Analysis of "Hamlet" Shakespeare. "Hamlet as a carrier of humanistic ideas of the Renaissance

Analysis of "Hamlet" Shakespeare. "Hamlet as a carrier of humanistic ideas of the Renaissance

The second period of Creativity Shakespeare (1601-1608) is characterized by a deep tragedy. The tragedy, causing feelings of compassion and fear, leads viewers to moral cleansing. Characters in the tragedy must passion not only passion, but also thought.

The works of Shakespeare depicts the fate of a person in society, complete cruelty and egoism. The main character of the tragedy - man high self-esteemwhich comes into the world, passes through brutal tests, is experiencing huge torment, heavy experiences and inevitably gither. The actions of the tragedies unfold not in the narrow sphere of private life, but dismisses the historical space, social conflicts, covers a variety of reality phenomena. At the heart of the conflict of tragedies, Shakespeare is a Renaissance concept self-sufficiency of a person, its ability to defend rights is considered. The analysis of human psychology, incentives for his behavior in society is gradually deepened.

Special place in the work of Shakespeare is the tragedy "Hamlet - Prince Danish" - not so easy dramatic story Revenge Son for the murder of the Father, and the tragedy of gradual awareness of the degree of evil, deceit, disharmony and non-free in the world and understanding the difficulties of the burden taken. The author borrowed the plot of "Hamlet" at Belfort " Tragic story", And the one, in turn, at the medieval Danish chronicler of Saxon Grammar. Shakespeare suffered the action of the tragedy in the past. Hamlet at Shakespeare - the son of his century, proclaimed the ideas of freedom. He is a man of new time, his power and weakness in morality, his weapon is a thought, and she is the source of his misfortunes. Hamlet, in the work appears a lonely idealist, in nature a dreamer and philosopher, in the heart - human manBut according to the life of the Avenger, a lonely warrior, surrounded by enemies or indifferent contemplants. The Hamlet's tragedy is that a person of excellent mental qualities, donated when he saw the terrible side of life - torture, treason and murder and lost faith in people, love, and life, lost her value for him. He acquires courage to fight, but skeptical, looks at life with sorrow. The cause of the spiritual death of Hamlet was: his honesty, mind, sensitivity, faith in ideals. He could not deceive, pretend and adapt to the world of evil, and how to fight and defeat him he did not know what he led to his early death.

"Romeo and Juliet" "The only tragedy written in the first period of Creativity Shakespeare, a play about the tragedy of love, whose feature is" pathos of love as a divine feeling. " The history of the appearance of Romeo and Juliet can schematically depict:

The plot, recreated in this tragedy, was widespread in the Italian rebirth era, but fills it with a special meaning. In the love tragedy of young heroes, an expression is a deep conflict: the humanistic history of love for free choice is facing the prejudice of generic hosts between the two respectable families, which leads to their ambulance. The lyrical atmosphere of the tragedy, the strength and energy of her heroes inform the action of the play with all the drama is not hopeless, but the life-affirming character. In the finals of the play, love triumphs, she wins the enmity, the reconciliation of families and the transformation of people's lives occurs.

Romeo and Juliet tragedy image system and their role in conflict
Meets montext and cabbage.

When compiling this material used:

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3. Foreign literature. 8-9 class.: Method. Deposit / N.P. Mikhal. O.V. Kovylava. - M.: Drop, 2005.- 317, p.
4. History foreign literature. Shapovalova M.S., Rubanova G.L., Motor V.A. - Lviv: Vice school. Publishing house with Lviv. 1982.- 440 p.
5. Kirilyuk Z.V. Chewyzhna L_tera. Antichnist. Heartnochchia. Vіjdrudenna. Baroque. Classicism. Ternopil.: Aston, 2002. - 259 p.
6. Komarova V.P. Creativity Shakespeare. - SPb.: Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg state University, 2001. - 256 p. - (philology and culture).
7. Shavursky B.B. LESSONS OF CHURISE MUCH LITERATURI. 8 class. For the program 2001 ROCA. Navrol.posіbrnik.- Ternopil: Invilitally, Bogdan, 2003. - 128 p.
8. Shakespeare. Encyclopedia / Sost. Article, nominal signpost by V.D. Nikolaev. - M.: Algorithm, Eksmo; Kharkov: OKO, 2007. - 448 p.: Il.

Eternal problems in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet"

Shakespeare is a late revival artist, the tragic time, when the high ideals of the Renaissance, first of all, the ideal of a person as a person's free, beautiful and harmonious, faced with the reality of cruel existence. In one of the vertex works of the English playwright - the tragedy "Hamlet" - problems that will always worry: good and evil, life and death, strength and weakness of man, the origins of moral choice, the presenter of fate and freedom of will.

Fighting good and evil

The struggle of good and evil is one of the most important problems of the tragedy. The hardest burden wounded fate on the shoulders of Hamlet: "The eyelids loosened, and most of all that I was born to restore it." "Restore" an overwhelmed eyelid - such a mission is only the titanium, which, in fact, and thought by the man with the artists of Renaissance. We meet with the Hamlet at the time when in front of him - a man who grew up in understanding and love, a student of Wittenberg University - the drama of being is exposed. The first real pain is the death of the father, whom Hamlet Bogwavruil, in which he honored the ideal of man ("He was, a man in everything"). However, the contradiction, which broke the harmony in the soul of Hamlet, is a "vile hasty" of the mother, a month after the death of her husband who became the wife of Claudia. In the minds of Gamlet, the love of Mother to the Father, which he remembered and in which he grown, and such a quick replacement for Claudia. It wounds Hamlet so much that he surpasses the thought of suicide ("Ile if the forever was not failed to ban suicide"). The first monologue of Gamlet in the play is a cry of pain, misunderstanding, he is torn in contradiction: loves mother, but can not forgive her "vile hasty."

However, the most terrible discoveries about the disharmony of the world were waiting for Hamlet in the words of the Ghost. The marriage of Mother, Hydelishthism and Herriadments of the Uncle seems to be crowded and terrible. Hamlet sees that the man who made a fratricide enjoys life as if he had not done anything wrong. It was a terrible discovery for Gamlet, who didn't see all his ideas about life: he sees that the foundations of the harmonious world order are crumbling, signs of decay are visible in everything, first of all, how people have changed. For them, the vice is no longer a vice, and virtue - virtue:

You can live with a smile

And with a smile to be a scoundrel.

Honesty and honor disappeared from the world.

The embodiment of evil in the play becomes Claudia. Already in the first words of Claudia - hypocrisy, doubliness, egoism: under the mask of grief and sadness - contentment achieved. Calling the King of Hamlet-Sr. "Beloved Brother" destroyed by him, Claudius hides the poison and blinding envy in his soul; Turning to the Hamlet "close heart of the Son", "First in Roings", "Our Son and Sanovnik", Claudius hates him as the nearest reminder of the board that I had to pay for the throne and the queen.

Claudius is aware of his guilt, his scary sinThat's why Hamlet managed to lure him into his "mousetrap", see during the play fear, confusion of the king. Claudia is afraid god's courtThe fear was forever settled in his soul, he tries to soften the spiritual confusion with a prayer, but only pure words can be climbed towards the sky: "There will be no words without thought to the sky." However, according to the laws of treachery and human base, instead of repentance, cleansing conscience, Claudius chooses a different path - the way to get rid of Gamlet. Evil grows as a snowball, giving rise to a new evil: from the severity of one murder of Claudius trying to get rid of another. Such a complex, offensive, aggressive is evil, against which the Hamlet is rebelled. However, Claudius is not a soulless car evil, but still a person who is not alien human feelings - Passion for Gertrude, feeling of fear and sin. But precisely because he is a man, he is responsible for everything, they are deed, and therefore pays for his moral choice - Unexpected, not purified by a prayer death.

The problem of moral choice.The presenter of fate and freedom of will. The price of human life.

With the image of the main character, such essential problems as the moral choice, the presenter of fate and the freedom of the will of the will, the price of human life is connected. One of the questions that is born when reading the play is why Hamlet Medlit with Retribution. The answer can be found by comparing three heroes of the play in the situation of Vesti: Fortinbrus, Laert and Gamlet. Fortinbras initially refuses to revenge for his father, since the Norwegian is defeated in honest battle. Laert, having learned about the death of Polonia, unlike Gamlet, "flies on the wings of revenge" blindly, alive, without reflecting. Having breaking down to Claudia with the exclamation "You, a nasty king, to return the Father to me!", He immediately becomes a toy in the hands of a smart and cunning king. Claudia did not make a lot of work to send the anger of Laerta on Gamlet, Lanert with hunting agrees to become a "gun" in the hands of the king and only for death turns to death, he understands everything and has time to say Hamlet: "King ... King is guilty." So determination, not bound by "confinents", reflections, not knowing the eternal "to be or not to be," leads to a catastrophe, death, multiplies evil. Unlike Laerta, Hamlet wants to serve not blind revenge, but the truth. It is his mission, his cross, his chosenses.

Hamlet's doubts are not an indicator of his weakness, on the contrary, he knows how to be brave and decisive as few. Already in the first act, there is a strong will, courage, determination: He is warned to go beyond the ghost - he is not alive in his impulse to learn the truth. "Hands off!" - He says he trying to stop him. Hamlet is a thinker, analyst, he has special activity - the activity of thought. Three monologues of Hamlet in the play - this is his touch to eternal problems Genesis: good and evil, destiny of fate and freedom of will, the prices of human life and the appointment of a person. Perhaps the most famous monologue is not only the play of Shakespeare, but also the whole world dramaturgy - "be or not to be?" Rolling against evil or torture with him, go through the whole thorny path in the name of truth or retreat, deciding that it is impossible to achieve it? "Die, sleep," - Hamlet is not entitled to even die, because death would be too simple decisionShe would have a refusal of choice.

What is noble in spirit to submit

Prachas and arrows of fierce fate

Il, breaking at the sea sink,

Blink them with confrontation?

Eternal problem - a man in the face of choice, the global, colossal, on whom his life depends, and the life of the world - in this the moral and philosophical sound of the monologue. Such a choice is only Titan. It is already only to realize this choice, to look in the face of your fate - it is already necessary for this necessary inhuman forces and courage. Vera Shakespeare, the Renaissance artist, already affected the fact that he sees such strength in man.

Meeting with the Fortinbrus's army, which goes to Poland, makes Hamlet think about the price of human life, about the purpose and means:

Death is about to absorb twenty thousand,

What for the sake of whim and boring glory

Go to the grave as in bed, fight

For the place where you do not turn around

Where even nowhere to sorcerate the dead.

On one cup of the scales - the life and death of thousands, on the other - "whim" and "fade glory". For Hamlet Humanist, this is unacceptable: not all means are good to achieve the goal, human life is incomparable with the land of the Earth, the price of this life should not be negligible.

About the price of human life, about life and death forces Hamlet to think and meeting with the graveters. Will the person disappears without a trace? What remains after it? Is death really equal and reconciling, there is a human appeal in dust? Hamlet does not want to agree that a person completely dissolves in non-existence, he rebels against the very law of nature: "My bones hurt from such a thought." However, the fact that Jorik comes to life in the memory of Gamlet, whose skull is now he holds in his hands, says that a person is not erased in the dust that the invisible Aura of his presence is tangible on Earth.

In these monologues, the Hamlet is revealed as a philosopher and poet. "The poet is building a soul," Marina Tsvetaeva says. This "building of the soul" is tangible in Gamlet: who, if not a poet, could say that he sees the father "in the eyes of his soul," who could be so aggravated to perceive the destruction of harmony, the consonance of his soul and the world.

Hamlet is a tragic hero: he makes a conscious choice of the fight against evil, realizing that this unequal match may end in death. Hamlet, as true hero The Renaissance, rebels against the world disharmony in protecting the harmony, but in this confrontation it turns out to be lonely. It would seem that the Hamlet is not alone: \u200b\u200bhis mother loves him, he favors the people, he is always ready to rise by the army, but we have the right to talk about the special domestic solitude of the Shakespeare Hero - the loneliness of the first. Hamlet further than others left in comprehending evil, he opened what was closed for others, there is no man who is gifted by the same spiritual power, even Horatio, a real friend of Hamlet, is not entitled to be with him in the decisive moments of his life.

Even imminent madness of Hamlet emphasizes his loneliness in the confrontation with the world of evil: the madness is a mask that helps him tell the truth in the world of lies: "Denmark is a prison", "If you take everyone according to merit, then who will avoid knuta?", To be honest When this world is, it means being a man who is consequeed from a tens of thousands. " Madness is an opportunity for a while to stop being the Hamlet who fears and hates Claudius, this is the only opportunity to survive in the insane world.

In the fight against evil Hamlet dies, as almost all the characters of the tragedy die, except Horatio and Fortinbrus. Fortinbras is determined and noble, he really is worthy to take the Danish throne, but there can be no complete replacement for the Hamlet: a person is indispensable. Hamlet has managed a lot: he evil called evil, dropped the mask of the hypocrisy, exposing the cunning of Claudia, he revenge for the death of his father. However, the final of the plays is tragic, and the appearance of fortingbress does not remove the tragic tension. In the fatal duel with evil Hamlet dies - and in this tragic recognition Shakespeare of complexity and multipleness of evil, which is not under the power to defeat one person, even if this man is Hamlet.

After the departure of Gamlet, the emptiness remains, which can not be filled with anyone: the world has become poorer on Hamlet, a thinker, a poet, a man left the world. However, the tragedy of the final still does not press oppressive hopelessness, there is a light of faith in the tragedy of Shakespeare, his greatness, his opportunity, there is an enlightened sadness of recognition of the drama of the fate of a person in the world, there is hope.

The problem of the tragic destiny of love in the world, for love is not intended.

Many in the play have their own tragedy - from the Ophelia tragedy of love in the world of calculation and deception. The true reason for the madness and death of Ophelia is the death of harmony, a collision with such tragedies who crushed her mind: "madness" of Gamlet, which Ophelia perceives as his own pain and wrecked hope for happiness and love, father's death. In her songs - the reflection of the disharmony in the soul, which lost joy and light: she sings about death, deception, cunning of a beloved. The death of Ophelia Krotkaya, Ovened to sadness and a peculiar gestrany charm: she, not recognizing his end, becomes part of the water (and the water is a symbol of purification). Ophelia, as he lived, dies clean, her inner nobility, the ability to love, the mental subtlety is not destroyed by the cunning of the world - and in this its peculiar victory over evil. The fate of Ophelia is a non-illegible wine of the world, in which beauty and purity could not survive.

The loss of Ophelia for Hamlet is the pain of such power that he, without thinking, is not afraid to be recognized, rushes into her grave, in order to stay with the one that he loved and which he took away from him.

The eternal theme of love is even more reflecting the tragedy of the fate of Hamlet: next to him there was no man, whose love could be reconciled with the imperfection of the world. Too many barriers turned out to be on the path of this love: the death of the fathers, the intrigues of the yard, the signs of the elders, but the main thing is that the time is not intended for love.

Analysis of the tragedy "Hamlet, Prince Danish"


Theme of betrayal

The topic of betrayal in the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Hamlet" is one of the most important and interesting topics, as it allows not only to approach the disclosure in more detail artistic idea Tragedies, but also to penetrate the secret of human characters and destinies.

Speaking of betrayal, Shakespeare tries to show the essence of this phenomenon. King Danish Claudius kills his brother, thereby betraying close man, and the country and your own honor. His betrayal is at the heart of their underly and criminal. Carrying inaches artistic education Cain's seal, Danish king, multiplies her adultery with the wife of the deceased. Using the example of a deadly trap, arranged by the Danish King of Hamlet, we see that the actions of the first strictly thought out and terrible in their criminal preventability.

To talk about the reasons who led to the betrayal of her husband's memory of Hamlet, the Queen Gertrude is quite difficult, you can only emphasize that Gertrude made it consciously. Hamlet is deeply disappointed in the mother who once was the ideal of a woman. The prince does not understand how she seemed to be so loved by the Father, could make such a vile hastiness - "So rush to the ODR of the heavily":

"Two months, how died! Less even.

Such a decent king! Compare them

FEB and Satir. He is my mother so nonzhil

That the winds of the sky did not give touch

Her faces. About Heaven and Earth!

Me to remember? She stretched to him

As if hungry just increased

From saturation. And in a month -

Do not think about it! Barrinity, you

You call: Woman! - And Bashmakov

Without exhausting, in which he was behind the coffin,

Like Niobe, all in tears, she -

Oh god, beast, deprived of reason

I would miss longer! " (5, p.8)

According to Gamlet, Gertrude accomplished:

"This is a case,

Which stains the face of shame

Calls the innocence of liar, on the brow

Saint Love replaces the rose of ulcer;

Transform the marriage vows

In the player's woute; This is a thing.

Which is from the flesh of contracts

The tissue of the soul, faith turns

In mixed words; The face of heaven is burning;

And this fastener and dense bulk

With a sad gaze, as before the court,

Grief about him "(5, p.64)

Updated small betrayals of the Danish throne servants dictated by a banal desire to survive, we will discuss in more detail at the betrayal of Laert. It was in this hero that, in our opinion, and the most involuntary betrayal was manifested, due to the circumstances unfavorable for him. Death the death of his father and outraged by obviously not Christian burial of the latter, Lahert easily falls into skillfully placed by clawedies of the network of deception, and then, upset sister's death, does not have the strength to listen former friend And learn the truth.

Summing up the foregoing, we can say that the topic of betrayal in the Shakespeare tragedy of a multifacene and multifaceted. The author does not just reveal the reader the essence of this phenomenon, but also trying to comprehend as its true causes and philosophical sources. The betrayal at Shakespeare does not have a homogeneous structure: a person can and realize him, and to make it unwittingly, only in one betrayal is invariably - in the tragedy that it brings into life a person.

Theme of revenge

The topic of revenge in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" is embodied in the images of Hamlet, Laert and Fortinbrus. Compositionally in the center is Hamlet, and not only because of its personal significance. Hamlet killed his father, but Hamlet's father killed Fantinbra's father, and Hamlet himself kills Laert's father.

Solving the characteristics of the tragedy of the task of revenge breaks the humanistic approach of Shakespeare to this moral problem. Very simply solves the task of Laert. Having learned that his father was killed, he was not interested in the circumstances of the death of Polonia, hastily returns to Denmark, raises the riot, bursts into the palace and rushes on the king, which he considers the death of the old slander. All other moral duties he rejects. He is not affected by the fact that Poloniy himself substituted himself under the prince's blow. Having learned about the death of the sister, he becomes even more decisive in his intentions to take revenge on Hamlet, and enters into a sneaky of the king to kill Hamlet.

"So, my noble father died;

In the dark, hopeless sister was perfect,

Whose perfection - if it can reverse

Go praise - challenged the century

From his heights. But my revenge will come "(5, p.81)

If Laert comes to the extreme lifetime limit in his desire to take revenge, then Fortinbras detects a complete disregard for the task of revenge. We do not know the reasons for this, but the circumstances set out in the plot allow you to say that Fortinbra has no valid revenge grounds. His father himself caused Hamlet's father to a fight and was fighting in honest martial arts.

Having learned from the ghost of his father true cause His death, Hamlet swears to take revenge for his death, from now on the thirst for revenge ranks first in his life, but for this he, an adherent of humane glances, must make evil. Hamlet takes the task of revenge. His love for his father is encouraged to this and equally hatred for Claudia, who was not only a killer, but also sent to Mother Hamlet.

"I, whose father is killed, whose mother in shame,

Whose mind and whose blood is perturbed ..

About my thought, from now on you should

Bloody to be, Ile dust you price! " (5, p. 72)

When Hamlet had the opportunity to take revenge on the death of his father, Claudi was on prayer, and such death, according to Gamlet, would be for the killer award. Hamlet decides to wait, but, laying off the revenge, the prince scolds himself for inaction and lethargy.

After performing an oath given by the ghost of his father, Hamlet betray himself, betrays his principles and beliefs. Only God is able to give and take life from a person. Hamlet performed by Avenger for making himself towards others. Evil is posing for evil.

Thus, the theme of revenge is present throughout the work, serves as a motive for diplomas and betrayal and herself creates evil, which is a greater moral problem.

Theme morality

Two principles collided in the Shakespeare tragedy, two systems public morality: Humanism that approves the right of every person to his share of earthly goods, and predatory individualism, allowing one to pour others and even everyone. The humanistic ideal answered the interests of the people and all mankind. Kladiev predatory egoism corresponded higher sides Life practice, as the old dominant class of feudal, and rising bourgeoisie.

Hamlet speaks of corruption of morals:

"Dumb raised to the West and East

Disgraces us among other nations ... "(5, p.16)

He notices people's insincerity, flattery and foaming, degrading human dignity. The idea that evil penetrated at all the pores of society does not leave Hamlet and then when he talks with his mother about her fault before the memory of the late King. He says:

"After all, virtue in this fatty

Should ask forgivers at the vice,

Pray beware to help him "(5, p.54)

All similar speeches expand the frames of the tragedy, giving it a big public meaning. The misfortune and evil, which was struck by the Hamlet family, only a single case characteristic of society as a whole.

For Prince Hamlet, the basis of order and justice is morality. It refuses to revenge as an outdated form of punishment. He dreams of justice and tries to argue with his actions. Nevertheless, the prince, like his ancestors, usurrates the right to the decision of the fate of a person. The purpose of his life becomes the establishment of moral laws in the country of his father through the entertainment or the destruction of those perpetrators, in his opinion, is that "something in the state has fallen in the state."

Shakespeare shows that it is tragic not only the reality in which the evil is so powerful, but tragic and the fact that this reality can lead beautiful manWhat is the Hamlet, in an almost hopeless state.

The theme of life and death

The decision he is looking for a hero is not that it is better, more convenient or more efficient, but in the fact that it is necessary to act accordingly with the highest concept of humanity. The choice that stands in front of the Hamlet is:

".. Became

Prachas and arrows of fierce fate

Il, breaking on the sea sink, fight them

Confrontation? " (5, p. 43)

Silently suffer from evil or fight against him is just one side of the question. Submissions of fate can manifest itself in solving to voluntarily leave life. At the same time, both active struggle can destroy a person. Question "To be or not to be?" closes with another - to live or not live?

The theme of death constantly arises in the arguments of Hamlet: it is in a direct relationship with the awareness of the influence of being.

Life so heavy that to get rid of her horror it is not difficult to commit suicide. Death is similar to sleep. But Hamlet is not sure whether the spiritual torment of man ends with the death. Dead flesh can not suffer. But the soul is immortal. What is the future prepared by her "in mortal snow"? This person can not know because on the other side of life - "A uncontiginated edge, where there is no return to the earthly sovereign."

Hamlet's arguments are by no means distracted. In front of him, a man of a huge imagination and a fine sensitivity, death appears in all its painful tangibility. The fear of death, which he says, arises in himself. Hamlet is forced to recognize that reflections and premonition of death deprive a person decisive. Fear encourages sometimes to abandon action and fight. This famous monologue reveals before us that Hamlet has reached the highest limit in his doubts. It is fair that the magnificent words in which Shakespeare wipe the reflection of his hero was remembered by everyone as a higher expression of doubt and indecision.

The writing

Public thought, literature, the art of the Renaissance resolutely dropped medieval dogmas about the need for an hourly humility of the Spirit and the flesh, abundance from all over real, submissive expectations of the hour when a person goes to the "Outdoor World", and turned to a person with his thoughts, feelings and passions , To his earthly life with her joys and suffering.

The tragedy "Hamlet" - "Mirror", "Chronicle of the Century". In it, an imprint of time, in which not only individuals - whole nations were as it were between the hammer and anvil: behind, and in the present, the feudal relations, already in the present and ahead - bourgeois relations; There - superstition, fanaticism, here is freeness, but also the omnipotence of gold. The society has become much richer, but poverty has become more; The individual is freely, but the arbitrariness has become more free.

The state in which he lives, exhausted from the ulcers of it and vices, Prince Danish, is a fictional Denmark. He wrote Shakespeare about the modern England him. All in his play - heroes, thoughts, problems, characters - belongs to the society in which Shakespeare lived. Hamlet is filled with so deep philosophical content, in the tragedy there is such a wide picture of modern Shakespeare of life, such ambitious human charactersthat the thoughts and feelings of the writer, concluded in this masterpiece of Shakespeare's drama, became close and consonant not only by his contemporaries, but also people of others historical epochs. II. Hamlet - an expressant of the views and ideas of the Renaissance. Shakespeare joined the new XVII century as mature and sheepdowed glory artist. Started last decade His creativity. Artist S. huge power Expresses the thoughts and mood of advanced people of their time, he creates a cycle of his great tragedies.

According to Shakespeare, the nature of a person is inexpressible from good. And the origins of the tragedy writer sees in the discrepancy between the nature of man and his behavior. This conflict Shakespeare has been most fully and pronounced in one of the most significant tragedies "Hamlet". Every time I experienced the situation and the problems of this tragedy in a new way. During the nearly four centuries, she served humanity with a mirror in which each generation examined her face. And every time this face was different. Keeping your rigorous suit, the Danish prince appeared fervently, then sluggish, then humane, then cold. Why?

Hamlet is not a narrow household image, but a character, filled with tremendous philosophical and vital content. In the image of Gamlet with a certain force, the state is expressed that it was typically for a variety of people of Shakespeare's era.

Understand the hero of any drama can be based on the logic of the drama itself. Not that with the Hamlet. No wonder the other characters of the tragedy compare Gamlet today with a gamlet yesterday. This is so recalls the former Gamlet Ophelia: "The gaze of the Velmazby, the sword of the soldier, the language of the scientist."

For the prince of the courtyard vices - the concentration of morals of the entire front pane, official life States, and he is so exhausted, so annoyed that he barely picks up his other side. As a prince, Hamlet knows well what the so-called "high" titles and honors are standing, followed by the chance of birth or whitening the Lord of the Lord. Hamlet carries a ray of great hope - hot interest in the future of mankind. His last desire is to save his "wounded name" in the memory of the offspring, and when Horatio intends to finish the rest of the poison from the Cup to die after the other Hamlet pray to do not do it. From now on, the debt is Horatio to tell people about what happened to the Hamlet and why he suffered so much.

Hamlet has a deep and moving mind - everything grabs on the fly. In the aristocratic environment, it holds at ease, well knowing all the coins and the mechanism of its etiquette, to simple people Not fake and does not show any arrogance. Not only serious his speeches, even kalamboram, jokes, acunts always gives a profound turn, as a result of which they seem simultaneously and intelligent, and intricate. Remaining alone with himself, the Hamlet as it improvises; His meditation is not a constitution of the general truths of everyday life, but distinctive, long-standing and here, now, now born, who did not have time to cool, turn into dry conclusions. Piously in him on the iota, although in the old manner he believes that the "soul is immortal" that there are the "pious perfumes" and "breathable hyiennial" perfumes. He is far from complacency, does not believe that everything is already good to them - on the contrary, in his surrounding world, he is confident, it is infinitely much more unsolved secrets. Gullible to people, Hamlet is waiting for frankness and directness from them, but what to do, these soul quality They are extremely rare.

Sometimes he plays his wit, masterfully parods the puzzled manner of his interlocutors and does it so that its securible function immediately floats out. Thinks Hamlet not on someone else's pointer. Physically, he - as in iron vice, in the palace, as in prison, his only support against the whole light is the independence of judgments. "Vyazhodnyous Ferrus"! Multiple Ukoles of Hamlet itself - the symptoms of the disunity of thought and will.

"The pants make us meditation ..." Meanwhile, lethargy and cowardice is not in Nature of Hamlet. Recall, before a duel with Laerert, the Hamlet is afraid of him, saying: "Though I am not yellow and not increasing, but something is dangerous in me, which is wise to wise. Hands away! "3. That Hamlet is bravely, he will prove on the way to England, when pirates will attack his ship. With a naked sword in his hand, he will jump on the deck of a robbery ship and will fight one against the whole crew.

It is not surprising, because Hamlet is "a man of fate," himself "Rock calls" himself, he does not suffer from any foresight, he is full of courage - a truly "Nemsky Lion". guilty.

Inflexibility, integrity, plasticity - features truly heroic characterAnd just these features in the gamlet are completely absent.

"From pity I should be cruel," he demands Hamlet himself when he blame his mother in the loss of female dignity.

It happens that the Hamlet loses control over himself, becomes insane and, like a doctor, his diagnosis is made: "I am punished with a painful ailment." The face of Gamletta is the cold frozen mask, then grimaces slide on him, it is never illuminated by a smile. Sarcastic, even coarse Kalabura Hamlet is treated for those who are addressed. Merry, innocuous punishment from Gamlet, there is nothing to wait. Moreover, he is imagined, "not a twin in the fingers in Fortune," it does not fly out of his mouth, banal, walking words, even the rudeness of his unique. Hamlet consistently realizes his tragedy and does not fight blindly, but clearly imagining himself as an opponent in front of him.

Hero Shakespeare Dan. close-up. The scale of the personality of Hamlet increases because not one contemplation of a comprehensive evil characterizes the hero, but also martial arts with a vicious world. Opponents of Hamlet, in turn, do not inactivate, they accept the challenge. They cannot be underestimated. They led to the tragedy of Gamlet. They "loosened" the age. They are specific vice carriers, the perpetrators of lawlessness and debauchery, in the aggregate of their constituent hostile Hamlet's world evil. They are hostile not only Hamlet. Hamlet, visible, not exempt from superstitions, which, in particular, is confirmed by his reluctance to kill Claudia during prayer. But it would be a mistake to seek religious motifs in the Hamlet tragedy.

We will approach the truth much closer if we focus on the other. Life has become so unbearable that for intelligent, honest and disinterested gamlet, earthly existence loses its meaning. Thanks to some "distracting" episodes, the image of Hamlet is deepened, his humanity is not so harsh as in those scenes where he fights. The warmth of the soul, the inspiration of the artist that is counting on mutual understanding is those new strokes that appear in the portrait when Shakespeare shows a gamlet chatting with actors.

Other writings on this work

Eternity of the problems of the tragedy "Hamlet" History of creating tragedy V. Shakespeare "Hamlet" The tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" "To be or not to be?" - The main question of the play "Hamlet" V. Shakespeare Hamlet - the perfect hero of his time Problems of good and evil in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" Lie Hamlet Ophelia loved Monologue "Be or not to be?" - the highest point of the random and doubts of Hamlet The problem of choice in the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Hamlet" Characteristics of the image of Gertruda in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" Characteristic of the image of Polonia in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" Personality of Hamlet Characteristics of the image of Laert in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" Tragedy "Hamlet" (1600-1601) Good and evil in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" Eternal tragedies of mankind (on the tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Hamlet") "Hamlet": the problems of the hero and the genre Is the Hamlet's image traged What is the tragedy of Ophelia "Hamlet" one of the greatest works of world dramaturgy Tragedy "Hamlet" Conflict tragedy "Hamlet" What is close to us Hamlet today Main Images of Tragedy V. Shakespeare "Hamlet" My reflections above the images of Pechorin and Hamlet The problem of choice in the tragedy "Hamlet" Situation and time of the tragedy "Hamlet" Characteristics of the image of Claudia in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet" \\ "He was a man - a man in everything; he is no longer found \\" (on the tragedy of Shakespeare \\ "Hamlet \\") Hamlet - Personality facing the future Eternal tragedies of mankind Legend of Gamlet from the Danish Chronicle and its rethinking Shakespeare Danish Roman Image of Horatio Shadow Hamlet "Hamlet Prince Danish" work of art and human genius The work of Shakespeare is characterized by its scale - emergency lack of interest and mind Poetic tragedy "Hamlet" Prince Hamlet's Casser Cool Outdoor World in Tragedies Tragedy "Hamlet" of her philosophical moral motifs Hamlet Our contemporary This world of "Hamlet" the value of secondary heroes Mastery of the dramatic composition of the tragedy "Hamlet"

Hamlet is one of the greatest shakespeare's tragedy. Eternal questions affected in the text are worried mankind so far. Love conflices, topics related to politics, reflections on religion: all major intentions are collected in this tragedy human spirit. Shakespeare's plays are both tragic and realistic, and images have long been eternal in world literature. Perhaps this is the greatness of this.

The famous English author was not the first to write the history of Hamlet. The Spanish tragedy was existed before him, written by Thomas Kidd. Researchers and literary crop suggest that Shakespeare borrowed a plot from him. However, Thomas Kid himself probably addressed earlier sources. Most likely, these were the novels of the early Middle Ages.

Sakson Grammar in his book "History Danes" described real history The ruler of Jutland, who had a son under the name Amlet (Eng. AMlet) and the wife of Geruta. The ruler had a brother who envied his wealth and decided to murder, and then married his wife. The amlet was not submitted to the new ruler, and, having learned about the bloody killing of his father, decides to take revenge. Stories coincide up to the smallest detailsBut Shakespeare otherwise interprets the events and penetrates deeper into the psychology of each hero.


Hamlet returns to Elsinor's native castle on Father's Funeral. From the soldiers who served at the courtyard, he learns about the ghost, which comes to them at night and outlines resembles the late king. Hamlet decides to go to a meeting with an unknown phenomenon, the further meeting leads him to horror. The ghost reveals him the true cause of his death and declares her son to revenge. Danish prince confused and is on the verge of madness. He does not understand whether he really saw the spirit of his father, or is it the devil hurt him from the depths of hell?

The hero reflects long over what happened and eventually decides to find out independently if the clawdies are really guilty. To do this, he asks the troupe of actors to play the play "Killing Gonzago" to look at the reaction of the king. During the key point in the play, Claudia becomes bad, and he leaves, at that moment the ominous truth reveals. All this time, Hamlet is pretending to be crazy, and even the Rosencranz and Guiludster aligned to him could not withdraw the true motives of his behavior. Hamlet intends to talk to the queen in her rest and accidentally kills Polonia, who hid behind the curtain in order to overhear. He sees in this chance a manifestation of the will of heaven. Claudius understands all the criticalness of the situation and is trying to send Hamlet to England, where he must be executed. But this does not happen, and the dangerous nephew returns to the castle, where he kills uncle and dies from poison himself. The kingdom goes to the hands of the Norwegian ruler of Fortinbrus.

Genre and direction

"Hamlet" is written in the genre of the tragedy, but this should take into account the "theatricality" of the work. After all, in understanding Shakespeare, the world is a scene, and life is the theater. This is a certain specific globility, a creative look at the phenomena surrounding a person.

Shakespeare's dramas traditionally refer to. It is characteristic of pessimism, gloomy and aesthetization of death. These features can be found in the work of the Great English playwright.


The main conflict in the play was divided into external and internal. Its external manifestation lies with respect to Gamlet to the inhabitants of the Danish courtyard. He considers them all the lowland beings devoid of reason, pride and dignity.

Internal conflict is very well expressed in the spiritual experiences of the hero, his fight against himself. Hamlet chooses between two behavioral types: new (renaissance) and old (feudal). It is formed as a fighter, not wanting to perceive the reality of which it is. Shocked by the evil that surrounded him from all sides, the prince is going to fight him, despite all the difficulties.


The main compositional canvas tragedy consists of a story about the fate of Hamlet. Each individual plastic plastic serves to fully disclose his personality and is accompanied by constant changes in the thoughts and behavior of the hero. Events gradually unfold in such a way that the reader begins to feel a constant voltage, which does not stop even after the death of Hamlet.

The action can be divided into five parts:

  1. First part - vazka. Here Hamlet meets with the ghost of the deceased father, who will make it a revenge for his death. In this part, the prince is first faced with human betrayal and meanness. With this, his mental torments begin, who do not let him go until death. Life becomes meaningless for him.
  2. The second part of - development of action. The prince decides to pretend to be crazy to deceive Claudia and learn the truth about his act. He also accidentally kills the Royal Advisor - Polonia. At that moment, the realization of the fact that he is the performer of the highest will of heaven.
  3. The third part - culmination. Here, the Hamlet with a trick with a show of the play is finally convinced of guilt ruling king. Claudius understands how dangerous his nephew is, and decides to get rid of him.
  4. The fourth part of the Prince is sent to England to execute there. At the same time, Ophelia goes crazy and tragically dies.
  5. Fifth part - junction. Hamlet avoids execution, but he has to fight with Laert. All major participants in this part are killed in this part: Gertruda, Claudius, Laert and Hamlet himself.
  6. Main characters and their characteristics

  • Hamlet - From the very beginning of the play, the reader's interest focuses on the identity of this character. This "book" boy, as Shakespeare himself wrote about him, suffers from the disease of the approaching age - Melancholia. In essence, he is the first reflective hero of world literature. Someone may think that he is weak, incapable of a person. But in fact we see that he is strong in spirit and is not going to subjugate the problems that fell on him. His perception of the world is changing, the particles of the old illusions turn into dust. From this, the very "hamletism" appears - the inner disorder in the soul of the hero. By nature, he is a dreamer, a philosopher, but life forced him to become avenger. The character of Hamlet can be called "bayronic", because it is most focused on his inner state and is quite skeptical about the world around. He, like all romance, is inclined to constantly questioning and throwing between good and evil.
  • Gertrude - Mother Hamlet. A woman in which we see the goals of the mind, but the complete absence of will. She is not alone in her loss, but for some reason it is not trying to get close to the son at the moment when grief happened in the family. Without the slightest conscience of Gertrud, he betray the memory of the late husband and agrees to marry his brother. Throughout the action, it constantly tries to justify himself. Dying, the queen understands how erroneous her behavior was, and how wise and fearless was her son.
  • Ophelia - The daughter of Polonia and the beloved Hamlet. The meek girl who loved the prince to his very death. She also fell out the tests that she could not bear. Her madness is not the first move invented by someone. This is the madness that comes at the time of true suffering, it cannot be stopped. In the work there are some hidden instructions on what Ophelia was pregnant from Gamlet, and from this awareness of her fate becomes doubly harder.
  • Claudius - a man who killed native Brother, for the sake of achieving your own goals. Hispider and sneaky, he still carries a grievous burden. Flour conscience daily devour him and do not fully enjoy the board to which he came so terrible way.
  • Rosencrans and Guildenster - The so-called "friends" of Gamlet, who betrayed him at the first opportunity to earn good. Without delays, they agree to deliver the message, which refers to the death of the Prince. But fate prepared a worthy punishment for them: as a result, they die instead of Gamlet.
  • Horatio - An example of a present and faithful friend. Only personto which the prince can trust. They pass together through all the problems, and Horatio is ready to divide even death with each other. It was him Hamlet trusts his story to tell his story and asks him to "breathe back in this world."


  1. Revenge of Gamletta. The prince was destined to carry a grievous burden of revenge. It can not be cold and proclaimed to deal with Claudia and return the throne. His humanistic installations are forced to think about the general good. The hero feels responsibility for those who suffered from the evil widespread around. He sees that the death of his father is to blame for the death of His Father, but all the Denmark, which carelessly closed his eyes on the circumstances of the death of the old king. He knows that for revenge, he needs to become an enemy for the entire environment. His ideal reality does not coincide with real Picture The world, "stocking age" causes hostility from Hamlet. The prince understands that he will not be able to restore the world alone. Such thoughts turn him into even greater despair.
  2. Love Gamletta. Until all those terrible events in the Hero's life there was love. But, unfortunately, she is unhappy. He madly loved Ophelia, and in the sincerity of his feelings there is no doubt. But the young man forcedly refuses happiness. After all, the offer to divide the sorrows together would be too selfish. To finally break the connection, he has to cause pain and be merciless. Trying to protect the Ophelia, he could not think about how great her suffering would be. Gusting, with whom he rushes to her coffin, was deeply sincere.
  3. Friendship of Hamlet. The hero really appreciates friendship and is not used to choosing friends, based on the assessment of their position in society. His only true friend He is a poor student Horatio. At the same time, the Prince contemptuously belongs to betrayal, which is why it is so cruel to Rosencran and Guildenster.


The problems covered in the "Hamlet" is very wide. Here the topics of love and hatred, the meaning of life and the appointment of a person in this world, strength and weakness, the right to revenge and murder.

One of the main - problem of choicewith which faces the main character. In his soul, there is a lot of uncertainty, he repelly reflects and analyzes everything that happens in his life. Next to the Hamlet there is no one who could help him make a decision. Therefore, it is guided only by its own moral installations and personal experience. His consciousness is divided into two halves. The philosopher and humanist live in one, and in another, the person who understood the essence of the rotting world.

His key monologue "to be or not to be" reflects the whole pain in the soul of the hero, tragedy of thought. This incredible internal struggle Izmolts Hamlet, imposes on him the Duma of suicide, but it stops the reluctance to make another sin. He was more and more to worry the theme of death and her mystery. What's next? Eternal darkness or continuation of the suffering that he suffers during life?


The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tragedy is to find the meaning of being. Shakespeare shows a man of educated, ever-looking, who has a deep feeling of empathy to everything surrounding him. But life forces him to encounter a true evil in various manifestations. Hamlet is aware of him, trying to solve exactly how it originated and why. He is amazing the fact that one place can turn into hell so quickly on Earth. And the act of his revenge is to destroy evil, penetrating his world.

The fundamental in the tragedy becomes the idea that the great fracture is worth all these royal disassembly european Culture. And at the edge of this fracture arises Hamlet - new Type Hero. Along with the death of all the main characters, the current system of world-uponymia collapses.


Belinsky in 1837 he writes an article dedicated to the "Hamlet", in which he calls the tragedy "brilliant diamond" in the "radiant crown of the king of dramaturgical poets", "crowned by whole humanity and neither before, nor after herself having a rival."

In the image of Hamlet, there are all universal features « <…> This is me, it is every one of us, more or less ... "," Belinsky writes about him.

S. T. Kalridge in "Shakespeare's lectures" (1811-1812) writes: "Hamlet fluctuates due to natural sensitivity and the medal, held by the reason, which forces it to draw the effective forces in search of a speculative solution."

Psychologist L.S. Vygotsky focused on the connection of the Gamlet with the Outdoor World: "Hamlet - Mystic, it determines not only his independent state On the threshold of double being, two worlds, but also his will in all its manifestations. "

A literary critic V.K. Cantor looked at the tragedy from another angle and in his article "Hamlet as" Christian Warrior "" indicated: "Hamlet's tragedy is a system of temptations. He is tempting the ghost (this is the main temptation), and the task of the Prince is to check if it is not trying to introduce him to sin. Hence the theater trap. But at the same time, his love for Ophelia is tempting. Temptation is a constant Christian problem. "

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