Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Straight Talk

Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Straight Talk

For the first time in the history of the two popular TV show, the unexpected event happened: two leading programs were held together on a new author's teleproekt one of them - "Andrei Malakhov. Direct Ether "- so now called a talk show that you will see from August 28! Now the ex-hostable program "Let them say" is becoming the main program in its new program. Boris Korchevnikov and Andrei Malakhov met today in the new studio to frankly talk about their activities, about famous people of television, about the old heroes of previous issues and new TV projects, in which both Showmen will now be occupied. See the release of the transfer of live broadcast - Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Frank conversation 25.08.2017

At the beginning of the ether to a new studio, where the subsequent editions of the show "Andrei Malakhov. Live ether, "both leading come out because of the scene, on the way chatting about your impressions from the upcoming filming. Ex-leading "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov admits that at the moment he feels like "the designer who came to the house of the mod, who must give him something new and interesting, or a surgeon emigrated to another country, which should prove that he is the best Specialist in his area. "

Meanwhile, in the hall, Korchevnikova and Malakhov welcome all those who have repeatedly been in both programs by an expert or even a hero of releases in both programs :, Emma Salimova, Yulia Norkina, Larisa Rubalskaya, Maria Pogrebnyak, Diana Gurtskaya, Olga Orlova and many other famous media Personality. Get ready, today will be truly interesting and mentally!

Direct Ether: Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov

Who would have thought, but this joint ether is the real reality. Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov go to the music studio from the famous Soviet program "From the heart of the whole soul", which was the leading valentine Leontyev. She was not 10 years ago, but she loved and remember to this day. At the beginning of Ether "Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Frank conversation "All those present in the studio will remember this legendary woman who has something to learn to all modern TV presenters.

Boris Korchevnikov - not only presenter, but also a film actor. He starred in such filmmakers and serials as the "New Year's Tariff", "Other Life", "Cadet", etc.

Andrei Malakhov:

- In the photo I brought to all today to show, I am depicted my dad Nikolai Dmitrievich, who is no longer ... He always believed in me, even when I could not learn to play the violin. He always praised me and rejoiced for my successes.

- Dad died early, in 56 years. He refused to drink medicines. And now I want to contact everything, who has a heart problem, cholesterol - always agree to drink drugs that the doctor appoints you.

Boris Korchevnikov:

- Unfortunately, I, unfortunately, a somewhat different situation: I grew up without my father and did not see it for a long time. We met for the first time when I was 13 years old. It was so exciting for me. Recently, he also left his life ... He, of course, did wrong with me, and with Mom. I never participated in our life and I have enough reasons to consider it by anyone ...

"But ... I still always considered his dad, contrary to everything." Shortly before his death, I called him and asked him to visit him. I called him on the "you" - he didn't have a father. When I came to him, I saw a patient, a lonely, constantly smoking a man. I understood that he would soon die and barely held away tears.

- I asked my father about how he belongs to my work on television. The fact is that I doubted that I could become a good charismatic leading "direct ether", was afraid that I would not have enough leadership qualities that need for such work. I remember how dad, by the way, who led the theater earlier, told me: "Never increase your voice on those people who are dependent on you" and I remembered this phrase for life. And shortly before his death, I met my sister - his daughter from the first marriage. Dad passed away, coming and confessed.

Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Live. Straight Talk

Few people know that the ex-leading "direct ether" began his telemarier in childhood. Famous at the CT "There - there news" was led by the young Bird of Korchevnikov. In 1994, he interviewed Yuri Luzhkov himself, and two years later tried himself as ... Plumbing.

But what told about his formation on TV Andrei Malakhov:

- I started my telemarier much later. When I was 21 years old, I began to work on the program "Time", where I prepared and made coffee for employees, and at night sometimes ran in the kiosks for something stronger for our masters of television.

The father of the life of the singer Vladimir Borisovich has prepared a video message for two leaders:

- To Bore I have a special relationship. We always communicate with each other, congratulations on each other's holidays and I wish you, Bornka, find good doctors and overcome this disease. As for Andrei, I, above all, is interested in the question of my grandson. I can not relate to calmly for the fact that now Plato has the person who you all know. I want, Andrei, so that you as a future father understand me and helped us.

Olga Orlova, singer and best girlfriend Zhanna:

- I believe in victory and we will win. And one who is smarter must give way. War must be completed. Let it be better to be a thin world than a kind quarrel.

Live. Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov

No first year in the press there is information with loud headers that Boris Corchevnikov is ill, he has cancer, brain tumor. Today, the former leading "direct ether" and now the head of the Orthodox Channel "Savior" will tell the whole truth about himself and its ailment:

- News in the media is clearly exaggerated! I really have done an operation 2 years ago: Even earlier, I found a benign tumor in my head and I decided to surpass. After that, three weeks I stayed in such a state, after which a lot rethought in my life ...

- We, people, are all very naive when we think that we can. In fact, we are all weak and vulnerable. Even I, a person who was engaged in sports, successful in his profession, once faced his own powerlessness. I just felt anything! In fact, only God's miracle keeps us and helps us live.

Andrei Malakhov - a new leading program "Direct Ether"

At the end of the air, you will also see Danan Borisov and Eugene Aspen. How does the TV presenter feel now and where is the singer who suffers from a severe alcohol dependence? Watch online for free livestock - Korchevnikov and Malakhov. Frank conversation, release of August 25, 2017 (08/25/2017).

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Live. Boris Korchevnikov and Mikhail Zelensky
Live Ether 2014. Boris Korchevnikov
Live Ether 2015. Boris Korchevnikov
Live Ether 2016. Boris Korchevnikov
Live Ether 2017. Boris Korchevnikov
Live Ether 2017. Andrei Malakhov
Live Ether 2018. Andrei Malakhov

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Tonight in the program "Live" An unprecedented meeting of the two kings of Ether took place. In one studio - immediately two leading - Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. There was no such thing in the history of television ... Boris Korchevnikov, who discussed the most sharp and dramatic questions every night with the whole country, laughed and cried together with the heroes of the program, said goodbye to his audience! He handed over Andrei Malakhov's relay - the legendary leader who accepted the decision this summer and changed his fate. Now it is he who is the leading "direct ether" on the channel "Russia". This time, Malakhov and Korchevnikov performed as the heroes of the Talk Show and told the whole truth about themselves. The touching meeting is the topic that concerns the viewers of the whole country. Tonight on the air - sensational, frank, touching release of "direct ether"!

Before the first ester, Andrei Malakhov does not hide his excitement: "I feel like a designer who came to a trendy house and should give him some new interesting life. Or a surgeon that should now confirm his qualifications in a new country and prove that he can Make operations no worse than the most famous doctors. "

The theme of the first program was the memories of leading about themselves, their childhood, about parents, about the first steps on television. So, Andrei brought the box to the studio, in which all his things fit when switching from one channel to another. There is a photo of the father of Nikolai Dmitrievich's father, a picture with a hedgehog in the fog, glasses for the very first ether, an invitation to the 45th anniversary of Philip Kirkorov and many other significant items for leading items. Malakhov with tears in his eyes remembered the Father who went out in 56 years. Frankly told about his father and Boris Korchevnikov. He met him only at 13 years old, because his father left his mother pregnant and did not participate in his son's life for a long time. "But no offense is," he admits the lead. There were only a greedy desire to hear his opinion about me, about my work - after all, I thought that I didn't work with me that I had no leadership qualities necessary for the lead. "

I remembered the showmen and their first steps on television. It turns out that Boris Korchevnikov already in the 90s led "there - there news", the program "Tower" and interviewed Luzhkov himself. And in his youth played one of the main roles in the Master Series Telefilm "Cadet".

Andrei Malakhov so recalls his first years in "Ostankino": "I was 21 years old, and I practically was the son of the regiment. I came to the summer practice in the program" Time "and there I began with what I did for all coffee. And then On the "good morning" made coffee and sometimes at night ran into a tent for something stronger for masters of television. "

They remembered the leading and their first meeting. Boris Korchevnikov talks about her like this: "I worked as a reporter and on the task of the editorial office went to the show" Big Wash ". On Andrei's empty spectator seats, and he said:" You get well, come to us! "A Andrei Malakhova, another meeting remained in mind, later, when he met Boris, "bright, spectacular with burning eyes", along with the cord with whom they once conducted a program about the Russian show business.

After the first meeting, the years have passed, and here Boris Korchevnikov passes the battle by Andrei Malakhov on the channel "Russia". "I'm in the new studio of the program" direct ether ". This is the place of our meeting, we will again take care of yourself and our loved ones," promises Malakhov. What was still told by Andrei and Boris, with whom they met in the studio, as Andrei Malakhov's wife Natalia supports And, and why I still am not married to Boris Korchevnikov, you can find out in the program "Live Ether".

Exactly a year ago, the current leading talk show "Direct Ether" Andrei Malakhov first appeared in the studio of the program together with Boris Korchevnikov. "I feel like a fashionable designer who came to the fashion house and should bring something new," then the ex-leading "let them say". Today, a year later, Boris returns back to "direct ether". What was this year in his life? Together with him, the program will discuss the heroes of past releases - how was their fate? See the release of Tok Show Andrei Malakhov. Direct Ether - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "live broadcast" 08/24/2018

Boris Korchevnikov a year after leaving the "direct ether" again comes to the transfer. How did his last television year have? What shocking recognition and revelations did he told the stars of cinema, pop and television in the program "Fate"? In addition, Korchevnikov became the general director of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior", where he managed to bring a new breath. In the studio of Andrei Malakhov, the most vivid participants in the release of the season 2017-2018 will be discussed - how did they have fate after the direct ether?

Boris Korchevnikov: "The more you give, the more you will be fed."

Live air - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "direct broadcast"

Sincere confessions in love, tears of forgiveness, exclusive frank interviews that the whole country began to speak, as well as unprecedented life shocks, radically changed fate of people who have found their relatives and loved ones through the program "Direct Ether" - all this you will see in this Release. Thanks to the incredible editorial and shooting team, the talk show was able to achieve huge heights and honored victories. The release of the program with Andrei Malakhov - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "direct ether".

In this air you will see: Nostalgia for the past past and ambitious plans for the future. And again, as a year ago, they climb together into the studio of "direct ether" - this time to sum up the results of the season at once of two programs: "Direct ether" and "the fate of a person". Spectators in the hall meet leading stormy applause!

Ex-leading talk show "Direct Ether", and now - the leading program "The Fate of Human" and the general director of the Orthodox TV channel "Savior" Boris Korchevnikov appears in the studio a year after its care. In that jointly with Andrei Malakhov (August 2017), he told frankly about his health and personal life. How was this year in his life? Is it really true: Boris Korchevnikov returns to "live broadcast"?

Boris Korchevnikov - about the new position, the fate of a person and the "live air":

- I can't believe that I am here again in this studio. Our joint release with Andrey was amazing and very bright. Every time I come home from work, my mom begins to discuss with me the last ether with Malakhov.

"I, like you, Andrei, for this year I saw so many human destinies, so many strangers trouble." And happiness, of course, too. I saw you with my wife Natasha here in this studio. It was the beginning of a new life for you both ... such a strong new beginning!

Andrei Malakhov:

"When my wife Natasha heard your story, Boris, she was so imbued with this that even coming to the church, wrote a note about the health, where the name pointed out your name.

How is the personal life of Boris Korchevnikov? Such a question, the leader was asked about the stars, invited to his program "The Fate of Man". And one of the first who showed interest in this topic was the actress Anna Kovalchuk.

Boris Korchevnikov:

- For me, Anya became a discovery ... She is an amazing person and a beautiful mother. After the release of the transfer of the "Fate of Man" with her participation, I invited it to the channel "Savior", where it will be very soon to read fairy tales to children in one of our TV projects.

The life of stars and heroes after participating in the "Light Air" with Andrei Malakhov. Boris Korchevnikov and the "Fate of Man."

In this issue of the Tok Show Andrei Malakhov. The live broadcast - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "direct broadcast": you will see an ex-lead program, as well as stars of show business and the heroes of past releases, whose life has changed dramatically over the past year. Dmitry Pevtsov, Irina Bezrukov, Ekaterina Shavrina, Ekaterina Gradova, Maria Aronova and many others - all of them became the heroes of the "Fate of Man" program with Boris Korchevnikov, where frankly told about their lives. Today we will discuss each of them.

Also on the program of the program, you will see shots from past releases of the Talk Show "Direct Ether": and its exclusive interview after Dmitry Hvorostovsky's death, the former will frankly tell the whole truth, Olga Buzova and her dizzying success, actress and meeting with sister, Maria Maksakova about Denis Voronenkov, Sergey Semenov, and others.

Watch the online release of the livestock program with Andrei Malakhov - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "live broadcast", ether of August 24, 2018 (08/24/2018).

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TV presenters talked to souls. Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov told about the successes over the past year, and also revealed some secrets of new projects. The program "Andrei Malakhov. Direct Ether "on the TV channel" Russia 1 "also collected a huge number of views on the Internet.

"That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother is discussing the program "Andrei Malakhov. Live ether, "I will find her looking at your program," Korchevnikov Malakhov admitted.

The leaders remembered that the very first issue of an updated current show looked over a million people on the Internet. They recognized that then they spoke very frankly on a variety of topics that were never affected before. Boris recalled how he met Pope, who did not see for a long time, spoke about the tumor, with which he lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that he still revealed Malakhov, the biggest secret. For the first time in the studio, the wife of TV host Natalia Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time. Andrew admitted that the spouse was very imbued with the personal history of Boris and now belongs to him very tremble.

"I do not remember what we talked and discussed, but I know one thing - when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception," said Malakhov. "Natasha has accepted your story so closely that when he comes to church and leaves for health notes, always writes your name."

After leaving the "Direct Ether" program, Korchevnikov began working on the transfer of the "Fate of Man". Despite the fact that usually celebrities open the soul in front of him, there was one ether when Boris himself had to answer uncomfortable questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched upon the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the leading about his personal life - Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk dashed Korchevnikov, at that time he was 35 years old, and noted that he should be more initiative in finding the bride if he dreams of a family.

Boris sang in the heart of this conversation, he considers Anna a stunning woman, whose belief is worth listening to. He also admired her as a mother of two children. "She will open a new season on the" Savior "TV channel, will read fairy tales. Anna makes it amazing. She is an amazing mother! " - Opened the secret of the Korchevnikov.

Andrei Malakhov became interested in a new colleague project and admitted that perhaps it would be interested in his child.

"My son Sasha will be able to listen to him nine months. He never saw the TV, but listening to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps the fairy tales in the performance of Anna Kovalchuk will like it, "Andrei suggested.

The leaders remembered how many famous artists revealed the soul before Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for the guests of Andrei Malakhov. "I really hope that very soon we will meet in the studio" The Fate of Man ". I am grateful that you agreed to come and tell about your way, "Boris told.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he launches the program "distant close."