Waterville as a genre of literature. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia

Waterville as a genre of literature. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia
Waterville as a genre of literature. The meaning of the word waterville in the literary encyclopedia

Word "Waterville" (Vaudeville) comes from the French "Val de Vire" - Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy.

In the XVII century in France, the spread of songs, known as "Chanson de Val de Vire". The authors consider them the folk poets of the 20th century - the Olivier of the Bolshal and Le-Gu. Perhaps it is simply a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song of a folk nature, light on a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val de Vire" in "Voix De Ville" ("Rustic voice").

In the second half of the XVII century, small theatrical plays appeared in France, which, in the course of the action, these songs and from them themselves called "Waterville". And in 1792, even a special "Theater de Vaudeville" was founded in Paris - "Theater of Waterville." E. Skrib and E. Labish are especially famous from French watervillers.

In Russia, the prototype of the Windows was a small comic opera of the late XVII century, which remained in the repertoire of the Russian theater to the beginning of the XIX century. This is a "companionist" of Prinjene, Nikolaev - "Guardian Professor" and "Unfortunately from Cape", Levshina - "Many Widowers", Matinsky - "St. Petersburg Seating Courtyard", Krylova - "Coffee Number" and others. A special success was operating Waterville Ableximova "Melnik-sorcerer, a deceiver and swat" of 1779.

The next stage of the development of Windows - "Little Comedy with Music". This hydroville received special distribution from about the 20s of the XIX century. Typical samples of such waterville are the "Cossack poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

At the beginning of the XIX century, it was considered a sign of the "good tone" to compose water waters for the benefit practice of a particular actor or actress. For example, Waterville "his family, or married bride" in 1817, created A.S. Griboyedov in collaboration with A.A.Shakhovsky and N.I. Chmelnitsky for M.I. Walberic. Special success fell to the share of five-acting waterville D.T. Lensky "Lev Gurych Sinichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant" (Statement of 1839), he remained in the repertoire of theaters to this day and is a reliable picture of theatrical morals of that time.

Later N.A.Nekrasov created several water wakes under the pseudonym N. Perpelsky ("Shila in the bag do not hide, you can't hold the girl in a bag," "Fooclist Onufrievich Bob, or the husband is not in his plate," "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress" , "Actor" and "Babushkina Parrots").

Usually water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was usually limited by the replacement of French Russian names. They were created on a very simple recipe. About him also told reheetals in the comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit":

Other six to music are clad
Others clap when they give it ... "

Waterville's passion was truly huge. In October 1840, only 25 performances were delivered in St. Petersburg the theater, of which almost every one, except for the main play, were still one or two water wake, but ten performances were over the same way made exclusively from waterville.

Approximately from the 40s in the waterville, elements of topicality and controversy appear, and it has a great success among the public. It should be noted that the topicality in Nikolaev times could not go beyond the limits of pure literary or theatrical topics (and then carefully), everything else "stricter forbidden." In Waterville, D.T.Nalesky, for example, "in people an angel is not a wife, at home with her husband - Satan" smeared:

"Here, for example, analysis
Poles Poles -
And author and actor
There will be no word ... "

The most popular authors of waterville were A.A.Shakhovskaya, N.I. Khmelnitsky (his water and air locks "resisted until the end of the XIX century), A.I. Pisarev, F.A. Koni, P.S. Fedorov, P. I. Grigoriev, P.A. Kratygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), D.T.Nelensky and others.

On February 23, 1888, A.P.Chekhov in one of the letters recognized: "When I'm sicking, I will write water and live them. It seems to me that I could write them on a hundred per year. From me water-wing plots Prut as oil from Baku subsoil. By that time they were written "about the dangers of tobacco", "Bear", "Offer".

They were distributed and outside of Normandy.

In the XVI century in Paris develop voix de Ville ("Voice of the city"), stubbic songs predominantly love content.

In the XVII century, urban sort of satirical content songs that performed with a simple instrumental accompaniment or without it are arising. They got a hybrid name vaudeville.

France [ | ]

Interestingly, the French collections of the XVIII-XIX centuries were called chanson.

In the USA and Canada, 1880-E-1930s[ | ]

Waterville is called the "Heart of the American Show Business", - he was one of the most popular types of entertainment in North America for several decades. From the beginning of the 1880s and until the 1930s in the United States and Canada, the "Waterville" is referred to as theatrical and pop views (musical-holly and circus). Each similar performance was a set of separate, not connected by any common idea of \u200b\u200bperformances of the most different actors: popular and classic musicians, dancers, trainers, fockers, acrobats, juggles, humorists, artists-simulators, Masters of burlesque, - included the numbers of the "staged song", Sketchi And scenes from popular plays, demonstration performances of athletes, minstrels, lectures reading, demonstrating all sorts of "Celabriti", Friki and freaks, as well as - film display.

In Russia [ | ]

"... Would you like to listen Adorable waterville? " and graph Sings ...

The next stage of the development of Waterville is the "little comedy with music", as the Bulgarian determines it. This hydroville received special distribution from about the 20s of the XIX century. Typical specimens of such waterville Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

"Cossack-poems," F. Vigel writes in his "notes", is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name of Waterville. From him, this endless chain of these light works was stretched. "

Criticism [ | ]

Usually water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited mainly by the replacement of French evidence by Russians. N. V. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his note book: "But what happened, when a real Russian, and a somewhat stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the scarring, and our fat, but A threatening and smart merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything in his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put the narrow shoe and stockings of à jour, and the other, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrill. But almost the same our national watermen. "

"... LSTERTER, LOOK - WATER blind Other six to music are clad Others clap when they give it ... "

The most popular waterway authors in the XIX century were: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his water waters "Air locks" held until the end of the XIX century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev 1st, Grigoriev 2nd, Karatygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky, Korovkin, etc.

Sunset [ | ]

Penetration into Russia In the late 1860s from France, Operetta weakened the passion for the waterfront, especially since all political expression was widely practiced in the operetta (there are also very vigilant censorship), and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, the waterville is still long enough in the repertoire of the Russian theater. Its noticeable wilting begins only with the eighties of the XIX century. However, during this period, the brilliant samples of the genre of Waterville were created - in particular, the jokes of A. P. Chekhov "On the Harm of Tobacco", "Bear", "Proposal", "Wedding", "Anniversary".

Waterville (FR. VAUDEVILLE) - Comedy Piece with Songs-Covers and Dancing. The name comes from the French "Val de Vire" - Virgin Valley. Vir - River in Normandy. In the XVII century, the songs known as the "Chanson de Val de Vire" were distributed in France. They are attributed to the folk poets of the XV century - Olivier Washcha and Le-Gu.

But most likely it is simply a collective designation of a special genre of a simple simple joking song of a folk nature, easy on a melodic composition, mockery-satirical in content, and by origin to its associated villages of the Virgin Valley. This can explain the further transformation of the name itself - from "Val De Vire" in Voix De Ville ("Voice of the City").

In the second half of the XVII century, in France and small theatrical plays, introduced these songs in the course of the action and from them themselves called "Waterville". And in 1792, even the special "Théâtre de vaudeville" was founded in Paris - "Theater of the Waterl". Skreb and Labish are especially famous from French watermarists.

In Russia, the prototype of the Windows was a small comic opera of the late XVII century, held in the repertoire of the Russian theater and by the beginning of the XIX century. This can be attributed here - "Sbutenik" Princess, Nikolaev - "Guardian-professor" and "misfortune from the carriage", Levshina - "imaginary widows", Matinsky - "S.-Petersburg Gostiny", Krylov - "Coffee Nail" and others.

The Opera V. Ablessov was a special success - "Melnik-sorcerer, a deceiver and swat" (1779). "Siaia Pieces," says "Dramatic Dictionary" 1787, "there so much filed attention from the public, which is played many times ... not only from the national hesishand, but also foreigners curious pretty."

In Pushkin's "Column Nulin", the definition of waterville is associated with the concept of Aria, the operas:

"... Would you like to listen

Adorable waterville? "And graph

The next stage of the development of Waterville is the "little comedy with music", as the Bulgarian determines it. This idea received special distribution from about the 20s of the last century. Typical specimens of such waterville Bulgarian believes the "Cossack-poem" and "Lomonosov" Shakhovsky.

"Cossack-poems," F. Vigel writes in his "notes", is especially noteworthy in that the first staged to the scene under the real name of Waterville. From him, this endless chain of these light works was stretched. "

Among the noble-guards youth, the beginning of the XIX century was considered a sign of "good tone" to compose water wake for the benefit of a particular actor or actress. And for the beneficiaries, it was beneficial, for meant and some "propaganda" from the author for the upcoming benefit collection. Later, even Nekrasov "sinned" with several water wakes under the pseudonym N. Rememorsky ("Shila in a bag do not hurt, you can't hold the girl in a bag", "Fooclist Onufrievich Bob, or a husband is not in his plate", "That's what it means to fall in love with the actress", "Actor" and "Babushkina Parrots").

Usually water was translated from French. "Alteration on Russian morals" of French watervals was limited mainly by the replacement of French evidence by Russians. N. V. Gogol in 1835 he lists in his notebook: "But what happened now, when a real Russian, and a few more stern and distinguished by a kind of nationality, with his hard figure, began to fake under the putimetra scarcation, and our fat, But a sweeterous and smart merchant with a wide beard, who does not know anything on his leg, except for a heavy boot, would put on a narrow shoe and stockings à jour instead, a different, even better, would leave in the boot and began to be in the first pair to French cadrille . But almost the same our national watermen. "

Also, the sterns of Belinsky's sentence of Russians: "First, they are mainly the essence of the alteration of French water wakes, therefore, couples, sharpness, funny positions, tie and omission - everything is ready, you will only take advantage of. And what comes out? This ease, naturalness, the liveliness, who involuntarily fascinated and keshii our imagination in the French waterway, this sharpness, these cute stupidity, is a talent flutter, this mind is the game of these grimaces, in a word, all this disappears in the Russian copy, but one seriousness remains , awkwardness, unnaturalness, tension, two or three kalabours, two or three sequels, and nothing more. "

Wasteville's secular theaters usually strengthened along a very simple recipe. About him also told Griboedovsky reheetals ("Mount from the mind"):


Other six to music are clad

Others clap when they give it ... "

There are guidance on the fact that Pushkin, going to meet the requests of some friends, gave tribute to the customs of the then Great Dandy, although with a certainty the texts of Pushkin water waters are not installed.

Usually, water-wing poems were such that with all the condescension, they can only be called rhymety.

Waterville's passion was truly huge. For October 1840, only 25 performances were delivered in the St. Petersburg theater, of which almost in each other, other than the main play, were still one or two watervilles, but ten performances were over whenever composed exclusively of waterville. Herzen, waiting with the impatience of arrival in London M. S. Shpkin, recalls (in a letter to M. K. Rehel) not his big roles, but a water chorus:

"Chuk-Chuk, Tetyan,

Chernobrova Kohan. "

Schepkin himself played in water watery very willingly. They held a very prominent place in his repertoire. Going in 1834 on tour to St. Petersburg, he sends his repertoire to Sosnitsky, where, along with the "grief from the mind," there are a lot of water waters.

Approximately from the 1840s. In Waterville, it begins to glorify noticeably, then in the text, then in the form of the acting discovered and bakers, an element of topicality and controversy, and it has a great success in the public. Of course, the topicality in Nikolaev times could not go beyond purely literary or theatrical worship (and then carefully), everything else "stricter forbidden." In Waterville Lensky, for example, "in people an angel is not a wife, at home with her husband - Satan" smeared:

Here, for example, the analysis of Poles Poles - and the author and the actor will not understand the words here ...

A special success fell to the share of a five-acting waterway of Lensky "Lev Gurych Sichkin or Provincial Debutant", converted from the French play "Father Debutant". It was preserved in the repertoire of theaters until the beginning of the 20th century, although, of course, was already deprived of any of the topicality (which there was a lot in it), but did not yet lose the values \u200b\u200bof the pictures of theatrical morals of that time. In the 1840s, there was still a special genre of Waterville "with dressing up". They had a noisy success of a young, sneaking Nekrasov, Actress Ashenkov. The most popular authors of the waterville were: Shakhovskaya, Khmelnitsky (his water waters "air locks" held until the end of the XIX century), Pisarev, Koni, Fedorov, Grigoriev, Solovyov, Kratygin (author "Vitzmundyr"), Lensky and others.

Penetration into Russia In the late 1860s from France, Operetta weakened the passion for the waterfront, especially since all political expression was widely practiced in the operetta (there are also very vigilant censorship), and especially topical (in the same water type) couplets. Without such locks, the operetta then did not think. Nevertheless, the waterville is still long enough in the repertoire of the Russian theater. Its noticeable wilting begins only with the eighties of the XIX century.

Ah, Waterville, Waterville ... How popular you were once and what undeserved oblivion and indifference is surrounded now! Today, many do not even know what this word means. It's time to talk about it. So...

What is waterville

This is a genre of comedy light play or a musical theater play with dancing and bonding, the center of which is the anecdotal story or an entertaining intrigue. Interesting the origin of the word "hydroevil". It was born from the French "VAU de Vire" - "Virgin Valley". In the 15th century, comic songs were distributed in this area - water waters.

In the 16th century in France, Watervilles were called urban comic songs, ridiculeling the ruling class. At the beginning of the 18th century, the charges were called, who were a mandatory part of the ideas that were arranged at the fairs. These impaired performances were called and called the views with water waters. And only by the mid-18th century, Waterville became an independent theater genre.

A bit of history

In the early water wakes there is a close connection with the synthetic aesthetics of the Fair: Pantomimoy, Buffonade, the characters of the French People's Theater (Piero, Colombina, Harlequin, etc.). Distinctive features of those performances were mobility and topicality.

Music was not written for the versue, they were performed under popular melodies, which gave the opportunity to prepare an idea for a very short time. Apparently, it is no coincidence that the first peak of the popularity of the genre accounted for the years of the French revolution (1789-1794). In those days, Waterville becomes the agitation verge of the rebellious people.

After the washing revolution, the waterville loses the topical sharpness and pathos. Its main part is not the satire, but a witty joke, pun. The popularity of the genre in these years increases many times. In 1792, a new theater called "Waterville" is formed in France, and then the "Theater of Montanxier" and "Trubadurov Theater". For fun performances, special plays are written. Some of the most famous authors of the waterville were evident screic and evident labish. Their works were widely known, they were made by comedy performances on many global frames in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Dramatic features of the genre

To understand better what kind of water, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the specific features of the genre. Here they are:

  • An image in the comic form of a violation of a character of any social norm (insignificant). For example, good-neighborly relations, hospitality, etc.
  • Presence of a dramatic line with a mandatory comedy tint.
  • The rapid development of the action and the hyperbolicity of the Commission of the whole occurring on the scene.
  • Because of the insignificance of the norm violated in the play, the main junction is reduced to a short sharp clash of characters.
  • The speed of water operation requires a specific thickening of the comic elements compared with the comedy.
  • The predominance of spoken speech, not singing, unlike operetta.

Russian Water

In Russia, the waterville appeared as a genre, which was based on a comic opera. It happened at the beginning of the 19th century. In the formation and development of the Russian drama of the genre of the genre, such writers and drama, as V. Sologub, A. Griboedov, D. Lensky, P. Fedorov, F. Koni et al. Related such facts that the great poet Nikolai Nekrasov himself wrote Pieces for small musical comedies under the pseudonym N. Oversky.

The scenic history of the Russian Waterville is also rich in famous names. In the days of dawn of the hydroevil genre on theatrical stage of Russia, a whole Pleiad of famous comedian artists shone, the basis of whose creativity was exclusively hydroevil. It is N. Samoilov, A. Asenova, N. Dür, V. Lyokini, et al. Playing watervilles and famous actors of a realistic theater school, for example, M. Shchepkin.

In Russia, the genre considered by us was very popular. So, in October 1840, 25 performances were played in the Alexandrin theater, 10 of which were waterville. In those days, it would hardly have been a person who did not know what hydroevil is.

In 1839, the premiere of the musical comedy "Lev Gurych Sinichkin" took place in Moscow. It has become one of the most beloved and popular among representatives of a variety of estates. The famous French comedy "Father Debutant" was taken as the basis of this play.

Sunset genre

At the end of the 1860s, Operetta came to Russia from France, which led to a gradual sunset of the genre. Nevertheless, the performances-water was not long ago from the scene. At the end of the 19th century, A. P. Chekhov was written by magnificent jokes in the spirit of Waterville: "Bear", "Wedding", "On the Harm of Tobacco", "Anniversary", which were then delivered in many theaters.

Waterville in cinema

Soviet cinema gave water to the second life. In 1974, at the Mosfilm film studio, the director A. Belinsky took off the charming comedy with the music "Lev Gurych Sichikkin" - and the forgotten classic began to play with new colors. The filming took part such celebrities as A. Mironov, N. Mordyukova, L. Kuravlev, O. Tabakov, M. Kazakov, N. Trofimov, R. Tkachuk. This old good water designer and today from time to time is shown on television.

In the same year, sparkling with the unmatched music of Isaac Schwartz's television film "Straw Hat" on the play of Ezhen Labish was released. Director - L. Queinikhidze, the main roles were ingeniously played by A. Mironov, Z. Gerdt, L. Gurchenko, E. Vasilyeva, M. Kozakov, V. Stroelik, E. Copelian, A. Freindlich.

In 1979, the graceful comedy-hydrogen Svetlana Druzhinina "Watching Gusar" was released on the screens with Gennady Gladkov's music and brilliant acting: M. Boyarsky, E. Koreneva, A. Popov, A. Barinov, etc.

And finally, in 1980, the film "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ..." was released. Director - G. Yungvald-Khilkevich, composer - M. Dunaevsky, starring O. Tabakov, Youth G. Belyaeva, M. Pugovkin. After the premiere of the song from this picture hung the whole country.


What is water house today? Probably, it can be said that this is an outdated genre of art, which is no place in modern life. The hearts of the present spectators conquered musicals and grand shows. But beautiful films remained, in which the spirit of the real water waters is captured, and sometimes, for the mood, we can see them and remember the past.