Evgeny Osin: what's wrong with him now and where is he? Eugene Aspen found an illegitimate daughter. The most famous songs.

Evgeny Osin: what's wrong with him now and where is he?  Eugene Aspen found an illegitimate daughter. The most famous songs.
Evgeny Osin: what's wrong with him now and where is he? Eugene Aspen found an illegitimate daughter. The most famous songs.

53-year-old Soviet and Russian singer, musician, songwriter Yevgeny Osin admitted that for several years he has provided materially and is taking part in the upbringing of his daughter Anastasia Godunova. According to the musician, the girl even calls him dad. And he met her mother Elena before his marriage with his first wife Natalia.

“Lena and I met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. Began courting, soon we moved in. They lived together for several months, but then they parted. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With the former lover, we remained on good terms, saw each other from time to time. Several years ago Lena found my number and was stunned by the news that I have a daughter, ”Osin told reporters.

EvgeniusOsin illegitimate daughter, how was the acquaintance with Nastya

Last year, singer Yevgeny Osin underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, he gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a correct lifestyle. Aspen was forced to take up his health in many respects by the news that he had another daughter.

“My daughter's name is Nastya Godunova, she is 12 years old. She even calls me dad! - said Osin in an interview with Starhit.

Osin asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember I was very worried,” continues Evgeny. - But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastenka is engaged in music, participates in children's model shows! "

According to Osin, Nastya looks very similar to him. But despite this circumstance, Eugene decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” says the singer. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he said that the girl was not his, and abandoned her. "

EvgeniusOSin is an illegitimate daughter, after receiving the test, the singer burst into tears

The hero of the new episode of the show "Actually" was Yevgeny Osin. At the beginning of the program, Dmitry Shepelev said that a longtime acquaintance of the performer of the hit "The girl in the machine is crying" Elena Godunova says that the artist has an illegitimate daughter Nastya

Previously, the former chosen one of the singer never officially announced that Osin could be Nastya's father. According to Elena, Eugene calls the girl his daughter, he calls her, they write songs. The musician does not deny that he communicated with Nastya many times.

“I am her patron, she calls me daddy. I admit that she is my daughter, but we need to check specifically, ”said Osin.

According to Elena, she is trying to help Eugene stop drinking. The artist and his girlfriend met almost every weekend a few years ago. Osin himself does not remember exactly how often they see each other. The musician behaved very strangely during the filming of the program. Sabina Pantus wanted to clarify whether the artist had drunk alcohol before the broadcast. He carefully denied this fact.

“I loved him, and now I really want to help him so that he comes back and becomes the same,” added Godunova.

During the check by experts, Osin fell for a lie. It turned out that in the last 24 hours he still drank alcohol. The artist has been drinking for many years that he cannot even say how much. Treatment in a rehabilitation center did not help the musician.

Nastya Godunova also came to the studio. The girl confirmed that she calls Aspen a dad. According to the young artist, even if the DNA test does not prove their relationship, they will continue to communicate.

Towards the end of the program, the talented Nastya performed with a solo number. Dmitry Shepelev believed that Elena would be able to save Yevgeny, surrounding him with care and warmth.

- Do you want to know the truth? - presenter
- I do not care. - Evgeniy

As a result, the musician burst into tears and felt deeply, as he was lucky with a friend like Elena, who accepts him in any condition.

// Photo: Salynskaya Anna / PhotoXPress.ru

Last year, Evgeny Osin underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand. Returning to the capital, the 53-year-old man gave up alcohol and is now trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Aspen was motivated to take up his health not only by conscience, but also by a new circumstance - recently, the artist has been taking part in the upbringing of his alleged daughter. He learned about its existence several years ago. The singer told StarHit why he was hiding his second family.

“My daughter's name is Nastya Godunova, she is 12 years old. She even calls me dad! - says Osin. - I met her mother Lena before my marriage to my first wife Natasha. We met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. Began to look after, soon we moved in. They lived together for several months, but then they parted. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With our former lover, we remained on good terms, saw each other from time to time. Several years ago Lena found my number and was stunned by the news that I have a daughter. "

Shocked Osin immediately asked the woman to see the girl. “I remember I was very worried,” continues Evgeny. - But Nastya and I found a common language. The girl followed in my footsteps. Nastenka is engaged in music, participates in children's model shows! "

According to the celebrity, Nastya looks very similar to him. But, despite this circumstance, Eugene decided to take a DNA test. “I don’t know the results yet,” says the singer. - I know that Lena had a man after me. When Nastya was born, he said that the girl was not his and abandoned her. "

The singer is constantly in touch with Elena and Nastya. He calls every evening, asks how they are doing.

“Of course, the mother is mainly involved in the upbringing of the girl,” says Evgeny. - But I am ready to help with advice. It's nice that Nastya is listening to me. "

Now the girl is studying music. In the photo with a member of the group A "Studio Baigali Serkebaev // Photo: VKontakte

The girl has not yet met the eldest daughter of the musician Agnia. For a long time, Osin had problems in relations with the heiress and her mother - they did not want to communicate with him. The singer even got a job as a music teacher at the school where Agnia studied, created a group where she became a soloist. After Yevgeny underwent rehabilitation, the relationship improved, but recently the daughter again stopped communicating with her father.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin. Born on October 4, 1964 in Moscow - died on November 17, 2018 in Moscow. Russian singer, musician, songwriter.

Father - Victor Osin, worked as a trolleybus driver.

Has a younger sister Albina.

His uncle was the drummer in the band.

When he was 9 years old, his father left the family. As Yevgeny recalled, at the trial during the divorce of his parents, he said that he wanted to stay with his mother. The collapse of the Asin family was associated with the fact that his father was a sectarian - a Seventh-day Adventist.

After the parents divorced, she and her mother received a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. My father moved to Cherepovets, where he headed a cell of his sect, where he worked as the head of a convoy.

From an early age, music was his main occupation. He studied at a music school, but dropped out.

He independently learned to play the guitar and percussion instruments. According to him, he could play the guitar for days on end. Then he dreamed of a successful career as a musician. From the age of 14 he played drums in a school ensemble. He recalled: “For several years I collected and handed over empty bottles, saved on school lunches, asked my mother for money for fictitious excursions - I saved ruble for ruble ... As a result, I saved up for my first drum kit, which I bought for 916 rubles in a store” Leipzig "".

Also, since childhood, he was engaged in pigeons, which he kept on the balcony in a box. During his school years, for five hundred rubles, he bought a real dovecote, which he was very proud of - when he became famous, he even filmed it in the video "The girl is crying in the machine."

“When popularity came and I became a famous artist, I had to sell the dovecote. I could not pay the same attention to the birds. All the time was occupied by music and tours,” he said.

After incomplete studies, he had a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers, which gave him the right to work as the head of an amateur ensemble at the level of a district house of culture.

In 1983, at the age of 19, he became a vegetarian.

In 1986 he created his own group "Nightcap", later renamed "Keks". In groups, he was the vocalist and played the guitar. In 1986-1987 he played in the groups "Nicolaus Copernicus" (percussion) and "Alliance" (drums) under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory.

In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he led the Ded Moroz group, where he was a vocalist and showman. In the same year he was invited to the Bravo group after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova. Osin took part in the touring activities of "Bravo", starred in a video and recorded for the album "Let's say to each other" Bravo! " later got on the Internet. Also, several songs from this album with lead vocals from Osin were included on the Bravo disc “Songs of Different Years”.

In 1989, Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and preferred him as a soloist.

After leaving "Bravo" Osin created his own group "Avalon", in which he played the guitar, sang and composed music and poetry. The group's repertoire included a lot of music of various directions from jazz to "heavy". He recorded with Avalon the almost unnoticed album The Light Path of Fire (published by Bekar Records).

In 1991 he turned to the repertoire and style of the 1970s.

In 1992 he released the disc "70th latitude". Osin sang songs where romantic backyard music is mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of 1960s rock and roll. All the instruments on the album were live, and most of the musicians are girls. The album was a huge success, more than half of the songs from it became hits.

Osin recalled: "I sang romantic songs of non-professional authors that no one wanted to release. All my compositions can be compared to home songs with a guitar. These things touch, because they are written from the heart. Now there are a lot of corrupt authors who write to order. . All their compositions are about nothing, just rhymed phrases. My songs may not be very literate, but they are real. "

Andrei Voznesensky was the author of the lyrics to the song "The Girl in the Machine Crying", which became the main hit of the album, and the composer of the song "Portrait by Pablo Picasso" was the Polish pianist and composer Vladislav Shpilman (Roman Polanski's film "The Pianist" was filmed about him).

Evgeny Osin - Crying girl in the machine

After the song "The girl in the machine is crying", which in the early 90s came from every iron, the singer gave another hit. And the whole country sang again: “But I don’t believe what they say. All the guys write about girls. I will not say anything in response. I don’t want to doubt you ”.

Other songs soon followed: "Tanya plus Volodya", "Yalta". It was to the latter that he started dancing - during the presidential tour in Rostov-on-Don.

Osin recalled: “For me, the fact that Yeltsin went on stage really came as a shock. Nobody expected that Boris Nikolayevich would rise and start dancing.

Evgeny Osin and Boris Yeltsin

In 1996, the album "Working on Errors" was released, in this album Osin also appeared as a composer who successfully worked in the traditions of the music of the 1960s - 1970s. The main hit of the album was the song "Kachka".

The new album "Birds" was released only in 1999. The album devotes little space to the former courtyard lyrics: now the compositions are more energetic, even danceable, and, unlike previous albums with live instruments, computers were used in the recording of this.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, Osin began to collaborate with young performers, starred in many videos, as well as projects, such as, for example, "Old songs about the main thing."

In 2000, the album "Golden Collection" was released, and the next year, two albums at once - "Bagel and Loaf" (containing children's songs) and "All the same girls" (most of the songs of which were written by businessman Ildar Khairullin). But both albums were unsuccessful.

In 2003, two collections of Aspen were published - "In the Mood for Love" and "Star Series".

In 2009 the second album of children's songs "Bagel, loaf and bagel" was released. It also included songs performed by other artists, and the composition "Alphabet" was performed by the daughter of Eugene Agniya.

In 2016 he released another album called "Separation".

According to Evgeny, despite the fact that he was almost invisible, he continued to work. "On the channels it is necessary to light up those who promote themselves, but I do not. Therefore, you can rarely see me on TV. Today's music is of little interest to me. Now all the melodies are electronic, made on a computer. I don't really like it," he said. Aspen.

Evgeny Osin: life after fame

Death of Evgeny Osin

The artist's body was found by his sister Albina. Before that, Osin did not get in touch for a day. The woman opened the singer's Moscow apartment with her key. Finding her brother with no signs of life, Albina asked her neighbor to call an ambulance. Arriving, the doctors pronounced him dead.

The last beloved Yevgeny Osin, the journalist noted that the artist was in deep depression, which was suppressed by alcohol: "... he was a deeply unhappy person. He had insane loneliness, hopelessness. He was exhausted. The last year was very painful. I have the strength to heal. "

Yevgeny Osin was buried on November 20 at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. The funeral was attended by TV presenter Dana Borisova, singers Alexei Krylov, Marat Krymov, Felix Tsarikati, poet Alexander Shaganov, producer Andrei Razin, a large number of friends and fans of the singer's work.

Evgeny Osin's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Evgeny Osin:

Was married. The wife's name was Natalya. He met her by chance at the bank. Osin invited her to a concert, and then found out that she had a husband. Natalia left her husband for an artist. The girl's mother was against this union, but the lovers did not pay attention to her.

In 2000, the couple got married. In 2002, they had a daughter, who was named Agnia. Later, due to alcoholism, relations with his wife began to deteriorate, his career also went down. At some point, Natalia decided to divorce. She took Agnia with her and forbade the singer to communicate with her daughter. For Osin, this was a strong blow.

In 2010, in order to see his daughter, Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher (teacher of additional education) at school No. 1287, where under his leadership the "Fishki" group was created, in which his daughter performed. He worked there until 2014. "I worked at school for almost five years ... This is a good experience for me. I studied the psychology of children in full, I understood how to communicate with them. I had both high school students and youngsters. They paid twenty-five thousand rubles a month." - he recalled.

Daughter - - makes a career as a singer and actress.

After a divorce from his wife, he lived in a civil marriage for five years. But even here his family life did not work out: the woman was tired of the artist's drunkenness. "Yes, she's a moron! She left me. And we were together for five years. She is generally a guitarist, a guitar teacher," Osin commented on his next breakup.

In February 2018, Evgeny Osin admitted that -. With her mother, whose name is Elena, he met before marriage with his first wife Natalia. “Lena and I met on the Arbat, and I immediately liked her. Began to look after, soon we moved in. They lived together for several months, but then they parted. I met Natasha, Agnia was born. With our former lover, we remained on good terms, saw each other from time to time. Several years ago Lena found my number and was stunned by the news that I have a daughter, ”said Osin.

Anastasia Godunova - illegitimate daughter of Evgeny Osin

Alcohol addiction and the state of health of Evgeniya Osin

For many years . After the divorce from his wife Natalya Osin drank especially hard. "Yes, I'm an alcoholic!" - he said about himself. Tries to fight addiction, but fails. Eugene several times gave himself the word to start a new life without alcohol, but all such attempts did not last long - again he failed.

"I drink because I don't have anyone," he complains.

There were rumors about cirrhosis of the liver, but he denied them: "I have no cirrhosis."

Due to alcoholism, he repeatedly became a defendant in criminal chronicles. So, in the spring of 2017. He turned for help to the law enforcement agencies of Moscow with a statement that personal belongings had disappeared from his apartment. According to the artist, this happened immediately after the departure of three of his acquaintances, two women and a man with whom he had a feast.

Evgeny Osin - alcoholism

In July 2017 and that he has no money for treatment. “Two weeks ago my lower limbs failed. The reason for this was problems with the spine. I live alone, my daughter and ex-wife have completely forgotten me, and I can hardly move around the apartment. Feeling that I am crawling on sharp knives. Several operations are required .. The wallet is empty. The last savings were taken by the TV men, who promised to film a story about me and assured that they would send them for treatment abroad. I let them into the apartment. I fed them for several weeks, wasted my time, and they deceived me, "he said.

“I have a serious problem with my legs, it hurts me to stand, sit, and sometimes sleep. My congenital flat feet have worsened, I need to be treated. the shoulder on which the guitar hangs, and it is heavy, weighs five to seven kilograms, "explained the artist.

Discography of Evgeny Osin:

1988 - Man from the Star (with the group "Santa Claus")
1989 - Let's say Bravo to each other! (with the group "Bravo")
1991 - Light path of fire (with the group "Avalon")
1992 - 70th latitude
1994 - In "Russia"
1996 - Correcting bugs
1999 - Birds
2000 - Golden Collection
2001 - Bagel and loaf
2001 - All the same girls
2003 - In the Mood for Love
2003 - Star Series
2009 - Bagel, loaf and bagel
2010 - New and better
2016 - Parting

Not so long ago, the public was stirred up by the difficult life story of Yevgeny Osin, in fact, this artist was on the verge of death due to his completely uncontrollable alcoholism. In total, there are four stages of this disease, apparently Evgeny Osin is in the third. Initially, this whole story did not touch me at all, because it is a well-known fact that not all singers who became famous in the last century were able to endure the burden of their glory, someone drank themselves, someone went into circulation, someone was unable to take into account the interests of the new generation and could not keep my audience. Those who did not rebuild did not keep up with the times - now they are out of work. And this is a sad fact. In the 90s, these stars gathered the halls, fans were given to them, fans of their work were on duty in the porches, listeners were ready to carry their idols in their arms, it seemed that this nationwide love would last forever. Where can she disappear? And then everything evaporated overnight. Once beautiful singers and singers are bloated, swollen, fat, bald, looking at them, the audience feels nothing but pity and regret. Evgeny Osin was no exception. Honestly, it seemed to me that I was not familiar with his work, only the song "The girl in the machine is crying" came up in my head, but nevertheless, before writing this article, I still listened to a large number of songs by this artist and understood, that many of them are very familiar to me, moreover, I realized that Yevgeny Osin's voice is really very good, juicy, sonorous, this guy sang better than most of those who are now squealing on our stage. Unassuming outwardly, short, but talented, punchy Evgeny Osin decided to bring the yard songs to the stage. These are the texts and melodies the audience needed - sincere, sincere. I thought that in all the photos Yevgeny Osin would be gray and dull, but it turned out to be completely different, almost all of his photos are very bright, sunny. Pay attention to what kind of jackets, shirts, trousers this singer is wearing. Yevgeny Osin carried a holiday to people, such songs are sung at weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, such texts are easy and pleasant to sing podshofe. But what is the life of Yevgeny Osin now? Wife Natalya went to another, does not allow to see the child? No, well, I don’t believe it. Yevgeny Osin worked for many years as a music teacher at the school of his daughter Agnia, organized a creative team there, studied vocals with his child and her girlfriends. If the mother was against it, she would have done everything in order to transfer her daughter to another school. It seems to me that one of the reasons for the divorce could be Yevgeny Osin's incipient alcoholism, the woman could not stand it and left. And then, after all, Osin himself once stole Natalya from her husband, a teacher of the Spanish language. Then Natalya left Aspen. What to be offended at? First, you took the woman away from the rival, then another male took your prey from under your nose. Evgeny Osin says that Natalya went to his friend, as she longed for a luxurious life. In vain this guy stipulates the mother of his child all over the country.

In all this situation, I am very sorry for Evgeny Osin's daughter - young Agnia, Agnieszka. The dad, once popular throughout the Soviet Union, gets drunk, he is shown on talk shows, the whole country talks about him, and after all, he could continue to be on everyone's lips, but not because of his drunkenness. If Yevgeny Osin hadn't started drinking, it is unlikely that he would have sung only his old songs now, in order to be afloat you need to constantly come up with something new. What rolled once may not be successful today. But Evgeny Osin seems to have new material. It is possible that this guy will change his mind and we will still hear about him, but not as an alcoholic, but as a talented musician and singer.

I found about sixty different photos of Evgeny Osin, these photos are really interesting to look at. And so let's get started.

With Lena Perova.

Little Evgeny Osin with his parents. His dad was a trolleybus driver. Disorders in the family began when the head of the family became a sectarian - a Seventh-day Adventist.

In this photo, Evgeny Osin with his parents and his little daughter Agnia.

With his wife Natalia.

With daughter Agnia.

In this photo, Evgeny Osin with his wife Natalia.

With Alena Sviridova.

With his wife Natalia.

With a grown daughter.

Agnia Osina is a very beautiful and talented girl.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin is a famous singer, musician, composer and idol of the 90s. He presented his fans with a huge number of hits. The genre of his performance was varied, combining yard and pop songs, romantic music, rock and roll.

His songs became hits for many years and brought popularity to Evgeny Osin. He is organizing a new musical group. He writes songs himself, performs solo, acts as a guitarist. The band is releasing an album. This album was remembered by the audience less than the rest of his songs.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin

People make themselves idols, admire them, copy their demeanor. At all costs, they try to get to their concerts. They want to be like them.

It was the same with Evgeny Osin's fans. Everyone wanted to know about him: height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Osin. What he loves, where he goes, where he rests, i.e. all the details of his life.

In those years, it was more difficult to find out. Now we can simply type our question in the search box of the computer and in just a few seconds we will receive the answer: place of birth is Moscow, the height of the singer is 168 cm, weight is 72 kg and age is 53 years.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin was born in Moscow. He was an ordinary boy, played football and drove pigeons. Even when he was little, Zhenya loved to listen to music. His uncle played drums professionally and quickly taught this to his nephew. Evgeny grew up without a father. The parents divorced, the father moved to another city, met with his son very rarely.

While studying in the seventh grade, Evgeny already played percussion instruments in the school ensemble. I tried to study at a music school, but the classics seemed boring to him, the classes quickly got bored and he stopped attending lessons. In the future, Eugene never received a musical education, but he never regretted it. Lack of education did not prevent him from becoming an excellent performer and winning the love of the public.

After leaving school, Yevgeny Osin gathered a small musical group, consisting of the same fans of the yard song, like himself. He played guitar, sang, picked up music for performances. Eugene could not imagine life without music and guitar. For 2 years, the musician worked in several groups, and then, by a lucky chance, got into the already popular Bravo group.

For some time Osin toured actively with the group around the country, starred in a video, but then left the team.

At the beginning of the 90s, the biography and personal life of Yevgeny Osin becomes diverse. Yevgeny Osin's solo career begins in 1991. He finds his own style of performance. Collects large concert venues. Success comes to him. A year later, the first disc appears. She immediately becomes popular, and the zest of this album - the song "The girl in the machine is crying" makes the singer famous.

In 1994, the musician released a new album, and two years later the third disc appeared. The musician tours a lot. The songs are played by all radio stations in the country. The audience adores him.

At this time, Eugene marries his vocalist Elena, but life together is not going well. After six months, they part.

At the peak of popularity, the singer meets his future wife Natalia. At the time of their acquaintance, Natalya was married, but soon after her divorce from her husband, young people got married.

For several years, Evgeny Osin has been keeping up with the wave of popularity. Over the next 10 years, seven more albums of the singer are released, but the basis of the albums is his previous songs. Evgeny's popularity is gradually waning.

Family and children of Evgeny Osin

In 2002, a wonderful event happens in the life of Yevgeny Osin - he becomes a father. The birth of his daughter Agnia inspires the singer to create children's songs and write poetry. In those years, the family and children of Yevgeny Osin, caring for them and love became the main thing for him. The singer devotes all his free time to them. All together they go to rest on the sea, play together, get out into nature.

The daughter grew up, and along with her, Evgeny's alcohol dependence grew. Tours, groupies, riotous life - as a result of which family quarrels. Osin was unable to keep his family together. In 2006, Natalia takes her daughter and leaves him.

Daughter of Evgeny Osin - Agnia

The ex-wife forbade Aspen to see Agnia. The girl went to school, and Eugene got a job there as a simple singing teacher. He began to see his daughter more often.

At school, Evgeny Osin created a musical group "Fishki", in which the children were engaged. The daughter of Evgeny Osin -Agniya was very fond of studying in the ensemble, she sang, but soon the ex-wife transferred the girl to another school. It was very difficult for Agnia, since they completely stopped communicating with their father. Mother turned her against Eugene and did not allow her to meet. Only on the phone and in social networks was it possible to communicate a little

Agnia has grown up now. She graduated from music school, is trying to write songs. Eugene believes that his daughter will be happy and successful.

The ex-wife of Evgeny Osin - Natalya Cheremisina

Natalya Cheremisina was the wife of Yevgeny Osin for several years. They met in Moscow. It all happened by accident. The ex-wife of Yevgeny Osin, Natalya Cheremisina, was a beautiful, blonde girl with big blue eyes. Eugene really liked her. Soon a romance began. The girl's parents were against their relationship, since Natalia was married.

After the divorce was filed in 2000, the young people got married. Osin understood that his wife was very beautiful, many men paid attention to her. Eugene was a very jealous husband and insisted that Natalia leave her job.

Natalia was raising her daughter. A few years later, relations with Yevgeny Osin finally deteriorated, as the singer's craving for alcohol increased. Natalia decided to leave her husband. She subsequently remarried. She does not maintain a relationship with her ex-husband.

Evgeny Osin - latest news

Recently, the press has paid little attention to the singer. The headlines "Evgeny Osin - Latest News" began to appear less and less on the pages of magazines and on the Internet. The fame has passed, the composer has not written new songs for a long time. His old, beloved hits can still be heard on the radio, but with the subtitle "retro".

This is due to the singer's strong alcohol dependence and the diseases that manifested themselves against this background. Due to problems with the spine, Yevgeny Osin's legs almost gave up. He has difficulty walking and needs surgery.

Alcohol addiction is a serious illness, and only a few can recover from it on their own. Evgeny Osin could not defeat her alone, but friends and relatives decided to help the singer. In August 2017, he flies to Thailand for treatment. He is struggling and has already taken the first steps towards victory.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeniya Osin

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Osin contain little information about him. Yes, and that is contradictory. Basically, these are events of past years or impartial actions. The singer himself is not very willing to talk about himself, since recently little good has been happening in his life.

Perhaps, when the problems recede, Eugene will tell subscribers about his life, share his plans. I would like to believe that Evgeny Osin will cope with the disease, and we will still hear his songs. Evgeny Osin - the idol of millions, a talented musician, composer and singer, romantic of the 90s - come back!