Rite of passage with ribbons to remove negativity from your life line. Effective sex drive and bed conspiracies

Rite of passage with ribbons to remove negativity from your life line.  Effective sex drive and bed conspiracies
Rite of passage with ribbons to remove negativity from your life line. Effective sex drive and bed conspiracies

Current page: 7 (the book has 11 pages in total) [available passage for reading: 8 pages]

Evening protective conspiracy for home and family

It is best to create a conspiracy in the evening, when all your household has gone to bed. Light a candle, sit in front of it and say:

Get away, O devil, from the temple and from this house, from the doors and from all four corners. You, the devil, have no part and part, no place and peace. Here is the cross of the Lord, the Mother of Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint Peter, the holy evangelists: John, Luke, Mark, Matthew, the holy archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. The powers of heaven are here, and the holy cherubs and seraphims, Saint Michael is now all over the universe, along these shelves are held by Saint Peter, holding a club, here is the Nativity of the Forerunner, here for you, the devil, there is no part and part, place and peace. Do not do nasty things, to the devil, to the whole place, and to the house, and to the person, and to all the servants of God, run away from here to hell, where is your real home, and there you can find yourself. My word is strong, like a stone. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Walk around the house with a candle in hand.

Evening conspiracy, cleansing from black witchcraft

Before going to bed, say to the water:

I will become blessed, I will cross myself. In an open field, blue sea, blue sea - a blue stone. A girl sits on this stone, speaks: "All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant of God (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart." In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then wash with this water, spray the tips of your toes. Drain the water and go to bed right away, and don't talk to anyone!

Evening conspiracy from theft

If the next day you are going to go somewhere with a large amount of money - for shopping, for example, then take care of their safety the night before. As you go to bed, cross yourself three times and read the conspiracy nine times:

The servant of God (name) goes to bed, the bone is baptized, the place is sacred, the cross is with me, the cross is in front of me, an angel comes with me. Amen, amen.

Evening protective conspiracy from thieves and envious people

Before going to bed, mentally imagine a person whom you suspect of bad intentions and, holding this image in front of your inner gaze, slowly say the following words:

I will become blessed, I will cross myself from the hut with doors, from the gates with gates to a wide street, into a clear field, to the east and to the east. In the east, on the east side, stands the Most Holy Church of God with three corners, three thrones. Just as no one can move this church from place to place, rearrange it, so the servant of God (the name of the one you think) could not poison, spoil the servant of God (name). Whoever thinks about the servant of God (name) dashingly, does evil, that needles in the eyelashes, tar on the tongue, grits on the teeth, salt in the eye. Amen.

Evening conspiracy for all luck and protection from theft

In the evening before going to bed, take a sharp knife, cut the bread and say:

The servant of God (name) has the sun in front of his eyes, a month behind his shoulders, the stars all look at him. The servant of God (name) will tie up with an asterisk, he will not be afraid of anything. Stand up to the rescue, the whole holy parable, so that the enemies could neither raise their heads nor say bad words about me. Gray poppy, roll out - all enemies, disperse.

Sprinkle one piece of spoken bread with salt and eat it with clean water.

Evening conspiracy from gloomy thoughts and insomnia

Money comes only to those who are in excellent spirits. But what cheerfulness and cheerfulness without a good rest? If insomnia torments you, heavy thoughts deprive you of peace and sleep, get rid of them with such a conspiracy. During the week before bed, read three times:

Mouse-toy, you made fun of the servant of God (name). I, the servant of God (name), will laugh at you. Take a hatchet, and a knife, and a stick, and work all night. Do not sleep and let the servant of God sleep. And be, my words, strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go to bed and try not to think about anything.

Evening conspiracy from bad mood and causeless melancholy

Money comes easily to those who have light in their souls and peace.

If you are overwhelmed by gloomy thoughts and haunt you, in the evening before going to bed, draw a cross on your pillow with your finger and say three times:

I will send the melancholy, heavy grief over the dark forests, over the blue seas, over the high mountains, over the stretching swamps, over the viscous mud. And now go, live, my words, beyond the dark forests, beyond the blue seas, beyond the high mountains, beyond the rolling swamps, beyond the viscous mud.

In the morning, when you wake up, you will feel a surge of strength and vivacity.

Rite of passage for sleep, which gives protection from lack of money

To protect yourself from theft and loss of acquired property, to save your savings, how to go to sleep, cross yourself and say the following words three times:

I go to bed, servant of God (name), to sleep under the seal of Christ, the Mother of God castle; and the enemy is Satan, get rid of me! Three sheets are written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and a friend of Christ, Ivan Bogulov. I go to bed with Christ, baptized with the cross. The cross is on me and the cross is in front of me, the cross is an angel with me. The cross is the keeper, the cross is the savior and the cross is the church beauty and the cross is the deliverer from demons, and the defender from poverty. Glory to the angels. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Evening conspiracy before a major purchase

If you are going to make a large purchase, this conspiracy should be read in the evening before going to bed, and in the morning before leaving the house, just change the beginning a little (instead of “ I go to bed", Say" I get up from the bed»).

I will go praying, I will cross myself from the gate to the door, to the big street, under the seal of Christ, the enemy is Satan, pump me out! Three sheets are written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and a friend of Christ, Ivan Bogulov. I go to bed with Christ, baptized with the cross. The cross is on me and the cross is in front of me, the cross is an angel with me. The cross is the keeper, the cross is the savior and the cross is the church beauty and the cross is the deliverer from demons, and the defender from poverty. Glory to the angels. Now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to sleep from damage

Three hours before bedtime, do not eat anything, before bedtime, drink three sips of holy water and go to bed. Cross yourself and say:

The servant of God (name) went to sleep under the seal of Christ, the Mother of God castle; and the enemy is Satan, get rid of me! Three sheets are written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and a friend of Christ, Ivan Bogulov. I go to bed with Christ, baptized with the cross. The cross is on me and the cross is in front of me, the cross is an angel with me. The cross is the keeper, the cross is the savior and the cross is the church beauty and the cross is the deliverer from demons. Glory to the angels. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Protective ritual from evil people before any meeting

This conspiracy will reliably protect you from unkind people, so if you have to meet with strangers, be sure to read it.

After brushing, collect a few hairs from the comb and say:

Nobody's spinning my hair, nobody's scratching my fingernails, nobody's taking out my trace, luck won't leave me. Whoever encroaches on mine, the thunder will rumble and the thunder will break, the eyelids will lie in a layer and tremble like a dog. Amen.

Conspiracy on a good road

In the old days, this conspiracy helped travelers protect themselves from evil forces on the road. And today he will help you: he will save you on the way (far or near), will not let the dark forces disrupt your plans.

Read it before leaving home:

I will go out praying, I will cross myself on the way-road. The Lord himself is ahead of me, Jesus Christ is behind me, three hundred angels are above me, four hundred archangels are behind me. Our Lord Almighty, bless me, the servant of God (name) on the way, so that it was easy for me to walk, to return to my home at dark. Amen.

Protective conspiracy before leaving the house

They read the conspiracy, standing on the doorstep. You need to turn around yourself three times and say:

Holy Father Nicholas! Take the key to paradise, close your eyes to the villain, hands, feet, paths, roads. And you, holy Mary, cover me with your dark Holy robe from all hated people. Amen, amen, amen.

A conspiracy to remove the evil eye, which is read twice a week - on Wednesday and Friday

This conspiracy can only be used on certain days, namely Wednesday and Friday. Before pronouncing it, you should not use foul language, drink alcohol or visit entertainment establishments for a week.

You need to pronounce the conspiracy in a whisper immediately after waking up:

From the oncoming-cross-dashing person, have mercy, Lord, Thy servant (name), from the black, evil person, from the red-haired, enviable, ugly, near-haired, from the harsh eye, from the blue, from the black. As the dawn rose and died out, so from the servant of God (name) all ailments and spoilage would come out and go out. As fire knocks out a stone from a damask steel, from a blue structure, so it would knock out and knock out all ailments and damage from the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy from scammers and dishonest people

Tikhon the Monk, John the Baptist, John Chrysostom, John the Faster, and all the power of heaven, put an iron fence around the servant of God (name) so that he would not be jinxed, bewitched, not seen, or heard. Till the end of time. Amen.

This conspiracy must be repeated three days in the morning and in the evening.

Protective conspiracy on the road

If you have a long journey, and you need to carry a large amount of money with you, read three times before leaving the house:

My angel, my archangel, my savior, save me, save my soul, hold my heart together. Enemy Satan, deny me I have three sheets, all written, the first sheet is Jesus Christ himself, and the other sheet is Mother Theotokos, the third sheet is Michael the Archangel, gracious father. I call him to myself, I withdraw the enemy from myself. I will get up with the cross, I will go with the cross, I will lie down with the cross. Amen.

Conspiracy house. How to talk about household items and food so that they bring money into the house

There are also the simplest things in our house that initially carry a secret meaning, energy. For example, gold or silver jewelry carries the power of gold or silver - this is a monetary, material Power, and a simple bell with its ringing attracts wealth into the house, and porridge will provide your home with abundance not only in food. To know, to be able to buy correctly, bring a monetary thing into your house, and then say a conspiracy over it is great wisdom. The power of such things does not dry out, and affects everyone who lives or even often happens in the house. Therefore, sometimes, even just by going into the house of the healer, you can leave there as a rich man.

Magic items that attract money and prosperity to the house

Now I will teach you what things to buy and how to bring them into the house.

Any decorations

It is good if they are made of precious metals. They have power, from the very Earth, from which such a metal was born, there is energy that is put by people who have touched the metal, who appreciated it.


They carry the energy of water and home. They guard the house, make it whole. This means that no evil will enter the house, and the good will not leave the house. Place the seashells on the windowsill or under the doorstep, and you will not be afraid of thieves and crooks.

Red satin ribbons

Red, like fire, has its own energy. The atlas only emphasizes the relationship with fire. Fire has already been discussed in this book. He gives strength to all material endeavors. The red ribbon in your home will do the same job.

Bells or little bells

The metallic ringing they make picks up the wave of money, which means it lures them in. Bell ringing cleans and heals any disease. But he does it in a special way.

If we imagine our body in the form of a certain structure, where any disease or trouble (lack of money and poverty, including) is a breakdown, then the bell ringing acts like a master who fixes all breakdowns.

Therefore, it is useful to hang a bell in the house both for those who are sick and for those who need money.

How to bring magic items to your homeDecorations

It is better to choose gold or silver jewelry "musical", with many pendants or chains. These items (earrings, bracelets, necklaces) will emit a melodic ringing that will attract money.


Rinse the shells brought from the seashore or the river with clean running water and pour into a ceramic bowl. Place it on your desk or bookshelf. Remember to periodically rinse the shells with water to prevent dust from accumulating on them.


Tie the red satin ribbons with a bow and pin on the calendar or put in your purse and carry with you, for example, in your wallet.


Small bells or bells are best hung near the front door, so that they chime periodically.

* * *

The conspiracy acts in a special way on objects. He kind of opens your thing, like a key - a locked chest. And the power that is in this thing will be released by the conspiracy to freedom, will begin to act.

Now I give you special conspiracies for things - for those that were discussed, and for various others.

Conspiracy gold and silver

Take a silver and gold object (jewelry, coin), put it on your right palm, cover it with your left and whisper:

As the gold-silver is pure and round, everyone dawns and stares at it and does not take their eyes off. So I, the servant of God (name), look, and say: so that all my life I can look at my gold and silver, keep it in my pocket and in my purse. So that I have enough of it. Amen.

Hide the spoken objects in a secluded place and store for exactly one year.

Golden talisman for success in business and prosperity

Find a gold piece of jewelry or a coin at home, hold it in your fist, bring it to your mouth and whisper:

I will become, servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself. I will go out of doors to doors, from gates to gates, I will go out into an open field. In an open field, a golden stone lies, on that stone a golden bird sits. Her feathers are gold, her wings are gold, her tail is gold and her nose is gold. She rakes off gold with her feet, plows her wings, waves her tail off. I will ask and I will pray for the golden bird, so that I, the servant of God (name), count and sort out the gold, so that I can always be cheerful and in abundance. Amen.

Wrap the spoken gold in a scarf and tie it with red thread. Carry it in a side shirt pocket or in a special pouch around your neck. In no case do not show your talisman to anyone and do not tell anyone about it. Moreover, never use it as decoration. Carry the talisman with you for a year, and after a year, hide it in a secret place.

Gold jewelry conspiracy

Put a gold jewelry in a basin for washing, fill it with cold water, wash your face with this water and say:

I will go out, servant of God, in a purely distant field, to the blue sea, to the throne of the Lord. I will take the golden keys on the throne, I will pray and bow to the Mother of God, I will humble myself to that Mother of God. I will open all rivers and small stitches with those golden keys. Wash my body is white, my heart is zealous, my eyes are clear, my lips are sugar. Drain, water, from the white of the body, from the zeal of the heart, from clear eyes, from sugar mouths. Only my gold will remain with me, and will arrive, and will multiply. Key, lock, amen.

Wear the jewelry without removing it for a whole month.

Protective charm for the house made of beads

This amulet-amulet will attract the Power of money and prosperity to the house and will help to protect yourself from all evil.

Take a small canvas pouch. Put in it a few buttons, beads, a small ball of woolen thread (preferably not dyed), a satin ribbon and a coin (preferably silver). Then tie the bag tightly and hide it in a secluded place, saying:

I will put my wealth-wealth in a far corner, lock it with a strong lock. How can I protect my good, I will guard more than my eyes. Let my house be full of barns, full of storerooms. I will never know any sorrow, no thinness, no misfortune, no flammable tears. My words are eternal strength.

Keep the bag until the New Year, and then it should be removed from the cache and "disassembled". Such a charm can be made every year, adding one bead and one coin each time.

A conspiracy for decoration, so that there is good luck at work

Take some piece of jewelry that you often wear. Bring three handfuls of clean, dry sand from a riverbank or forest. Put it in a clay bowl and bury your jewelry. Put your left hand on top of the sand and read the plot:

From door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into an open field. There is the Bošovińska Mountain. On the Bošoviński mountain - the cypress tree. Jesus Christ (for women - Mother Queen Heavenly Mother of God), help and help the servant of God (name). Give me in good luck, in work profit, preserve prosperity and teach me wits ”.

Leave the decoration in the sand overnight. In the morning, spread the sand in the wind, and put on the jewelry and do not remove it for three days.

Ring conspiracy for good relations with bosses (when applying for a job, for fast growth and a good salary)

Take a ring or chain made of silver. Bring clean dry sand from the river or forest. Spread the sand on a white handkerchief on a full moon night and place it on the windowsill. In the morning, put your jewelry in the sand and tie it in a knot on a scarf. With the bundle in hand, say:

I’ll go to the forest, but I’m not small and not old. I'll dress up, show myself to the owner. I will be nice to him, but I will not be hateful. He will surprise me, be touched, and smile. Lord, accompany me, take away trouble, and reward with good.

For a day, put the bundle in a dark place, put on the jewelry in the morning and wear it for a week without removing it. During this time, try to meet with the boss at least three times.

Money conspiracy ritual on the ring

Any jewelry made of noble metal can become a money talisman, your "magic wand", fulfilling wishes. Take a gold ring and a glass of clean cold water in your hands. Pour water through the ring and speak quickly (the main task is to have time to say all the words while the water is pouring):

I will get up and cross myself, I will go blessed. I will stand on the red porch, I will look at the blue sea, the green field. In that green field, the blacksmith forges, he carves golden sabers, the servant of God (name) wails, all the slander, all the ghosts, all the windbreaks, with all his heart, from all intentions, from the hands, from the legs, from the violent head, from the zealous heart, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Be sure to wear the spoken ring or keep it with you.

Conspiracy on the ring, to preserve the good and prosperity in the house

On the last day of the lunar month, take any ring (from any precious metal). Hold the ring in your right hand, and in your left hold a lighted church candle. Pass it through the ring nine times. In this case, sentence:

The month is over, my deeds are a crown, am I, a servant of God (name), not a daring one, am I not a fine fellow. The ring has no end, so my wealth has no end. Amen.

Wait for the candle to completely burn out. Hide the ring and do not take it out for a whole month.

Conspiracy on a red ribbon for prosperity and wealth

In the morning, say these words into a ribbon, which should then be worn best on the head.

I will get up, servant of God (name), in the morning, blessing, I will wash the morning dawn and evening, drown myself with white light; in the forehead the sun bakes red, in the back of the head a bright month, frequent small stars scatter through the hair. I will go from door to door, from the hallway to the hallway, from the gate to the gate, I will go out into an open field, I will stand on four growths, I will face the east, the ridge to the west. In the east, the true Christ shines, on the blue sea - a white stone, on a white stone - a white man, in a white dress, light George the Brave. As I ask Georgiy for the brave protection and help. And he will give me a cover forever and ever, protect me from harm, from hunger and cold, from a fierce cold, from burning tears, from poverty. To live in abundance for me forever and ever.

Tie the ribbon immediately and do not remove it all day.

Simple Satin Ribbon Money Amulet

Write this plot on paper and insert the folded piece of paper into the bundle of satin ribbon. Be sure to take this amulet with you to important meetings and negotiations, or if you have to participate in litigation or court proceedings.

Trouble and anxiety, run along the road. In an open field, there are oak tables, on the tables are old tablecloths. You eat, you feast, you rejoice. I am not trying to persuade you myself, I call the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, help, help persuade to establish the true path. To this day, to this hour, according to my judgment.

Shell money conspiracy

Speak on a shell like this:

I will go out praying, I will cross myself, from gate to gate into a wide street. It’s like there’s a big house on that street, and there’s a light in the windows. There is a feast in the house. So I, the servant of God (name), go to that house to feast, but know my business. So that I save money, multiply, but not waste in vain. To my words a key and a lock.

Keep the shell in the house.

Today, many resort to using various methods of fighting the evil eye and damage. One of the main and time-tested ways is to speak a red thread. A very important point is that you cannot just tie on a thread and read certain phrases, you need to be completely immersed in this process and take everything very seriously!

A red string conspiracy is one of the most effective ways to combat enemy attacks. The methods described below are 100% likely to help you get rid of damage or evil eye.

There are a considerable number of conspiracies on the red thread, but we have selected for you the exceptionally correct options, which you will read about below.

How to read correctly

In order for the red thread to act as a protective amulet, it is tied around the hand in seven knots, saying the following prayer:

“Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, Father, the Savior of the world Jesus Christ, all, all saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The amulet will become especially strong if you do not tie it yourself, but a person who wishes you well.

Prayers and conspiracies on a red thread - the history of the amulet and its purpose

The red thread is a powerful talisman against the evil eye and any negativity. This talisman goes back to the kabbalistic tradition that has now taken root all over the world.
The roots of the conspiracy on the red thread follows:

  • search in Israel
  • at the tomb of the biblical foremother Rachel.

Her grave was tied around the very same woolen thread. The sacred books say that Rachel devoted her whole life to protecting humanity. Kabbalists believe that she is the mother of the whole world.

The red thread on the wrists of people in our time began to flicker more and more often. Many stars of show business, famous personalities, who are often in public, also use it to protect themselves. I myself saw a red thread on the blog of a celebrity.

It is believed that a red thread tied around the wrist protects not only from the evil and envy of others, but also suppresses any negative inside the person who wears this amulet.

  • The thread should be tied only on the left wrist... This condition is not quite accidental:
  • according to the beliefs of the adherents of Kabbalah, the left side of a person's body is the receiving one,
  • therefore, through her, that invisible connection with the protective energy emanating from the tomb of Rachel is established.

In addition, the left side is considered the most vulnerable to any evil, and the red thread tied around the wrist creates a kind of invisible protective cover.

Which thread should you use? Can you do it alone?

The ball from which the thread is taken must necessarily be new and made of natural wool - it is better to specially purchase it for these purposes (believe me, it will serve you for a long time).

It is believed that threads made in Jerusalem have the strongest energy. "Homemade" red threads almost never work, because they have no energy charge.

If possible, by all means buy them or order someone. Personally, I ordered a thread on the website of a large company from Israel for a symbolic price, here link to order by mail.

In traditional ritual, the red thread should be tied to 7 nodules, and you cannot do it yourself.

It is necessary that a close person, who loves you and definitely does not want any harm, should be tied around your wrist (often this is entrusted to mothers).

In the process of tying, the prayer "Ana Bekoah" is said. Another traditional Kabbalistic prayer for tying is Ben Porat.

Over time and in the Christian tradition, several conspiracies and prayers appeared, used during the creation of a talisman from a red woolen thread. Moreover, it is allowed to carry out a ritual and read magic words independently. Some of these prayers will be listed below.

The condition of the thread tied around the wrist can tell a lot.

  • If you've recently put it on and already looks noticeably frayed, you are more likely to say that you are being negatively impacted.
  • The amulet takes on the entire blow of negative energy and therefore wears out quickly.

It also often happens that the thread suddenly breaks. This is evidence that the talisman has taken a big trouble away from you. If this happens, be sure to tie yourself a new thread and speak it. Be sure to thank the old one, rinse it with holy water (to wash away all the negative and your energy imprint from it) and throw it away, or better yet, burn it.



The plot below is an adapted translation of the Ben Porat prayer. When tying the thread on the left wrist, you need to make 7 knots by reading the magic words above each knot. Prayer text:

“As the fish on the earth are covered with water, and the eye of evil power over them has no power, so also the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet that which does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye ”.

For the utterance of relatives

This conspiracy is also an adapted translation, this time - the prayer "Ana Bekoah". First 7 lines:

Strong ritual for 3 months

The service life of such a conspiracy is 3 months, after which the talisman must be changed to a new one. The ritual is performed on its own, alone, on 12-15 lunar days(one of these days). For the ceremony, you need to prepare in advance red thread and 3 wax candles... Procedure:

  • Place the candles in front of you and light.
  • Squeeze the thread in a fist, hold it over the flame of the candles: over each one 3 times, moving clockwise. Also, read the magic conspiracy above each candle:

“As you are sanctified by fire, so I am protected from corruption and the evil eye. I cannot become a victim of an unclean thing; I cannot fall from a bad word. Amen!"

  • just run a thread over each candle and read the plot 3 times, make 3 knots on it - one in the center and two on the sides.
  • After that, tie a charm on your left wrist and wear it boldly.

One more way

You can do it yourself, or ask someone close to you. A mother can make such a charm for her child.

On a woolen thread, you need to make 9 knots at the same distance from each other. As you tie, pronounce a conspiracy over each:

“Protect, amulet, from inevitable disaster, creeping ailments, from the enemy of the podzaborny and rebellious demon. Become a strong wall around, a high mountain. Lock yourself with nine keys, nine locks. My word is strong, no one interrupts it. Amen!"

Wear a charm on the wrist of the left hand.


Red thread on the wrist - a prayer for a conspiracy

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Father Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, all-all holy saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you have diagnosed damage, then a small talisman will be able to cleanse you of it. To do this, tying a thread on yourself, you need to whisper:

The servant of God (name) is healed, theologizing, from the Holy Spirit, the seal of the Khrestov, Spasovaya hand, the Mother of God. The cross is over me, the cross is in front of me, be you, the enemy, cursed, chased through the earth into obscene pits, empty gaps. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving cross, the Father in progress. I ask for your mercy. Amen.

How to tie a red thread correctly

This method of conjuring a charm is rare. However, its effectiveness does not decrease from this. In order to prepare a talisman, you need:

  • take a woolen red thread and tie exactly nine knots on it.
  • They should be at an equal distance from each other.
  • As you tie each new knot, whisper:

Amulet, amulet, protect from inevitable misfortune, creeping ailment, a podzaborny enemy, a rebellious demon. stand around a strong wall, a high mountain. Lock yourself with nine locks, nine keys. my word is strong, no one can interrupt it. As he said, so it became.

After all the words have been said, the thread should be tied around the left wrist. The ritual can be performed both by you personally and by a person you believe: a close relative; friend.

This ritual is especially effective if the mother wants to protect her child from the evil eye. She can carry out the ritual herself, and then she will just need to hang the thread on the handle for the baby.

A conspiracy on a red thread - strong protection

In order for the thread to really serve you for a long time and be reliable protection, you can speak it in this way. It is used by magicians who are often subjected to various magical attacks. Such an amulet will be able to serve for about 3 months, after which a new thread should be spoken again. For the ritual:

  • stay at home alone.
  • It is advisable to perform the ceremony on 12-15 lunar days.
  • You should place three wax candles in front of you and light them.
  • Then squeeze the future amulet in a fist and slide over the flame of each of the candles three times clockwise.
  • Above each candle, say a conspiracy:

As you are sanctified by fire, so I am protected from the evil eye and damage. Do not become me a victim of the unclean, do not fall for me a bad word. Amen.

After the thread has been chanted the number of times, you should tie three knots on it: 2 on the sides and one in the middle. Now you can safely wear the amulet and not be afraid that you may become a victim of witchcraft.

An amulet against the evil eye and damage. Holy water is often used in rituals of cleansing people from damage, but it is also used no less often to protect and prepare various amulets. To speak the talisman in a very strong way, take:

  1. container with holy water;
  2. a wax church candle;
  3. red woolen thread.
  4. church wax candle red woolen thread container with holy water First of all, light a candle and read the prayer "Our Father" over the thread:

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. After that, lower the future amulet into the consecrated water and say: Tied with threads, tied with blood, my soul will be my protection, and my thoughts will become actions. I will tie myself with this thread, I will disappear from the eyes of evil. Do not be a victim of someone else's evil. May it be so. Amen.

This conspiracy in itself is strong, but if you want to increase its properties, then use another protective amulet - a pin.

Together with these talismans, no otherworldly force or black sorcerer will be afraid of you.

The strongest rite

Since the tradition of tying a red thread on the hand is a rite from Kabbalah, the most powerful conspiracy can be considered the one used by Kabbalists. This is Ben Porat's prayer. It looks like this:

As fish on earth are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet that which does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.

This is an adapted translation. If you wish to read it in the original, here is the transcription in Russian letters:

Ben Porat Yosef Ben Porat Alay Ain Banot Tsaada Alay Shur Ammalah Agoel Oti Mikol Ra Yewareh Et Annarim Vayikare Baem Shemi Veshem Avotai Avraham VeYitskhak Weyidgu Lyarov Bekerev Aarets.

After the prayer has been read 7 times over each of the knots that are tied with a thread, the amulet can be worn. They put it on only on the left hand. Kabbalists believe that the left half of the body is most susceptible to attacks of negative energy. And it is she who needs more protection. So, if you have such a thread on your left wrist, no evil force can influence you.

Protection with a thread for relatives

This ritual is performed not by the person who will wear the talisman, but by a member of his family. Sometimes it is even allowed to perform a ceremony for someone who is not your blood relative.

The main thing is that this person loves you and wants only the best. The plot consists of eight lines.

The first 7 are pronounced while the person ties seven knots on the thread, one line is read for each knot:

Ana Bekoah, Gdulat Yaminha, Tatir Tsrura. Cable Rinat, Amha Sagwen, Taaren Nora. On Gibor, Dorshey Yehudha, Kabavat Shomram. Barham Taarem, Rahamey Tsidkadha, Tamid Gomlam. Hasin Kadosh, Beruv Tuvkha, Nael Adateha. Yakhid Gee, Leamkha P'ne, Zokhrey Kdushatekha. Shav'atenu Kabel, Ushma Tsaakatenu, Yodea Taalumot.

After that, the amulet is put on a person and they say:

Baruch shem kvod malkuto leolam vaed.

It is believed that after these words, a person remains under an invisible veil that protects him from evil forces. The amulet is valid while it is on his left hand.

What if the thread breaks? You can determine whether you are negatively affected by paying attention to the condition of the thread.

  • If you put it on quite recently, and it already looks pretty shabby, then this suggests that someone regularly tries to harm you.
  • If the thread suddenly breaks, then this is a sign. They tried to spoil you, but the amulet took the whole blow on itself.
  • If this happens, you definitely need to speak a new talisman and perform a ceremony that will tell you exactly who caused the damage.

Be sure to rinse the used amulet under consecrated water.

This is necessary in order not only to wash away all the negativity, but also to sever her connection with you, to erase information about energy. After the work done, the used amulet can be thrown away. To be less negatively affected, don't stand out. Those. it is advisable not to show your amulet to anyone.

For many sorcerers, a red thread is a sign that screams that the victim is weak enough and often succumbs to negative influences. This means that this prey can be obtained very easily. How to hide a thread on your hand, especially in summer? It is worn on the left hand, like a watch. The amulet will not be visible under their strap. The same can be done not only with a watch, but also with a bracelet, for example.

In general, a conspiracy on a red thread will help get rid of negative influences and protect you and your loved ones for a long time from witchcraft misfortunes that can be committed by your enemies. This is a pretty strong amulet available to everyone.


The conspiracy on a red thread for weight loss read at home

To carry out a conspiracy on a red thread for weight loss, you need to buy new scissors, respectively, a red woolen thread and matches. Measure the thread and twist it during the zero moon period around the wrist in 3 turns, while pronouncing the words:

“I'm tightening the thread, I'm talking about obesity. Let the pork fat go back. Let the obesity go away. Let the pigs take him, and let the crows drive wedges in my mouth. So that I didn't want to eat, and quickly lost weight. As I say, it will happen. Amen".

The red thread must be worn for a full monthly cycle, at the end of which it must be cut off and set on fire with new matches. Collect the ashes that remain from the thread and bury them near the oak. In the same place, leave new scissors with matches in the ground.

Conspiracy on a red thread for a child

Red woolen thread is used to protect the child and serves as a talisman or amulet. She needs to be tied around the wrist of the child and say the following words of the conspiracy:

It should be explained to the child that such a thread cannot be removed, much less torn. It should be on the hand until it breaks itself. After, you can carry out such a ceremony again.

Talk about money and wealth

Before starting the ritual, you need:

Read the prayer "Our Father" to yourself.

Ask your rich and successful friend to tie a red woolen thread, previously purchased on your own, on his left hand. When the knots are already being tied, it is necessary to say the following words to yourself:

"I attract money and increase my income ... (number) times."

These words must be pronounced for each newly made knot. When the very last knot is tied, you should say, again to yourself:

"It is done. May it be so".

After the ritual, you need to wholeheartedly thank the person who tied the thread and thus shared his success in attracting material wealth.

Speak to desire

One of the most effective and efficient talismans and amulets is a red woolen thread. Thanks to the power of the conspiracy, she is able to fulfill the wishes of the person who wears it.

You need to start talking the red thread for desire on the holiday of Anastasia the Patterner, which is celebrated on January 4. First you need to buy a new thread, measure the distance from the middle finger to the elbow, cut it off. Then he would retire, concentrate and start wrapping his wrist, with each new circle saying what desire should come true.

Plot on red woolen thread when stretched

Traditional medicine is teeming with all such methods of treating bruises and sprains as the spell of a red woolen thread. To do this, you need to bandage your wrist three times with red thread, saying the following words:

“I am correcting and restoring. And I strengthen it three times. Amen. Amen. Amen"

The words must be said as many times as the turns of the red woolen thread are made.


Speak the thread with candles

To complete this conspiracy, you will need:

  1. woolen red thread
  2. three church candles.

The ritual is best performed on the 12 lunar day, after sunset and all alone. Firmly squeeze the thread in the palm of your left hand and gently slide this hand over the flame of three candles clockwise three times. In this case, you need to hold your hand so that you feel the heat of the candles, but it does not cause you much discomfort. In the process, you must read the following words:

“As this thread is illuminated by fire, so my life is protected from the evil eye! Amen!"

The words must be pronounced during each rotation of the hand around the candles, that is, three times. Then you need to tie three knots on the threads: two at the edges and one in the center. Then you tie a thread on your left hand and wear it for exactly 3 months. After this time, the ritual must be repeated.

Use holy water

To complete the second version of the conspiracy, you will need:

  1. woolen red thread
  2. glass of holy water
  3. one church candle.

The conspiracy is best performed on the day of the new moon in accordance with the lunar calendar. On the night of the new moon, turn off the lights in the house, light a candle and dip the thread in a glass of holy water. While the thread is in the glass, whisper the following words:

"As a thread feeds on holy energy, so life (name) is transformed."

After reading the plot, remove the thread from the water and carefully dry the candles over the fire, saying the following words:

"As a thread of fire is fed with energy, so life (name) is transformed."

Then tie nine knots on the thread at about the same distance from each other, whisper as you tie the knots:

“I knit knots, I knit good for myself. As the sakazal, so it will be. Amen!"

Tie a thread around your left arm and wear as much as you see fit. This amulet will not only protect you from negative influences from the outside, but also will not allow your negative emotions to go out into the world around you.

The red thread is broken, what should I do?

If you recently began to wear a charmed thread, and it already looks as if you have carried it for a year, this is a sign that you are constantly being negatively influenced. " evil eye».

  • In this case, pay attention to your surroundings, especially those people who often express dissatisfaction or aggression towards you.
  • If the thread broke unexpectedly, then this is a sure sign that there was an attempt to put the strongest damage on you, but the conspiracy red thread took over all the negative. Thus, she saved you from dire consequences.

The torn thread must first be rinsed under running water in order to wash off all the energy information about the person who wore it, and then bury it in the ground. Be sure to speak up and tie yourself another red thread. And try to avoid contact with the person who tried to spoil you.


Love ritual

Red woolen thread is used not only as a talisman for tying on the left wrist, but also in other rituals. There is a ceremony to attract a man you like. It is the red thread that is used, as this color is associated with love.

  • You need to take a thread whose length should be about 20 cm.
  • It is worth starting to read the conspiracy after midnight alone and in silence.
  • The thread must be wound around the index and thumb so that the figure eight is visually obtained, which symbolizes infinity.

When tying a thread, the following words should be said:

“I tie the thread - I tie you to me. As two fingers are connected by it, so we will become inseparable. As the thread is strong and red, so your love will be strong and bright. The sun will rise - your love for me will flare up. Amen".

After that, the thread must be removed, but it is important not to unravel it in order to maintain the shape of the figure eight. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. When the object of adoration begins to show signs of attention, the thread should be transferred to a secret place.

Ritual on the wrist

The ritual must be performed alone on any day between the 12th and 15th lunar days.

  • For the ceremony, prepare a red thread and three wax candles.
  • Place the candles in front of you and light them.
  • Squeeze the thread in a fist and pass it over the flame of each candle, making three clockwise circles. It is important to read the conspiracy on the red thread above each candle:

“As you are sanctified by fire, so I am protected from damage and the evil eye. I cannot become a victim of an unclean thing; I cannot fall from a bad word. Amen!"

Make 3 knots on the thread, with one in the center and the other two at the edges. It remains only to tie it on the left hand. Such a talisman is valid for 3 months, and then a new one must be made.

Child protection

Women often use red thread to protect their child from disease and everything dashing. A red thread is tied around the child's wrist, reciting the following prayer:

“I take off with redness, I protect from the evil eye. The circle is protective, the circle is red. From evil and dashing, from hatred and envy. Protects children, returns them back. "

If the child is too small, you should explain to him that the thread should not be torn and removed. The talisman is worn until it becomes unusable. When the thread breaks, you can repeat the protective ritual.

Raise money and wealth

Today, a red thread can be seen on the wrists of many public people. And all because the scarlet thread is a powerful talisman that attracts money, wealth and good luck. The ritual can be performed independently using any personal funds and savings. This can be a salary, bonus, or any other personal income. Remember the money for which you read the wealth conspiracy should belong only to you!

In the ritual, you can use both a wad of money and one banknote with a high denomination. Further, along the length of the bills, it is necessary to measure the thread seven times, saying the following prayer:

"I have money, I am luck, and you have goods and change."

After the talisman is tied on the wrist of the left hand and worn for 7 days.

  • After the lapse of time, the thread is removed and burned.
  • A charmed thread will double its strength if a person who has achieved financial independence and well-being ties it to your hand.

It is believed that the threads brought from Jerusalem have the strongest enchantments. But an ordinary woolen thread bought in a store will be no less effective if the prescribed recommendations are followed.

Strong amulet for a loved one

Our ancestors often used the power of the red thread to protect the closest and dearest people. It is better if the ceremony is performed by a mother or sister.

For the protective ceremony, you will need the following items:

  • red woolen thread;
  • wax candle (preferably church);
  • matches or lighter;
  • small plate;
  • pectoral cross;
  • consecrated water;
  • scissors.

Before carrying out the ritual action, it is advisable to consecrate the red thread.

Light a candle, then pour holy water into a plate and immerse the cross of the person you want to protect into it. Take scissors and cut the thread from the new skein and also lower it into the water with a cross, saying:

“Holy water, mother, give strength to my thread to protect the servant of God (name) from evil adversity. Let not one enemy approach him and no one can call evil on him "

Then pour this water over the threshold of your home, and put a cross on your loved one. Take a red thread and tie three knots on it, saying:

“As these three knots are strong, so let the protection from the evil one at the servant of God (name) be strong. Amen, amen, amen "


How wrist threads, charms and conspiracies work

You know that we all interact with each other at the field level. That is, we share the energy. If it has a negative charge, then it harms the one at whom it is directed. Otherwise, it helps, enriches.

  • Our thread, when activated by a conspiracy, controls it all.
  • She is able to repel an external attack.
  • That is, if someone from those around him thinks badly about the owner of the amulet, then he returns the field structure to the author.

But that's not all that happens. After all, the owner of the amulet himself is not guaranteed from sin.

  • If he has negative emotions, the thread controls them, reduces the intensity, pushes to more reasonable behavior.
  • That is, it protects the owner from bad emotions that can harm both himself and others.
  • It turns out that our amulet has a double effect, which is why the red thread on the wrist is so popular.

We will look at how to tie it correctly a little later. In the meantime, let's figure out who to entrust this business to.

Who should tie the red thread?

This question is very important to our ritual. The fact is that the performer's emotions play almost the main role in activating the amulet. Actually, all talismans and magical objects actively absorb the field settings of the ritual performer. They are literally saturated with its energy. And the most powerful emotion that overcomes any others, as you know, is love.

It is on its vibrations that this complex amulet functions. Therefore, it is necessary that the red thread on the wrist be activated by a loving person. How to tie correctly?

  • There are seven knots to be made.
  • For each of them, special words are read. They are as follows:

“With my love I protect you (name) from all misfortunes, from troubles and misfortunes! Amen!"

  • As a rule, mothers make a talisman for their children.
  • Grandparents can also activate the thread.

It is important that there is absolute trust between people.

How will a thread become magic?

There are several more rituals that must be performed before tying the amulet on your hand. True, not everyone knows and uses them. On a red thread, the plot is read twice. It must first be made magical. Only after that is she tied on the hand of a loved one.

The ceremony must be scheduled for the night of the full moon. For its implementation, in addition to the thread itself, three candles should be prepared:

  1. red,
  2. white
  3. green.
  • Lock your windows and doors at night when you are alone.
  • Loose yarn should be laid out on the table.
  • To the left of it, put a green candle, to the right - a red one, behind the threads - a white one.
  • Light everything from one match (or one from another).
  • Gently pick up the yarn.

Say the following words to her seven times in a row:

“The ball rolls along seven roads. Bypasses troubles, leads to happiness. I'll tear off that ball a little. I will make a bracelet for the worst troubles. Let it save, drive away trouble. Amen!"

When finished, roll the yarn into a ball. As soon as you reach any knot, break the thread. The one in your hands is magic. A charm bracelet is made of it.


Using a red thread to find missing items

The red wool can also be used to find lost items. True, you need to resort to this ritual only in extreme cases, when you cannot cope on your own.

There is a belief that a red thread can tie the culprit by the tail. According to various versions, this is either a devil or another mythical force. The thread will not let him go until the important thing for you is found.

If you have lost a thing that you cannot do without, tie red yarn around the leg of a table, chair or heavy chair and say:

"You sit in this place until (name of loss) and I are together."

In a few days, and sometimes even hours, the thing will be found, and in the most conspicuous place. Then the thread must be untied and burned.

With any ritual, you need to remember that a positive attitude is very important. Like all magical actions, conspiracies have an impact on the one who utters them. If good is sent into the world along with the conspiracy, then something good will return.


Special prayers

The thread for fighting the evil eye starts talking the moment you tie it around your wrist. Choose the most suitable prayer for yourself and read it 3 times - this way you will endow the amulet with special power:

“Lord, forgive and keep me, your servant. Most Holy Theotokos and Father Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, your servant. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen! "

“Heal me, Lord, from the dark power, drive away the evil eye from me, cleanse me. The cross is above me - the cross is before me, I am pure before God, and let my soul remain pure. Forever and ever, Amen! "

Secret method

There is another way to make a wrist charm. To do this, you need to tie 9 knots on a red thread at an equal distance from each other. This is a prerequisite, so it is important to do everything right and be extremely careful.

Then the following prayer is read:

“Protected me, my bracelet, protect me from dark misfortune, cover me with your magic power. Let me be hidden under it, as under nine heavens, as under nine locks. Let it be as I say - my word is strong. "

A conspiracy can be carried out by both the future owner of the bracelet and his beloved person, who can endow the amulet with special protective properties.

The way of experienced magicians

It is known that the most experienced magicians, well versed in their field, are often attacked by dark forces. Therefore, they also make such an amulet bracelet for themselves, using a red thread, which they speak in a very unusual way.

It will require 3 candles and a red wool thread. The conspiracy is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Wait for the full moon and stay alone in the room. Nobody should disturb you while you are talking your bracelet.
  2. Light three candles in front of you and wait until they burn out a little.
  3. Then squeeze the amulet in the palm of your hand and, taking turns holding it over each of the candles, say the following prayer:
    “Sacred with fire, light me too, protect me from darkness and evil! In order not to become a victim to me, save me, and drive the impure forces away. "
  4. After that, you do not need to extinguish the candles. It is immediately recommended to tie a wrist amulet.

The resulting amulet can last no more than 3 months. After that, the thread should be thrown away and a new one should be started according to the same principle.

In addition, during the conspiracy procedure, observe the following rules:

  • Tune in positively. If you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, then you will not be able to conduct the ceremony or read the conspiracy correctly, it will be ineffectual.
  • Believe in success. Visualize the desired action of the amulet, this will help enhance its effect.
  • Do not hesitate and go all the way. You cannot interrupt the plot in the middle, be sure to bring the magical procedure to the end. Otherwise, you will not receive a magic amulet, but an ordinary bracelet, not endowed with special powers.

How to tie and wear a red thread correctly

There are different opinions on this matter. Experts recommend paying special attention to this issue, because its further functionality will depend on how you decide to tie your bracelet. And many of your actions can reduce the effectiveness of magic. Experienced magicians give the following recommendations on this matter:

  • It is believed that a person close to you should tie a red thread on your hand - this way you will increase the power of magic. You need to tie it to 7 knots, because it is the seven that is a special light number in magic.
  • The amulet must be tied on the wrist, preferably on the left hand. It is believed that it is through the left side of our energy that the negative enters the body - thus the bracelet will correctly block it.
  • While you are wearing the red thread on your wrist, control your behavior: try not to keep angry and negative feelings in yourself, especially towards other people. This weakens the bracelet and its strength.
  1. Properties of thread charms that you did not know about

    Everyone knows that if you tie a thread on your hand, it can save you from the evil eye. But sorcerers argue that this is far from the only property of the thread:

  • If you tie the amulet correctly, then it will help to get rid of any damage, as well as to heal from it once and for all. The owners of this amulet often have damage in their dreams. Answering the question of why damage is dreaming, we can say that it is your amulet trying to inform that someone tried to send damage to you, but he did not succeed, which means there is nothing to fear.
  • But why dream of damage if you do not have this amulet? This is a sure sign that soon someone will try to spoil you. Make an amulet for yourself in this case as soon as possible, otherwise you risk being left unprotected.
  • If the thread suddenly breaks for no particular reason or gets lost, then do not despair. This means that she did her job, and the higher power decided that you no longer need such a charm.
  • You can tie threads not only in red - other options will also have their effect, but in slightly different ways. For example, green thread will help in love and friendship, orange will improve family relationships, blue will help in learning, and yellow will stimulate career growth.

Remember that it is not enough to tie a thread on your wrist. It is necessary to constantly work on the desired result and not stop believing in the help of higher powers. This is the only way you can always keep your defense at a high level.

Psychologists and doctors are constantly talking about the benefits of intimate life. It's good if not only friendly relations have developed with your partner, but everything is in order in bed.

In the press or on the Internet, you can find the revelations of women who are not satisfied with their personal lives, but do not want to leave their husbands because of the mismatch of temperaments. Or they are not satisfied with the betrayal of their spouse. The solution to all these problems is simple - you need to make a sexual tie. It does not have such disastrous consequences as the Egyptian, but it will shake up and revitalize your relationship.

To shake up the relationship, you need to make a sexual tie

Pros and cons of sexual attachment

As with any ceremony, this "medicine" for relationships has its pros and cons. We have to admit that there are still much more pluses than minuses.


  1. It is one of the safest and most harmless of all magic rituals. But, despite this, it is very effective, you will feel its effectiveness on the same day.
  2. Suitable not only to seduce a man, but also to revitalize family relationships.
  3. If everything is done correctly, there will be no side effects, in contrast to the same egilget, i.e. neither changes in the character of a person, nor his sexual capabilities.
  4. Love spell does not affect the soul of a person, but acts at the level of instincts. This is a positive point, because mental struggle with oneself can have dire consequences, such as alcoholism or depression.
  5. Many people also like the simplicity of the ceremony. Complex rituals are not required, sometimes it is enough to read a spell.

To revitalize family relationships, you can use a love spell


  1. This is a rite of black magic, with all the ensuing consequences.
  2. If the binding ritual was done incorrectly, gross mistakes were made, a woman can become frigid, and a man - impotent.
  3. Does not work on a man who dislikes this woman.

Performing the ritual

You can make a sexual tie on your husband and on a young man who you really like. But it should be remembered that she is not able to evoke love or emotional closeness. The couple should already have it.

Her goal is to make intimate life more interesting, varied and frequent. The ceremony can create an energy binding to the lower chakras, which are responsible for animal instincts. To carry out the ritual requires some kind of object that connects you with this person. Photography is most often used.

You can make a sexual tie on your husband and on a young man who you really like.

Love spell with red candles

To make a sexual tie to a man, you need to buy two red candles and get a photograph of the chosen one or an item of his wardrobe (this will give the best result) The ceremony is held on the growing moon, preferably on Friday, in complete silence, so all phones and the intercom should be turned off in advance. You can take a relaxing bath before the ritual.

First you need to light one of the candles and place it in front of you. While it is burning, it is necessary to look at the picture of the chosen one, stroking another candle like a partner before intercourse. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy should be repeated until the candle burns out at least a third, but it is better if it burns out completely. The second candle is lit in the presence of the person to whom the binding was made, and the sooner the better, otherwise it will lose its power.

“In the sea-okiyan on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr stone burns, it burns, it does not burn, so the servant of God ... (name) burns, burns, does not burn out, to me, the servant of God ... (name) does not forget the road. Be my word strong forever and ever. Amen"

To make a sexual tie on a man, you need to buy red candles

Love spell with a spell

This binding is also done on the growing moon, a man can be bewitched on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You need to take a sheet of white paper and rewrite this spell on it:

“I go to bed, having prayed, on all sides of the world, crossing myself. I can't sleep until dawn, my longing for the servant of God (guy's name), I can't strangle! You go, my longing, sadness, and the servant of God (guy's name), instill in him a burning love for me, a seething passion! All his thoughts from now on are only about me, day and night, in the morning dawn and in the evening dawn! Amen!"

The binding is done on the growing moon

Then take out a church candle and light a leaf with a spell from it. While the fire flares up, you need to look at the photo of the man and repeat:

“What has passed over the head, has entered the head! The fire will flare up, the heart of the servant of God (name of the person) will flare up! Amen!".

After that, throw the ashes on pieces of paper out the window, and store the photo under your pillow for 7 days. If you want one hundred percent result, the rite must be repeated for 3 months in a row, only on the growing moon.

Binding with silk ribbon

This attachment to a man is suitable for those women who are already living an intimate life with a man, but are unhappy with his betrayal. It works better than a guiltype, but does not bear its negative consequences.

A woman dissatisfied with cheating can make a love spell on a silk ribbon

Preparing for the ceremony

To make a sexual tie on a man, you need to take a real silk ribbon. If you didn’t find it in the store, buy a silk cloth and tear off (you cannot cut with scissors or a knife) the ribbon from it. It is better to choose silk in red, scarlet or burgundy. Other colors are allowed, but the fabric must be solid.

Then the tape must be washed in water and dried without bending. It is desirable to saturate the tape with your energy: you must stroke it, lean it against the body. When she is ready, clean linen is spread over the bed. The tape must be hidden under the sheet, in the very center of the bed. Do not make the bed, even if it has been made that way for a while.

Performing the ritual

A man who comes to visit needs to be fed, to help him relax. It's good if he is rested, full of energy and ready for exploits in bed. It is necessary to drag him to the bed, lay him down and almost bring him to orgasm, but do not finish himself yet.

It's good if you will not use a condom, and he will do it right in you, if you are not afraid of getting pregnant. As soon as the man falls asleep, or there is such an opportunity, you need to get out a silk ribbon and tie several knots on it, repeating the words of the conspiracy. After that, the tape must be hidden near the bed, choosing a secluded place.

After the ceremony, the tape must be hidden near the bed, choosing a secluded place

“I knit (Name MCH) for passion for me (your name) tender, knit (Name MCH) for wondrous love for me, knit for my strong work, knit for our faithful life, for our long happiness, I will tighten the knots, (name of the man ) I will bind to myself. Fastened firmly - (Name of the MCH) sculpting before me. "

Family rite

This ritual applies to a couple who are either already married or have lived under the same roof for a long time. To make this binding on a man, you need to put a church candle at the head of the matrimonial bed in the evening and light it. Then repeat the words of the conspiracy 7 times. You shouldn't extinguish the candle, let it burn out. The rite should take effect immediately.

“I kindle, kindle the passion inside the servants of God (your names). I awaken sexuality and sensuality. Let passion intoxicate and intoxicate, but dominate over reason. So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, And the hands reach out to the servant of God (name). So that I become for him the biggest dream, the strongest desire. Amen!"

Salt binding

Get a close-up photo of the man (if not, you can use another one). This ceremony will help even if the couple did not have a sexual relationship before.

The salt attachment will help even if there was no sexual intercourse before.

Take a saucer and put 7 drops of water on it. Collect a full handful of salt and also throw in a saucer, repeating the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself up without a trace, So my beloved, God's servant (name) will desire me, God's servant (name), May he not rest until he takes all of me. Amen!".

Then this salt must be scattered over the photo and not removed until the binding on the man works.

Conspiracy in knots

To make a sexual tie not for one day, but to bewitch a man for a long time, you can use this ritual. You need to buy a thin red ribbon or take a thread of the same color. It is advisable to perform the ritual on the growing moon, but it can also be done at other times. It is necessary to tie the knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy 7 times. The number of knots must be odd. The thread or ribbon with knots must be hidden, and not to tell anyone about the ceremony.

“I bind the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) Strongly, tightly and for a long time! No one was able to tear and unravel, No one was able to separate and part! And the servant of God (name) only wanted me and dreamed of me! So that his thoughts and thoughts were directed to me! And he could not even look at other women and could not love them! So that the male power is only with me! "

How to save the family and make sure that the husband does not cheat: can a conspiracy help with this? The question suggests several possible options at once: firstly, pay attention to the negative factors that can push your spouse to commit adultery, try to exclude them, and secondly, use the conspiracy from the husband's infidelity. Unfortunately, in the female world there is a constant unspoken struggle for the best male. Insidious lovebirds use all possible, and even forbidden, methods to take the desired man out of the family. Of course, their use of magic for this purpose does not bode well for them, because they break the family, and this is a great sin.

We prevent betrayal and infidelity of a man with a conspiracy: a red ribbon, drinking, etc.

On the contrary, the spouse or girlfriend of a popular "left" man, quite calmly, almost with a clear conscience, can use a strong conspiracy so that the husband does not cheat. The conspiracy will work if you really want it. But it is extremely rare to resort to such interventions in fate.

We offer some of the most effective conspiracies for the return of a husband to the family:

Option 1: "Strong conspiracy from her husband's betrayal"

Strong conspiracy from her husband's betrayal

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need the following:

  • Holy water;
  • A candle from a church;
  • Clothing threads;
  • Two new gold rings.

Rings must be purchased on the waxing moon. Give one ring your name and the other your spouse's name. Light a candle all alone. Place two rings in holy water and cross the glass seven times.

Then prepare one small rope from the threads (it will be better if you braid it in the form of a pigtail with several of your hair). Take out the rings and, with the following words, tie them together with a pre-made string. Words to be spoken:

How I tied the rings together

So I tied love (spouse's name) to (your name)!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

After the ritual, do not untie the rings. Wrap them in a rag and hide them away from everyone.

So that the husband does not cheat and return to the family, you can.

Option 2: "Conspiracy on a walking husband"

For this conspiracy, take your spouse's shirt or T-shirt. Hang it on your balcony to recharge with the energy of the full moon. Then wash it by hand, speaking the words clearly:

I (husband's name) wash my shirt with love,

I save from fornication-obsession (husband's name)!


Option 3: "Red ribbon ritual"

Buy a small red silk ribbon from the store. Place it discreetly under your spouse's pillow when he is already asleep. And just as discreetly remove and hide it. The spouse must spend the night with the ribbon exactly seven nights. Tie one knot on the ribbon after each night and whisper over each knot:

"I conjure loyalty!"

While the tape is in your place inaccessible to others, the husband will lose interest in infidelity.
As soon as you want to break off relations with him for some reason, cut the charmed tape into knots and burn it.

Option 4: "For a cold drink"

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need a cold drink that your spouse should drink. But first, you need to speak this drink. Say the following words three times:

"As a daddy brownie does not change his place,

He won’t trade his walls and floor for anything,

So (name) won't cheat on me anymore!

Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

The drink must be drunk to the bottom.

Option 5: "Conspiracy from her husband's infidelity"

Forget about male cheating

This ritual must be performed on the full moon on the feminine day of the week and on an even day of the month.

Wake up at night while your husband is sleeping. Carefully go out the door of a house or apartment, bend over to the keyhole and whisper three times:

You will always be faithful to me!

(baptismal name)

Let it be as I said

Key, lock, tongue.

Option 6: The Breakfast Plot

This conspiracy is very simple and does not require the use of any attributes. For three Fridays in a row before breakfast, read the following words three times:

It's cozy, warm and tasty at home,

Aa at the subcubus mistress -

Gloomy, dirty and bitter. Amen!

Gradually, a man will increasingly spend evenings at home with his family and he will get tired of his mistress.


In conspiracies to return a man to a family, it is very important to understand two things: firstly, a conspiracy is not a panacea, you must somehow identify and solve the true problem in your relationship, and secondly, a conspiracy can help, but on condition that you really sincerely want your husband back and are ready to forgive him with all your heart, otherwise he just won't work.

Appreciate and love each other!

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Site Visitor Comments

    I have a friend, so she often tells me about her suspicions of her husband's betrayal. He suffers all the time, in thought, and wants to save the family, as they have three children. I ought to tell her this conspiracy, and suddenly it helps, I think that there will be no harm from this conspiracy. Since all the same, if he cheats on her, then where else is worse? Here on the site I look at a lot of interesting more conspiracies and other information, I should read it.

    How glad I am that one day I came across this site !!! At first, of course, I tried some conspiracies myself, and when I realized that it really works, I told my friend. The fact is that her husband's betrayal is a sore subject for her. That she just did not try and everything is useless. Already completely desperate. When I showed it to her, I saw hope in her eyes. Maybe it was her faith that strengthened the result? No, my husband certainly did not abandon all his mistresses at once, this happened gradually over 7 months. Although he may just have learned to hide them. Who knows. But my friend now walks happy, and this is the most important thing

    Oh, and I did this conspiracy. I didn’t think I’ll see it here, because I learned about it from a person who said that this method is not known to many ... of course, admitting that you are not the best for your husband and that you are constantly being compared with others is not a very pleasant thing. But it is not enough to admit to yourself that your husband is cheating on you, so also to fight it. I made this conspiracy almost immediately, so my struggle ended very quickly. Now everything is fine with us, and I also forgave him.

    My sister has been married to her husband for 20 years. Recently, she found out that her husband was cheating on her, but her husband did not know that his wife (sister) knew about it. She suffers a lot, because she loves her husband very much, does not want to share him with anyone and does not want to part with him. She says she is ready to forgive him everything, even betrayal, the main thing is to be with her. It will be necessary to show her these methods of conspiracies, it may work.

    I learned from other people that the guy is cheating. I thought that evil tongues spread rumors, but no. She made a conspiracy, but not knowing whether it worked or not, she just threw it away. Believe it or not, a month later he came buhoy to g **** but also began to ask to save him from such a misfortune. But it turned out that no matter whoever he planned sex with, everything would break off, tk. did not get up on anyone. The effect is stunning, let him suffer, asshole!

    My parents have been married for 25 years. And not so long ago I caught my dad cheating. I have never experienced such a shock, in which I arrived. I decided to talk to my dad directly and found out that he had never been so in love before. That he loves his mother very much, but without his Natasha he simply cannot imagine his life. To save my parents' family, I went to the witch. She told everything and showed my father's photo. She advised this conspiracy, but said first to check his personal belongings. Perhaps he was spellbound. And in my dad's briefcase, I found some suspicious bag! I took it to the fortuneteller, she did something and burned it. and said to read the conspiracy. The very next day, dad seemed to be replaced. He looked so happy and told me in my ear that he broke up with Natalia. It turned out that this bitch bewitched him! Thank God my mom didn't know anything!

    This is very scary for a woman and really hurts self-esteem when her husband is cheating. It seems that you are some kind of inferior, since something in you does not suit him. I also faced such a problem. How many tears have I shed because of this insult. I did not dare to use magic, somehow it was scary. And finally I made up my mind. So far I have made two conspiracies, on tape and on drink. Let's see what happens. Hope they help me.

    I am very afraid of male betrayal! I've never looked at others when in a relationship, I even hate the thought of treason. And there are so many stories about male polygamy! I am especially frozen by mistresses and relationships on the side. Thank God, I don’t notice anything for mine yet, but we’ve only been together for 2 years. Just in case, I always keep it with me, so that I know how to fight. Only here is the question. Does this conspiracy apply to the husband or the guy too?

    This article helped me a lot. We lived with my husband in love and harmony, every day he said how he loved me, and then I find out that he had a mistress. I don't understand men at all! He never said that he was not satisfied with something, but simply met with another in silence! It was a very strong blow. I cried day and night from resentment and misunderstanding. And I didn't know what to do. She did not tell her husband that she found out about his Other. But I stumbled upon conspiracies and decided that it would not be worse. And it helped me! The husband, already within a week after the conspiracy, told about the betrayal himself, begged and begged for forgiveness, said that he himself did not understand how this could happen. Maybe he was also bewitched? In general, I forgave him, but if this happens again, then I will file for divorce ...

Money rituals have become part of our lives. But before you apply them, you need to figure out why there is no money in your house. Maybe you have an unfavorable monetary aura, or maybe someone made a twist that prevents you from getting rich. Money rituals, as well as rituals for a refund will help to cope with the problem.

Money can be treated in different ways. But it is difficult to argue with one statement: it is impossible to live without money. What to do if there are not enough of them all the time? An effective way to get rich is money magic rituals. There are many ways to attract wealth, which we'll cover in detail below. But you have to work on yourself, change your worldview, improve your monetary aura. Sometimes our money problems are not accidental.

Why some people are attracted to poverty

Get rich rituals

Money magic rituals are a great way to improve your financial situation. There are not so few of them, so you can always choose the one that you like the most. Let's consider the most popular ways to raise money.

Ritual "Red thread"

It is a very simple ceremony, but also very effective. To complete it, you need a red thread. You can use a regular ball. It is important to start money rituals on a full moon.

A red thread of a certain length is taken. To determine it, you need to measure the distance from the tip of the thumb to the bend of the elbow. Within a month, as soon as any profit appears in the house (salary, cash gift, etc.), this red thread gets and a knot is tied on it.

When the new moon comes again, it is advised to take several bills, as well as a red thread and tie the money with it, making three knots. Then remove this bundle of bills and leave them to lie until they are needed. As soon as there is a need for money, you can remove the thread and spend the money.

The thread itself must not be discarded. You need to cut off its ends so as to make a ring that you always carry with you. This thread will become a kind of magnet for wealth.

Nine Node Money Ritual

Simple money rituals have always been popular, one of which is the nine knot money ritual.

To make yourself a talisman that attracts money, you need to take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long. It is better to cast the spell when the moon is full, or when it is growing. Nine knots are tied. They do this by saying:

“The first knot the magic begins. With the second node, the job is done. With the third node, the money goes to me. With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door. With the fifth node, my business is booming. The sixth knot fixes the magic. With the seventh knot, I have been given success. With the eighth node, income is multiplied. With the ninth node, all this is now mine! "

A sure way to attract money is the money lane. In the book by E. Korovin "115 Ways to Get Rich".

The secret was shared by the famous mistress of the fashion salon, who moved to France after the revolution. It was thanks to him that she was able to get rich. She was told about the "money path" ritual by a nanny who recognized it from her grandmother. This is a time-tested reliable tool.

The ritual must be started on the first day of any month. On this day, one ruble is deposited, the second - two rubles. And so on until the end of the month. It is important not to miss a single day, and to put aside exactly that amount of money, that is, on the 21st, it is exactly 21 rubles or 31-31 rubles, etc.

As soon as 10 rubles per ruble has been accumulated, they need to be exchanged for one whole bill. When you reach 100 rubles, they should also be changed. At the end of the month, you will have a certain amount. Money should be put aside somewhere, and, very importantly, never spent. This money path will lead you to wealth. It is very important not to get lost, not to miss the day, and when the path is paved, incomes will skyrocket.

A spell to quickly attract money

This magical rite can only be used in case of dire need. It is strictly forbidden to use it for profit. First you need to draw a circle. Then take ten coins of 1 ruble denomination and a bowl, consecrated water and two green candles. They are lit, a thicket is placed between them, and, pouring water into it, they say:

“Let your pockets fill. Let the money come to my house Soon, as I fill this cup with water. "

After that, you need to throw coins into it and say a spell (each line is one coin):

“I wish wealth, I wish success, I wish happiness, I wish gold, I wish silver, I wish abundance, I wish health, I wish help, I wish money to come into my life, I wish it all, and so so be it. "

After that, the bowl is removed to the altar, and the candles are left to burn out. The money should appear within a few days.

Money back rituals

Neighbors, friends and acquaintances can borrow a certain amount of money and not give it back. Certain ceremonies that will ensure the return of the debt can help in this situation. They are best done during the waxing moon.

Before reading the conspiracy to repay the debt, one should not rush. It is possible that the debtor has such a situation that he cannot find money now. Before you read the spell to repay the debt, it is important to try again to talk to the person, to convince him. Only if all else fails, you can resort to magic.

Conspiracy by the river

Come to the river bank to guarantee your debt will be repaid. If it is a lake, sea or pond, the conspiracy will also work. You need to take a stone, throw it against the waves, and then read the prayer "Our Father" three times. After that, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

“Seventy seven waves, Seventy seven fish, Seventy seven roots. You drown the stones, You drown the roots, Wash them with waves, Play with the thoughts of a slave (name), Throw deep from the shore. As water does not stand still, So there is no rest for the servant of God (name). I would have thought and wondered, Heart ached and suffered, Until I paid the debt. Longing would crush him, Like a stone board, Conscience would eat him, Soul sang lamentations From thought, he would not leave, Until he found me. Until he gave me the debt, I would have suffered and suffered. I conjure him with longing, A stone heavy board, A stone in the river, a grain of sand in the sand Water, water, water, Take what I gave, Give what I, Slave (name) swore. Be, my words, black, spellbound, Strong and molding, Sharper a sharp knife, Stronger than a strong deed. Now and ever and ever, In the family of the last man. "

Return ritual with needles and dog hair

I need to find three sewing needles and three safety pins, and cut off a clump of hair from three dogs. Take a black cloth, in which you need to put 3 handfuls of salt. Needles and pins are stuck into a pile of salt, and dog hair is placed on top. This fabric is wrapped in a knot and early in the morning, at sunrise, is carried to the debtor's doorstep. There the bundle is left, saying:

"Be patient until you give it up!"

Debt repayment

Pay off debt with salty bread

You need to take a piece of black bread and sprinkle it with salt very thickly. It is important to sentence:

"I salt your life (name), I salt it!"

At sunset, the bread conspired to be returned is taken to the debtor's doorstep, repeating:

“As salty is this bread, so will all food (name of the debtor) be salty. You cannot drink water, you cannot forget about debts, return everything that you took from me. Until then, you will not sleep at night, you will not have the day during the day, so, according to my word, you will be. Exactly".

Ritual in a hopeless situation

This return plot should only be used if the situation is hopeless. On the growing moon, you need to light a candle and light some small copper coin on it. We must repeat:

“Send the slave (name of the debtor) nach. Let this slave (name) cherish and bake, drive in corners, break bones. Does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink (name) until the debt is repaid. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Debt repayment ritual

And so three times. The next day, they take the coin to the store and spend it there. This conspiracy to repay the debt is very strong, so if you feel sorry for the debtor or if he returned the debt, you need to heed the spell. To do this, you must again select the night on the waxing moon. Take a glass of water from a spring and a copper coin, throw it into a glass and say:

“Remove from the slave (name of the debtor) natchet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. "

Debt repayment with a coin

Sometimes a close friend borrows money. Usually, after reading the return conspiracy, it is not possible to maintain a good relationship. But if you do not want to lose a friend, and you need to return the money, you can use an easy conspiracy to return. For him, a white coin is taken, not very small in value. We must get up early in the morning and bury it under the tree, saying:

“I'll bury a coin so that the debt will return to me. To force everything to give the servant of God (name). As soon as everything returns to me - I will dig up and forget all the insults! "

These words are repeated three times, after which you can go home. In the coming days, it is necessary to somehow remind the debtor of the debt. When a person brings money, they dig up the coin and put it in a secret place.