Valera Meladze Biography. Valery Meladze: Biography, Creativity, Personal Life and Interesting Facts

Valera Meladze Biography. Valery Meladze: Biography, Creativity, Personal Life and Interesting Facts
Valera Meladze Biography. Valery Meladze: Biography, Creativity, Personal Life and Interesting Facts

Valery Meladze is a popular performer and a star of the domestic pop. This is a man who has conquered the hearts of millions of Russian women. In this article we will tell the most interesting facts about the life of the pop star.


Biography Valery Meladze

1. Born 06/23/1965 in the small town of Batumi. Since childhood, he was distinguished by a bad character and constantly held parents and teachers in the suspense. As a schoolboy, most of his free time spent with friends at construction sites, in abandoned houses, basements and swamps. Once he was detained by law enforcement officers for petty hooliganism. The case barely did not reach the trial, and the boy wanted to exclude from school. He studied Valery badly, but he was happy to engage in music and played the piano. I visited several clubs and got the title of champion in the Georgian wrestling.

2. After school, the future singer decided to fill the gaps of education, engaged in self-study and was able to enter the shipbuilding institute. After 10 years, the future singer, together with the brother Konstantin, decides to start a musical career. From this point on, he becomes a sound engineer and a back-vocalist of the Nikolaev ensemble "April". In parallel with this, it is studying in graduate school and writes the dissertation.

Career Valeria Meladze

3. The Aprilbold team comes to a proposal about the professional record of the record in Germany. From this point on, the singer starts to give music more time and takes part in several singing contests. In 1993, he leaves the creative team and is engaged in solo career, performing works written by his brother. The young singer immediately notices a promising producer and signs a contract with him.

4. Creativity of the charismatic and charming man with a unique voice chamber of the time you have to give the Russian listeners. The plate released in 1995 acquires enormous popularity, and the song "Sir" instantly conquers all the charts of the country. After Valery receives several prestigious music premiums. In 2002, the singer decides to go on a tour in America, which justified the most bold expectations. The artist was so well accepted in the USA, which had to give a few additional unplanned performances.

5. In the breaks, the singer records several successful duets with such, Anastasia Prikhodko, and Valery. Each of the projects was at the "Hurray" perceive by listeners and critics, and the compositions were instantly gained popularity.

6. After a deafening success, the singer makes the decision to take a pause and begins to produce a little-known Ukrainian women's team of "VIA Gra" at that time. After the stunning success of the group, Valery records several joint compositions with them, which immediately fall into the first places of Russian and some foreign charts.

7. Now the singer is actively developing his own business and is engaged in the construction of Moscow entertainment and shopping complexes.

Personal life Valery Meladze

8. With his wife Irina Singer lived for almost 20 years. She gave birth from him three daughters. For a long time, the couple was considered one of the exemplary in the Russian show business. In 2009, it was about the fact that Valery is the father of the child Alina Janabayeva. News instantly scattered over the Internet, and the whole country watched what is happening with interest. After conversations and gossip subsided, and until 2014 did not receive official information from the singer or his representatives about the details of personal life.

9. In 2014, the popular executor officially left his wife to his mistress. The former spouse of the star for a long time did not give any comments on this matter, as it was hard to experience the betrayal of her husband. After she admitted that a long time fought for the preservation of the family, but she did not come out. Irina said to journalists and that what happened extremely negatively affected the psychological state of daughters.

10. In 2014, Albina Dzhanabayeva gave birth to another son from Valeria.

11. The singer admitted that he often had inspiration from the creativity of Vladimir Kuzmina, which once personally confessed to his idol.

13. The singer is distinguished by exceptional sentimentality and is recognized that it can easily be confined during the performance of particularly touching songs. According to him, each composition reflects this or that event in the life of the artist, and the feelings of which he sings, a man really survived.

14. Once the singer was accused of beating a photographer girl who tried to capture him together with his mistress. A criminal case was instituted, but the judge justified a pop artist. After what happened, journalists and some fans frankly condemned the actions of the star. Valeri himself never explained that at that moment he brought him out of himself.

15. At one of the popular shows, Valery put a children's room that looked like frank. The latter took it as an insult and admitted that such a gesture was frankly offended.

Valery Meladze (at the birth of Valerian) - singer, TV presenter and producer. Honored and folk artist. Multiple owner of various music premiums.

Born in June 1965 in the city of Batumi in the family of engineers. He graduated from music school, but did not continue training in this area, but he entered the Nikolaev Institute of Shipbuilding. In 1994 he defended his thesis.

After graduating from the institute, in 1989 he began his career in show business. Solo first spoke in 1992 with the composition "Do not disturb me the soul, violin ...". From this point on, the ascent of the singer on stage began. He writes poems and music, and his brother Konstantin is engaged in the arrangement. In addition to musical activity, actively participates in various TV shows as a member and lead.

Personal life

The younger brother is Konstantin Meladze, producer and composer. A cousin is Robert Khahalev.

The first time married in 1989 on Irina Malukhina, who gave birth to him by three daughters: Ingu 1991 born in 1999, born in 1999 and after three years Arina. For the first time they divorced in order to arrange a Moscow residence, but in 1998 they got married again. But in 2012, in 2012 did not actually live together and two years later divorced.

Immediately after the divorce, Valery married Albina Janabayeva (the former soloist "VIA Gra"), who gave him two sons: Konstantin in 2004 and exactly ten years old Son Luka.

In 2017, the eldest daughter Inga married Nori Vergiz. A two-day marriage ceremony took place in the hometown of the groom - Morocco.

Apartments Valery Meladze

Before the career, Valery and his wife were juting for removable apartments and hostels. According to the singer himself, his eldest daughter was born in one of the hostels of the city of Nikolaev.

For today, the singer has several apartments in the capital. One of them, located next to the Red Square, he gave his wife after a divorce. Real estate is estimated in one million dollars.

He also has real estate on Orashhanskaya and real estate, presented by the Father, in the LCD "House in Davydkovskaya".

A small scandal is connected with the latter, since the apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b124.2 m2 after a transaction has become 208.5 m2. Such an increase in the area has occurred due to the attachment of the part of the technical floor. At the beginning of 2017, in court, this redevelopment due to the public space was permitted.

In 2007-2008, the musician bought three apartments at once in the central part of Moscow. They were purchased on credit, in a new building and are intended for daughters.

In 2010, he bought a house in Tbilisi for his parents.

According to Cyan, the housing in Orsha costs from 7 to 35 million rubles, and in the LCD "House in Davydkovskaya" from 48 to 94 million rubles.

Houses Valeria Meladze

In 2002, Meladze began the construction of his mansion, which lasted three years. This villa on Rublevsky highway remained after the divorce wife Irina and their children. According to unconfirmed data, its cost is about 2.5 million dollars.

About three years ago, he began new construction closer to Moscow, in the village "Millennium Park", located on New Riga. The village is surrounded by a spruce forest, there is a lake, there are schools, kindergartens and other infrastructure. In the same village a few years ago I bought the house of Vera Brezhnev.

For several years, a two-storey cottage with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 600 square meters, a two-storey cottage of almost 600 square meters, was erected, according to unconfirmed data of a total value of more than 4 million dollars.

The mansion is decorated in Japanese style, with decorative panels with images of sakura colors. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, one of the San. knots and pantry. The central part of the house occupies a spacious entrance hall with a parade staircase leading to the second floor. There are also three bedrooms, a dressing room and three bathrooms.

Despite the presence of two machines, from the construction of a garage provided for by the planning of the villa, the owner refused.

According to Cyan, cottages in Millennium Park stand from 58 to 90 million rubles and higher.

Valery Meladze - the cult person of the Russian show business. In addition to the singer's career, he is also a national artistic figure of art.

Valery - People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic.

Among the many of his awards, you can highlight the victory in the prestigious "Ovation" award, several awards "Golden Gramophone" and figurines from the MUZ-TV channel.

In many of their achievements, Valery is obliged to his elder brother Konstantin - it is he who is the main composer and a singer hitter. Already 5 years after the start of the career, the surname Meladze received an indisputable respect in musical circles.

With parents and brother

Junior Meladze was born in Batumi, Georgia. Childhood also spent in Batumi, and in student years, the brothers lived together and studied in Nikolaev, Ukraine.

After graduating from the University, Valery and Konstantin opened their small sound recording studio. So began his career as a performer.

Houses Valeria Meladze

Valery with the former wife of Irina and one of the daughters

Before the Solo Career, Valeria did not have his own place of residence. During his studies in Nikolaev, he and his wife Irina lived in the same hostel room. After arriving at Moscow, the singer filmed a one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city.

After gaining popularity and stable revenues, in 2002, Valery Meladze began to build his own home on the ruble. The housing was built in 2005, where the family of the popular singer now lives.

As a result of the wicked process with the first wife of Irina, Valery decided to give her house to her and three daughters. The cost of the family mansion is about 2.5 million US dollars. In the photo depicted Family Valeria on the background of their home:

After the divorce Valery began to live with an unsvestigative albino Janabaeva, who gave birth to him two sons. The couple was attributed to the novel before the official divorce Valery and Irina.

In 2016, Meladze completed a new home in which he plans to live with a new family. The building is located in one of the most prestigious new regions of the Moscow region - in New Riga.

This area is also referred to as Venice in the Moscow region. To date, the singer with Albina lives in a new mansion. Photo buildings can be viewed below (White building):


In addition to houses, the singer has several apartments where it periodically lives when it is in Moscow for a long time and cannot break out to a new Riga.

One apartment was given to the ex-wife. The cost of a given real estate is estimated at a million dollars.

The exact location of the housing is unknown, however, the singer himself said that the apartment was located in one of the living houses near Red Square.

Photo of the singer, his ex-wife and daughters in the apartment

After a divorce with Irina, Valery acquired three apartments in Moscow, each of which is intended for its three daughters. Meladze acquired them in 2008-2010 and issued a mortgage to buy.

Because of the economic crisis, Valeria had some difficulties to pay debt to banks. The total debt of the singer today is about 5 million rubles.

Arina, Sophia, Irina and Inga (left to right) Houses in the Moscow region

Since the bank's bank no longer has, we can say that Valery regularly pays a mortgage for all three housing. Apartments in the central part of Moscow are located.

In addition to the above real estate, the singer stated that he had acquired a new home in Tbilisi in 2010 as his parent.


In addition to apartments and houses, the performer has an impressive fleet consisting of VIP class machines. Several cars he left his daughters and his wife.

The most favorite and frequently used machine is Mercedes G63 AMG. Meladze also has several cars:

Russian pop singer.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2006).
People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2008).

Real name - Valerian.

Born on June 23, 1965 in Batumi.
In 1987 he graduated from the shipbuilding Institute in Nikolaev.
A career of a singer possessing the voice of a large range and rare timbre began in Nikolaev in 1990 in the Dialog group. In 1991, the "Melodia" was released on the "Dialogue" firm "in the middle of the world" (Music of Konstantin Meladze, the soloist Valery Meladze, the words of Arseny Tarkovsky), and in 1993 in Germany at Solo Florentin Album "Autumn Yastreb Creek" album. Valery Meladze also becomes the winner of the teleconcurs of "Step to Parnassa" (1992).
Since 1993, Valery and his brother Konstantin, who left Dialogue, decide to do a solo project. Since then, Valery Meladze executes only Konstantin songs, and is also the author of words and an arguer. In 1993, a solo debut of Valery Meladze took place at the Flower Festival of Colors "Rock Saving". There, there was a meeting of the singer with the producer Evgeny Friedlyand, which ended with the conclusion of the contract. During the year, work was carried out on the recording of the first album, in which the Mishkan group and specially invited leading musicians and sound engineers of Russia participated.
The first hit Valery Meladze became a romance "Do not disturb my soul, violin," thanks to whom the singer called the "opening of 1994". In early 1995, the album "Sir" was released with 14 songs written by Konstantin Meladze, who became a bestseller. The success of the album was also facilitated by four video clips, shot on the songs "Do not disturb me soul, violin", "Sir", "In the middle of summer", and "night on the eve of Christmas." The last clip shot in Prague was shown on New Year's days on the leading TV channels of Russia more than 60 times.
In 1996, Valery Meladze's second album was released "The Last Romance" and two video clips on songs "How beautiful today" and "girls from the highest society". Today, Valery Meladze is one of the main tourists of Russia, which gives an average of 25 concerts per month, which with unchanged anchelas pass in Russia and the CIS countries.

Valery (Valerian) Shotaevich Meladze - Soviet and Russian singer. Valery Meladze - Honored Artist of Russia (2006), People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (2008), the three-time owner of the National Russian Award "Ovation", the winner of many contests "Song of the Year", "Golden Gramophone", the seventeent owner of the MUZ-TV Prize, four-time Prize winner RU.TV. Valery Meladze is also producer and TV presenter.

Early years and education Valery Meladze

Valery Meladze was born in Batumi on June 23, 1965. Relatives - Grandma, Grandfather, Father and Mother - worked by engineers. In the family Meladze, except Valery there is a senior son - Konstantin.

Natives noticed the musical abilities of the Son and gave it to the music school in the class of piano. By the way, the father and mother of the Meladze brothers also had musical abilities, "Dad and Mom sang well, Mom also played a little on the piano," this is stated in the biography of Valery Meladze on his official website.

By the formation of Valery Meladze Techinar, for some time after school he worked as a telephonist, and then he entered the Nikolaev shipbuilding institute. S.O. Makarova According to the example of Brother Constantine. Valery Meladze received higher education in 1989, in 1989, in the specialty he "Mechanic Engineer for Ship Energy Installations".

Valery Skhotaevich has shown the ability to scientific activity and in 1994 defended his thesis on the topic "Intensification of exchange processes in an ionic filter with a pseudo-luminous layer of cation".

Music Career Valeria Meladze

Despite the education obtained in the technical university, Valery Meladze did not forget about music. Together with the brother Konstantin began to speak with the Dialog group.

In 1991, the "Dialogue" plate "In the middle of the world" came at the company "Melodia" (music Kim Breitburg, Konstantin Meladze, soloist Valery Meladze, words Arseny Tarkovsky). The record for today became a real rarity, says in the official biography of Valery Meladze. In 1993, in Germany, Solo Florentin also released a rare album "Autumn Yastreb Creek".

And after 1993, Valeria Meladze began solo performances. Throughout his musical career, Valeria is the main author of texts, music and arrangements is his older brother, a famous composer and producer Konstantin Meladze.

Valery Meladze took part in many musical festivals. With him signed a contract producer Evgeny Frylyand, Valery at that time became a guest Alla Pugacheva In her "Christmas meetings."

Valery Meladze's wide fame in the work of Valery Meladze received the first solo album "Sir" (1995). The starting jerk of the career was promoted by five video clips, shot on the songs "Do not disturb my soul, violin", "Sir", "Limbo", "In the midst of summer", and "night on the eve of Christmas", they often demonstrated on TV.

Then the talented singer had solo albums "Last Romantic" (1996), Sambo White Motilla (1998), in 1999 - the fourth album "Everything was so". Finally, the fifth album is "Nega", whose creation took three years, was released in 2003.

Clips continued to popularize Valery. On the song "Dream" and "Dawn" clips shot director Janik Fayziev. Valery Meladze took part in the New Year's television projects of Faisiyev "Old songs about the main thing" (Valery appeared in the images of taxi driver and Mimino) and "10 songs about Moscow" (in him Valery performed "Moscow Region". A number of clips on the songs Meladze removed Fedor Bondarchuk, Semen Mountains, Alan Badoev other.

Meladze successfully performed at the Olympic SC and on the other main areas of Russia. In November 2005, the solo concerts of Valery Meladze in the Kremlin were held with a special scope.

Valery's popularity with each performance was gaining strength, while he participated in TV projects, tried himself and as a lead. Valery Meladze led as co-host Ruslana Pianci On television, the program "Country of Soviets" (2004) was one of the mentors of the musical project "Secret Success". And in 2007, together with his brother was the musical producer of the seventh season "Star Factory".

The number of fans Valery Meladze has grown steadily. In 2008, Konstantin Meladze's creative evening took place in Kiev. The songs of the composer performed the famous singers Alla Pugachev, Sofia Rotaru, Kristina Orbakayte, Ani Lorak And, of course, graduates of the "Star Factory 7". Valery Meladze spoke to the leading concert.

In 2008, another studio album "Contrary to" came out. The album Meladze included 12 songs, 9 of which were previously rotated by radio stations. The title song of the album "Contrary to" entered the soundtrack to the film "Admiral".

Many songs that performed singer Meladze became hits. In 2010, Valery's clip appeared together with Gregory Leps On the song "Wrap". In the same year het "Heaven" appeared, and already in 2011 a solo concert was also held in the Concert Hall of Crocus City Hall as well as the "Heaven".

And one more clip on the song "Love and Milky Way", which immediately became popular, came out in 2015. In the filming took part Sergey Bezrukov and Marina Aleksandrov.

In the same year, Velvet Music Production Center presented Valery Meladze on the 50th anniversary of the Tribute album "VM from VM" with his songs, which were the guys with artists of this label. In addition, for the first time in 30 years of creative activity, the Meladze brothers recorded a joint duet on the song "My brother". In 2015, the official collection of hits Meladze "Polt" was also published.

In February 2017, Valery Meladze became a mentor in the project "Voice. Children, "but not long done by this.

In 2006, Valery Meladze received the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" - for merits in the field of musical art. In 2008, he was honored with the title "People's Artist of the Chechen Republic". Valery Meladze - a multiple winner of the "Song of the Year" contests and the Golden Gramophone for the songs performed since 1995 at the present time.

Personal life Valery Meladze

Valery Meladze since 1989 was married to Irina Meladze (in Maiden Malukhina). With his wife, Valery lived 25 years old, in 2014 they diverged.

Valery has subsidiaries - ingu (1991 born.), Sophia (1999 born), Arina (2002 born.)

Like Brother Konstantin, the producer of the "VIA Gra" team, whose wife became the former star of the group Vera BrezhnevaIn the personal life of Valery, over time, there was also a singer from "VIA GRA".

As wrote a "interlocutor", Valery Meladze's wife Irina suspected her husband in treasures. "Somehow, she even appeared on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe clip Valery Meladze and" VIA GRA "and arranged a scandal: Valery Meladze and was too frank poses and Anna Sedokova. Then, at the insistence of Irina, all the ambiguous scenes from the clip were cut out. "

The 2012 news scandal was the information that Valery Meladze was divided in almost ten years a bed with a soloist of the VIA Gra Group Albina Janabaeva. It turned out that Janabaeva and Meladze had a son of Kostya, which is already eight years old. Marriage with the first spouse broke up.

Valery Irina's ex-wife in 2016 commented on the news about their divorce. In the Russian Sensation program, she told when he learned that her husband was not faithful to her. In 2006, they, together with her husband and her older daughter, arrived at the presentation of the musical award. But at some point, Valery disappeared for a whole evening, and when he was announced, came out on the other side of the hall. At home Irina asked her husband a question, and he admitted to her in everything. "I could not take such a degree of deception by the person I loved and considered the friend," the Musician's ex-wife says. - Why did Valery need Albin? I wonder if he sold tangerines on the market, he would need her? Love? But it all causes it a smile, "wrote Starkit.

In the second marriage with Russian actress and singer Albina Janabaeva Valery Meladze has the sons of Konstantin (2004. Christmas) and Luka (2014 born.).

Father of five children Valery Meladze for many years remained aside from social networks. Unlike most colleagues in show business, the artist is not inclined to publicity outside concerts and various events. However, something influenced by the performer, and in the fall of 2017, on the air of one of the music channels, Valery admitted that until recently it believed that "an adult serious guy should have Instagram," but changed his mind and promised to start an account on a social network .

"I will be like everyone, photographing the food that I eat," the artist joined then. And this happened. Real Georgians kept promise.

In Instagram, Valeria Meladze has not yet many subscribers. Albina Janabaeva's wife in this plan is ahead of her husband. Photo of food, by the way, Valery almost does not lay out, mainly in his instagram pictures of working days, there are photos with other celebrities.

Scandal with Valery Meladze

Valery as all popular people are under the closer media observation. Recently, in the news they reported that allegedly the singer beat the photofrovent. Valery Meladze himself explained this incident so much:

"I went out of the restaurant and, in my opinion, looked bad," reveals the details of the scandalous evening Meladze. "After several frames were made, I headed for a journalist with the intention to ask her to remove these photos. The girl immediately began to shout loudly and run away from me towards the roadway, where her colleagues crowded. She behaved inadequately. The journalist oral so much and hysterically, that I did not know how to react. Even before I approached her, she stumbled and fell. In all photos and video, it can be seen that I come to the girl after she fell - I'm not a soul and do not behave, as the media now declare. In that I went to her and asked to remove the photo, there is no crime composition. "