Examples of successful business plans. How to make a business plan - sample

Examples of successful business plans. How to make a business plan - sample
Examples of successful business plans. How to make a business plan - sample

Often, novice entrepreneurs face a rather complicated problem - how to make a business plan. This task is not easy, because for the study of each element it is necessary to have certain knowledge and understanding of the activity in which you are going to start a business. If they are not, then you will have to first get acquainted with information, various techniques, and even then proceed to practice.

By the way, we made a series of articles with examples and samples of business plans in the section. We also recommend you to get acquainted with the article :. This will help write your business plan correctly.

In the meantime, go to how to make a business plan for yourself.

Put for myself the ultimate goal

Before writing a business plan, it is very important at the beginning of the project development to understand what particular purpose to persecute the organization. For a successful embodiment, it is necessary to take into account the value of three significant factors:

  1. Awareness of the initial location (then, from what we will be repelled, the so-called point "A").
  2. Determination of the ultimate goal, the achievement of which will be the most important result (let it be a point "b").
  3. Drawing up a clear sequence of how from point "A" to come to the point "B", as well as an understanding of the mechanism, its study.

Define for whom we make a business plan

Next, it is necessary to understand for whom this plan is drawn up. From the choice of the final "reader" will depend on the detail of the presentation, the evidence base. Any project is drawn up for one of the following "consumers":

  • For potential investors . These may be lenders, state support authorities that provide developing subsidies and other promotions, various grantors.

When writing in this case, special attention should be paid to the evidence base of the viability of the project being developed, as well as the conviction in the efficiency of the use of the funds provided. This information will be relevant for those who give money to debt, and for those who give them free (subsidies, grants).

It is very important to make all its actions to make logical and consistent. Some of the information can be represented by a slightly embezzlement for financial support. However, you don't need to cry with it.

The main parameters of such a project will be such qualities as purity, accuracy and logicality. All the facts are obliged to contain specifics, explanations. Details in this case is also welcome.

Presentability will depend on the speech to potential investors, it will be necessary to use slides, visibility (samples, results of research and other).

  • For yourself . Such a plan is drawn up for actions that will be used in implementing to achieve maximum efficiency.

In this case, it is important to reflect information about the necessary and available resources. The business plan should be as close as possible to what is really.

It is worth understanding that these are completely two different cases that require an individual approach. It is impossible to make the same business plan for yourself for potential investors. And of course it is worth noting that the project for those who may provide financial resources will be more complete and detailed.

We make preliminary analysis

Work on any project begins with the analysis of the situation in the present time. To systematize all available information, descriptions and filling of all sections, you need to explore the data, analyze them in the aggregate. If the source information is not enough, it is necessary to fill it up, contacting the specialists or further explore all aspects of the situation.

Very often for a preliminary assessment of the situation, as well as its analysis use the methodology recognized worldwide, which is called SWOT. - Analysis . Its popularity is due to simplicity, clarity and accuracy.

What is a SWOT analysis and how to apply it in practice

The name of this technique is deciphered as "strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats." It is used to evaluate all internal and external factors affecting the organization. An important advantage is the objectivity of SWOT-analysis, it displays a truly real picture.

It is necessary to seriously approach the elaboration of each of the indicators. At the same time, the strengths are the initial advantages of work in this area. Weaknesses are studied to eliminate them. For example, if the weak side is the absence of its own premises, it is worth considering their acquisitions, eliminating this drawback. These two parameters are more in the internal factors, because they are due to the situation of the organization itself.

But opportunities and threats are directly related to the external environment. They can not affect them directly. So, having considered available opportunities, you can use them for good, increasing efficiency or saving on something. For example, adapt the packaging design for the consumer market, increasing the demand for the goods itself. But the consideration of threats and responding to them will help to avoid difficulties and losses. It is important to either use the "Avoidance" policy, or try to use the situation for yourself in good.

Already after the study of all aspects of SWOT analysis, you need to proceed to the consideration of individual sections of the business plan. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the assessment of the resources of the project described, including monetary, labor, intellectual, temporary. This will significantly save time, as well as help to pre-assess the effectiveness and cost of the project.

You can get acquainted with the structure and sections in the relevant article presented earlier.

We make a title list, summaries, set the goals of a business project

Registration of any project begins with the writing of a title list, which necessarily indicates: type of activity, organizational and legal form, organization name, its legal address, as well as data on the founder and location of the company itself.

Next, go to writing a summary. It is important to understand what makes this section after the remaining remaining. It contains consolidated information about what will be reviewed in the project. Conditionally resume can be called some "squeezing" from other project sections. It is important that in this section the reader receives an answer to the two most important questions:

  1. What are the benefits of potential investors if they put money into the project and will it be successfully implemented?
  2. What are the possible risks of losses, as well as what scope (partial or complete loss)?

In the "Goal Setting" section, it is very important to indicate the purpose itself, the tasks, possible problems, actions, deadlines, as well as arguments that will allow the investor to be confident in the success of the proposed project. Here just can be displayed the results of SWOT-analysis in tabular form:

We analyze the market

In this section, it is very important to reflect the current situation by collecting the most recent information, and not to use obsolete. Consider competitors, as well as their strengths and weaknesses can be in tabular form:

Benefits disadvantages How to increase your chances of winning a competitive struggle
Our organization
Competitor number 1.
Competitor number 2.

It is necessary to make a portrait of a potential buyer (objectively assessing the situation), consider the possibility of attracting other segments of the population.

We estimate the possibility of organizing in this industry

This section contains information about the organization itself. It is worth paying attention to the mode of operation and seasonality, since these factors directly affect the size of possible income, their constancy. If a business plan is an existing organization that plans, for example, to make the production of a new product, then the description of the section is reduced to transfer already known data (organizational and legal form, methods of taxation, goods, information about the company and others).

For those companies that only plan to open, it is necessary to very seriously approach the choice of the OPF and the taxation system. Legislation will also be studied: various regulatory acts and other documents.

Describe a product or service

In this section, special attention should be paid to the goods and services that will be profitable. Previously need:

  • Make a detailed description of the main and secondary goods. It is advisable to provide a project with photos of finished products (samples) or samples themselves.
  • Match the product with a description of the portrait of a potential consumer.
  • It is worth highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each product, compare with competitive products in the industry. Based on the information received, competitiveness is estimated. This data can be submitted in the table form of the following form:
  • Describe the process of supplying goods or providing services (OPT, retail, end user).

Such a detailed consideration will help to understand what the features of your goods and sales market as a whole.

Attention should be given to what additional documents will have to be issued (various patents, certificates, copyrights).

Make a marketing plan

Based on previously obtained results, you can move to the development of the marketing plan. Special attention should be paid to the tools promoting goods. They can be: advertising, merchandising, direct sales, sales stimulation and others.

It is necessary to study in very detailed demand in the segment of the market in which it is planned to work. It should be determined by average prices, elasticity (variability) of demand, methods of stimulation. It is also important to explore the target segments and groups of buyers.

It is worth thinking about sales methods, as well as consumers, whether legal entities, individuals or end consumers. For each of them you can develop a separate sales program.

You need to think about the possible ways to attract buyers. In addition, we can think about promotions, exhibitions.

We can certainly predict the volume of future sales. This can be clearly using the following type table:

It is important not to overestimate the predicted sales so that the data looks realistic. You need to justify the quantity, while taking confidence to creditors.

If you wish, you can make a realistic, pessimistic and optimistic scenario, justifying each of them.

In general, any marketing program can be represented as:

Make a production plan

The preparation of the production plan is not necessarily for those organizations that are not assembled independently do something. So, if the company is collected only to trade with goods or services, this section can be in principle. But for those organizations that are directly related to production, the preparation of the production plan is almost a paramount task.

At the same time, it is initially necessary to consider the available and necessary production facilities, including premises and equipment. Information can also be represented in tabular form:

It is also very important to compile raw materials supply schemes, their storage. In addition, it is clearly to depict the production process itself (this information can be placed in the application).

Immediately indicate data on the required employees, a regular schedule is drawn up, indicating the qualifications, the method of salary accrual, work schedule and other information.

We compile organizational plan

This section displays all actions related to the organization of business. It is important to split them into individual steps, indicating the deadlines for each item. You can use a tabular view:

It is necessary to distribute all the steps in the correct sequence. You can provide information to submit them and in the form of a schedule of implementation.

In addition, legal aspects need to be included here.

Compile financial plan

This section is devoted to the compilation of detailed estimates. In other words, all costs are planned to be necessary. It is best to do it in tabular form, providing clarity and simplicity of study.

It is worth understanding that any organization has a lump sum and periodic. For one-time costs include fixed assets, and periodic in turn are divided into permanent and variables. Continuous costs do not depend on the production volume. Of course, it makes sense to talk about constant costs only in the short-term period, since in a long period, any costs become variables.

After all costs are taken into account, provided that the cost is known, it is possible to find a break-even point that shows the volume of sales in which income will be equal to expenses.

It is necessary to find a break-even point in order to approximately represent those exhaust production or sales that will provide not only break-evenness, but also the profitability of the enterprise. For clarity, it is necessary to make a schedule showing the dependence of profits from the volume of sold goods (services). It can look like this:

It is also worth including depreciation costs. Indeed, as a result of complete wear, most fixed assets require replacement. In addition, we should consider tax and pension deductions (periodic costs). The most complete display of all expenses will help estimate the real size of profit.

To calculate payback periods, you can use a simplified formula:

Payback period \u003d lump sum / net monthly profit.

You can also include profitability calculations (it is necessary to take into account that there is a lot of formulas, you need to choose a suitable for type of business and that profitability of which is calculated).

We consider risks

In this section, it is possible for clarity to make a table in which:

  • Possible risks.
  • The likelihood of their offensive.
  • Ways to avoid.
  • Possible losses.

If some risks are planned to insure, it also needs to be displayed in a business plan. Do not forget to include insurance costs in the financial plan.

What is this partition? Everything is very simple. Any investor wants to be sure of the success of the project or at least compensation for losses. Knowing possible dangers, you can always try to avoid them or reduce losses. The main thing in this case is knowledge of vulnerable places and their exception.

Sometimes various applications are added to which schemes, graphs, tables, certificates, contracts, licenses are included. It can be said that this is a kind of visual material that is put into a separate section in order not to clutter the project itself.


It is necessary to really attach all those documents that were discussed in the business plan and which would serve as a confirmation of the foregoing. These can be various schemes, plans, summaries, credit certificate, warranty letters, various statutory documents, etc.

The most common mistakes allowed when drawing up a business plan

  1. Ignoring seasonality work. This shortcoming negates all the calculations made. If a business is seasonal, then it is necessary to take into account when calculating sales volumes, trying to compensate for the lack of other months.
  2. Owliness of planned sales volumes (production). Such an indicator will also affect the efficiency of fixed assets, production capacity.
  3. Invalidation of working capital. It is important not only to determine the profit, but also with the part that will have to be used for further business.
  4. Mixing cash flows. This is due to the situation when the project is financed by the company.
  5. Improve the discount rate. Also relates to its own resources. An error is associated with the fact that the possibilities of using funds are not as possible in which they could be involved.
  6. Too much business plan. No need to clutter the project with extra information.
  7. Not realistic data. All information should be supported by weighty arguments.
  8. It is impossible to talk about additional financing uncertainly. It is either there or it is not.
  9. Incomplete information about financial forecasts. Be sure to return to the project, all financial data should be specified for each month separately.
  10. Superficial market analysis. It is necessary to thoroughly explore the segment in which you are going to work, because the success of the case depends on this.
  11. "Approximate" costs. All of them must be taken into account and be accurate, because the profit of your enterprise will depend on it.

Instead of imprisonment

Now you know how to make a business plan. There are no universal business plans. Much depends on the chosen industry, the features of production and other factors. It is necessary to approach the development of the project consciously, spending a lot of strength and time on him.

Business plan - a detailed description of the future small, medium or large-scale enterprise, its theoretical image is a model that will subsequently embody into the company, a company, shop, production. This is a kind of expanded estimate that you need to make up to understand what kind of investments will need, their sequence is the definition of what is needed first and what things can be purchased later. In this article we will tell you how to make a business plan yourself. The compilation sample will be considered to open small businesses.

Why do you need it?

Drawing up a business plan indicates a serious approach to the case and allows you to properly, orderly go to its implementation. A detailed business plan takes into account everything, including possible changes in the situation in the market and in the economy, which will lead to unforeseen expenses.

Another important point - without a detailed description of the project, careful analysis, banks will not give a loan to the organization of their case. In this case, the business plan should take into account all possible moments so that the Bank's specialists have no doubt about the success of the enterprise.

From simple to complex

You can create a business plan yourself. This is not difficult and this step-by-step instruction will help you master the basics of such an important process. Skill of independent business planning will save funds when organizing their own business, and will also become a good source of income, if you correctly use the theoretical base.

To make a business plan, you should move from simple to complex, gradually developing and deepening the degree of economic research. This, in particular, concerns the rationale for the commercial feasibility of business by studying the market.

Sample structure

In order to make a simple business plan itself, for example, on opening of the store of women's bagsFor a start, it is necessary to know its general structure, study the skeleton, which consists of:

  • Summary is a general description of the future project, where briefly describes the essence of the business plan. The resulting summary occurs in an arbitrary form and should be extremely compressed, capacious, laconic. Its volume up to 10 sentences.
  • Tasks and objectives where the goal is the end result, and the tasks are a description of how it is planned to achieve it. The compilation of this item is necessary, as it is the basis for further research.
  • Description of the final result is an already working business. It describes its functionality here, visualization is scheduled. This is perhaps the most difficult, it is necessary that everything is done competently. The structure of the future enterprise is described here: departments, divisions, their functions, duties. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a staff schedule. This can be made by a separate sub-clause in the form of a scheme so that the structural interaction is visual. Creating such a small business scheme is a simple, much more difficult to make a description of a large-scale project.
  • The financial plan is a bulk part that implies a detailed description of the costs, including salary payment, monthly costs of the enterprise. In addition, profitability calculations should be included here and the payback period is determined. The last items are purely theoretical calculations that are based on the desired data. But at the same time they are a guideline for business development. For example, if the real profit is significantly lower than the estimated, it is necessary to carry out a deep functional analysis, make work on errors. This is important both for a large project and for the company, in the state of which is not more than a dozen employees. Here, sources of financing should also be indicated. This is your own capital or credit with interest rate calculations on it and the period of payment. Here you will need calculations from the marketing section of the business plan. They are largely affected by profitability indicators, and therefore, determine the solvency of the enterprise. This also includes drawing up the price or tariff mesh - determining the cost of services or goods.
  • Marketing Plan - this section must contain information on which audience a product or service is oriented. For example, a spare parts store will sell components for a premium or budget segment foreign cars. It can also be concrete brands or one manufacturer.

Without a business plan, no business project is required. This document is a detailed instruction in the opening of a commercial case, where the tasks that need to be decided to decide to achieve the ultimate goal (that is, the receipt of maximum profits), as well as methods and means that the entrepreneur is going to use. Without a business plan, it is impossible not to obtain investments in a commercial project, nor appeal to a bank for a loan for business development. However, even if the entrepreneur does not plan to attract third-party funds, the business plan is still necessary for him - for himself.

Why do this document need, and what is his exclusive importance? A competently compiled business plan, which contains proven information and proven numbers, is the foundation of a commercial project. It will allow in advance to analyze the state of the market and the severity of competition, to predict possible risks and develop ways to minimize them, assess the size of the necessary starting capital and the total amount of investment, as well as the estimated profits - in a word, find out whether to go to the financial risk and invest in this idea .

"Business idea"

The basis of any project is a business idea - that, for what, in fact, everything and conceived. The idea is that service or product that will bring profit to the entrepreneur. The success of the project is almost always determined by the right choice of ideas.

  • What idea is successful?

The success of the idea is its potential profitability. So, every time there are directions originally favorable to extract profits. For example, some time ago it was fashionable to import yogurt to the Russian Federation - this product instantly gained popularity among the population, and the number of companies involved in the importation of this popularity grew in this popularity. Fall the project in this area and make a business unprofitable only a completely unlucky and incompetent entrepreneur. Now the idea of \u200b\u200btrading in yoghurts with a huge share of probability will not be successful: the market is already oversaturated by the products of domestic production, the imported goods are unlikely to be favorably adopted by consumers due to high prices and customs difficulties, besides, the main players of this segment have already gained in the market and We set up the channels of supply and sales.

Most entrepreneurs, choosing an idea for profit, think of the categories of most - they say if my friend brings income to my friend, it means that I can establish my business. However, the more "samples for imitation", the greater the level of competition and less the opportunity to dictate their prices. In mass business, approximate prices have already been established, and a newcomer in order to increase their competitiveness and have to set prices below market to attract customers - which, of course, does not contribute to the receipt of great profits.

Potentially highly profitable ideas are now those proposals that help the entrepreneur to take a free market niche - that is, to offer something like that other businessmen have not yet thought. To search for the original business idea, it is sometimes enough to look around and think about what the consumers lack in a specific area. So, the successful idea was the production of mop, which allow you to squeeze a rag without sleeping with hands, or special lamps that cannot be unmounted without the use of special tools - this know-how made it possible to significantly reduce the incidence of light bulbs in the entrances.

Often, original ideas do not even need to be generated independently - it is possible to use new items successfully embodied in other countries or cities, but not yet taken the relevant market niche in your region. Going on this path, you will be the first to offer this know-how to consumers of your region or country, and, it means, you can set prices for this product (service).

However, one originality for a successful business idea is not enough. There are two objective prerequisites for the business to be successful:

  1. - The potential buyer is needed in your product or at least understand its utility (for example, a person can not be aware of a certain medicine, but it realizes that something like that can cure his illness);
  2. "The buyer is ready to pay for your product or service) It is the price that you plan to request (so, to buy a car almost all are - however, as we know, the car affects not everyone).

And one more remark regarding innovative ideas - excessive originality can only damage the profit, since a potential audience may simply be ready for your suggestion (most of the consumers are conservative and difficult to change their habits with difficulty). The least risky option is to stick to the Golden Mid - that is, to take the market already familiar products or services, but in improved form.

  • How to determine what this business idea suits you?

Even a potentially successful business idea may not be such in practice, if it is not suitable for a certain entrepreneur. So, open the beauty salon is relatively easy - but if you do not understand the subtleties of the salon business, then your brainchild is unlikely to bring you a good profit. The business idea must necessarily be supported by the experience of an entrepreneur, his knowledge and, of course, the possibilities. What indicators say that your project will be able to you?

  1. - Professionalism. You can have a specialized education in your chosen area, and you can be enthusiastic with the same success. The main thing is that you have an understanding of the manufacturing process and other necessary knowledge in the selected area.
  2. - Guidance. You should like what you are going to do and offer. Moreover, not only the final product should be liked, but also the process itself, because you can not give all your strength to the unloved cause, but it means it will be difficult to bring it to a good level. Remember the famous proverb: "Find a deal that you like - and you will not have to work for a single day in life."
  3. - Personal features. If you are a closed and unavalious person, feel uncomfortable in society of other people, then it will be difficult for you to negotiate. And if you, for example, are a convinced vegetarian, it makes no sense to consider trade in meat semi-finished products - even if this business can bring good profits, you will still be uncomfortable to deal with it.
  4. - What you have (land, real estate, equipment, etc.). The start of any production will be much less expensive if you already have suitable equipment. And if you went to the inheritance, let's say, a private house near the road, then this is a good opportunity to extract profits from roadside trade, because your competitors, if there are no such a good location, and this advantage can even overlap your inexperience.

Competition: how to become special:

As mentioned above, for the application of their business efforts, it is more expedient to choose the areas where competition is non-serious or absent at all. However, in most cases, entrepreneurs somehow have to face competitors, and before businessmen there is a question - how to stand out on their background? This can be done at the expense of the following advantages:

Competitive advantages

Replacing itself to potential consumers, try to immediately reverse their attention to those advantages that distinguish your offer from similar so that buyers see what you can satisfy their needs in the best way. Feel free to let your advantages and do not care about consumers - it is unlikely that they themselves will guess why your product (service) differs from the product (services) of your competitors for the better. Suppose if the recipes are baked by the bread implies the enrichment of the product with vitamins and other useful substances, then be sure to submit this fact to its future buyers. You should not position your bread just like a delicious and fresh product, because your competitors are exactly the same - it is unlikely that someone will sell the tasteless and overdue goods. But vitamins are your competitive advantage, and the buyer must know about it, therefore advertising needs to be thought out accordingly.

So, we disassembled some nuances of preliminary preparation for writing a business plan, and now we can close attention specifically to this document and its main sections.

1. Future sheet.

The title page is the "face" of your business plan. It is his potential investors or employees of the Bank, which make a decision on issuing a loan to develop your business. Therefore, it must be clearly structured and contain all the key information about your project:

  1. - the name of the project (for example, "Production of self-controlling Swabr" or "Creation and development of a commercial Internet radio station called" XXX ");
  2. - the organizational and legal form of the project and the name of the legal entity (if there are several such persons, then a list is needed indicating the zones of responsibility);
  3. - Author and co-authors of the project
  4. - Annotation to the project (for example, "This document is a step-by-step plan for the foundation and development of a commercial radio station ...");
  5. - the cost of the project (the necessary starting capital)
  6. - place and year of creation ("Perm, 2016").

2. Rein.

This item is a brief description of the project's idea, the timing of its implementation, the main goals and objectives for the embodiment of ideas, alleged turnover and production volumes. The forecast of key indicators - the profitability of the project, the timing of its payback, the size of the initial investment, sales, amount of net profit, etc.

Despite the fact that the summary is the first section of the business plan, it is drawn up after this document is fully written and rechecked, since a brief description covers all other partitions of BP. The summary should be concise and extremely logical and fully disclose all the advantages of the project so that investors or a potential lender see that this business idea is really worth investing in it.

3. Market analytics

The section reflects the state of the market in which the project will be implemented, an assessment of the level of competition, the characteristic of the target audience and the development trends. It is very important that the analysis of the market is performed on the basis of a qualitative marketing research, containing real indicators (falsified or inaccurate analysis reduces the value of the business plan to almost zero). If the entrepreneur is not compentant enough in the selected area, then in order to avoid inaccuracies and errors, he should give a marketing research on outsourcing, orders it in a proven marketing agency.

This section usually takes at least 10% of the total business plan. The approximate plan is:

  1. - a general description of the selected industry (dynamics, trends and development prospects - with specific mathematical indicators);
  2. - characteristics of the main players of the market (i.e. direct and indirect competitors), indicating the competitive advantages and features of your business project compared to other subjects;
  3. - Characteristics of the target audience (geographical position, age level, sexuality, income level, type of consumer and user behavior, etc.). Creating a portrait of a "typical client" with the indication of the main motives and values \u200b\u200bthat are guided by choosing a product (services), pessimistic forecasting (that is, the minimum flow) of consumers of goods (services);
  4. - Overview of the most efficient channels and ways to promote goods (services);
  5. - Review and identifying the most likely risks with which the entrepreneur may face in this market segment and the proposal to eliminate them or minimize (it is necessary to remember that risks are external circumstances and factors that do not depend on the entrepreneur);
  6. - Forecast possible changes in this market segment, as well as a review of factors that may affect the profitability of the project.

4. Characteristics of goods (services) and their implementation

This item describes in detail those goods that are going to produce an entrepreneur or the services it is going to implement. Special attention should be drawn to the competitive advantages of a business idea, that is, that this offer from the general manifold will allocate. However, it is not to silent about the shortcomings and weak points of the idea, if any - with investors and creditors it is better to conduct an honest game, besides, they can analyze this item on their own, and in the case of a single-sided description you risk losing their trust, and with it - And hope for financial investments in your idea.

A special attractiveness of the described idea will be given the presence of a patent - if the entrepreneur offers any know-how and has already managed to patent it, then it is necessary to reflect this fact in the document. Patent is both a competitive advantage and reason for greater probability of obtaining loans or investments.

The chapter must necessarily be displayed:

  1. - a brief description of the idea;
  2. - ways to implement it;
  3. - Product life cycle description (services);
  4. - percentage of secondary purchases;
  5. - the ability to create additional lines of goods or services options, the possibility of segmentation of the proposed product;
  6. - Alleged modification of the proposal in accordance with changes in the situation in the market and affecting the profit of factors.

5. Business promotion (marketing and strategic plans)

In this chapter, the entrepreneur describes what way it is going to inform the potential consumer about his product and how it will be this product to promote. Reflected here:

6. Description of the manufacturing process

The production plan is a detailed description of the full algorithm for the production of the product from finding it in the commodity state until the ready-made product turns out to be on shop windows. This plan includes:

  1. - a description of the necessary raw materials and the basic requirements for it, as well as suppliers who have you plan to buy this raw material;
  2. - reception, processing and preproductive preparation of raw materials;
  3. - the technological process itself;
  4. - the output of the finished product;
  5. - procedure for testing the finished product, its packaging and transfer to the warehouse and subsequent delivery to the buyer.

In addition to the actual description of the production process, this chapter should also reflect:

  1. - the characteristics of the equipment used, as well as the premises where the production process will be carried out - with all the necessary standards and requirements;
  2. - List of main partners;
  3. - the need to attract resources and borrowed funds;
  4. - A calendar plan for business development - from the launch of production until the time that the funds invested in the project will start paying off.

7. The structure of the enterprise. Personnel and management.

This chapter describes the internal scheme for the functioning of the business project, that is, an administrative and organizational plan. The chapter can be divided into the following subparagraphs:

  1. - organizational and legal form of the enterprise (LLC, IP, etc.);
  2. - the internal structure of the enterprise, the distribution of responsibilities between services, the channels of their interaction (it will be better if this subparagraph will be further illustrated by the corresponding schemes);
  3. - a staff schedule, a list of duties of each employee, its wages, channels and criteria for which staff will be recruited;
  4. - List of personnel policies (advanced training, training, personnel reserve, etc.)
  5. - participation in business development events (competitions, conferences, fairs, grants, government programs, etc.).

8. Nighting risks. Methods of minimizing risks.

The purpose of this item is a preliminary assessment of possible negative circumstances affecting the achievement of the desired indicators (income from business, customer flow, etc.) - the basis for this assessment is again a marketing market research. Risks are divided into external (for example, tightening of competition and the emergence of new strong players in this segment, raising rental rates and utilities, natural disasters and emergencies, changes in tax legislation towards increasing rates, etc.) and internal ( What can happen directly inside the enterprise - equipment breakdowns, unfair employees, etc.).

If an entrepreneur has information in advance about what he should be feared on the way of selling and promoting his project, he can think about the ways to neutralize and minimize negative factors in advance. For each risk, a number of alternative strategies should be proposed (a kind of table of activities carried out in emergency cases). Do not hide from investors or creditors. Those or other risks.

Separate attention should be noted such a form of protection as insurance against various risks. If the entrepreneur plans to insure his business, then it is necessary to mention - indicating the selected insurance company, the size of insurance premiums and other parts relating to the case.

9. Range financial streams

Perhaps the most responsible head of the business plan. Because of its importance, it is necessary to entrust her spelling to professionals if the entrepreneur himself does not have financial and economic education. So, many start-ups that have creative ideas, but do not have sufficient financial literacy, in this case they resort to the services of investment companies, which later put their assistant visa on the business plan - this is a kind of guarantee of the reliability of calculations and give the business plan an extra weight In the eyes of investors and lenders.

The financial plan of any business project includes:

  1. - Balance of the enterprise;
  2. - Calculation of expenses (payroll fund employees, production spending, etc.);
  3. - Profit and loss statement, as well as money movement;
  4. - the size of the necessary external investment;
  5. - Calculation of profit and profitability.

The profitability of the project is a key indicator that has a decisive impact on the decision of investors about investing in this business. Calculations on this topic covers the period from entering the project of starting capital and third-party investments until the project can be considered to be sufficient and starts to bring pure profits.

When calculating profitability, the basic formula R \u003d D * ZCONST / (D - Z) is usually used, where R is a threshold of profitability in monetary terms, D - income, Z - variable costs, and ZCONST are constant costs. However, in long-term calculations, such indicators such as the level of inflation, the costs of updating, deductions to the investment fund, increase the wages of employees of the enterprise, etc. should also be included in the estimated formula. As a way of visualization, again, it is advisable to apply a graph of Ganta, according to which it is convenient to track the level of growing income and output to the break-even point.

10. Normative base

It indicates all the documents that are necessary for legal support of the business - certificates and licenses for goods, permission for certain types of activities, acts, tolerances, etc. - with the description of the conditions and timing of their receipt, as well as the cost. If any documents are already on the hands of an entrepreneur - it is necessary to indicate, and this fact will also be an advantage in the eyes of investors.

11. Proposition

At the end of the business plan, the entrepreneur provides all the calculations, schemes, charts and other auxiliary materials that were used to compile financial forecasts, market analysis, etc., as well as all materials visualizing business plan points and facilitating his perception.

"Basic errors in the preparation of a business plan"

At the end of the article, I would like to say a few words about the most common mistakes that inexperienced entrepreneurs are allowed when drawing up business plans. So, what should be avoided if you do not want to scare away from your project potential investors?

Excessive bloom and volume. A business plan is not homework, where a large size written increases the chances of a good assessment. The approximate volume of the business plan is usually 70-100 sheets.

The complexity of the presentation. If the investor reads your plan will not be able to figure out your idea to read two or three sheets, then there is a high probability that it will postpone the BP to the side.

Lack of necessary explanations. Remember that the investor is not obliged to understand the sphere of the market in which you offer him to invest money (and in most cases he really does not understand it, otherwise I would have launched an independent business). Therefore, you need to concisely introduce the reader to the course of the main details.

Streamlined phrases-characteristics ("huge market", "great prospects", etc.). Remember: Only accurate and verified information and forecasts.

Providing approximate, untested or knowingly false financial indicators. On this topic, we have already focused on the attention above, therefore - no comment.

What is a business plan for? Most will probably answer - to get a bank loan. This statement is true, but only partly. First of all, the plan is needed by the Entrepreneur itself to understand the size of the initial investment for the start, how much time will need to go to self-sufficiency and projected revenue indicators, assess the level of profitability, the payback period of investments and many other parameters.

Very often a novice businessman (and not only beginner) all planning and calculations makes "on the eye" on a napkin or in the head (and sometimes does not do at all), forgetting about many costly articles, which is poured into many mistakes and leads to bankruptcy.

Typical errors: In determining attachments, the costs of financing activities before entering self-sufficiency is incorrectly determined by the magnitude of the commercial stock (the size of the TMC is laid for one month, and based on the turnover period, reserves are required for 3 months), taxes and insurance deductions are not taken into account in the calculation , the need for personnel and many others is calculated.

A properly compiled business plan with detailed calculations is the key to a successful start in any business activities, which will allow you to cut off the unprofitable options at the forecasting stage and, as a result, protect yourself from losing your own investments or investor funds (creditor).

Suppose you plan to install, the calculation is shown that the full payback will be 5 years old, it is obvious that it will not be a very correct investment, it is unlikely that the machine will work without breaking such a period of time. (Reference: Optimal payback for this type of activity - 12-18 months.)

And what is better to buy a ready-made business plan or make it yourself? If we are talking about a small business, you definitely need to do it yourself. This will allow you to deeply immerse yourself in the project, understand its essence, decompose for myself on the shelves the economy of future activities. Well, if you want to organize production, requiring multi-billion dollar investments, then without the help of specialists cannot do.

On the site you will find samples of finished business models with all calculations that you can use as a basis for compiling a feasibility study under your specific project.

Algorithm of action

  1. Acquaintance with the sample of TEO.
  2. Collection of statistical data on a specific region, where entrepreneurial activities will be carried out.
  3. Marketing research:, identification of strong and weak places of the project ().
  4. Actualization of information on the economic part: search for potential and raw materials, a request for commercial proposals, recalculation of cost and definition of the final price based on existing market realities, as well as determining the level of profitability.
  5. Conducting a stress test reflected in the calculation of the figures (which will be a payback, if the revenue is less than a percent less than scheduled). Based on the data obtained, the preparation of several Event Development options: conservative, realistic and optimal.
  6. Economic activities.
  7. The choice of the most profitable (learning legitimate tax burden reduction schemes).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information received, make up our own economic justification of the project with the help of which you can determine the feasibility of investing money.

We draw your attention that you can download free Any favorite business plan. If somewhere there is no form for download, you can ask a question through a special form, and for a short time we will add this opportunity. Through this form, you can also clarify any time regarding the described model, and we will try to find a specialist for the presentation of competent consultation in the moment you are interested in.

And when finding an attractive reach only up to half of its study in detail? Next is impossible for you?

  • Invented an excellent option to create your own project, but can not move on the plans?
  • There is a wonderful version for you as an individual entrepreneur, but not enough money, and you do not know who can you give them?
  • Can't find for your business ideas of investors?
  • Did you refuse a bank loan that you wanted to take in order to develop your company?
  • Most likely, you have difficulty with a business plan. Whether with his writing, or with understanding, what it is and for what it is needed. Actually, there is nothing special in this problem. For entrepreneurs of various levels of training, experienced or beginners who have a specialized economic education or those who have a kind of talent for a certain type of activity, writing business plans can cause difficulty. And it's not only in the absence of skill or specific knowledge, as is done. The main complexity is in understanding what it is in principle.

    Need or not a business plan for a novice entrepreneur?

    Often, those who are only entering the path of entrepreneurship and creates its own project from scratch, there is a sustainable opinion that the writing of the business plan can be postponed "for later", to do it only when such a document is required to take a loan or other purposes. That is, he is considered some "obligatory" for situations of communication with banks and investors. And if the task of getting a loan is not right now, then the business plan can wait.

    Such an opinion is in the root mistakenly, it deprives a novice entrepreneur with the ability to see the prospects for his project and does not allow comprehensively to assess its potential risks, even if it is a "unpacking" enterprise by. Such an approach is fraught with trouble in the future and, accordingly, can lead to the death of the entire project.

    The presence of a business plan will allow not only to see the entire picture, it solves a number of tasks for the owner or one who is trying to realize the idea. He shows:

    • prospects and project potential;
    • possible "subtle places";
    • in which direction you need to move for development;
    • how much time and means will need to implement the idea and its promotion.

    And, most importantly, the business plan is able to suggest that the project is not inability or more vigorous. That is, he will not make a mistake and spend time and savings.

    Order Business plan or write yourself?

    There is another approach, which is now in fashion with the "middle hand" entrepreneurs. By the way, they sometimes sin and consisted of businessmen, owners of major dynamically developing and profitable enterprises. They order compilation of business plans to specialized companies that practice such a type of service. An option, of course, permissible. But often the Customer receives a voluminous document for a hundred pages, where it is absolutely not reflected by the features of his business, incomprehensible and too common.

    Naturally, some of the calculations of a specific nature, market research, the preparation of forecasts can be entrusted with a third-party company, where they will do on a professional basis. However, only a business owner or a person who knows it from the inside is capable of fully and comprehensively describe it, analyze prospects and possible problems, as well as show in a profitable plan for investment. He will be able to do it so specifically with reference to the company that it will immediately be clear here, what business is we talking about, what is his real potential and "distressed places", which can be taken to minimize them and similar. This format is most attracted by investors.

    What is a business plan in essence?

    This document is necessary to understand the goals, objectives, directions of development and the required costs for the creation and development of any project, starting by, ending with the global, where it is planned to organize a federal network of retail hypermarkets. It is worth considering that the business plan has several varieties that directly depend on who it is intended for:

    • compiled for internal use or for itself, in the case of a preliminary assessment of its own business idea;
    • directed on the external user or "appraiser" of the project.

    In the second version, we are talking about obtaining financing. Here the business plan is written for:

    • credit institutions and banks in order to obtain loans;
    • state structures and officials, which depends on the allocation of funds from the budget, which can be obtained for business development;
    • potential investors who may be interested in investing in the idea;
    • different funds and organizations that give grants.

    In the first version, special attention should be paid to the analysis of potential risks and threats to project development. In the second, a presentation component, showing prospects and competitive advantages should be present. It is also important to design a document, the presence of all standard subsections, financial calculations and applications with visual materials (graphs, tables, etc.)

    Council: When writing a business plan in any version, it is impossible to inactive validity. It is worth remembering that to fulfill any project, you may need twice as much money and in three - time than originally it seemed. Submitted in the key "Everyone is great and there are no threats" the idea will cause only irritation and indignation of the entrepreneur who has made such a document from a potential investor. For the very same initiator of the project, this is fraught with a single-sided vision, which can later lead to negative consequences.

    How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-step instructions

    Each project, be something idea or online gifts store, necessarily there is a "your face", features, specificity. In addition, they are distinguished by the regional affiliation, nuances of the range of goods or services, the audience of customers to which are calculated. It is impossible to "squeeze" them in any standard scheme.

    Council: Do not download the finished business plan from the Internet, even the appropriate activity, in order to use it for yourself. You can take a few of those proposed on profile resources and, thoroughly analyzing them, by taking as a basis, write your own, original and fully appropriate to your project.

    This document must fully respond to three main questions:

    • what do I want to achieve?
    • how do I plan to do it?
    • what should I need for this?

    If some of these points is not fully disclosed, an inadvertent response is given, there are no relation - the document requires refinement, it is not effective.

    The business plan has several mandatory sections:

    • title (name, address, contacts, table of contents);
    • introduction (brief description and summary);
    • marketing part (market analysis and its perspectives in relation to the project, potential threats and risks, as well as tools, which will be involved in order to cope with them);
    • market overview and competitors;
    • project executors and possible partners;
    • business model or calculation of income and costs;
    • financial forecast and existing indicators (for existing projects);
    • threats and risks for the development of the project (all of the possible) and scenarios of their overcoming;
    • calculation of the use of funds for launch, development or upgrades, as well as sources of income;
    • applications (here include all key documents, as well as materials helping to understand your idea to the end).

    Note that a business plan aimed at an external user cannot be too brief or without any of these sections. As a rule, its volume is 30-40 sheets. In the "For yourself" version, some items can be excluded.

    If some sections are understandable to almost every novice entrepreneur, that is, such that they can cause considerable difficulties.

    Particular attention should be paid to the first two-three pages, which go after the title, so-called administration. This is the main thing that will allow you to present your idea both investors and the owner of the business. Some experts recommend writing an introduction at the very end, after everything is analyzed, is calculated, stated in facts and figures. But there is another opinion. From the section "Introduction" should be started. And it is more correct in cases with beginner entrepreneurs, only creating their project from scratch. It is when writing an introduction, a summary of his future or only becoming a business, his owner or initiator can understand what prospects exist in his idea what it is susceptible to risks, whether she has the potential for profitability, which may result in how much investments And is there a prospect to find this money. Naturally, the initial option can be edited and to do as needed to interest the potential investor if the business plan is written for this purpose. But it is necessary to start the document from this chapter. She will give an understanding and full picture.

    What will be needed to illuminate in the introduction for the newly created project:

    • what kind of activity you plan to do;
    • what is your target audience (future customers);
    • how much money needs to start and further implement the project;
    • where funds will be taken from;
    • which revenue is planned for the first six months / year of work (depending on the specifics of the project);
    • major presumptive financial indicators (its profitability, income, profits);
    • form (organizational and legal), the number of employees attracted, partners.

    With the current business, this section needs to be written with existing data and indicators.

    How to make a business plan for small business itself: a sample of the main sections

    The standard business plan consists of several major sections that displays various aspects of the project. The financial part seems to share everything that is stated earlier. It is in the descriptive chapters that we present our idea, give it a comprehensive analysis and show what ways and tools we plan to implement it.

    Marketing part

    For many novice businessmen and even those who already have any experience, serious difficulties calls writing a selection dedicated to marketing. It is not entirely clear that it should be in it and where to take data on the comparative analysis of the market. Questions that require reflection in this part of the document:

    1. On which product or groups, services you plan to focus. Here you should stay at the following points:
      • where the product is used;
      • what customer needs you will satisfy;
      • what are the advantages of your product and why it will be in demand;
      • what groups of customers are you oriented;
      • how will you convey your product / service to the buyer;
      • what minuses has your product, and how do you plan to minimize them;
      • your ITP or a unique trading offer.

    At the last point you need to stop more. It should be borne in mind that at the present unique products today practically does not exist. Rather, they are, but their units. In addition, an innovative idea, which is still simply not on the market, requires money, time and knowledge to develop money. We can write a success story not only with a new iPhone as the legendary Steve Jobs. Taking the basis of an existing product, service or products as a basis, and adding its unique trading proposal to it, you can conquer the market. What can I conclude:

    • service maintenance;
    • as a service and its diversity;
    • in the loyalty system;
    • in sales format.

    That is, this is not necessarily the uniqueness of the product itself, on the contrary, most often the ITP is created in the "near" database. If you perceive this concept as lower than the competitors, the price, then you are mistaken. For example, you decided to build your business in the field of agriculture and engage. Plan the conquest of the market, the increasing price and the number is much less than that of competitors, the root is wrong. Thus, you can systematically deprive the profit and become an unprofitable enterprise. In addition, dumping is not always appropriate in terms of the struggle for the client. This can cause a buyer doubt as products. It is much more efficient to find "your" consumer and organize such an accompanying service for him that your pricing policy, where the cost of goods is average or even higher, it will look for it justified.

    Council: Working out your own unique trading offer, proceed from the prerequisite that you can give your buyer such what your competitors do not have. There is a huge number of quite successful businesses that are built precisely on this principle. It may be the concept of the selection of an assortment for the store, orientation to a specific target audience of customers, quality or environmental cleanliness of products and much more. The main thing is not only to develop and formulate the UTP, but also think about the tools that can be conveyed to the consumer.

    1. What is your sales market. In this part of the marketing section should be described:
      • which segment of the roar you want to cover the geographic location;
      • what type of buyer you are oriented.

    This section can cause the complexity of a novice entrepreneur who has no successful sales experience in the past. It follows here on reasonable assumptions and analyzing the work of competitors. It is also worth viewing information about such similar to your projects and their implementation paths.

    By defining the type of its client or drawing his portrait, you need to consider the following:

    • paul, age and marital status;
    • place of residence;
    • social status and income level;
    • rod classes and hobbies.

    Having created a kind of collective image of the target audience for its product, you can proceed to count the number of future customers. To do this, take the geography of coverage and the estimated number of residents suitable for the CA profile.

    To determine the potential volume of consumption of your product, you should take into account the regularity and frequency of demand for them (naturally, what is bought daily, and what is purchased every five years will radically differ in the format of the proposal, and on the market promotion algorithm, And in many other aspects). It is also necessary to take into account the oscillation of demand (seasonality, changing consumer solvency, fashion trends, rivalry within the commodity group between counterparts and the like, characteristic of your product).

    1. This section of the business plan includes the analysis of competitors. Description algorithm can be built on:
      • enumeration of companies that work in your segment;
      • how the distinctive characteristics of their services / goods;
      • ways that they use to promote their products;
      • their pricing policy;
      • nuances how their business develops.

    Special attention should be paid to competitors closest in geography and assortment.

    Also here is required to indicate what methods you will implement your advantages. This moment you need to devote a separate, albeit small, subsection. It may include answers to the following questions:

    • how do you plan to organize sales;
    • what you should do to inform customers about your market outlet;
    • what kind of advertising format you will be avoided (or bypass without this tool);
    • as you will form your pricing policy.

    In the final part of the marketing section of the business plan, it is worth a preliminary forecast of sales for any period. As a rule, it is better to take a year with a month or quarterly broken down.

    Council: A fairly frequent error of novice entrepreneurs is that they too overload in detail and details this part of the business plan. This is understandable, they want to thoroughly describe their actions that will lead them to success, and by this to prove to the potential investor the prospects of their project. Do not do it. For greater persuasive, you can use applications - diagrams, schemes, graphs that are visualized and will clearly show your potential opportunities. The very essence of the marketing part of the business plan is better to set out 2-3 sheets.

    Production part

    Do not confuse it with the manufacturing process, thinking if you are engaged in trading or provide services for, then you will not need this section, it is incorrect. It sets out all information about a specific project. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

    • what technologies, formats and methods of project implementation will be applied;
    • what production capacity will be used (office, commercial premises, equipment, storage sites, vehicles, raw materials, goods, materials and other, which is important for the project);
    • who will be attracted (and whether) as employees, partners, suppliers and the like).

    As a peculiar result, you can apply a brief estimate showing the consumable part. It is better to do it in a dynamics, broken down by periods (month / quarter).

    The estimate should be issued as a table where the following graphs may be present:

    • purchase of fixed assets;
    • acquisition of raw materials and materials;
    • rental costs, premises content and utility payments;
    • expenses for the purchase of auxiliary consumables;
    • foundation for labor remuneration;
    • other current expenses, where you can attribute payment for communication services, representative, travel and other.

    Council: For different projects, the cost counts and numbers will be very different. Consider this when writing a business plan and do not take the average meanings from the Internet. In addition, it is not worth oriented at a minimum. Even in the case when you found a room under your future store with a very profitable rental, almost half downwardly, which is everywhere in the city, do not take this figure as a basis for calculating the business plan. It can change for any reason in the most side. Therefore, the data of your business plan will become irrelevant, and it from the leadership to action will turn into such that will mislead.

    Organizational part

    In this section, you should specify which organizational and legal form is selected to implement the project, why are there any changes in the future. It is also necessary to touch the permissive documents. Here it is necessary to stay here on the need for licenses and how you plan to design them, on obtaining certificates of conformity and hygienic conclusions (if necessary), on how you will undergo coordination in the inspections of a different format for obtaining permits for activities.

    In addition, this part describes:

    • the composition of project executives;
    • experience in the field of initiator or attracted persons;
    • what professional support you are counting on and what is its sources.

    You can add questions from the Applications to the Applications section of managers / initiator, where professional experience and profile knowledge is reflected.

    Financing or how to calculate a business plan

    In this part of the document, it is necessary to submit a substantiation that the project will make a profit, as well as determine the amount of investments, the time of access to the break-even point and the further prospects for the repayment of the initial capital or borrowed funds.

    In essence, it is already written, you should only take the necessary numbers from the previous sections and make it here by issuing them correctly.

    Here you will definitely light:

    • Sources of project financing. These can be personal funds (investments), borrowed or credit, government subsidies or other forms, for example, leasing.
    • The initial stage of project implementation. At this point, it is necessary to make a forecast for the period necessary for the organization of business, that is, until it starts to work.
    • Stage before receiving first profits. It requires a substantiation of attracting funds and when they start returning. The item is required not only to receive loans or loans, but also to understand whether to invest your own funds into the project.
    • The chosen tax system. It is worth considering that the amount and list of deductions will depend on which organizational and legal status you will prefer to implement your project. For II, some "cross-partings" are provided in this regard. By the way, also differ in favor of simplification for the second format.

    The same section includes calculation of indicators and plan of expected profits / loss. No need to scare the term "losses" immediately. The fact is that the initial stage and the period of the formation of the business rarely take place without the need to attract additional funds or innovations. Naturally, they are defined as losses, because they are not repaid profit from the project.

    The form in which the figures and data will be shown depends on the nature of the project, the status of the enterprise (LLC, IP) and from the chosen tax system. In the simplest expression, it can contain:

    • costs of organizing a business (registration of the enterprise, the acquisition of equipment, materials, product range, arrangement of the room or platform for conducting activities, the purchase of a license and the like);
    • permanent expenses (rental, utilities, communal, salaries, etc., that is, such that they do not change depending on the oscillations of sales or production volumes);
    • costs of a variable nature (acquisition of consumables, transport, communication, payment by third-party organizations or individuals for one-time work, a piecework salary, that is, those that directly depend on sales or production);
    • revenues from the sale of goods / services and net profit.

    The last indicator is quite easy to calculate. It is necessary from the revenue part to take all variable costs per unit of goods or for a certain period, as well as that part of the permanent, which falls into the calculation period taken by the database (month, quarter).

    As a result of this part of the business plan section, the cost of the entire project is being calculated. You can take the basis of the payback indicator of investments (investments of personal savings, loans, loans). As an example, the calculus scheme is given in which the effectiveness and profitability of their own investments can be determined:

    RLS (profitability of personal funds) is equal to PE (net profit) divided by the amount of LS multiplied by 100%. Under the payback period, it is necessary to understand that period of time for which the financial income received by the investor will cover all the initial investments.

    Risk assessment

    This is the final section of the business plan. Here is a description and analysis of the most likely risks that the project can be implemented. Among them:

    • natural disasters, fires, floods, accidents that can harm equipment, premises, etc.;
    • unlawful actions, including theft, embarrassment;
    • actions of state institutions, federal and local authorities;
    • economic factors, decline in production and consumption, inflation;
    • failure to fulfill obligations from partners and suppliers.

    Alternatively, here you can use a pessimistic scenario for the development of events from the introduction.

    In this part it is necessary to analyze the sustainability of your business and willingness to overcome the risks.

    How to make a business plan for agriculture?

    Actually, all the main sections of the document drawn up for business in the field of agriculture are not much different from the standard for any enterprise. His features are that for this type of activity there is a special organizational and legal form of KFH (peasant farms). There is a simplified registration procedure and a specialized tax system.

    When drawing up a business plan for an agricultural project, the following points should be taken into account:

    • seasonality of business;
    • dependence on weather conditions;
    • level of crop yields for a specific region (if your direction is crop production);
    • product sales and logistics system.

    The last item needs to pay serious attention. When writing a business plan to obtain government subsidies or grants, as well as loans from credit organizations, this issue needs to be highlighted in detail. The fact is that the investor is not interested in products for the sake of products, it is looking for potential profits.

    And for agricultural enterprises, the logistics and sales organization often represent the problem, therefore, part of the grown harvest or other goods does not enter the consumer, coming into disrepair and carrying direct losses instead of potential profits. If your business plan will reflect how you plan to build sales and deliver products, and, confirmed by the treaties of intentions, prior agreements, the investor's attitude will be much loyal.