The cooking "Ferdinand and Louise as a positive heroes of the drama" Deceit and love. Idean-artistic analysis of the drama Schiller "Deceit and love

The cooking "Ferdinand and Louise as a positive heroes of the drama" Deceit and love. Idean-artistic analysis of the drama Schiller "Deceit and love

The writing

The terrible thing was the picture - Germany 18 centuries. Duchy of the Würtemburg rules of Karl, a sputted lingerie, who sought to turn his residence to the second Versailles. He gave himself for an enlightened monarch. According to his initiative, the Duccian school was created, in which "had the honor" to get to the young Friedrich. The training system was aimed at raising dependent, deprived of their own thought of people. School called the "slaves plantation." And so as not to drown out the beautiful gusts of the soul, the young man began to look for consolation in the literature. Lessing, Klinger, Viland, Burger, Goethe, Schubert - Here are the names, thanks to which a new genius of German literature was born.

Colorless world of deaf province, intrigue and crime, cunning and immorality of the duccian yard, the terrible poverty of the people - here is the situation in which unfolds tragic story Love two noble hearts - Louise and Ferdinand. Father Fedinand wants to strengthen his position, the marrying son with the favorite of Prince - Lady Milord. Around pure feeling Love is woven a dirty tangle of intrigue.

Love is the power that rules the world. And how do you understand what love is? Or what does love person mean? (Students' responses). The concept of love is true, saint, it is about such love that the Bible says (the first message of the Apostle Paul is reading to the Romans: "... the greatest of virtues is love. Love tolerates for a long time, mercifully, does not envy, it does not influence, does not behave unacceptable, not looking for his , it does not break to anger, does not think bad, it does not rejoice from insensitive, everything tolerates everything. Love never passes. Love overshadows the magnitude of sins and never suffers defeat ... ").

Love always seeks to see the happy one loves. Especially when we are talking About the parent heart. Recall Miller's replica: "The female shower is quite thin even for the drop-shafter." Does this not sound paradoxically relative to the Lady Milord? Today everyone expresses its point of view, divides the heroes on positive and negative. Among the negative - Lady Milord. And since Bon is convicted - I want to stand on her defense. Louise has parents, she always had a family, and Lady became an orphan when she was thirteen. Father executed, and the little princess was supposed to escape from England. Bona remained with nothing. Six years of walnings in Germany ... From despair, I wanted to rush in the waves of Elbe - the prince stopped her.

Is she guilty that accustomed to rich lifeWhich as a valuable stone seeks a decent frame? In it fought dignity and fate. Proud British conquered fate. In minutes of passion, the prince to please her, signed amnesty decrees, stopped the sacrifice, canceled death sentences.

The fate suddenly gave her a chance - to have one of whom her heart wanted. And although the mind was told: "Stop!", The heart did not obey. A conversation with Louise was a torment for her, but the decision was unequivocal: to become higher above the mud existing world. Lady Milord's life is not an example of nobility, but in last moment She deserves respect. Drama heroes are models for the perception of the world and, in fact, to build behavior. The author calls his drama "Bold Satiir and a mockery over the breed of jesters and books from nobles." The work presents two public groups - two worlds that share the abyss. Some live in luxury, oppress others, they are cruel and soulless. Other poor, but honest and noble. It was to such poor people came Ferdinand, the son of the president, nobleman. And it came not because he fell in love with Louise. He understood the lowness of the moral abandon of his class, - in the family of Miller, he found moral satisfaction, spirituality, which was not in his environment. VURM, President von Walter, Prince, his favorite is the aristocratic web, in which they come across love. The son challenges his father and the whole soulless world - "Bill, sons duty, torn."

As a result, the intrigue die by Louise and Ferdinand, gallows with her class Milord. And the greatness of the plays - in the realistic image of life conflicts. We see the injustice that happened in front of everyone, which was afraid of talking about and which was in front of the reader in living and convincing images. Problems that raises in the work of the playwright - eternal problemswhich remain relevant at all times.

"I found a world where I feel happy - this is the world of beauty," Schiller said in her time. Love, beauty and harmony will always rule in the universe.

IK Schiller (1759-1805) entered the literature on the outcome of the movement of the "Storm and Natisk" as his nipcharik, who perceived a lot and rejected from what was accumulated in the 1770s. In his work, a protest of advanced burgher youth against the spiritual oppression and political tyranny was protest.

Culmination early creativity Schiller is his third play - "Meshchanskaya tragedy" "Deceit and love" (1783, first "Louise Miller")

Schiller again turned to modern issues, but now he escaped the conventionality of the image in the "Robber". The characters and episodes of the "mesh tragedy" correlate with real facts and prototypes that are not portraitfully, but in generalized.

The political problem of despotism, Nesomy region of the Favorites, the Burger's Burevy is woven with the problem of moral and social. We are talking about the estate barriers in society. Here is distinguished by the Russoist Pafos Schiller. The love of the Nobleman Ferdinand von Walter, the Son of the President, to the daughter of a simple musician Miller not only is esthetiously defined, but also threatens the president's personal plans to marry his son on the mistress of the Duke of Lady Milford. Initrigue tool, Vourma Secretary became unlimited lawlessness of power. Under the threat of death, Louise writes under the dictation of Vurma love letter To the vulgar, which thrust Ferdinand to prove the infidelity of the beloved. But the outcome of the intrigue Iny than the thought of the president, Ferdinand cannot survive the collapse of his faith in the purity of Louise, he chooses death and for her, and for himself.

The action develops intensively - the play is felt by the maturity of the art. Schiller's skill. Only one episode has a self-appointment, this is the story of the champion about sending recruits to America: their life is paid by the jewel of Lady Milford. This scene carries a double ideological load: the impressive is described in the rims over protesters. The focus of this story attaches that it is sent to the English to fight against the rebel colonies.

The development of characters also indicates a more complex reflection of reality. Black and white paints "Robbers" are replaced by a variety. Hammy. The old man Miller is especially true: in a minute of insulting the daughter in this detachable musician, a sense of self-esteem is wake-up, he removes the president, although he says remarks. Forms. The concept of honor for Miller and Louise is fulfilled by moral thoughts, supported. Religious feeling. This consciousness does not give Louise to break the oath of silence and justify before Ferdinand.

The image of Lady Milford is complicated. Traditions. Fallen Women Figure in Bourgeois Drama Schiller Produced tragic circumstances Her youth and the idea of \u200b\u200b"beneficial influence on the duke", in which she believes while the Camnediner does not open her truth. The image is dynamic, develops throughout the plot.

The success of "cunning and love" could compete with "robberry". And this drama firmly entered the theater repertoire. "Robbers", "Conspiracy Fiese" and "Deceit and Love", with the difference, form ideological and artistic unity. These are these three early plays He fastened behind Schiller, the fame of the fiery championship of freedom.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Ivanovsky G.state University


in foreign literature

R & D: "Cunning and love" F. Schiller: Features of the genre of the Meshchansky Drama

Ivanovo 2011.




meshchansky Drama Schiller


Meshanskaya drama -- dramaturgical genre In the European Literature of the XVIII century. The Meshchansky drama is also called the "sentimental comedy", the "bourgeois drama", the "bourgeois tragedy", "serious (tearful) drama (comedy)", etc. The birth of the Meshchansky drama is associated with the strengthening of the bourgeois in society, in the literature - with the statement Feelings, therefore, in the center, as a rule, the conflict is social and sentimental in essence of its expression, as well as the sensitivity of the new hero from the bourgeois medium. The main attention was paid to the virtue and the celebration of a reasonable start.

Johan Christophe Friedrich Schiller is one of the most fruitful creators of sublime ideals - political, moral, aesthetic. For philosophical spirituality, he was especially loved in Russia.

The creativity of the great German poet and thinker is multicolored as a rainbow: lyrics, ballads, tragedies, treatises on art philosophy. Two centuries do not go from the scenes of all theaters of the world such masterpieces as "Robbers", "Don Carlos", "Orleans", "Maria Stewart," Wilhelm Tel ", individual parts of the VALENStein trilogy. But the most loud Slav In the history of world dramaturgy acquired the "Meshchanskaya tragedy", as the author himself entitled, under the intriguing name "Deceit and Love". She accommodated quintessence humanistic ideas Epoch of Enlightenment. She is also called the first German tendency-political drama, the literary manifestom of the future bourgeois revolutions.

Chapter 1. The period of writing drama

Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller was born in the family of poor Military Feldscher in Marbach-on-Nekcar, in Svabia.

Childhood and early youth years The future writer was held in the Meshchansky atmosphere. Satisfaction was given only classes in Latin school. The influence of the mother and the first teacher of Pastor Moser went in two directions: they taught the boy to love poetry, but also tried to instill religious views. In 1773, the Shutler was defined in the Yutch orders to the military so-called "Karlov school". In school, despotism and military moisture dominated, the estate differences were maintained, espionage flourished, lowlands.

Social and aesthetic principles in the spirit of Frenmery ideas began to develop from Schiller in the years of stay in Karlova school. Their social basis was disagreement with the serfdom, sincere faith in the possibility of the republican image of the board.

The most fully features of the radical enlightenment and the social protest were expressed in the three youthful sentimentally romantic prosaic plays of Schiller - "Robbers" (1780), "Conspiracy Fiese in Genoa" (1783) and "Deceit and Love" (1784).

The tragedy of "Deceit and Love" was the top of the development of shillor styurmonary drama. The "Burgers tragedy" was originally conceived as a household play, in which the permission of the family problem should be found. However, in the process of work, the playwright discovered that the question of the status of the Burgertism and the class relations considered by him in terms of family-household, presented acute socio-political interest.

Life and morals of modern Germany in Schiller tragedy are drawn very accurately and brightly, their playwright studied directly, communicating with people from different classes. With the drama of the author's lesing the "Deceit and Love", the sharp opposition of the Burger class of aristocracy, the criticism of the feudal-absolutist society, was associated. But in Schiller's tragedy, the political moment will become more emphasized.

Now it changes the principle of "ideas". Compared to the "robber", the motivation system here is much more complicated. With exceptional sharpness and underlined tendentiousness of political contradictions reflected in the tragedy, "Deceit and love" differs in the depth of the disclosure of the psychology of heroes, complicated by the details, dialectic of personal and public relations.

And yet the power of the tragedy was concluded not so much in the show of the little things of real life, as in the realistic underscore "typical circumstances" - crimes of some and tragic death Others. All this complex conflict that Schiller allows in its tragedy, essentially subordinate to the clarification the most important issue On the right of the people, about fate ordinary people, while still scored and powerless. This attached the play special meaning In the then conditions, because bright and genuine paintings of reality are recreated in it, important generalizations of a socio-political nature are made.

Chapter 2. Character and genre innovation of drama

On insurmountable estate contradictions, the entire collision of the meshchang tragedy is built. Ferdinand and Louise hotly and unrestrained each other. But the estate prejudices are over their love, like an evil rock. Ferdinand is nobleman, the son of a high dignitornist, a second person in the meaning of a person in the duchy state of the then patchwork Germany. Sixteen-year-old Louise - Daughter of just a simple musician. In the XVIII century, this was quite enough to lead to tragedy. When the lovers tried to become higher than the lengthy restrictions, they immediately came across the despotic chaos and the lowest moral principleswhich were guided by representatives of the feudal-bureaucratic elite, using their limitless right at their own discretion and the arbitrariness of the fate of people.

The situation is also complicated by the conflict of generations. Father Ferdinanda does not just reveal the son of all sorts of obstacles, forcing him to marry the mistress of the Duke, but also in every way humiliates Louise family, and her himself lends himself in the eyes of the surrounding street girl. The young man protects his beloved with a sword in his hand, and then hesitate the most loyal trump card: he threatens to expose his father and pass it into the hands of justice, as he knows that twenty years ago Mr. President von Walter destroyed his predecessor to take him a place. Then the forces of evil, closed in the crusted golden Camzoles, use bypass maneuver and are trying to separate lovers with a sophisticated intrigue: to slander Louise in the eyes of Ferdinand with a fraudulent letter, the threats of the studied from the girl. The young man gives care of a provocation and in the impulse of insane jealousy slits the beloved into a glass with arsenic lemonade. The truth opens quickly, but late: Louise dies, and Ferdinand in complete despair dops poison and also dies.

This is generally infertility, although a somewhat tangled, the plot, followed by a serious political and moral background. The edge of the Shiller tragedy, as, however, all of his drama, is directed against tyranny and despotism, in whatever clothes they are dressed. The Great German Thunder-Humanist is not afraid to expose and expose the bloody essence of a police bureaucratic regime, which at the time of writing the play was by no means abstract.

Of course, "cunning and love" is written in all laws and canons of theatrical genre. Heroes are often expressing in the language of the most sublime and inspired treatises.

This particle of time, tiny, as if a drop of dew ... Yes, she will absorb her dream about Ferdinand.

But remember that, as soon, you and he is under the crown of the closer, the ghost of suicides will grow instantly in front of you.

All infinity and my heart do not accommodate a single thought about him.


Let the whole mountains grow between us - for me it is only steps for which I take off to my Louise. The storms sent to us with hostile rock, even stronger the flame of feelings of my feelings even more, the dangers will give my Louise even greater charm ... Spit the same fear, my beloved!

Father! You are an evil Paskville for a deity, for it from an excellent executioner created a bad minister.

Customized conscience, thank you! You made a monstrous confession, back and truthful, - I have no need to resort to torture.1

Schiller language will not confuse with anything. He has many learned to think and speak differently. In the final stage, when Louise is already dead, and the dying Ferdinand pronounces his last monologue, the passions of passion reaches its apogee. And Schiller managed to achieve this language for figurative means alone:


Only two words, father! They will be expensive for me to cost me ... my life is abducted, the life is abducted by you. Now I am trembled, as if I stood in the face of God, - after all, I was never a villain. Whatever the lot go to me in the life of eternal - you will get different. But I committed a murder (at raising my voice threateningly), murder, and you can't demand me, so that I walked with this burden to the all-war proud. I grand very terrible half I solemnly impose on you. You will tell you your wear or not - this is your business.

Look, monster! Enjoy the monstrous fruit of your hetrumia! On this distorted flour face is written your name, And the angels of the messenger will read it ... Let her shadow take the canopy at that moment when you get a dream on your bed, and my hand will reach your hand, as ice! Let her shadow arise before the eyes of your soul, when you die, and break the last prayer! Let her shadow be at your grave at the time of the resurrection of the dead - and in front of God himself, when you appear on his court!

For President Valter, the paylae comes much earlier. Shocked son's suicide, he repents in the deed and surrendered to the guards.

In full compliance with the name in tragedies - two centers of attraction, two incompatible poles - inside and love. Cunning is more sophisticated and seemed to truthfully over love. But love still wins. She wins the truth! Although the price of death. But in the name of the love that will never die.

Especially great meaning of "cunning and love" (1784), first, by definition of F. Engels, it. political tendency drama. It expressed the main thing social contradiction time - between the powerless people and the ruling aristocracy. Perhaps none of the plays of Schiller has such an individualized language. acting persons: each character, each social Grouppresented in this drama.

Schiller does not seek in this drama and to establish an ideal type of revolutionary or the desired nature of revolutionary actions, as well as to the permit or formulation of general, abstract problems of the coming transformation of humanity. All his creative energy, the poet sends to another task: the image of "incompatible with moral" contradictions between the life of oppressors and oppressed, on the show of the specifically historical, social soil, on which the seed of the revolution should be asked with the inevitability of rock. In "Cunning and Love" face in an irreconcilable hostility two social world: feudal, court-noble-noble - and mesh, firmly soldered by fate and tradition with wide folk masses.

Character complexity - distinctive trait Almost all acting persons of this drama: And in this, of course, the increased realistic township of Schiller, who has understood the artist's heart and, in part, by the mind of the thinker, that the actions and consciousness of people are determined not only by the "born properties", but also their position in society. From here - deep spoilness and at the same time the Great Lady Milford (her gap with the duke and departure from his possessions).

From here - the authority and vanity of the President von Walter, capable of moving with the happiness of the only son (to marry him on the omnipotent duke favorite), just to retain a primary position in the country; But here - in the face of suicide Ferdinand - his true fatherly feeling is exposed and forces him, ambition and careerist, to betray himself in the hands of justice: forgiveness, exhausted from the dying son, is now the most important thing for him ...

From here, there is a plumpness, artistic pride, but also a cowardly reptile, the gentity of the old Miller. In one of the scenes, where the old musician, "then creaking with her teeth from rabies, then knocking them from fear" 3, puts out of the door of his daughter - president, - these contradictory properties appear even at the same time. Nobody shifted to Schiller with such a piercing force of tests through which it passes human heart, in particular, the heart of a simple person.

"Cunning and love" is a drama of high tragic sound. The love and death of Ferdinand and Louise are forced to remember the fate of Shakespeare's heroes Romeo and Juliet. It is difficult to imagine, however, that anyone, at least Juliet, could disperse Romeo in her love for him. Shakespeare Heroes - People are spiritually whole. Schiller, even the ideal characters do not have such integrity.

In the finals of the tragedy of Shakespeare, Lyubov Romeo and Juliet defeats the generic staff, worthy of their lives. In the finals of the Schiller Drama, the dying Ferdinand stretches his hand to the president. But this motive is not organic for drama, he only testifies to the educational illusions of Schiller. For the power of love two, as shown by all course of action, it is impossible to change the state of society. Another impressive: love takes the top over cunning. Ferdinand and Louise images are perceived as a result as a symbolic embodiment of a moral celebration high love Over the lowest forces of evil.


In "Cunning and Love", Schiller came down from the heroic and romantic heights of the "Robbers" and "Fiese", stood on the solid soil of real German reality. Life and morals of modern Germany in Schiller tragedy are drawn very accurately and brightly, their playwright studied directly, communicating with people from different classes. Realism, deeply national drama painting affected her language.

The value of Schiller's creativity consisted, and that german literature, having overcome dry gelerber pedanthism, approaching the image of the life of the people. So Schiller already in the genre of the "Meshchansky drama" came close to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe art of the heroic, fulfilled civilian pathos. We can say that the creativity of Schiller by the drama "Deceit and love" is worthy of the whole process of the development of European education literature.


1. Schiller F. "Deceit and Love"

2. Zhurkov V. A. The German philosophy of the Epoch of early Enlightenment. M., 1989.

3. The history of world literature: at 9 t. M., 1988. T. 5.

4. History foreign literature XVIII century / Ed. V.P. Unclee, R.M. Samarin. - M.: MSU Publisher, 1974.

5. Liebizz Z. E. Friedrich Schiller. M., 1990.

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The colorless world of a deaf province, intrigue and crimes, cunning and immorality of the Duccian yard, the terrible poverty of the people - here is the situation in which the tragic story of love of two noble hearts - Louise and Ferdinanda unfolds. Father Fedinand wants to strengthen his position, the marrying son with the favorite of Prince - Lady Milord. Around the pure feeling of love is woven a dirty tangle of intrigue.

Love always seeks to see the happy one loves. Especially when it comes to the parent heart. Recall Miller's replica: "The female shower is quite thin even for the drop-shafter." Does this not sound paradoxically relative to the Lady Milord? Today everyone expresses its point of view, divides the heroes on positive and negative. Among the negative - Lady Milord. And since Bon is convicted - I want to stand on her defense. Louise has parents, she always had a family, and Lady became an orphan when she was thirteen. Father executed, and the little princess was supposed to escape from England. Bona remained with nothing. Six years of walnings in Germany ... From despair, I wanted to rush in the waves of Elbe - the prince stopped her.

The terrible thing was the picture - Germany 18 centuries. Duchy of the Würtemburg rules of Karl, a sputted lingerie, who sought to turn his residence to the second Versailles. He gave himself for an enlightened monarch. According to his initiative, the Duccian school was created, in which "had the honor" to get to the young Friedrich. The training system was aimed at raising dependent, deprived of their own thought of people. School called the "slaves plantation." And so as not to drown out the beautiful gusts of the soul, the young man began to look for consolation in the literature. Lessing, Klinger, Viland, Burger, Goethe, Schubert - Here are the names, thanks to which a new genius of German literature was born.

"I found a world where I feel happy - this is the world of beauty," Schiller said in her time. Love, beauty and harmony will always rule in the universe.

Love is the power that rules the world. And how do you understand what love is? Or what does love person mean? (Students' responses). The concept of love is true, saint, it is about such love that the Bible says (the first message of the Apostle Paul is reading to the Romans: "... the greatest of virtues is love. Love tolerates for a long time, mercifully, does not envy, it does not influence, does not behave unacceptable, not looking for his , it does not break to anger, does not think bad, it does not rejoice from insensitive, everything tolerates everything. Love never passes. Love overshadows the magnitude of sins and never suffers defeat ... ").

As a result, the intrigue die by Louise and Ferdinand, gallows with her class Milord. And the greatness of the plays - in the realistic image of life conflicts. We see the injustice that happened in front of everyone, which was afraid of talking about and which was in front of the reader in living and convincing images. The problems that raises in the work of the playwright are the eternal problems that remain relevant at all times.

The fate suddenly gave her a chance - to have one of whom her heart wanted. And although the mind was told: "Stop!", The heart did not obey. The conversation with Louise was a torment for her, but the decision was unambiguous: to become higher over the mud of the existing world. Lady Milord's life is not an example of nobility, but at the last moment it deserves respect. Drama heroes are models for the perception of the world and, in fact, to build behavior. The author calls his drama "Bold Satiir and a mockery over the breed of jesters and books from nobles." The work presents two public groups - two worlds that share the abyss. Some live in luxury, oppress others, they are cruel and soulless. Other poor, but honest and noble. It was to such poor people came Ferdinand, the son of the president, nobleman. And it came not because he fell in love with Louise. He understood the lowness of the moral abandon of his class, - in the family of Miller, he found moral satisfaction, spirituality, which was not in his environment. VURM, President von Walter, Prince, his favorite is the aristocratic web, in which they come across love. The son challenges his father and the whole soulless world - "Bill, sons duty, torn."

Is she guilty that accustomed to a rich life, which as a valuable stone seeks a decent frame? In it fought dignity and fate. Proud British conquered fate. In minutes of passion, the prince to please her, signed amnesty decrees, stopped the sacrifice, canceled death sentences.