Original drawing with children. Child drawing

Original drawing with children. Child drawing
Original drawing with children. Child drawing

Where does this strange statement come from, "I do not know how to draw?". Everyone can, only in their own way. So my child began to periodically get upset that I could not draw it or did not work beautifully. The familiar artist suggested to leave attempts to draw according to the sample, like this, mainly make on different circles on drawing, and try, not standard. Suggested trying monotype. Next - more, I started looking for more options for such techniques that reveal the individuality of the child. They were a bad edge.

Something turned out to be familiar since childhood.


Folded a sheet in half, to open on one of the half to instruct colored paint spots. Then folded the sheet again and tightly press - try palm or attach a heavy book. We reveal and consider what it happened (the Rorschah test, probably it seems to be created)))) You can try something if you want to add.


Remember? :)

A sheet of paper is located on a flat relief subject and then moving out not sharpened color pencil over the surface, you get an impression imitating the main texture. You can rub the pencil crumb in the same way, along the embossed surface. Who tried to draw on a table with a relay coating knows how this drawing technique can turn on in the drawing completely inspired :) And you can create drawings combining the relief of several items. What is the charm:

Prints of leaves are also made.

Drawing, and the disclosure of individuality, and the development of imagination, and confidence in their forces and many, many more useful moments for a child (and adult) in such techniques are obtained. I love universal things, like
strollers 3 in 1 :)


Marble paper

  • shaving cream (foam)
  • watercolor paints or food dyes
  • flat plate for mixing foam and paints
  • paper
  • scraper

Work plan:

  • Uniform thick layer apply a shaving foam to a plate
  • Mix paints or food dyes of different colors with not large quantity Waters to get a saturated solution.
  • With brushes or pipettes, you hammer the paint of different colors on the surface of the foam in an arbitrary order.
  • Now everything is the same tassel or a wand, smear the paint on the surface, so that it forms the bizarre zigzags, wavy lines, etc. It is very creative stage all work that will enjoy the children.
  • Now take a sheet of paper and gently attach it to the surface of the resulting patterned foam.
  • Put the sheet on the table. You can only scrape all the foam with a sheet of paper. For these purposes, you can use a piece of cardboard or in half the lid cut.
  • Under the shaving foam layer, you will find stunning marble patterns. The paint managed to quickly appreciate the paper, you just need to give it to dry for a few hours.


This is when the baby's kaleaks are inserted into a sheet with a cut out of any form. Here, for example, a butterfly.


Drawing food film

Apply the stains of several colors of watercolor or guasheva paint. On the entire surface of the sheet. We put the film from above and draw, slightly pressing the film, a variety of lines. We give paint to dry and remove the film. I bring the drawing to the end, markers or pencils.

Soap painting

Paints you can mix with soap solution and then apply patterns with a tassel and forms. When drawing, soap bubbles are formed, which create the texture of colorful smears.

Drawing on raw surface

The technique is very simple: wipe the paper sheet with water, let's dry for 30 seconds and start drawing with watercolor paints. Paints spread in different areas And it turns out very interesting divorces (Dawn, clouds, trees, rainbow).

And further

1. Salt. Pre-draw on paper sketch. Moisten it with water with a brush, sprinkle with salt, wait until she keeps himself water, sustain. When everything gets free, draw the missing items and color. Salt draw the dragonfly, birds, jellyfly, butterflies, snow, smoke.

2. Wax. Prepare a sheet with animal silhouettes that you draw a candle in advance. Painted paint drawing, the child unexpectedly "will create" images of animals.

3. Foam or sponge. Saving a sponge into a thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, flowers bouquets, lilac branches, apple trees.

4. Bunch of pencils. Securely secure the adhesive tape large sheet Paper. Collect colored pencils in a bundle - so that the sharpened ends are on the same level. Offer the child to draw.

5. Small and starch. Pour a lot of starch on a sheet of paper and uniformly swear on the surface evenly. Suggest the baby to draw shameles on slippery surface. It is better to use the main colors of chalk so that they give you new colors.

6. Color Glue. Boil glue on empty vials, add to each several drops different colorand you are ready to create artistic works. Draw with colored glue on dark paper using the "drip" technique.

7. Gauze tampon. Offer a child to dip a gauze tampon in paint and draw clouds, soap bubbles, snowy drifts, ducklings, butterflies. The missing details should be drawn with a brush or felt-tip pen.
Corn cobs. Come up with any image. Pulse the pillage into the paint and roll on the sheet of clean paper. Make an imprint of the "tail" corn score.

8. Cleaxography. Let the kid droplet paint onto the leaf, tilt it in different directions, and then draws a bliss so that it turned out any image. Or the child is dipping a brush into the paint, then puts a bliss on a sheet of paper and folds the leaf twice so that the "bliss" is imprinted in the second half of the sheet. Then turns the sheet and trying to understand who or what is similar to the drawing. You can blow on the paint of the straw - also the way to give a blossom place to turn around :)

9. Drawing points. The kid with a light pressure of the pencil outlines the preliminary contour of the object, then the spot technique fills the space inside it, using markers or pencils of different colors.

10. Drawing splashes. The most basic here is to master the spray technique. Apply gouache with a dry toothbrush with a sufficiently rigid bristle, just smaller than you usually put the toothpaste. Consistency of paint is a little bit of pasta, so the water is usually not needed here. Keep the brush in the left hand of the bristle down at a distance of 3-4 cm from the paper and lodge the bristle towards yourself. Very beautiful multicolored "spray" (salute) and yellow-red ( golden autumn) on a white sheet; White "spray" on a dark blue background (winter landscape).

11. Drawing feet. Fasten the paper sheet on the floor with adhesive tape. Insert the baby between the fingers of the feet of the pencil and ask for something to draw. You can create simultaneously with two legs on one sheet of paper. Attach a large sheet of paper to the wall and ask the child to portray something, lying on the back.

according to the materials of the user Cherry site LiveInternet.ru

Ecology of consumption. Children: If your child is periodically frustrated, saying: "I don't know how to draw it" or "not beautifully happened," leave attempts ...

If your child is periodically frustrated, saying: "I don't know how to draw it" or "not beautifully happened," leave attempts to draw according to the pattern, as they do on different drawing circles, and try spontaneous drawing techniques, not standard.

We offer you 20 options for similar techniques revealing.


This is when the baby's kaleaks are inserted into a sheet with a cut out of any form. Those. Cut the template, for example, butterflies and superimpose on the "Cherka" baby. As a result, the child's work forms a unique pattern of the butterfly wings.

Drawing legs.

Fasten the paper sheet on the floor with adhesive tape. Insert the baby between the fingers of the feet of the pencil and ask for something to draw. You can create simultaneously with two legs on one sheet of paper. Attach a large sheet of paper to the wall and ask the child to portray something, lying on the back.


A sheet of paper is located on a flat relief subject and then moving out not sharpened color pencil over the surface, you get an impression imitating the main texture. You can trim the pencil crumb in the same way along the embossed surface. Who tried to draw on the table with a relay coating knows how this drawing technique can engage in the drawing completely inspired. And you can create drawings combining a lot of several items.

Air paints.

To make paint mix in a small cup:

  • one tablespoon of "self-refined" (pancake) flour is flour with already added baking powder. You can simply add to the flour (for 500 gr) 1h.l. soda and 1h.l. citric acid
  • a few drops of food dye,
  • one tablespoon salt.

Then you need to add some water to give the necessary consistency to "air" paint.

It is necessary to apply paint to the thick sheet of cardboard (if you do not have the right brush, you can use cotton sticks).

Attention! Cardboard should not contain synthetic materials and films, use the usual cardboard or very tight paper.

Place the picture in the microwave, turning on the maximum mode by 10 to 30 seconds until the paint becomes dry. The drying time depends on the thickness of the paint layer and its consistency.

Marble paper.

Need: Cream (foam) for shaving, watercolor paints or food dyes, flat plate for mixing foam for shaving and paints, paper, scraper.

Work plan:

  1. With a uniform thick layer, apply foam for shaving on a plate.
  2. Mix paints or food dyes of different colors with small quantity Waters to get a saturated solution.
  3. With brushes or pipettes, you hammer the paint of different colors on the surface of the foam in an arbitrary order.
  4. Now everything is the same tassel or a wand, smear the paint on the surface, so that it forms the bizarre zigzags, wavy lines, etc. This is the most creative stage of all work, which will enjoy the children.
  5. Now take a sheet of paper and gently attach it to the surface of the resulting patterned foam.
  6. Put the sheet on the table. You can only scrape all the foam with a sheet of paper. For these purposes, you can use a piece of cardboard or in half the lid cut.
  7. Under the shaving foam layer, you will find stunning marble patterns. The paint managed to quickly appreciate the paper, you just need to give it to dry for a few hours.

Painting food film.

Apply the stains of several colors of watercolor or gouache paint on the entire surface of the sheet. We put the film from above and draw, slightly pressing the film, a variety of lines. We give paint to dry and remove the film. I bring the drawing to the end, markers or pencils.

Soap painting.

Paints you can mix with soap solution and then apply patterns with a tassel and forms. When drawing, soap bubbles are formed, which create the texture of colorful smears.


Let the kid droplet paint onto the leaf, tilt it in different directions, and then draws a bliss so that it turned out any image. Or the child is dipping a brush into the paint, then puts a bliss on a sheet of paper and folds the leaf twice so that the "bliss" is imprinted in the second half of the sheet. Then turns the sheet and tries to understand who or what is like.

Drawing on raw surface.

The technique is very simple: wipe the paper sheet with water, let's dry for 30 seconds and start drawing with watercolor paints. Paints spread in different directions and are obtained very interesting divorces (dawn, clouds, trees, rainbow).


Pre-draw on paper sketch. Moisten it with water with a brush, sprinkle with salt, wait until she keeps himself water, sustain. When everything gets free, draw the missing items and color. Salt draw the dragonfly, birds, jellyfly, butterflies, snow, smoke.


Prepare a sheet with animal silhouettes that you draw a candle in advance. Painted paint drawing, the child unexpectedly "will create" images of animals.

Foam or sponge.

Saving a sponge into a thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, flowers bouquets, lilac branches, apple trees.

Bunch of pencils.

Securely secure a large sheet of paper with a sticky ribbon. Collect colored pencils in a bundle - so that the sharpened ends are on the same level. Offer the child to draw.

Small and starch.

Pour a lot of starch on a sheet of paper and uniformly swear on the surface evenly. Suggest the baby to draw shameles on slippery surface. It is better to use the main colors of chalk so that they give you new colors.

Color glue.

Pour glue to empty vials, add to each several drops of different colors to each, and you are ready to create artistic works. Draw with colored glue on dark paper using the "drip" technique.

Gauze tampon.

Offer a child to dip a gauze tampon in paint and draw clouds, soap bubbles, snowy drifts, ducklings, butterflies. The missing details should be drawn with a brush or felt-tip pen.

Corn cobs.

Come up with any image. Pulse the pillage into the paint and roll on the sheet of clean paper. Make an imprint of the "tail" corn score.


We make drawings fingerprints.

Drawing points.

The kid with a light pressure of the pencil outlines the preliminary contour of the object, then the spot technique fills the space inside it, using markers or pencils of different colors.

Drawing by splashes.

The most basic here is to master the spray technique. Apply gouache with a dry toothbrush with a sufficiently rigid bristle, just smaller than you usually put the toothpaste. Consistency of paint is a little bit of pasta, so the water is usually not needed here. Keep the brush in the left hand of the bristle down at a distance of 3-4 cm from the paper and lodge the bristle towards yourself.

Very beautiful multicolored "spray" (salute) and yellow-red (golden autumn) on a white sheet; White "spray" on a dark blue background (winter landscape).

Magic balls.

Material: Cover from box, balls, paint, paper, brushes, water.

Progress. In the box to place a sheet of paper, there are several multi-colored or monophonic paint droplets on it. Put the box 2-3 balls and shake the box so that the balls ride, mixing the paints, creating a pattern. Published

Putting the world, children try to express their impressions about it with the means of cognitive and creative activity: Playing, drawing, telling. Huge opportunities here provides drawing. To give the opportunity to kids in various ways, you can draw with a child drawing both in traditional techniques and in the most unusual. The more interesting the conditions in which the visual activities of the child will be held, the rapidly its creative abilities will develop. Let's see what kind of children's drawing techniques can be used to develop a child.

Traditional drawing techniques

The basis of common comprehensive development The child is laid in the younger preschool age. Drawing is one of the most important means of developing a child, in the course of which the baby learns the world, forms aesthetic attitude towards him.

When painting, the child develops a wide variety of abilities, namely:

  • the child learns to visually evaluate the form of the subject, orientate in space, distinguish and feel colors
  • trains eyes and hands
  • develops brush hands.

"Do you know that drawing is one of the main ways to diversify the child, his sensations, small Motoriki Hands, feelings of shape and color? With this simple and fascinating classes, children convey their attitude to reality. "

On what forms and techniques use teacher or parent on creative occupations The success of upbringing and learning depends on the baby.

So, the main reception for the children of the younger preschool age is a demonstration, how to use pencil and paints. At the same age, passive drawing is effectively: when an adult drives the baby's hand. When the crumb is growing a little, fine activities We train the informational and recipe method: children study the form of the subject, rolling with hand, feeling the outlines. Such a study of the subject helps the baby to create a more complete picture of the subject. The next step is the choice of drawing technology.

Traditional children's drawing techniques:

  1. Drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Drawing with colored pencils.
  3. Drawing with markers.
  4. Drawing with a brush - watercolor, gouache.
  5. Drawing with wax chalk.

Getting Started with drawing technique for crumbs, you need to pay attention to his age and interest. To be useful and developing drawing, first of all, must be fascinating.

Drawing with paints and pencils

Children are happy to draw painting, especially if they do it well. Even drawing using such traditional techniques as drawing with paints and pencils requires certain skills. If the skills are missing - then the drawing may not work as he thought little artistAs a result, the child can disappear and no longer want to draw. Younger preschoolers are not known enough in drawing.

Let's see how you can teach the kid to draw with paints and pencils.

Learning to draw paint

Today, the first use is a child of paints - it finger drawing. As soon as the baby learned to keep a brush in his hand, offer him to prevent her. For first classes, it is better to use: it does not need to be brewed with water and it leaves a bright mark. Show the baby such a reception of drawing as "adjustment": a brush with paint needs to be attached to the paper to all the pile. So it turns out the imprint - leaflets, flames, trail of animals, flower, etc. This simple technique, children can be used as an image of the familiar phenomena of nature. It will be interesting to draw on dark-colored paper (for example, blue) white gouache. So you can portray, say, snowfall. The next stage of drawing with paints is an image of straight and wavy lines.

Typically, the baby seizes work with paints and tassels by 3.5 - 4 years. From this age, the crumb can give paints at his disposal: let him draw what he wants. And the parents just need to prompt topics for drawing and show the right techniques.

We start drawing a pencil

Initially, the baby is better to give a pencil in hand, and the feltaster: they leave a bright track even with a weak press of the children's handle. When the hand is strengthened, put a pencil in my hand. Draw different pieces together, moving the hand of the child. So gradually it will understand how to move the pencil to get the desired drawing. Repeat movements many times, fixing them.

"Tip. Support the interest of the baby to drawing, providing good conditions For creativity: high-quality accessories, a separate table and a chair in a bright place corresponding to the growth of a child. "

Children's non-traditional drawing techniques

Non-traditional children's drawing techniques stimulate the development of imagination and creative thinking, manifestation of initiative and independence, baby. In the process of such drawing, the preschooler will improve its observation, to form an individual perception of art and beauty, try creating something beautiful. And also unconventional drawing brings children a lot of positive emotions.

Let's see what non-traditional techniques Drawing you can do with the child at home.

For children of junior preschool age:

  1. Finger drawing. The kid dipfully fingers in the gouache and puts paint on paper.
  2. Drawing with palms. Krocha shall be gouted on the entire palm and makes prints on paper, which can later become funny pictures.

For children of middle preschool age:

  1. Failed print. The baby is dipping a piece of foam rubber in the paint and makes a print on paper.
  2. Printed plug.
  3. Combined drawing with wax chalk and watercolor. Kid draws an image wax crayons On paper, and then paints watercolor only a sheet of paper without affecting the drawing.
  4. Drawing with cotton sticks or beverage tubes. Painted them in paint and applying different ways, You can make an interesting picture.

For children of senior school age:

  1. Drawing sand or salt.
  2. "Sprinkle". Having gained paint to the brush and hitting it about cardboard above the paper, the child will get a whole firework spray from paint that will fall on paper.
  3. Drawing with mint paper. Pieces of crumpled paper are painted and pressed to paper where the picture plans appears.
  4. Klyasography. Through a cocktail tube you can blow multicolored blots. And you can put them with an ordinary plastic spoon. Applying fantasy, blots can be turned into funny characters or elements of the landscape.
  5. Monotypia. Covering thick paper or ceramic tiles with a thick layer of paints, and then, applying a sheet of paper, we will get a blurred print on paper that can be the basis for a landscape.
  6. Engraving (GRUTAZH). Cutting a tight layer of guaishes a sheet of paper, try to scat out with a child with toothpicks.

We use various materials

"Do you know that a variety of non-traditional children's drawing techniques are becoming more and more popular with every day? Drawing, kids act as they like. "

The charm of non-traditional drawing techniques is that in the creative process of the child can use a variety of materials and their combinations. That's why these drawing methods are very interesting for children, and for adults: there is no limit fantasy and self-expression.

What combinations of materials during drawing can be used to creative process Brought pleasure, and the picture turned out unusual and expressive?

  1. Prints of natural materials. If you cover the leaves, cones, flowers with different colors, and then apply to paper, it turns out a print. Drawing the missing details, the child will come out excellent.
  2. Plasticine. From plasticine, you can not only sculpt the figures, but draw it on paper. This method is called plasticiography.
  3. All that is at hand. With the help of a wooden coil for threads, threads themselves, buttons different size Both forms, cardboard tubes, fresh orange peel, corn, spokes, and all that can be found in the house and adapt to creativity, you can draw. Each item leaves his unique imprint. A little smoking, you can create unusual paintings With the help of quite household items. The coil will leave a trace similar to wheels or two tracks, butt box - a circle with dots. From the peel of the orange, you can cut unusual stamps, for example, in the form of a spiral. And the function of the painting roller will perform a corn patch or a cardboard tube.

Drawing - great leisure for preschooler, work to which you do not need to force. However, it is important to maintain a child and positively evaluate the results of his work. Expand the opportunities for your baby's creativity. Traditional drawing will teach the baby correctly handle the tassel, paints, pencils and markers, will teach learn and draw different forms, distinguish colors. And non-traditional drawing techniques will help him become more creative, emotionally sustainable, confident in their abilities, initiative.

Oksana Denpee

Probably, all children really like paint. And especially they are welcome unconventional methods drawing. But we are in your hand, because any drawing promotes Development of creative thinking, imagination, creativity, expanding the ideas of the environment. As well as develops a shallow man's hand, trains the muscles of the brush hand, prepares hand to the letter.

Shaving foam - very unusual drawing surface. Paint on it can be stretched and twisted with beautiful lines, curls and other patterns. Sometimes it reminds paper quilling. Each drawing is obtained unique! For drawing The principle of monotype is used on the foam - painting With the help of unique prints. We use dried paper in classes, for packing gifts, and even for further drawing!

Materials and tools:

flat tray, lid or plate, or just a sheet of A-4 format.

shaving foam,

paints we take any!

thin brushes or toothpicks, calculations, foam tamponchiki, brushes of different racial.

Rule (We took plastic) or strips of dense cardboard.

a pack of napkins, you can put a pelvis with water to rinse the ruler.

As well as enthusiasm, good mood, creativity!

To begin with, prepare a working surface)

Apply a little foam on the tray or on the A-4 sheet.

Ruler or a cardboard strip to dissolve, smooth the foam on the surface

Armed with any paints, start paint…

we didked Today, only tasters, it turned out like this ....

When the image is ready, to attach a sheet of paper to it and press so that the image is imprinted on the sheet, but the sheet is not worth pressing too much.

Carefully not to lubricate the drawing, remove the paper and put it with foam up a few minutes to absorb paint

Remove the remnants of foam from the drawing, having spent on it or cardboard.

Let's leave the drawing to dry.

And that's what happened in us ...

And with the remaining foam, you still have a lot of things to come up with) for example, something from it to loose

And you can offer a child to play with a multicolored foam - touch it with her palm and clean your hand, touch again, score foam into the palm and squeeze your hand in the fist, stretch or skip between your fingers.

Relaxing fingers and palms, unusual pleasant sensory sensations, useful for development, as well as positive emotions to the child are provided

Role drawing In the formation of speech in a child is great. As you know, adults - stimulation of work in small motility, namely the movement with fingers hand: Fast, slow, conscious, leads to an increase and activation of speech activities. The more attention is paid to the period when the child begins to speak, the faster there is a process of speech formulation.

Painting In turn, performs two at once functions: Aesthetic perception of the world through the drawing and strengthening speech activity.

In addition, it is very nice to see joyful and desired fruits enlightenment: Skills drawing, joy in the eyes of a child, the immense happiness he gets from his creativity.

Elena Nikitin

Painting One of the most favorite children's activities. Drawing by unusual ways Causes even more positive emotions in children. Using non-traditional drawing techniques There is a development of thinking, imagination, fancy, creative abilities. The child appears interest in drawingAs a result, the desire to create.

Today I will tell you and show how paintwithout using a brush.

1. Painting cotton chopsticks . We recruit paint on a stick and dots decorate the image on a sheet of paper. (Christmas tree, snow, kettle, sundress, rowan branch).

2. Drawing palms. Pour paint to flat container. Focus palm and press it to a sheet of paper. (Flowers, Fish, Grandfather Frost, Swan, Carrot).

3. Drawing with cotton disks. Cotted discs paintBy folding them in half, a quarter or whole. (Moon, drifts, a variety of flowers).

4. Drawing prints. Plain method of drawing: Paint is applied to the printed surface and put on a paperprint paper sheet. (Used: Flowers, shells, fruits, vegetables).

5. Cleaxography. On a sheet of paper, a stain is made or put a blots from watercolor paint. We take the tube and blow the air on the klyaksu.

6. Drawing fork. In the plug, we type paint from a flat plate and a flat surface of the fork made a print. Can draw grass, fence, flowers, hedgehog.

7. Drawing thread. The best thing draw woolen thread. The thread is loose in the paint and apply it to a sheet of paper and create a pattern by printing with the movement of the thread. Woolen thread creates fancy patternwhich is suitable for images of clouds, clouds, lambs, an unusual flower.

8. Painting Sponge or piece of foam rubber. A piece of foam rubber clamping a clothespin, omit in the paint and applied prints that create the texture of the subject. They draw animals fur, fluffy bunches of colors, clouds, crowns of trees.

9. Drawing spray. It will take a toothbrush and comb. We take a little paint on the brush and spray with a comb. Above a sheet of paper with a brush on a comb. You can apply paints of different colors, it turns out very beautiful.

10. Drawing stamps. The stamp is easy to make plasticine. Plasticine is applied to a lump, a cube, etc. Any sharp subject we depict some object or abstract pattern on it. Stampik ready. We make a pad from a sponge. Put the paint on the sponge. Apply the stamp to a sponge with paint. Now you can make prints. Stumpike can be made from the bottom plastic bottle, Flowers are obtained.

11. Painting Fingerprints of cups and necklies of different diameter. Paint the paint in a flat plate. We lower the cup into the paint and apply a drawing on a sheet of paper.

12. Drawing Commercial. We will need a comb with frequent tooths. Apply multicolored paint (next to each other) On a sheet of paper in the form of a drop. Then we spend the comb on all drops of paint, connecting and swinging them. It turns out a stunning rainbow. You can also draw different patternsBy adding drops and leading the comb in different directions.

13. Drawing with wax crayons. Color wax pencils or wax shallow we apply a drawing on a sheet of paper. Then cover one or more watercolor layers. It turns out an unusual and bright drawing. (Can draw stars, Flowers).

14. GRITAZHTA (Wax). The surface of the entire sheet of paper is painted with wax crayons, then cover the sheet with black gouache. When everything dry sweat the paint and create the drawing lines. It is possible to pump a pointed stick, a skewer, toothpick.

15. Drawing marley. TO wet sheet Paper apply a layer of gauze, straightening it. Marla must be fixed on paper. Top of gauze draw a brush with paint. Leave the drawing to dry. We remove the marla - the paper remains on the paper in the form of a marlevary fabric texture. (Landscape, Sky, Tree, Grass)

16. Painting Using a plastic film. Draw a drawing. While the paint did not dry quickly apply the film to the drawing in right place And neatly, rotating movements, create wrinkles of the film on paper. In wrinkles collected paint. Give dry and gently remove the Lenka.

17. Monotypia. We draw symmetric items. To do this, we fold a sheet of paper in half and on one half draw an item. While the paint did not dry, fold the sheet again in two. On the second half it turns out the imprint, after that the image can dorisy or decorate.

18. Painting Air-bubble film. With the help of this wonderful material, you can very just draw falling snow. We apply a white or pale blue paint on the film and apply it to a paper sheet with a pattern. With this techniques You can make an unusual background for winter appliqué.

19. Drawing Solu.. On a sheet of colored cardboard we apply a drawing with PVA glue. Play picture on the topic of winter. Spring salt from above. When everything dry extensive salt shakes.

20. Drawing a semolina. For drawing in this technique Used colored paper or cardboard. On the contour drawing is applied PVA glue. The glove of paper is poured on top and tightly apply a sheet of paper from above. Then remove the paper and shake the extra bath. Thus fashion The following item is created.

21. Drawing candle. On a dense sheet of paper or cardboard, children draw a candle on the plan. Sheet painted watercolor paint. Through watercolor will perform wax images. (Christmas tree, snowflakes, animals).

You can also use such techniques unconventional drawing : drawing a shot, drawing finger, painting By stencil Thomson, drawing by pumping method, painting soap bubbles , drawing mint paper, drawing leaves.

Publications on the topic:

Acquaintance with non-traditional techniques 1. "Familiarization with non-traditional equipment" 2. Slide children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy,.

Consultation "Drawing with unconventional ways" Development creative potential Personality should be carried out with early childhoodWhen a child under the guidance of adults begins to master.

I really liked the children of our group to get acquainted with various technicians artistic creativity. The guys were so plunged into.

Abstract on drawing by non-traditional techniques " Autumn leaves» Age group: 2 Jr. Type: Productive Activities Organization Form:.

I know children of preschool age with non-traditional drawing techniques Municipal budget pre-school educational institution MBDOU №33 »Malinka» Methodical development: "I know the preschool children.