The most famous modern French writers. Anna Gavalda (French writer) - books and quotes from books French writers and their works

The most famous modern French writers. Anna Gavalda (French writer) - books and quotes from books French writers and their works
The most famous modern French writers. Anna Gavalda (French writer) - books and quotes from books French writers and their works

France's literature is one of the treasures of world culture. She deserves her to read it in all countries and in all centuries. The problems that were raised in their works of French writers, worried people always, and the time will never come when they leave indifferent readers. Epochs, historical entourage, costumes of characters change, but passions remain unchanged, the essence of relations between men and women, their happiness and suffering. The tradition of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries continued modern French writers, the writers of the 20th century.

The community of Russian and French literary schools

What do we know about European masters of the word regarding the recent past? Of course, many countries have made a significant contribution to the overall cultural heritage. Wonderful books wrote and Britain, Germany, Austria, Spain, but in the number of outstanding works the first places occupy, of course, Russian and French writers. The list of them (and books, and authors) is truly huge. It is not wonderful that the publication is multiple, readers a lot and today, in the age of the Internet, the list of shields is also impressive. What is the secret of this popularity? Both in Russia and in France there are long-standing humanistic traditions. The chapter of the plot, as a rule, is not a historical event, no matter how outstanding it is, and a person, with his passions, advantages, disadvantages and even weaknesses and vices. The author is not taken to condemn his characters, but prefers to provide the reader to draw conclusions about what fate to choose. He even regrets those of them who chose the wrong way. There are many examples.

How Flaubert regretted his Madame Bovarie

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Ruang. The monotony of provincial life was familiar to him since childhood, and in mature years he rarely left his town, only once after having completed a long trip to the East (Algeria, Tunisia), and, of course, attended Paris. This French poet and writer composed poems that many critics seemed to be then (there is such an opinion today) too melancholy-languid. In 1857, he wrote the novel Madame Bovari, who received scandalous fame at that time. The story of a woman who sought to escape from the postpoint circle of ordinary and therefore changed her husband, then seemed not just controversial, but even indecent.

However, this plot, alas, in life is quite frequent, performed by the Great Master, goes beyond the framework of a conventional scaby joke. Flaubert is trying, and with great success, to penetrate the psychology of his characters, to which he sometimes experiences anger, expressed in a merciless satire, but more often - pity. His heroine is tragically dying, the despised and loving husband, apparently, (it is guessing, what is denoted by the text) knows about everything, but sincerely grows, mourning his wrong wife. And Flaubert, and other French writers of the XIX century quite a lot of works devoted loyalty and love issues.


With the light hand of many literary writers, he is considered almost the founder of romantic erotic in the literature. This opinion is based on some points in its works containing immodest, by the standards of the XIX century, descriptions of an intimate scene. From today's art historical positions, these episodes look quite decent and, in general, plotically justified. Moreover, in novels, the titles and stories of this wonderful writer, this is not the main thing. The first place to significantly occupy relationships between people and such personal qualities as the viciousness, the ability to love, forgive and just be happy. Like other famous French writers, Maupassan studies the soul of man and identifies the necessary conditions for his freedom. He is tormented by the hypocrisy of "public opinion", created just those who are not perfect, but all imposes their ideas about the decency.

For example, in the story "Zolotar" he describes the story of the touching love of the French soldier for a black resident of the colony. His happiness did not take place, the relatives did not understand his feelings and were afraid of the possible condemnation of the neighbors.

Interesting aphorisms of the writer about the war, which he likes to the crash of the ship, and which should be avoided by all world leaders with the same caution as the captains of the courts feared the reefs. Observation Maupassian exhibits, opposing a low self-esteem of excessive complacency, counting both of these qualities.


Not less, but, perhaps, the French writer Emil Zola more shuffled the reader's public. He willingly took the story of the life of Kurtizanok ("Western", "Nana"), the inhabitants of the social bottom ("Paris") in detail, described in detail the heavy life of carbon panels ("Zerminal") and even the psychology of the Manyak killer ("Man-beast" ). Unusual overall literary form chosen by the author.

Most of their works he united into a twenty-thousand meeting, which received the common name "Roigon-Makcara". With all the variety of plots and expressive forms, it represents something unity that it is worth perceiving entirely. However, any of the zol novels can be read and individually, it will not be less interesting.

Jules Verne, fiction

Another French writer, Jules Verne, does not need a special idea, he became the founder of the genre that was further determined by the definition of "scientific fiction." To which this amazing narrator, which was not thought of the appearance of atomic underwater cruisers, torpedoes, lunar missiles and other modern attributes that became the property of humanity only in the twentieth century. Many of his fantasies today may seem naive, but the novels are read easily, and these are their main dignity.

In addition, the plots of modern Hollywood blockbusters about the resurrected from the non-existence of dinosaurs look much less believable than the story of the Updated Lizards found on the Latin American Plateau, found by brave travelers ("Lost World"). And the romance about how the earth shouted from the ruthless injection with a giant needle and comes out for the genre framework, perceived as a prophetic parable.


No less fascinated in his novels French writer Hugo. His characters fall into the most different circumstances, showing themselves bright features of individuality. Even negative heroes (for example, Zhaver from the "rejected" or Claude Frollo from the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God") have a certain charm.

The historical component of the narrative is important, from which the reader with ease and interest learns many useful facts, in particular, about the circumstances of the French revolution and Bonapartism in France. Jean Volzhan from the "disconnected" became the personification of an incentive nobility and honesty.


Modern French writers, and such literary crituals include all the writers of the "Heminueevsk-Fitzgerald" era, they also made a lot so that humanity becomes wiser and kinder. The twentieth century did not indulge Europeans in peace decades, and the memories of the greatest war of 1914-1918 were soon reminiscence in the form of another global tragedy.

Not left away from the struggle of honest people around the world with fascism and French writer Exupery - Romantic, the creator of an unforgettable image of a little prince and a military pilot. The posthumous popularity of this writer in the USSR of the fifties and sixties could envy many pop stars who have played songs, including his memory devoted to his and its main character. And today, the thoughts expressed by the boy with another planet, are still urged to kindness and responsibility for their actions.

Duma, Son and Father

They actually had two, father and son, and both wonderful French writers. Who are not familiar with the famous Musketeers and their faithful friend d'Artagnan? Many shields glorified these characters, but none of them could convey the charm of the literary source. The fate of the prisoner of the castle IF will not leave anyone indifferent ("Count Monte Cristo"), and other works are very interesting. They will be useful for young people whose personality becoming just begins, examples of true nobility in the novels of Duma-Father a lot, even eliminate.

As for the Son, he also did not prevail the famous surname. The novels "Dr. Servan", "Three Strong Men" and other works brightly highlighted the features and blessing features of the modern society, and the "lady with camellias" not only enjoyed well-deserved reader success, but also inspired by the Italian composer Verdi to Writing the Opera "Traviata", It was based on her libretto.


Detective will always be one of the most reading genres. The reader is interested in it all - and who committed a crime, and motives, and evidence, and the indispensable exposure of the perpetrators. But a detective detective distribution. One of the best writers of the modern era, of course, is Georges Siemenon, the creator of an unforgettable image of the Commissioner of the Paris Police Megre. The artistic technique itself is quite common in the world literature, the image of a detective intellectual with an indispensable feature of the appearance and the recognizable hawth was exploited repeatedly.

Megre Siemeon differs from many of its "colleagues" again characteristic of French literature with kindness and mentality. He is also ready to go to meet a cold and even (oh, horror!) To violate certain formal articles of the law, keeping him still loyalty in the main thing, not in the letter, in his spirit ("And still Oshness green").

Just a wonderful writer.


If you distract from past centuries and once again return to modernity, then the French writer Cedric Gra, a big friend of our country, who dedicated two books by the Russian Far East and its inhabitants deserves attention. After seeing many exotic regions of the planet, he became interested in Russia, lived in it for many years, learned the language that, undoubtedly, he helps to know the notorious "mysterious soul", which he already finishes writing a third book on the same topic. Here gras found something that, apparently, he was so lacked on his prosperous and comfortable homeland. It attracts some "oddity" (from the point of view of the European) national nature, the desire of men to be courageous, their recklessness and openness. For the Russian reader, the French writer Cedric Gra is interested in this "look from the side", gradually becoming becoming increasingly.


Perhaps there is no other French writer, so close to the Russian heart. Much in his work reminds about the friend of the great literature of the literature of all times and peoples - Fyodor Mikhailovic Dostoevsky. The first Roman Jean-Field of Sartre "Noshnota" (many consider it the best) argued the concept of freedom as a category of internal, not subject to external circumstances, on which a person is doomed to the very fact of his birth.

The position of the author was confirmed not only by his novels, essays and plays, but also by personal behavior demonstrating complete independence. The man of left views, he, however, criticized the politics of the USSR of the post-war period, which did not prevent him in, turn, abandon the prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded for allegedly anti-Soviet publications. Of the same considerations, he did not accept the Order of the Honorary Legion. Such a non-conformist deserves respect and attention, read it, of course, is worth it.

Vive La France!

The article does not mention many other outstanding French writers by no means because they do not deserve love and attention to a lesser extent. You can tell about them infinitely, enthusiastically and enthusiastically, but as long as the reader himself will not attend the book, will not reveal it, it does not fall under the charm of wonderful lines, sharp thoughts, humor, sarcasm, bright sadness and kindness emitted by pages . There are no urgent peoples, but there is definitely outstanding who have made a special contribution to the world treasury of culture. For those who love Russian literature, the admission and the works of French authors will be especially pleasant and useful.

France's literature is one of the treasures of world culture. She deserves her to read it in all countries and in all centuries. The problems that were raised in their works of French writers, worried people always, and the time will never come when they leave indifferent readers. Epochs, historical entourage, costumes of characters change, but passions remain unchanged, the essence of relations between men and women, their happiness and suffering. The tradition of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries continued modern French writers, the writers of the 20th century.

The community of Russian and French literary schools

What do we know about European masters of the word regarding the recent past? Of course, many countries have made a significant contribution to the overall cultural heritage. Wonderful books wrote and Britain, Germany, Austria, Spain, but in the number of outstanding works the first places occupy, of course, Russian and French writers. The list of them (and books, and authors) is truly huge. It is not wonderful that the publication is multiple, readers a lot and today, in the age of the Internet, the list of shields is also impressive. What is the secret of this popularity? Both in Russia and in France there are long-standing humanistic traditions. The chapter of the plot, as a rule, is not a historical event, no matter how outstanding it is, and a person, with his passions, advantages, disadvantages and even weaknesses and vices. The author is not taken to condemn his characters, but prefers to provide the reader to draw conclusions about what fate to choose. He even regrets those of them who chose the wrong way. There are many examples.

How Flaubert regretted his Madame Bovarie

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Ruang. The monotony of provincial life was familiar to him since childhood, and in mature years he rarely left his town, only once after having completed a long trip to the East (Algeria, Tunisia), and, of course, attended Paris. This French poet and writer composed poems that many critics seemed to be then (there is such an opinion today) too melancholy-languid. In 1857, he wrote the novel Madame Bovari, who received scandalous fame at that time. The story of a woman who sought to escape from the postpoint circle of ordinary and therefore changed her husband, then seemed not just controversial, but even indecent.

However, this plot, alas, in life is quite frequent, performed by the Great Master, goes beyond the framework of a conventional scaby joke. Flaubert is trying, and with great success, to penetrate the psychology of his characters, to which he sometimes experiences anger, expressed in a merciless satire, but more often - pity. His heroine is tragically dying, the despised and loving husband, apparently, (it is guessing, what is denoted by the text) knows about everything, but sincerely grows, mourning his wrong wife. And Flaubert, and other French writers of the XIX century quite a lot of works devoted loyalty and love issues.


With the light hand of many literary writers, he is considered almost the founder of romantic erotic in the literature. This opinion is based on some points in its works containing immodest, by the standards of the XIX century, descriptions of an intimate scene. From today's art historical positions, these episodes look quite decent and, in general, plotically justified. Moreover, in novels, the titles and stories of this wonderful writer, this is not the main thing. The first place to significantly occupy relationships between people and such personal qualities as the viciousness, the ability to love, forgive and just be happy. Like other famous French writers, Maupassan studies the soul of man and identifies the necessary conditions for his freedom. He is tormented by the hypocrisy of "public opinion", created just those who are not perfect, but all imposes their ideas about the decency.

For example, in the story "Zolotar" he describes the story of the touching love of the French soldier for a black resident of the colony. His happiness did not take place, the relatives did not understand his feelings and were afraid of the possible condemnation of the neighbors.

Interesting aphorisms of the writer about the war, which he likes to the crash of the ship, and which should be avoided by all world leaders with the same caution as the captains of the courts feared the reefs. Observation Maupassian exhibits, opposing a low self-esteem of excessive complacency, counting both of these qualities.


Not less, but, perhaps, the French writer Emil Zola more shuffled the reader's public. He willingly took the story of the life of Kurtizanok ("Western", "Nana"), the inhabitants of the social bottom ("Paris") in detail, described in detail the heavy life of carbon panels ("Zerminal") and even the psychology of the Manyak killer ("Man-beast" ). Unusual overall literary form chosen by the author.

Most of their works he united into a twenty-thousand meeting, which received the common name "Roigon-Makcara". With all the variety of plots and expressive forms, it represents something unity that it is worth perceiving entirely. However, any of the zol novels can be read and individually, it will not be less interesting.

Jules Verne, fiction

Another French writer, Jules Verne, does not need a special idea, he became the founder of the genre that was further determined by the definition of "scientific fiction." To which this amazing narrator, which was not thought of the appearance of atomic underwater cruisers, torpedoes, lunar missiles and other modern attributes that became the property of humanity only in the twentieth century. Many of his fantasies today may seem naive, but the novels are read easily, and these are their main dignity.

In addition, the plots of modern Hollywood blockbusters about the resurrected from the non-existence of dinosaurs look much less believable than the story of the Updated Lizards found on the Latin American Plateau, found by brave travelers ("Lost World"). And the romance about how the earth shouted from the ruthless injection with a giant needle and comes out for the genre framework, perceived as a prophetic parable.


No less fascinated in his novels French writer Hugo. His characters fall into the most different circumstances, showing themselves bright features of individuality. Even negative heroes (for example, Zhaver from the "rejected" or Claude Frollo from the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God") have a certain charm.

The historical component of the narrative is important, from which the reader with ease and interest learns many useful facts, in particular, about the circumstances of the French revolution and Bonapartism in France. Jean Volzhan from the "disconnected" became the personification of an incentive nobility and honesty.


Modern French writers, and such literary crituals include all the writers of the "Heminueevsk-Fitzgerald" era, they also made a lot so that humanity becomes wiser and kinder. The twentieth century did not indulge Europeans in peace decades, and the memories of the greatest war of 1914-1918 were soon reminiscence in the form of another global tragedy.

Not left away from the struggle of honest people around the world with fascism and French writer Exupery - Romantic, the creator of an unforgettable image of a little prince and a military pilot. The posthumous popularity of this writer in the USSR of the fifties and sixties could envy many pop stars who have played songs, including his memory devoted to his and its main character. And today, the thoughts expressed by the boy with another planet, are still urged to kindness and responsibility for their actions.

Duma, Son and Father

They actually had two, father and son, and both wonderful French writers. Who are not familiar with the famous Musketeers and their faithful friend d'Artagnan? Many shields glorified these characters, but none of them could convey the charm of the literary source. The fate of the prisoner of the castle IF will not leave anyone indifferent ("Count Monte Cristo"), and other works are very interesting. They will be useful for young people whose personality becoming just begins, examples of true nobility in the novels of Duma-Father a lot, even eliminate.

As for the Son, he also did not prevail the famous surname. The novels "Dr. Servan", "Three Strong Men" and other works brightly highlighted the features and blessing features of the modern society, and the "lady with camellias" not only enjoyed well-deserved reader success, but also inspired by the Italian composer Verdi to Writing the Opera "Traviata", It was based on her libretto.


Detective will always be one of the most reading genres. The reader is interested in it all - and who committed a crime, and motives, and evidence, and the indispensable exposure of the perpetrators. But a detective detective distribution. One of the best writers of the modern era, of course, is Georges Siemenon, the creator of an unforgettable image of the Commissioner of the Paris Police Megre. The artistic technique itself is quite common in the world literature, the image of a detective intellectual with an indispensable feature of the appearance and the recognizable hawth was exploited repeatedly.

Megre Siemeon differs from many of its "colleagues" again characteristic of French literature with kindness and mentality. He is also ready to go to meet a cold and even (oh, horror!) To violate certain formal articles of the law, keeping him still loyalty in the main thing, not in the letter, in his spirit ("And still Oshness green").

Just a wonderful writer.


If you distract from past centuries and once again return to modernity, then the French writer Cedric Gra, a big friend of our country, who dedicated two books by the Russian Far East and its inhabitants deserves attention. After seeing many exotic regions of the planet, he became interested in Russia, lived in it for many years, learned the language that, undoubtedly, he helps to know the notorious "mysterious soul", which he already finishes writing a third book on the same topic. Here gras found something that, apparently, he was so lacked on his prosperous and comfortable homeland. It attracts some "oddity" (from the point of view of the European) national nature, the desire of men to be courageous, their recklessness and openness. For the Russian reader, the French writer Cedric Gra is interested in this "look from the side", gradually becoming becoming increasingly.


Perhaps there is no other French writer, so close to the Russian heart. Much in his work reminds about the friend of the great literature of the literature of all times and peoples - Fyodor Mikhailovic Dostoevsky. The first Roman Jean-Field of Sartre "Noshnota" (many consider it the best) argued the concept of freedom as a category of internal, not subject to external circumstances, on which a person is doomed to the very fact of his birth.

The position of the author was confirmed not only by his novels, essays and plays, but also by personal behavior demonstrating complete independence. The man of left views, he, however, criticized the politics of the USSR of the post-war period, which did not prevent him in, turn, abandon the prestigious Nobel Prize, awarded for allegedly anti-Soviet publications. Of the same considerations, he did not accept the Order of the Honorary Legion. Such a non-conformist deserves respect and attention, read it, of course, is worth it.

Vive La France!

The article does not mention many other outstanding French writers by no means because they do not deserve love and attention to a lesser extent. You can tell about them infinitely, enthusiastically and enthusiastically, but as long as the reader himself will not attend the book, will not reveal it, it does not fall under the charm of wonderful lines, sharp thoughts, humor, sarcasm, bright sadness and kindness emitted by pages . There are no urgent peoples, but there is definitely outstanding who have made a special contribution to the world treasury of culture. For those who love Russian literature, the admission and the works of French authors will be especially pleasant and useful.

Anna Gavalda. "ENSEMBLE, C" EST TUT "(the best and last). Now I read. The book has a film with Audrey Tautou. Very life French, household turnover, vocabulary of different words of society.

Michel Turnier. Academician of the Honorovskaya Prize (the most prestigious OI France). "VENDREDI OU LES LIMBES DU PACIFIQUE". "Le Roi des Aulnes". Both novels at one time received the Honorovsky Prize. The second recently came out a movie. One of the most revered modern writers.

Paulo Coelho. Brazilian writer. Reads all Paris.

MARC LEVI. Writer-philosopher. Say the lover Ségolène Royale. "Mes Amis Mes Amours". "Si, Cétait Vrai." Even for each third in the subway.

Harlan Coben, American Writer. "Ne Le Dis à Personne". The movie came out.

Kennedy Douglas. The English writer lives in Paris and writes about Paris. "La Femme du ve"\u003dpd_ts_b_73/403-1162454-2840466?ie\u003dutf8&s\u003dbooks

Régine Déforge. Saga. "La Bibyclette bleue". I watched the film and read the book. Charming work. In the film, Laéticia Casta is played in the film. The French "worked wind" times of World War II. Bordeaux. Germans. Beauty. A predained young man. Life before the war and during.

M. Houellebecq. I would call him the writer number one modern day. Read Les Particules Élementaire. Shocking and makes thinking about the meaning of life. The work that produced on me the strongest impression in Life .La Possibilité D "Une île. New Roman. They say cool.

Andreï Makine. Le Testement Français. Goncarovskaya Prize. Very juicy syllable despite Russian origin. More than Wuelbek. Story about the life of his grandmother Frenchwoman in the USSR.

Christine Angot ("InceSe")

Amelie Nothomb. Stupeur et tremblements. Belgian writer, daughter of a diplomat who lived in Japan.élie_Nothomb.

Frédéric Beigbeder. Journalist. The most glamorous author. Born in Neilly (oblique city in France).édéric_beigbeder. I read "L" AMOR DURE TROIS ANS ". Slightly superficially and went. Although with humor. Like Zadornov.

Isabelle alexis. "Dès Le Premier Soir". The name speaks for itself. Very funny book and Lightly read. Super modern. The Tu Vas Rire Mais Je Te Quitte book was made by a movie.

Tyne O "Connell. Australian writer who lives in London. TENTE ANS OU PRESQUE. Very cool and vital. One of my favorites. There are other novels.

Laure Caldwell. "MEFIEZ VOUUS DE VOS VOEUX". Author- American. As a result, the book is strong in the originality of the plot.

Evelyne Lever. Marie-Antoinette. Last year appeared several books to the output of the same film.

Françoise Sagan. "DE GUERRE LASSE". Very well written novel. "Bonjour, TRISTESSE". I can not get around this block.

Stephen Clarke. "The Year in the Merde". Hit last year. It is advisable to read in English. About the life of the Englishman in Paris.

Sébastien Japrisot. Among other things, the last shielded Roman: Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles, Prix Interallié 1991 (Denoël, 1991). NB: Roman Adapté Au Cinéma Par Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Avec Audrey Tautou.

François Cavanna. LE VOYAGE, LES RITALS, LES RUSSKOFFS. Many humorous novels.

Francis Veber. "Le Dîner De Cons". Humorist. Many films according to his scenarios.

Umberto eco. The famous modern Italian writer. "Le Pendule De Foucault", "Le Nom De La Rose".

Famous French writers made an invaluable contribution to world literature. From existentialism Jean-Paul Sartra to comments on society Flaubert, France is well known to the world of examples of literary geniuses. Thanks to a set of well-known statements that cite the masters of literature from France, there is a high probability that you are very familiar, or at least heard about the works of French literature.

For centuries, many great literary works appeared in France. Although this list is hardly comprehensive, it contains some of the greatest literary masters who ever lived. Korea all of you are reading or at least heard of these famous French writers.

Onor de Balzac, 1799-1850

Balzac - French writer and playwright. One of his most famous works "Human Comedy", became its first real taste of success in the literary world. In fact, his personal life has become more attempting to try something and failed than a real success. He, in the opinion of many literary critics, is considered one of the "founding fathers" of realism, because the "human comedy" was a comment of all aspects of life. This is a meeting of all the works he wrote under his name. Father Gorio is often given in the courses of French literature as a classic example of realism. The history of the King Lir, which occurred in the 1820s in Paris, the book "Father Gorio" is a Balzakov reflection of a society who loving money.

Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989

Samuel Beckett is actually an Irishman, however, he wrote in French mostly in French, because he lived in Paris, moved there in 1937. It is considered the last great modernist and some argue that he is the first postmodernist. Especially outstanding in his personal life was honored in French resistance during World War II, when he was under German occupation. Although the Beckett was published a lot, he most of all his theater of the absurd shown in the play en Attendant Godot (waiting for the year).

Sirano de Bergerac, 1619-1655

Sirano de Bergerac is the most famous on the play, which was written about him by the Rosta called "Sirano de Bergerac." The play was put and filmed movies many times. The plot is well acquainted: Sirano loves Roxana, but ceases to courting her in order to read her poems on behalf of her not so eloquent friend. Rostan is most likely attaches the real characteristics of the life of De Bergerac, although he really was a phenomenal fencer and a delightful poet.

It can be said that his poetry is better known than Rostan's play. According to the descriptions, he had an extremely large nose of which was very proud of.

Albert Cami, 1913-1960

Albert Camiu is the author of Algerian origin who received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1957. He was the first African, who reached this, and the second most young writer in the history of literature. Despite the fact that it is associated with existentialism, the camp rejects any shortcuts. The most famous two novels of the absurdity: L "Étranger (stranger) and Le Mythe de sisyphe (myth about Sisyif). He was perhaps the most famous as a philosopher and his work - the display of the life of that time. In fact, he wanted to become football player, but sick with tuberculosis at the age of 17 and was chained to bed for a long period of time.

Victor Hugo, 1802-1885

Victor Hugo would give himself primarily a humanist who used literature to describe the Word of the Society of Human Life and Enjoyment. Both of these topics are easily viewed in the two of its most famous work: Les Misèrables (rejected), and Notre-Dame de Paris (the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady is also known in the most popular name - Gorbong from Notre Dama).

Alexander Duma, Father 1802-1870

Alexander Duma is considered the most readable author in French history. It is known for its historical novels that describe the dangerous adventures of heroes. Duma was prolific in writing and many of his story retell today:
Three Musketeers
Count Montecristo
Man in iron mask


His first published novel, Madame Bovari, became, perhaps, the most famous work. Initially, he was published as a series of novel, and the French authorities submitted lawsuit against Flaubert for immorality.

Jules Verne, 1828-1905

Jules Verne is especially famous because he was one of the first authors who wrote science fiction. Many literary critics even consider it one of the founding fathers of the genre. He wrote a lot of novels, here are some of the most famous:
Twenty thousand led under water
Journey to the center of the Earth
Around the world in 80 Days

Other french writers

Emil Zol
Georges Sand.
Marcel Prost.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Madame de Schuderi
Anatole France.
Simon de Bovwar
Charles Bodler

In France, literature was, and continues to be a driving force of philosophy. Paris - fertile soil for new ideas, philosophies and movements that have ever seen the world.

Famous French writers

Famous French writers made an invaluable contribution to the world
literature. From existentialism Jean-Paul Sartra to comments about
flaubert society, France is well known to the world's appearance
literary geniuses. Thanks to a set of famous statements that
quote the masters of literature from France, there is a high probability
that you are very familiar, or at least heard about
works of French literature.

For centuries, many great literary works appeared
in France. Although this list is hardly comprehensive, it contains some
of the greatest literary masters who ever lived. Rather
all that you read or at least heard about these famous french

Onor de Balzac, 1799-1850

Balzac - French writer and playwright. One of his most famous
works "Human Comedy", became his first real taste of success in
literary world. In fact, his personal life has become more attempted
try something and failed than real success. He, in
the opinion of many literary critics is considered one of
"Founders" of realism, because the "human comedy" was
comments of all aspects of life. This is a meeting of all the works he
posted under his name. Father Gorio is often given in courses
french literature as a classic example of realism. History of the king
LIR, which occurred in the 1820s in Paris, the book "Father Gorio" is
Balzakovsky reflection of society loving money.

Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989

Samuel Beckett is actually an Irishman, however, he wrote in mostly
in French, because I lived in Paris, moving there in 1937. It
it is considered the last great modernist and some argue that he is
the first postmodern. Especially outstanding in his personal life was
walking in French resistance during World War II,
when he was under German occupation. Although the Beckett has been published a lot,
he is most of all with his theater of the absurd shown in the play en attendant
Godot (waiting for year).

Sirano de Bergerac, 1619-1655

Sirano de Bergerac is the most famous on the play, which was
it is written about him by the Rosta called "Sirano de Bergerac". Play
they put and filmed movies many times. The plot is well acquainted: Sirano
loves Roxana, but stops courting for her to not
such an eloquent friend read her poems. Rostan Most likely
adhesives the real characteristics of the life of De Bergerac, although that
indeed was a phenomenal fencer and a delightful poet.
It can be said that his poetry is better known than Rostan's play. By
descriptions he had an extremely large nose whom was very proud.

Albert Cami, 1913-1960

Albert Camiu is the author of Algerian origin who received
Nobel Prize in literature in 1957. He was the first African,
which has achieved this and the second most young writer in history
literature. Despite the fact that it is associated with existentialism, camp
returns any shortcuts. The most famous two novel absurdity:
L "Étranger (stranger) and le mythe de sisyphe (myth about Sisyif). He was
perhaps most famous as a philosopher and its work - mapping
life of that time. In fact, he wanted to become a football player, but
sick with tuberculosis at the age of 17 and was chained to bed in
a long period of time.

Victor Hugo, 1802-1885

Victor Hugo would call himself primarily a humanist who used
literature to describe the Word of the Life of Man and Injust
societies. Both of these topics are easily viewed in two of its most famous.
works: Les Misèrables (Rejected), and Notre-Dame de Paris (Cathedral
Parisian Our Lady is also known in the popular name - Gorbong from

Alexander Duma, Father 1802-1870

Alexander Duma is considered the most readable author in French history.
He is famous for its historical novels that describe dangerous
the adventures of heroes. Duma was prolific in writing and many of his
the story is retelling today:
Three Musketeers
Count Montecristo
Man in iron mask
Nutcracker (glorified through the ballet version of Tchaikovsky)

Gustave Flaubert 1821-1880

His first published novel, Madame Bovari, became perhaps the most
famous for his work. Initially, it was published in the form of a series
novel, and the French authorities submitted lawsuit against Flaubert for

Jules Verne 1828-1905

Jules Verne is especially famous because he was one of the first authors,
writing science fiction. Many literary critics even consider
its one of the founding fathers of the genre. He wrote a lot of novels, here
some of the most famous:
Twenty thousand led under water
Journey to the center of the Earth
Around the world in 80 Days

Other french writers

There are many other great French writers:

Emil Zol
Georges Sand.
Marcel Prost.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Madame de Schuderi
Anatole France.
Simon de Bovwar
Charles Bodler

In France, literature was, and continues to be a driving force of philosophy.
Paris - fertile soil for new ideas, philosophies and movements that
when either I saw the world.

French novels are a real storehouse of world classical literature. We tell what works can be started!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

Reading is an excellent leisure version. Depending on the chosen book, you can not only pass the time, but also acquire a lot of useful skills. Someone reads exclusively specialized literature, someone opposite is artistic. However, that, and the other can be used for training. Especially if we are talking about the books of French writers.

Popular Literary Works in French

If a simple passerby ask the question of "what French authors do you know?", It can easily be lost and only name Duma name. The names of Russian Classics and Matters of Great Britain flashes in the head. However, with many famous authors from France, we are familiar with childhood.

For example, the quotation of St. Exupery "We are responsible for those who have tamed" knows almost everyone. And the work of "Three Musketeers", released from under the pen of Duma, was repeatedly fused.

1. Albert Cami "Plague." The author wanted to invest a symbolic description of European struggle with Nazism. However, the resulting work covers not only the phenomenon of the "brown plague", but also other acute social topics. The word "plague" played the role of the symbolic description of the entire evil in the world. The work is written in the form of a novel chronicle.

2. Albert Cami "Strying". The first story of the writer. Based on the ideas of existentialism. Many literary criticians believe that this work preaches freedom in its very pure manifestation. The whole story is conducted from the first person and holds the reader through the world of the main character - Merso.

3. Victor Hugo "Rejected". Roman Marta French Literature. It is considered one of the greatest works written in the nineteenth century. Through the whole novel passes the main philosophical thread, affecting such manifestations as love, humanity, cruelty, suffering and happiness. The plot itself revolves around the life of the former convict Jean Valzhan.

4. Alexander Duma "Count Monte Cristo." The classic known to almost everyone. The novel is written in the adventure genre and tells about the graph, which at the time of the beginning of the narration was imprisoned. From the moment of writing, a huge variety of films were shot, both exactly repeating the plot and only those founded on it.

5. Voltaire "Candid, or optimism". It is the most popular product of the author. Almost immediately after his appearance fell under the ban. The reason was supposedly its "obsceneness". In essence, this is a philosophical story filed in the form of the so-called "Plutovsky Roman". At the end of "Candy", the hero opens the secret of happiness, which is not at all as expected.

6. Alexander Duma "Three Musketeers". This novel is known to the world. Numerous adaptation, theatrical performances and cartoons created by its motives only emphasize the special popularity of the work. The historical adventure novel tells about the valor and friendship, love and betrayal, palace intrigues and Molotovka delete. The main characters are four friends who recorded in the rows of musketeers and serving in the glory of the king.

7. Gustave Flaubert "Mrs. Bovarie" . This novel has long been recognized as a global masterpiece, despite extreme simplicity of the plot. Its basic value is unusual feed form. Words chosen to describe what is happening, merge into single cloth I. form extraordinary beauty and T. same time of simplicity text.

8. Victor Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady." Another product from the list of world classics. It is the first historic novel written in French. Based on its plot, a magnificent musical was delivered, which repeatedly rested by various performers, as well as two operas and ballet. In addition, the adaptation of the work was repeatedly removed. The entire plot rotates around a quasimodo in love with Esmeralda. The work was written in order to preserve the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God, which then planned to demolish.

9. Onor de Balzac "Father Gorio". The novel tells about the Father Gorio, which has unusually strong and sincere love for his children. However, the attitude of children was completely different, and the old man got into the boarding house. It is from there who begins the story of the history of a deeply unfortunate person who remained abandoned in old age. A sharp social problems rise in the novel, and the dismissal relationship of daughters is emphasized by pronounced respect from a completely unfamiliar person - Rastyanka.

10. Standal "Red and Black" . Returns the reader in France after the July revolution. The main character - Julien Sorel - Trying to build his career and has big chances on Growth B. churches. However, his women lie - He is not only not reaches the desired but and he himself dies because of his addiction. The novel was repeatedly filled and it is considered the predecessor of such a genre as psychological realism.

This list can be continued to infinity. Many popular classic works came out from under the pen of French authors.

Separately, it is worth noting a number of interesting works in the genre of fiction. Despite the fact that most of the famous writers of this genre are immigrants from the United States, France also pleases with interesting ideas.

Among the popular classic fantastic works, you can highlight the books of Maurice Renar "Dr. Lern, Halforn, Bernard Verber" Paradise to order "and Jules Verne" Mysterious Island ". And the work of Pierre Bulle "Planet Monkeys" was repeatedly filmmed and won a special popularity even among those people who are not fond of fantasy genre.

Books in French for beginners - Simple learning language

One of the most popular ways today to explore any language is reading the literature in the original language. It is very difficult, but it is at the expense of such a read that you can effectively replenish the vocabulary and get the so-called "feeling" of the language.

It is worth selecting the literature depending on the level of knowledge and size of the vocabulary stock. Therefore, it is better to start reading from small and simple works. It is preferable to learn the language of children's books. There is the most simple vocabulary, which is often found in everyday life.

Often, the works of Antoine de Saint-Exupery are often used to teach the French language. The stories of Rena Gasinni and children's books, similar to the "fun adventure of Rududud and Rikika" are also popular.

As knowledge is expanded, you can go to more voluminous and complex works. It is best to select literature based on the genre. Fairy tales, stories and various household stories are well suited to start learning. Over time, you can go to more complex and volumetric works.

It is also worth considering the time of writing a book. The stories and novels of the nineteenth century most often contain revisions that are no longer used in modern speech. If you dial lexicon, leaning on such literature, the risk is ridiculous and ridiculous.

It is preferable to study the language on the works of the twentieth and twenty-first century. This will not only allow to fill the dictionary with the most relevant words, but also greatly relieves reading.

Best children's books in french

Among French literature there are a lot of beautiful children's stories and fairy tales. They are perfect for school training. This uses books in the original language.

In addition to the purely French literature for training, the French versions of the fairy tales already known to you, such as "Beauty and the Beast", "Alladin and the Magic Lamp", "Sleeping Beauty" and others can be applied. The familiar plot will significantly simplify reading even if there are a large number of unfamiliar words.

If French is unfamiliar for you, you can find the Russian version. There are many selections of children's stories with translation.

Among the best French children's writers, such authors can be distinguished:

  • Charles Perro;
  • Madame d'Zohua;
  • Georges Sand;
  • Sofya Segure;
  • Rene Gosinny.