Growing different breeds of pigs on meat. Pig farm as a business

Growing different breeds of pigs on meat. Pig farm as a business
Growing different breeds of pigs on meat. Pig farm as a business

Viktor Kalinin

Pilot with 12 years old

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Owners of private households rarely perceive growing pigs at home as a business and refill piglets for themselves. Meanwhile, you can create a business plan for breeding pigs, open your own farm and get a considerable income. In the period of import substitution in the country, local producers supports the state, the demand for meat does not fall even into the crisis, and the apparent technological process is only in the cultivation and subsequent sale of the livestock.

Deciding to open your own business in the field of pig breeding, make up the concept of an enterprise. Record requirements for breeds of pigs, room, equipment and staff, make a list of materials for construction and calculate costs. Determine the number of heads and the composition of the complex - which shops and premises are necessary. So will be formed, according to the items of which it is possible to start implementing the case. In order for the business to pay, it is not enough to purchase a hundred pigs - the minimum number that ensures the profitability of 150 animals.

Documentation and decoration

First of all, determine where the farm will be located, and refer to the management of the territory - the head of the district or to the administration of the rural settlement. Imagine a business plan and agree on the possibility of building orally. An interested novice entrepreneur with ready-made calculations can easily achieve permission. When well received, start collecting references and register a business.

Small production - 50 heads and less, you can not register. It is enough to issue a plot in the LDC and get a license for breeding.

Possible forms of a large enterprise:

  • IP - For registration, the form of the application P21001 will be required, copies of the passport, payment receipt 800 p. state duty;
  • Ltd. - I will need a statement of P11001, the decision of the founder (if one person opens) or the protocol of the meeting (if they open from 2 people) on the establishment of the LLC, the charter of the company and the order about choosing the director.

For registration contact the territorial body of the tax service. Registration of the company and obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor, Landtroke, SES and Fire Service will provide successful business and confidence of suppliers and buyers. License and permissions from instances. Declar after construction - service staff must check the placement of the farm and assess its compliance with the technical standards. You can first contact them with a question - what documents are regulated by the construction, and how the farm should look like.

Breed selection

Deciding with the place where the pigsty will be located, choose the pig breed. All pigs can be classified into three categories:

  • meat-shaedy - they include large white, pietrene, brazing, Murom;
  • bacon and meat - prolific, with elongated body and powerful sides; Breed - Landras, Durok, Donskaya, Vietnamese Vistambhah;
  • bacon and meat lessed fertility - Ukrainian ripples, Mirgorod breed.

The optimal number of livestock is 300 pigs, 1 boar on 10 sows. You can buy piglets from entrepreneurs who are already doing business on pigs. Young individuals are purchased from several breeders to avoid genetic diseases from inbreeding. You can meet breeders in agrarian exhibitions and forums.

Breed selection criteria:

  • direction of productivity;
  • immunity;
  • popularity of breeds from buyers;
  • meat outlet;
  • the ability of pigs to adapt to weather conditions and content.

What should be a high-quality piglet, with the purchase of which you can start a business at breeding pigs:

  • faster and healthy;
  • weighing 16 kg (two month);
  • with clear eyes and a pink patch;
  • with clean skin and shiny bristle;
  • movable, actively grabbing food.

To date, the farm business is actively expanding and gaining popularity. With the right organization, the case brings stable income and is distinguished by large development prospects. At the moment, there is still a big competition in this field of entrepreneurship. The only thing that can restrain businessmen from investments is a long waiting profit. But according to the experience of successful farmers, it can be understood that the costs of developing such a business are justified. The main thing is that it is necessary is to have skills and professional knowledge in the field of agriculture.

Pig farm as a business

Piggy, as a rule, is a fairly profitable business, since high-quality meat on the market always has demand and high margin. The simplicity of technological processes of this case attracts entrepreneurs. The whole point is to grow animals and selling them.

At the stage of creating such a business, like a pig farm, a plan for the sale of meat must be thought out in advance. It all depends on the scale of the enterprise. If you plan to create a small farm for growing pigs, then you can implement the finished product yourself. In the case of large production, it is necessary to find a sales place, large implementers in advance, to regularly pay taxes and provide a large package of documents for obtaining permits. Plus such a business is that it is possible to start your whole thing with a few pigs and constantly increasing the revolutions.

Powder farms and complexes can generate income not only from the main products (meat and salla), but also from the sale of blood, skins, etc. For wider development, you can create an emptycle. Smoked products have a longer shelf life and good demand for consumers.

Basic rules when opening pig breeding:

  • find the purchase market;
  • calculate the cost of opening the case and maintaining pig farms;
  • calculate all possible risks, solving problems;
  • to attract veterinarians or zootechnics.

Profitability of the farm business

Porks are familiar in agriculture and extremely practical animals in the farm business. There are several arguments in favor of doing this type of entrepreneurship:

  1. Pigs are rapidly growing. For six months, the weight of the livestock increases to the centner.
  2. Soon produces 10-14 piglets. Per year can get 20-30 pcs. Livestock (but the cow has only one calf for the year).
  3. The pig uses the feed much productive (absorbs about 30%), and, for example, the chicken assimilate only 20% of the feed.

The necessary documents for opening an enterprise

Most businessmen have a question at the initial stage: "How to open pig farms and complexes, which documents need to be issued?". Earnings on pigs is a difficult and responsible business, where you need to have a complete package of resolving documents on your hand.

First you need to decide in which area there will be a pig farm, since it is in this area that communication with officials will occur. With the district administration, it is necessary to coordinate the location of the future farm. To prove to officials the seriousness of intentions, you must have a ready-made business plan in your hands. In most cases, the administration positively refers to the formation of new labor places. For this, the authorities may arrange a land plot for business, help in obtaining public investment, as well as to assist with the registration of documents.

If the volume production of pigs is small, you can register your business as a personal subsidiary farm (LPH). In the case of large livestock production, it is necessary to open individual entrepreneurship, it will also be necessary to pay a single agricultural tax. To open such a business, you need to contact such instances: Rospotrebnadzor, fire and veterinary control, SES.

Farm organization

It is necessary to approach the organization of pig breeding very seriously. Specialists in this area argue that profitability depends on such factors:

  • animal content conditions;
  • proper feeding;
  • breed piglets.

Such a business can be organized on its own land plot, where the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe land can be equal to 50 acres. The site should be located away from residential buildings in order not to interfere with local residents. In addition to pigsty, it will take a granary and workshop.

Equipment and room

After receiving all the necessary documents for permission to conduct entrepreneurship, the second step in creating a business will be the design of pig farms. It may be an old room that will need to be repaired and equipped under the pig farm. The pig farm built from scratch will cost much more expensive.

If a farm is planned for 100 and more pigs, then you will need to hire workers, which will be care for the livestock. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to highlight the premises for the office, production and laboratories. It will take approximately 5000 m² to accommodate 300 animals.

The room must be clean, light, without drafts and fully comply with sanitary standards. Also much attention is paid to installing specialized equipment. Buying the latest equipment, automated feed distribution on pig farms will help create the appropriate conditions for the livestock. In the future, this will allow minimizing costs.

Most of the pig farms in Russia use equipment that over 20 years old (technique that came out of the working condition). This leads to the expenditure of feed invested, to raising the incidence of animals, etc. If the pig farm is fully automated, it will reduce the risk of livestock diseases and increase the income of the enterprise.

Required equipment for pig farm

The mechanization of the pig farm is extremely necessary to build a successful business on pigs. Without technology and tools in such a case, do not work for a long time. At hand you need to have a hammer, scrap, drill, nails, etc. Another necessary technique for purchasing includes:

  • grainbill;
  • drinkers, feeders;
  • truck.

Farm pig selection

Today there are about hundreds of breeds of pigs of various productivity, so when choosing a flock, you need to think good everything well and make the right choice. Professionals who are not the first year are engaged in a pig farm, advise to begin to purchase approximately 400 heads of piglets and pigs. Before buying it is best to visit several farms, see, in what conditions the flock is living, learn the pedigree.

Most farmers today stop at the breeding of Vietnamese pigs. Features of this breed:

  • multiplying pigs;
  • high profitability of business;
  • stability of diseases to diseases;
  • bacon productivity direction;
  • breed is in great demand.

When creating suitable conditions (place for spacious walking and warm room) Vietnamese pigs can bring a good income to the enterprise. Due to the good fitness and many advantages are popular with the farmers of the Siberian breed, northern and pig breeds are large white.

Feeding and breeding piglets

In order for the company to bring revenue and quickly became profitable, it is necessary to think over the cost of feed for herd in advance. Only Balanced for each age feed will lead to a permanent profit and prosperity of the case.

To work with sows and just born piglets need to hire a responsible personnel who knows his work. You also need to be attracted to the work of the veterinarian. Only qualified specialists with work experience in the field of pig breeding will be able to help avoid mistakes when carrying out rages of pigs, proper care for sow during pregnancy and childbirth. All these conditions will help reduce the risk of mortality of herd.

Farm staff

Since this type of business needs professionals, it is extremely important to hire people who understand the sphere of agriculture. Assistants should know the peculiarities of care for piglets. Also in the pigsty should be the veterinarian. This will help save the livestock and avoid problems in case of infection or infection. This activity will require an accountant, managing and operator of pig-breeding complexes and mechanized farms.

Business Plan of a pig farm

Based on your business on pigs, you need to make a business plan. Next is given an approximate calculation of 10 heads. For the year you can get about 40 heads of young people. First you need to rent an old farm and repair. Hire veterinarian and subband. Primary costs include:

  • registration of an enterprise - about 12 thousand;
  • farm repair - about 120 thousand;
  • buy pigs - 240 thousand;
  • buying equipment and other costs - 118 thousand.

The total amount of primary investments will be about 490 thousand rubles.

Current expenses:

  • feeding - 540 thousand;
  • rental - 660 thousand per year;
  • salary to employees - 420 thousand;
  • veterinary inspections - 55 thousand;
  • tax payment - 150 thousand

Every year in business investments will be about 1 million 825 thousand rubles. In order for piglets to type the desired mass (120 kilograms), you need a year. Following the results will be 84 kg of pure meat with each individual. The total income after the sale of meat will leave about 2 million 352 thousand rubles per year (real indicators may be much higher). Consequently, the profit will be about 527 thousand rubles a year, which will allow making attachments for several seasons.

Specialists who managed to succeed in organizing a home mini farm, have gained tremendous experience in the farm business. Several advice of successful entrepreneurs:

  • focus better for two sources of income: the implementation of young and fat, meat;
  • you should buy only thoroughbred piglets;
  • purchase of the livestock is preferably not at one breeder, but in several (so that there is no degeneration);
  • tight pigs need to be drilled to the maximum to receive income earlier;
  • the profitability of the pig farm (we considered the typical project above) is about 25-30%.

Farm in Stavropol Territory

The pig farm of the Stavropol Territory called the "Guard" became the first enterprise as part of the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". To date, one of the leading livestock farms of the city of Stavropol and is the most promising economy.

The first stage of the pig farms was introduced in September 2006. Her plans included an annual fattening of 80 thousand pigs. More than 600 million rubles were invested in the complex itself.

After the commissioning of the second stage, the productive force of the Limited Liability Company "Guard" was about 400 thousand heads per year. The total investment was four billion rubles.

Domestic and foreign experts in this field are working on the pig farm. With the help of laboratory research, the safety of the company "Guard" was confirmed.

In September 2010, the Meat Processing Plant was commissioned with a limited liability company, which today is the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District. Animal caution capacity is one hundred eighty pigs per hour and four hundred thousand pigs per year. This will produce up to 45 thousand tons of pork.

Today, the company produces products of primary processing of meat and cutting - semi-finished products of small-sided and large-scale, semi-curtain. In the future, it is planned to produce meat products of deep processing with high value added.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


In our difficult time, many are thinking about creating their small businesses to get stable income.

Piggy for these purposes is suitable as it is impossible. Products that are obtained from pigs have high demand, and the production process is quite simple.

However, profitable pig breeding requires compliance with a number of conditions. Let's try to figure it out - what.

The first steps

Having decided to choose this industry to create your business, first of all it is necessary to take into account that it will be necessary to drastically change the usual life structure, long time to give the farm and constantly (especially at first) to carry material costs. Before starting the organization of the pig farm, it is necessary to really appreciate the possibility of selling final products.

If you are planning a small enterprise, whose products you will independently sell on the market or fair, then a sufficient personal subsidiary farm. If your requests are more ambitious, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. Of course, it will require a more serious accounting, constantly pay taxes and face permissions, but it appears the ability to increase the livestock and enlarging the business.

After you decide on the number of future flock, be sure to make a competent business plan (either yourself, or with the help of a specialist), which you will follow the first few years. Many started with several animals, and then gradually increased their livestock. Decide on the breed and provide in terms of the future use of its tribal animals. The main emphasis should be made for the sale of meat and sala. The selection aspect should be left only within the framework of its own reproductive needs, because, as experience shows, even the initial investments do not always pay off on the production of young people.

It is also worth providing market sales markets (blood, skins, bristles and so on). In the future, a good source can be your own smokehouse, since smoked is stored longer than fresh meat, and the demand for nickname is also high.

Minimizing all possible sources of income together, deal with the business plan consumable. It should include:

  • investments in the purchase of pigs for your herd;
  • costs for the purchase of feed (also foresee where to buy them);
  • the costs of the primary organization and on the subsequent maintenance of the normal work of the farm;
  • the cost of paying for the wage employees;
  • expenses for activities of sanitary and hygienic and veterinary nature;
  • fare;
  • other unforeseen expenses.

It should also be provided for the possible risks of this business, the necessary measures to minimize them and the ability to attract veterinary and zootechnical specialists.


This type of entrepreneurial activity requires a complete package of permits and regulatory documentation. Ignorance of this issue often puts future farmers in a dead end. However, everything is not so scary as it may seem at first glance.

To begin with, decide on the location of the future farm, since it is local officials who will control you. Consider with them the very possibility of working on the territory controlled and a specific place to accommodate your farm. At this stage, a well-compiled business plan will help you very much, which will demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.

Usually, obstacles from the local authorities do not happen, since new taxpayers and new labor places are beneficial for any administration. Moreover, if your plans are serious enough, officials can assist you in choosing a land plot and in its proper design. Also, in some cases, you may even highlight the assistant, which will accompany you at all stages of registration and collection of documents - from tax authorities to permits.

After the legalization of its business and the design of all the necessary permits, the next entry will be the right organization of the room for the content of animals. There are two options here - repair the old or construction of a new one. The second option is more expensive, but it allows you to build a pigsty that meets your needs as possible.

If at your herd is planned more than 100 pigs, you will need hired personnel, which will be needed by household, industrial and utility rooms.

They are also necessary to envisage when planning the future pig farm. For example, with the number of livestock in 300 animals, the recommended area of \u200b\u200ball necessary premises is about 5,000 square meters.

The pigsty should be clean, well lit, fully protected from drafts and provide for the possibility of fast and comfortable cleaning. An important aspect of successful pig breeding is modern equipment.

At the first stage, you can do with simple drinks, feeders and means of manual labor, but the costs of modern equipment are quickly paid off, as they strongly reduce the cost of maintenance and reduce the share of manual labor, which leads to a decrease in the cost of products.

We choose the breed

Pork rocks are currently leaving a lot. The choice depends on the products you want to receive, as well as from the climatic conditions of your region and the presence of suitable feed.

Those farmers who have already passed the initial stage of the formation of their pig-breeding economy are advised to start with herds in 350-400 animals, including 2 boars and 15-mate.

Most of the pigs goes to fattening for the subsequent implementation of the final products to start returning the initial material costs. If the starting capital is not enough for such a population, you can start with a small herd, gradually increasing its number at the expense of its own reproduction.

Before buying tribal animals, it will not be superfluous to go to several existing farms, see several options for the proposed young, see its pedigree (preferably for several generations). This is needed for:

  • the elimination of the possibility of mating animals in close relationship, after which the offspring turns out to be unnecessary and with deviations;
  • definitions of productivity of procured pigs, since they are transmitted inheritance, and the future offspring depends on the proper selection of parents;
  • protecting your investment in business ahead for several years, since it is from the correct chosen tribal nucleus that the effectiveness of your investments depends.

Currently, Vietnamese pigs purchased great popularity. This is due to their following qualities:

Traditionally popular from beginner and prototypes of breed large white and northern Siberian rocks.

They are distinguished by high meat productivity, multiplotion and, which is important in most regions of our country, a good level of adaptation to any climatic conditions.

Cheapering feed mixtures without prejudice to their quality and reducing feed cost per unit of skills - the main keys to success. Well balanced, high-quality and feeds in competent ratios for each age group of pigs allow to obtain high income and, as a result, a cost-effective business.

The same principles underlie approaches to breeding and reproduction. Activities in these directions should be a planned, targeted and carried out at the highest level, constantly. This requires competent and experienced staff, which is best to include a qualified zootechnic.

A good level of hired specialists will allow to ensure the correct mating of pigs, competent sowing care during the tooling of offspring and after the support, which will ensure the high survival of young people, and, therefore, will increase the profitability of your business.

To calculate profitability, we take a specific number of 350-400 pigs, of which 15-t - sows, and two boars. In a year, such a population will be needed from 30 to 35 tons of grain and from 250 to 300 tons kilograms of various types of vitamin and mineral additives. It will be able to serve it by 4-5 people.

In order to reduce feed costs, grain crops and root crops can be grown on your own land plot. For this, these sowing areas need to provide a business plan.

To calculate, we take the average fecundity of 10 piglets in one litter. Then from 15 sows at a time will turn out 150 young. As pigs give offspring twice a year - we obtain the average annual range of 300 goals. Live weight 100 kilograms piglets are gaining over the year. Pure slaughter output with one individual - 50-60 kilograms. By multiplying this number, the total number of animals intended for slaughter and on the average market price of a pork kilogram, we get the gross income of our work for the year. On average, this value is approximately 3,150,000 rubles / year.

Now, from this amount, we subtract all expenses per year (the cost of buying or growing feed, staff salary, utilities, transportation costs and product sales, and so on). We receive income before taxation, from which it is still necessary to calculate taxes (depending on the chosen form of taxation). It remains about one million rubles (per year). Considering the initial investments in the amount of approximately 2.5 - 3 million rubles, payback period is obtained 2.5-3 years. Then this million will become your pure profit.

In other words, after payback, profitability will be at the level of 25-30 percent.

It is worth saying that the calculation of the calculation is quite approximate and largely depends on the specific region of the management. Each novice farmer in the preparation of a business plan should take into account specific local conditions and to decide for himself - it is advantageous to his pig breeding or not.

The demand for pork is always. Many consumers choose this meat due to lower prices than that of beef, veal, turkey. Some buyers prefer in taste. In supermarkets, meat shops, production in the market is presented in a wide range. But novice animals do not lose hope that they can take a certain place in Niche. To assess their chances, it is necessary to compile a business plan for breeding pigs. Make it you can independently or attract specialists. We offer to explore the finished example, which contains a business plan for breeding pigs with calculations.

Choosing a scale of activity

The main stage of scheduling in the field of animal husbandry is to determine the scale of the future enterprise. The pig breeding may have a mini farm format on the territory of a personal compound or a large pig complex with the organization of the necessary infrastructure and a set of personnel.

In each case, the sequence of actions of the novice farmer is the same. Differences only in the material part. Attachments in the pigs grown at home will be several times lower than investments in a complex focused on multi-boring products.

For pigs, it is necessary indoor rooms equipped with pens, feeders. All waste is disposed of according to the requirements of the environmental service and SES. A large complex can not be located near residential buildings and water sources. If waste falls into the soil, they can spoil the water supply and bring environmental problems and residents of the settlement.

Mini-pig farms can be located on the land plot of residents of the countryside. Typically, families are engaged in breeding that grow no more than 10 heads to obtain additional income. Meat is selling with a carcass right with the farm or retail on the agricultural market or fair.

We offer a project focused on small business for novice livestock breeders within home conditions.

Characteristic object

Type of activity: Agriculture; Growing pigs for commercial purposes.

OKVED: 01.46 "Growing and breeding pigs."

Location: town in rural areas. Pigs will be placed on the territory of the personal compound. There is a free land plot for the construction of a pigsty. The room will be built from a log. It is necessary to order a log house and equip it according to the requirements for the content of pigs on meat.

Business form: KFH.

Schedule: abnormal.

Types of services:

  • The content of pigs on meat.
  • The fine-floor realization of the carcass in the shaved form.
  • Sale of internal organs (liver, heart, lungs).
  • Retail sale of pork on the market and through meat farms.
  • Sale of manure.
  • Production of salt and smoked pork product at home.

Investing in pig farm

Growing pigs requires certain conditions. For animals, the room is given, in which it should not be cold and damp. In the countryside, a barn of logs are usually built on a private house. The log cabin can be erected independently or order from specialists. The equipment in the pigsty consists of feeders, drinking, cleaning systems from manure, ventilation and lighting. Some farmers share the space by partitions to reject adults from young people. The floor is better to raise to avoid moisture and cold. The land and warmer in the pigsty, the faster the piglets will grow and hurt less. This will exclude the use of antibiotics that reduce the quality of meat. All attachments at the stage of preparation for the placement of wards in the pigsty, we note in the table:

Type of costs Funds, rub.
Farming Legmentation Procedure 3 thousand
Land layout, electricity installation, water supply, waste system for future shed 50 thousand
Construction of a church, roofing work, internal equipment of the poverty 200 thousand
Construction of facing food storage, cooking hot mixes made of vegetables, cutting shop on meat 40 thousand
Acquisition of a refrigerator for storing a carcass before shipment 50 thousand
Purchase and installation of smokehouse for the production of meat products 50 thousand
Equipment of the area for manure 5 thousand
Feed, Veterinary Services, Swinarnic Disinfection 50 thousand
Obtaining documents on animals from the vest, SES 10 thousand
Purchase piglets and adult pigs and boars for their young 100 thousand
Outcome 560 thousand

It is possible that the costs at the initial stage will be different. It depends on the room that will be assigned to the pigsty. Some livestock breeders make brick or panel buildings. The cost of materials and labor depends on the specific choice of the entrepreneur. Do not save on pigsty, especially its square. If the demand for pork increases, it will be enough to expand the livestock without additional costs for the new pigsty. Big Shed at the initial stage will allow to highlight the space for the storage of the hay and some feeds. Then there is no need to build a separate warehouse.

Particular attention at the stage of equipping pigsty by turning to ventilation, water supply and system cleaning system from manure, other waste. This will reduce the number of employees and time for animal service.

We take into account the fact that the first profit will be obtained in 4-6 months after the purchase of first piglets. You need to have a financial reserve for this period. We will put 100 thousand rubles in the estimate of the business plan. The total investment amount can be 700 thousand rubles for small KFC.

Complex staff

The project is focused on family business in agricultural conditions. For the full functioning of the pigsty, the following specialists are needed:

  • Powder (zootechnics). Watch out for the diet of animals, their increase and conditions of content. Tracks the condition of the equipment on the farm. The head of the CFC, which received an appropriate education and is ready to apply it in practice.
  • Handyman. Fill the feeders and drinkers, changes the litter in the pigsty, removes the manure, monitors the maintenance of order on the adjacent territory. For maintenance need 2 people. You can attract relatives to work, establish them salary or percentage of profits.
  • Vet. A specialist is needed for inspecting pigs, their vaccination, preventing diseases and issuing documents, without which the sales of pork consumer is impossible. You do not need to take to the state of the veterinarian. It is enough to conclude an agreement for the provision of services and pay as a veterinarian call to the object. The amounts of remuneration are written off on costs.
  • Man responsible for sales products. The small volume of the farm does not allow you to go on a wholesale market to large trading networks. The entrepreneur will have to independently sell meat on the market or deliver a catering establishment. This needs time and transport. You can attract relatives to work or negotiate with the seller in the market for a fee.

This is the main composition to cope with all the work. Salary expenses depend on the design of labor relations with all members of the CFC. Usually the deductions are paid only by the head of the economy. The rest of the participants simply get their part of profits after the sale of meat or young people. In the cost of the costs you can make annual contributions for yourself in the tax and pension fund.

Dates of the launch of Podnarnica

The demand for meat does not depend on the time of year, but young piglets usually buy in spring. This season is easier adaptation, in warm weather animals can be released outside. The arrangement of the territory needs to be in early spring or autumn. Timing and types of work We note in the table:

Type of work / deadlines March April May June
Writing a business plan, land layout, ordering a chrush carpenters +
Registration of activities in the tax and local administration. Getting permission for breeding pigs for commercial purposes +
Installation of electricity, water supply, cleaning channel to the location of the cut +
Delivery of cut and building materials, installation of construction, internal equipment of pigsty +
Studying purchases on purchasing piglets. Registration of the application +
Purchase of animals, feed, inventory + +
Search customers for products and young people. Publication of ads on forums, local media, portals + + +
Growing young. Veterinarian services for the health of wards and disinfection of pigsty + +

The first collection is possible after 6 months, if there are no orders for young piglets. Some cafes, restaurants offer in the menu of the milk piglets entirely and can become permanent customers. The economy will begin its work in May, but the implementation will begin in the fall.

Project benefits

Now we define the yield of pig breeding within a small private farm. Calculations allow you to understand whether it makes sense to engage in this direction in animal husbandry. The business plan assumes that at the same time will be contained 50 pigs. The main part of the livestock is fused on meat. Several females and boars are left to renew young, so as not to spend money on their purchase from another animal husband.

With good conditions of content and a full-fledged diet, one pig achieves weight in 100-120 kg. If the implementation is carried out by small wholesale (carcass), the cost of 1 kg of meat varies from 200 to 250 rubles / kg. Take the middle price of 210 rubles / kg with the disposal of the buyer's products. Economic transportation costs are excluded.

Direct sale of meat on the market increases the revenue of the entrepreneur. The cost of commodity products can reach up to 350 rubles / kg. Suppose the average price will be 290 rubles / kg. Individually sold internal organs (heart, liver, kidney, tongue), head, ears and legs on the chore. Suppose one pig, 100 kg weighing, brings a farmer revenue from 22 to 32 thousand rubles. It depends on the sales option.

On slaughter will go 45 goals, which provides seasonal revenue in the amount of 1 million 125 thousand rubles. Additional income is possible from sales of manure and young piglets. Suppose the amount will be equal to 50 thousand rubles. In one year, KFH can grow and sell up to 100 goals of pigs. Annual turnover will be more than 2 million rubles.

Now consider the net profit of pig farms to estimate its profitability, payback periods and pure profits. In the table we will make a constant cost of the economy, revenue for the year:

After calculations of the revenue and costs of KFH, which raised over a year 100 goals, was obtained a net profit of 1 million 100 thousand rubles. At the stage of launching pigsty, funds in the amount of 700 thousand rubles were invested. The self-sufficiency will be released in the first year of breeding pigs and will receive an income of 400 thousand rubles. If you divide it for months, then the revenue will be from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. From the second year, the yield of farming will be much more.


Pig breeding can be beneficial for a novice entrepreneur if there are special knowledge of the rules of their content, an empty plot in the property and reliable sales channels. Competition in the field of pig breeding is serious, but not all manufacturers deliver a product of good quality to the consumer. Some people prefer to buy a pork from a private farmer. "Sarafan Radio" does its work and provides an entrepreneur with a sufficient number of regular customers.