Freelancer - career or additional income? Secrets of preparing to work as a freelancer. Freelance exchanges

Freelancer - career or additional income?  Secrets of preparing to work as a freelancer.  Freelance exchanges
Freelancer - career or additional income? Secrets of preparing to work as a freelancer. Freelance exchanges

The definition of "freelance" (from the English freelance) is translated into Russian as "work not under contract", "work outside the state", "remote work", "telework", "teleworking". All these expressions are true and mean, in principle, the same thing. The essence of the work lies in the fact that the employee is not present in the office and does not appear in the company's staffing table and accounting documents.

Freelance earnings

A specialist who makes a living on the Internet never knows where, on what content and at what time he will make a profit. Since a freelancer is a free person, he does not work under a contract, and such factors as the cost of future orders, the number of work performed and the client's generosity index are not known to him. Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance what kind of earnings a freelancer is “waiting for” on the network today or tomorrow ... Unless he himself wants to tell about it in detail on the pages of his personal blog.

Components of success

A beginner freelancer, having barely registered on one of the earning sites, is unlikely to immediately earn an amount that can be called decent earnings. For successful promotion, a beginner needs:

1) master the skills that allow him to be called a specialist in the provision of one or more services;

2) regularly replenish the portfolio, improve and acquire new experience;

3) learn to meet the requirements of most customers;

4) do not get hung up on one task, try to take several orders at once and learn to combine them, switching from one project to another;

5) to be constantly in touch with the employer;

6) show diplomacy in relation to customers;

7) do not forget that the timing of the completion of work is no less important than their quality;

8) learn how to divide complex work into several stages and perform first the simplest, and then the most difficult sections of the work.

Beginners who have not coped with complex orders often begin to feel complex, agreeing to work for a minimum wage. In fact, there is nothing terrible in such tactics if experience is included with small fees and, which is important, albeit slowly, the rating on the site, which the freelancer has chosen as a platform for earning money, rises.

More about income

Experts, who set out to determine the level of income of citizens belonging to different social strata, found that the earnings of Russian freelancers are approximately two salaries of employees whose jobs are tied to offices. According to research results, the average monthly salary for a freelancer is about 40 thousand rubles. The richest freelancers are programmers and web designers.

After the results of the research on the topic: "Freelance earnings" were published, the feedback that was received testified to the incompetence of the researchers. According to the freelancers themselves, most of them, contrary to the experts' calculations, earn much less than the specified amount (40,000) and their average earnings are mainly formed from several small projects, the cost of each of which ranges from 1 to 3 thousand rubles.

If you really want to ...

The most prosperous, according to experts, are IT people. Most employers disagree with this. The fact is that not every employer agrees to hire freelancers. These free-spirited seekers of online earnings, according to some employers, have a habit of giving up tasks that are difficult for them to cope with. On the other hand, the remaining 30% of employers say that by inviting remote employees, they save on taxes, wages and renting premises.

Meanwhile, the majority of people who are satisfied with remote work and freelance earnings (55% of them), demonstrating high labor productivity, have a higher education and high-quality professional training. According to statistics, only 26% of full-time employees have higher education. An interesting fact: the most diligent and educated freelancers were housewives raising children.

Writing texts

Compilation of unique texts, or copyright, as well as modification of ready-made texts, or rewriting, are one of the most common types of online earnings. All a copywriter needs is to competently express his thoughts, have a personal computer and access to the Internet. In addition, this type of earnings has two significant advantages:

  • making money on the Internet as a freelance copywriter or rewriter does not involve any investment;
  • not a single customer has ever thought to find out the level of education of a copywriter, the texts of which correspond to the set requirements.

What beginners don't know about?

Many potential copywriters are interested in one question: "What problems will a newbie who has just registered on a freelancing exchange face?" Decent earnings on the Internet as a freelancer are experience, time devoted to mastering the necessary skills and perseverance in achieving this goal. Even a person who writes first-class texts once had to look for customers for the first time.

When looking for (rewriters), they either rush to specialized exchanges, or advertise on sites where potential performers and employers gather. On the latter, as a rule, there is a mass of "incredibly profitable" offers that promise incredibly high profits with a small load. In fact, it often happens that, working without raising his head, the copywriter is left without money: when the moment of reckoning comes, the "employer" either disappears or informs the performer that there will be no payment, since his text is illiterate and uninteresting.

There are so many scammers in freelancing that some "young" network workers, faced with several scammers, abandon further attempts to find work on the Internet. Freelance earnings are becoming for them "another scam."

However, there are quite a few companies on the Global Network that really pay an employee for his work, not bothering with promises and talks about dizzying and easy money.

Freelance earnings primarily depend on how much time a person is willing to devote to work (no one will give money just like that). Needless to say, freelancers who work and get paid have a very different view of this way of making a profit?

Interaction of the client with the performer

The freelancer-employer relationship is one of the most important components of remote work. The adequacy of the client is indicated by such factors as the style of work, the complexity of the tasks set, the willingness to pay for someone else's work, a fair assessment of the volume of work, and so on. By working with "abnormal" clients, freelancers spend more time earning much less income.

During the first interaction with the customer, the freelancer needs to not only make a good impression on the new employer, but also decide for himself whether he will cooperate with this person in the future.

So how much do copywriters make?

According to the results of the research activities of specialists engaged in collecting information on-line, about a fifth of remote workers earn 40-60 thousand rubles, and only 2% of on-line employees managed to overcome the 150 thousand mark. Network workers engaged in copywriting, but have not yet mastered this profession to perfection, earn from 25 to 40 thousand rubles a month.

A freelance copywriter depends primarily on the effort you make. People who take their work seriously (make personal work schedules and calculate working hours correctly) earn about $ 300 a month. In this profession, money comes with experience. An experienced copywriter can earn $ 500. e.

Can a person without any skills make money online?

Here are some of the simplest ways to make money:

  • Collection of information from thematic sites. The essence of the work is as follows: a specific query is entered into the Google search box, after which contact information is collected from all sites that appear in the search results. Having saved the obtained information in a text file, the freelancer exchanges the obtained information for money. Freelancer's earnings in this case depend on his scrupulousness.
  • Checking sites for cross-browser compatibility. A freelancer finds out what the site looks like when it is open in different browsers and, after taking screenshots, sends them to the customer, after which he receives payment.
  • Collection of information from the pages of online stores. The contractor collects information about certain goods and sends it to the customer. In some cases, clients ask the contractor to rewrite the obtained information in their own words, and then the freelancer's earnings increase.

Popular types of online earnings also include:

  • accounting services;
  • website promotion;
  • medical, legal and other consultations;
  • writing comments or evaluating the work of the site;
  • writing responses-comments on sites-"questionnaires";
  • recommendations regarding the modernization of sites and online stores.

It is believed that freelancing does not bring a lot of money, but only gives freedom of movement and flexible work hours. But is it?

Maria Lobanova, PR manager of the service, decided to become Yuri Dude for a short while and ask several freelancers about their earnings.

Alexander Zhulin, graphic designer: "I almost never look for projects myself, but I earn about 200,000 rubles a month."

I take orders in the field of design, engineering and interfaces. He worked with both startups and large companies (Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Sberbank).

As for the maximum amount for a project, it is a difficult question, because if you shift everything over to months, then the rating is not obvious. But if you calculate the monthly profit for the time of working on one project, then this is a little more than 200,000.

I almost never look for projects, instead I actively develop networking. Therefore, it is difficult for me to say for sure which order search channels are better and which are worse.

The same about money - you can negotiate good conditions both in a start-up and in large companies. The big ones only have more bureaucracy, approvals and reporting, but financially, everything depends on you.

Work steadily, quickly and develop your networking.

Anatoly Semenov, IT developer: "Once my friend earned 2.5 million rubles on a freelance project."

Freelance developers earn the most in Russia. The most popular areas: back-end, mobile development, front-end, web-design, testing.

The highest paid freelance project I know, my friend managed to get hold of. He earned 2.5 million rubles. That kind of money was paid to him for the development of an electronic document management system for an investment company.

Where should you look for such cool orders? Of course, primarily on foreign platforms or in those companies that work with foreign clients.

In addition, word of mouth works well - if the customer liked the performance, you can ask him to recommend you as a freelancer to partners and friends.

Natalia Novikova, product marketer, IT developer: "My friends and I earned millions of rubles on freelance projects."

In my opinion, the highest margin freelancers are designers. But I'm not talking about rubbish: landing pages, websites, shops for small businesses, any services for small businesses - they have no money.

About my big money on one freelance project. My fellow developers and I have implemented platforms for one large Russian bank and a Canadian marketplace. We received very substantial sums of millions of rubles.

Such orders, of course, come through connections and recommendations, you just won't find them on the freelance platform.

You have to go to specialized conferences, communicate with the right people, for example, those who are in charge of IT in large companies. Although personally I prefer to work with startups - they have less hemorrhoids (read - approvals).

If you take small projects, find them on freelance exchanges, then, whatever one may say, you won't earn more than 150,000 rubles a month.

Alexander Nikolaev, blockchain developer, CEO of the Forseti startup: "The biggest freelance earnings are in development and consulting."

Daria Suvorova, journalist, copywriter: "Copywriting is a side job, you won't earn much"

Freelance projects, if I usually take it, are in the field of copywriting. I had experience with the Sleepy Gnome company. The fee was calculated in a standard way - by the number of characters. I seemed to have 200 rubles per 1000 characters (among copywriters-stockists this is considered a lot, usually the rate is 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters).

Tasks - filling the site, designing product cards, selling texts, turnkey texts. For me it was a part-time job, 2000-3000 rubles a month. Yes, we worked very slowly, but such a pace suited everyone.

My opinion: in most cases, successful and well-paid options are found through friends. It so happens that you are lucky with "Jobs for Good People" or Head Hunter, but this is rare.

Kirill Bragin, Head of GoodSellUs Internet Technologies Agency: "You can earn up to $ 10,000 by programming for banks."

Before opening my agency, I was doing web development freelance for about 7 years. In my practice, I managed to make the most money not on projects with large budgets and deadlines, but on the flow of many small orders.

I received one of the largest orders in 2013. It was necessary to write an ERP system to manage a small American company that provides services for the repair of household appliances. In total, the work was given three months and a budget of $ 3000 was allocated. It seems like a large amount, but already three months of work! And if you count on working hours, then generally a trifle.

As a result, it turned out to be much more profitable to sell their services on small projects. Almost always I found orders thanks to word of mouth, that is, projects found me on their own.

Since there were always more orders than I could fulfill, all 7 years of freelancing were my main job, which I provided for my family.

The most profitable thing in web development was to work with startuppers who understood exactly what they needed and understood the cost of the work, while ordinary companies periodically had unpleasant situations when they decided to change the developer, because I am doing expensive. Usually, six months later, such a client returned with a project in which there was chaos.

Web development is not the most lucrative way to freelance and is often nerve-racking. In terms of income and nerves, it is much more pleasant to work with application programming for banks and large projects - monthly fees may well go up to $ 10,000 or more.

Freelancing is free work, in which a person, by and large, manages his own time - when to rest and when to work.

This activity is based on cooperation via the Internet. Everything is simple here - the contractor is looking for an order, negotiates with the customer, completes the task and receives payment.

What kind of work is this?

The prospects for a freelancer are always great, because today such an activity is quite promising, and with the right approach, you can make good money or even create a business with its help. Your income level will depend only on your skills and, most importantly, hard work.

It is very profitable to hire freelancers for large companies: in this case, they will not need to create jobs, and it is not difficult to find a person who will work at home, and not in the office.

This is a very good example of why this type of activity is so in demand.

Freelancing cannot be attributed to work where everything will be easy. Here, although you are your own boss, you need to be able to realize yourself, never be lazy, and take your work seriously. Everyone has the risk of being deceived and not getting paid, and this often happens if a person is too gullible and negligent about the activity.

Possible areas

Everything here will depend on the skills of the person. Among the main activities are the following:

  • Website development and promotion Is one of the most popular ways to make money. Websites are needed by many companies, businessmen and just ordinary people who pursue the goal of making money or having a personal resource for other purposes. As a rule, most are looking for people who would make a resource and then promote it. If you have good knowledge in this area and a high-quality portfolio, then orders will be guaranteed to you.
  • Writing unique texts(rewriting, copywriting, translation) - now this activity is in great demand. High-quality and unique content is the first thing that is so necessary for successful site management. Writing articles can make good money, but you should have at least minimal writing ability.
  • Working with video and audio- This is a rather specific activity and less in demand compared to others. But as a specialist in this industry, you will definitely find orders for yourself.
  • Programming- the most difficult form of earnings in this area. You must know the programming language thoroughly, and better not just one, only in this case it is really possible to find a vacancy.
  • Design and layout- this type can be attributed to creative work. These can be orders for the creation of graphic elements, the creation and layout of the site design or its individual parts, logos, pictures, banners, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people think that remote work via the Internet is just a fairy tale, but if you look in more detail, it turns out that there are not only positive aspects here. Let's first figure out what are the advantages of freelancing:

  • One of the first advantages is a free schedule. Having taken an order, a freelancer receives a deadline for its implementation, but at what time of day he decides to complete it on his own, there is no boss who will make you work on schedule. But do not think that a free schedule implies that a person has a lot of free time, this is a big delusion.
  • Compared to working in an office, a freelancer can choose exactly those projects that he likes and that it will even be pleasant to work on.
  • It is possible to define your own rates for work. Of course, if they are overestimated, it will be more difficult to find an employer, but if you work at average prices, you will always be able to find orders.
  • You can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have access to the Internet.
  • Financial independence - there is no such thing as a fixed salary, fines, bonuses, etc. In addition, a freelancer cannot be fired, because there is no boss over him.

Now let's look at the disadvantages:

  • A freelancer may have periods when there are a huge number of orders, or it may be that there are none at all. Accordingly, earnings may be irregular.
  • A significant disadvantage is the risk of being deceived, there are many dishonest customers who profit from deceiving the performers, and the main thing is that it is impossible to present them with anything, since they do not provide reliable information about themselves.
  • Freelancing is a rather boring job, usually done at home and alone. At first it seems that it’s great, you don’t need to go or walk anywhere, you wake up every day and you’re in no hurry to go anywhere. But over time, any person will understand that he lacks communication.
  • Unwillingness to pull yourself together and work on a set schedule.
  • Lack of a social package, as well as the attitude of relatives to your work as something frivolous.

How to choose an exchange?

The choice of the exchange should be made based on what you are going to do. If you have knowledge in the field of website development, programming, design, layout, then you can look for a job on the following popular resources:

  • is the most popular freelance site in Russia, where you can find almost any job in the IT field.
  • is a good choice for beginners, the chance of being deceived is minimized here, since there is an opportunity to work through a secure transaction service.
  • - this resource will also be appropriate for finding any kind of job on the Internet. A convenient menu allows you to easily customize the filter for certain projects and keep track of the orders that appear.

If we talk about copywriting exchanges, then among them it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • is one of the first and most convenient exchanges where you can find both cheap and more expensive orders for rewriting, copywriting and translation. The user-friendly interface will help any user to quickly deal with the job search. To earn good money, you first need to raise your rating; customers predominantly give preference to authors with high scores.
  • - this exchange is more like a store of articles, here you can put up texts for sale and wait until they are bought. There are also orders here, access to them costs 300 rubles per month, and taking this into account, customers in most cases publish expensive orders, counting on a worthy candidate - after all, if a person has paid for access, then he is probably ready for serious work.
  • is the oldest copywriting exchange where you can find a wide variety of jobs, from reviews and comments on social networks to complex SEO texts.

Where should a beginner start?

Any newbie who has a desire to freelance should start by leveling up accounts on all exchanges. With a zero rating, you will not be able to take expensive orders into work. This is precisely the reason for most of the failures - beginners start working at low prices and eventually abandon the business.

But if you really want to achieve success, then you don't have to give up, you need to work as much as possible, and then you can raise the prices. Take note of the following tips:

  • Your profile on any of the exchanges should be filled in as detailed and informative as possible.
  • First you need to get at least a few positive reviews. When leaving a request for an order, always write something original, customers are good about it.
  • An important point will be the portfolio, looking at it, customers will be able to determine whether your style of work suits, and will be able to offer cooperation without a test order.
  • A freelancer must have mail, ICQ, skype, social media pages. networks, wallets Webmoney and YandexMoney, so that you never have problems with communication and payment.

Step-by-step instructions for organizing such activities are presented in the following video:

How to plan your day and get yourself to work?

The first important rule is clear planning of your work and rest... Try to stick to a daily schedule, take a break after every hour of work, eat lunch and exercise at a certain time.

Make sure to have a weekend! Many people work all 7 days a week, without noticing it themselves, but this is fundamentally wrong.

You always need to give yourself rest in order to have strength and a positive attitude for further work.

You should not take a lot of orders into work if you are not sure that you will have time to cope with them, it is not worth sacrificing your rest. Do not "go too far" and become a workaholic, remember that you still have hobbies, relatives and friends who want to communicate with you.

How much can you earn?

There is no clear formula here, it all depends on your abilities. If we take as an example the work of a copywriter, then it is not so difficult to find a customer for 30-40 rubles / 1000 characters.

For example, you write at a price of 30 rubles per 1000 characters. If you are not lazy, you can manage to write from 10 to 20 thousand characters a day, depending on how familiar the topic is to you.

If 30 is multiplied by 15 (the average value), then this will turn out to be 450 rubles per day, take 24 working days in a month and multiply by 450, we get 10,800 rubles. If the price tag is 40 rubles per 1000 characters, then the earnings will be 14,400 rubles per month. But this is all relative, and these figures are far from the limit.

In any case, it is safe to say that with a serious approach using copywriting, you can earn more than the average salary in Russia.

If we consider earnings on the creation and promotion of sites, programming, design and in other areas, then there is still no single formula. For example, the development of a simple business card site can cost about $ 50, but if you need to create a serious selling portal, then the remuneration for such work can reach several thousand dollars.

In the modern world, every person has great and wide opportunities for earning money. New firms and enterprises, professions and specialties are constantly appearing. Due to this, you can choose and develop in the direction that brings the greatest pleasure and good income. And this applies not only to ordinary work, but also to the Internet sphere. For many, the World Wide Web has become a source of stable income, which, with due effort and diligence, can easily exceed the wages in an office, a factory or any other company.

There are a lot of ways to generate income online, among which freelance earnings stand out. Anyone can do freelance work at home. Of course, it is desirable to have certain skills and knowledge in some areas, but even without them, you will find a considerable amount of work for beginners. And in parallel, no one bothers you to study and gain valuable experience.

To make it easier for you to get used to a new direction for yourself, in today's article I will tell you in detail what freelancing is, how to become a freelancer and how much you can earn from it. We will also look at the available ways to find customers.

What is freelancing and how to become a freelancer

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the terminology and all the organizational aspects of working as a freelancer.

Freelance- This is remote work that a person performs in any place convenient for him (usually at home). You can also say that this is a job for yourself.

Freelancer- is a specialist in a particular field who has a certain set of knowledge and is ready to fulfill the customer's order for a specific payment.

How it works? For example, a person or company needed to do a certain amount of work. They do not have such knowledge or do not want to hire a temporary employee, so they are forced to apply for the services of freelancers. With the help of Internet resources, as a rule, freelance exchanges, they communicate with each other and agree on the performance of work, payment and other details. As a result of cooperation, the customer receives a high-quality work performed on time, and the freelancer gets money, experience, and reputation.

Freelance earnings have a lot of positive qualities, among which the following should definitely be highlighted:

  • the freelancer gets complete freedom of action - he can independently set a convenient work schedule, take only the orders he likes, work in one area or another;
  • work will be carried out in a comfortable and comfortable atmosphere for you - there is no need to go to the office, follow the dress code, reckon with employees and management;
  • you significantly save your time and money - no need to spend money on travel, lunch in the dining room, a variety of clothes, and spend hours in traffic jams;
  • there is an opportunity to organize earnings on freelance from scratch - in the network you are not required to provide a "crust" about education, for many types of work you do not even need experience. And you can get all the necessary knowledge through free video lessons, courses and other available materials from the Internet;
  • if you take a responsible approach to your work and constantly develop, you can get a very large income in the future. In fact, earning money on freelancing is not limited by anything - how much work I did, I got so much;
  • at any time you can change your field of activity, or even develop in several directions in parallel.

Despite these really tempting benefits of working, there are some downsides to freelancing online:

  • First of all, in order to have a stable volume of work and, accordingly, income, it is necessary to constantly search for customers. Sometimes, due to high competition, lack of experience or inappropriate conditions, this is quite difficult to do;
  • organization of the workplace and the purchase of all the necessary items for work is completely on your shoulders. You must have a computer (and to fulfill certain orders is quite powerful), Internet access, a set of programs, additional equipment if necessary;
  • self-discipline plays a very important role - if you are lazy, poorly fulfilling orders and constantly being distracted, then you will not achieve good results;
  • Freelance earnings for beginners may not seem high enough. This is not surprising, because in order to receive large and expensive orders, you need to prove yourself, earn positive reviews and ratings, and have several successful works in your portfolio.

If you want to start making money on freelance, then first I recommend treating it as an additional source of income. Freelance is famous for the fact that both experienced professionals and beginners can do it. You just need to choose a suitable specialty and develop in it.

Who can make money on freelancing

As I said above, anyone can make money on freelancing, without any restrictions. Now absolutely all categories of society are involved in this area - from to.

To find a freelance job, you need to have at least some knowledge. For example:

  • be able to work with text - write / correct /;
  • create / promote sites;
  • program and develop applications / games / programs, etc .;
  • engage in advertising and PR on the Internet;
  • administer various web resources;
  • and much more.

Newcomers will think about how to make money on freelancing, if they have never encountered anything before? What to choose from the proposed options if there is no experience? There is a way out - on freelance exchanges there are a lot of simple and routine tasks especially for novice workers. These include filling online stores with goods, calling the customer base, converting documents, audio recognition, cropping images, and much more.

Even such simple orders can bring about 500-1000 rubles per day. If you want to earn more and have development prospects, then you should pay attention to the more demanded areas of activity.

The most demanded professions in freelancing

I have compiled a list of the most popular freelance destinations. These include niches in which there is always a large amount of high-paying work:

  • web developers;
  • programmers;
  • PR managers;
  • SMM managers;
  • SEO specialists.

All these professions, in one way or another, are associated with the creation, development and monetization of Internet resources (sites, online stores, blogs, etc.). Since the world wide web continues to actively develop every day, people of these specialties will always be able to find work.

How much can you earn from freelancing?

To answer this question, you need to take into account your field of activity, experience of working as a freelancer, availability of certain skills, etc. As I said above, if you are just starting your career with small and simple orders, then your earnings will be from 500 rubles per day. If you have chosen a certain profession, then the numbers here may be as follows:

  • copywriters(people who write articles) earn from 150 rubles per hour of active work;
  • designers with work experience, they can receive from 5-10 thousand rubles for one order (for example, a high-quality design logo has such a cost). Website templates can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles (but the skills must be appropriate);
  • translators from foreign languages ​​to Russian and vice versa, they can easily earn from 20 thousand rubles a month, and with a high load and more;
  • labor of experienced programmers very much appreciated, so often the salary of freelancers in this area starts from 100 thousand rubles;
  • people who are engaged Internet advertising, for one project can help out from 10 thousand rubles. And there may be several such orders per month.

As you can see, freelancing is incredibly rewarding. And most importantly, you have no boundaries, limits or boundaries. With an active search for customers and quality work, you will receive excellent income.

How to start making money on freelance + ways to find customers

We decided on the choice of profession. Now let's talk about how to make money by freelancing - what steps to start with, how to find customers on the Internet.

To get started, you need to register a work email address, an electronic wallet and communication programs.

  • new e-mail should be used only for registrations on freelance exchanges and communication with customers. This will allow you to read and respond to important emails in a timely manner;
  • I recommend choosing, or as an electronic wallet. They can be tied to a bank card and cash out the earned funds without any problems;
  • working with customers directly, in addition to mail, you can use social networks, telegrams, skype, etc.

Then you can go directly to finding customers and completing assignments. To make this task easier for you, I have compiled a few excellent and proven options.

1. Freelance exchanges - services that collect tens of thousands of orders of varying complexity and cost. At each exchange, you will be able to “upgrade” your profile - a rating will be awarded for completed orders, satisfied customers will leave reviews, you can add a resume and portfolio, write about your skills. All monetary transactions here are under the control of the administration of the exchanges, which avoids fraud on the part of customers and performers.

That is why these services are ideal for beginners. You will not only find a job here to your liking, but you are guaranteed to get paid for it. From myself, I can recommend the following freelance exchanges:

1.) - a very popular exchange, in particular among newbie freelancers. Here you can easily find simple, but at the same time well-paid orders. Each new user must pass a small exam to prove that he can handle computers and the Internet.

2.) - a project where you sell your services in the form of "kworks". You put a certain amount of work into one such kwork and set a fixed price for it - 400 rubles.

3.) Is a large freelance exchange used by a large number of customers. Most of the work is contained in the categories "texts and translations" and "web programming and sites".

4.) - a very functional and convenient exchange with various capabilities. Here you can really build your career from scratch.

5.) - an excellent freelance exchange for remote work. It is very popular, due to which it is used by millions of freelancers and customers. Both experienced specialists and beginners will be able to work here.

6.) - quite an interesting freelance exchange for remote work, which allows you to monetize almost any of your skills. With its help, absolutely everyone can earn, even a beginner freelancer. To understand what and how much you can earn, just register on the exchange and familiarize yourself with the services (services) offered by other users. Well, then, relying on your skills, create your own works (offer your services). At first, of course, it would be better to set minimum, so to speak, competitive prices for your services, this will allow you to find customers interested in your services much faster. Well, when you earn a good reputation and have several good works in your portfolio, you can safely, but gradually, increase the prices for your services.

7.) , Are the most popular content exchanges that will allow you to find customers for writing articles for money. With their help, you will also be able to sell the finished articles you have. To do this, you just need to go to the store and put them up for sale.

2. Social networks - you can find customers in thematic groups and publics. You just need to post your ads for the provision of certain services. No one is insured from "freeloaders" here, so try to take an advance payment or split payments into several parts.

3. Own site - will serve as your business card indicating all services, price tags, examples of work and other information. This option should be considered already by experienced freelancers, since cash investments will be required for the creation and promotion of the site.

4. Networking - this is a search for orders using a circle of Internet acquaintances and colleagues. In other words, you establish communication with people who are close to this area. Exchange knowledge, advice, contacts and other useful information. And then, if necessary, they turn to you for your professional services.

5. Other options for job search - post your mini-resume on thematic forums, message boards, services such as Avito. Often, large customers are looking for freelancers directly, so as not to take unnecessary actions through the exchanges and not pay a commission for this.

How to provide yourself with a stable income on freelancing and how to earn more on it: useful tips for freelancers

When working as a freelancer, it is very important not to stand still and constantly develop in the direction you choose. What does it mean? For example, you are engaged in (reworking articles from the Internet) and charge 25 rubles per 1,000 characters for your services. With due diligence, in a couple of months you can easily try yourself in quality (write articles on your own) and already earn 50 rubles or more. And after a while, you can master (optimized, selling articles), for which they pay from 100-150 rubles for the same 1 thousand characters. And similar examples can be given for every profession.


Self-organization plays a very important role in freelancing. If you think that working from home is very easy, you are greatly mistaken. The fact is that at home you will be constantly distracted by household chores and problems. Since a freelancer does not have a leader and a boss, it is necessary to force yourself to work, to overcome laziness.

That is why you definitely need to draw up a clear work schedule and stick to it every day. For example:

  • rise - at 8 am;
  • from 8 to 9 - shower and breakfast;
  • from 9 to 12 - active work;
  • from 12 to 13 - lunch and rest;
  • from 13 to 16 - active work.

As a result, you need to work twice for 3 hours (of course, more can be done), and in the remaining time you can do other things. At the same time, it is very important to distinguish between your time and not waste it on all sorts of nonsense - empty communication, computer games, social networks, etc.


Freelancing is not your usual uncle job, where you sit for a certain amount of time and receive a fixed payment. It all depends only on you, including the amount of earnings. Therefore, it is imperative to develop your skills, learn new things, and make useful friends on the Internet.

I would recommend devoting at least a few hours a week to self-development. Watch training videos on YouTube for your profession, read thematic sites and forums, gain knowledge from communicating with more experienced people.

Working on yourself will directly affect your income. After all, every person wants to earn even more. You will have such an opportunity, you just need to develop yourself and go towards your goal.

If you have been looking for ways to work for yourself and not depend on anyone for a long time, then feel free to choose freelance. This is your chance to do what you love, which will bring you good money. All doors are open in front of you - you just need to take the first step!

Freelance evolution

If you are a beginner and want to make money as a freelance employee, then the book by Nikita Severinov, you simply must read to understand how to make good money on remote work.

What will you learn from Evolution of Freelancing? You can learn quite a lot, both for a beginner and a fairly experienced freelance worker.

This is similar to the instructions for freelancera, and if you follow its advice, you can get a decent income. Only it will be quite difficult to do this. It takes iron self-discipline and motivation. After all, you will not have a bosses, and you yourself have to adhere to the established work schedules.

And he didn't work 16 hours a day and freelancing was not his main income. The author was able to organize his workflow, and the purpose of the publication is to teach this to his readers.

After reading this book, you will learn:

  • How to look for orders (relevant because there is "fierce" competition on the market)
  • How to communicate with customers
  • How to minimize financial risks

There are many worked examples, samples and templates here - a treasure trove of practical material. Although this book was written in 2007, it still helps to navigate modern trends today.

Opinions about a work can be quite different and contradictory. It makes a strong impression on the reader, because it contains the life experience of a person who, by his example, shows how to reach the stars. Only this path is thorny and difficult.

We'll have to give up a lot that, according to the author, does not make sense in a person's life. For example, do not read Soviet newspapers or watch. They are time killers. And there are quite a few such time eaters, and we do not notice all of them.

"Time is the fabric that makes up life." Benjamin Franklin

Once you go to You Tube, time flies by. And when you start thinking about work, you look at your watch and realize how much time has passed in vain. For this wasted time it was possible to earn money, it is not for nothing that they say that time is money.

The author writes about motivation. Do you have an apartment in Manhattan? Even if you are not a materialist and money is not the main thing for you, but have you been to Paris, Rome or Barcelona? But what about the other beauties of the world: Niagara Falls, sunset and sunrise on islands in the ocean.

Even if you don't use Evolution as a freelance handbook, after reading it you can better navigate the world of remote work. Some of the tips from there you can successfully apply in your activities.

When you read this book, you will learn many new marketing and business secrets. By learning how to apply them in your work, you will increase your earnings as a self-employed person.