As you belong to Belikov, the people around him. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in the case": who are such people and what are they characterized? Several interesting writings

As you belong to Belikov, the people around him. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov
As you belong to Belikov, the people around him. The image of Belikov in the work of Chekhov "Man in the case": who are such people and what are they characterized? Several interesting writings

Arkady Strugatsky, senior of the famous tandem, was born in Batumi, August 28, 1925. Parents of the brothers were bright representatives of the creative intelligentsia: the mother is a teacher, and the Father is art historian. In Leningrad, eight years later, (April 15, 1933), Boris was born - the second half of the Creative Unit "Brothers Strugatsky".

Pen samples each of them made it separately. The first story of young Arcadia, alas, was lost during the blockade. The story called "How Kang", who was written in 1946, waited only in 2001.

By the 50s, it is attached to literary exercises and Boris, but the most impressive success of the brothers achieved all the same as co-authors. Their first common story, called "Out," was printed in the magazine "Technique-Youth" in 1958. Later this work was developed to the scale of the story.

Started at the dispute with his wife Arkady Strugatsky The first serious joint book of the brothers is coming out in 1959 - this is the "Country of Bagrov Tuch". Cautors form their own style, recognizable, the characteristic problem of their creativity appears.

Listed the iconic, which provided an incredible effect on the minds of contemporaries and the descendants of the piece of Strugatsky for a long time. Among them - both "predatory things of the century", expressively showing the choice between a very bad and bad option in 1965. And "Monday begins on Saturday" - a book that inspired the creation of the film "Wizards".

A huge success in the audience did not provide Strugatsky to a comfortable life: they began to infringe the Soviet censorship, in the 70s for them it becomes almost closed way to print. For the "Troika Troika" Close the magazine "Angara", the publication is not allowed "snail on the slope", and in the original text of the "inhabitable island" censors made almost a thousand edits.

A healthy censors were both a "picnic on the side of the sideline", which was based on the brothers then created the scenario for the film "Stalker" Tarkovsky. The composition of the "Chrome of Fate" is very interesting - the books of a very autobiographical, the main character of which even received the authorship of another masterpiece of Strugatsky - the story of "shy swans". In 1990, the last Piez Strugatsky was published - "Jews in St. Petersburg".

In 1991, Arkady dies, and Boris continues writer's activities under the pseudonym S. Vititsky - he creates two more beautiful books. On November 19, 2012, the second brother died.

Who are such cases? They surround us everywhere, but few people guess that they can be characterized by just such an interesting term. Because not everyone read the famous story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who was called - "man in a case". It was this Russian prosaik-playwright for the first time in history offered such a type of personality. However, about everything in order.

Visual image

The one who is familiar with knows how rich in the world of his works on human types. Who is just not found in his stories! And conscientious personalities who are not satisfied with public laws and by themselves, and inconsolaptors, and noble dreamers, and appointment officials. And the images of "case" people are also found. In particular, in the story mentioned above.

In the center of the plot of "man in a case" - a teacher of the gymnasium on the name of Belikov. Teaching Greek - has long ceased to be someone necessary. He is very strange. Even if the sun on the street - he dresses galoshes, a warm cotton coat with a high collar and takes an umbrella. Mandatory "Accessory" - Dark glasses. Ears he always lays cotton. Rides on the cab, with always raised top. And Belikova has everything stored in the covers - an umbrella, a clock, and even the perochny knife.

But it is only an image. It would seem that the description only says that a man is neat and prudent, maybe a little more pedantic. But there is no wonder that in the external manifestation reflects the internal state of the person. And indeed it is.

Personal character

Examples of "case" people encountered in life are reflected in Belikov. It is a kind of mixture of sociopathic, paranoid and introvert. All the lives he is afraid. He is as follows: "No matter what happened." He comes to everything that surrounds him, applies with caution and fear. Belikov is not able to think freely, since each of his idea is in the "case".

And okay, if so he was in society. But even at home he behaves similarly! Dress up in a long bathrobe and cap, shutters on the windows tightly locks, snatching the valves. The bed is with a canopy, and when Belikov falls into her - it is covered with a blanket with his head.

Naturally, he keeps all posts, and does not start a female servant - fearing that others will suspect in relations with them. Belikov is the most real hermit. Which, in the literal sense of the word, is afraid to live.


Naturally, such a lifestyle that Belikov leads, can not affect anything. Who are such cases? These are the most real hermals who believe that they live quite well, unlike the rest. This is manifested in Chekhov's hero.

At one point he meets Varnika - a girl who is the sister of a new teacher of geography and history. She exists an unexpected interest in Belikov. Which society begins to decline to marry it. He agrees, despite the fact that his thoughts about marriage oppress him and disturb. Belikov lose weight, pale, it becomes even more nervous and fearful. And the first thing that worries him the strongest is the lifestyle of the "Bride".

Who are such cases? Those who do not understand others by virtue of their abundance. Varenka loves to ride a bike with brother. And Belikov is confident that this is quite ordinary passion is not normal! Because it is necessary to ride a bike to someone who teaches the history of young people. And a woman on this vehicle and does not look at all. Belikov was not ashamed to lay out his thoughts to Brother Varenki, who cannot tolerate. And threatened to report his enthusiasm to the director of the gymnasium. In response, Brother Varniki lowered Belikov from the stairs. What is the result? Belikov is ill - from stress, he does not let the thoughts that someone knows about his shame. And in a month dies. This is the end.

The basic idea

Well, who are such case people - on the example of Belikov can be understood. And the idea, in principle, Chekhov wanted to convey simple. Proser tried to convey to readers - "closed" from society Life only cripples a human soul. You can not be outside the rest. We are all members of a single society. Everything that the man myself was impressed by himself, set up - only hesgate him from life. From reality paints filled with paints. And indeed it is. Spiritual misery only limits human existence. What and reflects Chekhov in this story.


The XXI century man who read Chekhov knows what people are called case. And he is able to recognize them among the others. Now they are called introverts. These are people, the mental warehouse of which is characterized by concentration for contemplation, closetness and concentration in its own inner world. They are not inclined to communicate with the rest of people - it is difficult for them to establish contact with anyone.

However, in order to understand the essence of this term, it is enough to consult etymology. "Introvet" is the word that occurred from German Introvertiert. What is literally translated as "facing inside."

Little man in the case: Sanidrome Bashmachkina-Belikova

From Gogol Bashmachkina, various lines of literary continuity are conducted. One way? - moral and religious climbing from a little man to the prince of Myshkin. Another way? - From the meek correspondence to the Chekhovsky "man in a case".

If the story N.V. Gogol "Shinel" (1842) opens the age of the great Russian realism, then the story of A.P. Chekhov "Man in a case" (1898) to a certain extent summarizes this century. The similarity of two characters is striking, although there should be nothing in common between them. Akaki Bashmachkin is unhappy and offended, and Chekhov's Belikov, on the contrary, keeps all local society in fear. But the basis of both types is some kind of "smallness", expressed and physical appearance, and a decreasing suffix in both surnames. Bashmushkin? - "low growth, somewhat rippled, somewhat reddish, somewhat even in the view of the sight of ..." (W, 114) 69. Belikov? - "Little, rigorous" (ChF, 285), wears sunglasses and constantly hiding the face into the collar. And their appearance, and lifestyle? - Sermost, spray, colorlessness, fearness, alienation from all surrounding reality. Both are trying to hide in another, sterile-distracted world, as in the case, roaring them from modernity. Both were not yet born on the world, did not enter the real, adult life, and therefore the main concern and theme of their existence are the secondary maternal womb? - Shinel, a case that would protect them from climatic and other transformations of the outside world.

Both are led by the abstine, almost monastic lifestyle, closing, as in the cell, in the ideal world of entities, eternal and clean, like platonic ideas. For Akakia Akakievich is the letters to which it serves as a copyist. "Outside this rewriting, it seemed, nothing existed for him .... None in his life did not pay attention to what was being done and every day on the street ... "(Sh, 117). And Belikov finds himself a refuge in ancient Greek. "Reality annoyed him, frightened, kept in a constant alert, and, perhaps, in order to justify this sobility, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and what was never happening; And the ancients, which he taught, were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where he was hiding from the actual life "(ChF, 281). Both heroes change the world of people to the world of signs, emitted from all everyday, and find almost sensual delights in them. In the description of Belikov, it is possible to note the almost literal similarity with shoes, as if Chekhov occasionally looked into the Gogol text. "Oh, how beautiful is the Greek Language!?" He said [Belikov] with a sweet expression; And, as if in the proof of his words, she squinted his eyes and, lifting the finger, said :? - Anthropos! " This is a variation on the topic "Shinels": "There, in this rewriting, he saw some kind of diverse and pleasant world. Delight was expressed on his face; Some letters, he had favorites, to whom, if he got, he was not his own: and he was frightened, and wink, and helped her lips ... "(Sh, 116). Bashmachkina "pleasure was expressed" on the face? - Belikov spoke "with a sweet expression." They lack words? "And they pass their delight gestures: Bashmachkin" wink and helped her lips ", Belikov" squinted his eyes "and" raised his finger. "

Based on both works lies and a similar subject motive, expressed by the title themselves? - "Shinel" and "Man in the case". The case in the form of a Bashmachkin coin or Belikovsky warm coat on the cotton and physically, and symbolically protects the heroes from the frightening world. Both creatures are extremely uncommunicative, asocial. Hence, the silence and Kosonazchi Bashmachkina, who usually "did not answer a single word" on the ridicule of others, but if he was spoken by necessity, "such particles that constantly have no meaning" (W, 121). Belikov, as a teacher of the gymnasium, is expressed smoothly, but prefers to be silent, acting on the surrounding. "He comes to the teacher, he will silent and silent ... Sit Edak, silently, an hour or left and go ... to go to us and sit hard for him ..." (ChF, 282).

And Bashmachkina, and Belikov is heavier than anything is given to communication with people. "No one could say that someday saw his [Bashmachkina] on some evening" (W, 118); "... it was seen that a crowded gymnasium, in which he walked, was terrible, it was opposed to all of him and what to go next to me, a person in nature is lonely, it was hard" (ChF, 283). In both cases, we are talking about the severe form of sociophobia. This fear of society, fear of raising friendly, love, family, whatever human relationships. A lot of "small" people all over the world will suffer from this ailment who want only one thing? - Get into your case (for example, in the United States to this group owns 13% of the population). In the old days, such a complex was called Mizantropy, so the word "Anthropos", sweetly pronounced by Misanthropes Belikov, sounds in his mouth as Chekhov's mock.

Sociophobia includes a number of additional phobias: ENOGLOFUS? - Fear of the crowd, agoraphobia? - Fear of open or crowded spaces, heterophobia? - The fear of the venosity of the opposite sex. Belikova "Even and imagined could not be married." All his being is so cullless and inconsistency that he does not even occur in the head, "how in general it treats a woman, as he decides for himself this urgent question" (ChF, 285) about Bashmachkina and there is nothing to say: the only girlfriend who agreed to go through With him a life path, there was still the same sinel. Only for old age (he already already sees Bashmachkin for the first time? - Only in the picture? - Nude female leg, while smiling "how things are not familiar at all, but about which, but still, every person is kept then flair "(sh, 129). Collectants laugh at shoes, asking when his wedding will be held with an apartment hostess, seventy old old (W, 115). Belikov is generally female servants, he does not hold out of fear, so that they did not think bad. So the diagnosis of "sociophobia" and "heterophobia" can be supplied by both characters without much difficulty.

It is significant that the Chekhov story opens the history of the village Maur, which sits behind the oven for years and only at night goes to the street. Such a lovelyazin is explained by the narrator Burkin as a mental surlerness, atavism. "People, lonely by nature, who, like cancer-hermit or snail, try to go to their shell, a lot in this world. Perhaps here is the phenomenon of atavism, return by the time the ancestor of man was not still a public animal and lived alone in his berry ... "(ChF, 280-281) 70.

It would seem like a maura, quite a fearful, who clogged into your corner, you can only sympathize. Yes, and Belikov himself has pity. "- What are the bad, evil people!?" He said, and his lips trembled. I even had a sorry for him. "(ChF, 288). This "quiet complaint" Belikova echoes the famous "humane place" "Shinels", with the exclamation of Bashmachkina: "Leave me why you are offended by me? .. It was heard something that adhesion on pity ..." (W, 116). This is "pitiful"? - Bashmushkhansky in Belikov: It is difficult for them in this life, and even when they themselves inspire fear, they do not cease to be afraid.

But the point is that this "Atavism" tends to revive not only as a pathological line of personality, but also as a sociopathy of a society, which suddenly flows into Loudoboyazn. At the same time, two types of sociophobia should be distinguished: purely suffering? - and active, even aggressive. The paradox is that sociophobes, although they are trying to avoid communication, at the same time they can be socially active. They bring their own fear of society into the society itself, decomposing it from the inside, encouraging people to be afraid of each other. Little, timid, miserable Belikov, who is constantly afraid of "no matter what happened," acquires magical power over the city. "... This little man who walked in Kalosh and with an umbrella, held all the gymnasium of the whole fifteen in his hands! What is the gymnasium? The whole city…. Under the influence of people like Belikov, over the past ten? - Fifteen years in our city began to be afraid of everything. They are afraid to talk loudly, send letters, get acquainted, read books, are afraid to help the poor, learn literacy ... "(ChF, 282-283). Unlike Maur, which hides from people behind the oven, Belikov is not only clogged into their case, but also drives others into it.

The stories of two shine, or cinema, people unfold in parallel. Both have long been true to their ascetic and "minimal" lifestyle? - Bashmachkina is already in fifty, Belikov far beyond forty, and they are still shipped into their ink paper or ancient Greek. And only when each of them decided to acquire a "girlfriend of life", one in the form of all the same sinels, the other in the face of singement and the laugant Varenka ,? - with them a sudden and rapid cataclysm occurs. Exit to secular life, visit the party or theater brings these people from equilibrium and confronted with unknown forces. Akakia Akakiyevich's night robbery, suddenly having lost his newlywed, his overcoat, echoes the scene, when Belikov closed to the sweet marriage missiles expelled from the bride's house? - Fiasco suffers that "everything ended: and the walling and earthly existence of Belikov" (ChF, 291 ).

Note that the characters of another physical scale, embodying a strong male beginning rise between our small people and items of their desires. "" But my tire is my! "?" Said one of them with a thunder voice, grabbed him for the collar. Akaki Akakievich wanted to scream "Karaul", as the other attached him to his mouth his head with a bunch of his head ... "(W, 131). Kovalenko, who took his sister Varniku from Belikov, looks outwardly on these robbers, who took the sinel from Bashmachkina: "With huge hands, and in the face it is clear that he says to Bas, and in fact, a voice like a barrel: bu-boo ... "(ChF, 284). Key details match again: "Thunder voice? -" Says Bas, a voice from a barrel "; "Fist magnitude with head"? - "huge hands."

Another figure "Sintels" of the same superior row? - "Significant face." The general grows onto the Bashkachkina nagu and increases the voice to such an extent that the measurement, shook and immediately fell in place, if it was not picked up the guard. "As the staircase came down, as I went out into the street, I didn't remember anything Akaki Akakievich. He did not hear any hands or legs.<…> ... he got home ... all swollen and run down in bed "(W, 136). And Belikov did not even go down the stairs, but he was launched from her angry Kovalenko and thundered on it with all his glasses and caloes. "He did not hear what Varnik said, and did not see anything. Returning to my home, he first of all removed the portrait from the table, and then lay down and no longer got up "(ChF, 291).

Almost the same ending of both stories and life paths of heroes: Go down to the stairs, to go home, keep in bed and no longer get up? - Once again, it emphasizes the similarity of two plots:

- Empty, disadvantageous life of a small man, waslated only by one "iconic" enthusiasm "not from this world";

- an attempt to go out and become "like all people";

- How to revenge for this treason to his vocation, instant shock and death, whose culprits are "strong", "big" people.

True, it is necessary to remember that in the epilogue of "Sineli" Bashmushkina waited for the coffin of another, the restless fate of ghost, the hunter for other people's shells, who visited the city. Already Gogol was killed by a demonic in the form of the humble Bashmachkina, and the theme of the Devil's temptation, personified "one-eyed feature", tailor Petrovich, passes through the entire story, crowned with an epilogue, where all the "Life of a small man" turns into antique, detects its infernal offline. But what about Gogol? "- a fantastic parable about the poor official, imperceptibly for myself (and partly the reader) in the romantic intercourse with the devil, Chekhov becomes the content of realistic, almost newspaper, feuilone prose. Belikov does not break up sinels with citizens, on the contrary, he all packed them into a gradual sheath of its own manufacture. In that, the artistic opening of Chekhov, that in a small man who was accepted in Christian to regret or humanistically defend from public oppression and inequality, he discovers a socially dangerous type that hangs everyone under his little and turns it into a sign of civil trustiness.

The highest take-off of this type was achieved in the next century, in the post-revolutionary society. Variation on the topic Bashmachkina-Belikova Basin is represented by Andrei Platonov in the form of Simon Serbinova in the "Chevengur" novel (1929). Serbins? - "Little man in a case" of the early Soviet era. Like Bashmushkin, he? - A written man, his main working tool? - Handle self-made; "You are a clerk, not a member of the party"? - Determines its real fighter, Copenkin71. As for Belikov, it is very important for Serbin to have a case, a shell in which he, newborn-immature, "unborn" can hide from life. Native mother, in fact, remains for him such a saving staff. He "lived because the mother had no time and wait for a long time with his need for him from other many people who did not need Simon.<…> Mother served Simono defense, deceiving from all other people's people ... Now this hedge fell ... Mother disappeared, and without it everything was exposed "(276) Serbinov suffers with loneliness, he was filled with" Boring man's sadness in the world ", he" Unfortunate, Measuring among the life of a person »(270, 272).

And however, he drives around the country and reorganizes the life of the masses, "to achieve the exact truth from the working life" (265). "Like some exhausted revolutionary, Serbinov did not like a worker or village man,?" He preferred to have them in mass, and not separately "(265). It clearly sounds the motive of the Belikovsky "Anthropos!"? - Admiring by a person in general with a childily suspicious attitude towards living people. The letters Serbin is closer to people: he leads the book of human parishes and expenses, where the names of even random acquaintances, everyone, with whom he happened to meet and part. And now, by the end of his life, he could not write anything to his book and only read it and saw that all his past went to the detriment: not a single person was left with him for life, a draw friendship did not appeal to reliable relatives "(283). Do not know how happy himself, he is endowed with party powers to build "happiness for all", but at the same time tolerate can not be toleful. "... The happy were strangers for him, he did not love them and was afraid" (266).

And at the same time, Serbinova "Vampirically" entails a full-blooded and redish. Chekhov's Belikov unexpectedly fell in love with his opposite, Varena, who endunted with a feeling of happiness: "New Aphrodite ... laughs, sings, dancing" (ChF, 285). Similarly, Serbins will go to Sofye? "-" Happy, gifted by some kind of refreshing life of a woman ": Her" excessive giving life "is worried about it (265, 271). Varenka? - "Breakdown, noisy," and the same life of Sofia "he was heard as a noise" (271). Finally, for both stench-eyed families, their acquaintance with the "noisy" woman served as a prologue to death, as if for a deep contact with an excess of life breaks the mechanism of their self-preservation.

Surprisingly, it takes steadily from Gogol through Chekhov to Platonov, divided by intervals of completely different eras, this archetype, going from the stationery correspondence through the Dead Language Teachers to the Revolutionary Pispect-Commissioner.

It is significant that one of the first drew attention to the similarity of Bashmachkina and Belikova V.I. Lenin, comparing them in an exposure manner inherent in him: "... Our reactionaries,?" And including, of course, all the highest bureaucracy,? "They show a good political flair ... they suspiciously belong to everyone who does not look like Gogol Akakia Akakievich or By using a more modern comparison, per person in a case "72. This amazing literary insightfulness of the first communist leader to the type of man's "case" is the less random that it will be wrapped by the celebration of the same centers in the activities of the second leader, the builder of socialism in one separate country.

Over the twentieth century, a small person rises, nearing exactly according to the measure of Akakia Akakievich: "low growth, somewhat ripped out ... and with the color of the face what is called hemorrhoidal",? - a turning of 155 cm with a yellow face in Ospin. Stamped into an unplaced sequel. And with the infantile nickname Soso, as if imitating the children's year and repeat the "indecent" syllable in the name Akak. Lyuboyarized leader of the writer people. Like the crude copyist of the last century, he from youth "learned to starve in the evenings; But it felt spiritually, carrying his eternal idea of \u200b\u200bthe future overhang in the thoughts of his eternal idea "(W, 125)?" - And at the same time the eternal idea of \u200b\u200bthe future Sherngi and the barracks.

There is a remote similarity of this little man forged from Steel, and with Serbinov, in the names of which steel (Sickle ") sounds deeply. The rare name "Simon" rises in one row with another biblical name "Joseph". Oddly enough, "Simon Serbinov" can be perceived in the context of that era, looked at one person, as deaf, distorted, most likely the unconscious echo of the Gremya name "Joseph Stalin". This is a small Stalin, a lonely, the case, back reduced to the sizes of Bashmachkina-Belikov. (True, he is still dodged with reflexiveness, Tomorrow and other properties of "excess person." The analogue of the Belikovsky case? - The Kremlin Cabinet and the Kremlin Dacha, on the journey between which the whole state life of the Kremlin Highlander was held. Rarely and reluctantly, he deviated from his favorite route, which, with all the achievements of the new transport, was slightly longer ways of Bashmachkina and Belikov from the apartment in the office or gymnasium? - The paths from which they also tried not to deviate. Sociophobia of this is over-Belikova, however, did not prevent him from becoming the head of the most socialist state in the world, which was based on "negative cohesion"? - Fear of each before each.

It is significant that I.V. himself Stalin loved to use the "man in a case" the bearing behind his political opponents. "... Former leaders of the right opposition ... They suffer the same disease that the famous Chekhov Hero Belikov, a teacher of the Greek, a man in a case. Remember the Chekhov story "Man in a case"? "73 And then Stalin devotes a whole page of his speech at the party congress of the retellion of Chekhovsky story and the chubs of the right opposition, predictably causing the" Common Laugh and Applause "audience.

If you think about the meaning of the radical versions of communism and look at the characters of his leaders, including the very founder of Karl Marx, the features of the most active sociophobia are striking:

- pronounced misentropy, enmity to the existing society and gnawing with all contemporaries, including even "comrades" and associates, who are accused of all sins of bias and opportunism in the slightest occasion;

- suspicion to all inaccessive and dissent; Fear of being in his digestibility, spontaneity, "luck", unpredictability, disordering ("How wouldn't anything happen");

- mental closeness, immobility, single-cultivation, focus on the "letter", "Sintels", "case" or other Idefix.

The composition that the communist leaders will be implanted in small people, "breastners", "ordinary people", "bureaucrats", "officials", "small bourgeoides and burzhuychiki", in the exposurers themselves grow up to the napoleonic sizes, turning into the mentality of the precipitated fortress.

Such superressee jokes throw us the history of Russian literature and fading the fantasy of history. This joke would not be understood in all its depth, if between the smallest man of the XIX century and the most educated superhorecom of the XX-go their mediator was not placed, a Chekhov character? - a small man in a case.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is the author of many innovative works, where the reader sees not only a subtle satir, but also a detailed description of the human soul. When you get acquainted with his work, it begins to seem that he is not only a prose, but also a very gifted psychologist.

"Man in a case" is one of the three stories from the "Little Trilogy" series, over which the author worked for about two months in 1898. It also includes the stories "Gooseberry" and "On Love", which Anton Pavlovich wrote in Melikhovka, where he lived with his family. Working on them, he barely managed to finish, because he was already suffering from tuberculosis and wrote less and less.

It is impossible to be exactly sure that Chekhov wrote about a particular person, the soon, the central image of the "man in the case" is collective. The contemporaries of the writer put forward several candidates who could serve as prototypes for Belikov, but they all had only a small resemblance to the hero.

Genre, conflict and composition

The reader is quite easy to get acquainted with the work, because it is written in a simple language, which, nevertheless, is able to cause a huge number of impressions. Style is expressed in composition: The text is divided into small semantic fragments, focusing on the most important thing.

In the story we are watching conflict between two heroes. The author opposes Kovalenko (life-affirming, active position, positive thinking) and Belikov (passive and lifeless stagnation, inner slavery), which helps him even better disclose the problem. The case becomes an artistic detail, which describes the whole essence and the meaning of the work, shows the inner world of the hero.

Literary genre - The story, which is part of the "small trilogy" of three separate, but combined one idea of \u200b\u200bstories. "The man in the case" is written with an explicit satirical coloring, such a teaching a writer makes fun of the essence of the "little man", which simply is afraid to live.

Meaning of the name

In his story, Chekhov warns us that completely anyone, not wanting, can sharpen themselves in the "case", it is from here that this name appeared. Under the case is a focus on an unprofitable array of rules and restrictions that people throw themselves. The dependence on the conventions turns into a disease and prevents them from rapprochement with society.

The secluded world of the prohibitions and barriers seems to the inhabitants of cases much better, they surround themselves with a certain shell, so that the effect of the outside world does not touch them. However, live locked with their own orders and plants is closely, another person does not fit there. It turns out, a resident of a stuffy, a closed corner is doomed to loneliness, so the name of the story is fundamentally filed in the singular.

main characters

  1. The main hero of the story is Belikov - Greek teacher in gymnasium. He establishes certain rules in his life, and is most afraid that something goes wrong, as was conceived. Belikov even in the smallest and warm weather dressed in Kalosh and a warm coat with a raised collar, he hides his face behind dark glasses and a hat to protect themselves from environmental influence: not only natural, but also social. It is frightened by modern reality and annoys everything that happens around, that is why the teacher goes into a certain case and externally, and internally.
  2. Mikhail Kovalenko - A new teacher of history and geography, which comes to work in the gymnasium along with his sister. Mikhail is a young, sociable and cheerful man of high growth, a big amateur to laugh and even wake up from the soul.
  3. His sister Varegnka. - Woman for 30 years, very cheerful and happy, loves to have fun, sing and dance. The heroine shows an interest in Belikov, who, in turn, pays time to her and agrees to walk to strive for the fact that the marriage is too serious. A woman still does not lose hope to stir the cavalier, which gives such qualities in it as perseverance and dedication.
  4. Topics

    1. The main topic of the story of Chekhov is closed and detached man lifewhich dies around the world and is alien to any manifestation of feelings. He hides his eyes from the surrounding people, constantly carries all his things in a case, if it is a small knife, designed to sharpen a pencil, or an ordinary umbrella, which is so comfortable to hide the face. Many spiritual values \u200b\u200bwere wild heroes, and emotions are incomprehensible. This expresses its limitations, poisoning existence.
    2. Theme of love The story reveals with respect to Varenka to Belikov. The girl is trying to interest the hero and return him to a full-fledged life. She to the last believes that he can still change for the better. But he closes from her, because he is beginning to scare the prospect of marriage and obsessive conversations of colleagues about their marriage.
    3. Chekhov explains the reader that the worst thing that can happen to man is indifference to life. Belikov was so closed in himself that he stopped distinguishing the paints of the world, to enjoy communication, strive for something. He is still all the same, what happens outside his case, if only numerous decency was observed.
    4. A man in a case is a collective image of timid people who fear their own feelings and emotions. They are abstracts from the surrounding world and closed in themselves. therefore theme of solitude Also is important in the story of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
    5. Main problems

      1. Conservatism. The author with horror and pity is aware that some of his contemporaries create a shell, in which morally dying and spiritually die. They exist in the world, but do not live. People swim downstream, moreover, they can not even allow fate to intervene and change something for the better. This fear of new events and change makes people passive, inconspicuous and unhappy. Because of the abundance of such conservatives into society and is formed stagnation through which it is difficult to break through young shoots that can develop and develop the country.
      2. The problem of meaningless life. Why did Belikov live on Earth? He never made anyone happy, even himself. The hero shakes over every act and constantly fills: "No matter how it happens." By passing fictional sorrow and suffering, he misses his happiness, so his price of psychological comfort is too large, since destroy the essence of the life of people.
      3. Before the reader is evaporated the problem of happinessMore precisely, the problem of its achievement, essence and prices. The hero replaces him on peace, but, on the other hand, he himself has the right to determine that for him the highest value.
      4. The problem of fear before love. People who surround it are also unhappy, they find themselves on that strait of a fictional case, Belikov simply cannot open and let someone closer. The hero was never able to develop his feelings for the girl you like, he was simply frightened and left with anything.
      5. Problem of Sociapatia. The teacher is afraid of society, despises him, is unloaded, not allowing no one from the people around himself. They would be happy, but he himself does not allow it to do.
      6. the main idea

        Chekhov was not only a physician by education, but also a lamp shower by calling. He realized that the spiritual disease sometimes turns out to be more dangerous of physical indisposition. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Man in a case" is a protest against lonely closed stagnation under the shell. The author puts the idea that the case should be mercilessly burned to feel freedom and refer to life with ease.
        Otherwise, the fate of a closed person may form a deplorable. So, in the final, the main character dies alone, without leaving no grateful descendants, nor followers or achievements. The writer shows us how to end the earthly path of the "case" man. Colleagues and acquaintances who are present at his funeral, mentally happy that, finally, spread up with Belikov and his annoyance.

        Anton Pavlovich invests in its work the socio-political subtext, emphasizing the importance of social activity and civil initiative. He stands for rich and full-fledged life, gives the main character by repellent features of the character to prove to people as a slaughter and sorry for the inhabitant of the "case", cautiously wasted.

        Thus, Czechs describes the lot of many clerks that gray lived in a stuffy city, disassembled not the necessary pieces of paper. He ironically beats the type of "little man", disturbing the literary tradition to depict it in idyllic tones. His copyright position is not contemplative or sentimental, but active, not tolerant compromises. The inhabitants of the case should not make their nothingness and wait for pity, they need to change and squeeze their slave.

        What does the author teaches?

        Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes us think over your own life and ask for an interesting question: "Do we do not work the same case that was at the main hero of Belikov?". The author in the literal sense teaches us to live, on the example showing how to sweat and disappear, reptiles, reptile before conventions and stereotypes. Chekhov was really able to inspire people aversion to sulfur, worthless life, to show that inaction and indifference is the worst thing that can happen to us.

        Fear of discoveries and accomplishments are ruined in a person personality, he becomes pathetic and helpless, not able to show even the simplest feelings. The writer believes that the human nature is much richer and more capable of what fear and laziness turn it. Happiness, in Chekhov, is a full-fledged life, where there is a place for strong emotions, interesting communication and individuality.

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Man in a case

(Story, 1898)

Belikov - the main character, a gymnasical teacher of the Greek language. He tells about the veterinary doctor Ivan Ivanovich Chimshe-Himalayan teacher of the Gymnasium Burkin. At the beginning of the story, he gives a complete characteristic of W: "He was wonderful by the fact that he was always, even in very good weather, went out in Kalosh and with an umbrella and certainly in the warm coat on the cotton. And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in the case of a gray suede case, and when he took out a penny knife to clean the pencil, then he had a knife in the cover; And the face seemed also in the case, since he hid him all the time into the raised collar. He wore dark glasses, a fuchku, the ears laid by cotton, and when he sat down at the cabin, he ordered to raise the top. In a word, this person had a permanent and insurmountable desire to surround himself with a shell, create a case, so to speak, who would quit him would protect him from external influences. The reality annoyed him, frightened, kept in a constant alert, and, perhaps, in order to justify this sorty, his aversion to the present, he always praised the past and what was never happening; And the ancients, which he taught, were for him, in essence, the same Kalosh and an umbrella, where he was hiding from the actual life. "

The main fear of B. is "how would not happen." Any retreat from the received rules leads him to despondency and anxiety. His fear is not only existential, but also social character - it is afraid, no matter how it came to the bosses. Despite his imperceptibility and grayness, B., according to Burkina, "held in his hands." Not only gymnasium, but also the whole city, where under his influence "they began to be afraid of everything." A case metaphor, faster all the new details of the Belikovsky fear of life, is deployed throughout the entire narrative.

With the appearance in the city of the new teacher of the history and geography of Mikhail Savvich Kovalenko and his sisters Varenka, who unexpectedly exploring B. Location, society decides to marry her hero. He is convinced that the marriage step is serious that it is necessary to marry, and B.

agrees, however, thoughts about marrying it in the exhaustive alarm, so he loses weight, pale and even deeper goes into his case. It is embarrassed above all the "strange way of thinking" of his possible bride and her brother. He walks a lot with a vamraka and often goes to visit them, but with a proposal pulls. Once B. sees] Her with a brother riding on bicycles, and this leads it to a tear. He goes to Kovalenko, who hates him, and "as a senior comrade", warns: such a fun like a bike ride, "is completely indecent for a booster of youth." In addition, he warns a colleague, which will have to report on the conversation director of the gymnasium. In response, Kovalenko declares that he does not like fiscal, and B. is descending from the stairs. After all the happening hero is falling and in a month dies. Burkin summarizes: "Now, when he lay in a coffin, he had a meek, pleasant, even) fun, for sure he was glad that he finally put him in the case, from which he will never come out."

The image of B. - "man in a case", the figures of the comic, almost caricature, but also expressing the tragedy of life, became nominative during the life of Chekhov.