Singer Claude. Dark side of Claude Francois

Singer Claude. Dark side of Claude Francois

Claude Francois - not the governing star of the French scene

"Direct air from Olympia!" Only the best songs performed by the unique Claude Francois! ". French radio listeners for the first time heard this name in the early 60s of the last century. Since then, it can always be found on radio waves any radio station that broadcasts the song "Comme d'Habitude", which is in translated from French means "as usual."

Path from the bank to orchestra

1939 in Ismailia, in the northeast of Egypt, in the family of ship dispatcher Eme Francois was born her son Claude. In a cozy house on the shores of the Red Sea Claude And his sister Juzetta held her happy serene childhood.

Father Claude It was far from the world of music and never approved the passion for the Son with music. But the mother, Lucia, was very musical. When Claude He was still a child, she trained his violin and piano. At the same time, in childhood there was a passion for shock instruments. It is these musical classes with mother who will become precious experience that will lead Claude Francois to the world of show business.

In 1956, a Suez crisis occurred caused by changes in Egypt's policies when the Suez Canal was nationalized. The family was forced to move to Monte Carlo, and the usual measured life remained in the past. Father never met this forced relocation. Soon he got very sick and could not work anymore. On shoulders Claude He was responsible for the financial well-being of the family, so he settled to work by bank employees. But this work has always been considered as temporary. There was no day to Claude I did not dream to leave the bank and start doing music. After a working day in a bank, he went to search for work in orchestras playing for guests of Monaco hotels. Claude There was ambitious and enterprising, had a good musical education, so in the end was adopted in the Louis Frosio orchestra. Claude He was happy, although he did not receive approval, nor support from the Father. Eme was configured to resolutely and did not want to accept the fact that his son chose a "not serious" profession. In vain Claude Tried to convince the Father. After another quarrel, they stopped communication until the death of Eme.

The first "success" of Claude Francois

Not finding support from the Father, receiving a meager salary, Claude Nevertheless, it was determined. He worked hard, building a musical career, and was always sure that in the future his name would be loud in the world of music. He dreamed sing and tried to bring listening. Without having received such an opportunity in the orchestra, where he worked, the ambitious young man left this work. After some time, he was listened to the Provencal Luxury Mediterranean Resort Juan-les-Pen. The guide was fascinated by his voice voice and sentimental songs, although executed several unprofessional. He was allowed to sing. And always neat well-groomed look, bright with impeccable styling hair and the image of a young man from a good family helped find mutual understanding with the audience. For the first time K. Claud. Faminess comes, and the number of his fans is consistently growing every day.

Career singer Night clubs no longer satisfy Claude. His manitis world glory, but for starters, the singer decided to conquer Paris. At the end of 1961, along with his family, he moved to the capital. At this time, there were big changes in the musical world - the American rock and roll broke into French pop music. Twist and jive were at the peak of popularity, the style-based Yoe-th style was formed on the rock and roll. The cultivation of young people became the transfer of "Hi, friends", where the famous world lumps, twists and other works of new styles were performed in French. The young singer was going to find his niche in this environment. At first, he settled in the group of Olivier Despass Les Gamblers. He was paid a penny, but not this is the main thing, the main thing is success. Ambitious Claude Understands the solo career - the only way to glory. He possessed a kind of talent to feel, where the strength should be directed. But, nevertheless, the first plate "NABOUT TWIST", recorded in 1962 under the pseudonym Coco, became a loud failure!

With no doubt

After the first failure Claude Not going to give up. With even greater zeal, he seeks success. Read more is ready to achieve fame. The beginning of the dizzying career Claude Francois Becoming the song "Belles Belles Belles". His father never believed his son's success, and so it was, Eme did not live before that success. He died a few months before the release of the first hit of his son. When the song Claude Francois It was sounded in the transfer "Hi, friends", everyone was forced to recognize the ascending star in it. "Belles Belles Belles" - Runting to the French "Made To Love" Everly Brothers - occupied the peaks of charts in the summer of 1962. Under the start of impresario genderland Claude He started a real singer career. At first, he produces songs on the records of more famous singers and goes as a "warming up" in the tour with "Le Schossett Noir". But supernergic and having a furious temperament, Claude Osloves others. There are reports of the appearance of a new superstar, and the name Claude Francois Slipped on the French scene.

He records the hits one by one. What is surprising, most of his songs are crossing English hits in French. It would seem that he did not do anything superradicted, but the priests of the English hits left an unforgettable trail in the musical world of the 60s.

Famous House Claude Francois

Claude was on the wave of success. Financial problems remained behind. In 1964, he bought a plot of land in the picturesque countryside of the Dannea region Il de France. The old windmill was located on this site (Le Moulin), built allegedly between 1345 and 1410, and even there was a legend that Zhanna d'Ark was stopped there ...

house in Dunname

A few weeks after buying a mill Claude He released the hit "La Ferme du Bonheur", and on the site built a little rustic country house, remotely resembling old English rustic houses. The house, which always dreamed, was generally wonderful. Mimosa grew around the house, multicolored roses, fragrant magnolias, palm trees. Not far from the house was equipped with a place for a barbecue, a house for animals, a vegetable garden and a swimming pool. Claude He adored animals, and in his house it was possible to meet the most incredible living creatures: long-tailed parrots, peacocks, swans, ducks, dogs and cats, and even a monkey named Ness-Ness.

Favorite singer's place was a garden. He loved to sit in the garden next to the pool. The house was a cinema hall, a gym, sauna, bar. And of course a wine cellar. Like a real French Claude Very appreciated the wines and possessed the extensive collection of expensive marks.

In pursuit of glory

In September 1964, a performance was held for the first time. Claude In the famous Paris Olympia. This concert passed with stunning success. Especially emotionally sounded the song "J'y Pense Et Puis J'oublie", written and executed under the influence of emotions associated with parting with Janet.

In 1965, several new hits come out, including Les Choses De La Maison and Meme Si Tu Revenais. Participation in the famous Radio Musicrama has become a great success. Records its version of Cinderella. And in 1966 creates a dance group "Les Claudettes" of four girls who danced in the back plan during his own speeches. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating "Les Claudettes" has emerged long ago, in January 1965, during a trip to Las Vegas. It was an indelible impression of American shows, and he decided on the same principle to build something.

It seemed for what would take, wherever sent his creative energy - everywhere it is waiting for triumph. During the tour in the summer of 1966, there was a massive hysteria of fans who fall out of excess emotions at its concerts. At the end of the same year, another performance was held in Olympia, where an incredible success was waiting for him again.

When his contract ended with Philips, inspired by his success Claude thinks to organize your own enterprise. Thus, it creates its own label "Flash disk". Now he belongs to himself, everything is only in his hands, he is completely independent. Recipe success Claude Francois It is overwriting well-known English and American hits in French. But one song recorded Claudewas originally french. "Comme d'Habitude" became a french hat hat. When Canadian Paul Ank translated it into English, and also performed it, then the legendary hit "My Way" has already acquired world fame.

All women Claud

with sons Mark and Claude Jr.

In 1959. Claude I got acquainted with the dancer Jeannett Vulkut, who in a year became his wife. Jeannette was his only official wife. After moving to Paris, the relationship of the spouses were smoldered, and Jeannette left from Claude. He tried not to advertise his personal life, nevertheless, in 1967, in the press, information about his love relationship with the famous French singer Frans Gall has appeared. France Gal is mature, serious passion Claude, big passion surrounded by no less big pain. He idolized her, but he began to take too much a place in her life, tried to participate in everything, intervened in her work, dictated to whom to cooperate and not cooperate, was against her participation in. France could not stand and gone.

Claude It was shocked. It is under the impression of such strong emotions and experiences from parting from Gal, the well-known world of "My Way" or "ComMe d'Habitude" was recorded. Later, the singer met a girl named Isabel Forest, which will become the mother of his sons.

Isabelle Le Food was young, but probably the very wise of all women Claude. She understood that he was always in the first place, there will always be only a song, and you can not even dream to be in the first place. But even understand This is giving Claud. Two children, and she could not stand his strong and hard character. Her place was taken by Sofia - Finnish fashion model. It is believed to be too similar in nature on ClaudeThat is why their relationships were doomed. Catalina Jones - his last love. Catalina knew how to not notice fans ClaudeThose who are always present and everywhere next to the singer. She became the best friend, support and support. They planned to get married, were going to have children. But fate did not give them the opportunity to carry out these plans, nor even abandon them ...

Life with terrible speed

Creative personality and enterprising nature, bright personality and indisputable charm helped Claude Francois In his dizzyingly successful career. 1969 year. Again Olympia. 16 concerts. And on each - full of allocracy. The public in ecstasy from the bright, live show in the American style. Tour of Canada in 1970. Again grand success. But how long could it last?

During a concert in Marseille on March 14, 1970 Claude Falls right on the scene. Heart attack he became the result of a mad rhythm of life and elementary fatigue. His manager insists on the termination of such a crazy pace of work. Claude Departs to the Canary Islands. Returns full strength and ready to immediately plunge into work. But misfortunes begin to pursue him. He falls into a serious car accident. In June 1973, most of the estate of Dannema is damaged by fire, the reason for which they did not find out. During the concert in Marseille in July of the same year, one zealous fan puts him a blow on his head, leaving, rightly, only a bruise under the eye. In 1975, in London, he suffered during an explosion of the bomb of the Irish Republican Army, and he only burst the drumpot. In 1977 he shot him when he led the car. He miraculously did not die, did not even suffer. But still lived for him not long. As they say, seven deaths will not, one not to power.

Famous productions of "Les Claudettes"

In the meantime, active with incredible zeal is engaged in one project after another. At the end of 1971, the magazine redeems the "Podium" magazine, invests money in the Girls Models model agency. He is engaged in producing Patrick Topaloff and Alena Shamfora, which made a contract with its "Flash drive".

In 1972, specifically for the incredibly popular hit "Le Lundi Au Soleil" and "Klodetta" invent an extremely interesting dance staging. This choreographic reception will acquire such a storm success that it will begin to teach throughout France!

At the end of the same year, the singer goes to a mini-tour of Paris from Shapito, on which 4,000 spectators could get to the representation at the same time.

Ridiculous accident

The tireless singer continued to return to the studio to record new songs. And almost every one of them became a new hit Claude Francois, holding the first places in the French charts for a long time. The faeery speeches of the singer enjoyed a successful success. Claude He also dealt with charity. On July 1, 1974, his charitable concert took place at Pantin gates in Paris, where 20 thousand spectators were present, the revenues from which went to the Aid Fund Disabled children. In 1975, another charitable concert was held Claude Francois In the Parisian garden Tuileries, the funds from which were sent to the Scientific Medical Center.

Such a brilliant career broke off unexpectedly and ridiculous. 1978 The singer returns from Switzerland. The next day, he should participate in the transfer of Michel Drucker "Sunday Meeting" ... Sunday Meeting with Claude Francois never took place. Taking a bath, the singer noticed a bold light bulb. He was always striving for perfection, even in trifles. This character trait and caused the desire to correct this small defect ... The singer died as a result of electric shock. It was an incomprehensible, incredible finale, which was practically impossible to believe. France was shocked and plunged into a deep mourning, turning from time to time to hysteria. However, the perceptual death of the idol, which was able to resist on top of glory for almost twenty years, was mourned not only France. Always such a bright, charismatic, capable of charm of all and everywhere, emitting fantastic energy, full of strength and creative ideas, went on the peak of a creative career, reaching only 39 years ...

More than thirty years old Claude Francois No with us, but so far every year is bought around half a million discs. He became the king of the French disco. An integral part of his success was hardworking, enterprise and desire for perfection. He was unhappy with his voice and his appearance, but drove millions of fans crazy.


Records of new songs often occurred in rather tense, if not to say the nervous setting. Claude It was very demanding not only to himself, but also to others. He did not gem himself, and did not always gem others. He always sought perfection. He wanted to be the first and best in everything.

March 11, 2000 in the place where the Paris House was Claude, solemnly under the sounds of the fanfar is open area Claude Francois.

Surprisingly, in my youth Claude Francois There was a complex - he did not like his appearance. Even in Monaco, where he was a striker in the orchestra and decided to become a singer, he worried that not enough for this profession. He did not like his thinness, nose shape, leg curves. The singer always dreamed of reproaching the blond. And everything is just to enjoy the girls and the public.

He was very independent in everything: in the selection of the repertoire, in the choice of projects, he himself was engaged in all commercial issues. According to his friends, the singer possessed a "unique sense of time." Perhaps it is just a well-developed intuition, prompting what will be popular - be it a song, music, dance or magazine. I always knew where to direct my fantastic energy.

Updated: April 13, 2019 by the author: Elena

He considered himself unlimited - often complained about it in an interview; Probably so he was a terrible womanist ...

And his life was noted, as stages, his women ..

His first love, Jealtte, with whom he started his pop career, changed him with the famous singer.
Since then, he did not trust women. Even his mother .. but then it is later.

When glory came to Claud after the "Bel-Belle Bel", a girl, France Gall fell in love with him.

She watched him in the scenes - her dad wrote songs for famous chanson.
She secretly walked to him at night. She wanted to marry, but Claude did not want.

Then, France began to get in a pop case and she acted together with Claude.

And Claude jealous of it to everyone and all .. It happened, he locked her one in the apartment, when he left ...

Then France Gall itself became a successful singer .. and he began to envy her success ..

When France Gall won "Eurovision" in Stockholm, she called Claud and announced the victory ..
Claude answered her "You lost me" ...
And when France repeated a song on stage, she cried, and the audience thought that these were tears of happiness .. (((

Eurovision winner did not stay at the festive dinner, got into the plane and came to Claude ..
Claude did not open the door for a long time, and she persuaded him. He opened her in an hour ...
And then France realized that she had nothing to do with him ..

Claude then worried very much ... He dedicated France Gall song "As usual" (Comme D "Habitude")
And then Claude stated that he could no longer love more ..

Soon he met Isabel.
They met in Lyon, the girl was a dancer.
She was home and compliant.

She gave him the son of Claud Blue-eyed Blonde.
Then in a year of the second, brand.

And here - the second son of Claude from the people hid ...
He was so advised by producers ..
They said that for his image - a large paternity - the factor is negative, which is old.
Isabel bore in the maternity hospital under the name of the Claude Kuzina ..

And Claude said to everyone that Mark is the son of his cousin.
When in a country house where Isabelle lived with children, guests came, showed only one child ..
And only one boy was released in the garden, then Claude, then the brand - so that the neighbors did not suspect and do not break.

In addition, Claude did not allow Isabel to show with him together in public, and once for Christmas gave her ... Suitcase ..

Of course, Claude changed often.

But he left Isabelle only when he met the Finn's mannequin Sofia.

Which among other things told -
"It was a sexy maniac, I had 3 abortion from him."

This is Sofia, about which in the next series))))

to be continued..
The post is written at the requests of my FB readers who do not regret the likes on my posts ...

Not that zhzhikov ((...
But I will write about politics too ... just about the "French" easier.))

Summer in 1961, Claude and Janet came out of the train, which brought them to the Lyon Station of Paris. It was possible to remove a small apartment on Veron Street, in the district of Montmartre. Janet, being a dancer with extensive experience, quickly found work in a specialty, but Claude had much more difficult, and finally he managed to get a group of Olivier to the Les Gamblers. This temporary work helped at least somehow earn a living, and in the meantime Claude hoped for a meeting with some producer who would help him burn a record.

With the assistance of sister's husband, Jerry Van Ruire Arguer, the producer still managed to find. Claude was listened to the "Fountain" sound recordings, and they were interested in Jean-Jacques Tilshe, the artistic director of this institution. And with his help, the novice artist recorded his first record called "Nabout Twist" - East Twist, moreover, even two versions: in Arabic and French. It was decided to take a pseudonym, Claude chose Coco. It turned out that in France, this disk suffered a complete failure, but in Africa he was taken very tolerant.

After the first attempt, Claude is obsessed with one idea - to start first. He was not going to lower his hands and give up. In anticipation of the appropriate case, Claude returned to the Olivier DEP and all summer of 1962 played in the Saint-Tropean in "Papagayo".

In turn, Janet was admitted to the dance group Arthur Plasera in Olympia. It was there that she met the famous Bereko Zhilbera, which fell in love and lost his head. She left Claude to be together with Monsieur 100,000 Volt, as fans and journalists called the Beko Zhilbera after his concerts in Olympia for an incendiary execution manner. Janet was sure that she was waiting for her more brilliant future. Officially, they are divided March 13, 1967. Claude hardly survived this gap. But with him his music, she will never betray.

Returning to Paris, Claude has signed a contract for seven years with a fountain sound recording studio. The first real hit was "Belles, Belles, Belles", a cover version of the song "Made To Love" Everey Brothers.

For the first time, the song appeared on the famous radio station "Europe 1", and immediately won great popularity. And here she is glory. Many interviews, participation in telecasts. The first clip took off the young director Claude Lebush - the future legend of world cinema. Removed video in Chamonix, in the snow, among easily dressed girls. By the end of 1962, Claude is already recognized by all the star. On December 18, 1962, he first went to the Olympia scene in the first part of the concert, before Dalida and the Satellite group. The second time it happened on April 5, 1963, at the evening dedicated to the idol of youth. Then there was the first present tour, jointly with Silvi Vartan and Gam's group.

In October 1963, Claude released a new Sordokatka, on which Si J'avais Un Marteau songs appeared, "Marche Tout Droit" (Go Forward)

And "dis-lui". They remained at the top of the charts for several weeks. Having such a grateful appearance, Claude became a symbol of a whole generation. Sales of records steadily grew steadily, and October 29, 1963, after a special issue of the transfer of "Musicorama", Claude Francois received the first two gold disks in two million copies sold.

At his first earnings, Claude acquired a house in Paris, on Ekselman Boulevard, and after a few months he made his main acquisition: a plot of land with an old windmill in Dannoma, a village near Millie-La Fore.

Very soon, this place will be a "happy farm" for him, where Claude Francois will be able to be as it was in fact, a personal part of full freedom. He built his dream home there, in the garden Claude himself grown palm trees, roses, magnolia, garden mimosu, parrots lived in the estate, including long-tailed, swans, ducks, peacocks, flamingos, vengeious cranes, monkey named Ness-Ness, dogs And cats. A favorite corner, an oasis of inspiration, was the garden on the river bank. It became a quiet pier for Claude, where he was always so happy to relax surrounded by his loved ones. Of course, the main reason for the purchase was a huge desire to recreate the atmosphere of childhood, cozy and serene Ismailia. But what is interesting: his oasis coziness Claude Francois did not in oriental style, but in Staroangali: a beautiful mixture of greenery and colors in combination with a house built by the type of old English rural houses. He often took guests there, with all his might and, with the help of Mom and sister, trying to make their rest as wonderful as possible. The highlight of these techniques had oriental dishes, adorable by Claude and hand-held by Lucia, rare wines from their own big cellar and a personally cooked by the owner of the cocktail - Claude Francois in the shower was clearly a chemical-practitioner, although very lucky, because These mixtures were very unexpected, but delicate and sophisticated. In the eyes of Claude, a good reception is, a kind of gratitude for the fact that the person accepted his invitation. Claude Francois forever remained faithful to the traditions of the East.

In 1964, Claude went to the Triumphal Summer Tour, which will then give the name of the film Claude Wernik "Funny Summer". In September, he will again be released on the stage of Olympia, but this time the Claude will perform in the main part of the concert, and not in the first, intended for beginner artists - as the main star of the evening. Tour is followed by one after another, together with the advent of new hits "Donna, Donna", "J'y Pense et Puis J'oublie" (I thought about it, and then forgot)


Dedicated to parting with Janet. Fan club Claude Francois constantly grew. Hordes of screaming teenage girls are becoming a very common phenomenon during the performances of the new idol of France.

At about the same time, Claude was able to find a new love, which finally displaced the wrong jenete from the heart into the memory of the memories. The girl was called France Gall, at that moment she was a novice singer. They met for a while, but alas - families did not come out. France chose a career with family troubles. I dare to assume that it simply was not enough for a strong feeling with her side, otherwise no career would have got up on his way.

In 1965, Claude, already having a very strong position in his native France, began to think about becoming an international star. He was attracted by the American television show, of which Claude often screamed ideas for their concerts, and fame in the United States was decided to conquer through England.

In the summer of 1966, already according to tradition, Claude went on tour in the cities of France. From this time from this time on the scene, two stunning sex dancers appear with him - PET and Cynthia. They will also come together with him three months later in Olympia from 8 to 25 December, but no one else calls them clouders. This summer tour of the stars was marked by the mass hysterium of the fans (teenage girls), who fainted from an excess, overwhelming their emotions at his concerts. All the same rapid success was repeated in December.

In 1967, in Lyon, during the tour, Claude met Isabelle fory, a young beauty dancer, who was previously performed in the first part of his show. She conquered a celebrity with subtle features and huge blue eyes. The feeling turned out to be mutual, and the lovers were no longer parted.
In a professional plan, this year becomes decisive for Claude. He created his label and Fleche recording studio. Surrounded by an artistic and technical team, Claude, finally, was able to become independent and start a businessman's career. Of course, music is a priority for him. After the successful execution of the song "J'attendrai" (I will wait)


The course of the Four Tops group, another song was recorded, in September 1967 at the Europa Sonor studio, under its own label, "Comme d'Habitude" (as usual). She was dedicated to them with France Roman and parting.

After the exit in France, this song becomes one of the brightest 20th century hits. The field of Anca wrote an English text for Frank Sinatra, and several months later, the song was shelled the whole world, turning into the "My Way".

1967 is a year of tour not only in France, but also in Italy, where Claude Francois is very loved. His shows more and more amazing the imagination of the abundance of spotlights, stunning choreography, and the number of dancers increases. Now they are already called tinsels, but four girls were added to them - Beck vocals, who quickly nicknamed flames, on the logo of recording studio. Claude Tour is a serious enterprise that requires a large number of personnel and tons of material.

If for the majority in France, 1968 is the year of riots, riots and protests, then for Claude is one of the happiest in his life. On January 1, in the New Year, Isabella reported that the child is waiting. The birth of the heir took place on July 8, he was painted by Claude, and the parents called Coco. A happy father later admitted to journalists that this event turned his whole life and gave her a special meaning.

The second son did not make himself wait for a long time and was born on November 15, 1969, having received the name Mark. "This time," Claude decided - we will hide the birth of a brand of five years. And so Coco constantly risks the suffer from this hype around him. In no case do not need to be the same and the brand. " It would be necessary to register them with Isabelle relationship, but only absolutely no time.

It is worth mentioning that 1969 was especially overloaded with work. New Triumphal plates "Eloise" took place at the beginning of the year and "TUT ECLATE, TUT EXPLOSE" in November. In the same month, he acts on the Olympia scene for 15 days. Among other things, Claude Francois finally became an international artist. He performs in Africa, in Italy and in early 1970 he goes to Canada. From February 19 to February 28, Claude sang in the largest cities of this country. All this time "Comme d'Habitude", which has become "My Way", continues its triumphal march in the world.

This song received Oscar as the best foreign song that was broadcast on the US radio over a million times. The result of such a lifetime was insomnia, regularly persecuted the star, often Claude poured in the morning, and in a truly day for him began not earlier than two hours of the day.

In March 1970, after a ten-day stay in the United States, Claude returned to France. On Saturday, March 14, he sang in Marseille in the hall of Valle, during the concert, right on stage, the artist lost consciousness. It turned out - a heart attack, the reason for which huge overload became. He was sent to the hospital, from where Claud was written in two days. Doctors prescribed a long holiday and full of peace for one and a half months. Well, Claude took advantage of a forced break and flew to the Canary Islands with Isabel.

The triumphant return on the scene occurred there, where she had to interrupt a series of concerts. As the singer himself said: "If I fell on Marseille scene, I have to climb there." On Wednesday, May 6, 1970, he sang in front of his fans who were happy to make sure that their idol was full of strength and energy. But ... just a few days, on May 17, Claude Francois fell into a serious car accident. Once again, the artist was in the hospital, as a result of the catastrophe, the face of Claud was particularly affected: a broken nose and split cheekbones, he is forced to undergo a course of rhinoplasty.
In June, Claude appeared on television already with a new profile, at the same time his new record comes out: "C'est du l'Eau, C'est du Vent" (water and wind).

All summer, the singer toured in France along with some of his colleagues. He also managed to give time and produce activity, helping young talents that concluded a contract with his studio. In September, at the European Song Festival in Venice, Clo-Cloe presented a record, entirely consisting of Italian songs.

Upon returning to France, at the end of the year a record was recorded for children. It includes previously unnecessary songs, as well as classic things - "Le Jouet Extraordinaire" (unusual toy)


And donna, donna


For a photo of an envelope, Claude invited children of his relatives, employees, her niece of Stephanie and Coco's son. The reason for her appearance, of course, there was also paternity, and just love Claude for children.

Claude Francois (FR. Claude Franois), nicknamed Kloklo (Cloclo; February 1, 1939, Ismailia, Egypt - March 11, 1978, Paris) - French author and performer, popular in the 1960s and especially in the 1970s on the Wave of the Success of Disco Style.


Fame Claude Francois brought not only uncommon vocal data, but also the talent of the showman: bright brilliant costumes, dance numbers with "clodette girls", unusual scenery characterized every presentation.


On Saturday, March 11, 1978, Claude Francois was to participate in the television show "Les Rendez-Vous Du Dimanche" (Leading Michel Dryucher). To do this, he returned to Paris from Switzerland, where he recorded his compositions for BBC. But the on the eve of the intended ether appeared shocking news: Claude Francois died from shocking with electric shock. As it turned out later, he tried to push the wet hand unevenly hanging on the wall of an electric lamp, standing in the bath. Claude's bride, Kathleen, pulled him out of a convulsion body from the bathroom and instantly caused rescuers. However, the attempts of resuscitation were not crowned with success due to the developed edema of the lungs.

He was buried on March 15 at the Cemetery of the Commune of Dunname (Department of the Enson, Region Ile de France), where he had his own home and where he loved to come to relax and gain strength. On the day of the funeral of the singer, his single "Alexandrie Alexandra" was published (the singer's release date was chosen, a few days before his death).


  • On March 11, 2000, on the day of the 22nd anniversary of the death of the artist, the square appeared in Paris, named after him (the 16th district).
  • In 2004, the "Podium" comedy was published in France.
  • In 2012, the film "Kloklo" (in the Russian rental "My Way" came out in France.
  • On March 17, 2013, unknown vandals declared the singer's grave, smashing a sign with his name and scattering flowers, which were brought in a set due to the 35th anniversary of the death of Claude Francois. According to the channel TF1, the police began investigating.

Some famous songs

  • "Belles, Belles, Belles" (1962);
  • "MME Si Tu Revenais" ("Even if you come back") (1965);
  • Notable for the first time performed by Claude Francois Song "Comme D" Habitude "(" As usual ") (1967) (music: Jacques Revo, Claude Francois; Words: Housing Tibo), who acquired wider fame in the English-language version called" My Way " ("My Path") (author of the English version of the text of Anka, Artist Frank Sinatra);
  • "Le Lundi Au Soleil" (1972);
  • "CETTE ANNE-L" (1976);
  • The song of Claude Francois "Alexandrie Alexandra" is still very popular (1977, release - March 1978) (words: Etienne Roda-Gil; Music: Claude Francois and J.P. Bourtayre).

"Direct air from Olympia!"

Only the best songs performed

unique Claude Francois! "

French radio listeners for the first time heard this name in the early 60s of the last century. Since then, you can always find on the air of radio waves some radio station that broadcasts the song "Comme d'habitude" that translated from French means "as usual."

On February 1, 1939, the son of Claude was born in the northeast of Egypt in the Northeast of Egypt in the family of Eme Francois's ship dispatcher. In a cozy house on the banks of the Red Sea Claude and his sister Jozetta held their happy serene childhood. Claude's father was far from the world of music and never approved the passion of his son with music. But the mother, Lucia, was very musical. When Claude was still a child, she trained his violin and piano. At the same time, in childhood there was a passion for shock instruments. It is these musical classes with mother who will become precious experience that Claude Francois into the world of show business.

In 1956, the Suez Canal was nationalized, and the family was forced to move to Monte Carlo. The usual measured life remained in the past. Father never met this forced relocation. Soon he got very sick and could not work anymore. On the shoulders of Claude was responsible for the financial well-being of the family, so he settled to work by bank employees. There was no day that Claude would not dream to leave the bank and start doing music. After a working day in a bank, he went to search for work in orchestras playing for guests of Monaco hotels.

Claude was ambitious and enterprising, had a good musical education, so in the end, Louis Frosio was admitted to the orchestra. Claude was happy, although he did not receive approval nor support from the Father. Eme was configured to resolutely and did not want to accept the fact that his son chose a "non-serious" profession. In vain Claude tried to convince the Father. After another quarrel, they stopped communication until the death of Eme.

The first "success" of Claude Francois

Without finding support from the Father, receiving a meager salary, Claude nevertheless was determined. He worked hard, building a musical career, and was always confident that in the future his name would be loud in the world of music.

Claude Francois dreamed of singing and tried to listen. After some time, he was listened to the Provencal Luxury Mediterranean Resort Juan-les-Pen. The leadership was fascinated by his voice voice and sentimental songs. He was allowed to sing. And always neat well-groomed look, bright with impeccable styling hair and the image of a young man from a good family helped find mutual understanding with the audience. For the first time, fame comes to Claud, and the number of his fans is consistently growing with every day.

Claude manites world glory, but for starters, the singer decided to conquer Paris. At the end of 1961, together with his family, he moved to the capital. At this time, there were big changes in the musical world - the American rock and roll broke into French pop music. Twist and jive were at the peak of popularity, the style-based Yoe-th style was formed on the rock and roll. The cultivation of the young people became the program "Hi, friends", where the famous world lumps, twists and other works of new styles were performed in French. The young singer was going to find his niche in this environment.

Ambitious Claude understands the solo career is the only way to glory. He possessed a kind of talent to feel, where the strength should be directed. Nevertheless, the first plate "NABOUT TWIST", recorded in 1962 under the pseudonym Coco, became a loud failure!

With no doubt

The beginning of the reference of the dizzy career Claude Francois becomes a song "Belles Belles Belles" . His father never believed his son's success, and so it was, Eme did not live before that success. He died a few months before the release of the first hit of his son. When the song Claude Francois sounded in the program "Hi, friends," everyone was forced to recognize in it a rising star.

"Belles Belles Belles" - Rope to the French "Made To Love" Everly Brothers - held the tops of the charts in the summer of 1962. Under the start of the impresario of Paul Lederman, Claude began a real singer career. At first, he produces songs on the records of more famous singers and goes as a "warming up" in the tour with "Le Schossett Noir". But the supernergic and having a furious temperament, Claude overshadows others. There were reports of the appearance of a new superstar, and the name of Claude Francois rang on the French scene.

He records the hits one by one. What is surprising, most of his songs are crossing English hits in French. It would seem that he did not do anything superradicted, but the priests of the English hits left an unforgettable trail in the musical world of the 60s.

In pursuit of glory

In September 1964, a speech of Claude in the famous Paris Olympia was held for the first time. This concert passed with stunning success. Especially emotionally sounded a song "J'y Pense Et Puis J'oublie" , written and executed under the influence of emotions associated with parting with Janet.

In 1965, several new hits come out, including "Les Choses De La Maison" and "MEME SI TU REVENAIS" .

In 1966, creates a dance group "Les Claudettes" Of the four girls who danced in the background during his own performances. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating "Les Claudettes" has emerged long ago, in January 1965, during a trip to Las Vegas. It was an indelible impression of American shows, and he decided on the same principle to build something his own.

Where to Claude Francois would nor send his creative energy - everywhere triumph is waiting for him. During the tour in the summer of 1966, there was a massive hysteria of fans who fall out of excess emotions at its concerts. At the end of the same year, another performance took place in Olympia, where an incredible success was waiting for him again.

When his contract ended with Philips, inspired by his success Claude thinks to organize his own enterprise. Thus, it creates its own label "Flash drive". Now he belongs to himself, everything is only in his hands, he is completely independent. Claude Francois's success recipe consists in rewriting famous English and American hits in French.

But one song, recorded by Claude, was originally French. "Comme d'habitude" became a shit in the french market. When Canadian Pole Ank translated it into English, and Frank Sinaratra and Elvis Presley performed it, then the legendary hit "My Way" I have already purchased global fame.

All women Claud

In 1959, Claude became acquainted with the dancer Jeannett Vulkut which a year later became his wife. Jeannette was his only official wife. After moving to Paris, the relations of the spouses were smashed, and Jeannette left Claude.

He tried not to advertise his personal life, nevertheless, in 1967, in the press, information about his love relationship with the famous French singer Frans Gall has appeared. France Gal. - This is a mature, serious passion of Claude, a big passion, surrounded by no less big pain. He idolized her, but he began to take too much a place in her life, tried to participate in everything, intervened in her work, dictated to whom to cooperate and not cooperate, was against her participation in Eurovision. France could not stand and gone.

Claude was shocked. It is under the impression of such strong emotions and experiences from parting from Gal, the world famous world was recorded "My Way" or "Comme d'habitude" .

Later the singer met a girl named Isabel Forest that will be the mother of his sons.Isabelle Le Food was young, but probably the wisest of all women Claude. She understood that he was always in the first place, there will always be only a song, and you can not even dream to be in the first place. But even understanding this and giving the Claude two children, and she did not stand his strong and hard character.

Her place occupied Sofia - Finnish fashion model. It is believed to be too similar in nature on Claude, which is why their relationships were doomed.

Catalina Jones - His last love. Catalina knew how to not notice the fans of Claude, who were always present and everywhere next to the singer. She became the best friend, support and support. They planned to get married, were going to have children. But fate did not give them the opportunity to carry out these plans, nor even abandon them ...

Life with terrible speed

Creative personality and enterprising nature, a bright person and indisputable charm helped Claud Francois in his dizzyfully successful career. 1969 year. Again Olympia. 16 concerts. And on each - full of allocracy. The public in ecstasy from the bright, live show in the American style. Tour of Canada in 1970. Again grand success. But how long could it last?

During the concert in Marseille on March 14, 1970, Claude falls right on stage. The heart attack was the result of a mad rhythm of life and elementary fatigue. His manager insists on the termination of such a crazy pace of work. Claude goes to the Canary Islands. Returns full strength and ready to immediately plunge into work. But misfortunes begin to pursue him. He falls into a serious car accident. In June 1973, most of the estate of Dannema is damaged by fire, the reason for which they did not find out. During the concert in Marseille in July of the same year, one zealous fan puts him a blow on his head, leaving, rightly, only a bruise under the eye.

In 1975, in London, Claude Francois suffered during the explosion of the bomb of the Irish Republican Army, and he only burst the drumpot. In 1977 he shot him when he led the car. He miraculously did not die, did not even suffer. But still to live for a long time. As they say, seven deaths will not, one not to power.

Famous productions of "Les Claudettes"

In the meantime, the active Claude Francois with incredible zeal is engaged in one project after another. At the end of 1971, the magazine redeems the "Podium" magazine, invests money in the Girls Models model agency. He is engaged in producing Patrick Topaloff and Alena Shamfora, which made a contract with its "Flash drive".

In 1972, specifically for incredibly popular hits "Le Lundi Au Soleil" Claude Francois and "Clodette" come up with an extremely interesting dance staging. This choreographic reception will acquire such a stunning success that it will begin to teach throughout France!

At the end of the same year, the singer goes to a mini-tour of Paris from Shapito, on which 4,000 spectators could get to the representation at the same time.

Ridiculous accident

The tireless singer continued to return to the studio to record new songs. And almost every one of them became a new hit of Claude Francois, long holding the first places in the French charts. The faeery speeches of the singer enjoyed a successful success. Claude also engaged in charity. On July 1, 1974, his charity concert took place at the gate of Pantin in Paris, where 20 thousand spectators were present, the revenues from which went to the Fund to help children with disabilities.

In 1975, another charity concert of Claude Francois was held in the Paris Tuilery Garden, the funds from which were sent to the scientific medical center.

Such a brilliant career broke off unexpectedly and ridiculous.

March 11, 1978 The singer returns from Switzerland. The next day, he should participate in the program of Michel Drucker "Sunday Meeting" ... Sunday meeting with Claude Francois never took place. Taking a bath, the singer noticed a bold light bulb. He always sought perfection even in trifles. This character trait and caused the desire to correct this small defect ... The singer died as a result of electric shock.

It was an incomprehensible, incredible finale, which was practically impossible to believe. France was shocked and plunged into a deep mourning, turning from time to time to hysteria. However, the perceptual death of the idol, which was able to resist on top of glory for almost twenty years, was mourned not only France. Always such a bright, charismatic, capable of charm of all and everywhere, emitting fantastic energy, full of strength and creative ideas, gone at the peak of a creative career, achieving only 39 years ...

Until now, about half a million disks are bought out each year. He became the king of the French disco. An integral part of his success was hardworking, enterprise and desire for perfection. He was unhappy with his voice and his appearance, but drove millions of fans crazy.

Records of new songs often occurred in a rather strained, if not to say the nervous setting. Claude was very demanding not only to himself, but also to others. He did not gem himself, and did not always gem others. He always sought perfection. He wanted to be the first and best in everything.

paris House Claude, solemnly under the sounds of fanfar open

square Claude Francois ...