Is it necessary to be in the evening service. Important during confession, calling sin, give yourself a promise not to repeat it

Is it necessary to be in the evening service. Important during confession, calling sin, give yourself a promise not to repeat it
Is it necessary to be in the evening service. Important during confession, calling sin, give yourself a promise not to repeat it

How to prepare for confession and communion?Preparation for confession and communion, especially for the first time, causes many, many questions. I remember my first communion. How hard it was me to figure it out in everything. In this article, you will receive answers to questions: What to speak to the priest's confession - an example? How to commitory and confess? Rules of communion in the church? How to confess the first time? How to prepare for communion? The answer to these questions gives the modern Greek preacher Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos) and other priests.

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The communion established Jesus Christ himself on his last meal with the apostles. Modern Greek preacher and theologians Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos) saysIf people realized what the gift of unity with God they receive during the communion, because now in their veins the blood is flowing ... if they realized it to fully, their lives would have changed very much!

But, unfortunately, most people during the communion are similar to children playing with precious stones and not understanding their values.

Communion rules can be found in any temple. Usually they are set forth in a small little book called "How to prepare for the Holy Communion." These are these simple rules:

  • Before communion you need 3 days fast - There are only vegetable foods (refuse meat, dairy products and eggs).
  • Need to be in the evening On the eve before the day of communion.
  • Need to confession Either in the evening service either on the day of communion at the very beginning of the liturgy (morning service, during which the communion occurs).
  • Need a few days more pray hard - To do this, read Morning and evening prayers and read the canons: Canon repented to the Lord to our Jesus x Rista ,
    Canon Prayer Blessed Virgin,
    Canon Angel XP Antel,
    Follow-up to holy communion *. * If you have never read the canons (in church-Slavic language), you can listen to audio (there are on websites-prayer at the specified links).
  • You need to take an empty stomach (in the morning there is nothing and not to drink). An exception is made for sick people, such as diabetics, for which food and medicine are vital.

If you become communion on every liturgy, every Sunday, your confessor will be able to allow you to quickly fast and not deduct all the indicated prayers. Do not be afraid to ask the father and consult with him.

How is the communion in the church?

Suppose you decided to come on Sunday. So, on the eve of the evening (on Saturday) you need to come to the evening service. Usually evening service in the temple begins at 17:00. Find out, the liturgy (morning service) begins at Sunday, on which the communion itself will be held. Usually, the morning service in the temple begins at 9:00. If the confession was not in the evening service, then confess at the beginning of the morning service.

Around the middle of the service, the priest will leave the altar bowl. All those who were preparing for communion are going near the bowl and fold their hands on the chest right on top of the left. To the cup fit carefully not to turn it out. The priest with a spoon gives parties to the holy gifts - a piece of body and blood of Christ under the guise of bread and wine.

After that, you need to go to the end of the temple, where you will give a lock. It is diluted with wine water. It is necessary to drink so that no drop or babe of the Eucharist disappear. Only after that you can cross. At the end of the service you need to listen to thanksgiving prayers.

How to prepare for confession? What to talk to the confession to the priest - an example? List of sins

The main rule for confession, about which priests always resemble, do not retell sins. Because if you begin to retell the story, as you committed sin, then you will involuntarily begin to justify yourself and blame others. Therefore, the confessions are simply called sins. For example: pride, envy, foul language, etc. But not to forget anything, take advantage list of sins against God, against nearby, against yourself (Usually this list is in the book "How to prepare for the Holy Communion".

Sins write on a leafle to not forget anything. Come to the temple in the morning early in order not to be late for confession and on the overall prayer before confession. Before confession, go to the priest, cross, apply to the gospel and to the cross and start listed in advance the recorded sins. After confession, the priest reads the permissive prayer and will say whether you are committed to communion.

It rarely happens when the priest does not allow you to compete for your correction. This, including and checking your pride.

It is important during confession, calling sin, to give yourself a promise not to repeat it. It is very important on the eve of the communion to reconcile with the enemies and forgive their offenders.

How to confess the first time?

The first confession is often called general confession. As a rule, almost all sins from the list of sins against God, near and herself fall into the leafles with the list of sins. The father will surely understand that you came to confession for the first time and will help you with advice, how to try not to repeat sins and mistakes.

I hope the article "How to prepare for confession and communion?" It will help you to decide and go to confession and communion. It is important for your soul, because confession is the cleansing of the soul. The body we wash every day, but do not care about the purity of the soul!

If you have never confessed and did not come together and it seems to you that it is very difficult to prepare, I recommend that you do this feat. The award will be great. I assure you nothing like you have not experienced before. After the communion, you will feel unusual and with nothing comparable spiritual joy.

The most difficult usually seems to subtract the canons and submits to the Holy Communion. Indeed, in the first time read hard. Take advantage of the audio record and listen to all these prayers within 2-3 evenings.

Listen in this video, the story of the priest Andrei Tkacheva about how much time (usually several years) separates a person from the desire to go to the first confession until the first confession.

I wish everyone to enjoy life and thank God for everything!

Alena Krais.

The holy secrets are the body and blood of Christ - the greatest shrine, the gift of God is sinful and unworthy. No wonder they are called - the holy gifts.

Nobody on Earth can consider themselves worthy to be a Party of Saints secrets. Preparing for communion, we purify our spiritual and bodily nature. We prepare the soul with prayer, repentance and reconciliation with your neighbors, and the body is post and abstinence. This preparation is called showing.

Prayer Rule

Three canon read to the communion are read: 1) Revenue to Lord Jesus Christ; 2) the prayer for the Most Holy Virgin; 3) Canon Guardian Angel. The follow-up to Holy Communion is also read, which includes the canon to the communion and prayer.

All these canons and prayers are contained in the canonic and the usual Orthodox prayer.

On the eve of the communion, it is necessary to be in the evening service, because the church day begins in the evening.


Before communion attributed to the sense, sampling, the post is bodily abstinence. During the post, animal food should be excluded: meat, dairy products, as well as eggs. With a strict post, the fish is excluded. But lean products also need to be used in moderate quantities.

Spouses, during their time, should refrain from corporal intimacy (5th Rule of St. Timofey Alexandria). Women in cleansing (during the period of menstruation) cannot commoid (7th Rule of St. Timofey Alexandria).

Of course, it is necessary to fast, not only the body, but also by the mind, vision and hearing, keeping his soul from worldly entertainment.

The duration of the Eucharistic post is usually negotiated with the confessor or the parish priest. It depends on bodily health, the spiritual state of communion, as well as on how often it starts to holy secrets.

General practice to fast before communion - at least three days.

Those who are involved often (for example, once a week), the duration of the post can be reduced by the blessing of the confessor to 1-2 days.

Also, the confessor can weaken the post for people of sick, pregnant and lactating women, as well as given other circumstances of life.

Prehapping to the communion after midnight are no longer eaten, as the day of communion comes. You need to communicate on an empty stomach. In no case can not smoke. Some mistakenly believe that in the morning you can not clean your teeth so as not to swallow water. It is absolutely wrong. In the "teacher of news", each priest was prescribed to the liturgy tooth cleaning.


The most important point in preparation for the sacrament of communion is to purify his soul from sins, which is committed in the sacrament of confession. In the soul not purified from sin, Christ is not welcomed with God.

You can sometimes hear the view that you need to separate the sacraments of confession and communion. And if a person is regularly confirmed, he can start communion without confession. In this case, usually refer to the practice of some local churches (for example, Eleladskaya).

But our Russian people have been in atheistic captivity over 70 years. And the Russian church is just gradually begins to change from the spiritual catastrophe that has suffered our country. We have very few Orthodox churches and clergy. In Moscow, there are 10 million inhabitants of only one thousand priests. People are unchurceptive, torn off the traditions. Community-parish life is practically absent. Life and spiritual level of modern Orthodox believers are incomparable with the life of Christians of the first centuries. Therefore, we are holding the practice of confession before each communion.

By the way, about the first centuries of Christianity. The most important historical monument to the early Christian writing "Teaching 12 apostles" or in Greek "Didach," says: "On the day of the Lord (that is, on the day Sunday. - about. P.G.), having gathered together, break the bread and thank you, confirming the foregrees of your pregregations, so that the sacrifice was your victim. Wheel, having a fully with his friend, but does not come together with you, until it is reconciled, so that your victim was not desecrated; For such is the adoption of the Lord: at any place and at all time, it should be pressed to the sacrifice to me clean, for I am the Great king, says the Lord, and my name is wonderful in nations "(Didach, 14). And yet: "In the church, confess our sins and do not get up to my prayer with a bad conscience. Such a way of life! " (Didach, 4).

The importance of repentance, cleansing from sins before the communion is undoubted, so we will stop more in more detail on this topic.

For many, the first confession and the sacrament began the beginning of their insertion, the formation of both Orthodox Christians.

Preparing for a meeting of a dear guest, we try to get better in your home, clean up. Moreover, we must with trepidation, reverence and thoroughness to prepare to take into the house of our soul "Tsar of the Regional and Lord dominating." The more attentively, the Christian is following the spiritual life, the more often he is diverse, the more sees his sins and the unnecessaryness before God. No wonder the saints see their sins their countless, as the sand sea. For the reverend Avaway, Dorofey came one noble town dweller of the town of Gaza, and Avva asked him: "Eminent Mr., tell me for whom you consider yourself in your city?" He replied: "I consider myself for the great and first in the city." Then the reverend asked him again: "If you go to Caesaria, who will you consider yourself there?" The person answered: "For the last of the local venel". "If you go to Antioch, who will you consider yourself there?" "" There, "he answered," I will consider myself for one of the commoners. " - "If you go to Constantinople and approach the king, there for whom will you consider yourself?" And he replied: "Almost for beggar." Then Avva told him: "That's the saints, the more approaching God, the more see yourself sinners."

Unfortunately, it is necessary to see that some perceive the sacrament of confession as a formality, passing which they will be admitted to the communion. Taking advantage of communion, we must be responsible for clearing our soul to prevent her temple for the adoption of Christ.

Repentance holy fathers call second baptism, baptism of tears. Just as the water of baptism is washed by our soul from sins, tears of repentance, crying and crushing about the scents, purify our spiritual nature.

Why are we going, if the Lord knows all our sins so? God is waiting for repentance from us, recognizing them. In the sacrament of confession, we ask him for forgiveness. This can be understood on this example. The child climbed into the closet and ate all candy. Father knows perfectly who did it, but waits when the Son himself comes and asks for forgiveness.

The word "confession" means that the Christian has come tell, confess, tell your sins yourself. The priest in prayer before confession reads: "This slave of yours, in short Resolved favor. " The person himself is permitted from his sins through the word and receives forgiveness from God. Therefore, confession should be private, not common. I mean practicing when the priest reads a list of possible sins, and then simply covers the professioned Epithille. The "General Confession" was almost a widespread phenomenon in Soviet times, when there were very little acting temples and on Sunday, holidays, as well as posts, they were filled with praying. To practice everyone was simply unrealistic. The confession after the evening service is also not allowed almost anywhere. Now, thank God, temples, where a similar confession is held very little.

To prepare well for clearing the soul, you need to think about your sins before the sacrament of repentance, remember them. In this we are helped by books: "To help you walk" St. Ignatia (Bryanchaninova), "Experience in building confession" of Archimandrite John (peasantkina) and others.

The confession can not be perceived as soon as the spiritual washing, shower. You can melt in the ground and dirt are not afraid, you still wash off in the shower. And you can go sinning further. If a person comes up to confession with such thoughts, he is not able to rescue, and in court and condemnation. And formally, "asked", the permission of sins from God he will not receive. Not so simple. Sin, passion inflicts harmful harm, and even bringing repentance, a person bears the consequences of his sin. So in a patient who had a poles, remain on the shrama body.

It is not enough to simply confess sin, you need to make every effort to defeat the tendency to sin in your soul, do not return more to it. So the doctor removes a cancer tumor and assigns a chemotherapy course to defeat the disease, prevent recurrence. Of course, it's not easy to immediately leave sin, but repentant should not be a hypocrite: "I'll show off - and then I will sin." A person must attach all the strength to stand on the path of correction, no longer return to sin. A person must ask God for the fight against sins and passions.

Those who rarely confess and are commued, cease to see their sins. They are removed from God. And vice versa, approaching him as a light source, people begin to see all the dark and unclean corners of their soul. Just as the bright sun highlights all the unacceptable surcharges of the room.

The Lord does not expect from us earthly gifts and offenses, but: "The sacrifice of God is crushed, the heart is crushing and humbly, God will not humiliate" (Ps. 50: 19). And getting preparing to connect with Christ in the sacrament of communion, we bring him this sacrifice.


"So, if you bring your gift to your altar and remember that your brother has something against you, leave there the gift of yours before the altar, and go, before reconcile with your brother, and then come and bring your gift" (MF . 5: 23-24), "tells us the Word of God.

Mortally sins the one who dares to communion, having in the heart of anger, enmity, hatred, unsecured insults.

On what a terrible sinful state, people who start by the communion in the state of anger and non-legal, tells Kiev-Pechersk. "There were two brothers in spirit - Deacon Evagry and priest tit. And they had a great and non-seater love to each other, so all their unity and immense love were divided. I hate good devil, which always walks, "like a roaring lion, looking for whom to absorb" (1 Peter. 5: 8), initiated hostility between them. And he invested such hate in them that they shied apart from each other, did not want to see each other in her face. Many times brethren prayed to reconcile them with each other, but they did not want to hear. When Titus walked with Cadyl, Evagry took care of Fimiam; When Evagry did not shoot care, Tit passed by him, without shifting. And so they stayed a lot of time in sinful darkness, proceeded to the holy secrets: Tit, not asking for forgiveness, and Evagry, angry, - before they armed their enemy. One day, Titi was very painful and, being already at death, began to grieve about his laceration and sent to the deacon with a plea: "Forgive me, for the sake of God, my brother, that I was vainly peeped on you." Evagry also answered cruel words and curses. The elders, seeing that Titus dies, raped by Evagria to river him with his brother. Seeing him, the patient raised a little bit, the NIC fell to his legs and said: "I'm sorry and bless me, my father!" He, a unlimited and lynut, refused to forgive in the presence of everyone, saying: "Never reconcile with him, in this age, in no future." And suddenly Evagry escaped from the hands of the elders and fell. He wanted to raise, but they saw that he was already dead. And he could not stretch his arms, neither the mouth to close as the dead. The patient immediately got up, no matter how sick. And all the sudden death of one and the rapid recovery of the other were horrified. With many years, Evagria was buried. His mouth and eyes remained open, and their hands stretched. Then the elders asked Titus: "What does all this mean?" And he told: "I saw the angels, retreating from me and crying about my soul, and demons that enjoy my anger. And then I started praying my brother to forgive me. When you led him to me, I saw an angel of a nonstick, holding a fiery spear, and when Evagry did not forgive me, he struck him and he fell dead. I also handed the angel and raised me. " Hearing it, I was afraid of the brotherhood of God, said: "Forgive, and you will be forgiven" (Luke 6: 37). "

Preparing for the communion of the saints, it is necessary (if only there is such an opportunity) to ask for forgiveness from everyone who we are volunteled or involuntarily offended and forgive everyone. If it is not possible to do this personally, you need to reconcile with your neighbors at least in your heart. Of course, this happens not just - we are all proud people who touchy (by the way, the haziness always stems from pride). But how can we ask God for the sorry of our sins, rely on their abuse, if you yourself do not forgive our offenders. Shortly before the communion of believers in the Divine Liturgy, the prayer of the Lord is "our own". As a reminder to us that God only "leaves ( forgive) We are debts ( sins) Ours, "when we will leave the" debtor of our ".

Communion, Communion, Confession: What is it and how to properly prepare for them?

What is confession and communion?

Confession is punishment for sins.

Confession is the "second baptism". Martial baptism in which we are in shame and repentance again gain peace of mind and we get a forgiveness of sin from the very Lord God.

Confession is a great sacrament.

Confession is the scourge of their own sins by their open, frank confession in order to feel the feeling of deep disgust and not to repeat them in the future.

Confession - cleansing of the soul, and a healthy spirit gives a healthy body.

Why confessed in the church before the priest? Is it really not enough that I repented?

No, not enough. After all, sin is a crime for which the punishment should be incurred. And if we are ourselves to punish our own remorse (which, of course, it is very important and necessary), it is clear that we will not be too strict to ourselves.

Therefore, for the final and complete reconciliation of a person with the Lord, there is a mediator - a priest (and earlier - the apostles, which descended the Holy Spirit).

Agree, much more difficult and shame to tell about all of our numerous sins in all of their glory to someone else's person than himself.

This is the punishment and the meaning of confession - a person is finally aware of the depth of his sinful life, understands his wrongness in many situations, sincerely repent of the priest, talks about his sins, gets to rescue sins and will be afraid of the next time times sin.

After all, it is easy to sin, pleasant and even joyfully, but to repent in your own sins and confess - this is a heavy cross. And the meaning of confession is that every time our cross is becoming easier - and easier.

We are all sinless in youth - it is important to stop on time until it's too late.

How to prepare for confession and confess?

1. It is necessary at least 3 days to upgrade (learn), because There is no free food - eggs, meat, dairy products and even fish. It is necessary to eat bread, vegetables, fruits, cereals in moderate quantity.

You must also try to sin less, not to enter into intimate relationships, do not watch TV, Internet, do not read newspapers, do not have fun.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness from those you offended. To reconcile with your enemies if not in real life, then at least in your soul forgive them.

You can not start confession and communion, having angrily in the shower or hatred for anyone, is a great sin.

2. You must write down all your sins on the paper leaves.

3. We must visit and sleep the whole evening service in the church on Saturday, go through the rite of cubs, when the priest is barely (oil) puts a cross for each believer.

Women can not go to church in pants, with painted lips and generally with cosmetics, in short skirts are very higher than the knees, with naked shoulders, back and neckline, without a head covering head.

Men can not be found in the church in shorts, with naked shoulders, breasts and back, in the header, with cigarettes, drinking.

4. After the church evening service, it is necessary to deduct the evening prayers for the night of the coming, 3 canon - the revenue, the Virgin and the Guardian Angel, and also read the canon placed inside the submission to the Holy Communion and consisting of 9 songs.

Optionally, you can read the Akathist Jesus Sweet.

After 12 nights it is impossible to eat anything and drink to the most common.

6. We must have time to start the morning service in the temple to 7-30 or 8-00 in the morning, put a candle to God, the Virgin or Saints, take a queue to confessional and confess.

Entering the temple make a terrestrial bow (tight and hand get the floor), ask the Lord "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful."

7. It is necessary to confess aloud that the priest can hear your sins and could understand whether you are repent of or not. Best of all, if you tell about your sins of memory, but if there are a lot of them and you are afraid to remember everyone, you can read on the note, but the tickets are not very loved.

8. During the confession, it is necessary to talk more often and frankly about his sins, remembering that the priest is also a man and is also sinner, and that he is forbidden to disclose the secret of confession under the fear of deprivation of Sana.

9. During confession it is impossible to justify and engage in self-evidence, the more sinner to blame other people in their sins - you are responsible for yourself, and condemnation is a sin.

10. Do not expect from the priest of questions - honestly and sincerely talk about what is tormented by your conscience, but do not let go in long stories about yourself and justifying your flaws.

Speak - "guilty of the mother's deception, the insult of the father, stole 200 rubles," i.e. Be concrete and brief.

If, after making sin, you were corrected, and say: "In childhood and the younger, I did not believe in God, but now I believe," "previously used drugs, but for 3 years, as it corrected."

Those. Let's know the father about the fact that in the past this your sin was perfect or recently, if you were worried about it or not yet.

Check yourself or just tell me about what I have done and that now torments your soul.

Try to be honest and without a fortune to tell about all my sins. If what I forgot or you can not remember, so they say - guilty and in other sins, but in what exactly - not everyone and I will not remember.

11. After confession, we sincerely try not to repeat those sins in which you repent, otherwise the Lord can be angry with you.

12. Remember: it is necessary to confess and commit about 1 time in 3 weeks, although the more often, the better, the main thing is with a clean conscience and sincere repentance.

13. Remember: the presence of physical or mental illness is a sign of a large unskilled sin.

14. Remember: During the confession, the priest's person is not important, you are important and your repentance in front of the Lord.

15. Remember: those sins that you told on confession, do not repeat on the following confessions, for they are already forgiven.

Exception: If, after the confession of a certain sin, you still continue to torment the conscience and you feel that this sin is not released. Then you can confess once again in this line.

But this does not mean that these sins can be forgotten and sinted on a new one. Sin is a scar, which, even healing, leaves the trace forever in the soul of man.

16. Remember: the Lord is merciful and can forgive us everything. The main thing is that we yourself do not forgive our sins, remembered them and corrected.

17. Remember: tears, as a sign of repentance, please and the priest, and the Lord. The main thing is that they are not crocodile.

18. Remember: weak memory, forgetfulness is not an excuse for confession. Take the handle and get ready for confession to all the rules so that you don't forget anything later.

Sins are debts, and debts need to pay. Do not forget about it!

19. It is possible to confess and communities and need to children from 7 years. From the same age it is necessary to remember all their sins and repent of them for confession.

How to prepare for communion and communion?

Preparing for confession is the same preparation for the Holy Communion. After confession it is necessary to stay in the temple.

Do not be afraid of communion, because We are all people - unworthy of the Holy Communion, but the Lord God created the Communion for us, and not us for communion. Therefore, none of us is unnecessary than this Saints secrets, and that is why we need so much in it.

It is impossible to pass:

1) people who do not wear a native cross constantly;

2) who have anger, enmity or hatred for anyone;

3) who did not hurt the day before, who did not appear on Evening worship, who were not confirmed, who did not read the rules for the Holy Communion, the evidence in the morning on the day of the communion, who were late for the Divine Liturgy;

4) women during menstruation and after the expiration of 40 days after the birth of a child;

5) women and men in open clothes with bare shoulders, breasts, back;

6) men in shorts;

7) women with lipstick, cosmetics, without a headscarf, in pants;

8) sectarians, heretics and splitters and those who visit such meetings.

Before communion:

1. You can not eat and drink from 12 o'clock in the morning.

2. It is necessary to clean my teeth.

3. Do not be late for the morning service.

4. When the priest puts the holy gifts before the rite of communion, it is necessary to make a globe (leaning down and getting the floor).

5. Once again, to make a terrestrial bow after the prayer, which the priest reads "Believe, Lord, and confessing ..."

6. When the royal gates opens and the communion begins, it is necessary to cross, and then put the brush left hand on the right shoulder, and the brush of the right hand is on the left shoulder. Those. A cross should turn out, the right hand is top.

7. Remember: the first to be the servants of the church, monks, children and then all the others.

8. It is impossible to arrange in line in front of the holy bowl of pressure and scuffle, finding out relationships, otherwise your entire post, canons reading and confession will go to the cat.

9. Sitting to the bowl, say to myself Jesus prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinning" or send a song with everyone in the temple.

10. Before the holy bowl, it is necessary to make a terrestrial bow if there are a lot of people - it is necessary to make it in advance so that it does not interfere with anyone.

11. Women need to erase with the face of lipstick !!!

12. Going to the cup with the Holy Gifts - Blood and Body of Christ, loudly and clearly name your name, open your mouth, make and swallow the holy gifts, must kiss the bottom edge of the bowl (the symbol of the Rib of Jesus, from which water and blood flowed).

14. It is impossible to kiss the priest's hand in the bowl and touch the bowl of the hands. It is impossible to baptize the bowl !!!

15. After the bowl, you can not kiss icons!

After communion it is necessary:

1. Make a belt bow before the icon of Jesus Christ.

2. Go to the table with cups and finely chopped prosforas (antidors), you need to take one cup and drink warmth - warm tea, then eat antidor. If desired and opportunities can be put in a special saving money.

3. Only after that you can talk and kiss icons.

4. You can not leave the church before the end of the service - it is necessary to listen to thanksgiving prayers.

If you didn't read than the gratitude prayers for the communion after the Eucharist of your church, you must read them yourself, returning home.

5. On the day of communion, they are not kneeling, except for special lean days (when reading the prayer of Ephraim Sirin and Poklov, in the Great Saturday, before the Cryatrix of Christ) and the Day of the Holy Trinity.

6. After the communion, we must try to behave modestly, do not sin - especially the first 2 hours after the adoption of the holy gifts, do not eat and not drink too much, avoid high-profile entertainment.

7. After communion, you can kiss each other, apply to icons.

Of course, it is not desirable to violate all these rules, but it will be better if you are not specifically, do not deliberately, but ultimately confess the sincerely confess.

Only the Lord is sinless, and we, because sinful, therefore should not forget about the need for regular confession and communion.

As a rule, after a good confession, a person becomes a little easier in the soul, he somehow does not feel that all or some of the sins he said out. And after the communion, it usually occurs even in a very tired and weak body, the feeling of strength and enthusiasm.

Try to walk more often to confession and communion, to hurt less and be happier thanks to God and faith in it!

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Meaning of communion

First of all, in preparation for the communion there will be awareness of the meaning in communion, so many go to the church because it is fashionable and it was possible to say that you are communched and confirmed, but in fact such a communion of sin. Preparing to the communion, it is necessary to understand that you go to the church to the priest, first of all, for rapprochement to the Lord God and teaching in our sins, and not to arrange a holiday and an extra reason to drink and eat. At the same time, go to pass only because you were forced, it is not good, it is necessary to go to this sacrament at will, cleaning your soul from sins.

So, who wanted to adequately coming around the Holy Taine, should be praying for this in two or three days: pray at home in the morning and in the evening, attend church services. Before the day of communion, it is necessary to be in the evening service. To the home evening prayers is added (from Prayer) Rule to the Holy Communion.

The main thing is to live the heart and the warmth of repentance in sins.

With prayer, it is connected to abstinence from rapid food - meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, with a strict post and fish. In the rest of the food it is necessary to observe moderation.

Those who wish to come should, best of all, before or after evening worship, bring sincere repentance in their sins before the priest, fully revealing his soul and without hiding a single sin. Before confession, it is necessary to reconcile both with its offenders, and with those who offended himself. For confession, it is better not to wait for the questions of the priest, and telling him everything that is on conscience, without excuses himself and not paying blame on others. In no case cannot be condemned to confess anyone or talk about other people's sins. If it is not possible to confess in the evening, you need to do it before the start of the liturgy, as a last resort - to the Khryuvim song. Without confession, no one, except for babies up to seven years, cannot be admitted to the Holy Communion. After midnight, it is forbidden to eat and drink, to the communion you need to come strictly on an empty stomach. To abstain from food and beyti before the Holy Communion it is necessary to teach children.

How to prepare for communion?

Days of fields are usually a week, as a last resort - three days. These days are prescribed post. From the diet, rallier food is excluded - meat, dairy products, eggs, and in the days of strict posts - and fish. Spouses refrain from physical proximity. The family refuses entertainment and watching TV shows. If circumstances are allowed, these days should visit worship in; Temple. More diligently performed the morning and evening prayer rules, with the addition of reading the repentant canon.

No matter when the sacrament of confession is performed in the temple - in the evening or in the morning, it is necessary to visit the evening service on the eve of communion. In the evening, three canons are read before reading a prayer for a dream: our Jesus, the Virgin, the Guardian angel, read to the Lord. Every canon can be read separately, or to use prayer, where these three canons are combined. Then canon is read to the Holy Communion to Prayers to the Holy Communion, which are read in the morning. Those who are hard to perform such a prayer rule in one day, take the blessing of the priest to read three canon in advance during the days of the years.

Children are quite difficult to comply with all the prayer rules of preparation for communion. Parents needed together with the confessor to choose the optimal number of prayers, which will be able to a child, then gradually increase the number of necessary prayers necessary to prepare for communion, up to the full prayer rule to the Holy Communion.

For some, it is a greater difficulty reading the necessary canons and prayers. For this reason, no years are not confess and are not communioned. Many confuse preparations for confession (at which such a large amount of prayers read) and preparation for communion. This can be recommended to start the sacraments of confession and the communion of stages. First, you need to properly prepare for confession and in confessing sins to ask the Council's confessor. It is necessary to pray to the Lord so that it helps to overcome difficulties and gave the power to prepare to prepare the sacrament of communion.

Since it is customary to begin the sacrament of the mission of an empty stomach, from twelve at night they are no longer eaten and do not drink (smokers - do not smoke). The exception is babies (children up to seven years). But children from a certain age (starting from 5-6 years old, and if it is possible earlier), it is necessary to teach the existing rule.

In the morning, they also do not eat anything and do not drink and, naturally, do not smoke, you can only clean your teeth. After reading the morning prayers, prayers for the Holy Communion are read. If in the morning reading prayers to the Holy Communion is difficult, then you need to take a blessing from the priest to read them in the evening. If the confession is performed in the church in the morning, it is necessary to come on time before confession. If the confession was performed on the eve of the evening, then the staffing comes to the beginning of the service and prays with everyone.

Post before confession

For the first time, people who resort to the communion of the saints of the saints of Christ, need a week will be fastening, those who are less likely to arrive, or does not comply with the Wednesday and Friday posts, or often multi-day posts do not even keep it, - three days before communion fasten. There is no animal food, not drink alcohol. Yes, and lented food is not combined, but is a measure of the need for saturation and only. But who is every Sunday (as it should be a good Christian) resorts to the sacraments, you can post only Wednesday and Friday, as usual. Some are added - and at least on Saturday evening, or on Saturday - there is no meat. Before communion from 24 hours is no longer there, and do not drink anything. In the laid days of fasting to use only plant origin food.

It is also very important these days to keep herself from the malice, envy, condemnation, empty conversations and bodily communications between spouses, as well as on the night after communion too. For up to 7 years old, no need to fast, nor confess.

Also, if the first time a person goes to the communion, you need to try to deduct all the rule, read all the canons (you can buy a special little book in the shop, is called "Rule to Holy Communion" or "Prayers with Rule to Communion", everything is clear there). So that it is not so difficult, you can do it, dividing this rule for several days.

Pure body

Remember that in the temple to walk the dirty is not allowed, unless of course the life situation does not require. Therefore, the preparation for the communion implies that the day when you go to the sacrament of communion, you must wash your body from physical dirt, that is, take a bath, shower or go to the bath.

Preparation for confession

Before the very same confession, which is a separate sacrament, (not necessarily after it must follow the sacrament, but preferably), you can keep the post. Confected a person can at any time when he will feel in his heart that he needs to repent, profess sins and as quickly as possible so that the soul is not aggravated. And coming up, properly prepared, it is possible and later. Ideally, if you succeed, it would be nice to visit the evening service, and especially before the holidays or the day of the angel of your own.

It is absolutely not permissible to keep the post in food, but not to change the course of your life: continue to go to entertainment events, in the movie for the next blockbuster, to visit, to sit down the whole day for computer toys, etc. The main thing in the days of preparation for the communion - to live They are excellent from other days of everyday life, not much to work for the Lord. Talk to your soul, feel why she spiritually missed. And to do, what has been postponed for a long time. Read the gospel or spiritual book; visit your loved ones, but forgotten by us; Ask forgiveness from who had to ask him and we were postponed for later; Try these days to refuse numerous attachments and bad habits. Simply put, these days it is necessary to be bolder to be better than usual.

Communion in the church

The sacrament itself occurs in the church in worship, which is called liturgy . As a rule, liturgy is performed in the morning; The exact time of the start of worship services and their days should be recognized directly in the temple in which you are going to go. Usually services begin in the interval from seven to ten o'clock in the morning; The duration of the liturgy, depending on the nature of the service and partly on the number of participants from one and a half to four or five hours. In the cathedrals and monasteries of liturgies served daily; In the parish temples on Sundays and in church holidays. It is advisable to attend the service with its start (for this is a single spiritual action), as well as on the eve of being in the evening worship, which is a prayer preparation for the liturgy and the Eucharist.

During the liturgy, it is necessary to abide in the temple, prayerfully participating in the service until the priest comes out of the altar with the bowl and proclaims: "Let's start with the fear of God and faith." Then the participants line up one after another in front of the Embon (first children and weak, then men and women for them). Hands should be folded crosswise on the chest; Before the bowl is not baptized. When the queue is suitable, you need to become a priest, call your name and open your mouth so that you can put a lie with a particle of the body and blood of Christ. The ace needs to be thoroughly lick lips, and after the lips get into the feet, to kiss the edge of the bowl with a reverence. Then, not applying to icons and not talking, you need to move away from the Ambon and take the "lock" - St. Water with wine and a particle of prosform (in this way, the oral cavity is washed, so that the smallest particles of gifts are accidentally not to delete itself, for example, with sneezing). After the communion, you need to read (or listen to the church) thankful prayers and in the future to carefully store your soul from sins and passions.

How to approach the holy bowl?

Each party needs to know well how to approach the holy bowl so that the communion takes place that happened and without fuss.

Before approaching the bowl, it is necessary to make a terrestrial bow. If there are a lot of participants, so as not to interfere with others, it is necessary to bow in advance. When the royal gates are clarified, it is necessary to cross and fold the hands crucifably on the chest, right hand on top of the left, and with such adding hands to communion; It is necessary to move away from the bowl without spreading hands. It is necessary to approach the right side of the temple, and leave the left free. Altar servants are followed first, then the monks, children and only then all the others. It is necessary to give up the near road, in no case to push. Women in front of communion need to erase lipstick. Suitable to the communion of women with a covered head.

Going to the bowl, it should be loud and clearly called your name, take the holy gifts, december (if necessary) and immediately swallow them, and the bottom edge of the bowl kiss as the edge of Christ. It is impossible to touch the bowl of the hands and kiss the priest's hand. The bowl is forbidden to be baptized! Raising your hand for the godmond, you can accidentally push the priest and pour the holy gifts. Locking to the table with a stuffing, it is necessary to eat an antidor or a prosfora to drink warmth. Only after that can be applied to icons.

If the holy gifts teach out of several cups, you can take them only from one. You can not pass twice a day. On the day, the communion is not customary to get on his knees, with the exception of the bowls of the great post when reading the prayer of Ephraim Syrin, Poklov before the Cryp Road in the Great Saturday and the Crankshaft prayers on the day of the Holy Trinity. Having come home, it follows, first of all, read the gratitude prayers for the Holy Communion; If they are read in the temple at the end of the service, you need to listen to prayers there. After communion until the morning, it is not for nothing to spit and rinse the mouth. Participants should try to keep themselves from idle talk, especially from condemnation, and so that there were no holiday conversations, it is necessary to read the gospel, prayer Jesus, Akathists, Holy Scripture.