Cherry garden Theme of the past of this and future. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF RUSSIA IN THE PEESE ANTON Czechov cherry garden

Cherry garden Theme of the past of this and future. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF RUSSIA IN THE PEESE ANTON Czechov cherry garden

1. Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"
2. The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev
3. Expressive of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe present - Lopakhin
4. The heroes of the future - Petya and Anya
List of used literature


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a writer of mighty creative talent and a peculiar fine skill, manifested with an equal shine, both in his stories and in the ones and plays.
The plays of Chekhov amounted to a whole era in Russian drama and the Russian theater and had an immeasurable effect on all subsequent development.
Continuing and deepening the best traditions of the drama of critical realism, Chekhov sought to ensure that life truth dominated by his plays, in all its usual, everyday life.
Showing the natural course of the daily lives of ordinary people, Chekhov puts the basis of their plots not one, but several organically related, intertwined conflicts. At the same time, the leading and unifying is the advantage of the conflict of acting persons are not with each other, but with their entire social environment.

Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"

Piece "Cherry Garden" occupies a special place in the work of Chekhov. Before it, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to change reality he awakened, showing the hostility to a person of life conditions, highlighting those features of his characters who ordered them to the position of the victim. In the "Cherry Garden" reality is depicted in its historical development. The topic of changing social styles is widely developed. Go to the past noble estates with their parks and cherry gardens, with their unreasonable owners. They are shifted by people business and practical, they are present Russia, but not her future. Only the young generation belongs to the right to clean, change life. Hence the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play: the approval of the new social force opposing not only nobility, but also the bourgeoisie and designed to rebuild life on the basis of genuine humanity and justice.
Piece Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is written in the period of public lifting masses in 1903. It opens another page of its multifaceted creativity, reflecting complex phenomena of that time. The play is striking us with his poetic strength, drama, perceived by us as the acute impact of the society of society, the exposition of those people whose thoughts and acts are far from the moral norms of behavior. The writer brightly shows deep psychological conflicts, helps the reader see the display of events in the souls of heroes, makes us think about the meaning of true love and true happiness. Chekhov easily tolerates us from our present in the distant past. Together with his heroes, we live next to the cherry garden, we see its beauty, we clearly feel the problems of that time, together with the heroes we are trying to find answers to complex questions. It seems to me that the play "Cherry Garden" is a play about the past, present and future not only her heroes, but also the countries in general. The author shows a clash of representatives of the past, present and laid in this present. I think that Chekhov managed to show the justice of the inevitable care with the historical arena such, it would seem harmless to the owners of the Cherry Garden. So who are they, garden owners? What binds their lives with his existence? What's the roads of the cherry garden? Responding to these questions, Chekhov reveals an important problem - the problem of the outgoing life, its worthlessness and conservatism.
The very name of the Chekhov play is configured on a lyrical way. In our presentation there is a bright and unique image of a blooming garden, personifying beauty and desire for a better life. The main plot of the comedy is associated with the sale of this old nobility estate. This event largely determines the fate of its owners and inhabitants. Reflecting on the fate of heroes, unwittingly think about the larger, about the paths of Russia's development: its past, present and future.

The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev

Expressive ideas of the present - Lopahin

Heroes of the Future - Peter and Anya

All this involuntarily pursues us to the idea that the country is needed completely different people who will be finished with other great things. And these other people are Petya and Anya.
Trofimov - Democrat in origin, in habits and beliefs. Creating Troprophimov's images, Chekhov expresses such leading features such as loyalty to the public case, the desire for a better future and propaganda of the struggle for it, patriotism, principle, courage, diligence. Trofimov, despite its 26 or 27 years old, has a big and heavy life experience by shoulders. It has already been excluded from the university twice. He has no confidence that he will not be excluded for the third time and that he will not remain a "eternal student."
Testing and hunger, and need, and political persecution, he did not lose faith in a new life, which will be founded on fair, humane laws and creative creative work. Peter Trofimov sees the failure of the nobility, mired in idleness and inaction. He gives a largely correct assessment of the bourgeoisie, noting its progressive role in the economic development of the country, but refusing to her in the role of the Creator and the Creator of a new life. In general, his statements are distinguished by direct and sincerity. With a sympathy, belonging to the blades, he nevertheless compares him with a predatory beast, "who eats everything that comes across on the way." In his opinion, the blades are not able to resolutely change the life, building it on a reasonable and fair principles. Petya causes deep meditation from the Lopakhina, who in the soul jealous of the conviction of this "smear Barin", which he himself is so lacking.
Thoughts of Trofimova about the future are too foggy and abstract. "We go uncontrollable to a bright star, which burns there away!" - He says ane. Yes, his goal is beautiful. But how to achieve it? Where is the main force that can turn Russia into a flowering garden?
Some belong to the pave with light irony, others with undisguised love. In his speeches, a direct condemnation of the dying life is heard, calling for a new one: "Doyut. I will go or point to another way, how to get. " And indicates. Indicates his ane, which he loves hotly, although it skillfully hides it, realizing that he was intended to be another way. He tells her: "If you have the keys from the farm, then throw them into the well and go. Be free as the wind. "
In the underworld and "Brown Barina" (how Ironically, Trofimova, Varya, Ironically, there is no strength and business grip of the blades. He encourages his life, steeply postponing her blows, but it is not able to master it and become the master of his fate. True, he fascinated by his democratic ideas Anya, who expresses his willingness to follow him, is holy believing in a beautiful dream of a new blooming garden. But this young seventeen-year-old girl who has surrendered information about life mostly from books, clean, naive and immediately, has not yet come across a reality.
Anya is full of hope, vitality, but there is still so much inexperience and childhood. According to the character's warehouse, it is largely close to the mother: it nourishes love for a beautiful word, to sensitive intonations. At the beginning of the play, Anya Burefin, quickly moves from concern to revival. Almost she is helpless, used to live carelessly, not thinking about the urgent bread, about tomorrow. But all this does not prevent an ane to break with her familiar looks and vital construction. Her evolution takes place in our eyes. New looks of Ani are still naive, but she is forever forgive with the old house and the old world.
It is not known whether she is enough spiritual forces, durability and courage to pass the path of suffering, labor and deprivation to the end. Will it be able to keep the hot faith in the best that makes her without regretful to say goodbye to the old life? These questions of Chekhov does not give an answer. And it is natural. After all, you can only talk about the future allegedly.


Life truth in all its sequence and completeness - that's what the Chekhov was guided by creating their images. That is why each character of his plays is a living human character that attracts a huge meaning and deep emotionality that repulses its naturalness, the warmth of human feelings.
According to its immediate emotional effects of Czechs, it is hardly the most outstanding playwright in the art of critical realism.
Dramaturgia Chekhov, who responded to current issues of his time, addressed to everyday interests, experiences and unrest of ordinary people, walked the spirit of protest against the cosiness and routine, called to social activity to improve life. Therefore, she always provided a huge influence on readers and audience. The meaning of Chekhov playwright has long been outside our homeland, it has become the world. The dramatic innovation of Chekhov is widely recognized abroad by our Great Motherland. I am proud that Anton Pavlovich is a Russian writer, and no matter how different Master of Culture, they probably agree that the Chekhov prepared the world to the best of life, more beautiful, more just, more reasonable.
If Chekhov looked out with hope in the 20th century, which just began, then we live in the new XXI century, we still dream about your Cherry Garden and about those who grow it. Flowering trees can not grow without roots. And the roots are the past and present. Therefore, that a wonderful dream becomes a young generation must combine high culture, education with practical knowledge of reality, will, perseverance, hard work, humane goals, that is, to embody the best features of Chekhov's heroes.


1. The history of Russian literature The second half of the XIX century / Ed. prof. N.I. Kravtsova. Publisher: Enlightenment - Moscow 1966.
2. Examination questions and answers. Literature. 9 and 11 graduation classes. Tutorial. - M.: Ast - Press, 2000.
3. A. A. Egorova. How to write an essay on "5". Tutorial. Rostovnadon, "Phoenix", 2001.
4. Chekhov A.P. Stories. Pieces. - M.: Olympus; LLC "Firm" Publisher AST, 1998.

"Cherry Garden" - the last work of A. P. Chekhov. The writer was incurably sick when he wrote this play. He was aware that he would soon leave life, and, probably, so the whole play is filled with some quiet sadness and tenderness. This is a farewell of the Great Writer with everything that he was expensive: with the people, with Russia, whose fate was worried until the last minute. Probably, at such a moment, a person thinks about everything: about the past - recalls the most important and summarizes the results - as well as the present and future of those whom he leaves on this earth. In the play "Cherry Garden" as if there was a meeting of the past, present and future. It seems that the heroes of the play belong to three different epochs: some live yesterday and are absorbed by the memories of the long-lasting times, others are busy with momentary affairs and seek to benefit from everything that they have at the moment, and others pay their eyes far ahead, while not taking Interested in real events.

Thus, the past, present and the future do not merge into one thing: they exist by partly and find out the relationship among themselves.

Bright representatives of the past are Gaev and Ranevskaya. Chekhov gives a tribute to the formation and refinement of the Russian nobility. And Gaev, and Ranevskaya know how to appreciate beauty. They find the most poetic words to express their feelings in relation to everything that surrounds them - whether it is an old house, a favorite garden, the word is all that they are expensive

since childhood. Even to the closet, they turn to the old friend: "Dear, a durable cabinet! I welcome your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been sent to bright ideals of good and justice ... "Ranevskaya, being at home after the five-year separation, is ready to kiss every thing that resembles her childhood and adolescence. The house for her is a living person, the witness of all its joys and seals. Ranevskaya has a completely special attitude towards the garden - it seems to personify all the best and bright, which was in her life, is part of her soul. Looking at the garden in the window, she exclaims: "Oh my childhood, my purity! In this nursery I slept, I looked from here to the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then he was exactly the same, nothing has changed. " The life of Ranevskaya was not the lungs: she won her husband early, and soon her seven-year-old son was killed after that. The person with whom she tried to tie life was unworthy - changed her money and tranched her money. But return home for her anyway, that falling to the lively source: she feels young and happy again. All the pain, boiling in her soul, and the joy of the meeting is expressed in her order to the garden: "About my garden! After the dark rainy autumn and the cold winter, again you are young, full of happiness, the angels did not leave you ... "The garden for Ranevskaya is closely connected with the image of the deceased mother - she directly sees the mother in a white dress goes around the garden.

Neither Gaev, nor Ranevskaya may not allow their estate to be leased to the homestern. They say this thought to himself by vulgar, but at the same time they do not want to look into the face of reality: the day of the auction is approaching, and the estate will be sold with the hammer. Gaev shows full infantility in this matter (remark "puts in his mouth lollipop" as if confirms this): "We will pay interest, I am convinced ..." Where does he have such conviction? Who does he count on? Not clearly. Without having no reason, he swear Ware: "My honor I swear than you want, I swear, the estate will not be sold! ... My happiness I swear! Here you are my hand, call me then a stray, dishonest person, if I decide to the auction! My whole being swear! " Beautiful, but empty words. A particular business is a leopard. This man does not throw words to the wind. He sincerely try to express the Ranevskaya and Gayev, that there is a real way out of the situation: "Every day I speak all the same. And the cherry garden, and the land must be leased under the cottages, to do it now, as soon as possible, - auction on the nose! Understand! Once finally decide that there are summer cottages, so you will give you any money, and you are then saved. " With such a call, "Present" refers to the "past", but the "past" is not a member. "Finally decide" is an unbearable task for such a warehouse. It is easier for them to abide in the world of illusions. But the lopahin of time is not losing. He simply buys this estate and rejoices in the presence of an unfortunate and disadvantaged Ranevskaya. The purchase of estates for him is of particular importance: "I bought the estate, where the grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even died in the kitchen." This is the pride of the Plebea, which is "delivered nose" to aristocrats. He is only a pity that his father and grandfather do not see his celebrations. Knowing what a cherry garden meant in Ranevskaya's life, he literally dances on her bones: "Hey, musicians, play, I wish you to listen! Come everything to look like Yermolai Lopakhin is enough for an ax on the Cherry Garden, as the trees fall on the ground! " And immediately sympathizes sobbing Ranevskaya: "Oh, rather, all this would have passed, rather than our awkward, unhappy life." But this is a minute weakness, because he is experiencing his starry hour. Lopahin - a man of the present, the owner of life, but is there a future for him?

Maybe a person of the future is Petya Trofimov? He is believing ("Do not deceive yourself, it is necessary to take truth even once in my life." He is not interested in his own appearance ("I do not want to be a handsome"). Love, he, apparently, considers the remnant of the past ("We are above love"). All the material does not attract it either. He is ready to destroy the past, and the present "before founding, and then ..." And what then? Is it possible to grow a garden without knowing how to appreciate the beauty? Petya gives the impression of a man of frivolous and superficial. Chekhov, apparently, not at all pleases the prospect of such a future for Russia.

The remaining heroes of the plays are also representatives of three different eras. For example, the old servant Firs is all from the past. All his ideals are associated with distant times. He considers the beginning of all the troubles of 1861. He does not need "will", since his whole life is devoted to the Lord. Firs - Very mineral nature, he is the only hero of the play, endowed with such quality as devotion.

Lackey Yasha is akin to the blades - no less adventurous, but even more soulless man. How to know, maybe he will soon become the owner of life?

Read the last page of the play, but there is no answer to the question: "So whom the writer connects his hopes for a new life?" There is a feeling of some confusion and anxiety: who will decide the fate of Russia? Who can be saved by beauty?

Now, close to a new border of the centuries, in the modern troubles of the end of the era, the destruction of the old and convulsive attempts to create a new, "cherry garden" sounds for us at all as it sounded ten years ago. It turned out that the time of action of the Chekhov comedy is not only the line of the XIX-XX centuries. She is written about a rampant at all, about the troubled predestrian hour, who came to our life, identified our destinies.

3). The estate of the landowners Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, blooming cherry trees. But the beautiful garden will soon be sold for debts. The last five years Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya lived abroad. The Ranevskoy Leonid Andreyevich Gheaev and her reception daughter, twenty-one-year-old Varya remained in the estate. The Ranevskaya affairs are bad, there are almost no money left. Andreevna's love always sailed money. Six years ago, her husband died from drunkenness. Ranevskaya loved another person, agreed with him. But soon tragically died, drowned in the river, her little son Grisha. The love of Andreevna, unable to transfer grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him at his cottage near the cops and for three years he would take care of him. And then, when I had to sell the Dacha for debts and move to Paris, he absorned and threw Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet the love of Andreevna and Any at the station. Houses are waiting for the Maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin. The father of Lopakhina was a fortress Ranevsky, he himself rich, but he says about himself that he was "man a man." The feeder comes the feeder, the person with whom he constantly happens and whose "thirty three misfortunes" called.

Finally come the crews. The house is filled with people, everything is in pleasant excitement. Everyone speaks of his own. Andreyevna's love is looking at the rooms and through the tears of joy remembers the past. The maid of Dunyhasha does not tolerate telling the ladies that she made a proposal of the oscillage. Anya herself advises Vare to go beyond the blades, and Varya dreams of throwing Any for a rich man. The governess of Charlotte Ivanovna, a strange and eccentric emphasis, praises with his amazing dog, the neighbor's presenter Simeonov-Pishick asks for money loan. Almost nothing hears and murmurs something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate will soon be sold from the auction, the only way out is to smash the land on the plots and give them to renting to summer houses. Ranevsk offer Lopakhina surprises: how can you cut her favorite wonderful cherry garden! Lopakhina wants to stay with the Ranevskaya, which he loves "more than his native, but he is time to leave. Gaev draws a welcoming speech to a century "durable" cabinet, but then, confused, again begins to sensely pronounce favorite billiards.

Ranenevskaya does not immediately recognize Petya Trofimova: So he has changed, drove, "a cute student" turned into an "eternal student." The love of Andreevna cries, remembering his little drowned son Grisch, whose teacher was trophim.

Gaev, remaining alone with Vares, trying to reason about the affairs. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not like them: after all, the love of Andreevna married not behind the nobleman, and he behaved not "very virtuously". Gaev loves her sister, but still calls her "vicious", which causes the dissatisfaction of Ani. Gaev continues to build projects: the sister will ask for money from Lopakhina, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swear in this. Grinding Firs finally led Barin, like a child, sleep. Anya is calm and happy: Uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin does not cease to persuade Ranenevskaya and Gaeva to take his plan. Threesome have breakfast in the city and, returning, stopped in the field at the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, I tried to explain to the foolishness, but she had already preferred to him the young cynical lacquer Jasha. Ranevskaya and Gaev seek not hear the blades and speak completely about other things. So without convincing "frivolous, weekly, strange people, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: "Still more fun" with him.

Anya, Varya and Peter Trofimov come. Ranevskaya turns a conversation about the "Gord House". According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a gross, unhappy person needs to be not admired, but to work. Petya condemns an intelligentsia that is not capable of labor, those people who are important philosophice, and with men drawn, like animals. Locked in the conversation: it just works "from morning to evening", dealing with large capital, but more and more makes it a little around decent people. Lopakhin does not agree, he interrupts Ranevskaya. In general, everyone does not want here and do not know how to listen to each other. There is a silence, in which the remote sad sound of the burst string is heard.

Soon all diverge. The remaining alone Anya and Trofimov welcome the opportunity to talk together, without Var. Trofimov convinces Anya that it is necessary to be "above love", which is the main thing - freedom: "All Russia is our garden", but to live in the present, you must first have suffering and work for the past. Happiness is close: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

It comes twenty-second August, the day of trading. It was this evening that at all in the same way, the ball is covered in the manor, the Jewish Orchestra is invited. Once here, generals and barons danced here, and now, as Firs networks, and the postal officer, and the head of the station "Do not go to the hunt". Guests entertained with their focus Charlotte Ivanovna. Ranevskaya with concern awaits his brother's return. Yaroslavl aunt still sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to redeem the estate.

Petya Trofimov "Soothes" Ranevskaya: It's not about the garden, it has long been finished, you have to look like a truth. The love of Andreevna asks not to condemn her, regret: After all, without a cherry garden, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first, she rushed them immediately, then - at first reading, now it is no longer a tears. "This wild man", whom she still loves, begs to come to come. Petya condemns the Ranevskaya for the love of "small rascal, insignificance." Angry Ranevskaya, without restraining, Mastit Trofimov, calling him a "funny eccentric", "freak", "quietly": "We must love yourself ... I must fall in love!" Petya is terrified in horror, but then it remains, dancing with Ranevskaya, who asked him for forgiveness.

Finally, confused, joyful lopahin and tired Gaev, who, who does not told anything, immediately goes to himself. The cherry garden is sold, and bought it to the lopahin. "The new landowner" is happy: he managed to surpass in the auction of rich Deriganov, giving over the debt of ninety thousand. Lopakhin raises the keys thrown on the floor of the proud varia. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin "Enough as an ax on the Cherry Garden"!

Anya comforts the crying mother: the garden is sold, but ahead of the whole life. There will be a new garden, a luxurious thing, they are waiting for "quiet deep joy" ...

The house is empty. His inhabitants, sprawling with each other, travel around. Lopahin is going for the winter in Kharkov, trophimov returns to Moscow, to the university. Lopahin and Petya exchanged by bale. Although Trofimov also calls a "predatory beast" to the "predatory beast", which is necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves "a gentle, thin soul" in it. Lopahin offers Trofimov money on the road. He refuses: Above the "free person", "in the first rows of going" to "Higher Fortunately", no one must have power.

Ranenevskaya and Gaev even have fun after the sale of the Cherry Garden. Previously, they worried, suffered, and now calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for money sent to aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life begins - she will finish the gymnasium, will work, read books, "New Wonderful World" will open. Suddenly, the breathtaking plant appears unexpectedly and instead of asking money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that on its land, the British were found white clay.

All settled in different ways. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place Charlotte, Varya settled with a housekeeper to Ragulin, the ipaths hired by a bladler remains in the estate, Firsa should be sent to the hospital. But still, Gaev says with sadness: "Everyone is thrown to us ... We suddenly do not need."

Between the varays and the blades should finally explain. For a long time, I will work tease "Madame Lopakhina". Vare Yermolai Alekseevich likes, but she herself can not make an offer. Lopakhin, I also knows the well-spoken about Vare, I agree to "end immediately" with this business. But when Ranevskaya satisfies their meeting, Lopahin, and without drafting, leaves Wr., taking advantage of the first pretext.

"It's time to go! On the road! " - With these words from the house go, locking all the doors. Only the old Firs remains, which would seem to be taken care of, but they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreevich drove into a coat, and not in a fur coat, lies rest and lies motionless. The same sound of the bundled string is heard. "Silence comes, and only heard how far in the garden the tree is knocking on the tree."

Features of Dramaturgia Chekhov

The Russian theater was experiencing a crisis to Anton Chekhov, it was he who made an invaluable contribution to its development, breathing in him a new life. The playwright snatched small sketches from the everyday life of their heroes, approaching the playwright to reality. His plays forced the viewer to think about it, although they did not have intrigue, open conflicts, but they reflected the internal alarm of a turning point of history, when society froze in the premonition of fast changes, and the heroes became all social strata. The visible simplicity of the plot acquainted with the stories of characters to the events described, giving an opportunity to advise, what will happen to them after. So surprisingly mixed past, the present, the future in the "Cherry Garden" play, by connecting people not so much different generations, how many different eras. And one of the "submarines", characteristic of the writer Chekhov, was the reflection of the author about the fate of Russia, and the theme of the future took a central place in the "Vishnevian Garden".

Past, present and future on the pages of the "Cherry Garden" Pieces

So how did the past, present and the future met on the pages of the "Cherry Garden" pages? Chekhov, as it were, divided all the heroes on these three categories, depicting them very brightly.

The past in the play "Cherry Garden" is represented by Ranevskaya, Gaev and Firsa - the oldest character of all the acts. It is them most of all talk about what was, for them the past is the time in which everything was easy and fine. There were gentlemen and servants, everyone had their own place and purpose. For the Cancellation of serfdom, he became the greatest grief, he did not want will, remaining in the estate. He sincerely loved the family of Ranevskaya and Gaeva, remaining devoted to them until the very end. For the Aristocrats of Lyubov Andreevna and her brother, the past is the time when they did not need to think about such low things as money. They enjoyed life, doing that he brings pleasure, able to appreciate the beauty of intangible things - they are hard to adapt to new orders, in which values \u200b\u200bare replaced by the change of highly oral values. It is humiliating for them to talk about money, about the ways of their earnings, and the real offer of the leopard to rent the land is employed, in fact, a worthless garden, perceived as vulgarity. You are not able to make decisions about the future of the Cherry Garden, they are amenable to the flow of life and just float on it. Ranevskaya with the money of the aunts sent to Ani, leaving to Paris, and Gaev goes to serve in the bank. The death of Firs at the end of the play is very symbolic, as if to say that aristocracy as a social class has outlived herself, and she has no place, in the form in which she was before the cancellation of serfdom.

Lopakhin became the representative of the "Cherry Garden" in the play. "Guy a man," as he himself speaks of himself, thinking in a new one who knows how to earn using his mind and flair. Petya Trofimov even compares him with a predator, but with a predator with a thin artistic nature. And it brings a bladder with many spiritual experiences. He is well aware of all the beauty of the old cherry garden, which will be cut down his will, but can not do anything. His ancestors were serfs, the father owned a bench, and he became a "blizzard", sprouting a considerable state. Chekhov did a special emphasis on the character of the blades, because he was not a typical merchant, to whom many were negligious. He made himself, putting his way with his work and the desire to be better than his ancestors not only in terms of financial independence, but also in education. In many ways, Czechs revealed themselves with a blades, because their pedigree is similar.

Anya and Peter Trofimov personify the future. They are young, full of strength and energy. And most importantly - they have a desire to change their lives. But, that's just, Petya Master talk and reason, about the beautiful and fair future, and it is not able to obey their speeches into action. It is this that prevents him from finishing the university or at least somehow arrange his life. Petya denies all kinds of attachments - be it a place or another person. He captures his ideas naive Anya, but she is already ready to plan how to arrange his life. She was inspired and ready to "plant a new garden, even more preserved." However, the future in the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is very uncertain and vague. In addition to educated Ani and Petit, there are also Yasha with the Duny, and they too - the future. Moreover, if Dunyasha, just a stupid peasant girl, then Yasha is already a completely different type. The shift of Gaev and Ranenevsky come to the replacement, but they also come to the blades, too, to change someone. If you remember the story, after 13 years, after writing this play, it was such such Yasha - unprincipled, empty and brutal, not attached to anyone and anything.

In the play of the "Cherry Garden" of the heroes of the past, the present and the future were collected in one place, just they are united by the internal desire to be together and share their dreams, desires, experience. The old garden and the house holds them, and as soon as they disappear, the connection between the heroes and the time they reflect.

Communication times today

Only the greatest creations are able to reflect reality even many years after their creation. So happened with the play "Cherry Garden". The history of cyclical, the society develops and changes, moral and ethical norms are also subjected to rethink. The life of a person is not possible without memory of the past, in the inaction in the present, and without faith in the future. A single generation comes to replace the other, some build, others destroy. So it was in the times of Chekhov, this is happening now. The playwright was right, saying that "all Russia is our garden," and only depends on us whether it will bloom and fruit, or will be cut down the root.

The author's argument about the past, present and future in the comedy, about people and generations, about Russia is forced to think about them in our day. These thoughts will be useful of 10 classes when writing an essay on the theme "Past, present, the future in the" Cherry Sad "play."

Test on the work

One of the most unique and interesting creations of Anton Pavlovich, in which he united three periods of life is the play "Cherry Garden". In this work, the author connected the past, present and future. The actions of the work show how mercenary comes to change the nobility. Present the past characters like Ranevskaya, Gaev and Firs. Very often their memories concern old times when there were no concerns and they did not worry about money. It was more important for them, something more sublime rather than money and material benefits.

Ranenevsky could not even imagine that they would have to cut down the whole garden or sell it, for her it was unacceptable. After all, it is the cherry garden, he was memories of the past and her life.

Gaev, no less worried, every little thing was important for him. The author puts the focus on how Gaev appeal with tears to the old cabinet. Firs, in turn, did not need to cancel serfdom. He loved the family of Raevskaya and Gaeva, who served and treated with respect. It was arranged those orders that existed earlier, as well as other representatives of that time.

Lopakhin is one of those representatives for whom money is important, they were of great importance for him. He was born and he grew up in a simple family. His father was a simple trigger in the shop. But this did not prevent him from achieving great success and his own efforts he made a huge state herself. Like many others in the cherry garden was just a source of material benefit and no more.

Ermolai helps to get rid of the Ranevskaya of her deplorable state. Thanks to his mind and resourcefulness, he was able to create a huge project. This generation was important material benefit. But this is not a reason to avoid the present, which nastyali them.

A.P. Chekhov, shows what a changeable and vague can be the future. By this generation, the author relates such characters as Anna, Varya, Peter, Maid Dunny and Lackey Dunya. But despite the fact that representatives of the departed generation were largely similar, the upcoming generation was absolutely different. All these heroes were full of vital energy and ideas. But many of them were capable only on eloquent words, which in fact could not change the present. One of these characters was Petya. In essence, he does anything in order to change the future. Although Ane speaks that they are behind the development of two hundred years. Of course, Anna was fascinated with the words and ideas of Petit, but it does not stop her to go to his own way, and arrange her own life.

It was in this unique work of the "cherry garden" all 3 generations of the past, present and the future were united.

Option 2.

Dramaturgia Chekhov is deep and full of figurative impersonation. At the expense of them, the author tried in his work to show in comparison the past, present and future. For this, all the heroes of the work are divided into three relevant camps.

The first to the reader appears the heroes of the past time: Ranevskaya, Gaev, servant Firs. Their conversations are full of nostalgia about the past, they speak with tenderness and joy of past times. For each of them, old things play an important role, household items, which witnessed the past days. At the very beginning of the play, the reader learns about the room, called the "Children's", with a century of cabinet and, of course, the Cherry Garden is the main hero of the play.

Gaev and Ranevskaya - typical representatives of the Russian aristocracy. This is manifested in their speech, manners and lifestyle. They are accustomed to live on a wide leg, not counting their own expenses, take numerous guests in the estate, arrange holidays and festivities. Even in no better times, cash spending are unchanged, especially since you can always write a letter to a rich relative and ask for more money for current expenses. Ranenevskaya is unbearably heard of the need for the need of a cherry garden and lease of land plots under the cottage. In her opinion, it is impossible to stay without a garden, not because there is some kind of benefit from him, but because every tree in it reminds her about the happy time from the distant past.

Firs is a hereditary servant of the family, a deep elderly person. For him, the meaning of life is to serve the Lord. His concern and love for them is infinite, he feces Ranevskaya and Gaeva like small helpless children. But they are completely not adapted to practical life in the truth, they do not want to recognize future changes. Firs' Highlights looks like a mind, but he himself is convinced that only in care about the gentlemen is his life destination.

The heroes of the present in the work represents a whip. According to the author's thoughts, these people must "create" the present. They are active, purposeful, reasonable. They do not build illusions that problems in life should decide by themselves. The fate of the blades is an example of how a person himself seeks everything in his life, not paying for his father's legacy.

The future in the final of the work is indicated very foggy. Who will be his heroes? The author shows Peter and Anya as people of the new time. However, the young man is also a little adapted to life, it is more involved in endless reflections on changes, dreams of a bright future. Anya is fascinated by Petit's ideas, she is ready to act - to plant a new cherry garden "even more beautiful former".

Essay 3.

When the writer creates its own work, it relies on the current situation or former experience, and can also be exhausting his gaze into the coming. In general, a fairly banal phrase, however, this fact should be noted.

What will be concentrated by the author of his attention depends on its creative and ideological orientation. For example, the contemporary of Chekhov Bryusov, as it is known, instructed his followers - poets "not to live in real", because "only the coming - the area of \u200b\u200bthe poet." There were also those who focused on the high ideals of antiquity or other former eras.

In my opinion, Chekhov did not make individual accents and actually wrote about the eternal and timeless. This fact is easily confirmed when you read his play. I was simply struck, as some kind of dialogues and phrases describe and the current state of not only cases, but also human souls, in particular those who have found their bodies in Russia.

Of course, in this sense of Czechs, if possible, not so much. He performs his work, it simply performs high quality and easily remember the same Saltykov-Shchedrin with his "drink and steal", a little extensive forecast, but accurate, as well as about the "fools and roads", which in the current situation appear to be surprisingly bright and talk here On the spatial of the forecast, even with its globality and generalization is not necessary.

Chinese wisdom considers the era of change by a rather negative situation. For Russia, previous one and a half hundred years for the most part seems to be an era of change, which is diluted with apathetic periods of stagnation. Here Chekhov turned out to be in that period, which for a writer may be more than interesting.

Whatever the reforms of the previous times and how the story of saturated after all would seem, through the prism of the Cherry Garden, we see pretty explicit temporary layers, which appear as: a long and stable patriarchal past, sustainable and large-scale; Shalying present with the landlords and nobles; The tragic and sad future, which will change the country, will lead to grinding and vulgarity.

The triumph of a little man who sees Czechs through the transformation of the gardens into the country areas really took place. Moreover, the author completely correctly indicated the absence, in general, meaning in this transformation. Whether the man who settled the country sections in that garden, where he used to just come to work - a rhetorical question, and, and, in fact, he also works in this garden, only now fruit trees are growing there, and more often it smells like a manure And Shanson sounds for the day with empty rugs and swearing.

Of course, Anton Pavlovich, staying like any sensible creative person, as if on the situation, saw Russia. Of course, not all the nobles, whom he criticizes in the face of the bellless Ranevskaya and Gaeva will be helpless, someone will become part of the white movement and not only in words, but in reality will prove its intention to fight for ideals and, in fact, the safety of the motherland, The preservation of something valuable. However, many of these people will not understand, even the windows, as well as they do not understand in the end, even themselves.

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  • Introduction
    1. Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"
    2. The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev
    3. Expressive of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe present - Lopakhin
    4. The heroes of the future - Petya and Anya
    List of used literature


    Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a writer of mighty creative talent and a peculiar fine skill, manifested with an equal shine, both in his stories and in the ones and plays.
    The plays of Chekhov amounted to a whole era in Russian drama and the Russian theater and had an immeasurable effect on all subsequent development.
    Continuing and deepening the best traditions of the drama of critical realism, Chekhov sought to ensure that life truth dominated by his plays, in all its usual, everyday life.
    Showing the natural course of the daily lives of ordinary people, Chekhov puts the basis of their plots not one, but several organically related, intertwined conflicts. At the same time, the leading and unifying is the advantage of the conflict of acting persons are not with each other, but with their entire social environment.

    Problems of Plays A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden"

    Piece "Cherry Garden" occupies a special place in the work of Chekhov. Before it, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to change reality he awakened, showing the hostility to a person of life conditions, highlighting those features of his characters who ordered them to the position of the victim. In the "Cherry Garden" reality is depicted in its historical development. The topic of changing social styles is widely developed. Go to the past noble estates with their parks and cherry gardens, with their unreasonable owners. They are shifted by people business and practical, they are present Russia, but not her future. Only the young generation belongs to the right to clean, change life. Hence the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play: the approval of the new social force opposing not only nobility, but also the bourgeoisie and designed to rebuild life on the basis of genuine humanity and justice.
    Piece Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is written in the period of public lifting masses in 1903. It opens another page of its multifaceted creativity, reflecting complex phenomena of that time. The play is striking us with his poetic strength, drama, perceived by us as the acute impact of the society of society, the exposition of those people whose thoughts and acts are far from the moral norms of behavior. The writer brightly shows deep psychological conflicts, helps the reader see the display of events in the souls of heroes, makes us think about the meaning of true love and true happiness. Chekhov easily tolerates us from our present in the distant past. Together with his heroes, we live next to the cherry garden, we see its beauty, we clearly feel the problems of that time, together with the heroes we are trying to find answers to complex questions. It seems to me that the play "Cherry Garden" is a play about the past, present and future not only her heroes, but also the countries in general. The author shows a clash of representatives of the past, present and laid in this present. I think that Chekhov managed to show the justice of the inevitable care with the historical arena such, it would seem harmless to the owners of the Cherry Garden. So who are they, garden owners? What binds their lives with his existence? What's the roads of the cherry garden? Responding to these questions, Chekhov reveals an important problem - the problem of the outgoing life, its worthlessness and conservatism.
    The very name of the Chekhov play is configured on a lyrical way. In our presentation there is a bright and unique image of a blooming garden, personifying beauty and desire for a better life. The main plot of the comedy is associated with the sale of this old nobility estate. This event largely determines the fate of its owners and inhabitants. Reflecting on the fate of heroes, unwittingly think about the larger, about the paths of Russia's development: its past, present and future.

    The embodiment of the past - Ranevskaya and Gaev

    Expressive ideas of the present - Lopahin

    Heroes of the Future - Peter and Anya

    All this involuntarily pursues us to the idea that the country is needed completely different people who will be finished with other great things. And these other people are Petya and Anya.
    Trofimov - Democrat in origin, in habits and beliefs. Creating Troprophimov's images, Chekhov expresses such leading features such as loyalty to the public case, the desire for a better future and propaganda of the struggle for it, patriotism, principle, courage, diligence. Trofimov, despite its 26 or 27 years old, has a big and heavy life experience by shoulders. It has already been excluded from the university twice. He has no confidence that he will not be excluded for the third time and that he will not remain a "eternal student."
    Testing and hunger, and need, and political persecution, he did not lose faith in a new life, which will be founded on fair, humane laws and creative creative work. Peter Trofimov sees the failure of the nobility, mired in idleness and inaction. He gives a largely correct assessment of the bourgeoisie, noting its progressive role in the economic development of the country, but refusing to her in the role of the Creator and the Creator of a new life. In general, his statements are distinguished by direct and sincerity. With a sympathy, belonging to the blades, he nevertheless compares him with a predatory beast, "who eats everything that comes across on the way." In his opinion, the blades are not able to resolutely change the life, building it on a reasonable and fair principles. Petya causes deep meditation from the Lopakhina, who in the soul jealous of the conviction of this "smear Barin", which he himself is so lacking.
    Thoughts of Trofimova about the future are too foggy and abstract. "We go uncontrollable to a bright star, which burns there away!" - He says ane. Yes, his goal is beautiful. But how to achieve it? Where is the main force that can turn Russia into a flowering garden?
    Some belong to the pave with light irony, others with undisguised love. In his speeches, a direct condemnation of the dying life is heard, calling for a new one: "Doyut. I will go or point to another way, how to get. " And indicates. Indicates his ane, which he loves hotly, although it skillfully hides it, realizing that he was intended to be another way. He tells her: "If you have the keys from the farm, then throw them into the well and go. Be free as the wind. "
    In the underworld and "Brown Barina" (how Ironically, Trofimova, Varya, Ironically, there is no strength and business grip of the blades. He encourages his life, steeply postponing her blows, but it is not able to master it and become the master of his fate. True, he fascinated by his democratic ideas Anya, who expresses his willingness to follow him, is holy believing in a beautiful dream of a new blooming garden. But this young seventeen-year-old girl who has surrendered information about life mostly from books, clean, naive and immediately, has not yet come across a reality.
    Anya is full of hope, vitality, but there is still so much inexperience and childhood. According to the character's warehouse, it is largely close to the mother: it nourishes love for a beautiful word, to sensitive intonations. At the beginning of the play, Anya Burefin, quickly moves from concern to revival. Almost she is helpless, used to live carelessly, not thinking about the urgent bread, about tomorrow. But all this does not prevent an ane to break with her familiar looks and vital construction. Her evolution takes place in our eyes. New looks of Ani are still naive, but she is forever forgive with the old house and the old world.
    It is not known whether she is enough spiritual forces, durability and courage to pass the path of suffering, labor and deprivation to the end. Will it be able to keep the hot faith in the best that makes her without regretful to say goodbye to the old life? These questions of Chekhov does not give an answer. And it is natural. After all, you can only talk about the future allegedly.


    Life truth in all its sequence and completeness - that's what the Chekhov was guided by creating their images. That is why each character of his plays is a living human character that attracts a huge meaning and deep emotionality that repulses its naturalness, the warmth of human feelings.
    According to its immediate emotional effects of Czechs, it is hardly the most outstanding playwright in the art of critical realism.
    Dramaturgia Chekhov, who responded to current issues of his time, addressed to everyday interests, experiences and unrest of ordinary people, walked the spirit of protest against the cosiness and routine, called to social activity to improve life. Therefore, she always provided a huge influence on readers and audience. The meaning of Chekhov playwright has long been outside our homeland, it has become the world. The dramatic innovation of Chekhov is widely recognized abroad by our Great Motherland. I am proud that Anton Pavlovich is a Russian writer, and no matter how different Master of Culture, they probably agree that the Chekhov prepared the world to the best of life, more beautiful, more just, more reasonable.
    If Chekhov looked out with hope in the 20th century, which just began, then we live in the new XXI century, we still dream about your Cherry Garden and about those who grow it. Flowering trees can not grow without roots. And the roots are the past and present. Therefore, that a wonderful dream becomes a young generation must combine high culture, education with practical knowledge of reality, will, perseverance, hard work, humane goals, that is, to embody the best features of Chekhov's heroes.


    1. The history of Russian literature The second half of the XIX century / Ed. prof. N.I. Kravtsova. Publisher: Enlightenment - Moscow 1966.
    2. Examination questions and answers. Literature. 9 and 11 graduation classes. Tutorial. - M.: Ast - Press, 2000.
    3. A. A. Egorova. How to write an essay on "5". Tutorial. Rostovnadon, "Phoenix", 2001.
    4. Chekhov A.P. Stories. Pieces. - M.: Olympus; LLC "Firm" Publisher AST, 1998.