Demons in Christianity names and description. Demons

Demons in Christianity names and description. Demons

Dear readers, we will be a little departing from the theme of the dragons, in order to consider the most important characters of the work of Ishibumi-Sensei. We, of course, come back to the dragons, but somewhat later. And now I suggest you, together with me, will get acquainted with the demons. After all, they are the key figures of the work. So, let's begin...

First we'll figure it out, who are such demons? And what they are so famous.

Demon (Article-Gloxy. Demon from Dr.-Greek.- Daimon, "Deity") - the collective name of supernatural beings or spirits, occupying an intermediate state between people and gods, and there are both good and bad.

An interesting fact: Socrates and his followers - Plato, Stoiki, etc., identified with the Diamon "Inner voice" of a person, conscience. In Roman mythology, they correspond to the genius, in Christianity - the guardian angel. It comes out, according to the ancient Greek philosophers, the demons are not so angry and insidious.

However, in Christianity, demon is synonymous with the words, which from the XI century in Russia, the Christians gathered all the pagan deities. Also Greek. The word demon was translated by the word demon in the Bible, and in the English and German Bible was translated by the word Devil - Eng. Devil, it. Teufel.

It turns out that at different times and in different cultures towards demons were different. In various cultures, religious and magical traditions, various details of the doctrine about the nature of the spirit of demonology were developed. Although in early antiquity, the concept of the demon is often mixed with the concept of God, and there is no opportunity to somehow distinguish them, in the era of Hellenism, these terms were divided. Consider the concept of the word "demon" in various cultures.

Diamons (demons, geniuses, angels) in ancient Greek literature.

In early antiquity, the distinction between the terms "Daimon" and "God" is not always traced, just as the bondage of Daimons is not traced exclusively with the forces of evil or good. It was believed that the daimons could have any nature, including mixed, that is, they could equally create both evil and good.

Basic information about Diamons (Rome. "Geniuses", Synonym for Christian Angels) in ancient Greek classics are drawn from the "Dayton" dialogues, "Picture", "Apology Socrates". Socrates in the dialogues says that they are managed by a "good demon" or a genius that disgusted by the evil, and guiding to good. Next, this "demon of Socrates" is identified with the God of Plato and Neoplatonists. Apuli - Ancient Roman philosopher Platonic commented on the idea of \u200b\u200b"Daimon Socrates" in the book "On God Socratis" (De Deo Socratis). This reasoning about the nature of "Diamon" in Socrates and the existence of intermediate creatures between the gods and people.

In the post-plato dialogue (984-985), Plato calls Daimonov a variety of air beings having a third and fourth ranks in perfume hierarchies and occupying their place after the stars and gods. Daimons, being among the average between the gods and people, perform the functions of intermediaries (between the gods and people) and therefore they should be especially read in prayers. Dyonon (genius) is attached to a person from birth and accompanies it until the death of death (cf. Angel). Daimons fourth rank consist only of air and ether and therefore "no matter how close to us, they remain indistinguishable." At the same time, they relate to the genus "able to quickly learn and having good memory."

All Daimonov Plato calls "interpreters and interpreters of all things among themselves among themselves and the highest of the gods, given that the average discharge of creatures can easily soar over the earth and in the whole universe." Daimons "undoubtedly should exist when it comes to beliefs of individuals or entire societies that are origin in communicating with some of them - through a phenomenon in night dreams, oracles and prophetic voices, catched both sick and healthy, or through the open at the end Life - And they were, and will also subsequently the sources of many common cults. " Thus, individual daimons can act as deities of various cults.

The followers of Plato and the Stoics were identified with the soul of a man, returning after death in his element.

Demons in Christianity.

In the Christian tradition from the XI century in Russia, as in Judaism, there was a further evolution of the term, after which the demons (this Greek word was translated as a demon and was synonymous), all the supernatural creatures and gods belonging to the pagan traditions were called (and after Zoroastrianism - and Vedic Davy). To the same category, all malicious perfumes and various mythical creatures were attributed.

So, Greek. The word demon was translated by the word demon in the Bible, and in the English and German Bible was translated by the word Devil - Eng. Devil, it. Teufel.

Perfumes who did not disappear from God are called angels. From here there is a Christian idea of \u200b\u200bdemons, as the fallen angels who have lost their favor (mercy) of the Lord. Interestingly, Ishibumi-Sensei divided the fallen and demons into two different groups, although in essence they are the same.

The Christian tradition considers demons (demons) by evil servants of Satan, inhabitants in hell, but they can wander through the light, looking for ready-to-fall soul.

And demons (demons), and the angels play an important role in the magical tradition of the West. Numerous grimuars are permeated with occult demonology and angelology, ascending their roots to Gnosticism and Kabbalah. In magical books, the names, prints and signatures of spirits, their duties and opportunities, as well as ways of their invisibility and subordination of the will of the magician.

In general, several main groups can be distinguished:

Genius - Demons-keepers attached to a person, subject or terrain. This can be attributed to the various characters of the folklore like the debt, water, house, home spirits, witches (family names), the nymph and Dryad, the keepers of the palaces of the ancient cultures, like a shed.

Not attached to a specific place of perfume, such as natural spirits, dwarves, elves, mermaids, satiries, devils, etc.

Archons - Demons acting as the personification of the forces of nature and space, which support the invariable order of natural things or serve as immortal prototypes for all creatures on Earth (which relates them to the concept of archetype and ideas in philosophy). Deans can be attributed to this kind of creatures.

It's all terribly interesting, but back to the most universe DXD. As the basis of his demons, the author took seventy-two Demon of Goethey (famous grimoire "Small Key of King Solomon"). It is from here that we know about the so-called "seventy two pillars." Yes, and all famous families come from them. So this moment is also worth paying attention.

Demons "Goeyti" (Latis. Ars Goetia) - demons listed in the first part of the magic grimacea "Small Solomon Key" (Lat. Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis).

Total list has 72 demon who played an important role in medieval magic and teurgy. Each of them was believed to responded for a certain scope of being, and his call could be used to achieve relevant goals - gaining knowledge, predicting the future, achieving material well-being, and so on. In addition to the so-called sphere of influence and responsibility, each demon had its own seal (Sigil), as well as an image.

Elders among demons are considered: Beliel, Bell, Asmodener and Gaap.

Tsar Solomon concluded demons to the copper pitcher, along with their legions (he himself did not say why she did). The vessel threw in the lake in the city of Babylon. Babylonians found a vessel and considering that in it gold, broke it, and all the legions flew out of the jug.

And now we will pay a little attention to families and clans that are mentioned in the work. And let's start with the main:

(Gremory) or Gamori (Gamori) - Fifty-sixth Spirit, the Great and Mighty Duke and appears in the image of a beautiful woman with a duchess mark on a belt, ascending on a huge camel. His service is to tell about all the events of the past, present and future and about hidden treasures, and where they lie. It provides the love of women, young and old. He manages 175 spirits of perfume.

(Sitri) - Twelfth Spirit, Great Prince. Appears at the beginning with a leopard head and wings of the griffin, but after the master says the spell, he can take the human appearance and at the same time very beautiful. He burns the love of men to women and women to men, and, if there is a desire, he can also show them naked. He controls 60 spirits of perfume.

Fenex. (PhenEx), it is FENEX, but not Phoenix - thirty-seventh spirit, great marquis. Appears in the image of the phenix bird and has a voice of a child. He performs a lot of wonderful melodies before the caster, which he should not pay attention, but must immediately order him to accept the human appearance. Then, if you need, he will tell the wonderful things about all incomprehensible sciences. He is a poet, skillful and perfect. And he wishes to fulfill your orders. He also hopes to return to the seventh throne after 1200 years, as He said to Solomon. He controls 20 legions of spirits.

Do not wage the other families mentioned in Ranobe.

(Agares or Agreas) - the second demon "Goeyti". According to Grimuar, the demon has a chin of the duke, manages 31 the legion of the demons. In his power, teach possession of all existing languages, as well as destroy secular honors, cause earthquakes. He appears the form of an old man on a crocodile, with a hollow-vulture in the hands of which he let go, then again calls for him.

Baal, Baal, he also Bael or Bail - the first of seventy two demons, the king, ruling in the east, and managing more than 66 legions of hellish spirits. It appears in various types: sometimes like a cat, sometimes like toad, sometimes like a person, and sometimes in all these images immediately and has a hoarse voice. It is still in its own form, a four-legged sitting on the throne with black eyes. It is often depicted as a spinning creature hung by tentacles.

Saboke (Sabnock) or Savnok (Savnok) - Forty-Third Spirit, which King Solomon placed in a copper jug. He is powerful, great and strong Marquis, appearing in the guise of an armed warrior with a lion's head, riding a paliest horse. Its service consists in the construction of high towers, fortresses and cities and supplying their weapons, etc. He can also cause a person of suffering over the past days because of the Russian Academy of Sciences and rotten ulcers. He gives good buddies by order the caster. He controls 50 spirits of perfume.

Astarot. (Astaroth) - Twenty-ninth Spirit, Great and Strong Duke. Appears in the image of an angel-destroyer, riding a hellish beast, like the dragon, with a viper in his right hand. It gives truthful answers about the events of the past, present and future and can disclose all the secrets. He will tell about the fall of spirits (angels) and explain the causes of his own fall. He can make people perfectly disassembled in all free sciences. He controls 40 legions of spirits.

Belial - Sixty-eighth spirit having a king title. According to Grimuar, the demon appeared immediately after Lucifer and one of the first fell from heaven, where before that was even a more worthy angel than Mikhail. In his power, distribute ranks and senatorial privileges, it makes the possible favor of friends and enemies. Under its beginning there are 50 legions of the demons. Before the magician appears in the guise of two wonderful angels sitting on a fiery chariot, and has a pleasant voice. Responsible for magic as a whole. Determines the powers and capabilities of magicians, controls the execution of magical laws.

Bun (Bune) - Twenty-Sixth Spirit, Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. It appears in the form of a dragon having three heads, one of them is similar to the head of the dog, the other is like the head of the griffin, the third is like a man's head. He speaks a high and pleasant voice, he moves the places of the dead and orders the spirits that they are subject to him, gather together at the grave. He gives a wealth to a person and makes it wise and eloquent, he gives truthful answers to your questions, and manages 30 legions of the spirits.

Glasas Labolas. (Glasya-Labolas) - Twenty-Fifth Spirit, Mighty Governor and Graph. Appears in the image of the dog, with wings like a griffin. He instantly teaches all the arts and sciences, and he is a culprit of all bloodshed and murders. He tells about all the things of the past and the future. If you wish, he can cause love from friends and in enemies. He can make a person invisible. And he has under his command of 36 legions of the spirits.

Fourkas (Furcas) - Fiftieth Spirit, Knight. Appears in the image of an evil old man, with a long beard and a grayhead head, riding a pale horse with a sharp weapon in his hands. His service is to teach the art of philosophy, astrology, rhetoric, logic, chiromantia and pyromanty. He controls 20 legions of spirits.

Andrealfus (Andrealphus) - Sixty Fifth Spirit, Mighty Marquis. Appears, accompanied by terrible noise, in the image of peacock. But after a while he takes a human appearance. He teaches perfectly with geometry. It also makes people very skillful in all things related to measurements or astronomy. He can turn people into birds. He manages 30 legions of hellices.

Crothel (Crocell) - Forty-ninth Spirit, Great and Strong Duke. He appears in the appearance of angel, says something mystical about hidden secret things. He teaches art and free sciences. By order of the caster, he can produce a great noise, as if the waterfall would be overthound, although, in fact, it is not so. It can heat the water and open a bath. He belonged to the rank of strength before his fall, as he said about this Tsar Solomon. He controls 48 leggies of perfume.

That's all. Next time we will return to the theme of the dragons. And at the request of readers after we can disassemble each of the demons in more detail, as well as ways of their call. So you can try at your own risk.

Dictionary in case you come to hell. We must know who to call. Many in the future will come in handy. Actually, the names are monsters:

Abaddon (Avvadon, Apollion) - Demon-Destroyer.
Abduszius - a demon, pulling the trees with roots.
Abigor - demon-rider, skilled warrior.
Adramaleh is a demon-adviser who is responsible for Satan's wardrobe.
Agaliarept - a demon who knows how to solve any riddles.
Agvarez - demon, Duke of Hell, the organizer of the dance.
Azazel - demon, banquenagers of the troops of hell.
Aza Dahaka - I knew all the sins of the world.
Alastor - Demon-Herack.
Amduscias - a demon-musician, Duke of Hell.
Andras - Demon, Marquis.
Asmodein - Demon Demon and Family Nonsense.
Astarot - the Great Duke, the keeper of the treasure of hell.
Aheron is a hell of a monster with flaming eyes.
Barbatos - demon, Duke, able to find hidden treasures and predict the future.
Hippopotamus is a huge demon who fired in the hell in hell.
Belfegor - a demon who seduces people with wealth.
Dev - Craying evil.
Waal is a demon of treachery and deception, the great Duke of Hell.
Walberit - Chief Secretary of hell.
Valafar - demon, patron of robbers and robbers.
Veliar is a powerful ally of Satan, a demon of a lie.
Velzevul is the commander of the legions of hell, the lord of the flies.
Vodelets - Ceremonium Hell.
Wednes - could destroy the thick walls and cause a storm in the sea.
Personalbolas - a winged dog. He led the murders. In his own basic duties, this demon teach people to be invisible to art.
Homori - able to seek the love of women, especially young. Being a great duke, he was in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, with the duccian crown on his head.
Dagon - demon, beacker hell.
Dantalian - a demon who bubbles people to evil actions.
Dubbuk - in mythology wandering spirit.
Vleples - the destroyer, the builder of the cities, settles them with warriors that are eager for battles. Has an Aist and hoarse voice.
Zepar - a demon, brought women to madness.
Incubus - Male Demon-Lover.
Iphritis - Ginn, minister of Iblis
Kima - at first there was a look of a drop of Drozda, and then turned into a man with a sharp sword. If he was asked questions, he answered them not entirely clearly - a burning ash. When he was an angel, he loved to argue, and if he was in the mood, he could talk about the meaning of bird songs, flows of livestock, dogfish and murmur of the stream.
Xafang - a demon, spreading fires in hell.

Lamia - a demon-a woman, a vampire, whistled, mostly for children.
Leviathan is a huge snake, the Lord of the Ocean.
Leonard - Demon, the owner of Shabash.
Leraya is a powerful marquis, a shooter in a green tunic, armed with onion and sharp arrow. He provoked quarrels and battles between people, but especially strived for those wounded each other arrings whose wounds never heal.
Lofser is an angel that risen against God and overthow from the sky, Satan.
Lucifug Rofokal - Prime Minister of Ada.
Mammon - Demon of Wealth.
Marbas - a demon who could send and cure a disease.
Melch - demon, keeper Treasure princes of hell.
Mephistopheles - a demon who served by the Faust of 24 years.
Moloch - a demon-deity, who sacrificed children.
Mulcyber - demon, ADA architect.
Navka - the souls of the concentrated or unresolved children (in the Slavs).
Nebille - demon, Feldmarshal Army of hell.
Nibras - a demon responsible for entertainment.
Nisrok - Demon, one of the administrators of hell.
Oyedlet - demon-seducer of the vow of poverty.
Oliviere - Fallen Archangel, Awakening Cruelty to Poor.
Parks - a demon of fate; If anyone who saw the parks, then the man himself demon.
Pionon - Rule in the hell with public ceremonies, breaking the will of the will. Rides on a camel. Pictures a man with a female face.
Pisha - the spirit of man who committed a crime, for example, fraud, rape, theft, etc.
Preces - "Hungry perfume") are hostages of their bad karma, leaned by previous incarnations. They have all the time experiencing unattricible hunger and thirst.
Put Satanakia - the Supreme Commander of the Army of Satan.
Rakshasa - have huge claws and feed on people.
Sabanak - a demon responsible for rotting corpses.
Salamandras - Lord of Fire, Perfumes living in the flame.
Sargatanas - Demon, Major General Ada Army.
Satan is the Supreme Lord of Hell and Demons.
Seer - a demon of time, could slow down or accelerate his move.
Sitri - Prince, who had a leopard head and griffin wings. He stimulated sexual attraction, in particular, pinched women to walk naked.
Sukkubus is a devil-lover.
Uphirt - demon, doctor hell.
Utbourd - Ghost of the Dead Child (Norwezh.).
Filotanus - a demon of the 2nd discharge and assistant Veliage. Incruitment to debauchery.
Flevuri - Lieutenant-General Velzevulu, Managing Africa.
Furfour - demon, controlling thunder, lightning and hurricane winds.
Khabaril - a demon of fire and a fire. He has three heads - cat, human and snake, he rides a viper, waving torches.
Shaks - demon, blinding and stunning his victims.

The theme of this article is the names of the demons of hell, as well as their classification. Hell has a specific structure, as well as the vertical of power. This vertical is called the hierarchy of demons. It determines which place this or that of them occupies in the structure of hell, as well as the tasks and goals that it must fulfill.

Demons of power

The highest stage belongs to demons of power. In their composition - the Lord (Lucifer), and also Veselvul and Astarot. These Demons of hell share their position with spouses, but at the same time a major role in the administration of hell is belonging to men. The role of women does not fit and is not limited. They can also make important decisions, but only under their personal responsibility. We describe in more detail what is the highest demons of hell.


The Lord of Hell is Lucifer. His parents are Nocaniel and Jehovah. His wife is a Demon Casicandrier. Lucifer's children are not. He has the greatest force of all demons. All natural phenomena, creatures, the energy of the worlds, subject to it, hold on it. Lucifer is extremely distinguished by strong physique and greater growth. The skin of his red, he has dark hair and big horns on the head. Lucifer has also big dark wings. This demon cares only about his world and eating creatures. He is trying to improve their lives.


Astarot is also a demon of power. He is a deputy lord and his first assistant. All the energies and the forces of hell in the absence of Lucifer closes on it. Astarot is married to Astarta. Their firstborn is perior. Astarot left Paradise with the Lord. This is one of the nearest Lucifer friends. The character of his sociable and cheerful. Astarot is successful in women. Externally, it is very beautiful. The skin is pale with a bluish tint, bright black hair, deep dark eyes are always shiny. Astarota also has huge wings.


Veselvul is the second assistant of the lord. His wife is buffovirt, his son - Miloris. This fallen angel, or demon is a master of his case, seriously coming to all questions. He is a real patriot of hell who helped in the creation of the world and its development to the Lord. Individual appearance Velzevulus: short dark hair with long bangs, serious face expression, gray-blue skin, pale. He has big dark wings, casting red and big gray horns. Fly is a personal sign, because there were still insects in his childhood.

Approximate ruler

In the hierarchy, the next stage is occupied by the demons of hell, which are approximate ruler. They have the right to act on his behalf in solving various state issues.


Belindhegor is a demon of Brotherhood, one of the approximate lords, as well as one of the best friends of Lucifer. He leads a group of demons, may act on behalf of the ruler when solving various issues. Married Belophegor to Deppict. He is one of the strongest fighters of hell, who does not know the mercy and pity in the battle. He is also merciless to violators of the law. It is believed that two major merchant is in hell - Belindhegor and Asmodein. This demon is outwardly beautiful. The skin of his bright blue, the hair is dark blue, eyes, horns and wings are also blue.


Asmodein is a demon of Brotherhood, a leading group of demons. He is an approximate ruler, also has the right to act on behalf of Lucifer. He has no wife and children. The head of the group of demons, Asmodez became aged 7 years, and in 12 it became close, which is considered a unique phenomenon. The character of Asmodeus is controversial. At the same time, it is called the charm, and psycho hell. This demon has a pale leather with a blue tint, dark long hair to shoulders, eyes of gray, a strong body, wings are big dark gray and big horns.

The approximate Lucifer also includes other demons of hell, which are not only his friends, but at the same time the main assistants in solving the issues of the life of hell and in current affairs. But they can not act on his behalf. Briefly describe them.


Abbaddon is a demon of Brotherhood, a governing group of demons. It is an approximate lord. He has no wives and children. This is a strong and cruel fighter. Does not know the mercy in battle. Abbaddon is a conqueror of female hearts. It is beautiful, the skin of his light peach color, he has blond hair, a strong physique, blue eyes, straight white horns, light blue wings.


Adonay works in the Asmodeus group, is an approximate lord. Married to Lamia, has many children. He has a complex history of existence in hell, as well as a difficult relationship with the master. For violation of the law of his spouse, the harsh punishment is currently serving, performing heavy work. No contacts with her adonai do not support. Externally, this demon is quite attractive. He has red eyes, dark brown leather, blonde hair with long bangs, dark color horns, big brown wings.


Belial is an approximate ruler, the head priest. This is one of the strongest demons in hell. He has no wife and children. He monitors the work of priests, giving out entirely work. Belial has almost no free time. It is rather demanding and cruel, does not give anyone to overlook. This demon does not tolerate failures and excuses in his work. For such things, he personally cruelly punishes up to the expulsion of the soul of sheltered into the mortal world. Beliel, like other priests, manufactures various items in which investing certain energy. Externally, it is beautiful. Skin color - blue, eyes purple, brown hair. Belieral has black big wings and bovine horns.


Kadamar is an approximate lord, the demon of the brotherhood. He has no children and wives. This is a strong fighter. Having a fiery skin, red hair, solid dark red eyes, big horns and wings with a black and red pattern. The physique is strong.


Loisor is a demon of power. Not married, no children. For some time, Loisor stayed on Earth, where he performed tasks entrusted to him. Wears clothes only stitched from the skin of demons or demons. He sends it himself and sometimes sews. Also, Luisor makes a wicker. He has blond hair, blue leather, blue solid eyes, black bovine horns and black wings.


Olotan in the past was a collector demon, now - the demon of the brotherhood. He is not married, he has no children. This is a strong enough fallen angel, or demon. He came to the Asmodeus group at his invitation, headed the group of gatherers demons before this. Olotan studied at Asmodeus, and then began his work. When performing official duties, demanding. He has a peach-colored skin, he constantly changes the hairstyle. Olotan has big horns who go a little to the side and then straight. He, like all the demons, have big wings.


Palatete is another demon brotherhood from Asmodeus group. Married to Cali. The Palathem was led by a group of power demons, this place took at a young age. Then Asmodem noticed him and invited under his leadership to the demons of the brotherhood, he taught him personally. He has brown skin, long blond hair with bangs on the eyes and small yellow, solid brown eyes, big horns and dark wings.


Piriyon is also a demon of Brotherhood. He has no parents, wives and children. Only Volyan, his sister, he has from close relatives. He works in her group. This is a fairly cruel demon, does not tolerate rudeness and daring, a strong fighter. It has red hair, emerald eyes, light skin, fiery wings and red horns.

Demons of fraternity and priests

The priests and demons of the fraternity occupy the next step in the hierarchy. A group of priests has certain privileges, but they, at the same time, are tougher than other demons, behavior standards, as well as huge responsibility for their actions.

In its internal structure, the demons of the brotherhood have several different directions, the main of which are the following: Rickota, Motol and Panora.

Panora is a form of demons responsible for compliance with the procedure and law. They are involved in field checks, and also eliminate violations.

In the direction of Motol, the demons are elite intelligence and fighters.

Rickota is demons who are heads of groups.

In addition to maintaining order and law, all demons of fraternity participate in battles. Head of all of them - Satan. All demons belonging to this group are subject to him, except for priests.


Satan is the head of the species, the brotherhood demon. The names of the Demons of hell, who are known as his children: Adonai, Astarta, Kaido, Grongad and others. This is a strong fighter who has reached its own status due to heavy work. Satan appearance - asphalt color leather, no head, small gray eyes, the body is weak (one shoulder is slightly higher than the other), large curved and horn curves, asphalt wings.

More about Priests

Priests are very strong demons that are able to subordinate energy and manage them. The limits of these energies they distribute the demons of the force, and also follow the state of the egregors and the movement of energies can restore their correct circulation. Belial stands at the head of them. There are certain directions in the priest: chaos priests, animal priests, nature priests, fire priests, mystery priests.

Other inhabitants of Ad.

The classification of demons is not limited to this. There are other inhabitants of hell. In addition to the above, in the structure it is highlighted strong, medium and minor demons. Small - these are sukkuby and incubuations, as well as demons of dreams. Sukube and Incubs work in one direction. They are responsible for maintaining communication with various worlds and differ in the floor: Incubes, he is male, and Sukkubov - female. Beams and Nyas are at the lowest stage of the hierarchy (this is no longer the demons).


In hell demons - these are slaves or service personnel. They do not have a great mind, their activities are not sent to the creative direction. However, they have power, though small. Demons are capable of, like demons, to telecision and teleportation, as well as to telepathy. They resemble externally and do not have horns and wings, with rare exceptions. They are scary and riser, and they are afraid, they are pummers and gossip, hate and fear demons.


Noli is a working class. However, they are creating, in contrast to demons. By force they do not possess, but endowed with the mind. The neat appearance is also their difference from demons. Noli - the mortal residents of hell. Like demon, they create families in which not only nobles can be born, but also demons. However, if the NOL is born in the family of a demon, it is thrown out, since for a demon of such a child is considered shameful. Special institutions exist for nons, where they are trained in various crafts for free.

The hierarchy of the demons of hell was briefly described. Of course, we were limited to a description of only major ones. As you know, the main demons of hell, as well as smaller inhabitants, have wives. The characteristic of some of them is also very curious. Description of hell demons, as you understand, deprived of scientific accuracy. It is impossible to prove their existence. However, the strongest devices of hell in many sources are described approximately equally. It brings to certain thoughts. The classification of demons presented above is not just someone's fiction.

Naturally, now all people know what hell is. Probably, hell is already told even children in nursery groups.

Hell is in religion in mythology and may be in real life - a terrifying place where sinners fall for eternal suffering and torment.

Who are the demons?

Demons are malicious perfumes or creatures that live in hell.

About demons, demons and other hellish creatures, we know quite a lot, their main identification signs are horns, hooves, tails, wings and other elements that belong to different types of animals.

What hierarchy of hell demons?

  • Panora
  • Pichtion
  • Belial
  • Satan
  • Vesselvul
  • Astarot.
  • Lucifer


Demons are the lowest layer of demons in hell, which performs the whole dirty work. Basically, they have to be supervisors for people and look after their work and behind their hellish torments. In addition to this demons, they make the rest of the powerful work, tested heavy items and so on. They differ from the rest of the demons in that they have more power, but have low mental indicators.


Panoras these are supervisors over demons. Panorars in hell in order to control demons.

In general, the Panoras follow the order and, in the extreme case, punish demons for non-compliance with orders and hellish discipline, let's say.


This demon is directly above the panor and demons and the task of this demon as a whole to control the activities of all demons that are under his leadership. Pirchion is a very huge demon with huge horns and fatal cold weapons.


Deputy Government in Adu. The strongest demon of hell, which carries chaos and destruction. It may be the main ruler of hell in those moments when the true lord of hell can be busy with other strategic affairs and goals.


Satan is the head of demons in hell, which is the case that constantly loads all the rest of the demons with the tasks and other hellish affairs.


The second deputy supreme ruler of hell, which is engaged in the management of the Legion, as well as the defense of hell.


The first deputy ruler of hell, as well as an adviser to external relations between hell and the world of people.


The Supreme Ruler of Hell, which is located on the top of the hierarchy of the demons of hell. Many know the demons and here you can do without any comments. A terrifying demon who mentioned many times in the Bible.

This article provides a description of the most insidious and bloodthirsty demons of hell (Asmodein, Waal, Yara-Ma, Kali Ma, Izpapalotl, Kelpi, Skdi, Sri Lakshmi, Zotz, Hel, Ksipe-Totek, elementals, Velisal, etc.), according to legends and believing described in Slavic, Ancient Indian, Scandinavian, Aztec mythology.

Demon Asmtere

This demon, according to the Old Testament tradition, was overthow in the hell along with Lucifer, which became the Lord of Darkness.

The scope of his responsibility includes supervision of all gambling in hell. He is the main distributor of debauchery and vulgarity. Asmodez was considered to demonstrate and answered the incitement of turmoil and conflict in families.

Perhaps the reason for this was the fact that Asmodem himself grew up in a disadvantaged family.

According to an ancient Jewish legend, he was given birth to a mortal woman named Naama, and his father was one of the fallen angels (presumably, Adam before the appearance of Eva). In ancient manuscripts on the magic "Testament of Solomon", the asymode is described as "ferocious and screaming." Every day, Asmodener took everything he could, in order to prevent her husbands and wives, at the same time spurred their hidden animals instincts, inciting thus treason and other sins.

Before mortals, Asmodez appeared sitting on a dragon with a sword in his hands. And he had three heads: one - bull, the other - Barans, and the third - human. The legs of the Amemona Demon on one of the versions were cock.

Kali Ma.

Kali Ma - Indian goddess of destruction and plague, carrying grief and sowing death. In one hand she lies the head of Rakovir - Tsar demons. Kali Ma joined him in a deadly battle, won and drank all his blood. One of the most common images shows it in squatting at the body of the dead Shiva, absorbing his sexual organ with its childbearing organ, while her mouth eats his intestines.

This scene should be perceived not literally, but metaphorically. It is believed that the goddess takes the seed of Shiva in his Lono to re-conceive him in his eternal womb. Similarly, she devours and destroys all the living around him to recreate it all over again.

Cali Ma is black leather and ugly ugly face with bloody fangs. She has a third eye on her forehead. Kali Ma has four hands with long claws on thin fingers. The body of Kali Ma is decorated with garlands from babies, snakes, her own sons, and the belt is made of demons. On her neck there is a necklace from human skulls, where the Sanskrit letters engraved, which in India is considered to be sacred mantras, with which Kali Ma and worked, connecting various natural elements.

Goddess Skady

Skady is a gloomy and very cruel goddess of the snowy and cold north.
Scandinavia, by the way, was once called Skdin-Auya, which means "Land Skadi".
In Norwegian myths, Skadi appears as a wonderful daughter of the Giant Tinting. After the murder of Father Torok (one of the main gods in the Scandinavian mythology), Skadi came to the goal of Asgard and challenged the gods. Trying to pacify her righteous anger, God Loki (son of God Torah) took a goat and went out of the gate to welcome her and bring her sacrifice.

Asgard is a mythological city in which, according to Scandinavian mythology, all gods live. Asgard is a kind of analogue of ancient Greek Olympus.

However, under the victim, according to Legend, it was understood by no goat. One end of the Rope Loki tied to a goat, and the second to his genitals. The goat pulled the rope one way, and Loki - to the other until his genitals were spilled out of the body. Having bleeding, Loki risen to the legs of the brutal goddess Skadi. She found it a sufficient punishment for the death of her father.

With the help of magic, Loki returned lost genitals and continued to persecute other women's goddesses.

Demon Hel

Another demon is the representative of the Scandinavian mythology - is the goddess Hel, known in the ancient German mythology under the name of Holde or Berth.

Hel was a patronage of different reservoirs (except for the sea, who had his own patron), the goddess of homemade hearth, spinning and growing flax.

According to ancient legend, Hel went through the sky along with him to his wild hunt, which, apparently, was associated with Valkyriy. Hel was the ladies of the dead and the Queen of the Underworld, called Nifhelm in the Scandinavian-German myths. It was considered the world of elements - chilling cold and volcanic fire. The righteous and gods were inhabited in the first part, and sinners were burning in volcanic fire. This kingdom of Hel received as a gift from one.

Hel was born from Loki and Women Giant Anggodes. The kind of goddess was terrible, because one half of her body was healthy, and the other is sick, with tracks.

In the struggle of gods and chtonic monsters, Hel performed on the side of the first, taking into his kingdom of all the dead, except for those killed in battle.

Sri Lakshmi

Sri Lakshmi is one of the central characters of ancient Indian mythology. This goddess, the beloved of God Vishnu, was taken to portray with the lotus in his hands or sitting on a lotus with a strawster and lightly with his palms with money.

Legends say that it appeared from the Milk Ocean foam, that is, the same as Greek Aphrodite, he left the marine foam.

Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu with his reincarnation, always reborn with him. She accompanied Vishnu and in its most important rebirth: when he became a frame, Lakshmi became a sieve. When he became Krishna, she became a shepherd under the name of Radha.

Since Lakshmi is considered the goddess of good luck, then the Indians believe that she has a pretty capricious, peep character, because luck usually leaves a person completely suddenly.

Yara Ma.

Under the name Yara-ma is a whole group of demonic creatures. These are demons, inhabiting forests of Australia.

Yara Ma is a small creature with a bare red or green skin and with suction cups on hand and legs.

Yara Ma is hidden on the branches of trees, waiting for prey. When the victim approaches, he jumps on it, dug into the body and sucks blood.

Yara, Ma such a big mouth that he can easily swallow a whole person. In some cases, if Yara-Ma falls asleep immediately after the meal, his victims manage to escape and escape.


Itzpapalotl is a terrible demon from Aztec mythology, which is something mean between a woman and a butterfly. He is depicted very unusual even for mythological demons: At the ends of his wings, stone knives are attached, instead of a language - also a knife.

Itzpapalotl has a special magical cloak with which it can easily turn into a completely harmless butterfly.


Kelpi is a creature from Scottish mythology. This demon appears in the image of the horse.

Belief is known, according to which the person who met Kelpi on the banks of the river and overlooking him on the other side, will never be able to return back.

Kelpi always throws his sacrifice before absorbing her.


Zotz - South American fierce demon from the mythology of the People of Maya. Zotz is an evil wingful entity with a dog head. This demon lives in hell and drinks the blood of anyone who will fall on his eyes on his territory.


Ksipe-Totek is an evil Mexican demon, which is a character of the mythology of the Mayan era of the Doharistian Central America. In Maya's ideas, this demon could bring terrible disasters and suffering on people, destroy cities and send deadly epidemics. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly undermine, so as not to tighten the evil spirit.

In the tradition of Aztec and Maya, human sacrifices were common practice. Ksipe-Totek also demanded human blood, while victims were to be brought with periodicity of several months. This plot echoes similar stories from other nations. It is enough to remember the tribute to pay the Athenians to the Knos Misa to Minos, to send himself annually to his palace of young men and girls sacrificing the minotaur who inhabited in the palace labyrinths. In Slavic mythology, such a plot is associated with the attachment of girls to sacrifice the snake of Gorynych.

Researchers of mythology suggest that such a plot similarity originates in the prehistoric tradition of human sacrifices of that period of the existence of civilization, when there was no division of people to race, but there was a single community of people who spent in one language (which, by the way, was reflected in the legend of the Babylonian Tower) .

After her decay on independent ethnonational and cultural and distinctive units, the plot spread throughout the world together with elaiming people and was filled with special details different in each case.

Brumbstone Demons

Brumbstone demons look like very old and stray people and are neither living nor dead. Their bodies look awesome and curved, in some places there are no holes that appeared from the decline and decomposition of the flesh. The terrible and faces of the demons are a naked terrible skull with a grind of long blackened teeth, a dirty-yellow eye with tech with thin blood flows. These creatures feed on exceptionally human meat and fresh blood.


Elementals are customary to call entities inhabiting four elements - earth, water, fire and air. They can be attributed to the spirits of wildlife, which are in the service of sorcerers, magicians and other unclean strength, and take advantage of the help of elementals can be reincarnated by the Devil's souls of dead people.

In ancient and modern legends, elementals are usually mentioned under the names of "Pears, Dava, Ginny, Silvana, Satira, Faughters, Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Norns, Nisats, Kobolds, Browns, Nicky, Stromblas, Undines, Mermaids, Salamandras, Goblins, Ponty , Banshi, Kelpi, Pixes, Mochoviki and Many DR.

The ancient monthly beliefs say that there were monasses for demons and spirits, which were divided into certain categories. The spirits of innocent children lived in the primary monastery, waiting for further distribution, the souls of the righteous and heroes were in the next monastery, and sinners sinners lived in dark terrible caves. And it was they who showed activity in real life, contacting with live people who can see them.


According to the legends of Asgarot, as well as Asmodem, flew on the dragon, but he, unlike Asmodeus, there was only one human head, which is usually depicted very ugly, in the left hand he holds a viper.

This demon was considered the lord of the Western regions of hell, and in addition, the keeper of the hellish treasury. Asgarot raised people at idle pastime, awakening in them laziness. In his free time, he played the role of advisor or mentor for other fallen angels.


Hippo is a huge demon, what his name is already saying. It is depicted in the form of an elephant with a huge round belly by making on two legs. He "led" by all the gagwesters and filled him in the hell. Due to the fact that on the debt of the service he had to be awake most of the night, he was also considered a guard. Hippo is also known for its singing.


Walami called small deities of ancient Syria and Persia. However, the powerful Waal was considered God fertility and agriculture. According to the old legends, Waal was the son of Ela - the Supreme Divine of the ancient city of Canaan and the ruler of all life on Earth. Waal commanded the death cycle and rebirth.

The population of Canaan turned Waal and regularly brought him a sacrifice of children, throwing them into the fire. Demon Waal was portrayed by three-headed: in the middle he had a human head, and on the sides - cat and gown. Waal could endow wisdom and insight.


Grassal was considered one of the most respectable demons of Satan. Even before in the New Testament, Satan became the leader of the dark forces of the underworld, Gaul has already occupied a fairly high position. In the manuscript of the Dead Sea "War of Sons of Light with Sons of Darkness", Galal appears as a full-awake ruler of the Underworld: "For the sake of debauchery, you are generated, the angel enmity is generated. You and your abode - darkness, and your goals are to sow evil and pain around them.