Scientists found out whether Godzill could exist in the real world. Could "Godzilla" really exist? Will the US Air Force reflect attack Godzilla

Scientists found out whether Godzill could exist in the real world. Could "Godzilla" really exist? Will the US Air Force reflect attack Godzilla

Could there be "Godzilla"?
16:50 Today Telegraph
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The cinema screens came out a new fantastic blockbuster "Godzilla", which is a remake of all previous iterations of this franchise. For those who do not know for some reason, "Godzilla" is a giant malicious lizard, which appeared as a result of some scientific experiment, awakened in several decades and crashes everything in its path.
I confess that I have not watched the film yet, and therefore I can make mistake about the plot, but watching the previous variations of "Godzilla", I can be accurately confident that without a few destroyed buildings and turned into damn tanks in a new film will not be accurate.
But today is not about what the film itself is. It's rather about whether it is possible with technical, or rather even a scientific point of view the actual existence of this monster? And thanks to the guys from VSAUCE, we have for this accurate answer.
If you look at the video below, then you will immediately become clear that the real "Godzilla" would face a much more serious opponent than pathetic people with their ineffective missiles with the laws of physics. But let's start everything in order.
According to the legend, the growth of "Godzilla" is 108.2 meters, and the weight is about 90 thousand tons (imagine a huge cruise liner with paws). To feed such a lizard, she will have to consume 215 million calories daily.
And since the total reserve of calorie of the average person is at best about 110 thousand, then "Godzilla" will have to eat about 2,000 people every day. Thanks to a simple mathematics it becomes clear that as a result of this, world human mortality will increase by 1.3 percent.
But not only one incredible appetite lizard will be a problem for her. The problem will be her body. As mentioned above, the weight of "Godzilla" is 90 thousand tons, which is approximately equal to half the reserve of all gold ever produced by humanity.
It is not enough that with the growth of 108 meters the Heart "Godzilla" will not be able, due to earthly attraction, pump a huge amount of blood necessary for the functioning of its body, so also the force of gravity, which will affect his bones, in the literal sense will make it from it Pellet.
Of course, in the ocean, the lizard will feel a little better, because the water will partially support his weight (for the same reason, whales may be so big what they are). However, when "Godzilla" will make a step ashore, then he will create pressure on a solid surface with its paw. Under such weight, its bones will instantly collapse.
And since pain through the nervous system takes place at a speed of about 60 centimeters per second, "Godzilla" will die even until the signal about this pain will go into his brain.
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The cinema screens came out a new fantastic blockbuster "Godzilla", which is a remake of all previous iterations of this franchise. For those who do not know for some reason, "Godzilla" is a giant malicious lizard, which appeared as a result of some scientific experiment, awakened in several decades and crashes everything in its path.

I confess that I have not watched the film yet, and therefore I can make mistake about the plot, but watching the previous variations of "Godzilla", I can be accurately confident that without a few destroyed buildings and turned into damn tanks in a new film will not be accurate.

But today is not about what the film itself is. It's rather about whether it is possible with technical, or rather even a scientific point of view the actual existence of this monster? And thanks to the guys from VSAUCE, we have for this accurate answer.

If you see a video below, you will immediately become clear that the real "Godzilla" would face a much more serious opponent than pathetic people with their ineffective missiles with the laws of physics. But let's start everything in order.

According to the legend, the growth of "Godzilla" is 108.2 meters, and the weight is about 90 thousand tons (imagine a huge cruise liner ... with paws). To feed such a lizard, she will have to consume 215 million calories daily.

And since the total reserve of calorie of the average person is at best about 110 thousand, then "Godzilla" will have to eat about 2,000 people every day. Thanks to a simple mathematics it becomes clear that as a result of this, world human mortality will increase by 1.3 percent.

But not only one incredible appetite lizard will be a problem for her. The problem will be her body. As mentioned above, the weight of "Godzilla" is 90 thousand tons, which is approximately equal to half the reserve of all gold ever produced by humanity.

It is not enough that with the growth of 108 meters the Heart "Godzilla" will not be able, due to earthly attraction, pump a huge amount of blood necessary for the functioning of its body, so also the force of gravity, which will affect his bones, in the literal sense will make it from it Pellet.

Of course, in the ocean, the lizard will feel a little better, because the water will partially support his weight (for the same reason, whales may be so big what they are). However, when "Godzilla" will make a step ashore, then he will create pressure on a solid surface with its paw. Under such weight, its bones will instantly collapse.

And since pain through the nervous system takes place at a speed of about 60 centimeters per second, "Godzilla" will die even until the signal about this pain will go into his brain.

Thanks to the mass of new films and books dedicated to Godzille, the whole world today talks about the mythical monster in the form of a bloodthirsty lizard. At the same time, few people are interested in such an important question - and whether the physical laws of nature allow the emergence of such monsters?

Thanks to the mass of new films and books dedicated to Godzille, the whole world today talks about the mythical monster in the form of a bloodthirsty lizard. At the same time, few people are interested in such an important question - and whether the physical laws of nature allow the emergence of such monsters? Thanks to the small help of scientists, we found the answer to this question.
It turns out, Godzilla in real life could be much more than he looks on the screen in Hollywood horror films. If you take into account the estimated sizes of Godzilla, it would have to consume 215 million calories per day for existence. If we consider that one person contains only 110,000 calories, the monster clearly would not have enough. For full nutrition, Godzille will need to eat up to 2000 people per day. According to the scientist Jack Roper, the daily ration of Godzilla could increase mortality among earthlings for only 1.3 percent per year.
But the issue of the existence of Godzilla is not at all in his wolf appetite - for its nutrition calories on earth enough. The question is different. With a theoretical weight of 90,000 tons, Godzilla could be compared with half gold, mined humanity in the entire history of its existence. In other words, descendants of Godzilla, who climbed out of their underwater kingdom to land, would be crushed by gravity as some kind of bug. So the participation of the military in its destruction may not be needed at all.

We begin a new heading "Character", in which we will tell about real facts from the life of unrealistic characters in the world of cinema and computer games.

Sixty years ago, due to the tests of the hydrogen bomb on the ground, the gigid of unprecedented dimensions of the sizes. Forcing to flinch the very cooling nation in the world, the wrath of nature has caused his crushing blow, destroying Japan and forcing humanity to think about the consequences of his actions. As usual, humanity did not realize anything, and the inhabitant of the prehistoric era will not be awakened again. His name Godzilla is the king of monsters.

The first appearance of a terrible dinosaur mutant was accomplished in the 1954th year, when the film "Godzilla" was released on the screens (Japan's name is Held Hudzir). The name of the monster was not given ababy how, it consists of two words: Gorira (Gorilla) and Kudzira (KIT). Neither on the first nor on the second monster was not originally similar, and something reminded (and reminds) of a really existing dinosaur - Stegosaurus. Although as a lover of paleontology, I can assure, and here the similarity is a small-little head, the ridge on the back and the presence of the second "brain" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis. In addition, the stegosaurus moved on four legs, and our ancient lizard proudly misses two. But we were distracted ... The entire secret of the name of the monster is that such a nickname was one of the workers of the TOHO studio, which was released by the films about the lizard. So, Godzilla does not whale, do not primacy and did not work in the film studio. So who is he?

Gallery Godzilli

The creatures of his type in Japan are called Kaizu, which means "strange beast". There is a whole branch of filmmaking, producing kayizu-films. From the most extreme representatives, it is possible to note the "Pacific Rubber", "Monsters", and "Godzilla" of 2014. According to the story of the first picture, Godzilla - the surviving dinosaur, who was in the hibernation at the bottom of the ocean. Tests of the hydrogen bomb not only awakened a terrible creation, but also entailed his mutation. As a result, Godzilla reached in the growth of the 100-meter mark (in the 2014th film - this is a record mark. In general, the growth changed in every film), began to eat radiation and learned to condense in the spinal crest the destructive energy, which heared, shooting from the mouth Bump of huge power - atomic breathing.

His aggression in relation to Japan is not entirely clear, but considering that Godzilla is a dinosaur mutant, awakened after a centuries-old hibernation, is quite substantiated. I, too, nervous and yell when I do not sleep.

By the way, about the scream. In 1954, he first sounded and later became one of the crown "chips" cry of Godzilla. Cat squeal, crying baby girl, script metal - that only the audience did not hear in this heartbreaking appeal to the battle or victorious cliche. But in fact, everything turned out to be much easier. "Creek" was provoked by a string tool, like a double bass, when someone spent on the strings with hand in the leather glove.

Movies about Godzille are divided into three era:

Syova (1954-1975)

In this era, you can mark four films: the first three and mega crossover.

Godzilla (1954)

The gloomy, harsh first appearance of Godzilla was in the black and white version, but contained a lot of sharp moments, drama and spent a tragic analogy with nuclear weapons. The film became a classic and gave the beginning of the immortal franchise.

Godzilla attacks again (1955)

The second is noticeable by creating a scheme of kayizu-films: the opposition of two monsters. Godzilla had an enemy, and confrontation with him is promoting the destruction of cities. Also in the second film appeared "Easterhouse" - the destruction of the pagoda. In the future, it will be destroyed almost in every film.

King Cong against Godzilla (1962)

Yes! The two greatest monster of the film was met in one film! But that King Kong is not buried by the king of monsters, he had to make pumping. Initially, the growth of King Cong is only eight meters. It was corrected by torn Kong to the sizes of Godzilla.

Next went a series of films, which, as a rule, was called "Godzill against ..." or "... against Godzilla". The name of the next opponent is inserted into place, the name of the next opponent, unfamiliar, but very popular in Japan. The same Motra (Giant Butterfly, the Divine Defender of the Earth) had its series of films before meeting with an ancient lizard. Most films are distinguished by completely insane plots, psychedelic feeding pictures and just delirium patient.

Destroyallmonsters (1968)

Gorgeous completion of the era. The creators gathered together all the monsters who had ever fought Godzilla, and opposed this "pleiad of the stars", the most powerful enemy - a three-headed King Hydow.

On this era, it was possible to complete, but a few more films came out, which were mediocre. For their viewing, you can find out what Godzilla:

- can laugh and talk on the "Language of Monsters";

- very funny dancing;

- Single's touching father, although the divisor;

- visited space;

- Can fly back forward in the embryo position, using atomic breathing as an engine.

Godzilla played a live actor in rubber costumes of varying degrees of terribility. Although the role was epic, but was incredibly severe. The costume did not provide for ventilation (from the stuffing and heat inside the actors fell into fainting), a survey "window" (all scenes were played almost in the blind), and was rather heavy and inconvenient.

Haysey (1984-1995)

After nine and the peace and silence, the monster returns! This era rejects the entire nonsense of the sacrificed, filmed in the first era, leaving only the very first film of 1954.

Return of Godzilla (1984)

Returning the king on the screen, the creators returned and to the original position of things - Godzilla is evil, he has no rival, and therefore people should be trampled. This is the only movie of the era that appeared in American rental.

Godzill against King Hydora (1991)

The film is interesting because it explains the appearance of Godzilla. In addition, the enemy again becomes King Hydora, which is the most important rival of Godzilla. The plot is designed in the style of science fiction, with time flights and evil Americans.

Godzilla against Space Godzilla (1994)

Classic example of "evil reflection." Godzilla cells enter the space and crystallized in a black hole, from where it subsequently gets out "evil copy".

Godzill against the destroyer (1995)

The final film of the Haysei era and, in fact, not completed the franchise in general (although the TOHO studio was not going to stop the production of films of the series. It's all in marketing). The most terrible rival, the most dramatic events and the "final" death of a loved one for many giant.

In this epoch, we learn that:

- Human Heart is a sinor reactor. His overheating brought Godzilla to death;

- Son Godzilla almost died, fighting with the destroyer;

Minille - Son Godzilla

- Godzilla in the prehistoric era was Godzillazavr, a predatory lizard not such gigantic sizes and not shooting. Godzillazavr - a really existed dinosaur, but besides the name, nothing in common with the cinema embodiment. They are not relatives, and Japan can sleep calmly;

- Godzilla is already more turning, but it is still a live actor in a suit. Special effects have become better (for that time).

In the break between the epochs, American greedy people decided to attach their paw to the feeder, and the director Roland Emmerich removed ...

Godzilla (1998)

Sharp, who forced to spit all the fans of the Japanese series. An attempt to give the film for realism and turn the prehistoric "nuclear" lizard in Iguan-overgrowth. There is a pathos in the film in huge quantities, one Jean Reno and a lot of bad actors, a computer scaly troops, surrounding eggs, and a crowd of vocationally, stolen from the "Jurassic Park". In Japan, the film failed, and this is more than obvious. Emmerich wanted to remove the continuation, but Studio ToHO, to the Great Joy of Fans, frightened this fact, selected the rights to the franchise. Although one plus in a pile of continuous minuses was still - the film served to the new era, and the return of the wrath of nature was only a matter of time.

Millennium / Sinsay (1999-2004)

Final at the moment the era of Japanese films about Godzille. In response, Hollywood needed to remove something that the true power of the monster will show, and it will be more serious and frightening.

Godzilla: Millennium (1999)

More science fiction, Godzilla again antigero, designed to destroy and twist. In addition, he had the ability to regenerate. The film contains regular rivals: Millenian and Organiza.

In general, the Epoch is an already familiar opposition to familiar monsters. The quality has improved, terrible computer graphics and dramatic moments have been added. The series began to "exit", and it is time to stop finally ...

Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)

Since the release of the first film was 50 years. Decent age, and the king of monsters is time to rest. But before this you need to survive in the greatest monster side with the times of Destroyallmonsters! All the most famous rivals, new opponents and monsters, have long been in films that did not appear on the same screen. In the tribute of respect in the final, Godzilla is not defeated or killed, and goes to the sea with her son on a well-deserved rest.

In this epoch, we learn that:

- American "Godzilla" (which is actually called just Zill) exists, but he is the weakens of Godzilla's mild rival. Lost the battle for Sydney as soon as possible, without preparing one single atomic exhalation;

- In the films of this era, there are a lot of reference to last films, again in the tribute;

- Despite the past 50 years, Godzilla is still playing live actors.

Caught the greatest battles, and now for 10 years Godzill stays in oblivion. But the king of monsters will never sleep forever!

Epoch Legendary? (2014- ...)

Godzilla (2014)

Restarting the American Series Studio LegendaryPictures and the most epic, in my opinion, the return of Godzilla. Almost 110 meters of growth, 90 tons of mass is truly the greatest monster. This time the film was a success. And most of all, it looks like the very first film about Godzille - a key role is given to people, and Godzilla is only an aggressive severity of nature. Although the film has absorbed and a lot of good from the whole series: there are giant rivals, the image of the king of monsters is taken from the classic series, and not invented from the head. And atomic breathing did not disappear anywhere. It is already known that it is working on the continuation of the film, which means that a new era is born, and 60 years later, Godzilla is alive and ready to hunt!

Sergey Khokhlin

P.S. Japanese Godzilla has his own star on the Walk of Glory in Hollywood.

In the cinema, the client appeals to the box office:
- 2 tickets, please.
- "Godzilla"?
- This is my girlfriend, I will ask her not to insult!

Godzilla. - Japanese monster, live and figuratively awakened by the Americans: the forerunner of the first film served as a "monster with a depth of 20,000 samentes" (USA, 1953), filmed by the story of Ray Bradbury. In this film, as in the first "Godzilla", the monster comes to life as a result of the tests of nuclear weapons. It is necessary to say that post-war Japan was especially sensitive to an atomic topic.
And in March 1954, 23 Japanese fishermen received large doses of irradiation, accidentally swimming in the test area of \u200b\u200bthe American hydrogen bomb. It was this case that had a wide resonance, and served to create the first "Godzilla", which came out on the screens exactly nine months after the ill-fated trials.

1954 "Godzilla"
The prehistoric lizard of Godzilla was revived after testing the hydrogen bomb. It radiates radiation, emits atomic rays out of the mouth and crashes everything in its path. Weapons against him powerless. In the end, the inventor of a mysterious destructive substance, sacrificing himself, descends into the punch and destroys the monster.

On the one hand, Godzilla became the symbol of destructive forces for the Japanese who deliberately or involuntarily release humanity. On the other hand, Godzill personifies both the formidable forces of nature, from which Japan suffers from time immemorial.

1955 "Godzilla attacks again"
Already in the second film, we see typical in the future formula "Godzill against ...": here he opposes another giant lizard - angius. After the victory over him, Godzilla leaves Japan, so that after a while it appears somewhere in the north, on a mountainous, covered with ice island. Military aviation burned him alive under the avalanches of the ice.
The first two films, black and white tapes 1954 and 1955, were distinctly related to the memories of the recent war and nuclear bombing. But gradually the horrors of the past retreated, and the new peaceful life carried a noticeable imprint of American culture.

1962 "King Cong against Godzilla"
In this film, Godzilla covered with overseas King Kong. From now on, the producers bet on a wider audience: at the same time, with the appearance in the frame of the colors, the films about Godzille are becoming more and more mild and entertaining.

Scene, where King Kong "feed" Godzilla in the 2000s became meme.

1964 "Godzill against Motra"
Typhoon threw the Egg of the Giant Butterfly Motor. Soon Godzilla came out of the sea. Then the Motra itself arrived and joined the battle with a lizard, who bit her offspring. In this fight, the Motra dies, but its larvae is immobilized by a dinosaur adhesive cobweb. In the finals, defeated Godzilla falls into the ocean.
The Universe Toho is thick inhabited and has been worked out in detail - the studio has emerged a lot of films dedicated to other gigantic monsters. Some of them subsequently became characteristics of Godzilliad: Rodan, Motra, Manda, Varan, etc. Other, on the contrary, first appeared in the films about Godzilla, and then stalked to solo roles.

1964 "Hydra, three-headed monster"
Starting from this film, the Japanese epic on the atomic dinosaur is enriched with reflexes on the topic of human entry into the cosmic era. Here, Godzilla performs for the first time in a distinct positive role, saving the land from the alien three-chapted dragon Hydeta, who destroying Venus, arrived at our planet. Here for the first time there is an alliance of earth monsters, opposing the aliel: Godzilla, Rodan and Motra (larva).

1965 "Godzill against Monster Zero"
Part of the action takes place in space: Astronauts are sent to the planet X, where they detect the developed civilization, which asks them to lend Earth Monsters Godzilla and Rodan to allegedly to combat the local Monster Zero (King Hydore).
Earthlings attracted by the promised medicine against cancer agree.

1966 "Godzill against maritime monster" In the midst of the Cold War, Godzilla fights with the Communists. He wakes up on the island, where the base of the terrorist organization "Red Bamboo" is located. The terrorists obey another monster: the gigantic shrimp of the Ebian, with which, of course, Godzille will fight.
If I initially, Godzilla did not cause anything other than fear and hatred, then in the film "Godzilla against Monster Zero" a huge lizard becomes partly positive. In this film, the appearance of Godzilla causes a happy smile more than a joyful smile from understanding that something familiar and hotly beloved is present on the screen.

1967 "Son Godzilla"
The action unfolds on a certain remote island. Godzilla protects the suddenly acquired son from other monsters and teaches it to Godzille skills. As a result of the experiment, scientists island covered with tons of snow and ice. Godzilla and the Miniill (son) fall into the hibernation.

1968 "Destroy all monsters"
The action unfolds in the future: 1999. All earthly monsters, including Godzilla, live on the island-reserve allocated for them, where they are guarded and learned. However, insidious aliens zombie monsters and send to the destruction of the largest cities in the world. In the end, the monsters are exempted from under control, and Japanese astronauts manage to destroy the aliens with their own weapons.

1969 "Godzilla, Minillat, Gabara: Attack of All Monsters"

This is the most children's movie epic. And the main character here is not Godzilla, but the young-grandfather Ityiro Miki. He lives in two worlds - the real and world of fantasies, populated monsters. In the end, the knowledge that Itiro received from monsters in their dreams helps the boy get rid of fears and difficulties in real life.

1971 "Godzilla against Hadora"

In 1971, Greenpeace was founded. And in a new film about Godzille, according to the spirit of time, an ecological topic sounds. Microscopic Alien Hador, eating ground waste, grew up in a huge and poisonous marine monster. He is opposed to Godzilla. The weakness of the Hadora is that he cannot do without water. People with Godzilla won Hador, drying it.
The alien from the distant nebula in the constellation of Orion, Hador fell to the ground with the comet passed by. It is capable of shooting acid, has immunity to radiation and atomic beams of Godzilla.

1972 "Godzilla vs Gaigan"

Aliens with a dying planet want to conquer the land. They prepare the coming of the Space Cyborg Gaygan and Dragon King Hydra, who destroy humanity. But the earth monsters of Godzilla and Angius are still nothing.

1973 "Godzill against Megalon"
Residents of the underwater civilization of sitopia, alarmed by nuclear tests in the ocean, are sent to the surface of their insecto-like God of Megalon to destroy humanity. Godzilla and human-like robot Jet Jaguar enters into battle with Megalon, as well as with the Space Cyborg Gaigan who arrived on his profile.

1974 "Godzill against Mechanodzilla"
Fuji's crater comes out the monster, whom he initially take for Godzilla. But he kills the long-standing ally Godzilla angers and destroys everything in its path, sow panic. Soon a real Godzilla appears. It turns out that the impostor is a disguised robot of Mechanodzilla, created by the race of monkey-like aliens. The main battle occurs on Okinawa, where Godzilla helps the ancient deity - King Sizar.
A year-old robot turned out to be an ideal opponent for the person's personification of the nature of Godzilla. In the future, they will have to meet more than once.

1975 "Terror Mechanodzilla"
Here a meager appears again, and the titanosaurus (little similar to a real dinosaur existing with the same name) - they both use all the same monkey-like aliens to enslave humanity. As a result of the failure of this film in Japanese rental of Godzill, almost nine years left in unpaid leave.

How did Godzilla's growth changed
The whole story of Godzilla is traditionally divided into three periods: Sieva (1954-1975), Haysey (1984-1995) and Millennium (1999-2004). They are separated not only by interruptions in the production and change of directors, but also differences in the interpretation of the image of Godzilla, in particular its growth.
In the films of the first period, the appearance of the character changes, but the growth and weight of the monster remains unchanged: 50 meters and 20 thousand tons. Throughout the second period, the growth of Godzilla increases to 80, and then up to 100 meters. At the beginning of the third period, the characteristics return to almost initial, but then from the film for Godzilla's film rapidly growing, rearing 100 meters in the last to this day the film of the epic. In the third period, the appearance of Godzilla varies most often.

1984 "Godzilla"
The restart of Godzilliad returned the monstra initial brutality. This filmmaker, released to the thirtieth anniversary of the franchise, appealed only to the events of the first film itself, ignoring the whole context that has grown later. Godzilla is once again destroying Tokyo. In the final it is lured into the crater of the current volcano.

Despite the technical progress, in all Japanese films the role of Godzilla performs a man in a suit, a doll or a robot. But since the late 1980s, computer processing made movies more realistic.

After Godzilla attacks the Soviet nuclear submarine in the film sounds a wonderful monologue!

1989 "Godzilla vs. Biollant"
Japanese geneticist crossed Godzilla's cells with a rose. The resulting hybrid rose to gigantic sizes - now it is a monster biologist.
But the awakened Godzilla also represents the danger to humanity. The result of the fight: Exhausted Godzilla goes to the bottom, and biologist revolves around the Earth in the form of a huge space rose.

1991 "Godzill against King Hydra"
Thanks to the goats of people from the future traveling on the time of time there, Japan threatens the three-liter dragon King Hydora. If it were not for Godzill, it would not have impaired humanity. But Tokyo is once again destroyed. And now it is necessary to somehow stop Godzilla. For this, from the future send Cyborg Speagidor. Crazy, giants go to the bottom. The outcome of the battle is unclear.

1992 "Godzill against Motra: Battle for Earth"
Godzilla is opposed by two giant butterflies: Motra and Battra. Motra is a deity guarding Earth, and the Battra is an evil product of prehistoric scientists. Once, even before the flood, Motra won the batter. But now they awakened again. Battra attacked Japan. Soon Motra and Godzilla arrive. All three begin to beat with each other.

1993 "Godzill against Mechanodzilla-2"
The remains of Mechanidors, defeated two films back, raised from the bottom.
Of these, a 120-meter-controlled mechanical pilot was built to continue to fight.

1994 "Godzilla against Space Godzilla"
Godzilla cells, listed in space, passed through a black hole and spawned a space monster, which is approaching the Earth.
Meanwhile, in Japan, a huge moguera fighting robot was created. His goal is to destroy Godzilla. But Godzilla has other plans.

1995 "Godzill against the destroyer"
Godzilla attacks Hong Kong. His heart is a nuclear reactor, which is about to explode from overheating. Meanwhile, an evil monster is a malicious monster from prehistoric microorganisms.
The destroyer kills the son of Godzilla. Godzilla wins the destroyer, but he is reborn again and again. After the final victory, Godzilla is still melted from overheating. And the son of Godzilla resurrect, having received the energy of the father.
"Godzilla against the destroyer" completes the cycle of Haysey, started in 1984. Toho film company did not plan to make films about Godzille until 2004 (50th anniversary of the franchise). However, these plans had to be reconsidered after the yield of Roland Emmerich.

1998 "Godzilla"
The first American full-length film about the Japanese monster. Of course, in him Godzilla destroys not Tokyo, but New York. The US Army, as usual in American films, successfully eliminates the monster.
Despite the cash success, critics defeated the film. Particularly offended by the admirers of Japanese Godzilla. All this was the reason that the TOHO film company launched a new year of Godzilliad in a year.

1999 "Godzilla: Millennium"
Godzill is again alive, goes in Japan, destroying the power plant, - it is thus recharged. Meanwhile, from the ocean pops up the rock of alien origin. Later, she takes off and attack Godzilla from the air - it turned out that this is a flying sack of aliens.
It is connected to the supercomputer in Tokyo and starts to pump out information. The purpose of the aliens is to change the atmosphere of the Earth. After receiving samples of Godzilla cells, they create a monster Org. By destroying the plate and Org, Godzilla continues to destroy Tokyo.

2000 "Godzill against Megagirus"
The black hole created by scientists caused the curvature of the space of time, which is why meter prehistoric dragonflies.
They transmit the reserve of their energy to a huge uterus - a megagirus, which lies at the bottom of the ocean. Megagirus takes off and attacks Godzilla, this can be defeated by megastrekosis. Scientists shoot a black hole in Godzilla.

2001 "Godzilla, Motra, King Hydora: Monsters attack"
Godzilla consistently plunges Baragona, then motor and hydraulic. After that, the military finish and Godzilla. In agony, he rupts himself into parts, but his huge heart continues to beat at the bottom of the ocean.

2002 "Godzill against Mechanodzilla-3"
Based on the skeleton of the first Godzilla killed in 1954, scientists and military create Cyborg Kyrus (new mechanology). The robot must fight the legendary monster.

2003 "Godzilla, Motra, Mechanodzilla: Save Tokyo"
Kiryary is restored, and at the bottom of the ocean again awakened Godzilla. At the same time, Motra invades the airspace in Japan. She demands from people to destroy Kyrius, promising that it will defend them from Godzilla.

2004 "Godzilla: final wars"
The largest cities of the world are attacked by monsters, which were taken under the control of aliens. They are opposed to the forces of protection of the Earth (a special detachment to combat monsters) and Godzilla, on which the authorities of the aliens do not apply.
The film is notable in that it appears almost all the Monsters of the Toho Universe. He received mixed critics reviews and could not recoup his budget - $ 19.5 million, the largest Japanese film about Godzille.

2016 "Godzilla: Revival"
For the second time after the deafening-wretched Hollywood attempt to create his own, the American version of Godzilla, Japan and Studio Toko are forced in the literal sense to resurrect the king of monsters, restoring his image in the history of the cinema. The next reboot of the franchise was decided to make bold, bold and practically copyrighted, inviting Ano's director of Hydeak (the one who was the creator of the series "Neon Genesis Evangelion".)
It turned out that in the modern world of the movie is called the term "art-batter", combining clear deep author's thoughts with an abundance of the currency in the frame of special effects and a common scale of the picture. Moreover, they must remain like the director's fans, and people are completely unfamiliar with his work, moreover, perhaps, even among those who do not like his anime activity, the enthusiastic exclamations should be found about the new Kaizhu-painting.

What Godzilla dinosaur
The word "Godzilla" - a Latinized Japanese "Human", which, in turn, is a hybrid of the words "Gorir" (Gorilla) and "Kudzira" (KIT).
Thus, the name is reflected by the power of the huge monkey and the marine origin of the monster - although the deportation of the Japanese film studio TOHO is more like a giant lizard, a dinosaur than mentioned mammals.