The best paints for drawing. How to choose paint for drawing

The best paints for drawing. How to choose paint for drawing
The best paints for drawing. How to choose paint for drawing

Painting is a very exciting occupation, allowing you to create "beauty" with your own hands. Even if you are not a professional artist, but a person who has a desire to take over the brush to write a picture, do not be afraid to try to paint. What kind of paints exist, about the features and purpose of each of them, as well as how to buy paints wholesale and retail will be speech in this article.

Types of colors

Watercolor paints

Perhaps this kind of artistic materials is familiar to each of us since childhood. Watercolor - paint, which is based on water, it is designed for drawing on paper.

For seriouslye, children's watercolor paints are hardly suitable for painting, so it is best to purchase a special set of artistic watercolor. As a rule, they are produced in tubes or in cuvettes.

By the way, the drawing watercolor implies the mandatory use of an easel or tablet, since the paper will always be wet and can easily be swore.

Watercolor paints have light, translucent colors that give new shades when mixing. Watercolor is great for creating portraits, landscapes and still lifes.


The gouache has a more dense texture than watercolor, and when drying, the surface becomes matte. Gouasheviy paints are difficult and at the same time simply draw: the errors allowed "hide", applying a new layer, but to obtain another shade will have to experiment. At the same time, it is impossible to allow the layer to be too thick, otherwise, when drying, the gouache can crack or crumble.

Gouache is divided into two types: art and poster. The first is intended exclusively for painting, and the second is for work work. It has a greater density, more rich colors. In general, the gouache paints can be drawing on paper, cardboard, canvas and even fabrics.

Gouache is sold in separate jars, they are divorced by water. However, with long-term storage, the gouache can dry. You can dilute it with ordinary water, adding a drip of the joinery glue.

Acrylic paints

Acrylic is relatively new, but there is already a fairly popular kind of artistic materials. The advantage of acrylic is that the "working surface" can be anything: paper, fabric, ceramics, wood, glass or metal. And the colors of acrylic paints, regardless of the artistic purpose, always remain bright, juicy and "pleasing eyes." After drying on the surface, a resistant coating is formed, not dumping with time and not flushing with water.

Acrylic paints are different types: matte, glossy, pearl, shiny, as well as liquid or thick. Too thick can be diluted with water or special fluid. But you can not do this: in this case, acrylic allows you to create real masterpieces with an unusual texture.

Oil paints

The composition of oil paints includes colored pigment and oil - flax, nut or sunflower. They are always in separate tubes and demand from the artist not so much certain skills of working with them, how many mandatory attributes: it is a palette, canvas, high-quality brushes, solvent, easel.

The oil is rightfully considered the main material in painting: starting from the XVI century, many artists use this artistic material in their works. Oil paints, famous for their longevity, have bright colors and dense texture, that is, what allows you to achieve a combination and maximum realism of the image of a person, a landscape or still life. It is possible to write paintings by oil not only on canvas, but also on cardboard, tagged paper, tree or other surfaces.

Temperal paints

In durability, and most importantly, the practicality of this type of artistic materials do not have to doubt: the Thamers used the painters of the Renaissance era. This paint, which includes color pigment, water, glue and oil. However, in contrast to oil, tempera paints dry far faster. In addition, the Tempera has a lot of advantages: it does not change its color over time, it is not washed off with water after complete drying and combined with other types of paints.

But the most interesting property of tempera is a multi-faceted, allowing to work in various techniques: to apply transparent layers as well as watercolor, or, on the contrary, dense like a gouache. And the use of pasty tempera reminds work with oil. At the same time, a picture written by Tever will not be similar to any of those that are made using the listed species of paints.

Where to buy paints?

To buy paints you need to approach responsibly. You can buy them in large Internet hyper-markets (for example, Skounelle) or in specialized stores (Fineart). However, if painting for you is not a one-minute hobby, but more, it is beneficial to purchase paints in bulk. For example, in the stores MAGOK.RU (Artistic Materials section) or Find the desired paint, brush, easel or other artistic supplies is very easy - here acceptable prices and a wide range of products. Delivery of goods is carried out throughout Russia, and when ordering a large amount there are discounts.

Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize! Find among the variety of paints your combinations! Good luck to you and creative success!

For a child, drawing with the help of paints is one of the favorite creative fun! And each kid tries to "create" with bright colors from 10-12 months. But how to choose the right paint, so that the drawing brings only joy?

Why do children need paints?

About benefit drawing For the harmonious development of the child, you can talk long. And despite all popularity color pencils, feltasters , wakovy or ordinary Smalls, it was the paints that became one of the main ways to instill a love for the creative process. After all, it can also draw a one-year-old baby, and a karapuz 3 years old, and a schoolboy. Drawings made with the help of paints are usually bright and rich, and color mixing in this case as simple as possible and visual for children - another element of the magic that surrounds the child in the knowledge of the world. And it is also worth noting that paints can be painted on paper, canvas, fabrics, glass, metal, tile, clay, even their own body - the space for creativity is almost unlimited! Well, of course, do not forget about the development of small motility. To handle the tassel, paint tube and a glass of water, too, should be able to be able to require a little more effort from kid than in the case of mentioned fine or markers. And therefore, if your Chad still does not have paints, buy them urgently!

What are the paints for children?

Before you go to the store for a set of colors, it is worth understanding which type of such tool is best suited to your child. Each of them has its own characteristics, dignity and disadvantages, and some species will come far from any age. Therefore, it is worth saying about the most popular varieties of paints separately:

  • finger paint

These paints can already be issued from 6-8 months - the main thing is that the kid can confidently sit in front of the Watman or Cardboard sheet. And it's not terrible that he is not ready to draw anything consciously - it is enough to make fingers in paint and led on paper, leaving bright unusual traces. Finger-colored paints are well mixed and have a destructive consistency, so do not eat from the fingers, perfectly falls on the surface. They are also easily washed away - you can not be afraid that the baby is all evaporated. And you should not worry about security. These water-based paints with food dyes - allergies or poisoning they will not cause. Yes, and there is their child, it is unlikely to be. It is enough to try to make sure: the finger paints are bitter, salty or sour (thanks to the food additive, which should be repeated to "eat" paint).

  • watercolor paints

Probably, it will not be an exaggeration to call such paints most popular with small artists - it is watercolor that paints children in gardens and schools most often. Pluses have a lot. They are environmentally friendly (as part of natural and organic compounds), they have a rich color palette (more than three dozen shades), they mix without problems, allowing you to receive new colors. True, it should be noted: the footprint of watercolor paints is not as saturated, like other types of paints, - he is faded, "transparent", which kids may not like 1-2 years. And it is also necessary to draw attention to that usually watercolor is done using medical components - if the child has allergies to honey, high risk of obtaining an unwanted body reaction.

  • gouache paints

Perhaps the main competitor of watercolors for the heart of young Picasso and Malevichi is gouache. The main advantage of these colors in a saturated, juicy, dense color, which, when drying, gives a matte tint with a pleasant to the touch velvety surface. There are two types of Guachi: poster and artistic. For children, the first is suitable (the second due to the less bright shades is used mainly in professional painting), although specialists are generally said that the gouache paints are not quite children - with them it is better to pay for years to 5-6 years, if not later. Also be sure to read the composition of such a proposed paint. They can already add not only organic pigments and vegetable adhesives, but also mineral dyes, surfactants - and for the children's body they are unacceptable, choose non-toxic options.

  • oil and acrylic paints

These paints are relating to what they draw them when other types of paints are already well mastered - that is, they are not suitable for the youngest children. The compositions are also not very nursing: you can meet the resins (both natural and synthetic), and oils (primarily linen), and various thickeners. Similar to these paints and characteristics of the pattern: with a noticeable gloss, which gives the film that is formed during drying, and even color, almost indistinguishable from the initial (simple paints, usually slightly change the shade when applied to the canvas). As for the difference, the oils require noticeably more accuracy when applied and dried much longer. And on acrylic, there are no cracks after some time.

  • paint for bath

Such paints designed for children from 2-3 years old do not claim the severity in principle - this is nothing more than a pleasant and developing fun at the time of swimming, a sort of equivalent or addition to the toys for the bath. Their essence is extremely simple: with the help of such paints, the kid can draw on a tile or enamel bath, while it is washed. Such artistic "instruments" is absolutely safe for the children's body and without work off. Moreover, a special mitten can be attached to the set, designed to delete the picture, - it can use the child himself when there are no places for the new "rock painting". By the way, you can draw with such colors as your fingers and tassels, which helps to diversify the game of the baby. And it also likes children that water in the bath after such a game is also painted!

  • paints for body art

Not the most common, but very interesting type of paints, which can truly admire and surprise the child from 2-3 years. Probably, by the name everything is clear: these paints are designed for a drawing of a man's skin, canvas performs his body (because their composition is extremely natural and harmless). At first, kids, of course, perceive them with some caution. But when they see that thanks to such paints they "grow up" the cat mustache, or they turn into orange-striped tigering or deserted fairies, there is no limit to delight! This is the perfect option for some kind of children's holiday - the same birthdaywhere children are happy to handle head to the legs. And the articles are absolutely calm, enough water with soap.

And, of course, do not limit the same type of paints. New varieties with unexpected properties can give him inspiration, open new horizons for him and ways of self-expression in drawing!

What characteristics of the set of paints are important?

Immediately before buying paints in the store, it is worth paying attention to a number of important points:

  • structure: Paints for children should not contain toxic additives, as reported by the necessary manufacturer's certificates with all the gtales;
  • packaging: High-quality packaging with a detailed description in Russian indirectly confirms the high level of the colors themselves;
  • shelf life: If the paints are "outdated", it is impossible to return them to life - diluted with water, they fall unevenly, with noticeable pigments;
  • state: Good paints should not be dried, with severe heterogeneity, they must have no sharp smell;
  • colors: Children's paints should not be unnecessarily bright, screaming, better choose sets with saturated, but natural shades;
  • palette: The younger than the child, it is less - up to 2 years old enough 4-8 shades, after 3 years you can buy sets in 12-20 flowers;
  • set: Well, if there is a pair of tassels and a glass-non-volatile water in a set with paints for water, where you can get a brush;
  • manufacturer: Try in addition to the previously acquired set to buy paints of the same manufacturer so that they perfectly coincide.

And finally, a couple of tips for choosing a brush if you buy it separately. There is nothing complicated here, it is necessary to estimate the literally several parameters. So, the handle is better wooden: it is more pleasant and harmless to the children's body than plastic. But the hair beam can be natural, and synthetic. It is more important that he was reliably held, and the hairmers did not fall out and went down exactly when they wet a brush (in a good store, a glass of water and a sheet of paper will be given without problems to make sure of its quality). And do not forget about the base - the clip, in which the villi is fixed. It should be durable, not discharged with an imperceptible seam. By the way, the drying brush must be stored exclusively a beam up - so it will save its properties longer.

Tell us, and your child has already mastered and loved drawing with paints - and if so, what exactly?

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The picture is the display of the inner world of the artist. Drawing another masterpiece, the author passes the mood, thoughts and ideas on canvas. At the same time uses various styles and techniques of painting, a wide palette of paints. To create a picture, definitely requires talent, but you also need to be able to draw, properly combine colors. All this can be learn from the young age. If you want to determine if your baby has artistic potential, give him paint for drawing, let it create.

Artistic materials are of different species, compositions and destination. In order not to be confused in all this variety, consider more details, which paints are better to use for drawing. Acquire high-quality paintwork materials for children's creativity, so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

If you have long dreamed of steel by an artist, keep your brushes in the hands, palette, take the strokes on paper attached to the easel, this information will help choose suitable artistic tools for creativity.

It's time to embody the conceived in life. Initially, consider what kind of paints are, their characteristics. This will help make the right choice and purchase the desired material.


Probably, everyone in childhood had watercolor paints, so they should not be particularly posing. Already from the name "Watercolor" it can be understood that the water (Aqua) is included in the dye. Such material is designed for drawing exclusively on paper.

Watercolor paint kits for children are unlikely to suit serious painting. Professional artists use watercolor for writing still lifes, portraits and landscapes, which is produced in tubes or cuvettes. When working with watercolor you need to use easel. The watery structure of the material is absorbed into the paper, and it can be swallowed.

By texture, the watercolor composition is light, translucent. Colors are well combined, you can easily create various shades.


Gouache paints are dense in composition, have saturated colors. After their complete drying on the surface, a matte coating is formed. For artists with experience, it is not difficult to draw a gouache. With its help, you can remove the flaws made, block the light paint with dark color, and professional skills and fantasy will be required to create new shades.

Gouache paints are 3 species:

  • Artistic - used to write pictures.

  • Poster - with the help of material, the design of various visual agitation is performed.

  • Children's - has no toxic composition, used for drawing on paper.

A gouache composition is produced in small jars. Before use, it is divorced by water with the addition of joinery glue. If you store a gouache in a diluted form, it dries quickly. With its help, you can draw something on a different surface (cardboard, paper, fabric, etc.). Do not apply a thick layer of gouache on the canvas, after drying, crackers will begin to appear, and the paint is causing.


Acrylic is one of the new types of artistic paints, popular among professional painters. Material is used for drawing on glass, ceramics, paper, fabric, metal and wood. Acrylic paints have a bright color gamut. After applying to the surface, it does not form a dumpy, resistant coating, not washed off with water.

Acrylic paints are made in tubes. Before applying is diluted with water or special solvent. Consistencies can be thick or liquid. If you purchased acrylic in the second variant, it is optional to breed it.

By texture, the material can be: pearl, matte, shiny, glossy. If you apply the undefected acrylic thick consistency on the canvas, get a unique bright texture.


One of the first coloring compositions that was used for painting in the XVI century, oil is considered to be rightfully. For its manufacture, we used nut, sunflower or flaxseed oil, as well as color pigment. The paint is produced in separate tubes.

To work with oil material, you will need a palette, high-quality brushes, canvas, easel and solvent. Draws by such a composition on cardboard, canvas, tree, conventional or primed paper. Thanks to the dense texture and bright colors, you can create a realistic image of a landscape or person.

Important! Among the artists, such a material is called "volumetric paints for drawing." Pictures written by oil are stored for a long time and will not fuss.

Before applying the oil composition to the surface, split it with a solvent. But do not overdo it that the composition does not get liquid.


The composition of the packer dye includes oil, glue, water and color pigment. In the durability of the material should not even doubt, as the paintings written by them have survived to this day since the Renaissance. Temper dries very quickly, the color does not fade from time to time, well combines with other types of paints, not washed off with water.

But the most important advantage of such a material is that it can be applied by different techniques, while they will remind the texture of transparent watercolor or dense guashi. And if you apply the pasty tempera, then the pictures will be as if painted with oil paints. If you draw a picture of such paint, applying various techniques surrounding the not immediately guess which material was used.

In order for the paintings written by Tever, they retain their primary view as long as possible, after complete drying, they can be lacquer.

Children's paints

If you have noticed that the baby began to draw on the wallpaper, it means that it is time to tell him how to do it without damaging the interior. The materials used for this can be pencils, shallow, color handles, markers, etc.

Many teachers and psychologists advise parents to deal with the child with young years by developing and educational games.The best of them will be drawing for any baby. Firstly, it expands the horizons and develops a small movement of hands; Secondly, reveals the creative potential and the logical thinking of the baby.

Before you choose which paint will draw your child, read more composite material. The main task in the process of work will not harm the health of the child.

Children's paints for drawing are:

  • Fingers;

  • Watercolor;

  • Gouachey.

Finger paints are recommended by kids from an early age. That is, if the child can not keep a brush, but wants to draw, this option is just for him. All that will be needed is to dip a finger into the water, and then in the paint and make several smears on paper. The material has a viscous texture, does not drain from the finger. The paint for drawing includes nutritional supplements and dyes with a bright bitter taste. This will allow you to beat the hunt from the baby to taste them.

Watercolor and gouache paints for drawing in composition correspond to artistic materials. To buy them is recommended for children from 5-6 years. That is, the child must learn to keep a brush in his hands, and then you can train his drawing technique.

Where to buy paints for drawing?

To date, a large number of specialized stores have been created that implements goods for creativity. There are a large number of paints for drawing in their range, and you can not know if you need to choose or closely you are interested in.

On video: Experiment with watercolor.

Also good paints can be chosen in the online store. Here is an acceptable price, a wide selection of various materials, delivery can be performed directly to the door of your apartment. And the quality of paintwork products for painting is no different from the shop. At the same time, you can choose the accompanying goods: brushes, solvents, palette, paper (or canvas) and much more.

Interesting facts about paints (1 video)

Different products (25 photos)

Art paints are manufactured on the basis of pigments and binders plus fillers. Pigments can be mineral (inorganic) and organic. They are largely determined by value artistic paints and affect their color, intensity and light-resistance.

The division of artistic paints occurs on the binder:

  1. Watercolor paints
  2. Acrylic paints
  3. Gouache paints
  4. Temperal paints

Professional paints of any type are presented in the form of a series. That is, some list of colors of different colors is combined under a single name. For example, the "master class", "Norma".

Differences of the series of artistic paints

Series of paints are distinguished by the following consumer properties:

  • Latitude palette. The higher the level of paint, the wider of its palette
  • The presence in one color segment of shelled, translucent and transparent paints.
  • Light resistance of paints
  • Pigment concentration. The higher the concentration, the less paint consumption

As a rule, the higher the level of paint, the more guaranteed its quality, the more stable.

  • The presence of extraneous inclusions in the colorful mass. They arise if the pigment was a bad commander with the binding
  • Poor Painty Paints: It falls on the basis of an uneven layer, with the formation of strips and non-crushes
  • Instability when mixed with other paints of the series: Changing the color of the pigment
  • Bad consistency of paints: excessive fluidity or excessive pastosity
  • Decreases of colorful mass: Pigment is separated from the binder.
  • Low elasticity - drying when dried

Working with highly artistic paint will bring you no comparable pleasure. She has exactly the consistency that it is necessary. It is perfectly recruited on the brush, perfectly distributed on the basis - no strips and spots. She has an excellent selection of colors, especially gray shades - the forest fog is exactly the way you have conceived. And the high concentration of pigment allows you to use this paint very economically. And no cracking, even when twisting canvas for transportation.

Why, when mixing some paints, a dirty gray shade arises?

The smaller the pigments are mixed to create the desired paint tone, the cleaner it turns out the color of the paint, the more resistant, the better the mixability of the paints. Manufacturers seek to create a monopigmentation paint, which includes only one pigment. In this case, the buyer can mix two or three monopigmentation paints, creating the color of the paint on the palette, without the occurrence of a dirty gray shade.

Price categories of paints

The price of paint depends on the pigment price and from its concentration. Pigments have the greatest influence on the price of paint. This is understandable: some pigments are literally under their feet (for example, land organic), others - or are very rare, or require substantial production facilities.

In the Mobile, artistic paints are divided into various series, intended for various customer segments:

  • For professionals - highly artistic paints, segment Prof.. They are made on high-quality binding and light-resistant pigments, with high concentration of the latter, and with minimally necessary filler.
  • For students of professional artistic DSUs and universities and amateur artists - segment Academy. Such paints are manufactured on high-quality binders, but without the use of expensive pigments. Applied pigments have a sufficiently high light resistance and a good concentration. One of the advantages of these paints is their low prices.
  • For students of art schools - segment START; Basically, they are manufactured on the basis of low-cost pigments and with a large percentage of fillers and binders, which affects the concentration of pigment.

To say that this paint is bad, and it is good, wrong. It is important to understand what tasks should be solved by one or another paint.

Designations on the tube

Each manufacturer recommends using only paint of its production for mixing, even if different series. In this case, the manufacturer guarantees paints compatibility, because It knows exactly that they will not enter the chemical response with each other. But many artists buy paints of various manufacturers and mix them between themselves, at their own risk. Most often, everything goes well.

Designations on the tube - the main characteristics of a particular paint:

Light resistance

Each manufacturer has its own level resistance assessment system of paints. For example, WINSOR & NEWTON, uses the following light-resistance system: AA (excellent light-resistance), and (good light-resistance, paint is a rack in most cases), in (average light-resistance) and C (little light-resistant).

At Schmincke. Five light resistance groups:

***** - very high light-resistance

**** - High light-resistance

*** - Normal light-resistance

** - Light light resistance

* - Low light resistance

Domestic paints are divided into three groups of light resistance (the period-resistance period is specified in the museum conditions):

Or ***: 100 years

Or **: 25-100 years

Or *: 10-25 years

For Belil This marking indicates:

* - strong yellowing

** - medium yellowing

*** - not yellow

Transparency of Krasok

Shelter, opaque (Opaque: black square on tubes)

Semi-Opaque: Black and White Square)

Translucent (semi-transparent: white crocked square)

Transparent (Transparent: White Square).

Some firms use all 4 types of transparency, but more often limited to 3 types.

Color index Pigment or Color-index. It is a universal designation of the composition and color of the pigment.

Pwnn.- White: White (+ NN number)

PY - Yellow: Yellow

Pr. - Red: red

PV - Violet: Purple

PB. - Blue: Blue

Pg. - Green: Green

PBR - Brown: Brown

PBK. - Black: Black

(A) analog (imitation) colors: Achievements of modern chemistry allowed to obtain a wide range of pigments, not only not inferior to the qualities of natural, but often and superior in stability, light-resistance and color purity. Such paints are labeled (A) / AZO / HUE.

On the tubes of European manufacturers, you can also see the inscription "Series 1/2 / 3 ...". She means pigment price group paints.

Manufacturers of art materials produce two types of white paint:

The zinc blees have a greater degree of transparency compared to the White Titanium.

With the introduction of zinc bleached, a new color has a clean, transparent character. White titanium increases the shelterness of paint. White blended - average between zinc and titanium in terms of transparency.


  • If the pigment is a hazard for health, or prohibit it to use (for example, led s) or allowed, obliging the manufacturer to specify the warning information on the tube or the bottle.
  • Using paint in aerosol ballot, the buyer must remember about precautions: wear protective masks when spraying

Durability in the picture

The answer to this question, although indirectly, can give information about how many years this paint is produced, i.e. How long life has a brand producer. It also depends on the level of a particular series of paints, because Durability is light-resistance and paint stability.

Types of packing

What is the packing of artistic paints:

  • Cuvettes (only for dry watercolor)
  • Tuba (liquid watercolor, oil, tempera, acrylic)
  • Banks (acrylic, sketch oil)
  • Aerosol Clauses (Acrylic)

Make paint alone

By purchasing a pigment and a binder, you can independently make the artistic paint you need.

The world has a variety of types of paints, for a variety of activities. However, there are paints that are intended for artistic work. First of all it is, of course, paints for painting. In the visual arts, artists enjoy five main types of artistic paints: watercolor paint, gouache, oil, tempera and acrylic.

The overwhelming majority of all colors consist of two main components: pigment (painting powder) and a binder (glue, fastening pigment particles). There are many other components, such as antiseptics, preventing the development of bacteria in paint, but the mains are the pigment and the binder. Even the names of the paints often originate from the name of these components.

So, consider the composition of five types of artistic paints:

Watercolor paints. The composition of the binder watercolor colors includes two main components - dextrin and gumiarabic (resin of Senegal Acacia). Also in watercolor add bile by bile, which improves paint connection with paper. Honey can still be added to the watercolor, which enhances the saturation of the color and gives the paint of plasticity. In the production of watercolor paints, when all the components are mixed, the resulting viscous mass is laid and dried until it becomes sufficiently solid, so that the paint can be packaged. In painting, artists are diluted with watercolor water, working by translucent solution. Therefore, watercolor paints should differ transparency. For this purpose, there is a fine ground pigment that is used in their composition. Very small particles of coloring powder and more binding. After drying, watercolor paints are easily dissolved with water.

Gouache paints. The composition of gouache paints is similar to the composition of watercolor. This is the coloring pigment, gummirabik, dextrin, gum, bull bile, antiseptic. But the gouache is an opaque paint that falls on paper pastous strokes. Therefore, in addition to the main coloring pigment in the paint, a small amount of Belil is added. This makes the gouache opaque, i.e. gives it the crumbling properties. Also for this purpose in the gouache add less binder and more pigment. Like watercolor, the gouache paints are easily dissolved by water after drying.

Oil paints. To glue the pigment particles in oil paints, a binder is used on the basis of compacted oil (for example, linen, walnut, etc.), soft resins (mastix, dummary), and beeswax. After drying, oil paints do not dissolve and do not wash off.

Temperal paints. The binder of tempera paint is an emulsion, i.e., a mixture of insoluble substances with each other. Hence the name "temperature" (from Latin Temperare, which means "to connect" or "mix"). There are four main types of tempera colors: casein-oil, egg, wax-oil, polyvinyl acetate. Of these names, it is seen from what the binder of each type of packer paint consists. It may be casein, oil, egg yolk, wax, pva. But if the oil or egg yolk is the famous components of the paints, not everyone knows about casein. Casein is a glue that is obtained from milk, or rather from cottage cheese. Casein glue is used in combination with butter in the manufacture of casein-oil tempera. Most packer paints are not dissolved after drying and is not washed off.

Acrylic paints. The pigment of these paints is mixed with binding from polyacrylate. This binder is not natural, but is created by artificially. Acrylic paints appeared relatively recently and have a number of interesting features. After drying, acrylic paints are no longer dissolved and not washed away.