How to get an electronic signature to legal entities for public services? Electronic signature for individuals.

How to get an electronic signature to legal entities for public services? Electronic signature for individuals.
How to get an electronic signature to legal entities for public services? Electronic signature for individuals.

Get an electronic signature for an individual today is quite simple. And 5 years ago, she practically did not need simple people. The EDS was then perceived as a tool for simpler business - with it you can sign contracts via the Internet, overhead, payments and other documents. But times are changing. And now, even simple citizens are often solved to issue an electronic digital signature to simplify life.

Under the EDS is understood as an electronic signature that appeared by encrypting a data set. It allows you to identify the owner. Such a popular electronic signature has become due to the high level of reliability and the presence of many possibilities. For ordinary citizens, the most significant advantages are:

  • The opportunity to send to the state authority or deployment official appeal via the Internet. This speeds up the application process, eliminates the need to go somewhere.
  • Remote receipt of various public services. For example, for several years already on the portal, the State Service is being implemented the possibility of issuing a passport and other important documents through the EDP.
  • Search and purchase of goods and services at the lowest prices. With the help of EDS, you can make purchases in virtual stores, participate in tenders and auctions.

For organizations, the list of advantages is even more complete. For example, the EDS allows you to sign payment documents and other important papers, send requirements to the bank.

Varieties of EDS

To date, in Russia, one of two varieties of EDS are used: single and multiple. Each of them has its own characteristics.

And if organizations have long appreciated the EDS and use it today increasingly, then ordinary citizens belong to it while some misunderstanding. The same who decided to receive an electronic signature will be able to solve the following problems with it:

  1. allows you to identify the owner;
  2. protects the document from the counterfeit (due to the presence of cryptographic protection);
  3. it is a confirmation of the fact that the signed side assumed commitments or duties prescribed in the document.

The operation of electronic signatures is impossible without the availability of special keys and certificates. Give them directly in the specialized center. Any EDS has the following keys:

  • Open. It is also called verification. It sees all participants in the transaction, and not just the owner of the key. It is used to exclude the probability of fake. It is this key that confirms the accuracy of the affiliated electronic signature.
  • Closed. He is known only to the owner of the EDS. The function is in direct signing of documents.

In addition to the key, there is another necessary attribute of any electronic signature. We are talking about a special certificate for the key. It can be provided to the owner in one of the following forms:

  • on the paper;
  • on electronic media.

The certificate acts as a kind of identity card for the owner of the signature. It contains the following information:

  • open key number;
  • information about the owner;
  • information about the center that issued the key.

Only with an active certificate can be encoded with EDS. If the contract is signed by several persons, then all of them must have a non-stable document. Otherwise, the paper does not succeed.

The certificate is 1 year. After that, it cannot be used by the owner. He herself signature with an overdue certificate has no confidence. If the validity period is completed, and the owner requires the EDS, then it needs to extend the certificate. Only after that the signature will again become a working.

If a citizen has changed the surname or some other personal data, then he needs to immediately update the certificate. Otherwise, it will be invalid.

Checking signatures passes with special encryption funds. They are necessary to create a key and directly the electronic signature itself, as well as to check them.

EDS for individuals

Ordinary citizens are increasingly turning to the electronic signature service. It is not surprising, because why sit in the queues, go somewhere if everything can be done remotely. To do this, you need to have only access to the Internet and a special electronic signature. You can use one of the following varieties of EDS:

  1. Unqualified. Different simplicity of manufacturing and use. You can create it yourself at home. To do this, it is enough to use the encryption program. True, such an EP has no legal force, but it can be used within one organization or between friends, relatives, colleagues.
  2. Qualified. This is already a full-fledged EP, which is issued in a specialized accredited institution. It is equal to the usual signature and has the same force. Sometimes it is used even in ships and various municipal and state structures.

Of course, if you want to have an EDS, equal to normal signature, then you need to contact an accredited center. Especially since the procedure for obtaining a document for ordinary citizens is much easier than for legal entities. So, a person for making a signature will require only a Russian passport and a payment document confirming the payment of state duty (receipts from the bank will be enough).

To arrange the EDS, a person must choose a suitable certifying center for himself. It is important that the institution is accredited. Otherwise, issuing electronic signatures it has no right. Before sending to the center you need to pay the state duty, get a receipt in a bank or print it. And he will go with her, passport and flash drive or disk in the institution. Media will be required to write a closed key on them. Next, the procedure will be made in such a sequence:

  1. Appeal to the center. It is there, ultimately, a person and will receive the keys with the certificate.
  2. Select password. You need to invent them yourself. It is better if it is some kind of memorable password, because it is impossible to change it because of its forgetfulness. Then the procedure for obtaining the keys of the EDS will have to go back.
  3. Filling out documents for open key.
  4. Closed key regeneration, download files to disk or flash drive.
  5. Transfer the employee of the center all documents, come up with passwords.
  6. Get a certificate for issued keys.

Sometimes the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature may be somewhat different. It all depends on the order of the center in which a person is drawn. A number of organizations require personal appeal, and someone is ready to issue all documents remotely through the Internet.

Using EDS

Some citizens may ask a question, and where they can use an electronic signature. Indeed, special conditions are needed for the use of EDS. Therefore, for individuals, the Russian government has developed two systems, services and information in which can be obtained by electronic signature:

  • ESIA (Unified Identification and Authentication System). It is a special telecommunications network, through which the possibility of providing a number of state and municipal information to individuals is implemented. Working with this service is possible even with an unqualified signature. On the site you can get interesting reference information.
  • ENGGU (single portal of public services). This is the largest Russian portal providing services to the country's population. But to work with this service will require a qualified EDS. This necessity is explained by the fact that with the help of the portal you can conduct legally significant operations.

Thanks to these two services, people received remote access to various public services. The number of these services is constantly growing. For example, with the help of the portal, the State Service today you can get a regular passport (re-), passport passport, TIN, open your IP, register in the apartment, put on accounting your vehicle. You can even learn about the presence of fines in the traffic police and the status of the account in the FIU.

Creating and registration of electronic digital signature requires certain costs. That is why it is impossible to receive this service for free to individuals today. If a person decided to design the EDS, he will have to allocate money from his budget. Cost in various regions and centers will be varied. In general, the price varies from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

The ultimate cost will depend, including on what conditions the signature will be obtained. It is clear that if the client does not want to go to the center itself, then he needs to be ready to pay more than with direct circulation.

The industry trends are talking about the gradual increase in demand for the service. People increasingly began to resort to the use of electronic digital signature. The development of the scope of cryptographic protection allows you to gradually reduce the cost of services.

Electronic signature - Current business tool. It will assure and protect information about a physical or legal person on any digital documentation. The signature is applied for commercial purposes for both public services.

Electronic signature for public services - where to get?

Creation of EDS for free. Payment required medium of information . The price of a USB carrier is 1400 rubles.

Contact the Certification Authority (UC) for the purchase of a certificate and an electronic signature key.

Make EDS will help the personal appeal of citizens to the office of customer service PJSC Rostelecom.

After receiving a USB carrier, the owner uses various services on the state portal that need special identification.

Those who are going to get a digital document from the authorized center are not necessarily registered on the public service website or receive a cipher sequence from the center operator. You have the right to come to the company before the registration of a personal account.

Confirmation of information about the owner occurs in the office. Signature is issued on the client's appeal day.

Ready USB key Use only for the use of civil servants.

The procedure for obtaining EP.

State services are available to all residents of the Russian Federation, as it belongs to the public system.

Methods for obtaining EDS:

  • Application procedure online is based on three acts:
  1. Register yourself on the UTS website;
  2. Enter the data into the questionnaire;
  3. Come to MFC with a carrier of information;
  4. Take an electronic signature on paper;
  5. On the UTS website, write down the EDS on the USB flash drive.
  • Through MFC
  1. Contact the MFC (Multifunctional Center);
  2. Give originals: Passport, Inn, SNILS;
  3. Pay money in the terminal - 1400 rubles;
  4. Next you get a USB carrier and wait for SMS;
  5. Come on site Certification Center;
  6. Write down EDP On your carrier of information.

Authorized centers for issuing qualified key certificates for testing EP are posted on the public portal, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

Types of EP and the terms of the recognition of electronic documents

According to Article 5 of the Law "On electronic signature"client can get reinforced or simple signature.

Free simple signature Get in MFC for 1 working day.

  • Stressed view Wears a qualified and unqualified nature obtained by cryptographic data transformation.

A qualified signature takes absolutely all functioning social institutions.

With her, the holder works with documents in electronic format while having absolute legal force.

In other words, it acquires the quality of a paper document with a signature of a visiting representative.

The owner can apply the EDS in the corporate sphere only in accordance with the conditions and rules that the system operator sets.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

The opportunity to get the EDS have absolutely all citizens of our country.

It is worth considering only the fact for what tasks and goals it will be applied on the state portal "E-Government".

All types of signatures work on equal terms. This does not concern financial organizations. Rosstat, FSS, PFN and FSS Operate only with those clients who received electronic analogs only in qualified status.

As soon as the EDS holder enters the service agreement and will be a member of the system of one of the operators, a physical or legal person is automatically becoming one of the members of the electronic interaction of participants.

In other words, The presence of EDS is the main condition for gaining access to the system.

Scope of an electronic signature on the "Electronic Government" portal

After registering a personal account on the State Service Portal with EP, the user familiarizes with all the information in more detail.

Frequent services which prefers to take advantage of most individuals are:

The features of the portal for legal entities Provide many useful tools in business. Registration is possible only on the basis of the right to use without a power of attorney from a legal entity.

For these purposes, create an administrator's personal account.

A qualified certificate contains the following information:

  • Personal information about the owner;
  • Name of company;
  • Location;
  • OGRN legal entity.

The most priority services include:

  • Registration of discharge from EVERIP and EGRUL;
  • Obtain accurate and complete information on the presence of debt relative to tax payments;
  • Registration of new transport, removal from the taking into account the old and so on.

Especially for individual entrepreneurs - Monitoring the contract to reduce the risk of purchasing super-luminous revenues and transferring income to another taxation system.

The IP Accounting Organization System will avoid the entrepreneurs of many negative situations.

The signature is used to sight applications to authorized executive bodies. In order to protect the transmitted information, the service uses a cryptographic system.

Perspective and relevance of automation of electronic document management

Electronic signature - This is a significant leap in the process of automating the electronic version of the document management.

Using the EDS on the portal "Electronic Government" accounts for responsibility.

That is why the user must closely monitor the order and make sure that these keys are reliably protected from unauthorized persons.

In suspected unauthorized access and invalid signature As early as possible, contact the Certification Center in which it received a certificate, confirm the authenticity and check the EDP.

Such an approach is saucomit Labor, temporary and material costs On the redistribution of the pattern of information from paper blanks to the electronic version. As a result, the organization has a competitive ability, legal protection of document management.

The public services portal provides users with ample opportunities for remote interaction with various structures. This is obtaining permission to transport heavy cargoes, licensing of pharmaceutical activities, interaction with Rospotrebnadzor and much more. But for this you need to get an electronic signature for the public service to a legal entity. Order Release of EDS can be in an accredited certifying center of Kaluga Astral UC, leaving an application on the website or simply by calling.

Products towards:

How to get an electronic signature for public service legal entity

To work with the portal, use is a simple and qualified electron-digital signature (EDS, EP, CPU). Simple is a disposable code that is formed to perform a specific action: registration, login, confirmation of sending a message. It is easily understood that such a simple signature, if you remember the online payment of a bank card when you need to enter the code that came to the SMS to a mobile phone to confirm the transaction.

Qualified is an equivalent equivalent of his own signature of the head and printing organization. Certified EDS Documents can be sent via the Internet to any instance. She confirms the identity of the sender and guarantees the invariance of data after signing. A qualified electronic signature of the civil service for legal entities can be issued in the Certification Center accredited by the Ministry of Communications and Communication Center (UC).

The method of obtaining EP directly depends on its type. Easy is created at the Paradise Registration Stage on the portal. It requires a certain data to the database remotely, is formed within a few seconds. Assigns to all users of the site of the State Service immediately after registration. Such an account has a restriction on the use of services. The trimmed functionality of the portal can be expanded by issuing a qualified electronic signature.

To buy the EDS for public services for Jurlitz in our management center, providing the following package of documents for registration:

application for feeding

document on the appointment of the head

OGRN and INN organization

constituent documents

passport, SNILS and INN leader

You can send an application and documents by email. To get the EDS will have to be personally in the UC office. After confirming the identity of the owner and verifying the original documents, a certificate will be issued, physical media (more often it is a USB flash drive) and software for installation on a computer. On average, the electronic signature is manufactured 1-3 days after the customer will pay the invoice.

If the manager cannot personally come to the center, get an EP can face. In this case, the main packages must be attached to the main package:

passport, Inn and Snobs of the Trustee

power of attorney for the right to receive EDS, certified by the seal and signature of the head

In some situations, it may be necessary to provide other documents. This will inform the center employee in advance. Establishing the EDS for the legal entity of the civil servants, the owner also selects the tariff for which EP is created. For working with the portal will suit the minimum tariff plan. Depending on the type of tariff, the subscriber (CL client) can get technical support (personal and remote), configuring the workplace, installation and software update, search and correcting problems, reminding the need to extend the certificate. The term of its action is limited to 12-15 months, then it must be extended.

Remember! In accordance with Law No. 63-FZ, the electronic digital signature is fixed by the leader by default. Transmitted to other employees in the organization internal order. The amount of EDS, decorated for one legal entity, is unlimited.

Before starting work on the Public Services portal, configure the workplace. The article describes the step-by-step instructions for setting up the workplace.

Step 1. Installation SCJ

Ski (Cryptographic Information Protection Tool) is a program to encrypt information. Without Ski, the electronic signature will not work.

Download the distribution on the Cryptopro website in the "Support" section -\u003e "Download Center". The section is available after registering. Which distribution is the download depends on the version and the discharge of the operating system.

Cryptopro is divided into operating system versions (Windows XP, Windows 7, etc.) and their discharge (x64 / x86).

Determine the version of your operating system to load the corresponding CSP cryptopro version.

In the latest versions of the cryptopro, the distribution automatically determines the discharge and sets the desired packets.

This instruction considers the most popular Windows 8 OS.

How to determine the version and the discharge of the OS?

Right-click on the Computer icon (on different operating systems - "My computer" or "This computer") and select the Properties Context menu item.

A window appeared on the screen with information about the operating system.

Note, the Windows 8 professional operating system is installed on the computer. Suitable distribution Cryptopro CSP 3.9.

Accept the license agreement. Load distribution.

Pay attention to the compliance of the CSP Cryptopro distribution and Windows.



Cryptopro CSP 3.6.

Cryptopro CSP 3.6.

Cryptopro CSP 3.6.

Cryptopro CSP 3.9.

Cryptopro 3.9 (4.0)

How to install distribution?

Run the distribution and click "Set".

Install all software on behalf of the user with administrator rights.

Unpacking the desired packages and modules will automatically. After installing the packets and modules, a window for a successful installation will appear.

In earlier versions of the CSP cryptopro, the installation took place in several consecutive steps, in which additional settings are selected and entering the serial number. Now the installation procedure has been simplified to a minimum of actions.

The means of crypto protection was established. The trial mode for 3 months activated automatically. To increase the term, enter the serial number.

Order a means of crypto protection information

Step 2. Entering the serial number / license activation

To enter the serial number, log in to the "Control Panel", select the category "System and Security", and then the CSP Cryptopro program.

The CSP cryptopro workspace will appear on the screen.

Click the "Enter License ..." button in the "License" section.

Enter F.I.O. The user who plans to work on the computer, the name of the organization, serial number. It is listed on the form of the acquired license.

Complete the license activation, click on the "OK" button.

The "General" tab will change the license for the one that is listed in the license.

Working with CSP Cryptopro is completed, the next time the SPI will be needed to configure the electronic signature and installing root certificates.

Step 3. Installing a Personal Certificate

Go to the "Service" tab and in the "Certificates in the Closed Key Container" section, click the "View Certificates in a Container ..." button.

A window will appear on the screen with a key container.

Click the "Overview" button to see the electronic signatures that are recorded on the protected media.

A window appears with a choice of key container.

If the electronic signature on the carrier is one, the problems with the choice will not arise.

If multiple records, and you do not know which electronic signature is needed, select the first entry in order and click "OK". Then - the "Next" button.

Information about the selected electronic signature will appear.

Determined what other signature is needed? Click the "Back" button and select another signature.

Continue to open information about the signatures until you find the right one.

Did you find the necessary signature? Click the Install button.

After successfully installing a personal certificate, a notification will appear on the screen. Click the "OK" button. Personal certificate installed.

Purchase an electronic signature for the portal "Public Services"

Step 4. Installing the root certificate of the UC

To install the root certificate of the certificate center, click the "Properties" button. An electronic signature certificate opens

"ASP Electronic Services" gives qualified electronic signatures from the Caluga Astral Certification Center "

On the General tab, you will see a message: "This certificate failed to check by following it before the trusted certification authority." To fix this, go to the "Certification Path" tab.

The "Certification Path" section indicates a chain from F.I.O. leader to publisher (certifying center).

To install the root certificate of the certificate center, double-click on it with the left mouse button. The electronic signature certificate window opens.

Click the "Install Certificate" button.

The certificate imports wizard opens, click Next.

Install the cursor in the "Place all certificates to the following storage" item, click the "Overview" button.

A list of repositors will open to install certificates.

Now you build a trusted certificate chain, so you will choose the "Trusted Root Certification Root Centers" repository by the "OK" button. Then click "Next".

At the final stage, click the "Finish" button.

Installing a certificate will begin.

The operating system will warn about installing a certificate and requests confirmation that the certificate is really installing you.

A security warning will appear on the screen.

The security system cannot check the Caluga Astral Certification Center, because Microsoft (the creators of the Windows operating line) are not aware of Caluga Astral CJSC. Do not worry and agree with the installation.

After installing the root certificate, a window will appear on the screen with a notification of a successful installation. Close it by pressing "OK".

Step 5. Settinginternet Observer

Most public portals work exclusively in Internet Explorer not lower than version 8.0. This is due to two reasons:

  1. Internet Explorer is built into each OS Windows family.
  2. Not all Internet observers support work with ActiveX components that are needed to perform cryptography tasks on the Internet.

Internet Explorer icon

Step 6. Setting the Trusted Nodes

Add addresses of electronic platforms to trusted so that the Internet browser can run everything you need "scripts" and modules for working with cryptography.

Run the Internet Explorer browser and press the "ALT" button on the keyboard.

At the top of the browser, the action panel is displayed. Click on the Tools button panel -\u003e "Browser Properties".

The "Browser Properties" window opens. Click the Safety tab.

Select the "Reliable Sites" zone and click Sites.

In the "Reliable sites" window (at its bottom), remove the checkbox from the item "For all areas of the zone, servers check (https :)."

In the line "Add the following node to zone:" Enter the address of the HTTPS portal: //* Click "Add".

Step 6. Setting up ActiveX components

After adding nodes, turn on the ActiveX components.

In the observer properties on the Security tab, select the "Reliable nodes" zone.

At the bottom of the window, in the section "Safety level for this zone", click on the "Other" button. A window with security settings for reliable nodes opens.

In the "Access data sources outside the domain" option, select the cursor in the "Enable" section.

In the "Block pop-up window" parameter in the "Other" section, set the cursor in the "Enable" item.

At the bottom of the parameters table there is a section "ActiveX elements and connection modules". Set the cursors to "Enable" items in all parameters of this section. Click "OK" and close all open windows. Configuring the browser is completed.

Try to enter the Public Services portal. You will receive an error notification.

How to install plugin?

To download the plugin distribution, click on the link: plugin.

Download and install the plugin, following the installation wizard instructions.

Restart the Internet Observer. Your workplace is rooted, proceed to registration and / or work on the Public Services portal.

The electronic signature (EP or EDS) is currently often used on the website of the State Service. It helps to sign any digital documents and is mainly used to obtain a larger number of online services. In our country, every citizen can get an electronic signature for the portal of the State Service. After the user will issue EP, it will be available to more opportunities when using electronic services and services posted on the online portal Through a single portal, you can significantly accelerate the receipt of the civil service, because You will not need to bring extra papers into government organizations. Citizens can make applications for the service with the help of a single portal at any time convenient for them, as well as follow the status of decision making directly on the site.

How can I be made of EDS for public services

Get an electronic signature for public services can be completely free every citizen. The user must pay only the Flash drive, as a rule, its value does not exceed 500 rubles.

The provision of services occurs when a citizen of the Certification Center (UC) is visited, where you can directly get the electronic signature key for the portal of the State Service. The full list of Uz addresses can be found on the sites of the state services ( or the Ministry of Communications of Russia (MINSVYAZ.RU/ru/Activity/govservices/Certification_Authority/). After Flash has been received, the portal will be used by the services that were not previously available and required identification by signature.

What to do to get EP

To create an electronic signature for public services, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Embed on the site of your chosen certifying center application for personal EP and specify a phone and mail to communicate.
  2. The Center Specialist takes an application to work, contacts the future owner of the signature and sends a list of documents to the email address specified in the statement. Phys. Persons must bring an application for the issuance of signature, their own, and. Legal entities upon receipt of EP should provide a statement, certificate of state. Registration of IP, Inn, Passport, SNILS and an extract from Eagip. Sometimes additional documents may be required. In any case, the final list of necessary documentation for each citizen will be sent in a letter to the email box, which was specified in the application.
  3. After granting the requested documents, the electronic signature is manufactured after 1 day.

Types of electronic signature

At the moment, it is possible to get one of three types of electronic signatures for public services: simple, unqualified or qualified (abbreviated PEP, NEP or CEP).

Simple EP is used to certify the authorship and when conducting documentation in organizations. It does not provide documentation of legal force and does not guarantee the absence of changes in the papers after signing. The most relevant use of the PEP to enter the state service portal.

NEP confirms the authorship of the papers and ensures that the content will not be changed. Unqualified EP is used for turnover of documentation within the company and for the exchange of documents between other companies with which the Agreement has been established and the rules for using this signature were determined. To create it, it is necessary to crypto protection in order to ensure data security.

A qualified EP has all the advantages of unqualified, but it can be obtained only in an accredited HC. The CEP applies during the delivery of reports to state organizations and to participate in the Internet bidding. CEP CHAPT protection products certifies the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (for example, CSP cryptopro). Accordingly, such an EP is a valid alignment of a live signature.

Verification of the reality of EP through state services

On the website of the State Service, the electronic signature check is carried out through the control of the accuracy of the root (self-signed) certificate, which is included in the list of accredited HC and to the list of trusted UC and the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. You can also check the EDS on the public service website through the verification of the correctness of the certificate obtained in the accredited CC.

In the column "Select a certificate for verification" you need to specify the document, the faithfulness of the EP of which must be confirmed, and select the "Check" button. Next will show information about the result of reconciliation.

Electronic signature for individuals and legal entities

The physical is registered in the Personal Office of the State Service Website with CEP. The correct certificate of this signature includes the name of the owner and the SNILS number.

Legal entities for obtaining public services are registered as well as CEP. The certificate owner indicates an employee who can perform actions on behalf of this legal entity. The FIO of the citizen, SNILS, the full name of Jurlitz, the address and OGRN (the main state registration number) must be indicated.

The validity period of the EP key may be different, but usually the certificate is applied to 1 year.

What can I use EP

Citizens who are owners of an electronic signature can use it for the following purposes:

  1. Contact the provision of public services via the Internet;
  2. Take an active part in public initiatives;
  3. Fully use the services online;
  4. Send documents to higher educational institutions during admission;
  5. Physicians may be accelerated to execute loans online;
  6. Make accreditation on the expert;
  7. Direct documents for registration of IP;
  8. Persons with IP can take part in the supply for state bodies;
  9. Direct documents in order to get a patent.

How to use a digital signature

In order to use EP, you need:

  1. Install to your computer or laptop tool for cryptographic information protection (SPJ);
  2. Install the program for the closed Flash drive (etoken, rutoken);
  3. Install the EP user certificate;
  4. Set the certificate of the selected CC.

Usually the use of EP does not cause difficulties and does not require special knowledge.

Important! Do not forget to check the validity period of the EDS through state services. When notifications appear that you use an invalid electronic signature tool - it is necessary to extend the certificate.


Applying an electronic signature on the Public Services portal, the user is personally responsible for correct use and must control the protection of key from third parties. If there is at least the slightest probability of the confidentiality of the signature, the User EP must immediately visit the Uz in which a certificate was issued.

At the moment, the state service portal has small deficiencies on EP, which is now maintained by preventive work: not all organizations are ready to work on a new document management program, not every user system has full information about the benefits of using EP. The Creators of the State Service portal are interested in the near future, its use has become the most convenient for individuals and legal entities, so all possible efforts in this direction are attached.