How old is Dmitry Shepelev as a TV presenter. Dmitry Shepelev meets with a mysterious blonde - media

How old is Dmitry Shepelev as a TV presenter.  Dmitry Shepelev meets with a mysterious blonde - media
How old is Dmitry Shepelev as a TV presenter. Dmitry Shepelev meets with a mysterious blonde - media

Dmitry Andreevich Shepelev. Was born on January 25, 1983 in Minsk. Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian TV and radio host.

Parents had nothing to do with show business, they are engineers, they worked in technical specialties.

He studied at gymnasium number 11. "I lived in a huge sixteen-story building on Independence Avenue, but we did not have our own yard, so everyone who lived in our skyscraper had to go to play on the playground near the neighboring house," he recalled.

From the age of six he went in for sports, in particular, water polo and swimming. Then he became interested in tennis and reached considerable heights: he was one of the ten best tennis players in Belarus among juniors.

Shepelev went to his first job while still in seventh grade - together with a friend during the summer holidays, he got a job distributing leaflets. In the eighth grade, Dima's father offered his son a part-time job in his company, which was developing computer databases. Shepelev liked working under the guidance of his father, he was happy to complete all tasks and received a well-deserved reward.

As a ninth-grader, he got his first experience in television - in the "5x5" program.

The first experience turned out to be so successful that Shepelev entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian State University (Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting).

As a student, he began to work at the same time at the radio station "Alfa Radio", then on the radio "Unistar" and the TV channel "ONT", as well as a presenter in nightclubs. Shepelev found himself on radio by chance: at the school of TV presenters, he met one of her teachers - the program director of Alfa Radio, Vitaly Drozdov.

“In Minsk, I was the youngest employee at a local radio station. My colleagues were about 30, I was not even 20. And I was embarrassed that I knew little, I didn’t drink so much. I wanted to seem more mature, to speak in a low voice,” he recalled.

Once Drozdov invited everyone to record a skimmer (an eyeliner in which the presenter announces songs, jokes and shows his talents in every possible way). Shepelev wrote down his own version and six months later, at the age of 20, got a place on the most popular radio station in Minsk. Later on the radio station "Unistar" Shepelev hosted and produced the morning show, prepared the first live radio broadcast of the Robbie Williams concert in Belarus, interviewed Brian Adams, Chris Rea and many other stars. He was the first commentator on the Grammy ceremony in Belarus.

In 2004, Shepelev received an offer from the Ukrainian music channel M1 and decided to move to Kiev. In the Ukrainian capital, Shepelev hosted several shows at once on various TV channels.

In 2005 he graduated from the university, having defended his thesis with honors on the topic "Theory and practice of commercial radio broadcasting".

In 2008, Konstantin Ernst invited Shepelev to Channel One to host a karaoke show “Can You? Sing! " For some time, Dmitry combined shooting in Kiev with Moscow, and in 2009, after successfully working as one of the hosts of the Eurovision final, he finally moved to the capital of Russia.

In 2007 he became the host of the "Give a ride" car show on the M1 TV channel.

In 2009, he began to work actively in Russia and decided to move to Moscow for permanent residence. However, in 2011, Dmitry again appeared on the air of Ukrainian television, as the host of the comic program "Make a Comedian Laugh".

In May 2009 he was the host of the Green Room at Eurovision 2009 and held about 80 press conferences. On September 26, 2009, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev won the Russian television prize TEFI-2009 (for his work at the Eurovision Song Contest).

On September 6, 2009 the premiere of the musical show "Property of the Republic" took place, hosted by Dmitry Shepelev and Yuri Nikolaev. In the summer of 2010, he led the program "Hello, girls!" on the Russian "Channel One". In autumn 2010 he was a permanent member of the jury of the Ice and Fire project.

In 2010 he was enrolled in the Department of Visual Culture (Cinema, Television, Internet) at the European Humanities University (Lithuania).

From 2011 to 2013 he was one of the leading Minutes of Glory on Channel One in Russia.

In 2012, together with Yana Churikova, he led a summer musical sparring marathon "Star Factory Russia - Ukraine", in which graduates of the Russian and Ukrainian "Factories" took part.

In 2012, together with Volodymyr Zelensky, he became the host of the show "Red or Black" on the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter". In the summer of 2013, a new culinary show "Summer Kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev" started on "Inter", in the fall of 2013 on the same channel, he began to conduct a new, family, song show "One Family".

In 2013, Dmitry Shepelev was a regular participant in the show "Catch Until Midnight".

In 2014, the shooting of the new program "Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers" took place, with Dmitry Shepelev and Tigran Keosayan becoming permanent members of the jury. The show premiered on February 21, 2015 on STS.

In 2014, filming began for the new Ukrainian karaoke show "Sing like a Star" (Ukrainian adaptation of the Turkish format Keep your light shining), the premiere took place on February 27, 2015.

At Eurovision 2015 he announced the scores from Russia.

In November 2016, Dmitry Shepelev's book "Jeanne" was published.

In July 2017, he began to host the show "Actually" on Channel One.

In February 2020, Dmitry Shepelev announced his departure from Channel One. Before that, there were rumors in the media about his conflict with the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst.

Dmitry Shepelev in the program "Let Them Talk"

Dmitry Shepelev's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev:

When he was a student, Shepelev got married, the marriage lasted three weeks.

He was in a civil marriage with a famous singer (1974 - 2015). On April 7, 2013, a son, Plato, was born to Friske and Shepelev in Miami.

Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske

From an interview with Dmitry Shepelev about the death of Zhanna Friske:

"Jeanne will forever remain for me a deep, unique, real happiness".

- In the media, doctors say that you knew that Jeanne had only 2 days left to live. Why didn't you stay in Moscow?

It is not true. More than once there were consultations with doctors who followed Zhanna for a long time: doctors from the USA, Germany, Russia. There were a lot of them. Many reported that we seem to have lost this fight. But none of them had the opportunity to tell the exact time. It was known more than a month ago that I would take Plato to rest. We issued visas and bought tickets, arrived here on Sunday, and the next day Jeanne was gone. I have been with her during the last two years of her life, and it is important to be near her now, but we must not forget about the child either.

At the time of our departure, Jeanne was in a state identical to the last month. It was impossible to predict such a sharp deterioration in her condition. I can say thank you to fate only for the fact that our child did not see all these terrible incidents. He is 2 years and 2 months old and has no place at funeral ceremonies.

- Does he understand what happened to mom?

We did not talk to him about this. I myself will inform him about all this after a while. But not now. Most of all, I wish my son to be overwhelmed with love. Luckily, he has 2 lovely grandmothers and 2 lovely grandfathers. We are all connected by the main thing - love for Plato. We will definitely be with him. I have already mentioned our rule: I, Jeanne and Plato should be good. Plato is well received, so I do not find this question appropriate. Everything will be fine.

After the death of Zhanna Friske, Shepelev regularly has scandals with the singer's family because of little Plato.

Dmitry Shepelev and son Plato

According to rumors, after the death of Zhanna Friske.

As an epigraph on the back of the book, Shepelev wrote: “The bright life of the singer Zhanna Friske, filled with love and peace, in an instant crossed out the diagnosis of cancer, turning the favorite of millions from a symbol of beauty into a patient whose health is closely watched by the whole world. It is unbearable to be sick under close scrutiny. This is a book about the first public, albeit involuntary, experience of confronting the disease in Russia, about the dignity and strength with which fragile Zhanna took a mortal battle. I really hope that this book will be useful to those who are fighting himself or helps a loved one. Can support those who are desperate, and, perhaps, inspire them to believe in the miracle of salvation. This book is about being tested by illness, about how it changes the rainbow and familiar world. About resistance. And, of course, this is also a story. love, without which any battle would hardly make sense. "

Since the spring of 2017, rumors have appeared about Dmitry Shepelev's novel, Ekaterina Tulupova. She came to Moscow from Yekaterinburg. Biznesvuman opened the studio “Arch. Subject ”, and then created a women's club“ Creative breakfasts ”. From time to time Tulupova works in her own workshop "Painted". Catherine has a daughter, Lada, from a previous relationship, who is almost the same age as Plato.

As Dmitry said, the children introduced them: "Our children went to the same kindergarten and introduced us. Plato and Lada are best friends from an early age."

In 2018, it became known that the couple was living together. In November 2019, it became known that they were planning to get married.

Shepelev was fond of sports since childhood. He went in for swimming and water polo, spent 6 years in professional sports - played tennis, entered the top 10 junior tennis players in Belarus. Now he occasionally goes to court with Yuri Nikolaev. In his free time from work, Dmitry travels a lot. Shepelev traveled all over Europe, in the summer of 2009 he studied the United States for three weeks (travel notes about this trip were published by the ELLE magazine), dreams of sailing around the Earth.

In 2010 he took art lessons at the Moscow Art Theater School, in the same year he began to learn to play the piano. Snowboarding in winter and surfing in summer.

Dmitry Shepelev on sports and healthy eating:

"There is an opinion that TV presenters do not have fat under the layer of makeup. And this is true. This is only achieved by an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. For example, since childhood I have played sports on" you. " I played water polo ... I run in the mornings I train in the evenings: I work out with a boxing trainer, play tennis, swim. In winter I snowboard. I follow my diet carefully. More than six eclairs per evening - no, no! And alcohol, count I don’t drink at all. A bottle for the evening. I know my rate, as they say. A joke, of course.

In general, I drink a lot of water ... I drink water. Frequently and greedily.

As for food, I eat three to four times a day. Often, but little by little. I don't overeat. I get up from the table a little hungry. What is said about eating after six in the evening is, in my opinion, nonsense. It is important to eat according to your own rhythm of life. Bread is rarely found in my diet. I hardly eat desserts. And this continues until I go to visit my parents. Yesterday there were potato pies with meat and creamy mushroom sauce. Pumpkin puree soup. Dumplings with cherries. A modest banana curd pie. Berry mousse. A! And also liver pate. In general, I am in great shape! I'm watching! In general, happiness lies in living in pleasure. You can't deny yourself if you really really want to. However, do not forget that, unfortunately, in what gives pleasure, most often there is absolutely no benefit. "

Dmitry Shepelev now

Filmography of Dmitry Shepelev:

2009 - Like Cossacks ... New Year's musical - news presenter at the court of Catherine II
2012 - Zolushka - Cameo (The episode was not included in the final version of the picture)

Several months ago, Vladimir Friske became the hero of the "Secret for a Million" program, in which he spoke not only about the problems in communicating with the chosen one of Zhanna Friske, who died of cancer, Dmitry Shepelev, but also. The host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, then confirmed his words, saying that she was also surprised at what "Dima did then." Both decided not to voice the incident and to keep the incident a secret. However, on the next wave of the Shepelev scandal, Zhanna Friske's father decided to tell what he had done then.

- Shepelev takes revenge on us with the help of a child, - considers Vladimir Friske. - He is capable of incomprehensible actions. I remember Zhanna told how they vacationed abroad - stayed in the house of a mistress. Something I didn't like, we decided to move out. So Shepelev took and urinated into her flowerpot - such a small dirty trick. And how he behaved at Jeanne's wake! At some point, he jumped out to the third floor, stood in the window, pretended to be about to jump out. Everything is so demonstrative. He said: "I can't live without her, I'll jump now!" They grabbed him, stole him. But then he laughed, said: “Why are you scared? Am I a fool? I will still live, and for a long time! " That is, he feigned a suicide attempt. The guests were shocked, they all saw it. And after this incident, Shepelev hounded jokes, laughed, drank, behaved inappropriately. It seemed that he was even glad that he had found complete freedom ...

The scandal continued because of the mansion, which Zhanna and Dmitry began to build shortly before the news of her illness. As it turned out, Dmitry refuses to return half the cost of the house to the singer's family. He still does not allow four-year-old Plato to see his grandparents, although the court ordered him to do so.

- The court ordered Shepelev to provide visits with the baby to Friske's grandparents once a month. But Dmitry does not comply with the court's decisions under various far-fetched pretexts: now there is no time, then they left, then Plato fell ill, and so on, - told the lawyers of the father of the singer Vladimir Friske. - Another date in January was canceled again. Dmitry, in turn, says: Plato does not want to see grandparents. We suspect that Shepelev is deliberately turning the child against those close to him. On one date, Plato asked: "Grandpa, when will you return the house and money to my dad and me?" At the last meeting last year, I did not want to communicate with my grandmother, turned away from her. He said that dad forbids accepting gifts from relatives ... We insist on conducting an independent psychological examination of Plato. Perhaps this attitude comes from Dmitry, who can inspire a child with anything.

The boy forgets his relatives, and he himself does not seem to be eager to see them. - simply because he does not realize who they are.

- This is a vicious circle: the child will not remember his relatives if Shepelev continues to interfere with their meetings. As a result, it turns out that the boy is artificially deprived of relatives. This violates the rights of the child! - say the lawyers. - We know Shepelev's blue dream - to settle with Plato in a country house bought during Jeanne's lifetime in the Istra district of the Moscow region, - Friske's lawyers continue. - He's very close to that, but we're going to intervene.

Soon after Zhanna learned about her terrible diagnosis, Shepelev withdrew a large amount from her account. With this money, he bought a country house. The power of attorney was issued on July 2, 2013 in Miami (on June 24, Zhanna went to an American clinic for the first time, where she was declared fatally diagnosed). As follows from the document, the singer entrusted Dmitry “to buy at a price and on terms at his own discretion ½ share of a land plot with a total area of ​​3730 sq. M. m (…) and ½ share of a residential building with a total area of ​​393 sq. m ".

It was understood that Shepelev would buy the other half with his own money. But he did not have the funds at that moment. And he promised that he would return the money for this half later. In total, Dmitry spent 38 million rubles on the purchase. Of these, 36 million went to land and 2 million to the house itself. Now, according to lawyers, Shepelev's debt to the Friske family is half of this amount. - 19 million rubles.

Zhanna has never been to this house, she saw the construction site only in the photo. Shepelev still lives with Plato in a rented apartment.

He did not succeed in settling in the house immediately after Jeanne's death due to legal intricacies. The second half of the mansion, designed for Jeanne, was divided equally between the heirs - Plato and the singer's parents. Vladimir Friske, after a quarrel with his failed son-in-law, refused to let him into the cottage.

- At the same time, Vladimir Friske announced that he was ready to give up the house altogether if Shepelev regularly let him see his grandson, - emphasize lawyers. - At first, Dmitry promised to arrange dates with the child, but then he began to play up.

At the same time, Vladimir Friske stepped on the throat of his pride and went to meet him. He and Jeanne's mother gave up their shares in the house in favor of their grandson. Half of the cottage now belongs to Plato. The second still belongs to Shepelev.

- We recently learned about Shepelev's desire to move into this house, - say lawyers Friske. - But he never kept his promise - did not pay 19 million to relatives for half of this property. And if so, we are filing a lawsuit against Shepelev.

Another curious fact became known to the relatives of the deceased artist.

- Dmitry turned to the bank with the hope of receiving Zhanna's personal money from her personal account. During her lifetime, Jeanne sold her house in America and put the proceeds - 475 thousand dollars - to the account, - say the lawyers. - Shepelev knew that Jeanne had an account in the bank, but did not know its number. And then he submitted an application: they say, they have an account with Zhanna Friske in the bank, and he, as Plato's legal representative, has the right to receive money. At the same time, in a statement, he indicated that Plato - the only heir, there are no other heirs. That is, he deliberately misled the bank employees. Nevertheless, the bank's employees found out that a trial was going on between Shepelev and Zhanna's relatives, and refused to give him money. We plan to bring Shepelev to justice for the attempted fraud.

Dmitry Shepelev is a handsome man and a favorite of millions of women, a popular TV presenter, was born in the capital of Belarus, Minsk on 01/25/1983.


The boy's parents had nothing to do with show business and worked as ordinary engineers. The family's wealth was small, and the boy was not particularly pampered. Therefore, already in high school, in order to have his own pocket money, he worked part-time on vacation at the post office.

Dmitry was fond of sports - he loved to swim, played water polo and since childhood was seriously involved in tennis. He could have made a good sports career, since he even entered the TOP-10 of juniors at the school. However, he had other plans.

It is interesting that during his school years Dmitry was not too sociable. He avoided all school parties and concerts. He was rarely seen in a crowd of classmates on the street. He loved to read and gave preference to humanitarian subjects, he studied exact sciences with great reluctance.

He dreamed of a career as a journalist, but, not being confident in his own abilities, he did not tell anyone about this, trying to somehow make his way to his goal on his own. The dream brought him to the casting of an entertainment show on local television "5x5". He hoped at least for a place in the crowd, and he got the role of the host. This immediately made Dima a school star and attracted the attention of all the girls to him.


Having received a certificate, Dmitry enters the Faculty of Journalism at Minsk University. By this time, his face had already become recognizable, and even in stores he was often skipped out of line. Naturally, this very flattered his pride and stimulated his career.

Now he already worked part-time not at the post office, but as a DJ or presenter at local radio stations, which attracted girls even more to his person. Dmitry gradually formed a circle of fans. Later he goes to the Unistar channel, where he interviews famous musicians.

In 2004, he was accidentally noticed by the management of the music channel "M1". They liked the informal communication style of the presenter, and he was invited to work in Kiev in the "Guten Morgen" program. For some time, Dmitry had to constantly wander between Kiev and Minsk, which is why he almost flew out of the university. But he still received his diploma, and with honors.

Dmitry's career in Ukraine developed much more successfully and rapidly than in his native Minsk, and in 2008, having become the host of the second "Star Factory", he made a fateful decision and finally moved to Kiev. Immediately he receives new offers, and he already hosts several entertainment programs at once.

Literally a year later, he was lured to Moscow by himself, who offered him a place on Channel One. Now Dmitry again lives in two countries: he flies between Russia and Ukraine, where he begins to work closely with the "95 quarter" in the program "Make a Comedian Laugh".

In 2009 Dmitry took a prestigious place in the Green Room, becoming one of the representatives of Russia at Eurovision. There, in just a few days, he had to conduct more than 80 interviews and press conferences. It was difficult, but it made him recognizable and even earned him a TEFI award.

Subsequently, Dmitry became the host of several popular music programs, as well as the show project "Ice and Fire". His career on Russian television continues to develop actively, but Dmitry has no plans to move to Moscow yet. Moreover, it is in great demand on Ukrainian television as well.

Personal life of Dmitry Shepelev

At school, for a long time, the girls did not pay any attention to the modest and quiet boy. Until he became a TV presenter. But now Dmitry himself was not interested in novels, but in the development of his own career. Therefore, although he was flattered by the attention, he did not start a serious relationship.

However, one of the girls still managed to win his heart. He met with Anna Startseva for more than seven years, and in the end they still got married. But after three years they officially divorced, since Dmitry was busy only with his own career.

With Anna Startseva

With his second wife, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry met in Miami. However, most likely this happened much earlier, since there they already celebrated Jeanne's 39th birthday. And then, having already officially appeared in public as a couple, they celebrated the New Year together.

In 2012, he literally shone with happiness, and the press considered him one of the most beautiful couples in Russian show business. A year later, Jeanne's fans learned about her pregnancy. In one of the most prestigious clinics in Miami, their long-awaited son Plato was born in April 2013.

And a year later, Jeanne's fans were shocked by another news - the singer was diagnosed with brain cancer. The struggle for her life began, and Dmitry supported Jeanne, constantly being next to her and her son. For a while, he practically gave up his career. However, they failed to defeat death - in June 2015, Zhanna died.

They never officially registered their marriage. Upon learning of the illness, Jeanne wanted to have a wedding after her recovery, but she did not live to see him. Her relatives began to vying with each other to accuse Dmitry that he pursued selfish goals in this union, and because of him, Jeanne could not be properly treated, they did not even let him see his son.

But gradually the passions subsided, although the pain remained. Dmitry often takes the boy to his place and continues to build a career. He tries to keep himself in shape and loves to visit the pool in his free time.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Sergey Belyakov / TASS

“I don’t talk to Shepelev and I don’t want to communicate with him ever!”

The TV presenter fully supports the family of Zhanna Friske. Lera admitted that she does not communicate with Dmitry Shepelev and considers him a "terrible" person.

“I don’t talk to Shepelev and I don’t want to communicate with him ever! Why? You'd better not know about it. Yes, I treat him badly. We often talk about this topic in a circle of loved ones and just do not want to comment on anything in public. This citizen is a very good actor. He plays great. In fact, everything is not as he says. If you read something bad about him, then it's true! In fact, Shepelev is a terrible person. If I now tell you some things, he will prohibit Olya Orlova from seeing the child as well. And she is still Plato's godmother. Therefore, we are all silent. So that he would give a child to at least someone who is truly close to Jeanne! God will judge him, ”Kudryavtseva said in her review of Dmitry Shepelev.


Otar Kushanashvili

"He sees the world with the expression on his face 'the world owes me'"

The journalist supported Leroux. It turned out that he worked with a TV presenter for some time and was able to draw conclusions about Dmitry's character.

“I worked, not for long, together with Dmitry Metrosekshalych; the project was energy-consuming, but DSh (Dmitry Shepelev, - editor's note) proved to be an exceptional pro. But private communication strengthened my suspicion that we are antipodes, not to say antagonists. You see, if I say, nodding at Aristotle, that DS sees the world not in terms of what is and what is deserved, but ... you cut me off: easier, dog, tell me, is he scum or not scum? I'm not going to sculpt a demon out of him, he, posing as a bogeyman, managed without my help. He sees the world - I return to the correct rhetoric - with the expression “the world owes me” on his face. He expects panegyrics from the world, and I, rotten pop music, expect only friendliness. The situation is extremely hot, I feel sorry for my parents to tears, who inevitably go crazy, and this situation would not have happened, if an exceptional pro from the very beginning would have shown noble mercy, allowing unfortunate people to communicate with their grandson, "said Kushanashvili.

It turned out that Dmitry Shepelev has no less defenders than enemies. The singer Irina Saltykova took the side of the TV presenter. The singer said that she herself raised her daughter, and considers it worthy of respect that Shepelev took on the responsibility of raising her son.

“Why did you all jump on him? First, Jeanne chose him herself. This is her choice, whatever it may be! Look at yourself, are you ideal? The other could have given up his son long ago, while this one is still fighting for him. He is a very wealthy young man and will be able to take care of the child. In general, this is the selfishness of two men: the grandfather demands to give the grandson to him, the father pulls him to himself, each accuses the other. The mother, first of all, would think about the child! " - said Irina Saltykova.

Yulia Nachalova

"Dima makes the most pleasant impression"

Among the defenders of Shepelev was his colleague on the show "Two Voices", singer Yulia Nachalova.

“Dima and I have never worked together before. We crossed paths more than once on the set and at events. Now Dima is almost the most talked about person, many are opposed to him. I knew Zhanna very well, we were with her on "The Last Hero". I myself am a public person and I understand that they can write anything they want. I can say that Dima makes the most pleasant impression, I can’t say anything bad about him, ”said Nachalova, a colleague of Dmitry Shepelev, in her review of him.


"Calm down and do not meddle with Dmitry Shepelev!"

The words of admiration were expressed to Dmitry by the singer Lolita Milyavskaya. The artist said that he was worthy of respect and asked not to interfere in his life.

“I admire Dima, there is nothing for show in this man, and it surprises me that he still tolerates interference in his life. I have a huge request: all normal and abnormal people, calm down and do not meddle with Dmitry Shepelev! He is worthy only of respect, "- said the singer.

Ilya Zudin

"Dima was torn, ran, collected money for Zhanna's treatment"

The lead singer of the Dynamite group Ilya Zudin said that Dmitry did everything possible to save Zhanna: “The fact that Dima really devoted all his free time to Zhanna is a fact. He did what a loving person should do. In my opinion, Dima really did his best to treat Zhanna. God forbid someone to be in his place. Dima was torn, ran, collected money for Zhanna's treatment ”.

Ksenia Novikova

"In any case, I will be on the side of the child"

Former colleague of Zhanna Friske in the "Brilliant" group, singer and creator of the "Our Meaning of Life" fund Ksenia Novikova, did not take sides. The star said that Jeanne's family should make up, and she is ready to help them in this.

On social networks with Lera Kudryavtseva. After the death of Zhanna Friske, Kudryavtseva did not hide her relationship to Dmitry Shepelev: in the scandalous relationship between the widower and the singer's parents, she was on the side of the latter. No one was surprised when on Instagram Kudryavtseva sharply besieged Shepelev, who spiked her: “Today I found out three news - that you are on Instagram, that I’m blocked with you. And what do you write about me. Maybe I should start writing about you too? Otherwise we are all silent, but only because of Plato. "

Secret for a million

What is Lera Kudryavtseva silent about? A colleague of the TV presenter told us about this: “The trump cards that were, sounded six months ago. Then Friske's relatives and friends came to Lera's Secret for a Million. Then Shepelev received in full, but everyone saw that the accusations against him were rather emotional, as Jeanne's mother said then: "We are servants for him ..." they were ready for anything. But they have nothing to cover. Everything has already been told a hundred times by family and friends: on various TV shows and in interviews. Therefore, there are no million-dollar secrets that could scare Shepelev. Compromising evidence on him does not cost even a million rubles now. This was before, when the topic was “hot” so much was offered to all Zhanna's friends for new stories about Shepelev. "

Relatives of Dmitry say that there are no “skeletons in the closet” that could harm him now. Therefore, Kudryavtseva's statement was not something that did not frighten: Shepelev reacted to him completely calmly. Let us recall that in recent years so much slander has been heard on the air of the federal channels to the address of the widower who is raising his son, which, probably, has not been received by any public person. Shepelev was accused of choosing the wrong treatment for Jeanne, taking money from her account, setting up against her friends, not caring for the patient, once they staged a talk show that his son had a different father ... Shepelev bravely waited out when the stream of such telesensations will subside. It's amazing how, after all this, Dmitry agreed to lead the TV project "Actually", built on similar revelations. Probably, Shepelev can be understood: a man needs to provide for his family, and a daily rating show brings a decent income and maintains interest in a person.

By the way, more than three years ago Lera Kudryavtseva also publicly said that she did not give out dirt on Dmitry, so as not to harm her friend Olga Orlova - she could be prohibited from meeting her godson Platon Shepelev. But Orlova complained in the Secret to a Million program that she had not seen Plato for more than two years ...

Zhanna and Dmitry selflessly fought the disease, thanks to which the singer lived for two years after the diagnosis. Photo: Personal page of the hero of the publication in the social network

The claim was left alone

Many do not understand: why Dmitry Shepelev never made friends with Jeanne's parents, why Plato and his dad don't go to their grandparents for pancakes on weekends, why did the elderly get permission to see their only grandson once a month through the courts?

Dmitry doesn't like to discuss these topics. But when we met with Shepelev at the presentation of the book "Jeanne", he said: "For my part, I will never obstruct communication with the child, as long as I do not doubt that it can somehow threaten his calmness .... "Later Shepelev explained:" ... Grandmother and grandfather demand that my son go to them and live there. I did not spend time in the kindergarten to which I was used to, not on the playground with my friends, in the end, not with my father, but there. Only there. Only with them. For weeks. I spent my birthday with them. And the main requirement is without a father. In my opinion, this is not a desire to see his grandson, but a desire to take and remove from his father a boy who was left without a mother. It's impossible..."

After the death of Zhanna Shepelev, he turned to psychologists who taught him to live on and gave advice on raising his son. On important issues regarding the child, the TV presenter still consults with a psychologist.

At the same time, Zhanna's friends agree: "Dima is an ideal father!" Of course, everyone dreams that someday Olga and Vladimir Kopylovs (the singer's parents) will be able to improve relations with Dmitry Shepelev. Olga Orlova, commenting on this situation, added "fuel to the fire": "Dmitry is a difficult, tough person." However, no one loses hope.

Why is he so disliked?

Zhanna Friske's romance with Dmitry Shepelev was impetuous. She did not introduce her beloved man to her family, she just enjoyed the relationship. The singer dreamed of a child for a long time, so when she found out about pregnancy, she was very happy. Jeanne's friends got to know Dmitry closely even when the singer was expecting a child. Six years ago, their son Plato was born, and soon Jeanne found out that she was seriously ill. Then she completely trusted Dmitry Shepelev - he looked around the world for various treatment options, traveled with Zhanna to clinics, studied the latest vaccines. In the book "Jeanne" Dmitry Shepelev described in detail the whole struggle for the life of his beloved woman.

Jeanne passed away four years ago. Soon after her death, her friend Katya Tsvetova recalled in an interview how the singer, despite her illness, dreamed of a wedding: “I knew exactly what the celebration would be, whom to invite, how to celebrate a bachelorette party. Despite her grave condition, Zhanna chose dresses, she liked elegant ones ... With Dima, Zhanna was happy. He is a good father. He takes care of Plato, spends a lot of time with him ... "

A couple of months ago, Katya Tsvetova, after the death of Alla Weber, decided to tell that Alla Konstantinovna, based on her own successful experience, advised to treat Zhanna in the USA. Tsvetova conveyed this to Dmitry Shepelev: “I ran with hope and joy to the man of my friend with such important and encouraging information. After all, there is hope that we will save her! "Katya, I will fly far to my son!"

Most likely, such memories are now associated with Dmitry's unwillingness to find a common language with Jeanne's parents. The general opinion about the fight for Zhanna was expressed even earlier by Olga Orlova: "In terms of treatment, I am sure everything possible has been done for sure ..."

It can be assumed that opinions about “how much money Jeanne gave to her beloved” will soon surface. But the singer's relatives most of all want peace: Plato is the continuation of Jeanne, so they do not lose hope that the boy will grow up in front of loving people.