Georges Sand - a brief biography. Aurora Dupin (Georges Sand): biography and creativity of the French writer

Georges Sand - a brief biography. Aurora Dupin (Georges Sand): biography and creativity of the French writer
Georges Sand - a brief biography. Aurora Dupin (Georges Sand): biography and creativity of the French writer

Her novels admired Turgenev and Saint-Bev, they went crazy Prosper Merim and Frederick Chopin on it. Elite Paris looked forward to every book, fearing to admit this to himself.

But the writer with the male name was always and above all the woman. Maybe more than in other European countries, they read her works, drove out and inspired them in Russia. "Georges Sand is, undoubtedly, the first poetic fame modern Mira", I wrote in 1842 by V. G. Belinsky. "Georges Sand is one of our saints," said I. S. Turgenev in the year of her death. She was born on July 1, 1804, a month after the wedding of his parents - the Adjutant of the Napoleonic General and the actress. Her father Maurice Dupin belonged to a noneged family, did a successful military career And served as an adjutant at Murat. Moreover, through a series of extramarital connections, the writer's father accounts for grandson by the chief marshal of France Mauris Saxon, who, in turn, was extramarital son Kurfürst Saxon, the king of the Polish and Grand Duke Lithuanian Augustus strong. So, Amanda Aurora Lucille Dupin (full and real name Georges Sand) was royal blood.
Mother of the writer Sophie Victoria Decommus - Simpro. In his youth, she worked as a dancer in the Boulevard theater, then became the mistress of rich. When she married Dupin, she was for 30, and open-American daughter Carolina in his arms. This social difference between the parents of Aurora felt from childhood.

Grandma Aurora, daughter Moritz Saxon - illegitimate son of the Polish king, did not want to recognize this almost four years unequal marriage And granddaughter born from him. Softened only when the baby managed to put on her knees. Suddenly she learned the wonderful eyes of her son and was conquered ...

Unfortunately, family idyll lasts long. When the girl was four years old, her father died, falling from an unnecessd horse. And his widow, leaving a little daughter on the care of her grandmother, went to Paris. Aurora was equally loved by both the mother, grandmother, and the gap between them caused her first serious pain. Portrait of grandmother Georges Sand.

Grandmother made an excellent musician from his granddaughter and put her love for literature. Aurora Dupin

At fourteen aged, Aurora was given to the Guesthouse of the Augustinian Monastery, where the formation of the girls from the most notable families of France was obtained. All the teachers were Englishwomen, and for the rest of the life of Aurora kept the habit of drinking tea, talk and even think in English.

To home in Noan, she returned to an educated, deeply believer girl, besides the rich heiress. Externally, Aurora was like Creolecu: Double, with large black eyes and dense hair. Large teeth and slightly outstanding chin did not spoil her face.

"In childhood, she said," I promised to be very beautiful. The promise did not restrain, perhaps, because at that age, when beauty blooms, I already spent the nights for reading and writing. "

Contemporaries depict her woman low height, dense physique, with a gloomy facial expression, a scattered look, yellow skin and premature wrinkles on the neck ...

Unlike most of their peers, Aurora enjoyed almost unlimited freedom. She went hunting and drove in a male costume, he studied at his tutor to the mystery of the manor's management, was fluent with young people. The old Mrs. Dupen died when his granddaughter was only seventeen.

At the age of 16, due to grandmother's disease, Aurora crossed all rights to manage the estate. Now it was possible to not pay attention to social SocietyAnd it was already very shocked by the freedom that a young girl allowed himself.

A year later, at her friends in Paris, the young owner of Noana became acquainted with the artillery guarantor Kazimir Dudeevan. Being older than ten years old, he did not differ in special beauty, but was considered what is called "good small". Aurora fell in love with him as an embodiment of masculinity. In September 1822, Aurora Dupin de Franken became Baron Grade Dudevan. Her husband belonged to women very simplistic, especially since she was used to deal with maids and modists. His feelings were little occupied. So for the young baroness after six months after the wedding did not matter anything other than the future child. At nineteen she gave birth to the son of Maurice.

And recovering from childbirth, with amazement realized that it is unlikely that there is a calm and peace of mind in marriage, which was so expected. Her husband did not disregard any maid in the house. And once Kazimir hit his spouse ... The marriage of two people gave a serious crack.

There is information that it is the classes of Aurora Literature (due to a constant lack of funds, it took over the translations and began writing the novel, subsequently abandoned in the fire) contributed to family quarrels. The stepmother of Casimir, having learned that Aurora intends to publish his writings, came into rage and insisted that the name Dydevan never appeared on any of the books. And she really did not appear ...

At one of the picnics, Aurora met fragile, with aristocratic appearance, Blonde Jules Sando, to the madness fell in love with a young woman. The "kid" of Sando completely personified her dreams of a beautiful prince - a child and a beloved at the same time.

The province looked through the fingers to the connection of the owner of Noana with a young Parisian. But the fact that Baroness Dydevan rushed after his lover to the capital was unheard of! According to one version, the husband gave her a few hundred francs from her own state on the road - the amount that was barely had enough for the first days of stay in Paris.

After a series of mutual modifications, the spouses came to the agreement: Aurora went to Paris, leaving her husband her estate, only a small rent was relying. At the same time, the visibility of marriage remained. From this point on, the woman itself determined her life. And, given that a secular society looked through his fingers, the status of a married woman did not interfere with her freedom, as the opposite - gave protection.

In the scandalous novel, "Lelia" disappointed in the love of the heroine changes lovers one after another, but can not get physical satisfaction. It leads life full of "self-sacrifice and self-denials", as it agrees to give the pleasure that he cannot experience.

The scandal also called "letters to Marsi", where the Sand reflected on the gender equality in the love alliance, about the divorce and the possibility of happiness for the girl without marriage, about the role of passion in the life of a woman. The newspaper "MOND", where these letters were first printed, took them off the publication. Such straight Talk About female sensuality and equality was unacceptable.

In the first years of life in Paris, Aurora was racing the public with demonstrative wearing a male costume. In fact, it was not so much protest sign, how much necessary measure, allowing it to save on the outfits. And since more than all Aurora appreciated independence, she could not go on famous path And go to search for a rich patron. Literature remained.

In order to get rid of expenses for women's outfits, Aurora began to wear men's suit... She herself washed and stroking underwear, herself drove her daughter to walk, Baby Sange, born, as they said, from one of the lovers. Husband, driving in Paris, certainly visited Aurora and appeared with her in the theater. In the summer, she returned to Noan for several months, mainly to see with a hot beloved son ...

In the capital of Aurora brought Roman Eme, written back in Noana, but the manuscript was rejected by publishers. Then she managed to penetrate the journalistic world of Paris to earn some pennies. A little later, she dragged the Jules - their articles subscribed to this: J. Sando. Under the same name, the novel "Roses and Blanche" came out. Auguste Sharpatier. Portrait of Georges Sand.

After the next trip to Noan Aurora returned with a new manuscript - it was "Indiana". Shocked Jules (the beloved clearly surpassed his talent!) Refused to sign the work, whose creation did not have the slightest relationship. So the alias of Aurora was born: Georges Sand.

The novel had a dizzying success. And his author was already ready the next - "Valentine" - and several leaders. Communication with Sando continued, although obviously both. First of all, the writer, which he began to annoy the constantly tired, hneezing, painful Jules. And here on one of the guests evening, she met the famous actress Marie Dorval and her friend Alfred de Vigni, who opened the world of bohemian circles of Paris for yesterday's provincials. She noticed. Shatubrean predicted to her that she would become Bayron France.

In the personal life of Georges Sand everything was not easy. For about two years, Prospel Merime was courted - a writer of a large talent and no smaller cynicism. Subsequently, he argued that the lack of smallestness of Aurora killed every desire in it. She after his care was crying - from grief, disgust, hopelessness.

And here the man entered her life, equal to her according to her giftedness: Alfred de Mussse is a child spoiled by women and glory, a man who has fun champagne, describe and prostitutes.
Alfred de Mussse (FR. ALFRED DE MUSSET), December 11, 1810

"When I saw her for the first time, he later recalled," she was in a female dress, and not in an elegant male costume, which was so often absolute. And she also led himself with a truly female grace, inherited from her noble grandmother. Footprints of his youth were still on the cheeks, her gorgeous eyes brightly glistened, and this glitter under the shadow of dark thick hair produced a truly chant impression, having struck me in the heart. On the forehead lay the infinity of thoughts. She told little, but firmly. "

Mussse recalled that he, as it were, under the influence of this woman, that neither before her, nor after he had never experienced such an enthusiastic condition, such impulses of love and happiness ...

First, lovers went to romantic trip in Italy. The Aurora mode remained the same: eight hours of work per day. In the afternoon, she certainly spinned twenty sheets of paper with her major handwriting. Her exhausted beloved became rude. "Dreamer, fool, nuns" is the most innocent of his attacks to the girlfriend.

Weeks held in Venice, steel for Georges Sandmap. The disease chained it to bed, the Mussy was obviously eating her. He went out for a long time from the hotel in search of entertainment in the city. When she felt better and got up, he suddenly spread the Mussy. Doctors suspected brain inflammation or typhus. Aurora slapped near the patient during the day and night, not undressing and almost without trusting for food.

There is a legend of the Venetian lover of the Sand, the doctor Padhell, who treated it first from fever, then from dysentery. The desire and the disease do badly get along together, and in one beautiful day Georges heard from his "boy": "I was wrong, I ask you for forgiveness, but I do not love you." She would have left at the same second, but the disease did not allow. In addition, Padegelo had to simultaneously treat de Mussse from something like inflammation of the brain: seizures, accompanied by hallucinations and nonsense. The painting appeared in the sick brain: his mistress (I note, already rejected by him) gives his doctor right at the head of the bed of the patient. And this fairy tale went to walk throughout Europe, purchasing finally the status of an immutable fact. The most interesting thing is that the ill-fated seizure began with de Mussse in the Venetian house of tolerance, from where it, beaten and bloody, brought to the hotel to Georges. Even if in the legend about Padegelo there is even truth tool, one can say one thing: kitits. The story, however, favorably turned out to be a poet than to the writer.
Be that as it may, de Mussse went to Paris, and the Sand remained in Venice with Padegello. It is reliably known that from Italy, George brought with him the novel "Jacques", the wonderful impressions of Venice and ... Dr. in love with her.
What for? And to return de Mussy! At least for a while: throw yourself, and not be abandoned. Very similar to typically male desire. The trap "worked" flawlessly - "Malgan" returned. And three months later, Sand escaped from him to Noan, having furnished it with such a dexterity that Alfred understood everything too late.

But in any case, it is George Sand that he is obliged to wrote a brilliant play "not joking with love," to this day, not converging with french scene. Brilliant fruit of love geniuses!
After some time, Aurora decided to divorce her husband to gain long-awaited freedom. Friends introduced her to the lawyer Louis Michel. For the first time in the life of Georges Sand dealt with a more volitional man than she herself. Curiosity soon turned into passion.

Louis Michelle.

But when Michel has achieved a favorable outcome of the marriage process, the relationship between lovers became rapidly cooling. About every date Georges had to begging ... Finally, her patience was dried.

After half a year, Georges Sand first met with Honor de Balzac. The great novelist committed, according to him, "Pilgrimage to Noan," by aspiring pre-permission from the hostess and the muse of the estate. She accepted him the most friendly way.

Finally, the dream of Sand was fulfilled: she found the interlocutor - it was the interlocutor, and not a beloved and not even a friend! - To become yourself. The most interesting thing was that their beliefs were diametrically opposed. She was a Republican, he is a monarchist. She preached the emancipation of women and marriage in love, he is a limitation of freedom of a married woman and marriage for the calculation ... Nevertheless, they perfectly spent time in conversations and, without sharing the beliefs of each other, respected them. What a holiday soul for Aurora! It is curious that after a personal acquaintance with Georges Sand and Balzac wrote one of his the best novels "Beatrice, or forced love."

... In the late 1820s, when Avrora Dudevan had not yet thought about literary activities, she was dominated by the sentimental tradition of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and women's novels. She spoke about "sensitive hearts," said the love of the highest exercise and happiness of man.

Then, in the 1830s, it was attracted by psychological novelWhich at that time preached standal at that time. Hundreds of works are written by it for forty five years of continuous labor - novels, stories, journalistic and critical articles, memories…

In his work, Georges Sand, the main place was given to women's fate. Indiana, Valentina, Lelia, Lavinia, Consuelo, Heroine "Leone Leoni" or "Andre" - all of them better and above their spouses or beloved, despite the fact that they are humiliated and offended and suffering from selfishness, facilitating or villains of men.

Relatively early came to her world recognition. Letters flew from all ends of Europe ... Russian, Italian, Polish, Hungarian writers, public figures Thanked, they expressed their enthusiasm.

Almost inhuman intensity creative work required extreme mental and physical tension. After a short sleep - a writing table, household worries, classes with children, watching manuscripts sent from all over the country with requests to read, fix, print. Money has always lacked: it was necessary to help everyone - friends, acquaintances and unfamiliar people, novice writers, peasants district.

"You ask whether I work," she wrote to one of his correspondents. "Of course, yes, since I still exist in the world." Luigi Kalamata. Portrait of Maurice Dyudueva (Son)

Sange Dudevan (daughter)

In the economy and in the correspondence sometimes helped the secretaries, teachers were taken for children and grandchildren, but excessive work caused insomnia from which neither cigarettes nor medicines were helped. Yes, and personal troubles have been as you like, ranging from oral and printed slander and ending with tactless interference in her home affairs Daughter Sange, which turned into beautiful woman and inventive intrigue.

Sand can be called " fatal woman" As a rule, it was the initiator of a love connection that was notepins for the XIX century. Own lovers were the material from which Georges Land books grew.

But the most famous beloved Georges Sand became, of course, Frederick Chopin. With a Polish composer Sand lived almost nine years. The writer supported Chopin financially and was actually the head of their informal family. However, these relationships were ambiguous and painful - both for Chopin and for Sand. Sand described his vision of this love relationship in the novel "Lucretia Floriani".

... about the last great love Georges Sand written a lot of books. The subject of her passion and adoration was the young polish pianist, brilliant composer Frederic Chopin.
Frederic Chopin. Portrait unknown artist, 1831

He was younger than her just seven years old, but Aurora belonged to him with almost maternal tenderness. Chopin showed himself not too sophisticated in love affairs, although the "child" was already twenty-eighth year.
E. Delacroix. Georges Sand and Frederick Chopin

And "aging" seductive - thirty-four! Their connection lasted seven years. In the "Chopin" period, she wrote one of his best works - Roman "Consuelo", permeated by a huge passion for music and art.

With all Os. angelic appearance Blue-eyed Frydearch character was not easy. Georges Sand had to be taped between his dimming, sons of Maurice and evil whims of Sange. The latter reached the point that, to the great delight of provincial gossip, openedly fluttered with Chopin and deftly woned Friedrik with his frivolous brother.

At the end of 1838, the Sand takes relations with Chopin, by that time, the Maria Vodzinskaya maritre from his bride. Hoping that the Majorca climate will produce a beneficial effect on the health of Chopin, Sand along with him and children decides to spend the winter there.

Paris journalist Jules Dufur wrote: "What a reasonable person will say that the love of two statues, two monuments can last longer than a day? In general, the pedestal will be boring to death. And in bed monuments are just funny ... "
Onor Balzac, when he was asked what he thinks about this sensational novel, answered like this: "Former failures in love Madame Sand concluded in her unshakable faith in happy love. She believes in her and waits for a woman. And seeks her as a man ... "

Expectations Georges Sand was not justified: the rainy season began, Chopin has opened cough attacks. In February, they returned to France. Sand is aware of the head of the family. From now on, she tries to live only for children, Chopin and their creativity. To save winter, they spent in Paris. The difference in characters, political preferences, jealousy for a long time could not prevent them from maintaining affection. Sand quickly realized that Chopin was dangerous sick and loyally cared for his health. But no matter how the situation has improved, the Chopin did not allow his character and his illness for a long time in the peaceful state.

This is a man of extraordinary sensitivity: the slightest touch of him is the wound, the slightest noise - thunder blow; a person who recognizes the conversation only with the eye on the eye, who went into some mysterious life And only occasionally manifests itself in any irrepressive leavings, adorable and funny. Heinrich Heine

Some of the friends spared Sand, calling Chopin with her "evil genius" and "Cross." Fearing for his condition, she brought their relationship to a purely friendly, Chopin suffered from such a position of things and attributed her behavior to other hobbies.

If some kind of woman could inspire him a complete confidence, it was me, and he never understood it ... I know that many people accused me, - some of the fact that I was exhausted by the imperceptibility of my feelings, others for that I bring him to despair with my fools. It seems to me that you know what's the matter. And he, he complains to me that I kill him with refusal, while I am sure that I would kill him, acting otherwise ... From the letter of Georges Sand Albera Muzharal, to a friend Chopin.

Relations with Chopin found their reflection in the novel Sand "Lucretia Floriani". Subsequently, she denied that he wrote down a lucration from themselves, and Karol from Chopin. Chopin did not recognize or did not want to know himself in the image of a young man, a charming egoist, a loved one and caused her premature death. In 1846, a conflict occurred between Chopin and Maurice, as a result of which the latter announced his desire to leave the house. Sand took the side of the son:

That could not be, it should not have been, Chopin did not make my interference in all this, although it was necessary and legally. He lowered his head and said that I ran away. What blasphemy after eight years of maternal dedication! But the poor insulted heart was not conscious of his madness ...

And yet, if Georges Sand and did not cure Chopin, at least, at least strengthened his health with his concern. And most importantly: always encouraged his work. If it were not her gentle hand on his shoulder, would he be the chopin, whom the whole world recognizes? And did he live so much?
In the "Chopin" period, she wrote one of his best novels - "Consuelo", impregnated with a huge, high passion for music and art. This work is immortally, like the music of the composer, whose image inspired the novelist. Truly, non-defined paths ... inspiration!

Chopin left in November 1846, he initially he and George exchanged letters. To the final rupture of Chopin pushed the daughter of Sand. Sange, having quarreled with her mother, came to Paris and set up chopin against her. Sange, married famous sculptor, stubbornly settled Chopin against his mother, attributing her countless lovers.

... she caresses his mother, silently on her, the ink her the most holy prompting, defiles the terrible speeches native home! You like to listen to all this and even maybe believe it. I will not join such a struggle, it leads me to horror. I prefer to see you in a hostile camp than to protect against the opponent, which is fed up with my breast and my milk. Georges Sand - Frederick Chopin.

The last time Sand and Chopin met accidentally in March 1848 in the living room in common acquaintances:

I thought that several months of separation would cure a wound and retur with friendship calmness, and the memories of justice ... I shook his cold trembling hand. I wanted to talk to him - he disappeared. Now I could tell him, in turn, that he sought me.

The writer, full of repentance, went to the former lover and stretched his hand. The beautiful face of Chopin was covered with a pallor. He recoiled and left the hall, without saying not a word. A year and a half later Friedarch died ...

Love relationships - mystery for seven seals. From the side it is impossible to understand, on whose fault the Union suffers the collapse. You can analyze just that on the surface.
Many friends and acquaintances Chopin, speaking of his novel with Georges Sand, often put it with an afflicted to whom this union brought only torment.

But there are other memories that testify that the accusations of the Address of Georges Sand are greatly exaggerated. The years spent with her were the most fruitful in his life. For your short life (Chopin lived only 39 years) he wrote two concerts and many piano Pieces - Sonata, Nocturn, Scherzo, Etudes, Fantasies, Exprzyte, Songs ...
According to the memories of contemporaries, Georges Sand after the gap was still energetic, sociable and operational, and Chopin as if he lost air, he could no longer compose music, just performed her.
But these observations do not give grounds to blame in all Georges Sand. Isn't this woman who is accustomed to noisy success and worship, conducted whole nights in the bed of Chopin, when he was sick?

As long as their union fell her imagination and gave a powerful impetus to creativity, she was inexhaustible in devotion to him and did not disappoint himself, which gives more than he gets.
Perhaps neither he nor she suggested than the gap will be wrapped for them. Georges Sand did not guessed that it would easily transfer the separation with Chopin, and Chopin - that he could not live and work without George Sand. He suffered, rushing and did not believe that she would never return to him.

When George Sand learned about his illness, she rose to go to him, but his friends did not allow, fearing that strong excitement would worsen his condition.
And Chopin, a few days before his death, told his friend Franch: "She said that he would not let me die without her, that I would die in her arms ..."

It is reliably known: after him, George Sand did not love anyone. True, other attachments existed in her life. Fifteen years old, from forty-five to sixty, she quietly and peacefully lived with Alexander Manso, who was younger than her for thirteen years and besides (again!) We are weak health.

Georges Sand first gave sensuality political meaning. She one of the first discovered that a woman could apply not only to the role of his wife and mother. First of all, the writer sought the gender equality in love.

The Union of Men and Women has become a supporting point, from which women began to fight for their rights. The approval of a woman is the same active subject of love relationships (and not just trophy, which is subject to conquest) - that is the main thing that I made Sand.

With the age of Mrs. Sand from Zhavorka turned into the "owl" and stood not earlier than four hours of the day. Forever went close friends, former belovedEven your favorite grandson. Own and Alexander Manso went to the world. Five months Georges did not leave the dying for one day - he died on her hands ... Manso replaced the artist Charles Marshal, whom George called "my fat child."

Further? Then there was a tender, but completely innocent friendship with Gustav Flaubert. Potion without a shade of condescension Alexander Duma-son. She still continued to write novels, but rather the habit, rather than necessity.

Writer, wearing all my life male name, died at seventy two years. It happened on July 8, 1876. Talking one of the young writers about his life, she asked if in her presence would be accused George Sand in treachery, to respond as:

"If George Sand has lost the right to be tried as a woman, she retained the right to be tried as a man, and in love she was the most honest of you. She never deceived, never had two lovers at the same time. Her only wine was that in those times, when art was in the first place, she always preferred the Society of Art People and Male Morals put the above female. I have experience in love, alas, very complete! If I could start a life at first, I would have chaste! "

Well, the Great Aurora knew himself better than anyone else, so there was nothing to add to her monologue.
Monument Georges Sand in Luxembourg Garden in Paris (left), Monument to Chopin and George Sand in the Singapore Botanical Garden

Maybe more than in other European countries, they read her works, drove out and inspired them in Russia. "Georges Sand is undoubtedly the first poetic fame of the modern world," P. Belinsky wrote in 1842. "Georges Sand is one of our saints," I. S. Turgenev said in the year of her death.

210 years ago Amanda Aurora Lucil Dupin appeared to the world, in the future famous writer Under the pseudonym (truth, male!) - Georges Sand. For 40 years of literary activities, Georges Sand has created about a hundred works,in the center of which most often - the fate of a woman, her struggle for the freedom of personality, for justice, for high love. Many of its novels, such as Indiana, Consuelo and Rudolstadt Countess, are popular and among modern readers.

Georges Sand RDover July 1, 1804 in Paris, in the noble family. By the way, her father, Maurice Dupin, a native of the commander of Moritz Saxon. Father of the future writer was fond of literature and music. However, in the midst of the revolution, 1789 joined the revolutionary and, together with them, made several Napoleonic campaigns and died at a young age.

Mother, Sofia Victoria Antoinette Decreator, was a daughter of the Parisian seller of birds. During Napoleon's campaign, Georges Sand was with a mother in Spain, and then hit the rest to his grandmother, which brought it up on the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In the village, the girl closely communicated with the peasants. Therefore, early learned about social inequality. She had never left indifferent interests of the village poor people, and she treated the rustic ricers negatively. Girl studied B. women's monastery. Reading has become for Aurora real passion. In the Grandmother's library, she reread all the books from the crust to crust. But it was especially interested in writings of Rousseau. It was they who had an impact in the future for all her creativity. After the death of Grandma Aurora soon married Casimir Dyudueva. Duduevan turned out to be a completely unsuitable satellite of life for such a dreamy and peculiar woman with an inquisitive mind. And in 1830 she went with him, went to Paris and began to lead there, on the one hand, a completely student, free, and on the other - a purely professional, labor life of the writer.

Origin of pseudonym

Literary activity began with collaboration with Jul Sando. The fruit of this "collective creativity" - Roman "Rosa and Blanche", or "Actress and the nun" came out in 1831 under the pseudonym Jules Sand and was successful. Publishers wished to publish a new product of this author. Aurora in Nogan wrote his part, and Sando is just one title. Publishers demanded that the novel would come out with the surname of the same Sanda's success, and Jules Sando did not want to put his surname under a strange thing. To resolve the dispute, Sando was advised from now on to write under his full name Both the last name, and Aurora - take half of this surname and put the name of Georges in Berry in front of it. So the well-known pseudonym Georges Sand was born. Preferring a male female costume, Georges Sand traveled through the places of Paris, where the aristocrats, as a rule, did not fall. For higher classs France XIX. century This behavior was considered unacceptable, so she actually lost the status of Baroness.

Men Georges Sand

It is interesting to know how this unusual Frenchwoman looked like? Was George Sand beautiful? Some said that yes, and others considered it disgusting. Contemporaries depicted her woman of low growth, dense physique, with a gloomy face, big eyes, yellow color Skin and premature wrinkles on the neck. True, everyone converged in the opinion that she has a very beautiful hands. She was constantly smoked cigars, and her movements were cutting and gusty. But the men loved in her did not regret her description of enthusiastic epithets. Men attracted her intellect and thirst for life. Among the lovers Georges Sand was the poet Alfred de Mouse, Engraver Alexander Damien Manso, artist Charles Marshal, whom Sand called "My Thick Baby", as well as Frederick Chopin.

In the last years of life, Georges Sand held in his estate, where he used generally respect and earned the nickname "kind lady from Noana." There she died on June 8, 1876.

Creativity Georges Sand

Creation french writer Georges Sand has become one of the most significant phenomena in european culture XIX century. Georges Sand was a creative, bright, freedom-loving and talented nature. And many Heroes of the works of Georges Sand are similar to their creator.


Roman "Consuelo" is considered one of the best creations in the literary heritage of the famous French writer Georges Sand. The prototype of Consuelo served as the French singer Polina Viardo, and the most famous novel writer tells about the vocation true artist, about the difficult burden of talent, given by fate, and sometimes the tragic choice between success, glory and personal happiness, the joy of family life ...

Countess Rudolstadt

The continuation is the Roman "Countess Rudolstadt". A new meeting with a darkness of Consuelo is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in full dangers and genuine passion atmosphere of the gallant era, when people knew how to live in full strength and die with a smile on the lips.


The effect of the novel occurs in the restation era, the time when everyone is still memorable both events of the revolution and the Board of Napoleon. The heroine of the novel suffers from the despotism of her husband, Colonel Delmar. Love for Raymont de Ramera fills her life with a new meaning, but they are not destined to be together.


Provincial Valentine, the young heirs of the county title and enviable condition, becomes the bride of handsome graph, but the heart gives a simple poor young man. She cannot resist his feeling, but neglected by cynical and false laws of society does not allow her a clean, noble soul and a sense of duty. What choice will make a girl and will he bring her happiness?


Roman "Lelia" is a sincere confession of a woman noble, beautiful, but cold as a statue disappointed in love; One feeling survived to her soul - the need to believe in love, and maybe in love Divine. The young poet of Stvenio passionately loves Lelia and tries to revive her in vain. Tenderness and poetry of heroes, the enchanting beauty of the style cannot leave indifferent. The book is if and does not carry a completely autobiographical character, then, in any case, reflects the personal feelings experienced by the author.

These and other works of unsurpassed Queen french romanticism Georges Sand is waiting for their readers in Central Library them. A.S. Pushkin and in all municipal libraries of the city of Chelyabinsk.

name of the writer Dupin (Georges Sand)

Alternative descriptions

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Goddess of Morning Dawn

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. "Signal" Bolsheviks

. "Shooting" goddess

Female name

Sonata of the German composer L. Beethoven

Cantata of the Italian composer D. Rossini

P. Tchaikovsky Ballet Character "Sleeping Beauty"

Book publishing house

Day butterfly

Variety tomato

American artificial satellite

Moscow cinema

Professional Sumo Fighter from Russia

Revolutionary cruiser

Cruiser in 1917

Cruiser revolution

St. Petersburg cruiser

Cruiser on joke

Museum on Neve.

Museum cruiser

Ancient Butterfly of Belyanok

Gave start the storm of the winter

Syon cruiser

Cruiser who has become a St. Petersburg Museum

The goddess that finished in the winter

Gave a signal storming winter

Cruiser on the eternal joke in the Neva

Russian. Revolutionary cruiser


Historical cruiser

Her shot announced the revolution

Ship Museum in St. Petersburg

Russian revolutionary cruiser

Cruiser Goddess Morning Dawn

Irina Yudina on the screen

Cruiser - Herald of Revolution

Meet "Diana" and "Pallas"


. "Divine" Cruiser Revolution

Cruiser Museum in St. Petersburg

Cruiser of the October Revolution

Goddess or cruiser

Sonata Beethoven "Goddess Morning Dawn"

And goddess and cruiser

Museum on the waves of Neva

Female name in rhyme with office

Russian cruiser and goddess dawn


Cruiser who became a St. Petersburg Museum

Oktyabrsky cruiser

Goddess of Love in Roman Mythology

Cinema in St. Petersburg

Baba in 1917.

Good name for a revolutionary cruiser

Russian cruiser and goddess Morning Dawn

Normal name for the revolutionary cruiser

What cruiser "sees dreams"?

Suitable name for the revolutionary cruiser

Legendary cruiser on the Neva

In the Roman mythology goddess morning dawn

Cruiser of the Baltic Fleet.

Publisher, St. Petersburg founded in 1969

Female name

. "Divine" Cruiser Revolution

. "Shooting" goddess

. Bolshevik signals

Dal explained it as a dawn, bright light on the horizon before sunrise, and we are more known as the name of the ship, and what is this ship

Spanish Prince

Goddess, "String" in the winter

Heroic cruiser

J. Morning dawn, dawn, charge; Barzg, Light, Dawn, Mrettenitsa, Dennica, Armor, Blinders; Scarlet and golden light on Ovid, closing (horizon) before sunrise

Female name, rhymed with flora

The name of which goddess happened from the Latin word with the meaning of the "predestinary breeze"

What cruiser "sees dreams"

What cruiser "chained" the wrong

Picture of the French painter N. Poussna "Kefal and ..."

Cruiser "Morning Dawn"

Cruiser - Herald of Revolution

Ballet Character P. Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Beauty"

Princess from Ballet P. Tchaikovsky "Sleeping Beauty"

Meet "Diana" and "Pallas"

Sonata Beethoven "Goddess Morning Dawn"

(Fr. George Sand, real name Amandine Aurore Lucile Dupin - Amanda Aurora Lucil Dupin; 1804 - 1876) - French writer.
Aurora Dupin was born on July 1, 1804 in Paris, in the family of the nobleman Maurice Dupin (he was a descendant of the colonel of Graph Moritz Saxon). Her mother, Sophie Victoria Delest, was a poultry daughter. This is what later Georges Sand:

She was already thirty years old when my father saw her for the first time, and among which terrible society! My father was generous! He realized that it was beautiful creation still able to love ...

Moris's mother did not want to recognize an unequal marriage for a long time, but his granddaughter softened her heart. However, after the death of the father of Aurora, as a result of an accident, the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law of the commoner broke the relationship. The mother of Aurora, not wanting to deprive her of a big inheritance, left the daughter in Noon (Endre Department) in the care of her grandmother. The formation of Aurora Dupin received in the Women's Augustinian Catholic Monastery in Paris. Aurora is fond of philosophical and religious literature: Shatubin, Bossyu, Montescé, Aristotle, Pascal - Young monastic pupil reads them.

However, it seemed to her that genuine Christianity, which demands absolute equality and fraternity, she found only Rousseau. Love and sacrifice yourself - this is what the law of Christ was, according to her conviction

In 1822, Aurora married Casimir, the illegal son of Baron Dyuduevan. In this marriage, two children gave birth to two children: the son of Maurice and the daughter of Sange (presumably not from Casimir). Highly different people, Spouses Dudevan actually broke up in 1831, Aurora went to Paris, receiving a pension from her husband and promising to keep the visibility of marriage. In the future, in life, Aurora was a lot of love ties. To make a living (as married womanShe lost right to dispose of her inheritance - her husband left the owner of the estate in Noon), she began to write. The writer Henri de Latush offered her cooperation in the newspaper "Figaro", but a short journalistic style was not her elements, it was more successful for the lengthy descriptions of nature, characters. In 1831, the first novel is coming out, Rose Et Blanche, which she wrote together with his lover Juil Sando. It was his last name and became the basis of the pseudonym of the writer.

Preferring a male female costume, Georges Sand traveled through the places of Paris, where the aristocrats, as a rule, did not fall. For the highest estates of France of the XIX century, this behavior was considered unacceptable, so she actually lost the status of Baroness.

From 1833 to 1834 its connection with Alfred de Mussse lasts. Then its companions are consistently becoming a doctor, Charles Didier, Composer Frederick Chopin - nine years of Georges was not so much sweetheart as true friend And the nurse for him. Sand attributed a love link with a sheet, but Georges and Leaf have always denied it. CRA was friendly critic Saint-Boe, writers Merim, Balzac, Duma Father, Duma-son, Flaubert, Singer Polina Viardo.

In 1836, Spouses Dudevan divorced, Georges received the right to live in his estate in Noon and raise his daughter, the upbringing of the son trust Casimir, but since 1837, Maurice constantly lives with his mother.

Georges Sand died on June 8, 1876 in Noana. Having learned about her death, Hugo wrote: "I murge the deceased, welcome the immortal!"


(Sand, George, Pseud.; Name. Name - Amanden Lucy Aurora Dupin, on her husband - Baroness Dudevan (1804-1876), French writer. Born on July 1, 1804 in Paris. Her father, grandson Marshal Maurice Saxon, served as an adjutant at Murat, mother was Parisian. Early death Father made a discord to the relationship of mother-plebecia and grandmother-aristocrats, in whose house in Noana (Vers. Berry) Aurora Dupin spent most His childhood. Unsystemic education obtained in the village, she filled in three years (1817-1820) training in the English Catholic Monastery in Paris. At eighteenthent, the age married Casimir Ducevan, a non-shaped provincial nobleman, which was not at all a pair of impulsive Aurora. In 1831, she achieved the right to live separately, having received a very scarce content, and moved to Paris. Here, her connection began with the young writer Jules Sando, together they composed very uneven romance roses and Blanche (Rose et Blanche, 1831), having released him under the name of Jules Sand. Next year she achieved big SuccessBy writing a novel Indiana (Indiana, 1832) and making it under the name of Georges Sand. In 1833 Georges Sand made a famous trip to Italy together with A.De Mussse, the story of their love was based on her book she and he (Elle et Lui, 1859). Among other men who used a more or less Platonic location George Sand, were S.O. Sent-Boev, P. America, Dr. Padhello (rival Müsse), M. de Bourge, F. Lamenne, P.Leru, F. List, O. Balzak, A.Dume-Father, Flaver and FR.Shopen.

Its extensive creativity is traditionally divided into four periods. The first is idealistic, it is marked by the lyrical and romantic manner of the letter; In those years, she has defended the right to the woman in oppressed by the society and fought for the freedom of love in the novels of Indiana, Valentina (Valentine, 1832), Lelia (Lélia, 1833) and others. The second period was mystico-socialist. Under the influence of Lamen, De Burges and Lero Sand preached the mixing of classes through love and marriage unions; This phase is represented by books such as the wandering subset (Le Compagnon du Tour de France, 1840), Consuelo (Consuelo, 1842), Melnik from Angiboult, 1845). In the novels of the third period created for the most part after The return of the writer in Berry due to heavy experiences associated with the collapse of the revolution 1848, are used simple rustic stories: Chel Mare (La Mare Au Diable, 1846), Little Fadette (La Petite Fadette, 1848), Francois - Foundation (Francois Le Champi, 1849) , Mosaic Mosaic Masters (Les Maîtres Sonneurs, 1853). Works of the fourth period are mainly purely love stories, examples can serve as Marquis de Villemer (Le Marquis de Villemer, 1860) and Jean De La Roche (Jean De La Roche, 1860).