Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Contradictions Social and ideological

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Contradictions Social and ideological
Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Contradictions Social and ideological

In the Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, you can find examples of a variety of relationships between the heroes: romantic, platonic, family, friendly and hostile. Evgeny Bazarov is a personality very ambiguous, causing the love of some and hatred of others. His relationship with Pavel Petrovich, Uncle - a friend of Eugene, who invited him to swim in the family manor of Kirsanov at the time of vacation) are especially interesting, since these seemingly the complete opposites are not so uniquely antagonistic.

The spore of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich reveals the new facets of the personality of everyone. Details about the features of the characters of two heroes and their relationships, read in this article.

Pavel Petrovich - Proud Military

In Pavel Petrovic, at first glance, a proud person is guessed. Even his costume reflects it. When the hero first appears in front of the reader, the narrator notes that he had long neat nails, which, although he is already elder, still remains attractive manAnd that Pavel Petrovich holds with unchanged aristocratic elegance. And how interesting disputes between Bazarov and Paul Petrovich! The "Table" of their relationship includes opposition even by appearance.

What does the Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich argue about?

While the narrator notices these details that rushes into the eyes, the bazaars immediately guess in Pavel Petrovic a man who has been thinking about himself. In the eyes of Yevgeny Vasilyevich, his pride is unreasonable and absurd. Bazarov's dispute and Pavel Petrovich, their confrontation, thus begins with the very acquaintance of characters.

When we learn a little more about the past of this retired military, we begin to understand better why he behaves in this way. This military was the favorite son of General Kirsanov and, in contrast to his brother Nikolai, was always a person action. By twenty-seven years, Peter Petrovich was already a captain in the Russian army. He knew how to keep himself in a higher society, and was popular with women. Thus, Pavel Petrovich with young years Accustomed to respect and admiration.

Rude young bazaarov From the very beginning it was destined to become an antagonist of this person. They were united by extreme vanity, and, even without taking into account the fact that the opinions of two heroes diverged in everything, everyone saw for themselves a threat in the image of another. From the point of view of Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich is a proud old man in which he himself may turn once. In the eyes of the aristocrat, the young man was a headscarf, who had not yet earned the right to be so self-confident. Even before Pavel Petrovich found out something about Bazarov, he began to dislike him because of a sloppy external view And too long hair.

After Arkady found that the Bazarov is a nihilist, and reported this uncle, Pavel Petrovich appears a hook, which can be used to justify its hostility to the guest. The nephew is trying to argue, saying that a nihist is the one who critically appreciates all things, but Pavel Petrovich rejects this philosophy as a new quious young people who do not recognize any authorities.

It compares such an image of thought with unsuccessful examples from history, in particular with the ideas of supporters of Gegelian logic, and with the manner of the connoisseur says Arkady: "Let's see how you will exist in emptiness, in Paul calls to his experience and wisdom and says as if He already knows that Nigilism is deeply vicious youth philosophy.

Dispute about the principles. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova

When Pavel Petrovich involves the Bazarov in the argument, he appeals to english system values. the main idea This aristocrat: "... that without a feeling of self-esteem, without respect for yourself, - and in the aristocrat of these feelings are developed, - there is no solid foundation to public ... Bien Public, public building." Thus, the retired military binds with aristocratic values, gradually developing this thought. So continues the dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

On the other hand, in the discussion, he gradually moves to the absurdity of the existence of those who have no principles, and presents the enemy a whole set of principles from the highest society, which considers indisputable. Although Pavel Petrovich may, and would deny it, for him it is still important not just the presence or lack of values \u200b\u200bas such. More importantly, the presence or absence of precisely aristocratic values. This is what Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich argues.

As the plot is developing, it is clearly evacuated both the shortcomings and the advantages of this aristocrat. His military pride makes challenge in the form of a duel Bazarov, which ends for Pavel Petrovich full fiasco.

The point is not only that the old aristocrat is wounded, but also that he had to explain to everyone that it was his fault.

However, the statement of the Military that a person cannot live without values, and his sense of self-esteem still ultimately justify themselves. We learn it mainly on that isolation and confusion, to which the Bazarov attempts to find their place in the world. Arkady, who was not endowed with such a strong will, but at the same time he was not so devoted to traditional values, it suits his life quite happily. Almost never remembering himself, Eugene follows the path of the retired military and confused in his failed love. Bazarov's dispute and Pavel Petrovich seems to be somewhat absurd at that moment, because life lines Heroes and their behavior are so similar ...

History Pavel Petrovich

When Bazarov begins to laugh at Pavlom Petrovich, Arkady decides to tell him the story of his uncle, in the hope that this story will cause sympathy in his friend. We learn that in the life of Pavel Petrovich, a big role was played by unsuccessful love. He fell in love with her ears in the mysterious woman named Knyagin R. Pavel Petrovich cared for her and after he had achieved, his obsession with the princes only increased.

Rejected lover

When his lover escaped from Paul and his family, Paul resigned and followed her. He was ashamed of his behavior, but her image was too melted Paul Petrovich in the soul, and he could not throw him out of his head. It is unclear what exactly the military princess R. is possible, by his mysteriousness, the fact that it was impossible to fully understand or conquer.

In Baden, Paul Petrovich managed to meet her, but after a few months the princess ran away again. After that, he returned to Russia and did everything possible to play his former role in society, although he did without former enthusiasm. After Pavel Petrovich heard that the princess died in Paris in a state close to madness, he gradually lost interest in life and stopped something.

The Irony of Fate

Bazarov did not like this story. He believed that it was not a male - surrender after the defeat was defeated on love Front, and suggested that Paul spends the rest of his days, looking for young people, and with her own life could not do anything worthwhile.

According to the evil irony of the fate of the bazaar, afterwards, like a former military, it becomes obsessed with Anna Sergeyevna and cannot cope with this feeling and accept the fact that he rejected him.

However, the disputes of Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich will not cease this. Who is right?

Hidden motifs

When we meet Pavel Petrovich, the narrator describes it like this: "The lonely bachelor, it took into the vague, twilight time, time of regrets, similar to hope, and hopes, similar to regret, when youth passed, and old age has not come yet." A vague sense of despair, who owned hero, can explain many of his actions. It also explains why he was so desperately cling to his pride and his family, since nothing more was clinging.

As the plot develops, we also offer a softest side of the elderly aristocrat. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the dispute between which was never stopped, of course, were enemies. but of a real reason His duels with Bazarov was that he wanted to protect the honor of his brother, and not his own. His last desire was to Nikolai married Fenzheka and was happy.

Although Paul was not able to achieve his own happiness, he tries to make happy surrounding. The hero lives his brother's life, but still can't forget the betrayal of Princess R. and become happy. He does not choose to be unfortunate, he simply cannot otherwise.

Attraction Bazarov

The strength and weakness of the position of Bazarov in the dispute with Paul Petrovich are present at the same time. Easy to condemn Eugene. He thinks he is best. He is rude. Eugene does not recognize any of those things that fill our life with meaning (love, for example). Bazarov disputes with Pavel Petrovich are sometimes bewilderment. At times, Eugene is so stubborn, which is absolutely unable to recognize its own wrong. But still...

Bazarov inspires. For the first time we see His delighted Eyes of Arkady, and later learn that his friend is only one of his disciples. As soon as these two are moving away from each other, we begin to see the Bazarov in more objective light, to see in it a born leader. He is the powerful, fulfilled personality. When Evgeny Vasilyevich says Pavel Petrovich: "In the present time, the denial is most useful - we will deny," the reader cannot fail to succumb to the strength of these words and this person.

This topic is very detailed in the dispute of Evgeny Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich, it is considered. Their disputes are impossible to cover in one article. We recommend contacting the original source for a deeper understanding. The lines of disputes between Eugene Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov, therefore, can be continued.

Final scene

Turgenev himself admired the strong, almost magnetic identity of the Bazarov. He admitted that he cried when he described the death stage Evgenia Vasilyevich. The nature of the Bazarov is completely disclosed in this final scene. He is not just a supened young jack. This man was really talented and wanted to do something great in life.

Looking into your past, the bazaars thinks: "And I also thought it was: a lot of things, I don't die where! There is a task, because I am a giant!". Although he does not show the fear of death, still her approach makes Eugene feel his own insignificance, and not just talk about him. Nevertheless, ultimately the fact that the bazaars do not repent, makes its nature so convincing. Eugene - the embodiment of the bold youth with her illusion that we will never die. In the end, why should we die?

Is there any benefits in denial?

When the novel "Fathers and Children" was first published in 1862, the younger generation exposed Turgenev cruel criticism, because the youth believed that the nature of the Bazarov was a parody of her. Of course, Ivan Sergeevich did not have such an intention when creating a work, but at times Evgeny really reminds a parody, but not to young people in general, but on himself. Involuntarily remembered the sharpness of the retired military, bruised to his address: "It does not believe in principles, but in frogs believes." Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov in ideological dispute reveal both their strengths and weaknesses.

Bazarov is complex. It is impossible to put forward a simple argument against him, but Eugene was deeply mistaken. Perhaps it is its shortcomings, and do not make the nature of this young nigilist so interesting and convincing.

The mutual dislike of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova and Bazarov manifests itself long before the disputes, in which the antagonism of their views clearly determined. Even, in essence, nothing knows about each other, they are already hostile to alarm.

This happens because Turgenev fleeting instructions for individual invasses of their appearance and behavior causes improper attention to each other and, thus, helps them before disputes to determine and prepare their positions. I get acquainted with Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich "His nude hung firmly, the red hand, which he did not immediately give him."

In itself, the fact that the bazaaries when meeting with Nikolai Petrovich "did not immediately filed him" his hand, it would seem, no noticeably. But this is not a remarkable circumstance, it is repeated - when I get acquainted Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich, he comes in the same way as a bazaarov, only much more definitely. It also does not hurry to exchange handshake. Moreover, at the same time, he not only "did not immediately filed him" his hand, but he didn't give it at all and even put it back into his pocket.

Pavl Petrovich beautiful hand "With long pink nails," which seems "even more beautiful from a snowy white bag, fastened with lonely large opal." In Bazarov, he is a red hand, according to his own expression, in the "clothes", which the servant Prokofich, accustomed to the aristocratic toilet of his Lord, was taken into cleaning with an inadequate mine on his face.

This is all about it. Bazarovskaya "Runner" and a red hand, obviously testifying to a stranger with gloves, cut the eyes of Pavel Petrovich: he immediately recognizes the democrat on this obviously "exposing" signs. Bazarov, when he does not touch, indifferently careless in relations with nobles. An example is his first meeting with Nikolai Petrovich, nobleman, not exposing its own aristocratic habits. Therefore, bazaars although "not immediately", but still gives him a hand.

As for Paul Petrovich, already as a result of the first fleeting acquaintance with him, the Democratic Nature of Bazarov could not be indignant. "Nails, nails, at least send the exhibition!" - He notes ironically, remaining together with Arkady. The same coin pays Barazov and Pavel Petrovich, whose speech is full of underlined sarcasm:
"Who is this?" - asked Pavel Petrovich at the brother for the care of Bazarov.
- Arcashi buddy ...
- This hairy?
-Well yes.

Pavel Petrovich knocked nails on the table. " The words "this" and "hairy" together with a significant gesture at the end are not accompanied by any copyright explanations. Nevertheless, the creature at this moment of feelings experienced by Pavel Petrovich and so clearly. In general, the bile aristocratic contempt of Pavel Petrovich in relation to the Bazarov constantly affects replicas like the above.

He obviously avoids even calling Bazarov by name or by last name, preferring to do with the help of any allegorical turnover. In one place, he drops casual: "So Mr. Nihlist complained." In another - "Senor This". It is possible to note only the only case of Mention by Pavel Petrovich the names of Bazarov, but even then the dismissive irony meaning of saying is striking. When Pavel Petrovich found out that the Bazarov son of a man of the Nedanian Profession, - Regiment Hechor, and even the one who served in the division of his father, - he uttered a meaningful "GM!", "Led Usami" and asked with "arranged": "Well, And Mr. Bazarov himself, actually, what is? ". It is clear that the Bazarov here is named Mr. in a mockery.

From the point of view of Pavel Petrovich, the Son of Lekary cannot be a real master. In conversations directly with Bazarov Pavel Petrovich, however, it is distinguished by the exquisite, "candy", by definition of Turgenev, politeness, but it is most often only decorative in nature, having shaded boiling restlessly hostile feelings. So, one day, Pavel Petrovich is already broken from the language of "politely discreet" in the presence of Bazarov: "Formerly, young people were just nerds, and now they became nihilists."

Pavel Petrovich sides his self-esteem, strongly in it developed and allegedly always able to keep him within the borders of decenings, which he says to his brother, who begged the disputes to do "without personalities," - but it immediately changes his self-esteem. "Do not worry," he said, "I will not remember, precisely because of the feeling of dignity over which Mr. ... Mr. Doctor."

In the light of a broken dispute about Nihilism, as a result of which Pavel Petrovich reached high degree Irritation, and the face of Bazarova "took some copper and coarse color", the ability of this pause (Mr. ... Mr. Doctor ") does not leave any doubts. Pavel Petrovich resisted from being directly in the eye to call Bazarov "Mr. Nihilist," but it expressed it with a pause, which under such circumstances does not pass unnoticed.

As the scene depicting in front of the duel and when the duel itself is described, the behavior of the Bazar is especially significant. All embodied gentlemanship, Pavel Petrovich, who came to call the Bazarov to Duel, talks to him on the official language. Bazarov in hidden shape ridicules noble sprues, reflected in Pavel Petrovich. It makes it with the help of an ironic repetition of the ends of Pavlo Petrovich's phrases. Pavel Petrovich, expecting the motives of the challenge, says:
"- We can't endure each other. What is more?
- What is more, - repeated ironically bazaars ...
- as applies to the conditions of the duel, since we
Secundants will not be - for where to take them?
- exactly where to take them? "
And before the duel itself. Pavel Petrovich:
"We can proceed?"
"- Let's proceed.
- New explanations you, I suppose, do not require?
- I do not require ... "
Pavel Petrovich, feeding pistols:
"- Sawn out to choose.
- Sawnaging. "
The ironic attitude of Bazarov to the whole of this obsolent of the rituality is also expressed by the fact that the word duel itself is replacing the word "having". "Peter," he says, "I will prepare to prepare properly and bring it to the scene." The choice of words replaces here a description of the mental state of the hero.

Pavel Petrovich Evgeny Bazarov
I. On aristocratism
Aristocracy - Home driving force public Development. Ideal - English freedom, i.e. constitutional monarchy. Liberalism, progress, reforms - this is what helps to move society. The destruction of the old is for Bazarov in itself, and not the condition for creating a new one. The Russian man of the word "liberalism", "reform", "progress" is not needed. From aristocrats who sit folded hands, there is no benefit. Bazarov denies aristocratic ideals and principles.
II. About Russian peoples
People can not live without faith, he Patriarchalen, created a healthy foundation of life: the community and peasant family. People - category unchanged. The spiritual level of the people, the principles of people's life eternal. The spirit of denial is alien to the Russian people. Passivity, faith, patriarchalness - here are constant traits of it. I am ready to agree that while the people are superstituted, Patriarchal, but Bazarov considers it necessary to distinguish people's prejudices from the interests of the people. He considers himself a representative of the people. Everything that Kirsanov admires, the bazaars considers a temporary phenomenon. The man still does not understand his own position, his interests, but the bazaars, people's interests understand. Vera, humility, credulity - the temporary state of the people, the spirit of negation is characteristic of the Russian people. His negative direction of bazaarov considers the manifestation of the People's Spirit.
III. What is the negative direction of Bazarov?
It is terrible what Bazarov says when it comes to religion. He denies everything, but it is necessary to build. Nihilism for Pavel Petrovich is an unacceptable phenomenon, nihilists do not respect anyone, they are bad and immoral people. In Russia, they have nothing to do, bazaarovs are not needed, "there are only four of them and a half people." But, according to Bazarov, "... from a copeful candle, Moscow burned down," "... We are not so little," and nihilists are the first light, from which a huge flame will break. Bazarov believes that in the future, nihilists will behave. From the point of view of Bazarov, the use criterion is not for a particular person, not for him, but for popular interests, and Eugene categorically says that "we are not before the abstracts." We are talking about a man, and from the position of a man of the bazaarov looks at the phenomena of Russian life. The first plan of the bazaar makes a denial, which this moment It is most important for him. Everything denies the bazaars, does not find a single position in a civil, public, family device, which he would not completely denied. He denies the state system, public institutions, family relationships, God, the benefits of aristocracy and aristocracy, art, artistic, the beauty of nature, etc. "The most merciless denial of everything, says the bazaars about the instructions of the tasks. - First, break everything, clear the place. " In the Bazarov, everything that prevents a reasonable organization of life should be broken. According to the author, such a distinction between destruction and creation is incorrect. Bazarov does not trust Pavel Petrovich and does not say whether he is really going to move from words to business.
IV. About nihilism
Pavel Petrovich considers nihilists with people without "princons", and therefore immoral, i.e. No one self-respecting. Nihilism is alien to the spirit of the Russian people. Nihilists are few, they are all "four and a half people", and they are not needed, they will defeat. Nihilism - denial of total: 1) God, religion; 2). Public I. state Device Russia; 3). old morality ("princepov"); four). art. Bazarov believes that nihilists will solve their main task - "Place to clear." Bazarov believes in the celebration of their ideas: "From a cordless candle, Moscow burned down ...". It does not deny the need to build, the need for a positive program, but considers the destruction of the primary task. He approves the criteria for the benefits and ideas of materialism.
V. On art
For Paul Petrovich Art - one of the leading "prison" It denies the benefit of the art, arguing that "... Rafael is not worth a barrel of a broken", "... one decent chemist is more useful than the poet for twenty times."

So, we know that the novel "Fathers and children" about progressive and nihilist. Why is there so much a love in the novel? Why, according to the author, falls in love with bazaars?

Everything is simple: the feeling will relieve everything apparent, and we will see a living person. Remember how Turgenev himself belonged to the love. Bazarov always and everywhere was confident. Spiritual stability begins to break when the test is tested.

What are the views of Bazarov for love? Remember what he speaks of this bazaar after the story of Arkady about Pavel Petrovic. There is nothing poetic and romantic. Love as a feeling of all-consuming bazaars does not accept. The romantic relationship does not want to know and does not recognize.

The relationship of Bazarov and Obodyna are deployed with mutually arising interest. Bazarov, having seen her on the ball, was amazed and to hide it, pretty cynically manifests his interest: "Who is she?", "Not similar to other women." Anna Sergeyevna also noticed Bazarov, but allocated him not by the sophistication of the manner, it was not different from others, it was, like everyone else, in Thrake. She noticed an outstanding face. What he noticed her speaks in favor of Bazarov, because Anna Sergeyevna struck him not only by the "physiology", but also something else, he admired her, but at first he hides, he pursues it. His feeling is still in the embryo. And then amazing things are followed: Odenty of interest in Bazarov invites friends to the hotel, and Arkady during this visit notes that Bazarov is confused, confused and, in the end, blushes, although there is a serious conversation. Odintsova asks him about the attitude towards people, to science, art. Bazarov on her questions is completely serious. We see how the feeling begins to grow.

Bazarov accepts the proposal to visit Nikolsky. He did not work there, and to visit to beautiful woman. This love grows not only as a passion, but also as a thirst for communicating with a woman in real smart, able to understand it, and he intuitively feels: "It is not similar to all other Russian women," he says about Anna Sergeyevna.

What's new about Bazarov we learn during his visit to Odse?

We again see His embarrassment, but we see and its significance, extraordination. Turgenev speaks about Odintova: "One vulgar pushing it", and no one blames in the vulgarity of Bazarov. The word "nihist" in the XIX century meant "ordinary". Bazarov is clearly unauthorized. In a conversation with Anna Sergeyevna, he speaks very seriously, and his thoughts are deep and significant: "Correct society - and there will be no diseases." In conversation with her, he concerns his future scientific activity. We do not see any satanic pride, but in this relationship is what he has not yet known in himself: the ability to be deep, a single, all-consuming feeling. And it is very important because it is true human.

But what about his beliefs? He laughing at all romanticism, suddenly romantics in herself. Even dying, he remembers one. Life is controlled not principles, but sensations.It seemed to him that there was no such love, and his feelings were told that there was. And he is unable to oppose the human, and from this wins: the feelings opened his soul, showed a truly human face. Passion and spiritual start are harmoniously combined in Bazarov.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova herself is not an easy woman. We learn her biography and know how she found himself in Nikolsky. Blood her flows calmly, life rolls at the rolled distance. For her calm above all. Anna Sergeyevna is a good duet in the conversations. She is a couple of intellect and mind. In many respects, it disaggins. But, as bazaars stretches to her, so it stretches to him.

Please note: against the background of Bazarov's relations and the senses of Arcadia and Kati are developing. Arkady does not hide that in love, bazaars demonstrates their Olympic calm. Arcadia does everything happens to itself. Katya is what his soul wanted. Katya, Music, Nature - and the Soul Arcadia agree with this.

But with bazaareas more difficult. He himself refers to his feelings ambiguously. Bazarov loves, at some point he is angry with himself, because his deep nature understands that that romanticism, which he considered a unworthy man, enters Him. The passion of the baza carriage, because, having loved Odintsov, he discovered clear emptiness in his worldview. Before the meeting, he explained everything with her mind, and now this feeling can not explain to the mind. His worldview falls apart. He leads a hard struggle with him, but still finds the strength to explain to her.

The explanation occurs, and happens unusual. Anna Sergeyevna herself provokes to this act Bazarov. Her life is empty, I want life impressions, she is tired of this measured movement of life. And he is a strong, mature man, he is not like that. By this, he attracts her. She wanted him to tell her something about love. And Bazarov is not sufficient. There is such a power of passion! He stood in the cold glass forehead. She forced him to confess. She extended her arms, and the next moment was already at the other end of the room. "We will stay friends," she says.

What repels Odintsov from Bazarov? What she is afraid of: what is he poor or what he is the doctor and the son of Lekary? She allows himself to love, but she doesn't love himself yet, she is on the verge of love. She was afraid of that restless start, the start of the search, the revolutionary principle, which lives in the bazaareas. Being to Bazarov - it means to lose peace. After all, even for her, he will not retreat from his beliefs. (Imagine, and if he retreated, who will be? Pavel Petrovich). Upon goodbye, it does not look brilliantly, asks Bazarov to stay, and he answers: "Why?" For Bazarov, everything or nothing, for one, rather, nothing than everything. Remember the meditation of one-headed after the label of the Bazarov, in which he writes that no longer remains. She understands that there will be no such a real feeling in her life, but for her "calm is best in the world," and, having accepted such a decision, satisfied, it falls asleep. Anna Sergeyevna would never dare to tie his life with Bazarov. She herself builds life, proceeding only from the mind. But the Bazarov and Odenty have common features:

1) they do not share any other opinions;

Katya, who is afraid of his sister, having loved Arkady, is changing, and Anna Sergeyevna does not understand her. In its development, in his fate she loses more than finds, it does not go to the hostess in life. She passes shadow, unlike Pavel Petrovich, who loved. Odenty strangled everything, being bright and gifted in kind. In the epilogue, Turgenev speaks of her marriage, but His words sound bitterly: "... maybe lives to love."

Bazarov looks larger on her background. He is talented, is widely soul, capable of looking into the eyes of his eyes, courageous. He can make life to accept the one that she is, which hit him in the face. And the one-sized comfort, to waste himself for love, she can't and does not want. She was frightened. You can only dream about such love, but with such a person it is difficult to live: he does not recognize any halftone. She insulted him: "You did not understand me ...", and he realized that she did not like him. He as a real man can no longer be in this house.

Bazarov in their love, too, above all, above in their natural human simplicity. Him true love, fire, and she ... Turgenev emphasizes her cold several times, says she frozen himself. " From this point on, the bazarov changes in the root. But he is alone and in love. The tragedy of his position increases from the head to the chapter.

Odenty his mysteriousness resembles Princess R. What Bazarov denied, it turns out, in nature exists. Odenty is a mysterious creature, selfish, cold. And Princess R., and Odintov - both are not worthy of that great Lovewhich heroes are experiencing to them.

The alms of bazaars do not accept - "... I took my life - give your own." Why does it need crumbs, handing? In his opinion, a person who put on a love card, not a man. Remember the conversation between Bazarov and Arkady, when they first leave Nikolsky ("Better stones beat on the pavement. A real man There must be fierce ... "). A real man should be serious and busy hereby. You can not put on a map of female love. Life. Bazarov had to recognize due to the feeling that love, in the sense of romantic, exists, but he does not refuse his work, he does not change.

Running with Odse, Bazarov with Arkady is riding to Vasilyevskoe, to parents.

What are parents of Bazarov? Evgenia's father wants to keep up with her son, does not want to show that Eugene guess what an event is for him - the arrival of the son. He is trying to behave in such a way as to show that the arrival of the son is a normal phenomenon. Vasily Ivanovich is visiting the severity, and the lips and eyebrows are twisted. He, like the Father Arkady, does not want to fall behind his son, wants the blood, human, spiritual connection is not interrupted, so the father has an inner monologue: "I will be a man of his circle, his beliefs." Father's intonation annoy Eugene.

Vasily Ivanovich claims that a person must live with his work, he himself worked all his life and continues to work. Like Nikolai Petrovich, he primarily sees the connection with the century that "... not without sensitive donations, he put the donations for the lifts and gave them his land." But the efforts of the good old man are in vain. Life is moving forward rapidly, and the abyss arises between him and his son. Father Evgeny himself realizes and inclines his head before youth: "Of course, you, gentlemen, better know; Where do we keep up with you? After all, you replaced us. "

D. I. Pisarev about this says: "When the parents and children appeared such a detachment, which we see between the old men the bazaaries and their son, then there is no way out of the exit. Evgeny Bazarov, of course, can be accumulated from their parents, and his life will still be full, because it will fill it with mental labor; But their lives? And what true bazaars, what a thinking person will decide to push away from himself old people who only live and breathe and who have done everything they could have for his education. These old people literally put him on their shoulders, so that he could grab his adherals for the lower branch of the tree of knowledge; He grabbed and climbed and climbed high, and no go back, and it's impossible to go down, and they also cannot be climbing up, because they are weak and draffles, and you have to kill them, and you have to suffer because it is not possible to hear and understand friend; Between those old men and this is pleased that they hear at least unclear sounds of their own voice. Tell me, the sake of God who will not decide, being in the position of Bazarov, silence completely and do not answer any sound to meek and affectionate speeches, rising to it ... and the bazaars responds. "

What feelings is experiencing bazaars at home? In Vasilyevsky Bazarov comes with the thought that "Baba will not break it," comes to heal from love to Odse. The worldview changes it. The joy of parents breaks the Bazarov. Mother he allows you to hang on the shoulder. Previously, the feelings called them romanticism, he said no. And now everything is different. He sees his father behaves, especially in the garden: Vasily Ivanovich sings. It turns out that everything that he did not recognize in a simple person, all this is at the father, and it turns out that, according to his concepts, the father is plebey.

And yet, as the bazaars belong to their parents? Is Pisarev right? Yes. Let's remember the scene of the conversation of Arkady and Bazarov under a stack. To the question of Arkady, whether the bazaars love their parents, he replies: "Yes, Arkady, love"

And we feel even more of his loneliness, we see it internal conflictHe's not in Lada with himself. In the 10th chapter, he is confident in his own business: "We must clear the place," he knows what to do in life. In the 21st chapter he is different.

Pay attention to the landscape in the scene - reflections on the nature of the eternal.

Bazarov about the goal of life, talking about himself from another point of view. He has a clever consciousness. He is not only obsessed with the desire "Place to clear." Bazarov probably begins to realize the fallacy of his views. Hence the words of His: "And I hated this last man, Philip or Sidora, for which I should climb out of the skin and who (speech about the man) I will not even tell me ... and what thanks it to me? Well, it will live in a white hut, and from me the burdock will grow; Well, then? "

Therefore, the burdock after death, which is a logical completion human life, By his same theory, now I am not satisfied with Evgeny, for anyone wants to make it just like that, without any sense, without any idea, the burdock grown. The death of the idea becomes apparent for the hero, and therefore all further attempts to fight cause him only spiritual flour.

Bazarov sees himself in conjunction with eternity. Whatever he was smart, strong, but we hear his mute question: "... whatever I was strong, smart, Lord, what am I know, even if I'm so?"

Turgenev leads Bazarov to bitter thoughts. Bazarov looks at herself: "What does it mean for this eternal life MY TRAPHYAN? Is it possible to shake eternal, universe? "Even so strong and clever, what can he have eternal change in this life? And if you need? " He tried and hit this life.

What is the bazaars relate to the man? Bazarov believes that he looks at the people from the inside and understands him, but even he is not given to look at the mystery of the miniguration of the Russian man. (But in Mary, he was taken simple people For his own, and Vasilyevsky he for men Barin). The bazaars treats the Baba "According to the last method", according to the expression of Bazarov - the older, and the Baba itself is in itself: she thinks about how to leave four eggs in gratitude.

Recall the game scene with Alexia. Both have their own principles, their beliefs. The priest has millennial living experience with a Russian man. Some of his feeling, he realized that Bazarov was not blessing. He is flexible, wide, in the picture plays, smokes. Bazarov risks in the game. The priest says: "Plays risky."

What is this scene? It has a certain meaning: the extreme glances of Bazarov (for Turgenev - the "extreme" computers) lose their natural life, Russian life.

Bazarov, already another, who experienced love and defeat, who had seen fatherly tears distinguished from each other, Turgenev forces to go through the second circle: Nikolskoye - Marino - Nikolskoye-Vasilyevskoe.

The development of the plot twice leads the hero in the same place. And if the first visit is detected by contradictions between the heroes, then during the second visit they will develop into conflict. You remember that ideological, wonderful duel Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov was shown by the author at the beginning of the novel, in the late novel between them there was a real duel.

In the second arrival of young people in Maryino Kirsanov - the elders meet them joyfully. Even Pavel Petrovich shook the hand of Bazarov, smiling condescendingly. But in disputes with Bazarov Pavel Petrovich does not enter: "We can not understand each other, I, at least, I have no honor to understand," he notices. Nevertheless, he sees a scientist, doctor, man in the bazaareas.

What was the reason for the duel? Recall the scene with Fuenus when the bazaars kisses it.

Let's think about the behavior of Bazarov. Bazarov loves Odintsov, and he does not need Fuenus. It was a flirt. Remember the circumstances: Summer Morning, broken bazaars, for which Odenty is like obsession. Kiss Bazarov is an attempt to return to yourself. He believes that love is romanticism, it is not, there is only sensations. (Remember his statements about love). He wants to return to the positions, to the state that violated Odenty. But Fuenuska is the wife of Nikolai Petrovich, and Bazarov does not recognize traditions, feelings, conventions. In his opinion, there is no love, but there is an instinct. He, as already noted, wants to return to the previous state, therefore kisses Fuenus

Fenechka, respecting to this Bazarov and trusting him, says: "Sin you." It lates spiritual culture, folk morality. Female instinct, folk morality suggest these words. From her point of view, the act of Bazarov immoral, he testifies to the undeemful state of Evgenia. The nature of baubles - spirituality and moral beauty.

But it is interesting: Fenochka is the wife of Nikola Petrovich, and Pavel Petrovich cares for Duel Bazarov.

Why? There are two reasons for it.

one). Former Pavel Petrovich would not cause a plebemy to a duel, but there is an internal evolution in it. One thing is the principles, and another - practice. In his house insulted his brother's wife. It turns out that Pavel Petrovich cross his attitude towards the aristocracy and goes to the duel. 2). He himself in love with Fuenus, throws the ardent views on it, from which, according to Fenniches, "so cold and whines you."

So, Bazarov sees Odintsov in Fencing and trying to get rid of love for her, p.p. Kirsanov sees the Princess R. in Fen

Recall how the explanation occurs between them, the call scene for a duel (chapter 24). Pavel Petrovich comes with a stick, decorated with a Nabel, Bazarov behaves the only possible method: He is calm, ironizes and accepts a call.

Why is there any bazaarov agreed on a duel? If Pavel Petrovich cause Bazarov to a duel in the first dispute, the bazarov would not agree to accept the challenge. Then there was no feeling in the soul. Now he himself has changed, and his views also changed, he is already another person living not only with sensations, but also feelings.

Read the duel scene from the words: "Bazarov raised his head and saw Pavel Petrovich ..." Duel scene - the culmination of the development of the conflict between Bazarov and Pavlom Petrovich. The only second is the pant of Laki Peter. Bazarov is calm and continues to ironize: "Sawnaging," he says to Kirsanov, who proposed "Seduct" to choose a weapon. AI adds: "And you will agree, Pavel Petrovich, that our fight is unusual to funny ..."

Pavel Petrovich is aiming carefully, and the bazaars are not aimed at all and in pure accidents falls into the flesh of the hips of Kirsanov. Bazarov is a conversation with Pavel Petrovich in a jokingly shape, with an ardent, and Kirsanov pompous, seriously. Bazarov agrees to measure mutual dislike.

After the injured Pavel Petrovich, the bazarov refuses to conduct a duel and engaged in its usual affair: he is a doctor. The faint of Pavel Petrovich is not cowardice, he just really nervous.

Thus, the duel showed the complete failure of Pavel Petrovich in comparison with the bazaarov. If Pavel Petrovich was defeated in the debators' disputes, and it was not said anywhere on this, then the defeat was completely obvious in the duel. "This scene is introduced to induce the elegant noble knightness, and this is true."

The main hero of the duel - bazaars. And why do you need a duel, we saw Bazarov clearly clearly. Remarkable by the position of the heroes, the author conducts them through the tests of love and life. Testing the love of bazaars withstands, he is a man of big feelings. Thus, through the tragic test of bazaars passes the winner. Next, Turgenev holds it through comic. The most difficult thing is not to seem funny and miserable in ridiculous circumstances. It is difficult to maintain your dignity, hitting a ridiculous situation. Bazarov and through funny passes with dignity, so that we do not condemn it. In the duel Bazarov - a strong, courageous man, worthy of respect.

But this scene has another meaning - philosophical. Extreme ideological positions pushing people to confrontation. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich - Elimination of Public Forces unified Nation. The unity of the nation is eternity, and the ideology and public struggle - modernity, which should be guided by eternity. You can not split a nation, family. The fracture in the family is a crack in the nation. These people, the heroes of the novel, are worthy of each other. Duel shows that both Bazarov, and Pavel Petrovich - good people. Pavel Petrovich praises the behavior of Bazarov, and he says: "I am a doctor. And stop! " It is terrible such a duel. This is a tragedy when the verbal duel develops into physical destruction.

Pay attention to the landscape at the beginning of the chapter. Dysharmonia in the soul of the hero and in nature.

And how are Bazarov's relationships with other representatives of the "Old World"? What can be said about them?

Nikolai Petrovich. Let's remember everything we already know about it. He is soft weak person. (Remember the diminutive-laxed suffixes: chubby, seamless, legs, etc.).

Does the author sympathize Nikolai Petrovich? Yes. Even gives her own character traits: love for nature, art, love for Pushkin. He is engaged in the economy, squeezed with the peasants, started the farm. He tries to live advanced ideas century, decisive opponent of serfdom. His 200 tenthers are handled by free workers who spoil the car. For becoming the liberal principles and decency of a person do not allow the liberal principles .. it is superfluous, it is not capable of practical activities (see 22 ch.) He is soft, cleaned, makes marriage with Fencake, loving father. N.P. Kirsanov enjoys the author's respect, but he "extra"

And how are relationships with arkady? Let's follow their relationship from beginning to end. Arkady Kirsanov - a young, romantic nobleman - falls under the influence of the Democrat of Bazarov, lunating his ideas. Arkady is generally easily influenced. But the labor lifestyle of the democrats for Arcadia is obviously not very characteristic: the author never shows young Kirsanov at work. But so many times Arkady declares his new views and frankly admires himself. Remember several examples. When Arkady and his father go to Marino, his father tells him about his native places and reads Pushkin. Arkady likes it, but, afraid to seem in front of the bazaar romantics, making an indifferent look, he says that there is no difference for a person where to be born. Obviously wanting to puzzle the Father and Uncle, Arkady utters the word "nihista", not very tactfully taking conversation about the place of baubles in the house - he wants to demonstrate the breadth of views. Nihilistic roots did not strengthen in it firmly.

How does markets refer to Arkady? He overthrew his young student, asks "not to speak beautifully", but at the same time he is tied to Arkady, and it can be understood: Arkady is kind and in many ways a pretty young man, but the severity and severity of the task he wants to take over himself , he realizes bad.

Contradictions between friends are beginning to be found from the time when they visited Odito. It is in Nikolsky that the first crack appears. Arkady does not withstand comparisons with bazaarov. Anna Sergeyevna he is not interesting. Here, in Nikolsky, the passion of Katya begins, however, at first he does not realize it. For some other young people, some kind of false dismissal tuning was established, which always serves as a sign of secret displeasure or unspoken suspicion.

In the estate of bazaar arcadium enters the dispute with Eugene. It was never before! Under the influence of rivalry, the final awareness of the arkady of his "I" takes place, and the connection of Arkady with the noble nest is especially manifested here: he seeks to justify Pavel Petrovich in the eyes of Bazarov, does not agree with its sharp assessments.

Heroes are in one situation: both are in love with Odintsov, both without reciprocity. The deep passion of Bazarov shaves the hobby of quickly comforted Arcadia.

How are Arcadia's relationships with Katya are being built? Arkady - Soft wax, from which a strong man blinds whatever. He obeys Kate, an 18-year-old girl. It does not surprise it: she is a strong nature, she is a real miracle: smart, beautiful, can stand up for himself. Not noticing, Arkady falls under the influence of Katerina Sergeyevna. She immediately sees the difference between Arkady and Eugene and notes that they are people different breed. "He is a predator, and we are manual," she says. Katya understands that such as bazaars, and he is "another breed", you need to be born. Smart Katya will soon understand the other: Arkady, after he departed from the Bazarov, beliefs did not remain, there were only traces of satirical directions. He, falling in love with Katya, becomes a zealous owner, leads a common life with his father in Mary. Love Arkady to Kate finally breed friends, and the marriage "pacifies" Arkady. How strong the democratic ideals of Arcadia, say again the scene in Nikolsky

Bazarov.: "We say goodbye forever ... For our bitter, you are not created tart of bobbly life. You do not have keenness, nor anger, and there is a young courage and a young burdens; For our case it is not suitable. Your brother nobleman on noble humility or noble boiling can be reached, and these are trifles. You, for example, do not stick - and already imagine yourself with it, and we want to fight. Our dust of your eyes are implanted, our dirt makes you up, but you and you are notgiving to us, you unwittingly admire yourself, you are pleased to scold yourself; And we are boring - we give others; We need to break others! You are nice small, but you still have a meak liberal baric. "

Arkady: "Now I am no longer the arrogant boy, which I came here ... I still wish to be useful; I wish to devote all my powers of truth; But I'm not there looking for my ideals, where I was looking for them before; They seem to me much closer. Until now, I did not understand myself, but asked myself the tasks that I could not. "

As we see, Arkady realized the inability to take part in revolutionary activities. And although "transformation is necessary", its role in them will be limited only to economic activities in its estate. The tasks of self-education turned out to be arcadium not on the shoulder. So, the ideals of the nobility are achieved by Arkady, feasible to them. Arkady is sad when separated with bazaarov: "Are you talking about with me, Eugene?" And the Bazarov answers him: "You have already used to say goodbye to me for a long time" ... With the same thing, which is so devoted to the bazaars, Arkady has long been parted. Gorky for both is a farewell, both are experiencing separation. "You are forgiven, and there are no other words," says Arkady, and Bazarov is faithful to himself: he does not want to show his feelings, but we understand what is happening in the soul of Bazarov: "There is, but I can dissemble." Of all the people, Arkady was for the Bazar, the closest person, but Eugene understands: for Arcadia, it is natural to do what he did. And Yevgeny tells Arkady to take an example with the daws. Galka - a family bird sitting on the tip of his nest and Arkady returned to his nest, becoming a zealous owner.

Why "zeal"? Arkady did not go close to the bazaarov, he fell below his parents - "fathers", believing that it is reasonable to build relationships with workers with the help of becoming. If the Father Arcadia is soft, then Arkady itself is non-abstentive. Young Kirsanov is not held at the level of decency of fathers. Before us, the nobleman-owner with a capitalist grip.

Output. Even the best of nobles, free from prejudice, practical, democratic "Further noble boiling can come, and these are nothing." They are weak, letharg, can not resist "new people." the main task Turgenev - prove: "If the cream is bad, what is the milk?"

Turgenev remains in the assessment of the nobles by the man of their circle, the nobility is his class, but he ceased to be advanced, having, of course, the right to exist. In the distant future, nobles can not be a story. "My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class."

But Turgenev did not see any conditions of development and other directions. Liberal noblemen who will not do anything, still have any conditions of activity (Arkady Farm is flourishing), and Bazaarov is tragically lonely: there are no associates nearby, there are no people with one scale, those who could "not be saved in front of him " Anna Sergeyevna - Natura is strong, but it is indifferent to the affairs of the Bazarov.

Bazarov says goodbye not only with Arkady, but also with one, although she expresses hope for a meeting. Let's once again follow their relationship and see if the Bazarov Anna Sergeevna understood. What is happening in the soul of each of them? It will be necessary for us to know in order to understand them during the last meeting before the death of Bazarov.

So, Bazarov gets acquainted with Anna Sergeyevna on the ball. They drew attention to each other, standing out among the others with their extraordinaryness. He takes an invitation to visit it first in the hotel, and then in her estate in Nikolsky. We know and the reason for the arrival of Bazarov and Arkady to Nikolskoye: they are passionate about everyone in their own, Anna Sergeyevna, trying to hide it from each other. We know about their "monotonous" 15 days spent here. For Bazarov, these days have their hidden dynamics of the formation of his relationship with one, we know how these relationships end.

And how does Pisarev characterizes them? Bazarov's relationship with one end end with the fact that there is a strange scene between them. She causes him to talk about happiness and love, she with curiousness, characteristic of cold and clever women, asked him that he was going on in him, she pulls off his confession in love. She with a touch of involuntary tenderness pronounces his name; Then, when he, stunned by a sudden influx of sensations and new hopes, rushes to her and presses her to his chest, she bounces the room with fright to another end and assures him that he did not understand her that he was mistaken. "

Everything is over. One of the principles of Bazarov: "You like a woman - try to try; And it is impossible - well, it is not necessary, turn away - the earth did not come together, "- in his first part I outlived myself. How it is not hard to realize the bazaarov, but now it has nothing to do with it. "Bazarov leaves the room, and the ends of the relationship. He leaves the other day after this incident, then sees two times with Anna Sergeyevna, even here she has it with Arkady, but for him and for her, the events are truly unknown past, and they look at each other calmly and talk to each other tone reasonable and solid people, "- noted by D.I. Pisarev.

But is it? Is it all calm in relations between the bazaarov and one? I did not view any depth processes that led to the death of Bazarov? What came for Bazarov a new arrival in the estate of one? After all, his principles determine the meaning of his life, and suddenly ...

He violated this principle; He knew that the "sense" from one was not achieved, but still again went to her. Bazarov loved Odintsov strongly, therefore, maybe, he keshy himself by what could be deceived in her coldness ... Suddenly she will still be better, suddenly new meeting She will still utter the three words expected. He subjected to a brutal test of all his worldview: because if it is worth "breaking down" to one of this principle, then what is the price of everything else. It is not so easy to be bazaas to decide on the third visit to the estate of one.

What happened during this meeting? The bazaars now stayed from a single shortwalk, but would be glad to live here longer, then came, but I realized that Odenty would not change his attitude towards him, because he was not long.

But an interesting still happened. Remember, Turgenev says that after some one phrase of the Bazarov, the day after the arrival after arrival, the face of the same name "... alternately red and pale." What happened? Bazarov spoke about the possibility of engaging Kati and Arkady: "The party in all respects is good; The state of Kirsanova is a fair, about

Essay on the topic: Essence of the conflict of Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich (according to Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

The conflict in the novel is built on disputes between the representative of the old, the noble culture of Pavlom Petrovich Kirsanov and the representative of the new, democratic course by Evgeny Bazarov.

Pavel Petrovich - Aristocrat to the brain of bones. Even settling in the village, he does not want to part with his aristocratic habits, with his exquisite manners and a gloss, which fits little into a simple rural setting of bazaars completely different. I didn't even like some readers that 1urgenev endowed his hero not very attractive appearance. He is hairy, with red hands, face is long and thin, with a wide forehead. However, this face "animated a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind ..."

So, they met - the Aristocrat of Kirsanov and Democrat-Different Bazarov. It should be noted that they did not like each other at first glance. According to a short question, which Pavel Petrovich asked Brother: "Who is this?", It can be judged that he immediately learned something foreign and unpleasant in the bazaareas, the external gloss of Pavel Petrovich Bazarov does not like. And Pavel Petrovich, when Arkady told him that the nihist bazaars, that is, a person who belongs to everything from a critical point of view, took the Bazarov as a person who "does not respect anything." And now there is a fight not just two different people, and two completely different life positions, two generations and whole eras. Interestingly, while Pavel Petrovich threw out himself, bazaars remained completely calm. Pavel Petrovich was annoyed in Bazarov all: "His aristocratic nature was indignant to the perfect exaggeration of Bazarov. This dwelling son is not only not a robust, he even spoke back and reluctantly, and in the sound of his voice there was something coarse, almost daring. " Basarov also did not hesitate his origin, but even proud of them. "My grandfather's grandfather gathered," he said, clearly feeling superiority over the nobles-protematics. Gradually, Pavel Petrovich had an active sense of hostility and hate to this plebe. without genus, without a tribe. In addition, Nihist Bazarov self-confidently denied all the principles on which the very existence of Senior Kirsanov was based. Pavel Petrovich saw a class enemy in the bazaareas, whom he passionately wanted to destroy. Bazarov, for its part, hesitated with great contempt against the liberal "aristocratic". Bazarov's worker is deeply unpleasant to the empty existence of Pavel Petrovich, completely devoid of any activity. The bilateral ideological and psychological process of increasing the dislike first, and then hostility. The instigator of the clashes was always Pavel Petrovich. Bazarov also answered him instantly and confidently. He rizued the views of Pavel Petrovich, which were a mixture of English and Slavic film. The statements of the Bazarov about beauty, nature, love, art can not not annoy Pavel Petrovich. Bazarov's judgments insult his aesthetic feelings, and a certain proportion of the mion, present in these judgments, humiliates his human dignity.

Duel, held between Kirsanov and Bazarov, is not accidental. The reason was found (it was the reason, and not the reason), and here one side of the barrier "fathers", and on the other - "children". This duel began before, as soon as they saw each other, and the pistols appeared when words were not enough. The very fact of the consent of Bazarov to participate in a duel and how, with what dignity he participated in it, again give the presence of natural aristocraticism and even romanticism. Whether the bazaars fought with Pavel Petrovich or something that was in him itself and what did he definitely want to eradicate? After all, "the children did not appear by themselves, they were brought up by" fathers ", and therefore they begin to fight" fathers ", they involuntarily kill part of themselves.

These fights do not subside in our day. Children ", growing, become" fathers ", and everything is repeated first. The struggle could not be so acute if people knew how to listen and hear other people. Bazarov and Kirsanov, for example, could appreciate the nobility and decency in each other, but there was a mass of disconnecting and annoying moments, on which they concentrated their attention. I would like the problem of different generations to gradually lose its sharpness and so that the "children" and the "fathers" live in peace and harmony.

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Disputes of Bazarov with Pavlom Petrovich. Complexity and multi-mindedness. And what is the eternal topic - "fathers and children"? And it is in the novel, but complicated more than the line of Alexander and Peter Aduev.

Already in joining the question sounded: "Transformation is necessary<…>But how to execute them how to start? .. "Two heroes are attracted to knowing the answer. And believe that their ideas will bring prosperity. In addition to Bazarov, this is uncle Arkady Kirsanova, Pavel Petrovich. Their "party" belonging is declared in clothes and manners. The reader recognized the Democratic Disposher on the "Nude Red Hand", along the peasant simplicity of speeches (Vasilyev, instead of Vasilyevich), intentional carelessness of the costume - "Long Balahon with brushes." In turn, the bazaars instantly guessed in the "elegant and pursuit of the uncle Arkady" Archaic phenomenon "inherent aristocratism. "Society in the village, think! Nails, nails, at least send an exhibition!<…>».

The peculiarity of the positions of "Democrat" and "Aristocrat" is emphasized with symbolic details. Pavl Petrovich has such a detail the solving smell of cologne is becoming. Meeting the nephew, he touched three times to his cheeks three times, in his room "ordered smoking cologne", joining a conversation with the peasants, "wrinkles and sniffs cologne." The addiction to the elegant smell gives the desire to dispense from the whole low, dirty, domestic, which is only found in life. To go into the world available to a little. On the contrary, bazaarov, in his wishes to cut, demonstrates the desire to penetrate, take possession of the slightest secrets of nature, and at the same time - the laws of life. "... I'm a frog, I'll see that I look there in it; And as we<…> The same frogs<...>, I will know that we are being done inside. " Microscope is the strongest proof of his right. In it, nihylist sees a picture of the universal struggle; Strong inevitably and without repentance devouring the weak: "... the infusorium swallowed the green dust and silently chewed her."

Thus, the heroes of antagonists appear before us, whose worldview is determined by irreconcilable principal contradictions. The collision between them is predetermined and inevitable.

Social contradictions. We mentioned how they were manifested in clothes. No less straightening they manifest in behavior. Former, the dispersion was in the noble estate at the Rights of the employee - Gutener, the doctor, the ruler. Sometimes - the guest who had such mercy and could deprive at any time - which happened to Rudin, daring to care for the daughter of the hostess. Pavel Petrovich is indignant to visit, lifting the signs of his social index: "He considered him the pride, fucking<...>, Plebem. " But the most offender for the aristocrat - "He suspected that Bazarov does not respect him<…>, almost despises him - His, Paul Kirsanova! " Pride of the nobleman now opposes the pride of Plebee. Bazarov can no longer be expelled with external politeness as Rudin. It is impossible to make the established rules in clothing, manners, behavior. The difference realized his strength. Poverty, lack of a secular gloss, ignorance foreign languages, inability to dance, etc. "Everything that distinguished him from the nobles and put in a humiliated position, he began to diligently cultivate as an expression of his ideological position.

Contradictions ideological. A disputes flare up between Pavlom Petrovich and Bazarov. Controversy, familiar by " Ordinary story" And here and there internal and personal motives are reflected by the grandiose public changes. "Topical<…> Roman Turgenev Polon.<…> polemical hints that do not allow to forget the volcanic environment in the country on the eve of reform 1861 ... "

Pavel Petrovich cleared in the words of Bazarov "Dryan, Aristocratic" an insult is not only personally. But the future of Russia's path, as he represents him. Pavel Petrovich proposes to take an example from the Parliamentary Great Britain: "Aristocracy gave the freedom of England and supports it." Aristocracy, therefore, should be the main social force: "... without a sense of self-esteem, without respect for yourself, - and in the aristocrat of these feelings are developed, - there is no solid foundation<…> Public building. " Bazaarov brilliantly parried: "... You respect yourself and sit back; Which of this benefit? .. "

On the contrary, the bazaars sees heading future Russia The same democrats nihilists like himself. "My grandfather's grandfather gathered," he pronounces proudly, and it means that the people will rather believe and "recognizes the compatriot," will appreciate his tireless activities.

So acts in the novel key concept - people. "The current state of the people requires it<…>, we should not indulge in the satisfaction of personal egoism, "says the enthusiastic student of Bazarov, Arkady. This statement repels the harsh teacher with his form (reminds of the ardent speech of Rudin), but it is true for the content - bazaars "noted for the necessary refuting his young student." Estimated reforms depend on who people will go. The only times opponents coincide in observations folk life. Both agree that the Russian people "holy honors legend, he is a patriarchal, he cannot live without faith ...". But for Bazarov, this "does not prove anything." In the name of a bright future people, it is possible to destroy the foundations of his worldview ("the people believe that when the thunder thunder, it is Ilya-Pokok in the chariot drive around ... I agree with him?"). Pavel Petrovich exposes in the democrat of Bazarov not less arrogress towards the people than in itself:

You and talk to him ( men) do not know how ( says Bazarov).

And you talk to him and despise him at the same time.

Well, if he deserves contempt!

Pavel Petrovich protects age-old cultural values: "We are the road Civilization, yes-with<…>, we are expensive to her fruit. And do not tell me that these fruits are insignificant ... "But this is exactly what the bazarov believes. "Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles" and even "history logic" - just "foreign words", useless and unnecessary. However, as the concepts they call. He strongly marks the cultural experience of mankind in the name of a new, useful direction. Like a practitioner, he sees the nearest tangible goal. Its generation belongs to the intermediate, but the noble mission is "Place to clear up": "In the present time, the denial is useful - we deny." The same struggle should be the indicator of their rightness natural selection. Or nihilists armed with the newest theory "Sweet with the people" in the name of his own interests. Either "distribute" - "there and the road." Everything, as in nature - natural selection. But just if these few noble personalities will win ("from a kopeck candle of Moscow burned") - destroy everything, up to the foundations of the public world order: "Name at least one ruling in modern our everyday life<...>which would not cause full and merciless denial. " Bazarov claims this "with inexpressible calm", enjoying the horror of Pavel Petrovich, who "scary": "How? Not only art, poetry ... but also ... "

For Turgenev, the theme of culture is so important that he pays independent episodes. Opponents discuss what is more important, science or art? Bazarov with ordinary direct declaration states that "a decent chemist is more useful than any poet." And on timid replicas about the need for art is responsible for an Ernic remark: "The art of making money, or no more hemorrhoids!" Subsequently, he will explain the ODIO that art plays an applied, didactic role: "Figure ( art) will clearly present me what's in the book ( scientific) Standed on ten pages. " For his part, Pavel Petrovich recalls how his generation was valued by literature, the creatures "... Well, there Schiller, or hette ...". Indeed, the generation of forties, and among them, Turgenev himself bowed to the art. But no wish the writer allocated the words of the hero in italics. Although Pavel Petrovich believes properly to pop up for his abstract "prunps", for him the very questions of graceful literature are not so important. Throughout the novel, we see only a newspaper in his hands. It is much more complicated by the position of Bazarov - sincere conviction is felt in its severity. About Pavel Petrovich the author reports that he is in the youth "I read only five or six french books"To make it was to shine at the evenings" Ms. Candine "and other secular ladies. Bazarov read and knows these so much despised romantics. A replica offering to send to the crazy house "Toggenburg with all his Mennizingers and Troubaduras," gives that the hero once read the ballads Zhukovsky. And not just read, but allocated (albeit with a minus sign) one of the best - about sublime love - "Knight Toggneburg". The inspired quote "How sad I am ..." From the mouth of Nikolai Petrovich Bazarov interrupts somehow surprisingly "on time." It obviously remembers that the lines of the mountain will follow, which is carrying the arrival of spring people who survived a lot:

Perhaps, in thought, we comes to the average of the poetic dream, the old spring, and in the trembling the heart leads to us ...

Togo and Look, Nikolai Petrovich will remember the late wife, it feels like ... well! And the bazaars resolutely interrupts the inspired monologue of the prosaic request for matches. Literature is another area where the hero "broke himself", preparing for the Great Mission.

Turgenev read the tragic such clashes under which "both sides to a certain extent right." The rights of the bazaars, exposing the inaction of Pavel Petrovich. ("There would be no" man with fragrant mustes, "said Turgenev). The writer handed his hero his own belief that the nihilistic denial is "caused by the most popular spirit ...", on behalf of which he acts. But there are chases and his opponent when he talks about the "Satanic pride" of nihilists, about their desire to "speak with the whole people", "despicing" a man. He sets his antagonist the question that comes to mind reader: "You all denune<...>, you all destroy ... Yes, because it is necessary to build. " Bazarov evades the answer, not wanting to seem idealist and the chatter. Then "no longer our business ... At first you need to clear the place."

Subsequently, in a conversation with a single market, he mentioned partly about its plans for the future reorganization of society. As a naturalist, bazaars puts the sign of equality between diseases by physical and moral. The difference between good and evil is "both between sick and healthy." Those and other illegals are subject to treatment from outside, the most rigid methods are allowed. "Correct society, and there will be no diseases." This point of view, although in a softer form, followed by many. It was promoted by the idol of youth, N.G. Chernyshevsky. "The most stern villain," the critic argued, - after all, a person, i.e. creature, by nature, oblique respect and love the truth, good<…>that can violate the laws of good and truth only by ignorance, delusion or under the influence of circumstances<…>but never can<…> Preferring evil good. Remove the detrimental circumstances, and quickly brings the mind of a person and reflects its character. " But it would be wrong to look for basic real prototype. The writer strengthened and brought to the logical end of the ideas that "worn in the air". In this case, Turgenev appeared as a brilliant provider: "The reader of the early 60s could perceive the Bazarovsky denial of<…> Strongly exaggeted, the reader of our time can see here the early head of the extremist radicalism of the twentieth century ... ". It is also incorrect to see in the statements of Bazarov views only one era. Turgenev brilliantly expresses the essence of the philosophy of all revolutionaries. And not only expresses, but warns of the terrible danger, which the humanist writer guess in theories designed to improve the lives of mankind. The worst person in practice and us armed historical experience The twentieth century, it is understandable. In order to make everyone equally happy, it is necessary to oblige everyone to become the same. Happy future people should refuse their individuality. In response to the question of the affected Anna Sergeyevna: "... When society is corrected, there will be no stupid nor evil people? " - Bazarov draws a picture of an excellent future: "... With the right device of society, it will be completely equal to whether a person or a smart, angry or kind". So - "... to learn individual individuals is not difficult."

Rivals and counterfeit on fate. The longer the confrontation between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the clearer becomes the reader, that, in hostile beliefs, they are paradoxically similar to the reader. Both of nature leaders, both smart, talented and vain. Pavel Petrovich, like the bazaars, is low a feeling. After a fierce dispute, he went to the garden, "thought, and<…> Raised his eyes to the sky. But in his beautiful dark eyes did not affect anything except the light of the stars. He was not born by a romantic, and did not know how to dream of his shoegolki dry and passionate<...> Soul ... »Nature for Pavel Petrovich, if not a workshop, it is clearly not a temple. Like Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich is inclined to explain spiritual unrest purely physiological causes. "What is with you? .. You are pale, like ghost; Are you unhealthy? .. "He asks his brother, excited by the beauty of the summer evening, shocked by memories. Having learned that this is "just" spiritual experiences, it is removed, soothered. Sudden impulses and spiritual outpouring it if not completely rejects, it will be in condescending. When the next day, upon arrival, Arkady again rushes into the arms of his father. ""What is it? Hug again? " - Over the back of their voice Pavel Petrovich ".