Generation Hippie: Independent Communist Subculture in the USSR. Subculture hippie

Generation Hippie: Independent Communist Subculture in the USSR. Subculture hippie
Generation Hippie: Independent Communist Subculture in the USSR. Subculture hippie

The hippie subculture arose in the territory of America in the 60s of the XXVEK and, despite the common stereotype, it was not at all drugs and indiscriminate sex, and pacifism, love for nature and motto "Make love, not the war!". Many social movements engaged in the protection of nature, peacemaking, the protection of extinct animals appeared precisely on the basis of the hippie subculture.

Always opposed wars, nuclear weapons, eating animals, satisfied rallies and threw themselves to the ambrusura. In the subculture of hippies there were disastrous influences, since it was a part of a passion for meditation and Taoism. Many of her adherents used drugs to facilitate their way of entry into trance. Also, some hippies used the slogan of subcultures "Make love, not the war!", As a reason for disorderly sex.

The flowering of the subculture fell in 1965-1970 with the festivals of Monterey (USA, 1967) and Woodstock (USA, 1969). The popularity of the movement of children's children has covered the whole world, promoting their views, musical taste and style of clothing. She also had a huge effect on art, cinema, painting. Icones hippie movements in music were jazz and rock musicians: Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, The Doors, The Beatles, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead. A lot of films about Hippi culture are appeared: "Hippies", "Hippiniada, or Mainland of Love", "Zabriski-Point", "Hair", as well as Rock Opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar". The hippie appearance has always been recognizable - long hair (why cropping what nature gives), loose clothes with psychedelic patterns, torn jeans, flowers, a lot of hand-maid accessories (baubles, belt, knitted bags).

The popularity of the hippie subculture has reached the USSR by the end of the 80s, when all over the world she already dull. Soviet youth fully imitated Western counterparts, but in the conditions of totalitarian power, freedom-loving hippies had to tolerate discrimination and arrests. In each major city of the USSR, there was its small hippie community, which is shown, for example, in the movie "Sun House".

Now the existing hippie communities in Ibiza, Goa, Bali, in Morocco, are scattered around the world, and there is even a region of Christia in Copenhagen, almost a state in the state. In the historically established communes, hippies still live, just already apt over with children, although the popularity of the subculture does not fade. A characteristic feature of the lifestyle hippie can be called hitchhiking, passion for eastern practices, vegetarianism, protest against puritanism.

Hippie is a specific subculture that emerged in the United States at the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century. Appearing, she quickly spread throughout the countries of the world, and by the middle of the seventies practically disappeared. In the original hippie, there were part of the youth movement, which consisted in most of the teenagers and pretty "young adults" aged fifteen to twenty-five, who inherited a cultural riot from Bohemia and Hipsters. Hippies with contempt relate to well-established concepts, criticize the values \u200b\u200bof the middle class and act as a radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, the War in Vietnam. They have become popular and illuminated almost unknown at that time aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity. Hippie literally pushed the sexual revolution; They encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs to expand the human consciousness (initially halucinogen LSD - was used as a drug for the treatment of mental illness. Because many psychologists of the time believed that working with a patient under the influence of this drug, they work directly with the subconscious. Many successful cases of treatment of described in the medical literature. At the time of the heyday, the Hippie LSD was not considered a drug and in the United States was in a free sale. As a result, many young people, based on the scientific papers of doctors, began to get involved in the "self-correction" of their own consciousness). Hippie created peculiar communes, where their values \u200b\u200bwere cultivated.

Hippie had real traditions for all the time. And, probably, the most grandiose of them is a rainbow collection (Rainbow Gathering).

July 4, 1972, a thousand young people rose to the dining room in Colorado (USA), took up their arms and stood so much an hour, not to say a word. They decided to achieve peace on earth not strikes and demonstrations, but silence and meditation.

This was the first "rainbow collection." The name Rainbow originated from the prophecy of the Indian Copy: at the end of times, when the Earth will be ruined, a new tribe will appear. These people will not like us neither skin color nor habits, and say they will be in another language. But what they will do, will help the earth to become green again. Will be called "rainbow warriors".

After the first promotion of the "Rainbow Warriors" decided that they would meet every year together and pray for peace all over the world. Since then, the "family of rainbow" began to appear on all continents. The rainbow is a symbol of happiness and global equilibrium, which means that everyone who agrees with the main idea: "Life without violence and in unity with mother-land."

The social composition of hippies is heterogeneous, but first of all these are creative youth: novice poets, artists, musicians.

Appearance, clothing form:
Regardless of the floor - long hair combed on a straight sample, a special tape around the head ("Hairatnik" from the English. Hair - hair), on hand - "Fences", i.e. Homemade bracelets or beads, most often made of beads, wood or skin, often disproportionately a large knitted sweater, decorated with beads or embroidery a denim bag on the neck for storing money and documents ("Cussensk": from Ksiva - Document, thieves' jargon), color clothes Mostly bright (experienced hippies never worn black), but not catchy. The last generation of hippies is distinguished by attributes such as a backpack and three or four rings in the ears, less often in the nose (piercing).

Music style:
The hippie musical culture was a mixture of rock, folk, blues and psychedelic rock. This culture was also reflected in the literature, drama and visual art, including films, posters, announced rock concerts and covers for albums. From Western Music Hippie prefer psychedelic rock, love the group "Doors". Boris Grebenchekov are highly quoted among Russian performers.

Language, jargon:
A large number of English borrowing, such as "Bolt" - Bottle, "Vine" - Wine, "Flat" - Apartment, "Hair" - Hair, "Piple" - People (common appeals: "Man", "People"), " Ringushnik "- a notebook (from English. Ring - Call). In addition, it is characterized by frequent use of diminutive suffixes and words that do not have analogues in the literary language to designate specific concepts characteristic of only hippies (for example, the already mentioned "feathers", "Cussenk", etc.).

Hyppy alcoholic beverages prefer wines and port wine. It is observed frequent use of drugs (usually lungs). Part of the hippov ideology is "free love" - \u200b\u200bwith all the ensuing consequences. Hippie is not militant, they are usually pacifists. One of the first was the slogan "Make Love, Not War". (Perform love, not war). Ideology: Hippie themselves often express her with the words "peace, friendship, chewing". Typically disregard for material values, such as money and expensive things; It was observed sincere Hippie outrage when attempting to someone to buy expensive things instead of cheap. Popular Eastern religions and teachings.

"Make Love, Not War" - the slogan, relevant to humanity at all times. The hippie movement was originated in the United States in the mid-1960s against the background of the ideological crisis of the ideological crisis caused by the protracted and bloody war in Vietnam. Paciffism, denial of violence, the superiority of spiritual values \u200b\u200bover material, the desire for freedom and individuality was based on the philosophy of "children of colors" and entailed a real revolution in American society.

About where to go to chat with modern hippies, rethinking his life and adopt some of their views, we will tell in this material.

Origin of Movement

The ideological predecessors of Hippie can be considered the Hipsters of the 1950s - "Broken Generation", to which representatives of nonconformist bohemians attributed themselves, young writers and poets: William Burrow, Jack Keruac and others.

In the 1960s, the activity of Hipsters gradually went to the decline, and the relay took a new countercultural movement. His face became Merry Pranksters and its leader - the writer Ken Kizi, subsequently famous for the whole world with his novel "flying over the cuckoo nest." As Kizi himself said in old age, "we were too young to be hipsters, and too olds to be hippie" - Thus, "funny learn" became a transitional stage from one movement to another.

The formation of the hippie subculture is inextricably linked with "acid tests" - famous parties that have rolled out "merry peasants". At that time, the Psychedelic drug LSD was still legal and was an integral element of these "heptenings", which led to its unprecedented popularization - and, ultimately, to his ban. The activities of the Commune attracted more and more attention to the public and law enforcement agencies, so in 1966, Kizi himself, escaped from persecuting the police for storing marijuana, was forced to imitate suicide and flee into Mexico.

"Acid tests" until the collapse of the commune in 1966 played the role of the horn of countercultural youth of their time and stood at the origins of the Psychedelic Revolution and Youth Bunth in the United States.

Finally, on the wave of protests against the continuation of hostilities in Vietnam, the movement of hippies was born to which many former hipsters and participants of "acid tests" were joined. Restlessly dressed young people with long hair preached the ideas of pacifism, individuality, human unity and inner freedom, lived in the communes of like-minded people, listened to rock and rolls and psychedelic rock, traveled in brightly degraded vans on musical festivals. A huge reservoir of literature, music, art and philosophy is connected with them. Hippie became one of the most significant youth movements on a global scale and had a significant impact on the modern society and global culture as a whole.

Hippie today

Despite the fact that from the 1960s and 1970s, the popularity of this subculture decreased significantly, the world was still scattered a lot of representatives, continuing to believe in the ideals of the founders of movement - and bring new trends into it.

The Farm.

The Farm is the oldest and successful of the existing hippie communities. This is the international community in Tennessee, near the city of Summertown, who lives on the principles of non-violence and respect for the Earth.

It was founded in 1971 by Stephen Gaskin and 320 Hippie from San Francisco. Starting with several salans and vans, today the farm is an impressive territory of 4,000 acres of the cultivated land, several residential buildings and household buildings. This settlement is not just achieved economic independence, but also has become quite influential education in the state of Tennessee.

Most of the commune works on solar and wind energy, exceeding the ability to coexist with nature, not harming it. Some Buddhist exercises also entered the life of the commune. The farm inhabitants lead a healthy lifestyle, produce environmentally friendly products and are engaged in scientific research in the field of renewable energy sources, environmental recycling and assistance to third-world countries.

This ecoposalization is an excellent chance to inspire a communal way of life and make sure that mutual assistance, honest labor, spiritual values \u200b\u200band environmental care can undermine the successful life.


Auroville, or "City of Dawn", - Experimental International City in India, founded in 1968 by Mirry Alfassa, which is respectfully called "mother." Now he develops under the auspices of UNESCO. According to the idea, the city should become space free from politics and religions, where representatives of different cultures can coexist in harmony and harmony.

The main attraction of Auroville is a building in the form of a golden sphere of a matrimandir, in which residents meditate and are engaged in yoga.

The architectural solution of the city is extremely interesting: according to the founders, Auroville should resemble the unfolding galaxy, the center of which is the Golden Bowl of the Matrimandir.

At May 2016, about 2,500 people from 49 countries live in the city, most of which are Indus. The following diaspora is French and German.

Findhorn EcoVillage.

Findhorn EcoVillage in Scotland has already been more than forty years as independent ecoposal. This is a living example of communication between the spiritual, social, environmental and economic aspects of our life - and the synthesis of the best ideas of the country's inhabitants. Being one of the first ecoposals - his story began on the rise of the countercultural movement, in 1962, when two families bought a small plot of land here, - Findhorn scratched, becoming a house for about 500 people. This settlement is one of the founders of the Global EcoVillage Network - an international non-profit organization that unites such initiatives around the world.

The village is famous for its surprisingly fertile for this strip of earth. It is not clear whether the excellent crops are attributed to spiritual practices and communicating with the spirits of plants or the excellent ecology of this place, but the fact remains a fact: to learn from local residents to growing vegetables come from afar.

However, the lack of visitors to the village in any case does not suffer: this is one of the main directions of ecotourism. Residents offer many rounds, seminars and programs that allow you to immerse yourself on Wednesday and watch the life of the community from the inside.

Twin Oaks Village.

A small settlement of Twin Oaks Village, in which only 92 adults lived for 2015, was formed in Virginia, USA, back in 1967. From the beginning of the existence of the international community, his lifestyle reflects the values \u200b\u200binherent in it: cooperation, the ability to share, non-violence, equality and concern for ecology. There is no single religion in it, the beliefs of residents differ. There is no leadership figure - this is a self-governing democracy, in which the responsibility is divided between several managers and committees. The settlement is economically independent, incomes are evenly distributed among the inhabitants, each of which is 42 hours a week in the economic and business spheres of the community. Most people prefer to alternate employment in different areas, and not to deal with the same thing every day. For this, everyone is provided with housing, food, medical assistance and personal expenses.

The settlement economy is mainly kept on weaving hammocks, drawing up book signs, the production of Tofu and growing vegetables. Separate participants are engaged in political activities, speaking on world, ecology, feminism and anti-racism.

The village holds weekly tours for visitors and a three-week stay program. The only requirement is to register and negotiate your arrival in advance.


In an hour drive from Phoenix, Arizona, the experimental city of Arkozantti is located, built in accordance with the arcology - the concept that combines architecture and ecology.

Arkozantti - the heritage of the Italian-American Master Paolo Soleri (1919-2013). He began building a city back in 1970, wanting to demonstrate how to improve the living conditions in the city, reducing the destructive impact on the environment, and influenced the whole generation of architects and urbanists.

Despite the fact that many buildings still remain unfinished, the city in the desert attracts both tourists interested in the architecture and those who attract alternative lifestyles. About 60 people constantly live in Arkosanti, and in the seasons of work and workshops, this community will significantly grow at the expense of workers, interns, volunteers, students and visitors. Arcology Paolo Solter is not just an architectural style, but a comprehensive philosophy, which, according to his plan, should produce a revolution in our lifestyle. Under the slogan "learn the alternative" of the Arkozanti building and its inhabitants, as a single live system, should mark the transition from the consumption society and mindless waste of resources to a more efficient and intelligent style of life.

In addition, a lot of workshops and lectures are held in the city, primarily on arcology that students from around the world come. They have a unique opportunity to observe the object of study still in the process of planning the construction.


In Sunny Australia, the lifestyle hippie seems like never natural. The best example is the village of Nizhin, the country's largest cultivation center of psychotropic hemp.

Nambin is located in the state of New South Wales, not far from Brisbane. Sydney Hippie chose an abandoned settlement of the XIX century as early as the 1970s, transforming it to be unrecognizable. In 1973, the festival of Aquarius was held here, and as international Ganja tours began to led here here. Since 1993, Nambin has become a venue for the legendary hemp festival Mardi Grass, during which a hemp fair, a congestion of hemp poetry, hemp and other exciting events is held every year.

All this activity, naturally, has always caused the dissatisfaction of the police, and a lot of attempts were made to encourage the inhabitants of the city to order. The culmination of this struggle was 1997, when several hippies in protest challenged themselves to police helicopters and in this form gave an interview to several popular publications. Since then, the authorities left hemp activists alone, and in Nybin even had a hemp embassy, \u200b\u200bcoordinating antiprogibrationist activities in Australia.

The only spoon of the tar in this story is Nizhin, like many interesting initiatives, has become very popular among tourists, and, according to local reviews, this popularity did not benefit him, turning the rebel city of Hippie to the object of the tourism industry. Therefore, those who seek to get true impressions, advise on the way to call Bayron Bay and enjoy the atmosphere of real hippies.

THE Fedation Of Damanhur

Damakhur Federation is the commune, ecoposal and spiritual society in Piedmont, Northern Italy. "The laboratory of the future of mankind" - how they call themselves themselves, stating the paths to which the rest of the population of the Earth will come: life in harmony with the environment, mutual respect and self-knowledge.

It was founded in 1975 whery Airauda with 24 followers, and by 2000 the number of residents increased to 800. The basis of the community's life was the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, equality, love and respect for the environment. As a result, in 2005, Damanchur was awarded the UN award as a sustainable development model (Award for Sustainable Communicities). This is a federation of spiritual societies with its own constitution, culture, art, music, currency, education and technologies.

The population is divided into four classes, depending on how actively they want to participate in the life of the community. So, class A constantly lives in the Federation and evenly distributes all resources, the class B provides financial support and lives in the territory at least three days a week, the other two categories can accommodate outside the formation.

The community lives in accordance with a mixture of New Age and neo-language beliefs, with which the rituals themselves are connected and the lifestyle itself.

Equality and respect are based on all spheres of the community: in particular, marriages are concluded on a renewable basis, allowing partners to leave the Union after the expiration of a certain time or extend it.

Damanhaur conducts many events in different cities of the world and has centers in Europe, America and Japan. Thousands of wanting to visit excursions, seminars and courses of the University of Damakhur are also coming here every year. From all over the world, scientists and researchers in the field of art, social sciences, spiritualism, alternative medicine, economics and reasonable use of the environment are coming down.

In the sixties hippie, without any warning, turned upside down on the head and turned inside out. They brought Typhoon new styles and paints in fashion, which never had before. Hippie took the fashion of the whole world into their psychedelic journey. The spell of the sixties fashion was - there is no rules. Everything left as far as possible from colorless, conservative styles of the early 60'x.

ITERIAL article about hippie times

A very bright and colorful film with the songs of "Beatles" about ... What about? Of course about love;)

Russian name "around the universe", English name Across the Universe

Hippie is a specific subculture subculture, which emerged in the United States at the beginning of the sixties of the twentieth century, which quickly spread throughout the countries of the world, and practically disappeared by the middle of the seventies. In the original hippie, there were part of the youth movement, which consisted almost entirely of white teenagers and rather young adults aged fifteen to twenty-five, who inherited a cultural riot from Bohemia and Hipsters. Hippies with contempt relate to the well-established concepts, criticized the values \u200b\u200bof the middle class and performed as a radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons, the War in Vietnam. They made popular and illuminated almost unknown at that time aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity. Hippie literally pushed the sexual revolution; They encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness. Hippie created peculiar communes, where their values \u200b\u200bwere cultivated.
Hippie protested against political and social generally accepted norms, choosing an ideology of non-violence, free from the doctrine, riding the world, love and freedom of personality. The summary of this worldview was summarized by the song of The Beatles "All You Need Is Love.

Hippie perceived the culture dominant at that time as a corrupt and immoral monolithic structure, which changes the lives of people by force. What they confronted, hippie called the "system" (in the CIS), "big brother" or "man" (in other countries). Due to the fact that they were constantly in search of sense and adhered to a certain philosophy, hippies are sometimes called religious flow.

The year 1965 appeared in Hippy history legendary. At that time, the course of Hippi succumbed to Europe and North America, in particular, the United States. Already by 1968, Hippie was a significant minority - 0.2 percent of the American nation. In 1966, the first points were opened, where all representatives of the subculture could receive free food, medical care, housing and join trips. Such places were called free cities, the largest of which - Hippie Paradise Free Christianity - was recorded in Holland. The hippie musical culture was a mixture of rock, folk, blues and psychedelic rock. This culture was also reflected in the literature, drama and visual art, including films, posters, announced rock concerts and covers for albums.

Non-violence was one of the main values \u200b\u200bof hippies. They did not recognize the framework established by society, for a free man considering them one of the main manifestations of pressure. In view of the philosophy practiced by them, many hippies became convinced vegetarians. They have been meditated for a long time, movable either by personal motivations, either accepted into LSD or marijuana. Hippie washed in loose clothes of bright colors. Their hands were decorated with numerous bracelets, called Fengés.

Indeed, sometimes they walked in hair flowers (one of the distinguishing signs of this subculture is long hair), or they gave them a random passers-by or inserted into the blowing of firearms, proclaimed her main slogan
"Make love, not war" ("Make Love Not War").

Hippie flowers also portrayed on buses on which they were traveling everywhere. In their trucks or minibuses, whole houses were arranged, which were freely moving from the city to the city.

In the countries of the Soviet Union, Hippie's movement also existed. However, morality departments determined it as a result of flaws when communicating with young people and equated him to mass psychosis. For such a definition, the majority of youth of those times came to such times, which were either resolved to preach freedomity, or in general, something from the total mass.

The famous representatives of Hippie's flow include Jenis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, the infamous Charles Manson. In the post-Soviet space among the fans of the hippie movement, hundreds and thousands of people can be called, but today Olga Arefieva, Umka, Yuri Morozov, Boris Grebenchikov and others are remembered.

People tend to look for an alternative to many things, including views on life. And if a person has enough courage to declare society that his worldview is something different from the generally accepted, he immediately becomes a kind of outcast, crazy, who dreamed of raising the "Bun on the ship". And if this person appears like-minded people and join it, this riot is gradually turning into a kind of subculture or movement, where there are their rules and laws, their goals, their lifestyle, etc.

One of these movements appeared in America in the 1960s. His representatives called themselves no other way as "children of flowers", "Spring Children." Surely you already guessed what subculture is about. Yes, it is hippie. For the first time, this name was affected in one of the local television programs, in which Hippie was mentioned as unshaven long-haired young people in jeans and jerseys, organized a protest against them. And "Love is all you need!". They called for peace, to the cessation of this meaningless war, where people die; They did not want to obey the rules of society, which were considered unfair.

The majority of people, not understanding the sense, who are such hippies, frankly did not love the representatives of this movement. There was nothing strange in this, because the children of colors actively promoted the lifestyle, which was called free. The famous combination of the words "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll" belongs to Hippie. Yes, this movement Radero for loose love and even, despite the love of alcohol and drugs, for the truth, in this context to lead a healthy lifestyle meant to be closer to Earth, to nature, not pollute the environment and love every bush, every pebble and love Each living creature on the planet.

However, in order for the end to understand who such hippies, you need to know about what else, in addition to the foregoing, united these people. Of course, this music is very elegant, but at the same time an unrealistic powerful tool of creation, accompanying a person at all times. And the most revolutionary discovery in the middle of the 20th century was the rock and roll, which turned into a real symbol of a new subculture.

Children of flowers were easy to find out their appearance: Hippie's clothes were very inexpensive, but extremely bright, decorated with all sorts of ethnic patterns. The mandatory detail of the wardrobe was jeans-jeans, and the hands were always decorated with a multitude of phenoshek. Both women and men wore long hair and were the most real phenomenon of society demanding change. And few people know that T-shirts, mini skirts, shorts and ethnic outfits were not customary before Hippie appeared.

Also among the real hippies there are a lot of vegetarians and even vegans. And otherwise, it cannot be, because it is in the refusal to eat living beings in food, as well as from clothes from their skins and skin and is the love of everything alive. But mentioning who are such hippies, it is worth noting that the representatives of this movement were fond of and numerous spiritual practices: yoga, meditation, Buddhism, Qi-Gong, and much more, that in their understanding was unusual.

Talking about who are such hippies, it is not one to mention that, thanks to this subculture, several more movements have appeared, which today are fighting for the rights of children and women, for the rights of animals, act in defense of human rights. In addition, anti-war, anti-nuclear and environmental movement has been created, which still have followers worldwide. Actually, the whole culture of hippies is supported by voluntary organizations that continue to call people to love, and not to the wars.