Drawings from stained glass in the New Year. How to draw snowflakes on a window of toothpaste

Drawings from stained glass in the New Year. How to draw snowflakes on a window of toothpaste

Drawings on the glass - it is fun, beautiful and festive. Having done with children such a new year decoration on all windows in your apartment, you will not only give a festive mood to yourself, and all those who pass by your home will look at your windows. And this is a wonderful and very affordable way to and.

New Year's drawings on the windows: draw a toothpaste

Drawings on the windows made using ordinary toothpaste is the easiest and budget way, which will love the defector, and you will not worry than laundering the windows, because the paste is bleached with water. Draw a toothpaste on glass in two ways.

To create on the window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • white toothpaste;
  • water;
  • bowl;
  • scotch;
  • stencils of New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

A piece of sponge roll up and secure scotch. In a bowl, squeeze the toothpaste and tear it a little. The resulting "brush" makes me in the paste and draw it patterns on the glass. You can draw or without stencils. After the paste will slightly dry, draw the toothpick the parts. And you can draw a thread for toys with a thin tassel.

For the following way, draw dental paste on the glass you will need some other materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

This method often decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house for the new year. First, select Figure Stencils. It can even be conventional snowflakes cut out of paper. You will find on the link. Cutted stencil moisten with water and glue to the surface of the window or mirror. Excess moisture remove the dry cloth.

In the container, spread toothpaste with water to uniformity. Abundantly type the resulting mixture on the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Cut your fingers along the bristles, splashing in this way the paste on the stencil of New Year's drawings until you fully fill in the picture.

Leave the drawing together with the stencil almost until complete drying. When the winter drawing is ready, the paper stencil is easily separated from the glass surface and the drawing itself does not lubricate.

What else to draw on the windows: technology of new year patterns on the glass

For drawings on the glass for the new year, special washing paints for drawing on glass, gouache with a tassel, artificial snow in the canister, ordinary soap, PVA and sequins glue, are also ideal.

Pictures on the windows for the new year 2019: stencils and patterns

So that the New Year's drawings on the windows turned out to be neat, it is better to use stencils and patterns. You will only need to choose the story you like, download the picture on the computer, print and cut through the contour and in the desired marked areas. And then everything is described above in the master class, to draw the toothpastes on the windows.

How to paint windows for the new year: 13 new year ideas on glass

We offer you several options that you can draw on windows in the winter. Such pictures with New Year's drawings on the windows can be viewed by clock and inspired by these wonderful ideas.

Christmas tree, decorated, woven around the house, "Frosty patterns" on windows drawn by their own hands - all this will create a feeling of a miracle and approaching New Year 2019.

Create the right New Year's atmosphere help a lot of details: a dressed up Christmas tree, garlands on the windows, New Year figurines, artificial snow. But please yourself and others can be even one way - to draw various patterns on the New Year's window, figures or even entire plots. Then a special mood is created not only indoors, but also outside. Such a drawing will definitely attract the attention of passersby and get a response in the form of a smile.

Create your New Year's fairy tale on the window using different materials. The main condition - in the future, the drawing must be comforted well, otherwise the snowmen and snowflakes will remain on the window forever.

What to draw on the windows New Year's drawings? Most often these are such materials:

  • paints (gouache or watercolor);
  • stained glass
  • toothpaste;
  • markers.

The most popular option is gouache. With it, you can create bright pictures, the paint falls on the surface of the window, and it is easy to rinse. Minus such an option - gouache can roll.

To avoid rolling, you should add a little soap solution to the gouache or before you apply paint on the brush, the latter should almost be watched in water.

Often for drawing on the window use toothpaste. With it, it creates the effect of the frozen surface, Inea. This picture is also easy to rinse with water. But the image will be monophonic, which can become a minus for those who love bright drawings. Sometimes dyes are added to the tooth paste, but still the effect is not the same as Guashi.

Especially spectacular toothpaste drawings look at night, when the contrast between the dark surface and the white image is clearly visible.

They will help draw the desired and special markers. They will be easily riveted later, which cannot be said about simple markers.

Deciding with suitable materials, you can proceed to the study of image application technology.

How to draw patterns on the window to the new year

If the artistic talent grew up and draw a full-fledged New Year's picture on the window is not under power, then you can limit the beautiful patterns. They will create the effect of the frozen window, which is especially important if the winter did not please the snow.

All the above materials will be suitable for creating such an image. If paints are selected, it is important to note that it is better to use a white tint.

If you want to get a gentle, sophisticated drawing, you should use a thin brush. In the event that you need to apply a large pattern, a small soft sponge is suitable.

The drawing technology depends on the master's skills. If a person is well drawn and knows how to position items on the web window, then you can proceed to the creative process without special training.

It should be put in front of it:

  • paints, toothpaste or marker;
  • tassel or sponge (if the marker is used, then nothing needs);
  • soft fabric to remove shortcomings.

In order for the pattern to be gentle, sophisticated, the paint should not be paint at a brush, not directly from the jar, but first transfer it to the palette.

Step-by-step to draw winter patterns like this:

  • with the help of a brush to make chaotic outline - waves;
  • draw curls on each "Process" pattern:
  • with the help of a brush thoroughly make patterns more massive.

It is very convenient to use a toothbrush. It will help create carved patterns on the window.

If not enough fantasy to come up with a New Year's composition, it is appropriate to use templates. They can be found on the Internet, print on paper and cut. Then such a template must be attached to the window and circling a tassel with paint. Drop the space inside it.

There are also special stencils that will allow without special difficulties to portray any pattern on the window. How to draw patterns on the window to the new year with their help?

Everything is very simple:

  • need to wash the window;
  • attach stencil to the surface and press well so that it does not move;
  • take a brush, cup or marker and circling the pattern inside the stencil, and then stick it;
  • with the help of a wooden stick (such, there are in dials for manicure) draw parts or remove flaws.

With the help of a stencil, you can get no less beautiful patterns if you use artificial snow in the canopy. To do this, you need to make stencils to the window and apply artificial snow on it. Then you should remove the template, and the window will remain a snow-white pattern.

Patterns can be successfully combined with other New Year elements, for example, with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

How to draw on the window of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, ideas with a step-by-step description

If you want to portray a full-fledged composition, it will be useful to learn how to draw on the window of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Such characters will definitely enjoy both children and adults. They will look spectacular in any technique and using any materials. It should be noted that such a task cannot be called too simple. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden have many important attributes and elements of the outfit, which must be drawn.

Several ideas with a step-by-step description are presented below.

The first option for those who prefer to draw paints. In order to portray Snow Maiden, you will need some colors: blue, white, yellow and little red.

First you need to draw a sketch. To do this, take a thin brush. It is important to accurately draw every item to the granddaughter of Santa Claus to be like himself.

Then, changing colors, decompose sketch. Add colors The face should be especially careful. In this zone, it is easy to make a mistake, and it will "float."

Santa Claus needs to draw in the same way:

  • draw silhouette;
  • make markers where the hat and bag will be located;
  • draw the features of the face, legs, hands;
  • you also need to not forget about the beard and staff - important attributes of Santa Claus.

The thinner there is a tassel for drawing, the better the parts will be drawn.

The second option implies the use of markers. They can also be colored, but not excluded and simple white option.

As with the use of paints, first need to draw a sketch. In this case, it will make it harder, because the "nose" of the marker thicker thicker. Therefore, it is preferable to choose simpler images of Santa Claus and his granddaughter.

The step-by-step process of drawing a window is presented below:

The last option will be useful for those who are far from the visual art. Paper templates or special stencils will help draw the main Christmas characters. The algorithm of actions will be elementary: you need to make stencils to the window and circle it. Break at your discretion, and the drawing is ready.

Paper templates in combination with artificial snow will also give the desired result.

What to draw on the window for the new year, ideas are stepdown

Everyone who first wants to do such creativity, hesitates what to draw on the New Year window. Do not stop your fantasy, ideas can be the most diverse.

"Sew" on the surface of the window can:

  • new Year's cartoon characters;
  • christmas toys, balls, garlands;
  • snowmen, dressed up Christmas trees;
  • wishes of a happy new year, New Year's quotes;
  • snowflakes, bells, clappers, etc.

It is important to choose the option that will be able to portray without the help of outsiders, performing action step by step.

For example, you can draw a Christmas tree. Who at least once in his life did not paint this forest beauty? The subject is known to everyone, which means the drawing will be successful.

It is best to use paints. So you can draw the details more accurately.

Phased process is performed like this:

  • first take a thin brush and draw a triangle;
  • from him there must be a branch;
  • every twig must be arranged so that they are realistic hanging;
  • draw stars, garlands, balls.

For convenience, you can first apply a drawing in one color, and then paint all the elements by type coloring.

You can choose a more abstract option. Then you will not have to pour each needle, but the result will also be worthy.

The classic version of the New Year's drawing on the window is snowflakes. They are directly associated with the holiday, give a positive festive mood and comfort. It is especially necessary to resort to such a drawing when there is no snow outside the window, but I really want a winter atmosphere.

Start the drawing follows from the drawing of the frame:

Then you should enable fantasy and think about what a snowflake should be. You can step out step like this:

  • depiction "rays": what is longer, and some - in short;
  • add to each "ray" the shape so that the snowflake turns out volumetric;
  • fill the paint of the middle of the picture.

For the implementation of the ideas are also suitable and paint, and toothpaste, and a marker.

Drawing one snowflake, I want to add it several more. So it turns out a whole picture of their snowflakes.

It is important to draw them different so that the image is original.

Another option is a fabulous New Year's heroes.

It may be:

  • snowman;
  • bunny;
  • the Snow Queen;
  • chanterelle, etc.

For children, a simple window painted in this way will be the entrance to the fabulous world. They will definitely appreciate the efforts of adults. And they still have to apply that the heroes are realistic. To do this, you can first print an example - a sample and, relying on it, depict any hero.

Bunny will be very realistic if you use such a step-by-step scheme:

  • draw first one oval smaller (head), one - more (torso) and circle (hip);
  • then depic foot, ears and tail;
  • do not forget about wear and eyes.

Bunny can be put on a New Year's hat, for example.

The difficulties will not arise with drawing on the snowman window. Step-by-step process is carried out like this:

Which pictures can be paints on the window, the ideas of stages

It is paints that often become the main material that allows you to draw a full-fledged picture on the glass. The wide palette of colors, ease of application, simplicity of fixing the picture from the window - all this allows you to make a choice in favor of gouache or watercolor.

What pictures can be paints on the window? Any fantasy can be implemented with their help. Even the most complex drawings with small details can be reproduced, having this material at hand. But at the same time it is necessary to have a small preparation. Inability to handle paints threatens the fact that the drawing will be blurred, inaccurated.

Any drawings with paints on the windows are performed based on the following algorithm:

  1. Find the approprible sketch of the drawing, which will turn on the glass.
  2. Pick quality paint (better gouache). It must have a good surface cover density. Usually such professional paints.
  3. Buy high-quality brush: thin and thoroughly. Thin can draw small details, and more widely - sketch the "body" of the image.
  4. Put all the materials, a jar with water and a sponge to clean the flaws.
  5. Apply a sketch on the window and gradually draw every element.

You can also take watercolor instead of Guasi. But it is more "caprick" and requires more skill. Also, watercolor is harder to wash off, which is no less important when New Year's time passes.

Several ideas will be prompted, as stages to get an interesting drawing on the window at the New Year's time.

Figure of Santa Claus helpers will always be relevant. For beginners in the visual arts on the window it is better to choose large drawings. Small details can be given with difficulty. But over time, the experience gained in uncertainty.

How to draw Santa Claus, has already been described above. And how to portray a penguin on the window? To do this, act in stages:

Deer Rudolph is one of the most beloved New Year characters. It is depicted on sweaters, there are many such deer shelves - toys. Why not portray it on your window? Step-by-step task is performed similar to: Materials are prepared, the sketch is made, the drawing is drawn with the help of paints and brushes.

As a result, a cheerful New Year's hero will be collapsed on the window.

Another idea is to portray New Year's sleigh with gifts. To do this, you also need to "armared" a gouache and brush.

Phased process goes like this:

How to draw frost on the window of the toothpaste, in detail with the photo

You can more realistically convey the frost on the windows, if you use the toothpaste to draw on the window. This process is simple, if you fulfill everything in stages.

How to draw frost on the window of toothpaste?

To do this, prepare:

  • toothpaste (you can use color or add dye into white paste);
  • toothbrush;
  • water;
  • tassel;
  • sponge;
  • fabric remove shortcomings;
  • wooden wand for drawing parts.

In detail, the photo algorithm is presented below.

Cut a piece of sponge of this size so that it is convenient to draw it.

In the container to squeeze the toothpaste, mix it.

Saving a sponge in toothpaste and draw the outline of the pattern. This process will be difficult, because the line will "vil".

Now you need to take a brush and make the lines clearer, correct. Also, with the help of brushes, draw small parts that the sponge will not be able to "defeat". At this stage, a wooden wand is useful.

If there is no confidence in your talent of the artist, then you can use a pre-prepared stencil.

Toothbrush is useful to draw splashes - frost on the window.

How to draw snowflakes on the window of a gouache, stepdown

Snowflakes outside the window suffer a person in the New Year's fairy tale and no matter how old he is. And if winter does not please snow weather? Not trouble, you can properly decorate your room. And in this situation it will be useful to learn how to draw snowflakes on the gouache window.

Why choose paints as material for drawing? The thing is that the most beautiful are carved snowflakes that have an unusual form. To achieve such faces with the help of toothpaste and the sponge is impossible. The gouache spreads better on the surface and perfectly erased later.

The easiest option that can be easily accomplished in stages is the use of a template. The procedure will be like this:

  1. Cut from paper snowflake.
  2. Attach it to the glass and fasten with scotch.
  3. Take paints and brush. Cut the contour of the snowflake, considering all the bends, cutouts, etc.
  4. Carefully remove the paper base and sketch the "body" of the paint snowflakes.

As a result, it turns out very realistic, and the New Year's mood will be saved.

The following option is to use a can with artificial snow and gouache. In this case, it will also be necessary to be first stocking of snowflakes.

At the clean surface of the window, attach the paper snowflakes with a tape or soap solution. From above you need to apply artificial snow, lose a sponge. After - carefully remove the paper snowflake.

The window will get the right silhouette with the effect of snowing.

Now time to apply paints: you need to put the contour of the snowflake with them to get a clear drawing.

The last option will suit those who fluently own the visual talent. It will be necessary to draw a snowflake with a gouache "by hand" without additional help in the form of a template or artificial snow.

Do not worry that this is a complex procedure. Those who at least once drew snowflakes on paper will cope with this task. In addition, the gouache is easy to rinse, because in the case of fiasco, the drawing can easily be corrected.

Steptedly draw snowflake with gouache: the easiest option):

After such creative experiments, it will also be useful to learn how to quickly wash the windows from Guashi. Here it will be useful to be the following video:

How to draw a gouache fairy tale on the window, step by step with a photo

This specialists will not be difficult to draw a gouache on the window a real fairy tale, a full-fledged composition with many acting heroes. Such an image must necessarily be a holistic, plot, interesting.

How to step by step to draw a gouache fairy tale on the window? The actions algorithm is described below.

As a basis, you can take such a picture:

At first, you should depict the main actors - cats. They are drawn from the back, as if they look out the window.

The image scheme will be like this:

It is important to comply with the proportions: one cat should turn out more, and another smaller. Catics can be both snow-white and colored.

Now you should draw snowflakes. There will be many of them, they must form peculiar curtains that are tied with bows.

How to draw snowflakes correctly, was described slightly higher.

Video drawings on the window to the new year

The video on the topic "Drawings on the window to the New Year" will help you decide on the subject of the image, will show more clearly how to draw the desired one correctly.

A selection of such videos is presented below:

Before the new year, it is necessary to let the good mood in your home. It is drawings on the windows will help to make it so that the house will immediately become cozy and festively. "It's hard, and the windows will have to wash for a long time." Some say so. But if you correctly pick up the drawing and materials, you will not make a lot of work to apply the image, and later wash it off.

A light cracker in our edges came Winter. She wrapped all the parks, streets, boulevards and houses in a white fluffy blanket. And now there are already pre-holiday frosty days, melting one by one, tirelessly bring us to the most anticipated event - the new year 2018 by the yellow earthen dog. In the depths of the soul, I really want everything to be ideally: the most important guests gathered in time, the gifts were successful, treats are amazingly delicious, and the mood is cheerful and fabulous. It seems that during this period even flickering patterns, diligently derived by the "frosty" tassel of nature on the window glass, should not be simply marvelous, but truly magical. It is a pity, the winter winter does not always make pre-New Year snowfall, which is to talk about snow-white filigree on the glass. Therefore, in the last Weeks of the outgoing year, it is not worth spending time back. It is better to independently create amazing pictures on the windows to the new year 2018, having prepared a toothpaste, brushes and paints, stencils and patterns. Using step-by-step master classes with photos and videos, you can organize a small miracle on the New Year's window in your own home, at school or in kindergarten your favorite fidget.

How to draw frost patterns and fabulous drawings on the window to the new 2018 Dogs

Tradition to decorate windows for seasonal holidays appeared in ancient times. Then the Celtic peoples dressed up shutters and window openings with fir branches to drive evil and evil. Later, the Chinese continued the custom, decorating the doors and glass on the winter holidays with ringing objects - bells, coins, bubrels. And only during the reign of Peter I New Year's rite to apply thematic drawings on the windows appeared in Russia.

The year was replaced by decades, after the period of the Soviet Union, today's modernity came, the New Year traditions changed, but remained honorabled by each family. Our grandparents decorated windows of houses and schools with paper snowflakes, moms and dads dressed up with cotton lumps, we were painted with glue or gouashe colors. It is time to teach our own kids, how to draw frost patterns and fabulous drawings on the window to the new 2018 of the dog do it yourself at home, at school, in kindergarten.

The most simple ways to paint the New Year's window with your hands

Fabulous drawings and frosty patterns on the windows will fill the house of the indescribable atmosphere on the eve of the new 2018 of the dog. Professional artists using ordinary paints can create real masterpieces on the glass. And simple fans of beautiful scenery and creative pastime bye, simpler thematic stories:

  • snowflakes and frost patterns;
  • Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman;
  • elegant Christmas tree and christmas toys;
  • new Year's garlands, salute, serpentine;
  • sani with gifts, drawn deer;
  • christmas angels;
  • fabulous and animated characters;
  • animals in winter plots;
  • single-component drawings (candle, bubrels, santa boots, gift box, etc.).

Any of these festive illustrations are snow-white, monophonic or multi-colored. For their design you can use additional elements: sparkles, tinsel, beads, paper parts. And if visual art clearly does not apply to your talents, use homemade or ready-made patterns and stencils. With their help, it will be possible to apply more interesting techniques in the decoration of the New Year's window:

  1. Glazing glass with paper dump trucks on fabulous motifs;
  2. Transferring small monochromatic patterns through stencils using white paint or artificial snow from a cylinder;
  3. Applying "frost patterns" with a small spacing with an acute end;
  4. Self-painting of window glass gouashev or stained in paints;
  5. Art decoration of glass by splashes or smears of toothpaste;
  6. The painting of windows to the new year is large plots or panoramas by applying a smooth layer of toothpaste and gradually erasing and scraping the necessary parts;
  7. Painting with hot silicone and shrinking patterns with small sparkles.

What to draw on windows for the new year in kindergarten: selection of the plot

The unique plot on the New Year's window is the old good tradition known to every adult and adolescence. After all, it is only the edge of the brush to touch the frosty glass, add a couple of bright festive strokes - and in the hall will be much more comfortable and warmer. It is not surprising that even the guys in kindergarten teach that it can be painted on the windows for the new year and how to choose a simple version of the plot, but interesting "by year."

But here there are nuances. Children 3-5 years old only give a brush in hand - how they will immediately want to "get roaring" and on the glasses, and on the window frames, adjacent walls, and on the carpets - what is there. Therefore, the younger age category is better to offer a liquid soap solution and finished output templates for opening - more simplified, but no less interesting option to decorate windows.

New Year's options for interesting drawings on templates for decorating window glasses for the new 2018 in kindergarten

What to draw Naoknakh to the new 2018 in kindergarten: the choice of the plot is not a question from ordinary, so many educators prefer to buy ready-made stickers in the store. Is it worth going the easiest way? The guys are 3-6 years old. It is important to develop fantasy, imagination, small motorcy and prerequisitive, so we recommend that you make the outtasis for saving windows on their own patterns from the network. Ready New Year's windows in a kindergarten will look fabulous and in childish naive.

What to draw on the window for the new year 2018 at school

With the approach of the new 2018, not only kindergartens, but also schoolchildren hurry to decorate the windows of their own class, painting their winter landscapes, fabulous plots, funny characters or compositions from snowflakes. Boys and girls possessing innate talent draw sketches, contours and outlines. Classmates-amateurs gladly paint large details and complete small strokes. If the work of the team is friendly and placed, the New Year's decoration of window glass drawings will be held at height. But it happens, there is not a single mastery of artistic business. In this time, interesting and funny stencils are suitable. Having attached them to the window in the desired order and combination, you can leave an unusually beautiful picture from a variety of details and characters. What to draw on a window to the new year 2018 at a stencil school, read on!

Beautiful stencils to create New Year's drawings on windows at school

Plastic, paper or cardboard stencils for drawing on school windows under the New 2018 can be bought at the nearest store of stationery and souvenirs or found on the thematic sites of the Internet. Ready templates will help to decorate glass in a classroom or glazed loggia in a school corridor. Choose your favorite stencil, download the image on the PC, print in black and white format on A4 and cut out with thin stationery scissors. And then - the most interesting creative process: make, plant and enjoy the result!

How to make on New Year 2018 Festive drawings with paints on the windows

Students - the people are lazy. Therefore, the decoration of the windows of the audience and the hall for them is rather punishment than entertainment. Perhaps the reason for this is the revolution in front of the winter session, and maybe the desire to sleep well into the hours free from studying. But after all, the new year is equally long-awaited and joyful for everyone: from kids to the old people. And students do not constitute exceptions. At least there is at least a small part of the guys who want to distract from the daily bustle and plunge into the magic pre-holiday creativity.

Most likely, guys and girls will prefer to decorate the window windows in a simple way: in the old manner, you can save snowflakes, hang flickering garlands, put the silhouette of the Christmas tree from tinsel or dress up with sipped balls or asterisks. But there are those who boldly take paint and brush to make the new year 2018 festive drawings with paints on the windows.

Examples of New Year's drawings with brush and paints on glass for high school students and students

With the choice of the plot for the design of the New Year's window, artists will not have problems. The glasses can be painted with jokes, New Year's symbolism and even simple congratulatory inscriptions. But preparations for the process can cause a number of nuances, the ignorance of which will lead to a dull result:

  • First, before applying the sketch of the drawing, the glass surface must be cleaned and degreased, otherwise the paint will "roll" and lay the uneven layer;
  • Secondly, you should not use watercolor. Unlike finger children's paints or guaishes, it is washed away very difficult;
  • Thirdly, adding a little glue of PVA in the paint, it will be possible to make the image more dense and embossed;
  • Fourth, skillful masters can create real masterpieces on the glasses even by ordinary cans with aerosol paint. Of course, having some experience in how to make the new year 2018 festive drawings with paints on the windows.

What to draw on glass stained in paints for the new year in the office

Especially strongly want to distract from the gray everyday workers of offices and public enterprises. Departing the day after day and with reverence, counting the days of the calendar, the employees await the approaching vacations. In the worst case - holiday weekends. And how do you think the mood is a dull team, if not a day remained before the cherished new year, but all weeks? Of course, the process of pre-holiday office, hall, windows and shop windows. How to create a relaxed atmosphere in the workplace and what to draw on glass stained inks for the new year in the office, find out the next section.

Selection of drawings with paints for office windows on New Year holidays

Coloring windows in the workplace (in contrast to school or kindergarten) imposes certain restrictions and obligations. So, on the window opening of a serious office building, cartoon characters can not be depicted or casually sketched children's pictures. In this time, the best option will be a neat frosty pattern of white gouache or creative congratulations to visitors prescribed by calligraphic handwriting stained in paints.

If the draw windows of the cafeteria have to paintite, the Santa Claus can be a suitable image with a cup of warm tea or santa deer with delicious cakes. In cases where the firm we offer shares to customers for the new year, they can also be mentioned or depicted with stained-in paints in the picture on the office glass. If there is no specialized slope from the enterprise, the windows of the working or shopping room can be reeded with snowflakes, small Christmas trees "through stencil", gift boxes, buboins, etc.

Drawings of gouache on the windows for the new year 2018: Master class with photo

Before the long-awaited New Year holidays, kids in kindergartens tend to dry snowflakes and paint window glass patterns. And, most likely, such patterns do not quite correspond to the interior of your home. After all, the progressive mothers have a more refined taste, and the creativity is not so easy to miss the child. But there is a minimum of two reasons to close the eyes to the children's decoration of the windows: firstly, the kids from such an amazing process get tremendous pleasure; Secondly, Good Grandfather Frost will never fly past the window, Pestro painted with funny characters, cute New Year scenes and frosty fantasy patterns. In addition, we have prepared a simple and successful master class with a photo to create a cute children's drawing of a gouache on the windows on the eve of the new 2018.

Necessary materials for drawing a New Year's story gouache at home on glass

  • stencil with a suitable image
  • gouache paints
  • stationery Scotch
  • paint brushes
  • stationery glue
  • small sparkles

Step-by-step instruction for children in drawing winter window gouache at home

Drawings of toothpasses on the windows to the new year: examples

All parents remember how in childhood the window windows were decorated with drawings from toothpaste, inspired by snowy landscapes, the upcoming miracles of New Year's night and the expectation of the most desirable guest - Santa Claus. It is time to teach an unusual appearance of the visual art of their sons and daughters. Drawings of dental paste on the windows to the new year, the examples of which you will see below will fill the house with a charming atmosphere of the winter fairy tale and inspire children for good and disinterested deeds. After all, Grandfather Frost is especially generous to obedient and compliant kids, isn't it ...

    The easiest option is to breed with water, then apply on the stencil, and make a print on the glass. It remains not a big layer, which you can easily wash off, and after rubing the window dry! Draw everything that wish, in our time you can find and print various stencils!

    Happy New Year!

    You can use watercolor and toothpaste to make color paintings on the windows. You can apply the drawing with a thin tassel. And you can apply toothpaste to the stencil, to get a clear pattern. For example, using white or with a blue tint toothpaste to draw a winter forest, usually draw Christmas trees, snowflakes. And you can draw a beautiful Snow Maiden or Santa Claus.

    Draw on the window of the tooth pasta will not be a lot of work, but it will be especially interesting to children - be sure to spread a little paste in the water, so that there are a little fat paste, then a toothbrush can be applied around paper snowflakes patterns, as if frost painted the window.

    Draw a toothpaste with a new year symbol - a lamb or monkey, tiger and a boar, a rooster and a dog. You can draw on the window of the toothpaste of the snowflake and the fairy lock, you can draw on the winter window and winter landscape, find templates with a monkey or Santa Claus and you will have a wonderful pattern on the window for the new year.

    In addition to the above-described method with a sponge, you can make a background to the toothbrush. Soldered the brush into the solution, keep the edge and splashes as the photo shown.

    And look at the video how to draw dentist on the window. And you can experiment with multi-colored pastes, pink or blue solution and it will be full beauty, and the Christmas tree draw green coniferous paste.

    Draw whatever! Where the fantasy will start! And snowmen and animals, and their names are written)))

    And we give, we will turn the usual window with you, and if you want the mirror, in winter! And it will be from him to be a blizzard, boils and of course a new year! Let's proceed?

    From the most ordinary paper cut the snowflakes, different sizes and patterns.

    White toothpaste (in our case pearls) we get water. To the state of the paste.

    Dip the snowflakes in the water (the most common)

    Wet snowflakes glue glass. Very neatly, work can be said jewelry.

    Water which will flow absorb the napkin.

    That piece of glass or mirror, which should remain transparent spraying with water.

    Now make frost. We take our divorced toothpaste and with the help of a sponge we apply it on the glass, screening. Where we spray water will turn out transparent. You can try to apply a wet pasta and a dry sponge, the effect will be different.

Original New Year Patterns on the windows will add a festive mood to the whole family. Especially love such creativity small children, because they themselves will be able to create magic drawings with a toothpaste.

Drawing toothpaste with brushes or sponge


Sponge or brush / brush of different thickness;

Toothpaste (white);


To apply a picture on the glass, you can use a pre-prepared stencil from the Internet. Such a stencil must be printed, cut and attach to the glass in the selected place. Toothpaste to squeeze on a saucer or in a plate, if necessary, a little dilute it with water. Brush or sponge Fill the spaces in the stencil, dipped it in toothpaste. Then remove the stencil and, if necessary, draw the details with a brush or toothpick.

Useful advice: patterns of dental paste on the window you can draw at least every day, removing old drawings with a wet sponge.

Drawing toothpaste with toothpicks




Wet sponge;

The right amount of toothpaste is squeezed directly on the glass and evenly distribute it with a wet sponge. On this snow-white background with a toothpick draw various New Year's motifs.