Detection of leaders in the team. Informal leaders in the team: how to manage

Detection of leaders in the team. Informal leaders in the team: how to manage

Methods of identifying leaders in children's teams

Leaders. Who are they?

Creature leaders and destructors leaders.

The conventant leader acts in the interests of the case, in the interests of the organization and all of its members whom he leads.

The destructive leader acts in his own interests, for him in the foreground is not the case, not people, and their own egoistic desire to show themselves, using for this case and others (often in harm and cause, and people).

In the children's association, organizations meet leaders whose roles are different: leaders organizers (business leaders), emotional leaders of the emotional attitude (emotional leaders), initiators leaders, erudites, craftsmen.

Business leaders play a major role in solving the tasks set in front of the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourist, intellectual, creative and other activities. The initiators leaders are allocated in the activities at the stage of nomination of ideas, in the search for new areas of activity for the team.

The Clevergan leader is the most prepared as a member of the team (for example, in the campaign - the most experienced tourist).

The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions relating mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in the team, a group within the organization. The guys successfully operating in both spheres of the organization's life are nominated on the role of absolute leaders.

Business leaders are aware of interpersonal relationships. This is due to the desire of business leaders well to know the overwhelming majority of their comrades on the organization, which allows them according to these knowledge of these knowledge to build their relations.

Emotional leaders often do not have the need to manage the team. Negative relationships between members of the team in the organization more accurately characterize business leaders. For the impact on the team, along with the ability to perceive personal relationships, the status of peers is of great importance. This is better than any absolute leaders oriented, business leaders are in second place. The psychological climate in the team, the well-being of peers, as well as the technicians adopted to a greater extent depends on the emotional leaders.

The leader puts forward activities. Therefore, through a specially organized diverse content, activities can be ensured not only to situations aimed at cohesion the organization, but, above all, favorable opportunities for the success of the guys with the developing potential of influence on peers.

For the development of the organization as a team, is characterized by a constant change of leaders depending on the type, nature and content of activities, which ensures each member of the organization the possibility of staying in the role of the leader and acquire the skills of organizing other people and self-organization.

The methodologies offered to you will help identify leaders in the team..

It is proposed to several groups of guys 5-8 people in each, competing among themselves, quickly lay out on the floor (grass, asphalt) from ordinary pebbles, cubes, matches some specified figure (house, car, etc.) , everyone rushed to the pebbles, grabbed them in hand and ... what's next? Here, you just have time to fix everything that happens. After all, it should be noted how each of the participants acts: who boldly rushes forward, takes the initiative, determines the procedure, gives orders, and who stands aside, prefers to act alone. Leaders of the situation, their assistants are revealed, and passive, dependent, not initiative people are detected. Want to make sure your conclusions - spend the game again. Match the results of the observation with other information available.

Selection of the head of the hike

The guys call all potential leaders of a tourist campaign. The named students are departed to the side, and the rest is invited to choose a commander from them and approach him. At the same time, each retains the right to stay in place if none of these commanders is not satisfied. So class is divided into groups headed by leaders, which, according to the team, can become organizers of the case.

Flight to the moon

Blitz-game, allowing to identify the organizational abilities of the guys. Groups of students are given a list of 15-20 items, from which in 2 minutes you need to choose 3 necessary and sufficient to fly to the moon. Leaders are determined during the search for the correct solution.

Geometry for blind

Playing become in a circle. The rope is stretched inside the circle, for which everyone is holding hands. The host explains that it is necessary, closing his eyes, to be built with a square, equilateral triangle, using only oral negotiations. It is also reported that the guys play spatial imagination and attentiveness. During the game, when it takes rebuilding, the presenter observes who of the guys acts as a movement organizer.


Playing sit on chairs. At the same time, they should stand up around their chair and at the same time sit down. It is important to notice the person who first filed the team.

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people. Each group works adult - an expert observer. The lead in turn distributes to all groups of tasks, they must be not complicated and interesting, for example:

  • come up with a story, all words of which begin to one letter;
  • built in color hair from bright to dark;
  • revive the picture and the like.

An expert, observing the work of the Group, distributes after the execution of each task to each participant multi-colored tokens that determine its role in performing this task. But the presenter does not announce to the participants, which means those or other colors, and at the end of the game offers the guys to execute the applique of those toeons that they earned. Thus, after the game, teachers will have a visual picture, reflecting the degree of activity of a child.

  • Red Square Collective Organizer
  • Green Triangle Idea Generator
  • Burgundy rhombus unclaimed talent
  • Brown rectangle disorganizer


The head of the game offers the following situation: "Imagine you are invited to make a movie, for which you need to call the person who can organize the shooting of the film." After everyone names one or three candidates of the director, candidates for leaders from those who scored the greatest number of elections are revealed. They choose alternately their assistants, while the choice of next is carried out after the council with the already selected assistants. After the microgroups for four to five people were formed, everything else is proposed to choose a "film studio" and join these microGroups.

Each film studio is invited to prepare for 15-20 minutes a pantomime (scene) on the subject of the life of the team, where guys work or learn.

After this collective creative case, the host asks for each microbroup to analyze and determine who was during the preparation of the "movie" with a real leader.

The game is a journey of groups (commands), which pass a specific route along a closed circle, performing at each stage of the task. The content content becomes known only at the stage.

Rules for organizing the game:

  1. The number of stages should be equal to or multiple the number of groups involved in the game;
  2. All stages must be the same in duration. As a rule, the stage lasts 7-10 minutes;
  3. You should set a single transition signal from step to step (call, music, phrase, etc.)
  4. Each group has its own route list, which indicates the sequence of steps and their location.
  5. Transitions from the stage to the step are taken into account in time and must be extremely short. This can contribute to the rational location of the stages near each other and, conditionally, in a circle.
  6. The tasks performed by groups on the steps must be designed for collective execution and the complexity of "solved" during the time reserved to the stage.
  7. It is important that the forms of tasks in the stages do not repeat each other were varied, allowed the guys to switch from one type of activity to another.

Examples of tasks in steps:

I Stage "Eureka". Task: For 10 minutes you need to answer 10 questions about the promotion. Evaluation: For each correct answer 0.5 points.

Stage II "pieces". Task: From pieces of cardboard lying in envelopes, collect the square, triangle, circle, egg. In each envelope pieces for one figurine. Evaluation: If 4 figures are collected - 5 points, 3 figures - 4 points, 2 figures - 3 points, 1 figure - 2 points.

III stage "Pchem" (School theater of pop miniature). Task: Picture a scene from school life. Evaluation: on the five-point system. The stage develops communicative skills.

IV Stage "Look". Task: With the help of felt-tippers, pencils, paints, please, please, your impressions of the school. Evaluation: on the five-point system. The stage diagnoses the problems that exist at school.

V stage "yes-net". Task: "Now I am a different situation with words, but not completely, but partly. Your task is to ask questions to which I can answer" Yes "or" No "," does not matter "or" the question is not correct, "restore The situation is completely. Evaluation: If there are 3 situations - 5 points, 2 situations - 4 points, 1 situation - 3 points. The stage develops the ability to systemically and logically.

VI Stage "Captive". Task: Decipher 10 flippers. ("All Dog Christmas" - "Not all Kota Maslenitsa.) Evaluation: For each correct answer - 0.5 points. The stage contributes to the development of the width of thinking, the ability to associate.

VII Stage "Buckets". Task: One bucket filled with water is on the table, more, empty, on the floor, six meters from the first. Your task is to pour water from one bucket to another. Lift buckets and tables are not allowed. A group is issued a teaspoon. Evaluation: According to the five-point system, groups relatively evaluated, which overflows more than all water receives 5 points.

VIII stage "Problems". Task: Write on a sheet of paper, please, those problems solve which the school youth organization could have solved. Evaluation: Stage not evaluated, but diagnostic. The problems that exist at school are diagnosed.

IX Stage "Match". Task: From the matches, run three tasks. Rating: 3 tasks are made - 5 points, 2 tasks - 4 points, 1 task - 3 points, none - 1 point. The stage develops the ability to think non-standard.

X Stage "Self-Government". Task: Draw, please, the management scheme in your school. Evaluation: Stage not evaluated, but diagnostic. Collecting information on the forms of self-government in school.

Mechanism for identifying leaders in the game "Start"

When holding the game "Start" at each stage, tracking of leaders takes place. The leading stage fixes the guys showing activity in performing tasks (writes on the name, name on the sheet).

At the end of the game, the lists of leaders are collected and summarized. Result: asset names. After the game, it is advisable to spend the election of an asset of self-government ..


"Yes, Napa 1"

  1. The man was sitting in the room and was shaking from fear. Suddenly, he jumped and ran, shouting loudly.
  2. Man got a blow to the eye and delighted this very much.
  3. Nine-grader comes out of the big house. Carries the subject in hand. Towards him another nine-grader. Asks: "Six?" - "No, seven." What are you talking about?

"Yes - Nakka 2"

  1. I met her by chance. I tried to catch her, but she went farther and farther. I brought it in my hand.
  2. Two people entered the room. We saw the killer, his bloody sacrifice. Quietly exchanged opinions and calmly
  3. Drove the car. Her fellow traveler. Rain is coming. In the car sat down the second fellow traveler. When the car arrived, one fellow traveler came out, the other died.

"Yes - Nakka 3"

  1. Suddenly, the walls were heard over the wall, which were pointed only after the murder, which ended with salvation.
  2. There is a man on the street. I went (started) heavy rain. Man died.
  3. A man sleeps. Among the night is the phone call. A man raises the phone. In the tube silence. A man hangs the phone.

"Eureka 1"

  1. The electric train went from the north to south. The wind blew from the south to the north. Which way went smoke from the train?
  2. I was driving in winter skier, a fly was sitting on it, how fast the fly was driving?
  3. What does the day and night end?
  4. How to rip the branch not to knock the bird sitting on it 7
  5. Why did the hairdresser in Geneva during the war rather preferred to cut two French than one German?
  6. What word all graduates of schools of the Orenburg region write incorrectly?
  7. This morning my sister dropped an earring in coffee, but although the cup was full to the edges, she was able to get an earring, not witching his fingers.
  8. Days 10 Back Basketball Team of Our College won a meeting with a score of 76:40, although not a single basketball player threw a single ball. How do you explain this?
  9. What tree hides the hare during the rain of the pouring?
  10. How many triangles on this pattern?

"Eureka 2"

  1. The bottle "Pepsi" costs $ 10. "Pepsi" is $ 9 more expensive than an empty bottle. How much is an empty bottle?
  2. What travels around the world, staying in one corner?
  3. A resident of a small town for a relatively short time registered marriage more than 20 times. Each time another woman took marriage. Nevertheless, a resident in question did not divorce any of the 20 women and did not become a polygam. How do you explain it?
  4. Four birch grew. On each birch - four large branches. On each big branch - four small branches. On each little branch - four apples. How many apples?
  5. What is done with a red scarf, if you lower it for five minutes into the water?
  6. What was in London on December 25, 1884?
  7. What question can not be given a truthful affirmative answer?
  8. When is the black cat easier to get into the house?
  9. Some lady did not have a license for the right driving vehicles. She did not stop at the railway crossing, although the barrier was lowered and, not paying attention to the sign of one-way movement, moved in the opposite direction, and stopped, only by passing three quarters. All this happened in the eyes of the polisman, which, however, did not consider it necessary to delay the lady. Why?
  10. Here is an item that is well acquainted. What is this subject? (Circle black, and in the center of the circle white square)

"Captive: 1"

  1. Lighter adult tool.
  2. On the Peninsula of the Aspen blackened.
  3. Did not pass the fox to the liscery of the oil.
  4. The field killed a blade.
  5. Hate good, happiness and ram.
  6. Did you blaspheme the hubby in the morning?
  7. The deceased running can sit.
  8. On the garbage fly crawled.
  9. Cat is a monkey enemy.
  10. Fly is not a leg to anyone.

"Clear - 2"

  1. Shadow of Mraka from the Bright Republic.
  2. Your niece of ordinary sublegate lawlessness.
  3. He sticks into a narrow skirt with the original container.
  4. Louder, cats - dog in the basement.
  5. Good ears are funnier in the body armor.
  6. You hated us. Hate is definitely flashed out of your body.
  7. On the false side of the sidelines, gentlemen!
  8. Sell \u200b\u200bto me completely "General Motors."
  9. And me, Muller, you order to leave.
  10. Nonignificant, powerless, false and slave Austrian Ear.


  1. Each match has a length of 4.5 cm. How out of 13 matches, without breaking them, fold the meter?
  2. With two matches, not breaking and without cutting them, form a square.
  3. Of the six matches fold the four versatile triangles, with the sides of equal one match.


  1. How to make three matches from 8 matches?
  2. This figure is formed by 6 matches. Transfer 2 matches so that it turned out 3 squares.
  3. Of 12 matches, get b squares, with a side of equal to one match.


"Yes - Nakka 1"

  1. Pupil at the lesson. It is afraid that they will ask. Rings call.
  2. A wallet with a large amount of money fell per person.
  3. Strings on the guitar.

"Yes - Nakka 2"

  1. Zanoz.
  2. Museum. Picture "Ivan Grozny and his son Ivan."
  3. There was a coffin in an open truck.

"Yes - Nakka 3"

  1. Catch mole.
  2. On the ground lay bare high-voltage wire.
  3. The man loudly snores. A neighbor behind the wall, thus woke him up.

"Eureka 1"

  1. There is no smoke electric train.
  2. In winter, flies do not fly.
  3. Soft sign.
  4. Wait when she flies.
  5. With two customers will receive more money than from one.
  6. Wrong.
  7. Coffee was dry.
  8. Women's basketball teams played, i.e. Basketball players
  9. Under wet
  10. Seven. Seventh in the letter A.

"Eureka 2"

  1. $ 0.5 (50 cents).
  2. Brand.
  3. He worked in the registry office.
  4. On birch, apples do not grow.
  5. Wet.
  6. Christmas.
  7. "Do you sleep? "
  8. When the door is open.
  9. The lady went on foot.
  10. Match. View from the end.

"Perevils - 1"

  1. Match for children is not a toy.
  2. At Lukomorye Oak green.
  3. God sent a slice of cheese.
  4. The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
  5. Love is blind.
  6. Was it prayed for the night, Dzatemon?
  7. Born crawling can not fly.
  8. On the street elephant drove.
  9. The dog is a friend of man.
  10. Bread all over the head.

"Clear - 2"

  1. Light of light in the dark kingdom.
  2. My uncle is the most honest rules.
  3. I am getting out of my widespread duplicate of invaluable cargo.
  4. Hush, mice - a cat on the roof.
  5. Evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol.
  6. I loved you. Love can still be, in my soul, it was not completely fastened.
  7. Liquorily go, comrades!
  8. Buy yourself a little "Alby".
  9. And you, Stirlitz, I will ask you to stay.
  10. Great, mighty, truthful and free Russian.

"Matches - 1"

  1. Match the word "three" from matches.
  2. Match the match so that two squares and two rectangles are formed inside a large square.
  3. From these matches to make a cube.

"Matches -2"

  1. Fold from matches the word "meter".
  2. To form square matches and angle of the table.
  3. Of the three matches on the plane, fold the triangle, the remaining three to connect the heads, setting the leg in each of the corners of the triangle. Get tetrahedron.

St. Petersburg State Institute

Psychology and social work

Identification of the leader in the working team



Student 3rd Course FPP

Liences S.I.

St. Petersburg 2009

purpose of work

To identify in a small working team consisting of three people and working in one department to design orders for delivery. As far as each of them in practice is able to manifest itself in the role of the leader. The level of their emotional responsiveness to each other, the ability to empathize. And as in creative activity, they are capable of manifestation of aggression.

I have been chosen by the following methods of this purpose: "Leadership Efficiency", "Study of the level of empathy trends", Bass-Dark questionnaire, description of the Bass-Dark Psychological test to identify aggression.

Methodology 1. Leadercy efficiency

Note: If this technique is used for self-assessment of the RU-Madroditor, there is a danger of distortion of the results due to the subjective installation show itself in the best light or simply insufficient awareness by the person of his features. Therefore, this questionnaire is recommended together with the head offering it subordinates, and then summarize the results obtained.

Korsikova Irina. 33 points.

Galanov Anar. 37 points.

This test style of his leadership is considered highly efficient (taking into account the comment expressed above).

Dobrolyubova Maria. 32 points.

This test style of its leadership is considered highly efficient (taking into account the comment expressed above).

General withdrawal on the methodology: Among the surveyed reviews, the highest level of leadership was identified by Gasanova Anara.

Methodology 2. Study of the level of empathy trends

The procedure proposed below is used to study empathy (empathy), i.e. The ability to put ourselves to the place of another person and the ability to arbitrary emotional responsiveness for the experiences of other people. Empathy is the adoption of those feelings that other people are experiencing so if they were our own.

Empathy contributes to the balance of interpersonal relations. She makes human behavior socially determined. The empathy-developed empathy is a key success factor in those activities that require gaining partner to communicate, and, above all, in training and upbringing.

Note: Before calculating the results obtained, check the degree of frank from which you were answered. Whether you did not answer "I don't know" for some of the allegations under the numbers: 3, 9, 11, 13, 28, 36, and did not celebrate items 11, 13, 15, 27, answers "yes, always"? If so, then you did not want to be frank in front of them, and in some cases they sought to look in the best light. Test results can be trusted if you have given no more than three insincered responses to all the above statements, at four it should be doubted their accuracy, and at five - you can assume that the work was performed in vain.

Korsikova Irina. The questionnaire questions with the above mentioned comment was replied frankly. 61 score.

Galanov Anar. The questionnaire questions regarding the above mentioned comment answered frankly. 60 points.

This tested normal level of empathy inherent in the overwhelming majority of people. The surrounding cannot call you "thick-skinned", but at the same time you do not feel about particularly sensitive people. In interpersonal relationship, judge others more prone to their actions than to trust their personal impressions. You are not alien to emotional manifestations, but for the most part they are under self-control. In communication are attentive, trying to understand more than it is said in words, but when the feelings of the interlocutor are unnecessary, there is a patience. Prefer delicately not express your point of view, not being confident that it will be accepted. When reading artistic works and watching movies, more often follow the action than behind the experiences of the heroes. Difficult to predict the development of relations between people, therefore, it happens that their actions turn out to be unexpected for you. You have no feeling of feelings, and it prevents your full-fledged perception of people.

Dobrolyubova Maria. The questionnaire questions with the above mentioned comment was replied frankly. 50 points.

This subject is a normal level of empathy inherent in the overwhelming majority of people. The surrounding cannot call you "thick-skinned", but at the same time you do not feel about particularly sensitive people. In interpersonal relationship, judge others more prone to their actions than to trust their personal impressions. You are not alien to emotional manifestations, but for the most part they are under self-control. In communication are attentive, trying to understand more than it is said in words, but when the feelings of the interlocutor are unnecessary, there is a patience. Prefer delicately not express your point of view, not being confident that it will be accepted. When reading artistic works and watching movies, more often follow the action than behind the experiences of the heroes. Difficult to predict the development of relations between people, therefore, it happens that their actions turn out to be unexpected for you. You have no feeling of feelings, and it prevents your full-fledged perception of people.

General conclusion on the method: Among the speakers surveyed, the level of empathy, corresponds to the number inherent in the overwhelming majority of people. There was no overwhelmed or understated level.

Method 3 Questionnaire Bass Darka. Description of the psychological test Bass Darka to identify aggression


1. Physical aggression is the use of physical force against another person.

2. Indirect - aggression, nearly directed to another person or anyone is not directed.

3. Irritation is ready for the manifestation of negative feelings at the slightest excitation (hot temper, rudeness).

4. Negative - opposition manner in behavior from passive resistance to the active struggle against established customs and laws.

5. Harmony and hate surviving for valid and fictional action.

6. Suspiciousness - in the range from distrust and caution towards people before the belief in the fact that other people plan and harm.

7. Verbal aggression is an expression of negative feelings both through the form (cry, screech) and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats).

8. The feeling of guilt - expresses the possible conviction of the subject in the fact that he is a bad person that evil comes, as well as those who experience the remorse.

Korsikova Irina.

Physical aggression - 6 points

Indirect aggression - 5 points

Irritation - 5 points

Negativism - 4 points

Resentment - 3 points

Suspicion - 8 points

Verbal aggression - 7 points

Feeling guilt - 7 points

Aggressiveness Index - 18

Index of hostility - 11

This subject, the level of aggressiveness is normal, but the level of hostility is slightly overgrown. Prone to conflict.

Galanov Anar.

Physical aggression - 7 points

Indirect aggression - 6 points

Irritation - 5 points

Negativism - 4 points

Resentment - 2 points

Suspicion - 7 points

Verbal aggression - 6 points

Feeling guilt - 6 points

Aggressiveness index - 18 points

Enjoyment index - 9 points

This test aggressive level is normal. The level of hostility is also in the stands of the norm.

Dobrolyubova Marina.

Physical aggression - 5 points

Indirect aggression - 4 points

Irritation - 3 points

Negativism - 3 points

Resentment - 2 points

Suspicion - 8 points

Verbal aggression - 5 points

Feeling guilt - 7 points

Aggressiveness index - 13 points

The index of hostility - 10 points

This subject, the level of aggressiveness is reduced, hostility within the normal range. Not conflict.

Conclusion: In the presented team, the most expressed leadership qualities in practice, the ability to leadership from Galanova Anara. Solvelect Thesis work \u003e\u003e Psychology

Increased working conditions and equipment workers places. Property of labor, communication ... Sociometry is applied to detection Cohesion team And the presence of informal leaders. Sociometry method, was developed ...

The problem of leader and leadership in the student team is one of the most acute and relevant in the educational system of the school. The leader in the classroom is the support of the class teacher, width for educational work. Leaders are the guys who naturally organize their peers, contribute to the approval of socially significant values \u200b\u200band orientation. That is why both the class teachers and subject teachers are very useful to know the informal leader in the classroom, at school, to be able to determine them on various features.

The easiest way is the direct question: "Who is your leader?" The answer is confident: "We don't have it." This will say it just that the question was asked about. In another case, they call various guys, but everyone looks in one direction. There and you need to look to get the answer. In the third case, one of the guys, to the general delight, exclaims: "I". At this delight, only the jester can be calculated, and the leader is the one with whom it communicates most often. You can freely send guys in the room. The leader's place will always be in the last row, as a rule, in the middle or in the corner opposite the entrance door. From there he sees everyone, and him, without turning specially, no one sees. It can manage the class, contact everything, and the response is difficult: you need to turn around, and this is a certain communicative barrier.

A distinctive feature of the position of the leader in the group is closeness, security from any unforeseen impacts. The place - as far as possible, opposite the teacher or at the end of the long table (in the confrontation position). If he sat down near, then or prepares "joke" (joke), or a kind of invitation to cooperation.

You can spend a known test - an image of a person out of 10 geometric shapes. Square is the most stable among them. Leadership qualities detects one who has the largest number of squares in the image of a person.

If you contact the class (group) to contact the question or a proposal requiring a unambiguous response ("turn off the light here?"; "Maybe I will open a window?"; "Let's postpone the tennis table"), "will answer the first leader. The right to speak on behalf of the group delegated to him. Disposal of the answer he fixes his status in the eyes of the audience. The leader, as a rule, is most actively refusing to official leadership, since the leading informal suits it to the greatest extent. leader children's team teenager

Observing, it can be easily noted that the leader is the one whose words in the merry company certainly cause approving laugh, even if the thought is not different in depth and wit; The one who, not seeking to attract attention, fills the pauses in conversation, cleverly inserting a word that can direct her further move. But the very complete characteristics of the leading person will give her speech portrait. With the words of the leader are silent the most temperamental travelers, he is listening, never interrupting. Understanding this, the leader speaks without a special concern for expressiveness of speech, not doubting her right. There can be no doubting to be the leader. There is one more feature of the "verbal portrait" of the leader: he never retends other people's opinions as a support for his own, he at all avoids to delegate to someone his powers of the arbitrator. He has full anecdotes, funny stories for all occasions. But at the same time, he never repeats them in one group, creating a reputation for a person's phenomenal memory.

The leader says little about himself, but the maximum - about his interlocutors, does not allow themselves to relax, talk about their weaknesses, about his bad mood. On the contrary, she strives to give the group to the optimizing installation every time, the whole look convinces everyone that it acts freely: "This is necessary for me."

The leader is a master of dialogue, he knows how to listen, keeping a view of a thoughtful interlocutor, talking to each of the problems that exciting it. In a situation where we need to divide the audience, communicatively isolating the one who knowically negatively affects the formation of a team, the leader has to create a vacuum around his opponent, not finding his own thoughts, to make their outcome of the dialogue, to make it up of a person who contributes to the group in time His on the very first awkwardness, and then, opposing the rest, introduce into the group when he was already subordinate to the current model of behavior. Usually it helps a responsible order. The leader always focuses on the attention of the interlocutors on the problem that he is known better than others. If a group of motorists is the best than he, an expert of cars, the leader switches to another topic, which is obviously more familiar to him.

The leader demonstratively allows other members of the group to show weaknesses, talk about errors and make mistakes in speech, but at the same time he speaks flawlessly on the language that is adopted by the group. If the group's asocial landmarks are obvious, he perfectly owns it with the tongue and its entire communication manner. The guys often turn to the leader as an assessing instance, leading an indirect dialogue with each other. If there was a need to make someone recovery, the leader does this, being confident that he would support him, argue and denies something only on behalf of the group. In this case, he says not "I", but "we". If "we" sounded in the mouth of someone else, is the direct threat of the "palace coup". "We", "with us", "from us" - the words of a genuine leader. He will not say the group "You", thereby separating myself from it, on the contrary: it always emphasizes his unity with the rest.

Often the leader speaks on behalf of the entire group in order to impose a decision to the teacher, the educator. In a well-organized group, submission to the leader is an automated character, a person inertia fulfills the requirements without exposing it to analytical understanding. The requirement itself is not accentued, it does not stand out by intonation and pace, the leader avoids such forms as: "I say", "I demand" ... an instinctive imperative wording is naturally woven into speech, in no way standing out of the total "portrait", although It has some kind of excretory attribute that fits into the formable "speech appearance".

The leader is allowed much, but it does not have the right to do anything coming against the current orientations of the group, including external, - opposing himself to the rest, he deprivates the only power mechanism-- opportunities to manage one with others.

You are a successful head and competent manager, your team works as a whole, one for everyone, and all for one. Sure? Or maybe the team is not for you, but for those who are in psychology called the informal leader?

Ruzvelt also said: "The leader leads for himself, and the boss is controlled." Let's try to figure it out, is it, and understand who is such an informal leader (NL), how to calculate it, what are the informal leaders and how to cooperate with them.

There are no cases when informal leadership generates endless squabbles, conflicts and bundle of the team on the warring groupings. The dragging of the rope between the head and the informal leader may seriously affect the productivity and psychological climate in the team.

Who is such an informal leader

In order not to be immersed in complex psychological terms, explain simply. The boss on the leading position is appointed. An informal leader can be both a junior specialist and middle manager.

Here the main thing is not a post, but a set of personal qualities, life experience and authority.

Leading players are in all spheres of activity. After all, each team is a mini society. And the society needs to go for someone. And in this situation, the authority of the personality is stronger than the authority of positions. Every manager is important to know and understand how to cooperate and generally coexist with NL.

To begin with, determine who it is.

How to calculate the informal leader

The most accurate way to determine the NL is a sociometric test. Remember, have these psychologists in schools? If you can invite a specialist and spend testing, then analyze yourself:

  • who is more common to communicate employees on non-working issues;
  • to whom they turn to the professional council;
  • who voiced the causes of discontent in the team;
  • who makes new offers and ideas.

Surely when drawing up plans, a discussion of innovations, someone from the subordinates expressed a general opinion, more often than others asked questions or played by the instigator. Take a look at this person and the manner of his behavior with colleagues.

There are two styles: constructive and destructive. In the first case, the informal leader generates ideas, organizes the workflow and motivates colleagues, in the second - embeds the disorder and creates conflict situations.

It is important to establish a partnership relationship with constructive, because its activities are in favor of both the department and business. With destructive harder, but also its energy can be controlled. The main thing is to recognize the true motives of leadership: the desire of power, the desire to self-realize. When you understand that you drive this employee, you will know what to do.

6 types of informal leaders

The competent leader is able and manage subordinate, and build trust with different informal leaders. The description below will help correctly identify NL and understand how to act.

1. Innovator

Emotional and creative. His ideas are original. This informal is able to give energy in the team and move stereotypical approaches towards innovation. If he does not find support or faces criticism - quickly lowers hands, like any creative person.

How to use it

  • Advance with him when the business needs a sip of fresh air. The team is ready to follow the innovators and embody their ideas to life. Perhaps, such innovations will stand another twice of the company's success.
  • This type receives satisfaction from the search and introduction of a new one. Each brainstorming in your team must pass with participation, and better under the leadership of the inn.
  • Emotional bursts in the behavior of this person will help barbing problems in the team. Use this signal to solve troubles on time and neutralize discontent among subordinates.

2. Coordinator

Business and organized. Ready to plan work and clearly coordinate processes. He has reasoned answers to all questions, so in the team he enjoys great authority. And some may even be afraid of the dry nature of the coordinator.

How to use it

  • Tell the business leader organizing work - he will be happy to perform it.
  • Make the coordinator with your right hand. You can safely entrust part of your controlling responsibilities for this type. Legalize his power with increasing and make a partner.
  • Use the authority of the coordinator to earn a pair of points in the eyes of employees and for yourself. It can be your voice or preacher of unpopular solutions.

3. Gray Cardinal

Lives in the shadow of the head. But at the same time knows everything: who has been burning Deadlins, who recently quarreled with her husband (or wife), and who is looking for a new job. But this information cardinal is not collecting for woven in the smoking room.

How to use it

  • Learn useful information to be aware of the internal processes in the team.
  • Be careful: Gray Cardinals affect the chief himself. Therefore, even competent advice is analyzed.
  • Respect the gray cardinal and let him feel it. Then he will not play against you.
  • Cardinal will never be responsible for the decisions taken by you. Even if he influenced it.

4. Revolutionary

Buntar and criticism. One who stands at the head of the mood of discontent in the team. He does not like anything. The revolutionary expresses that not so, but does not offer how to fix it. This type can cause conflicts and the formation of warrant groups.

How to use it

  • Offer the revolutionary to solve the problem, and not just shaking the air. Most likely, it will put it in a dead end. And those members of the team who go beyond him will help to understand that NL SILL only in words.
  • Direct the rusty energy of the revolutionar on social activities.
  • Instruct additional projects or transfer to another department where contacts with colleagues are minimal.
  • If these steps will not help, and conflicts will continue, the output one is to enter fines or dismiss the rebar.

5. Veschak

About such people say "Soul Company". The team goes after him, because he is charming and not bored with him. Under light and relaxed leadership, employees are ready to fulfill even monotonous work.

How to use it

  • Collaborate on equal. After all, in the eyes of subordinates, he is his own.
  • Transfer some of the challenging tasks through a merchant, assign it to the project manager.
  • Determine such a NL to work with newcomers. Then the adaptation process will be faster.
  • Meschak creates a comfortable atmosphere in the department. Tell him to come up with joint leisure for colleagues. Events outside the office - his horse.

6. Crisis Manager

This is a situational leader. He may not be able to manifest himself in daily work, but at force majeures it is quickly oriented and make decisions.

How to use it

  • Let me show yourself in stressful situations. Tell me right: "Now you are the main!"
  • According to the results, appreciate the work of the crisis manager and thank with the rest of the team.
  • Promotion is an important factor for NL. But you need to praise when it really is for what.


Collaborate with an informal leader and try to make it an ally. Do not be afraid of the appearance of NL. Analyze his personality, competence, authority and determine what qualities you miss.

Perhaps theodore Roosevelt rights and your main task as a boss - to manage? Use the leadership of colleagues to benefit business. And then success will not be around the corner!