Man in the shero's life case. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in a case": who are such cases and what they are characterized by

Man in the shero's life case. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in a case": who are such cases and what they are characterized by

Topic " case person"You can rightly consider it through Czech's work. The first step in the disclosure of this topic the writer does back in his early work "Teacher of Literature", but in 1898 there are three stories, the so-called "small trilogy", which can be combined into a cycle based on their total issues.
The most grotesque painting of the "case" author gives the author in the first story of the trilogy, where the topic is already claimed in the title. Czechs draws a clearly extended image that is a fiction public phenomenon that time. So, Belikov appears before us - a person with a very interesting and even "wonderful" character and habits: "In very good weather," he "went out in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed also in the case, since he hid it all the time in the raised gate. " It is not by chance that the author pays special attention to the portrait of the hero. He strives with the help of the characteristics of life, the costume of Belikova to reveal his soul, inner world, show his true face.
So, already from portrait description We see the teacher greek Completely burned out of living life, tightly locked in his "case" Mirka, who seemed better than genuine him. The case "envelops" the brain, controls the thoughts of the hero, suppressing positive principles. Thus, it deprives all the human, living, turns into a mechanical machine of rules and circulars.
But the worst thing is that these rules and prejudice, he imposes to the whole world around, in which it is all the goals and achieved only if necessary. Unevennaya with his caution, Belikov puts on people, makes them fear: "Our teachers people are all thinking, deeply decent, brought up on Turgenev and Shchedrine, but this little man who went to the Kalosh and with an umbrella, held all the gymnasium of the whole fifteen in his hands years! What is the gymnasium? The whole city!" Developing the thought of Chekhov, we understand that the "case" is the generalized image of all Russia with his state regime. New turn In understanding the problem makes the image of the Maur. Darkness and ignorance of people from the people are also a "case" covering all the big sides of life.
But the trends of the new time penetrate the city. Independent, free personalities appear (Kovalenko, his sister), opening with the merciless force of a "suffocating atmosphere" of such a lifetime. They find the key to solving the problem, which is concluded in the main phrase of the work: "No, it is not so impossible to live!" Indeed, with the arrival of such people, Belikov's domination ends. He is dying. But it seems that the hero is for this and lived, finally he reached his ideal: "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even fun, rightly he was glad that he finally put him in the case From which he will never come out. " Yes, Belikov died, but "how many more such men in the case remained, how many more of them!". During the funeral, there was rainy weather and all the gymnasium teachers "were in caloes and with umbrellas," as if continuing the tradition of the deceased.
What is waiting for people leading "case" lifestyle? Of course, inevitable loneliness, which is worse than anything in the world.
But what helped the author to create such an original grotesque image, which for a long time is remembered by the reader? Of course, these are various artistic fine-expressive means.
Interested in a life, a suit suit, the writer gives a complete, deployed characteristic of his nature, draws an accurate portrait of his soul. For such a description of Czechs uses complex syntactic designs with large quantity Uniform members expanding the panorama of reality.
The phonetic composition of the work is striking by its diversity. But we note that the sound "O" (Assonance) is often found, which also conveys the closure of the life of the hero coming in a circle, its remoteness from the world.
Many items of Belikov are symbolic. So, cover, glasses, helos and umbrella are the indispensable attributes of the "case" existence of a person. It is not by chance that the story begins and ends with their mention.
The lexical composition of the story also surprises us with their wealth. It meets both commonly used and outdated words ("Motor", "Fuffyka", "Danger", etc.), which convey the situation of the era.
I would like to note that in the most important thing key phrase The works occurs inversion: "More Live is impossible." She, as it were, attracts the attention of the reader to these words, makes you think about their deep meaning.
Chekhov's language is distinguished by special ability, emotionality and at the same time simplicity, which makes his stories available and understandable.
The subtleties of the author's skill are striking us upon the first reading of the story, we offer the true idea of \u200b\u200bhis works.
It seems to me that the problem affects Czechs in the story "Man in a case" will always be relevant. The writer warns about the danger of sorting workers, everyday vulgarity. It is imperceptible for himself everyone can get into the "case" of own prejudices, having stopped thinking and reflecting, search and doubt. And it is really scary, as it leads to the spiritual devastation and degradation of the person.

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To the question of what Belikov died? Posted by the author Ilya Kozhanov The best answer is "Man in a case." The teacher of the Greek language of Belikov appears in front of the reader a surprisingly unpleasant type. He is disgusting both by itself and in all its manifestations. It turns out that "this little man who walked always in the galosh and with an umbrella, held the entire gymnasium of the whole fifteen years." Belikov is absolutely alien respect for others, love, compassion. He lives in his closed Mirka among the circulars and the rules, unknown by whom written. Belikov is completely badless, despite the fact that, being a teacher of gymnasium, can be considered educated person. Even myself does not regret the case in the case. He puts many restrictions in his own life.
The author speaks of this as follows: "And at home the same story: a bathrobe, a cap, shutters, valves, a number of all prohibitions, restrictions, and - ah, however, what happens! Lenten is harmful, it is impossible for a moment, since, perhaps, they will say that Belikov does not fulfill posts, and he ate perch on the cow's oil - food is not lean, but also cannot be said to be rapid. "
Even such trifles draw a very colorful image of a person in a case. He is completely unnatural, from drows out all the natural manifestations of his soul. He is ruthless to others if their behavior does not correspond to one or another established rules and circulars. It is low, capable of meanness and does not cause any pity, nor sympathy.
Interesting relations Belikov and Varenki. At first glance it seems as if in the soul of a person in a case showed at least some kind of human weaknesses And feelings. But it was not there. The episode, when Belikov saw a bike jam, showed the true nature of a person in a case. He is not able to forgive any inconsistency of the rules to everyone around, and Varnka is no exception. Naturally, Belikov is outraged by the fact that the girl rides a bike. Although if you think about it, there is absolutely nothing reprehensible. Everyone is free to dispose own life And to do what he considers it necessary, and such a trifle as cycling, and does not deserve so close attention and serious resonance.
True, Belikov has a different opinion about this "Incidents". He seeks to submit everything around the established rules, and any inconsistency will plunge it into shock. Why did Belikov died? He died of shock, because he had to face something out of a row. Belikov turned out to be humiliated, extractable, and then also Oszyan. The death of Belikov caused the surrounding deep relief. They felt freely, truth, for a short time.
In the final story, the reader was proposed by the author's thought about how commonly the notorious "case" in the surrounding life happens: "But isn't the fact that we live in the city in a stuff, in the crash, write unnecessary papers, playing the screw - isn't it a case ? And the fact that we spend the whole life among idlers, soutaig, stupid, idle women, speak and listen to different nonsense, - isn't it a case? ".
We have to admit that a person is very difficult to influence the borders of this very "case". And life is imperative, illegal, turns into gray and worthless stagnation. Chekhov's story "Man in a case" shows how strong the vulgarity is hindering a person to think and act as his soul thirsty. But nevertheless, such an event in the story, as the death of Belikov, indicates that it is still possible to cope with vulgarity. Human only requires a small effort that can turn everything around. For example, in this storyin order to cope with Belikov, it was enough to laugh at him, not afraid to show true feelings

Belikov - the hero of the story of A.P.hekhov "Man in the case" (1898), teacher of the Greek language. The image B. became a symbol of the fear of life, the personification of the sacramental "how would not happen." Not having a name-personal name, he is one of the gallery of Chekhov's "nonhumands" (Zhmukhin from "Pecheneg", or Unter Perebyeev).
B. "Always, even in very good weather, went out in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case and watches in a case of gray suede, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in a shell; and the face seemed also in the case ... he wore sunglasses, Fufayka, the ears laid by cotton, and when he sat on the cabin, he ordered to raise the top. " But B. is not just a person with faders - his caution is aggressive, all new, unusual, generally outstanding, causes his fear and persistent opposition. His colleagues do not have the courage to "dismiss", hate, but obey: according to his poisoning, they drive out "dubious" gymnasists, to suffer from his painful visits. B. Terrible, not ridiculous, in this image there are obvious signs of a demonic principle. His death remotely resembles the story of Chekhov "Death of the Officer" (1883), whose hero also dies from shocks. But the famous face of worms - trifle, insignificance. B. - Kolossa forever frozen, eternal dogma - dies, because they collapsed the most foundations of his "Case World": the bride rides a bike, from the house where he came to explain on this occasion, they threw, speaking unheard of rustic, and to top it all - Demon - ridiculous. The unrestrained "ha ha ha" Varniki Kovalenko, happily avoided marriage with this man, "everything was completed: and the walling, and the earthly existence of Belikov."

On the movie screen, the image B. embodied N.P. Chmelev in the film 1939

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When I try to imagine Belikova, I see the little man, locked in a close little black box. A man in a case ... What a seemingly strange expression, and how accurately it reflects the human essence.

And the most interesting thing that this little man is not trying to escape from the surrounding walls, he is good there, cozy, calmly, he is fenced off from around the world, terrible worldmaking people to suffer, suffer, putting them in front complex problemsTo solve which it is necessary to possess a certain determination, prudence.

Chekhov draws a person who does not need this world, he has his own that seems to him better. Everything is clothed in the case, covered with them inside, and outside. Recall the Belikov looked: even "in very good weather" he "walked in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton." And the umbrella, and his clock was in the case, even "... The face seemed also to be in the case, since he hid him all the time in the raised collar." Belikov always wore "dark glasses, a fufayka, the ears laid by cotton and when he sat on the cabin, then ordered to raise the top." That is, the desire to go into the case gave itself to know always and everywhere.

He always praised the past and something that was never ", but the real disgust caused him. And his thinking? It is also closed, stitched. He even hid his idea in the case. "For him, only circulars and newspaper articles were clear, in which something forbidden." Why? Yes, because in the ban everything is clear, definitely, it is clear. All in the case, nothing can not! That's it ideal life In the understanding of Belikov.

It would seem that you live in your case, please live and farther. But there was no Belikov. Its chains, rules chains, unquestioned subordination, true love He imposes to everyone who surrounds.

He oppresses all incredible caution, case considerations, presses people, as if enveloping them with his dark cover. Belikov against the whole new, bright, constantly fears, how much would not happen, no matter how it came to the bosses! The case "covers" his brain, suppressing positive emotions to the root. This "black case" does not withstand bright light, Therefore, all, even the most innocent, but not put on the entertainment circular.

Belikov is aware of working in the team that it would be necessary to maintain relationships with colleagues, and therefore it tries to show a friendly friendly, to be a good comrade. This, of course, is fine, but what are these feelings find expression? He comes to someone to visit, quietly sits in the corner and silent, thereby he thinks by performing the debt of a real comrade.

Naturally, no one loves this timby "gray mouse", and love is not waiting for him. But even in such a person some feelings wake up, albeit very weak, it can be said, "still in the very germ", but they are.

And these feelings arise in relation to Varvar Savvishna Kovalenko, sister of a new history teacher and geography. But here Belikov "hides their head in the sand" - all delete, check. "Barbara Savvishna I like ... And I know, you need to marry every person, but ... all this, you know, somehow happened suddenly ... you need to think."

Even the wedding in Belikova should be strictly "regulated", and then '"marry, and then, that's good, you will get into some story." Take the responsible decision Belikov is very difficult. He needs to prepare for a long time, gather, and there, you look, and the problem will decide by itself, everything will be quiet again and calmly.

In addition, Belikov is very touchy, wounded. Maybe because so cautious? Recall how caricature acts on him is that he is experiencing when Varya sees him falling from the stairs. These shocks break through the case, and for Belikov it is equivalent to death in the literal sense of the word.

When Belikov dies, it seems that it was for this moment that he lived. "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even fun, rightly he was glad that he finally put him in the case, from which he would never come out."

Yes, Belikov will not work; But how many such men in the case remained, how many more will be!

Perhaps there will be a lot of them.

But let's try to think about what a person leads the case in old age is waiting for a person. After all, probably at the end life path It is necessary that not

In vain lived in this world, you need someone who would take care of you, gave, so to speak, "Wilders get drunk."

And if a person lived in a case, a case "without windows, without doors", what awaits him? Loneliness, I think, and the reluctance of others to accept, in his fate any participation. And loneliness is scary, even for those covered with a cover with legs to head.

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Belikov's flight from life (analysis of the story A. P. Chekhov "Man in the case")

Man in a case

(Story, 1898)

Belikov - the main character, Gymnasic teacher of the Greek language. About him tells veterinary doctor Ivan Ivanovich Chimshe-Himalayan teacher of gymnasium Burkin. At the beginning of the story he gives complete characteristic W.: "He was wonderful by the fact that he was always, even in very good weather, went out in caloes and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed also in the case, since he hid him all the time into the raised collar. He wore dark glasses, a fuchku, the ears laid by cotton, and when he sat down at the cabin, he ordered to raise the top. In a word, this person had a permanent and insurmountable desire to surround himself with a shell, create a case, so to speak, who would quit him would protect him from external influences. The reality annoyed him, frightened, kept in a constant alert, and, perhaps, in order to justify this sorty, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and what was never happening; And the ancients, which he taught, were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where he was hiding from the actual life. "

The main fear of B. is "how would not happen." Any retreat OT. received rules leads him to despondency and anxiety. His fear is not only existential, but also social character - it is afraid, no matter how it came to the bosses. Despite his imperceptibility and grayness, B., according to Burkina, "held in his hands." Not only gymnasium, but also the whole city, where under his influence "they began to be afraid of everything." A case metaphor, faster all the new details of the Belikovsky fear of life, is deployed throughout the entire narrative.

With the appearance in the city of the new teacher of the history and geography of Mikhail Savvich Kovalenko and his sisters Varenka, who unexpectedly exploring B. Location, society decides to marry her hero. He is convinced that the marriage step is serious that it is necessary to marry, and B.

agrees, however, thoughts about marrying it in the exhaustive alarm, so he loses weight, pale and even deeper goes into his case. It is embarrassed above all the "strange way of thinking" of his possible bride and her brother. He walks a lot with a vamraka and often goes to visit them, but with a proposal pulls. Once B. sees] Her with a brother riding on bicycles, and this leads it to a tear. He goes to Kovalenko, who hates him, and "as a senior comrade", warns: such a fun like a bike ride, "is completely indecent for a booster of youth." In addition, he warns a colleague, which will have to report on the conversation director of the gymnasium. In response, Kovalenko declares that he does not like fiscal, and B. is descending from the stairs. After all the happening hero is falling and in a month dies. Burkin summarizes: "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even) fun, for sure he was glad that he finally put him in the case, from which he will never come out."

The image of B. - "man in a case", the figures of the comic, almost caricature, but also expressing the tragedy of life, became nominative during the life of Chekhov.