Riddles about a fairy tale about the goldfish. Tale of Tsar Saltan, puzzles of the names of the heroes and the history of Russia

Riddles about a fairy tale about the goldfish. Tale of Tsar Saltan, puzzles of the names of the heroes and the history of Russia
Riddles about a fairy tale about the goldfish. Tale of Tsar Saltan, puzzles of the names of the heroes and the history of Russia

Casket was looking at the bottom of the sea,
And in the sky was ambassador.
On the ground caught a fire-bird.
In wives chose the tsar-maiden.
Call him, tell me how?
Our answer: ... Ivan-Fool!
All trifle for fool
It will not sell only the skate:
Although the eared growth is small,
Distributed and removed!
All knowing that horse.
What is called? ... Gorbok!

(P.P.ERSHSh. Tale "Konon-Gorbok")


Who, so that he was tormented in vain,
Gets from the king
On the set of "Gluhahar"?
Who king brought the carpet,
All Russia on the selection -
Sladen gold pattern?
Who was a hunter
and deer got
What was the horns wonderful?
Who is this cunning well done,
Famous delets?
His call: ... Fedot-Sagittarius!

On Buyan many years
Whether he is, or not:
Hidden his portrait from his eyes.
His worries do not read:
eat food yes there is nothing
There is a bench, and there is nothing to sit down.
He is tired of the thousand years
from what no bodies
And did not reveal the white light!
We will help, so be,
The name you reveal it:
That, savo .... can't be!

(Leonid Filatov. Tale about Fedota-Sagittarius, deleted, well done).


He lived in the dugout thirty-three years old
And fishing went to any weather.
Yes, I brain his wife-old woman openly
For a broken, unfit truth.
He with the Masters of the sea led a conversation,
And she performed three grandfathers of the grandfather.
And when it was angry, rebelled -
The sea is shining blue, worried.
Call me soon with a smile!
- This is a fairy tale of .... fisherman and fish!

(A.S. Pushkin. Tale of fisherman and fish)


In this fairy tale for a joke
Wonderful ducks
Suffered with them south
Forgable fright.
What is their girlfriend?
Yes, of course, ... Frog!
And whether she got
on distant south?
No il yes? ... Not!
Why did the frog fell?
Because there was that ... Bastina!

(V.M. Garshin. Frog-traveler)


There is no order in this fairy tale.
On the road without regard
The utensils from the house runs:
And branded, and rattles.
Ah, gathered in the way where
table, pot, frying pan?
Who screams them: - "Oh-oh!
Grogging home "?
Who are behind them along the fence
rides? ... grandmother Fedor!
Promises to love them
Yes from dirt all wash.
Crying dirty dishes:
- Oh, without cleaning we are so bad!
But decide and be
Stickka old to forgive.
Asked to clean them with a sand
Wash the sides with boiling board.
Cooks will be again
Like a sun ... shine!

(K. Chukovsky. Fedorino Mountain)


In the pure field, the house has grown.
Who lives in it?
We see: Mouse in it, Nomushka,
Yes, frog in it, cuckoo.
The third in the sister house -
This is a red fox.
Brothers: Wolf - at the side of the crash,
Brown teddy bear - Truppy-Lyapysh.
House is not low, not high,
What is called? ... Teremok!

(E.I. Scharushin. Teremok)


As in one village, the fool lived.
He, on the stove of lying, lapties soup bread.
Somehow I had to leave the stove,
Mind by a commander with the verts on the river.
And happened with a bad thing that's what kind of thing -
He burned down a bucket, look, and there - ... Pike!

He grabbed her tail, let's drag.
Pike whatened his mercy asking:
- Kohl Let's go, then
You will always live in your own way!
Says, I will get roasting you at any time.
Do you know the lazy on the furnace? ... Emelya!

(I.A. Bunin. About the fool of Emela, what a smarter came out)


Lived - were grandfather yes babe
ate porridge with milk.
Well, after, for fun,
tea cup with sugar.
Sweet Tea, yes Life Gorkonka
At the unfortunate old people.
- Eh, I used the girl!
All sigh deep.
Once neighboring boys
Made a snowman.
Dragged away from the kids
Snowball two old man.
Whom they, folding into the pot,
put to the sun on the window.
They ask to cut off her daughter,
We believe, maybe everything is.
The sun that pot heated
Like a hot stub.
How water is swinging key,
got ... Snow Maid!

(V.I. Dal. Girl Snow Maiden)


In the fairy tale of this king on the needles
Sent a gift - bird.
Kohl around the capital peacefully,
She sitting on the tower is smart.
But only a little
the smoke of war will pull them
she screams, it will be born
And to the place will turn.
The enemy breaks from all sides.
Who is bothering? ... Tsar Dadon!
Remember the name of the kindness.
Whose gift? ... star!
Gave king he from the bag
Golden ... Cock!
Long B ruled Tsar Dadon,
not suffering from the wars damage
In the coffin, the king of the girl was brought
Shamakhanskaya ... Queen!

(A.S. Pushkin. Tale of the Golden Cockerel)


I lived yes there was one merchant,
Dear widower.
He was fabulously rich,
But the treasury is not happy.
He did not see the execution in the treasury
If the heart is lonely.
Trade all to night
For the sake of three beauties daughters.
Their outfits on the selection -
Sladen gold pattern.
As if swans floats,
The conversation as a thread lead.
Older although smoky,
Junior merchant Mile.
How many times the merchant gathered
And for the sea leaned
For some interest:
Behind the profit almight.
Long for the sea he was
Finally sailed home.
Daughters brought gifts.
The senior - bright stone.
Younger, hiding in the nodule,
Wonderful ... Scarlet flower!

(S.T. Aksakov. Scarlet flower)


In the blue sky, the stars shook.
In the blue sea, the waves are harvested.
At Brega
The kingdom of nice ... Saltan!
Punches of the royal pales,
Ships stick to the ships.
Those floast
From the miracle islands ... Buyan!
Today is the island crowded
because he is wonderful king,
After all, from the century of stere
remained non-residential.
Now w on the king bow
And the gift of the prince ... Gwidon!
In the princess of Grad on Buyan,
What is far in okayne
All miracles do not count.
Spruce in the garden is a palace,
Golden as bazz
Splits cones ... Squirrel!
Here on Lukomorier - Divo.
The sea will swollenly
will be broken in a noisy run
and get on Brega
in Czech as the heat grief
Thirty three ... Bogatyr!
Behind the sea is a princess,
What you can not have an eye to hide.
Monthly shine shine
And in the forehead the star is burning.
On water, as in the sky,
Shines to all princes ... Swan!

(A.S. Pushkin Tale of Tsar Saltan ...)


There were two native sisters.
That - lazy, this is the master.
Here is one day to get a bucket,
To climb the well to them, on the bottom.
Met different siques
And the owner of those beautiful places.
Who got down - this is the question
Hid in a well ... Santa Claus!
They then got out.
Spring heat from the journey.
Open the joy of the casket.
Sleavita - snow Yes ... Icicles!
And in another box not snowballs,
Master of the grandfather gave ... money!

(V.F. Odoevsky. Moroz Ivanovich)


In the fairy tale of that miracles full,
But the worst of all one thing -
All in the palace, which struggled Mor.
Realities became the royal court.
Dark forest got up as a fence,
Closing inclusion overview.
And there is no passage in more often
The palace is three hundred years.
You read the fairy tale, probably?
This ... "Sleeping Tsarevna"!
For printed young
so terrible witches evil
Punish for the insanity:
The dream struck the king and a retinue.
Woke up by climbing in the bor
Young man all royal yard!
Again talk here, break
As it should be the average day.
Who achieved such vertices?
Well, of course ... the royal son!

(V.A. Zhukovsky. Sleeping Tsarevna)


Among floweks
in the shade of leaves
there was a boy
Five years with terns.
All day your long
Flying on the bee.
Nectar flower
He loved very much.
And under the Luno
Sometimes night
danced he with midge
Yes, beat in the palm.
Who is this handsome?
Yes, boy ... with a finger!

(V.A. Zhukovsky. Boy with finger)


At least half a hundred go out
Go around, go around
Easier home is not found,
Not to find, not to find!
House builds from grass
Pigles .... NIF-NIF!
Though terrible, terrible beast
did not break through the door.
But broke a house from the prunel
He flew by a knuckle.
This house is pity to who?
Piggy .... NUF-NUF!
He, of course, is smart,
Everyone is smart, everyone is smarter.
House he builds from stones,
From stones, from stones.
What is his name all, eh?
Pigles .... NAF-NAF!
This is a simple question for the child.
Heroes called how? - ... Three pigs!

(S.V.Mikhalkov. Three pigs)


In this omitous book
There are problems with a boy.
He has on the neck of Vaca,
He has a blossom
He has such hands
What even pants escaped.
Well, followed by dirty
And stockings sniffed.
All clothes flew away.
They talk about him - ignorant.
Who will return it to order -
Guess, friend, riddle!
This is a brave commander
Famous ... Moydodyr!

(K.I. Chukovsky. Moydodyr)


The sun was walked
And for clouds walked.
It became scary and dark
On a summer noon outside the window.
Why is the light eclipsed?
Is the crocodile?
Beasts rushed off everything.
They do not reach home.
In the dark, poor things, grow
And their kids are looking for.
Ask the beasts: - Kosolapy,
Crocodile scratch,
Rip it into parts
Ring the sun out of the grazing!
There will be light in all enders
In a fairy tale ... "Stolen Sun"!

(K.I. Chukovsky. Stolen Sun)


In this fairy tale, treat -
To tea delicious jam.
In samovar - boiling water,
Pei slowly, by sip,
And admire guests!
And when the villain comes,
Do not Roby and be bold,
Bay him you without clause!
If you have a spider
Together with the brave mosquito,
Will help his bride!
Call it here to the place,
This ........ Muha-Costohah,
Gold-plated belly.
Musicians came running
In the drums stood.
We began to dance.
Can you call them?
Tara, Tara, Tara, RA,
Have fun ......... Moskor!
That's just like a little man
Rides a small ..... Grasshopper!
Does not regret the lapes
Beats a chinge ...... ant!
Boots top top!
Who cales so? ...... bug-bug!
Ignite lights
On dance ...... Svelli!

(K. Chukovsky. Fly Cotton)

In this fairy tale hero
Not like me with you.
Major is small,
He did not delete.
Somehow the wind guy blown
Acused across the river ...
Here the trouble - the legs born.
How to flee them along the track?
How to get to home
Unhealthy, patient?
Wake up your umishko,
Who is it? ... Muratechka!

(V.V. Bianki. How the Murauka was in a hurry home)

I have a new book !!! Irina Batoy. Lily over the depth of water
The book is sold on the reader and on the literes and another 50 resources. The collection of original lyrical poems of Nizhny Novgorod poetess Bate Irina is offered to the attention of readers. All works collected by the author in this book were previously printed in 50 issues of the All-Russian newspaper "Female Revelations. Letters. Stories. Views »

Dear readers, with the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we introduce children from early childhood. They teach good, patience, faith in miracles. Together with the children, we return to them, we look at wonderful cartoons on these fairy tales.

Let's check today how well our children know Pushkin's fairy tales. And they will help us in this riddles. In our selection of riddles for the fairy tales A.S. Pushkin for preschoolers and primary school students. And, of course, there are answers in the case, if you forgot some moments in fairy tales.

Do not rush to your children to prompt answers. Let them think, and you can ask leading questions. For children and you can be very interesting and informative. After all, then again it will be possible to return to fairy tales, re-read them and fill the gaps. This selection can also be used for quiz on fairy tales A.S. Pushkin.

Pushkin fairy tales come to us,
Bright and kind, like dreams.
Words, words-diamonds
On the evening velvet silence.
Magic pages rustle.
All the more likely we want to know.
Shuddering children's eyelashes
They believe in a miracle children's eyes.
Even if we are no longer children,
At 20, at 30 years and 45
We run away, sometimes in childhood,
We run away to Pushkin again.
Run in the riot of fresh paints,
In the celebration of good over dark evil,
Run in Pushkin fairy tales,
To good and better to become then.
I. Akulinina

There was a pop, Tolpon Lob ...

Pushkina tale riddles for preschoolers with answers. Guess the riddle!

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

He lived in the dugout thirty-three years old
And fishing went to any weather.
Yes, I brain his wife-old woman openly
For a broken, unfit truth.
He with the Masters of the sea led a conversation,
And she performed three grandfathers of the grandfather.
And when it was angry, rebelled -
The sea is shining blue, worried.
Call me soon with a smile!
- This is a fairy tale ...
(Fisherman and fish)

Fish in a fairy tale we have
Golden coloring color.
Who the desire will fuss,
Everything will get everything from it.

Here is under a clear blue sky
In the sea who threw the nem?
Child fish caught
Sorry and let go?
(Old man)

Thirty-three years - such things -
Old woman by the sea is all yarn.
And his grandfather lived an unsuccessful fishing.
What housing they had, tell me?

Pushkin's fairy tales read?
The network of that old man caught
Gold fish in the sea.
Do you know, brother, tackle?

A couple of times the old man threw
But caught only the grass and Tina.
Who, tell me, at once on the third
Suddenly accidentally caught on the net?

I have a question of sucking.
Tell me: what for the first time
I became my grandfather to ask,
So that the old man please?

Tale - lie! Yes, there is a hint,
Lyuto greed reproach.
In the old woman, the tears pours,
What to wash can not be laundry.

Pickle wishes
The desire is performed.

It became little of her trough.
And there are few huts already.
Well, quickly tell me,
Who then became the old woman?

Whose words are it?

"Durachina you, dive!
You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish! .... "
(Old woman)

"Let you go, older, I'm in the sea,
Dear ladies Fucking:
Bite off than just wish
(Gold fish)

Striked old man now from the sea,
Tell me a great miracle:
What caught today he is a fish,
Goldfish, not a simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
Home in the sea was asked blue,
Dear price was bought off:
Bought off, than only wishes!
He did not dare to take a ransom from her!
So let her go to the blue sea!
Durachina, such a protiff!

He failed to take a redemption from the fish!
At least he took a trough with her,
Our - not cheat, destruction!
They guessed, who am I? ...
(Old woman)

"The fairy tale about the Pop and about the employee of his Bald"

If we tale we know this,
Let the forehead hurt:
To what, hogbing but
Hope a tricky pop?

Lives a battula in a pop house,
Sleeps usually on straw.
The shell eats for four
Works for seven.

From the first shoe
I jumped to the ceiling;
From the second clack
I lost my language;
And from the third cloth
The mind hit the old man!
And the Balda sentenced with the urbar:
"Would you chase you for the cheapness"!
And why did I put him my forehead?
What is your name? ...

In the fairy tale, the ass pumped devils
Something to pay to the Poppiece.
For the fact that he went to them a ballad, not arguing,
To get back with a full bag soon.

Whose words are it?

"Yes, I want to smear the rope,
Yes, you, curse the tribe, sore! ... "

For all fairy tales, A. S. Pushkin shot cartoons. And if your children watched them, read the fairy tales themselves, then to guess what fairy tale the passage will not be at all difficult. We offer to see the cognitive video of the Quiz for these fairy tales.

The wind on the sea walks and the boat wings

Pushkin tales riddles for elementary school with answers

"Ruslan and Ludmila"

Day and night, as a head
In the chain of the kilt circle
It goes this beast scientist.
Do you know, is it about com?

Many fairy tales of interesting
Tell can cat scientist.
So call the same place
Where with a chain of oak green grows?

Lighted carvo, he is noise,
The golden chain hangs on it.

No bird sits on the branches,
And the beauty of the girl sits.
Sweet voice sings
Above the river in more often:
Will last, will call
And the bottom will take off.

"Lukomorya ..." Do you know verse?
Do not remember if, read.
Answer that "With Baboy-Yaga
Wills, wanders with me "?

Lyudmila - his daughter is smaller.
And son-in-law - Ruslan is now in honor.
And you, the name of the prince knowing,
I'll call it now ...

Chernomor at least a beard
Nevertheless is not rich.
All people of such growth
Call very simple.

Flawing riddles

Zlato he goes through
And in the district of everyone scares.
He has a lot of wrinkles.
Well, of course it ...
(Not gin, but wrap)

It is important for the chain he,
Tales knows by heart.
This beast we will say out loud
Called ...
(Not cock, but a cat)

Many days spent on the road
I wanted to Lyudmila he found.
The sorcerer carried it in the sky.
(Not grandfather frost, but Bogatyr Ruslan)

In her fairy tales, Alexander Sergeyevich seemed: "Target seriously. She teaches to understand life, teaches to see good and evil, teaches to defend their right and fight against injustice. "

"A fairy tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans"

Three sisters of the dream came true.
Who, tell me, was the one
What dreamed only one
Tow the sea of \u200b\u200bthe canvas?

He was very strong, he was born
Only in the barrel found himself.
Bar barrel scrambled,
In the ocean it was allowed.
Raced barrel on the waves,
Quickly grew up the child there
He prayed sea wave
And on land found himself.
Missed the bottom and came out
Called as it? ....

Prince with merchants met,
Their stories were surprised
And transfer them to them
Tsar Saltana my bow.

Only this king was born,
Immediately at sea found himself.
In the barrel sailed on the sea he,
This king was called ...

Magic happened secret:
The island was uninhabited
And now ... answer just you,
What is built on the island?

Guns with pier Palaat,
All now tell
What is this island,
Where does not live fairy tales?

Babarich somehow
He bitten him straight into the eye.

Before the princely palace
There is a wonderful house
And above him is not the first year
What kind of tree is growing?

What a beast in a crystal house
Princess profit creates.
"Whether in the garden, in the garden ..."
Loud song sings

It is hardly a simple tooth
Glanged golden nuts.
Ah yeah fabulous nut!
Well, inside the nuts of those?

Little animal
Songs sings
And nuts all gnaw

Swan all the magic force
Once the second torment
Prince-Guidon in us familiar
Such a simple insect

Prince Gvidon on the Ocean
Three times sailed to the king Saltan.
Unnoticed reached.
And who did he turn into?
(Bumblebee, Fly, Mosquito)

The fairy tale of the face was crowned
Treated honey, beer
In the mouth, neither the drop did not fall
All on them only and glass.

"Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

I'm with big, high needles
Erase of king border.
A little danger where you can see
I immediately wake up from sleep,
Moving, fixed,
To the sideline wrapped
And shout: "Kiri-ku!
Kingdom, lying on my side! "
Immediately all go hike
And the enemy will repulse!
I am beautiful, golden!
I dodone as my own:
Spurs, feathers, scallop!
Who am I, Children? ...

He was planted on the needles,
From enemies to take care of the capital.

Golden this bird
Put Dadon on the needles.
Kohl sits that bird is Smyrno,
Then around the king is all smart.

Stargazer Tsar Dadonu
Petushka raised with a bow ...
- answer, cute friend,
What then erasek cock?
(City, kingdom)

And who, tell me, friend
Loud-loud cock
Everything shouted: "Ki Ki-Ri-ku!
Kingdom, lying on the side! "?

That with the king is considered to rode,
It is unlikely that anyone will now argue.
What, tell me, Tsar Dadon
Wiseman Spirit Wanted Won?

Whose words are it?

"Give me a maiden,
Shamakhan queen! ... "

"Woe is me! Hit on the network
Both of our falcon!
Mount! My death came ... "
(Tsar Dadon)

"The fairy tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes"

He is invisible and mighty,
He chases flocks clouds
He walks on the square,
Ship - help in the sea.

Kruglitic, light,
He shines in the darkness of deep.
Name soon, friend
Gold plated horn!

Daughter tsarist lives
At seven heroes.
And who is the princess waiting for?
Remember soon!

Korolevich Elisha
Long walk to love for your.
Who was this hero
For princes young?

At the king's wife's second,
Days are noticeably short
Speaking in secret
With this small subject.

In the queen of an evil
The interlocutor is not easy.
Inanimate but talking
Will tell the truth true.

Near the forest terche
Not starting to the house of evil
He served in diligently.
How was this dog called?

Whose words are it?

"My light, the mirror! Tell me
Yes, all the truth reports:
I am in the light of all Mile,
All rosy and whiter? .. "

"Month, month, my friend,
Gold plated horn!

The article completes the poem of N. Aliphirenko, in which a very precisely the author shows that both children and adults love the works of A. S. Pushkin.

I love Pushkin creativity,
And this is not a secret at all.
His poems, poems
There was no more beautiful!
I read the fairy tales from Malsia
In them, the heat of the soul, nature of paint.
Good blooms in them, the malice will caustic.
In them, the Russian spirit, in them the ruus smells!

Now look at the video and help children consolidate knowledge. There will be three options for response in pictures in the video. Guess the riddles and choose the right picture.

Who was Rurik?

Historians did not come to a common opinion about who Rurik was. According to some sources, they could have been Danish Viking Ryrik Yutland, on others - who made raids on the lands of the Balts Swedes Eic Emitdarson.

There is also the Slavic version of the origin of Rüric.

The historian of the XIX century, Gedeonov Stavanov tied the name of the prince with the word "Rerek" (or Rarog), which in the Slavic tribe of encouraged meant falcon. When expanding early settlements of the Rurikovsky dynasty, many images of this bird were found.

Did the Svyatopolk Boris and Gleb killed?

One of the main "antiheroev" of the history of ancient Russia became Svyatopolk Okayan. It is considered to be the killer of the Boris and Gleb princes in 1015. Folk etymology connects the nickname of Svyatopolka with the name of Cain, although this word goes back to the Old Russian "Kayati" - repent.

Despite the accusation of the murder of the princes, from the generic list of prince's names the name of the Svyatopolk was not removed until the middle of the XII century.

Some historians, for example, Nikolai Ilyin, believe that Svyatopolk could not kill Boris and Gleb, as they recognized him the right to the throne. In his opinion, the young princes fell victim to the hands of the warriors Yaroslav Wise, who claimed Kiev throne. For this reason, the name of the Svyatopolka from the generic list of names was not removed.

Where did the remains of Yaroslav Wise disappeared?

Yaroslav Wise, the son of Vladimir Baptist, was buried on February 20, 1054 in Kiev in the marble tomb of St. Clement. In 1936, Sarcophagus opened and surprised several mixed remains in surprise: male, female and several children's bones.

In 1939 they were sent to Leningrad, where scientists of the institute of anthropology found that one of the three skeletons belong to Yaroslav Mudrom.

However, it remained a mystery to whom other remains belong and how they got there. According to one of the versions, the only wife of Yaroslav, Scandinavian Princess Ingegere, was restored in the tomb. But who had to Yaroslav a child buried with him? With the advent of DNA technologies, the question of the tomb of the tomb again stood again.

The relics of Yaroslav - the most ancient of the remaining remains of Rurikov's rhodes, were to "answer" for a few questions. The main of which is Rurikovich - Scandinava or still Slavs?

On September 10, 2009, looking at the pale anthropologist Sergey Segud, the staff of the Sofia Cathedral Museum understood: things are bad. The remains of the Grand Prince Yaroslav wise were disappeared, and in their place there was a completely different skeleton and the newspaper "True" for 1964.

The riddle of the appearance of the newspaper has solved quickly. She was forgotten by Soviet specialists, the last who worked with the bones.

But with the "self-procured" relics, it was more difficult. It turned out that these are female remains, and from two skeletons dating in a completely different time! Who are these women, as their remains, were in the sarcophagus, and where Yaroslav himself disappeared, still remains a mystery.

Where on the helmet of Alexander Nevsky Muslim magicians?

On the helmet of Alexander Nevsky, except for diamonds and rubies - Arabic, the 3rd verse of the 61st Surah of the Quran: "Let's give the faithful promise of help from Allah and the Eighty Victory."

In the course of countless inspections and expertise it was established that the "Erichon Cap" was stamped in the East (from where the Arab inscriptions) in the XVII century.

Then, Mikhail Fedorovich was the helmet with the fodder, which was subjected to Christian tuning. Nevsky helmet was attributed to erroneously, but because of this mistake he was on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire along with other royal "caps".

Interestingly, the Arabic liner decorated and the helmet of Ivan the Terrible, as well as other robust persons of medieval Russia. Of course, you can talk about the fact that it was trophies. But it is difficult to imagine that the regulated Ivan IV watershed to his venance head used by the helmet. And in the use of "bassurman". The question of why the blessed prince wore a helmet with Islamic letters remains open.

Why did the eagle appeared on the seal of Ivan III?

The two-headed eagle in Russia first appeared on the state press of the Grand Prince Ivan III in 1497. Historians almost readily argue that Eagle in Russia appeared with the light hand of Sofia Paleolog, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor and wife Ivan III.

But why the Grand Duke decided to use the eagle only after two decades, no one explains.

It is interesting that in the same time in Western Europe, the double-headed eagle was engaged in the environment of alchemists. The authors of alchemical works put an eagle on their books as a quality mark. The double-headed eagle meant that the author received a philosophical stone capable of converting metals in gold. The fact that Ivan III gathered around himself foreign architects, engineers, drugs, who probably practiced fashionable alchemy, indirectly proves that the king had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the "feat" symbol.

Does Ivan killed the Terrible Son?

The murder of Ivan Vasilyevich his heir is a very controversial fact. So, in 1963, the Tomb of Ivan the Terrible and his son was opened in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. Studies made it possible to argue that Tsarevich John was poisoned. The main content of the poison in its remains is many times the permissible norm. Interestingly, the same poison was found in the bones of Ivan Vasilyevich.

Scientists concluded that the royal family for several decades was the victim of the Emirates.

Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son. Such a version adhered to, for example, the Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod of Konstantin Victorious. Seeing the famous film of Repin at the exhibition, he was outraged and wrote to the emperor Alexander III: "It is impossible to call the picture of historical, since this moment ... purely fantastic."

The murder version was founded on the stories of the Papal Leah Antonio Possevino, which is difficult to call the disinterested person.

Why did Ivan Grozny moved to Aleksandrovskaya Slobod?

The move of Grozny to the Alexander Sloboda became an unprecedented event in Russian history. In fact, almost 20 years old, Alexander Sloboda became the capital of Russia. Here, Ivan Grozny began to establish the first after centuries-old isolation international relations, enter into important trade and political contracts, take the Embassies of European powers.

Grozny transported there the first in Russia in Russia, where students of the first-line primer of Ivan Podorov, Andronik Timofeev and Nikifor Tarasiev, who have printed many books in it and even the first leaflets.

The best architects, icon painters, musicians arrived at the Alexander Slobod. A book-painted workshop worked at the court, the prototype of the first conservatory was created.

Tsarist diplomats received an order to explain to ingenians that the Russian king went to the "village" in his will "for his coolness" that his residence in the "village" is located near Moscow, therefore the king "state is his rules and in Moscow, and in Sloboda."

Why did the Grozny decision about moving? Most likely, the monastic fraternity in Sloboda was formed on the wave of Ivan IV conflict with Metropolitan Philipp. The head of the church was obsessed with the unrighteous residence of the king. The presence in the Sloboda of the Salt Brotherhood in Himo showed everyone that the sovereign leads the life of the saint. Ivan Grozny with his fraternity did not flirt particularly. In the 1570-1571, some brothers were slaughtered either hung on the gate of their own home, others were recessed, or thrown into the dungeon.

Where did the library of Ivan the Terrible disappear?

According to the legend, Ivan the Terrible after his move to Alexander Sloboda transported with me and the library. Another hypothesis says John hid it in some reliable Kremlin cache. But no matter how it was, after the reign of the Terrible Library disappeared.

There are many versions of the disappearance. The first: invaluable manuscripts burned in one of the Moscow fires. The second: "Liber" during the occupation of Moscow was taken to the West Poles and sold out in parts.

Through the third version, the Poles really found the library, but in the conditions of hunger, in the same place in the Kremlin they ate her.

Library for a long time, but in vain sought. Searches for "Liberey" and in the 20th century. However, Academician Dmitry Likhachev spoke about the fact that the legendary library is unlikely to be greater value.

Why did Ivan Grozny renounced the throne?

In 1575, Ivan Groznye renounced the throne and planted on the throne of serving Tatar Khan Simeon Bekbulatovich. Contemporaries did not understand the meaning of the journal of the monarch. The rumor has spread, as if the sovereign was scared by the prediction of Kudesnikov. The news about this was preserved by one of the late chronicles: "And they speak Neztsi, that in order to Salzal (Simeon), that Volkhwi was told to him that there would be a premium that the Moscow king would be death."

Warnings of this kind of autocratic received from sorcerers and astrolories not one day.

Ivan began to call himself "Halop Ivashka". But it is significant that for some reason the power of "Holopa" continued to spread to the Earth of the former Kazan Khanate, where Ivan retained the title of king.

Most likely, Ivan was afraid that, being under the authority of the real chingizid, Kazan may perhaps with the Spirit, like Simeon to the uprising. Of course, Simeon was not a real king, the uncertainty of his situation was aggravated by the fact that he took the royal throne, but he received only a grand-road title instead of the royal.

On the third month of Simeon's rule, Grozny told the English ambassador, which can again accept San, when he would be pleased, and will go, as God hesitates, because Simeon has not yet been approved by the rite of weddings and is not appointed by popular election, but only on his enrollment.

Simeon's Board lasted for 11 months, after which Ivan shifts him, generously awards Tversa and Torzhok, where Simeon dies in 1616, adopting a monasticism before death. For almost a year, Grozny spent his strange experiment.

Was Lhadmitry "Lower"

We have already humbled that Lhadmitry I is a runaway monk Grishka Fravev. The idea that "it was easier to save, than to fake Dimitri" expressed the famous Russian historian Nikolai Kostomarov.

And indeed, it looks very surrelevant that at the beginning of Dmitry (with the prefix "false") acknowledged with all honest people, the native mother, princes, boyars, and after some time - everyone suddenly hesitated.

The pathologicalness of the situation adds the fact that Tsarevich himself was completely convinced of his naturalness, which contemporaries wrote about.

Either this is schizophrenia, or he had grounds. Check the "originality" of Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich, at least today is not possible.

Who killed Tsarevich Dmitry?

If Dmitry still died, what caused his death? At noon on May 25, 1591, Tsarevich Metal knives with other children who were in his retinue. In the materials of the investigation on the death of the son of Ivan Grozny, there is a testimony of one date playing with Tsarevich: "... Played de Tsarevich in the twist of the knife with them in the backyard, and came to him the disease - Padochi Nedug - and pounced on the knife."

In fact, these testimony became the main argument for investigators to qualify the death of Dmitry Johnovich as an accident.

However, the official version still does not suit historians. The death of the last sovereign from the Rurikovsky dynasty opened the way to the kingdom of Boris Godunov, which was actually the ruler of the country, while Living Fedor John. By that time, behind the Godunov, the reputation of the "Clever Tsarevich" was entrusted, but it was not much embarrassed. By cunning manipulations, he was still elected king

Peter I replaced?

In such a conviction, many Russian boyars were after the return of Peter I from a 15-month tour of Europe. And the point here was not only in the new royal "Prikide".

Particularly attentive persons found inconsistencies in physiological properties: first, the king grew significantly, and, secondly, the features of his face, and, thirdly, he had a lot less.

In Muscovy, rumors about the submenu of the sovereign crawled.

According to one version, Peter "swore into the wall", and instead, they sent a similar face of the impostor to Rus. On the other, "the king in the Germans in the barrel is mortgaged and in the sea is broken." The oil in the fire added the fact that Peter returned from Europe began the large-scale destruction of the "Old Russian Starny".

There were also rumors that the king was replaced in infancy: "The sovereign is not Russian breed, and not the king of Alexei Mikhailovich Son; Because of the infancy from German Sloboda, in an exchange for an exchange. Tsarevna Tsarevna, and instead of the princes they took EEO, the sovereign, and Tsarevna was given instead of EU ".

Who did the power of Peter I bequeathed?

Peter I died, did not have time to appoint the heir. After him, the throne took Catherine I, and then followed the long political office, referred to as the era of palace coups. In 1812, after the collapse of the Napoleonic invasion, it becomes aware of a certain "will of Peter I".

In 1836 it is published, however, in French. In the will, Peter, allegedly, called for successors to conduct permanent wars with Europe, divide Poland, conquer India and neutralize Turkey. In general, achieve complete and final hegemony in Eurasia.

The accuracy of the document attached part of the already executed "covenants", for example, section of Poland. But, at the end of the XIX century, the document was carefully studied and recognized as a fake.

Who was Paul I?

Emperor Paul I involuntarily continued the tradition of generating rumors around the house of Romanov. Immediately after the birth of the heir in the yard, and then the rumors have already crawled throughout Russia about the fact that the real father of Paul I was not Peter III, but the first favorite of the Grand Prince Catherine Alekseevna, Count Sergey Vasilyevich Saltykov.

Indirectly confirmed Ekaterina II, which in his memoirs recalled, as Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, so that the dynasty would not fade, he ordered his wife's heir to make a child, despite the one who would be his genetic father. There is a folk legend of the appearance of Paul I: According to her, Catherine gave birth to Peter a deadly child, and he was replaced by a certain Chukhon boy.

When did Alexander I died?

There is a legend that Alexander the first left the royal throne, falsifying his own death, and went to Western in Russia under the name of Fyodor Kuzmich. There are several indirect confirmations of this legend.

So, the Witnesses concluded that Alexander was categorically not similar to himself.

In addition, according to obscure reasons, Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the spouse of the king, did not participate in a mourning ceremony.

The famous Russian lawyer Anatoly Koni conducted thorough comparative studies of the handwriting of the emperor and Fyodor Kuzmich and came to the conclusion that "emperor's letters and notes of the wanderer wrote by the hand of the same person."

Everyone knows the tale of Tsar Saltan. This is one of the most famous works of the Great Russian poet. But, a strange thing, it was in it that he retreated from many of his rules, violated the tradition, puzzled the riddles, unsolved and at the time.

Tales of Tsar Saltan. First riddles

Firstlyname itself. The name of the fairy tale is the longest of all the works of A.S. Pushkin.
"A fairy tale of Tsar Saltan, his son, the glorious and mighty Bogatyr Gwidon Saltanovic and the beautiful princess swans."

What a strange priest caused Pushkin to give a fairy tale such a long and deliberately subwitting name?

Secondly - the names of the heroes of the fairy tale. In all his works, Pushkin used mostly Russian, sometimes Ukrainian names. The whole fairy tale is saturated truly by the Russian flavor. The names of Guidon and Saltan are not related to the Russians, nor to Ukrainian or even well-known foreign names. Where did they come from? As it does not fit with the Russian flavor color. Now everyone is looking for Italian, German roots in these names.

Third, the strange behavior of the king Saltan. Walks around the villages, hiding behind the fences, erupts other people's conversations. And all the time with someone fights.

"In all the time he was standing for the fence. We spell the latter, throughout, loved to him. "

Fourth, Prince Gwidon, an amazing person, treated in a barrel, not by day, but by the hour. Not yet coming out from the barrel, he already applies his mighty magic to manage the waves of the sea.
You wave my wave! You are flying and free. Shutting where you want. You marine stones sharpening. Top the bank of the land, raise the ships. Don't Tomi you are our soul! We throw us on the land! And the wave listened. Exactly, she pulled a little barrel to the shore. And poked quietly.

Wow, baby!

Fifth - Tsarevna Swan and Korshun

Korsun - a resident of the steppes, swans, usually live on calm water - on ponds, or lakes. In the fairy tale of Pushkin, they agreed in the deadly fight on the sea near the magic island, where the mother and son found themselves. And if not Arrow Guidon, swans would have to be completely bad.

In the sixth - it is a weathered and cook. Being from the island in the distance, they know about the prince of Swans, and about the heroes, and about a protein, ricking magic nuts. Everything in this fairy tale is permeated with amazing magic. Guidon and Swan - Wizards. Tkachchi with cooks, at a minimum, psychics.

In sevenths, et. ship With merchants traveling on them. Whenever they, having driving on Gvidon Island, then go to the kingdom of "glorious Saltan past the island of Buyan." Buyan Island does not appear in a fairy tale. But it is by the shipshiki in the kingdom of Saltan as passing him.

In the eighth, this squid - singer

After all, it is not for that, but it is around this protein that the tale of Tsar Saltan unfolds.

Spruce grows in front of the palace, and under it a crystal house.
A bumps with gold nuts inside grow on the Christmas tree. But even amazing the content of these nuts. This is an emerald. Green emeralds on a green christmas tree. Protein is also magical. After all, it does not eat the contents of nuts, but only collects them in piles.
Mosk gold and in piles collects emeralds.
Servants protein elate.
Specially attached people keep an account of nuts, make up the emeralds and gold shells in the chests.
Straight the processing company with accounting and strict reporting.
Guidon ordered
A strict account of nuts of the news is the protein of glory, prince honor.
In a fairy tale, Christian symbols are surprising - churches, the dome of monasteries and pagan spruce with emerald nuts.

In ninth - everything is rich in that city. There is no, some chambers. Whatever enough, but Pushkin managed, with his fairy tale, to put all this wealth. The wealth of the Russian soul and the Russian epic, concentrated in several dozen magnificent quatrain.

In tenths, Pushkin calls Babarich Gvidon's Babarich Babari, although at the beginning of the fairy tale there were only a weathered and cook. But then ...

And tipples with the cook,
With the Babaric Baba,
Near the king are sitting
The evil toads look.

Where does such sarcasm in the genius of Russian literature in relation to these three people. After all, it is just a fairy tale, the real fairy tale. But Pushkin is clearly on the side of Guidon.

And tipples with the cook,
With the Babaric Baba,
Near the king are sitting
Four threesome look.

They look in four threesomes, bitten by mossets and flies, who sews the princess swan, turning Prince Guidon in these evil insects.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan. Riddles of mysteries

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was a passionate jealous of the Russian language. In his era, a characteristic dominance of English and French, commitment to Russian was not supported in the highest light and the public layers adjacent to it.

It was necessary to have a big courage in order to promote Russian in the courtest rank of the Junker chambers. Tale of Tsar Saltan and carries this energy of the Russian language, as well as the essence of the history of Europe.

First scene with three girls

Tale of Tsar Saltan through this scene is informants to listeners and readers a symbol of ancient times Slovenian - Celtic Unity. As you know, the Celts formed the states of France and England. Pushkin has a cook and weaves, respectively. Tkachkha - England, known for its manufactories and fabrics, and the cook-France, a legislator in the field of cooking.

Slovenians who lived on those who adjacent to Celtic territories were formed in the future state of Slovenia and Rus. Slovenia Ilmenie became the basis of the ancient Russian northern ethnos. Slovenian language (Vyshneslavsky Other Church Slavonic) became one of the main components of the Russian language.

So, the third sister is Russia, born.
Hence the first random.

A long and endless sounding name of a fairy tale from great love to Russian history and the Russian language, the Russian spirit, which is permeated with all the work.

Second attempt - about names

Tsar Saltan is the Russian people. His son, Nice Bogatyr Gwidon Saltanovich - Russian. Queen, the wife of Saltan, the birth of the hectares, this is the soul of the Russian people, the princess swan - the soul of the Russian language. The names of Saltan and Guidon Wizhroy Pushkin called from deep antiquity, when another Celts and Sloveni spoke very close languages.

Third attenuation

She is about the place of residence of the Russian people in antiquity.
"At all the time he was behind the fence."

This fence is the Alpine Mountains, separating to Slovenia from the Valley of the Foreign River, the Eternal River flowing through the heart of the Russian people and the Russian language.

Open, in the Ushakov dictionary, for example, words beginning with software. You will see that they do not count them.
Russian words, sing, sweat - sweat, victory, reason, and others, eloquently indicate that this territory was a place of residence of Sloven - Russia in antiquity. The city of Crown (Crown I am Venice), built on piles brought from the coast of the Baltic Sea.

The fourth charm of Prince Gwidon

This is the great magic of the Russian language, which is based on ancient belief and concepts, winged phrases, parables and proverbs of ancient people. Russian language many thousands of years. I think he is at least 15 thousand years old. The era of hunters on mammoths left his trail in Russian. Pushkin in his work repeatedly mentions this. Implicitly, however, in the form of hints.

There on unknown tracks
Traces of unseen beasts…

And then hoping guests
In the bed of ivory
Laid young
And left some.

Fifth Ripping on Tsarevna Swans and Korean

The famous version of the Mongolian origin of the "Russian Mata" is projected by Pushkin in the form of Korshun - Stepnyak, Torzing the Clean Soul of the Russian Language - Tsarevna Swan. The very same Swan lives at sea, like her brothers are heroic, leaving his waves. The Russian soul is sea, like the Russian people himself, who ever lived on the Adriatic and Baltic.

Six Tipple and Council

As already mentioned, these two people are relevant to England, the country of Manufacture, and France, the owner of culinary secrets. Tkachchi and the cook know a lot about the relic values \u200b\u200bof the Russian language - about swans, heroes and a squirrel, ricking gold nuts. Know what they know, but hide and always pass and distort what they know.

Gave birth to the queen in the night
Not that son is not the daughter.
Not a mouse, not a frog,
And the unhealthy animal.

This is about Russian language ....

That is why Pushkin is so angry. That is why it is so fiercely bitter a weaves and the cook and inequate with them to go Babarich Babarich's Babarich insect to the Insect Prince Gwidon. All famous linguists of the 19th and 20th century, including Max Fasmer, produce Russian words from foreign. They are foreigners themselves, mostly the French, the British and the Germans. All comparative linguistics are built on the denial of independence of the Russian language. Read the aircraft. You will understand everything.

Seventh merchandie

For which I bought, for a sell, says a folk proverb about something that is said, but not verified. The merchants in this fairy tale about Tsar Saltan are folk patches and songwriters, the eternal Wanderers of the Russian expanses, expanding fresh lead throughout Russia.

The eighth spanking about the protein

Squirrel animal small, not causing interest. However, she knows how to guess riddles. Gold nuts are Russian words. An even more valuable filling is hidden for the gold shell of the word - the oldest meaning invested in his word creator. This stuffing is Emerald - opens our mystery of our ancestors, protected ways of their lives and soul. Emeralds are a virtual portal that allows you to make mentally traveling in time.

The protein itself can be considered virtually, as inconspicuous, in general, a person from the people who knows how to correctly and carefully handle the word. When they say Street, he explains the street - by the face. When the sideways say, he explains the gossip - the eye of the face. When they say near, he explains in evil.

Scientists of a husband who receives good money for verbalia is embarrassed over him, with arrogance calls him an amateur or a professional. And that in response smiles and explains - catch it. Singing Mother!, And Idiot is come from.

Squirrel snapless squirrel, but smart. So Alexander Sergeevich trusted her to disclose the secrets of Russian words.
Fishing rod - at the daughter. Father has a network.
The Russian network was called the tier - I rus.
And the word rus means water. And water means in order to agree.

And went and went. From one word, all new and new words pop out from the matryoshka, revealing the greatness and power of the Russian language. That is the tier of Alexander Pushkin.

Ninth unfigured about the city in which all rich

After all, wealth is based on emeralds. And emeralds gives the NIGA protemat. The rest remains only to organize storage and accounting. Thus, we are talking about the city of scientists, the Academy of Russian. Not about the academy, which stamps reports and dissertations on comparative linguistics, but about the one that studies and saves a living word. It is clear why in this city there is no isob and all rich.

Tenth Ripping on the Babarich Babe Baba

Under the name of Sita Baba, Babarih is hidden by the world famous to the world with his royal marriage Germany. For a long time, the version of the Aryan origin of the German people dominated the scientific and historical circles. The Russian historian Solovyov directly writes that Russia and Germany are two branches of the Aryan race. The version of the Aryan origin of the Germans became one of the leading motives of the Second World War.

Only in the second half of the 20th century, genetics found that among the Germans, the Aryans constitute no more than 3 percent, whereas among the Russians - at least 70. Here is the "True Arian" with the Nordic character. True Aryans are Russian. Solar sign - swastika- This is an oldest Russian symbol. Bedding scientists are often expensive to mankind. And, no she is not grandmother, Gvidon's grandmother, this torturing Babarich Babarich.

Russian language is great and mighty by itself, by virtue of its historical destiny. His creators are the first farmers and sailors, ancient hunters and cattlemen. Pretty naive judgment about the origin of Russian words, with which more than 15 thousand years, from foreign, with which no more than 1 thousand. The old man occurred from the baby. So approximately approves the modern "science".

The main toll of comparative linguists is the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of Max Fasmer, the German, who almost and did not live in Russia with the exception of several infant years. Such here "Babarich" is obtained.


The Tale of Tsar Saltan concludes a skillfully connected Pushkin lyrics and epic, scientific hypotheses of their time and an incredible force foresight about the future take-off Russian to the top of his fame and power.

The time will come when scientists will understand that Russian is one of the primary languages \u200b\u200bof the world, ascending its roots to the beginning of human civilization. It needs to preserve and carefully study. With it, people can learn a lot about their historical fate, stand up on a new stage of self-knowledge. Perhaps our problems already existed and were resolved in the distant past.

The tale of Tsar Saltan is also an elevated manifesto of the national identity of the Russian people. Not primitive Russophobia, and the creative demarche of the National Spirit, the humane Bogatyr ambition, the chanting of Russian beauty and strength.

In our age of technocracy and the power of economic incentives, like a stream of fresh air, are broken into consciousness not aging lines of Pushkin work. Waiting for the Renaissance promised by the poet of the reunification of the Russian people with his soul and tongue, this is the state of the mysterious Russian soul. Perhaps not the worst of all states.

And I was there,
Honey - Beer drank,
And, the mustache only was crying.