without black babies from Malawi. To the frame seemed to be completed, the singer resorted to aid Photoshop. And he added a frame with the participation of Stella and Esther to the very pictures with the rest of the children.


So relatively signed a fresh star shot.

The reaction of fans was very predictable: they instantly began to leave thousands of comments and continued to congratulate Madonna on the holiday.

The singer celebrated his birthday for two days. During this time, along with children managed to stroll around the surroundings, visit the concert and even fulfill two of their hits on it, ride a horse on horseback and arrange a noisy costumed party. By the way, Madonna's daughters were dressed in the same dresses from Dolce & Gabbanna with a floral print.

Recall that Stella and Esther were in February of this year. Since then, girls have been constantly appearing in Instagram singers. The star does not hide what is happy next to them. And the rest of the children seem to be very happy for mom.

The eldest daughter Madonna, Lourdes, was born in 1996. Her biological father is the Cuban athlete Carlos Leon, with whom the celebrity was then met. When the singer married the director Guy Richie, Rocco appeared in the 2000th. After six years, the spouses adopted 13-month David. In 2009, Madonna, already swaying with the second spouse, adopted MERSI, which took from the same shelter in Malawi as David.

Photo Instagram.

Awesome, and, of course, the talented American pop diva Madonna, posted on the network modern photos all their four children

A large mother rarely shows the pictures of children, it is from those who do not like to advertise a personal life. However, even the most secretive star Moms You can not restrain your feelings constantly, because I want to sometimes boast. Here, the 57-year-old Madonna recently posted a collage in Instagram, compiled from the photos of her children. Signed the singer snapshot: "Four corners of my heart"

First child - Lourdes Girl Maria Chikkon Leon Madonna gave birth in October 1996. Baby Father, Personal Trainer Singer (at that time) Cuban Carlos Leon. Seven months after the birth of Lourdes, Madonna and Carlos Leon broke up. Currently, he has a family, but relationship with his father and his new spouse The girl supports. 19-year-old Lourdes Maria grew up a real beauty and her resemblance to mom is just amazing

Lourdes Maria

In 1998, at one of the parties, Madonna was met with the British director of Ham Richie, and two years later, they concluded a marriage union of romantic relationships. In the same 2000, 42-year-old Madonna gives birth to a second child - the boy Rocco.

In 2006, Madonna, during a visit with the Humanitarian Mission of the Shelters of Malawia ( East Africa), she saved dying from inflammation of the lungs and depletion of the one-year-old boy David Gang, persuading the government of the republic to allow him to adopt. This adoption was accompanied loud scandalAfter all, in this poor country, the adoption of children by foreigners is prohibited. Now David is already 9 years old, he grows a healthy and happy child.

Marriage with Ham Richie lasted 8 years, and in 2008 Madonna died with her husband, leaving for children. However, he did not refuse his paternal duties and meets with children regularly, they often have at home, supports excellent relations with his new wife and children.

"3 Flowers in the Garden!" Chifundo Mursa James and David Gang

The trips to Africa continued, and in June 2009, Madonna launched a small girl from Malawi Chifundo Mersey James, who became the fourth child in this big family. In January, Girl will be 9 years old.

The whole life of the singer is accompanied by scandals, rumors and speculation, in many respects, she herself provokes them with their rapid behavior. It is not rarely reproaches that she adopted children for her own PR, which is not at all interested and do not do. Who knows where the truth, but in one way or another, all her children grow healthy and happy. Judge not lest ye be judged…

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The legend of the world show business, the queen of the scene - exactly such epithets award this unsurpassed woman, uncommon person. She knows how to attract attention to him and hold it. The singer Madonna is a star that does not need a presentation. Comprehensively gifted by talents, she falls in love with a glance.

star way

How old is Madonne? Such a question comes to mind when you look at her accurate body, a young face and shining eyes. She can give about thirty years old, no more. But the facts are stubborn, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, this year she will celebrate its 56th anniversary. How old is Madonne now? 55.

The full name of the star is Madonna Louise Veronika Chikcon. It comes from Bay City, that in Michigan. The blood flows the blood of the Canadian French (according to Mother) and American Italians (by Father). When Madonna was born, then two children were already in the family, after her, three more appeared. They lived together and piquety.

With the surrounding relationship, girls were difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but he did not help offend himself. Loss of Mother B. early age (She died in thirty) turned into an expansion of the list of relatives. Father married again, so in the family, another brother and sister appeared.

Dancing in the life of celebrities

How many years Madonna is difficult to answer, looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dancing classes. Very early, the girl persuaded the father to record her on the ballet. Then she studied at school, the University of Michigan, but left from there, since the teacher persuaded her to devote himself to his career. Future queen scene moved to New York. The city of Big Apple taught her to fight poverty and for his place under the sun. She danced in several groups, participated in the world tour of Patrick Eronaes, met Dan Gilro. Together with this musician, she creates the first rock group, and then the second. The records enjoyed success, and then got into the hands of the founder of Sire Records Saemura Stein.

Formation of Madonna as singer

How many years Madonne - did not matter. She set itself a goal and confidently went to her. She personally distributed his records among necessary people In "Dunsteria" on Manhattan. Then she spun a novel with the King of Disc-Jocheev Mark Camemin, who made every effort to Warner Bros engaged in promotion ascending star. The first single is "Everybody" - gained great popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song repeated the clip to her, despite the extremely minimal budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular with a great future.

World success

The perfect figure of Madonna, her passion for the dance determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions They were close to her, and it was they who raised her to the top of the charts. The first album of the singers rejected in the number of 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After that, the star began to invite to film, she continues to execute songs and sent to his first world tour.

How many years Madonne-singer, it was interesting to people already then, because in 1986, the first nude photos appeared in the men's glossy gloss in the black and white format. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, banned them to publish. The third album of celebrities received a good criticism from the side and made it in the Guinness Book of Records. Together with his beloved Madonna plays in the cinema and the theater, he writes to them soundtracks, works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

How many years Madonna can be said to be exactly, looking into her passport. A woman who was given a four-meter statue during his lifetime, looks always young and seductive. The breaking of relations with Sean Penno did not stop the victorious procession of the singer. And even interest in it was heated by scandals. The first such incident occurred during cooperation with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used a lot of Catholic symbols and wore too frank outfits. Advertising a popular drink with Madonna was tightly convicted by the Vatican. As a result, cooperation is rupty, and the girl receives a decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her profession

So, the world knows Madonna as an excellent dancer, successful singer with a charming voice and a scandalist. But in 1992, she founded Maverick, which works in the field of entertainment. Together with the Partner Time Warner Madonna releases a book with a loud name ("Sex"), the album "Erotica", but then she changes the style. The passion for Kabbalah and Judaism brought its fruits: the image of the singer became restrained and more chaste. Confirming your unofficial title "Queen of the scene", Madonna records diverse albums. And between all of this, she is filmed in Dolce & Gabbana advertising, creates youth clothing collections with their daughter, tries themselves as a screenwriter and director, opens the network of fitness clubs.

Personal life Madonna

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been the subject of adoration of strong sex representatives. Madonna had many novels and connections, but there was a place and serious relationship. The first marriage singer concluded in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was an example, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. Hook "Mr. Madonna", this Penna journalists, clearly did not like him. Four years later they diverged. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatti, famous Lovelas, but he did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and her partners called the actress Sandra Bernhard, the model but the queen scene itself denies, expressing for traditional relations. Seven years she lasted her marriage with the British director. And after that she met with Jesus Lusa - a Brazilian young model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two relatives and two receptions. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, the father of which was a personal sports coach of the singer, but did not become her husband. How many years did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, it means that the newly made mother was 38. In 2000, that is, aged 42 years, a woman gave birth to a son Stepdaughter (Mercy James) and the Son (David Gang) of Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna - beauty and style icon, image of confident and successful woman, strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figures are interested in both fans of her creativity and a strong floor. We will delight both those and others interesting facts About singer.

A practically non-changing appearance of the star is the subject of disputes of its fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sport, proper nutrition and rejuvenating procedures support natural beauty. The singer itself denies the rhinoplasty and other interventions of doctors, assuring that it enjoys high-quality cosmetics, makes the hardware lifting and chemical pilling, loves Thai massage. And she is trying to avoid stress, sticks right regime Labor and recreation.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all due to the fact that it does not have extra fat savings, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is harder. Daily fitness, yoga and special diet, as well as rehearsals of new show programs help support. In addition, the celebrity is engaged in Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, horse riding.

The growth of the queen pop music is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as we see, it did not cause the appearance of complexes. High stud or platform always accompany Madonna (with the exception of sports training). The star with ease wears heel height about twenty centimeters and looks at all down.

Here is such she, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, liberty and femininity!

Quick reply: 58 years as of August 2016.

Madonna Louise Veronica Chiccon (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone), more famous for us as just Madonna, is considered one of the most famous singers Over the past few decades. She is an actress, director, screenwriter, dancer and writer. It is the most commercially prosperous singer in the world, because during his career sold more than 100 million copies of singles and about 250 million copies of albums.

The star was born in Bay City, Michigan, USA. Her father Silvio was an Italian and worked for one of the American automakers as a designer. Madonna Louise's mother leads his genus from Canadian French. The girl born became the third child in the family (there were six of them). As she herself admits many years later, she did not love her at school and considered slightly crazy.

In 1963, her mother died of breast cancer and his father later married the maid, which worked in their family. At the same time Madonna asked her father to give her to school ballet. After she graduated from school, he entered the University of Michigan. At that time she still danced, but after the university planned to leave dances. In 1977, she moved to New York, where the first time was hardly unwinted - she simply had no money.

In 1979, she created its first rock band Breakfast Club with Dan Gilroy, and a few years later - Emmy with Stephen Brey. It was these songs that liked the New York DJ and the producer Mark Kamins that he immediately brought Madonna with Saimur Stein - the founder of Sire Records's sound recorder. So began a full-fledged musical career Madonna.

The first new single was called Everybody. It is interesting that initially the producers did not impose hope for him, but since the time before the release of the song was quite a bit, she was taken to release into circulation. By the way, on the cover of the single did not put the photograph of the singer. Forest Single entered the radio stations, as instantly became superhit.

At the same time, the company thought about the release of the first album, however, in order to not waste the money, it was decided to release another single. So, Madonne wrote a song called Burning Up, which also broke out into leaders among other compositions.

The first album under the name Like a virgin ("Like Virgo") became business card Madonna. It became so popular that even now continues to use sustainable demand! After that, such successful records like True Blue, Like A Prayer, Blond Ambition Tour ... The latest album is a record called MDNA, which was very warmly accepted by critics. She accepted her and the public - she managed to visit the top of the charts of many charts. Stars such as Benni Benassi, Michael Malih, William Orbit, Demolition Crew and so on.

Currently, Madonna continues to produce albums, record video clips, play in the movies and even comes up with own line clothes. It is worth noting that her concerts are a very caller show. For example, not so long ago, she shouted his chest on one of his concerts. However, this is just part of the show, not least because of which the singer is so popular.

She has three children: Lourdes Maria Chikcon Leon July 1996, Rocco Richie 2000 born, as well adopted child David gang of 2005 birth.

If you pronounce the word "Madonna" and ask the interlocutor about the association, which it caused, most likely the answer will sound that this is an American pop diva, and only then will remember the divine meaning. Alas, these are realities of life. We know better what we regularly write tabloids, show screens and monitors.

Superstside Madonne, born in 1958, in August 2017 will be 59 years old. Her life during the years of climbing and staying on the modern musical Olympus has changed. Today there is less climbing in the images, although it is still eccentric. Age affects, and, of course, not the last role plays the fact that it is the mother of four children.

Madonna herself (Louise Chickon) rose in large family And the mother lost early. In confrontation with the stepmother, many features of her character, which allowed to become a bright star, decades holding afloat in a restless sea show business.

Many stars, thinking about the career, do not give birth to children, and Madonna decided to become a mother in 38 years. In October 1996 she had a daughter of Lourdes. Father became coaching Cuban Carlos Leon, the marriage did not conclude with him. Two years later, in 1998, Madonna agreed with the British director Gair Richie, and in August 2000 the Son Rocco appeared at the pair.

Madonna's native children today are almost adults: in 2017, Lourdes will be 21 years old, and Rocco is 17 years old. They grew under the closer attention of the mother, who apparently remembering the commitment of his early deceased Mother of Religion and family values, brought up their loving, but not balusa. Madonna with any of the men left for a long time, but her children are friendly with their fathers.

In what true reason: In compassion, in love for the kids or in a desire to make them talk about themselves (this journalists suspect) - it is unknown, but Madonna adopted two black children. In 2006, David Gang, who was a little over a year, and in 2009 - Mearci James. They are both of the poorest African state of Malawi, where, according to the law, it is impossible to give children to adoption to foreigners. Madonna had to make efforts to achieve the goal.

The star is still popular. New novels arise, but children are the most important thing in her life. Native matured Lourdes and Rocco choose their way in life, the mother helps them, despite the fact that not everything is smooth in the relationship. Together with her daughter they released a line of clothes, the son is fond of modern dancing And already performed as a dancer with Madonna. Black kids have grown, today they are 11 and 10 years old, they participate in the creative ideas of the adopted mother, and Macy is quite successful for her age engaged in gymnastics.

In 2016, the media actively discussed the theme of the adoption of the Madon Four-year-old Twins from Malawi Esther and Stella, trying to understand why it was necessary for Pop Div and what awaits children in the family, where difficult relationships. But this is done by many stars, proving that orphanhood is hardly the worst thing that can be with children in life.