What does it mean if Owl flew to the house. Owl as a precursor of death and life in popular beliefs of Slavs

What does it mean if Owl flew to the house. Owl as a precursor of death and life in popular beliefs of Slavs

With a light hand (or rather, from a light feather) Joan Rowling, Owl flew into every house. Relieving letters, Owl-postalman returned to the consciousness of society from the distant past, in which this bird has always been next to the person. In ancient Athens, there were so many of them as the coin - drachma - their images were minted. Even the saying housed: "bring owls to Athens" (I don't care that our "in Tula with your samovar").

Owl scared the sparrows from the barn with grain, caught, no worse than any cat, mice and other rodents. She shone her round burning eyes from the dark forests and the forest, "hawked" at night, bringing to the preliminary dream and nightmares.

Maybe, therefore, Owl is not only a symbol of wisdom ("Clear owl" of our cartoons and any clubs of constructions), but also an indispensable attribute of the sorcerer, witches, sanguars. For the night lifestyle and sad voice, this timid creature was asked by the devilish. Apparently, therefore many people are connected with the owl.

See owl. Signs.

To see or hear owls near the house means to get a warning about the coming troubles. Its frequent appearance was considered an omen of fire, therefore they prepared the pans with water, the barrels were filled, dejki ... Now, obviously, fire extinguishers are preparing.

It is very bad to see the owl, sitting on the cross. Troubles, and maybe a real tragedy, according to the signs, not to avail!

Poor to see the nest of this bird. Owl hides from human eyes as far as possible, and stumble upon her "house", her "Holy Saints", it's not a random thing! A person who fell out is destined to become closed and silent (obviously, so that he did not tell others about the random find) - in general, the melancholic introvert, to which in traditional societies often treated as people are not entirely healthy.

Even worse, it's not easy to see the nest, but also to look into it - it's unhappy life.

See the same challenge in the village of Ol - nothing wrong! Or maybe even, on the contrary, to good. It was believed that after a long drought, Owl brings people long-awaited rain and even the flood.

Owl screams. Signs.

Hunting on the mice, Owl often approached people's homes or even flew into the auditory windows, somewhere near Strekh.

The British from Wales believe that Owl shouts in the village, when some of the local girls are deprived of innocence or an undesirable conception occurs.

Frenchwomen say that if pregnant will hear how screaming Owl, then give birth to a girl.

The Germans believe that if the owl fears during the birth of a child, the latter is distinguished by unfortunate proportion.

Kill Odu - unfortunately.

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Other folk signs and superstitions.

Signs for love.

The most famous sign about love is a saved food. It is believed that if the hostess reasured food, then her heart is not free and she, or already in love, or begins to show ...

What itchhes neck.

There are different folk signs - the neck is shown. Behind the neck can be made for several reasons. One option is to the upcoming ...

Sketches knock down the dog.

Brothers Our smaller since sincerely was considered akin to otherworldly - they are connected with her invisible for man threads and are under her defense, so causing the harm to any living being ...

What do we know about the owl and why is she an old hero accept? This is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, prophecy. Bird strength time is the night, the sign is the moon. Her yellow glowing eyes see in the dark what is hidden from the rest.

But owls have a dark side. In many cultures, she brings fear, symbolizes darkness, death, connection with the other world.

One curious magical story about the owl, which occurred with the Multiplier Walt Disney. Being a little boy, he caught the chick and became gambling with him. The future multiplier did not notice how the Council died in his hands. From shock, the child is numb and stopped moving. No doctor could understand the cause of the paralyzed state and help the little Walt. The boy spent in numbness and without sleep for three days. After the consciousness came into consciousness, I did not remember anything. He firmly decided to help our smaller brothers and glorify them on the screen.

We will get acquainted with the magical possibilities of poultry, we will decipher the meaning of the secret messages, we learn the signs of the owls and the methods of their neutralization.

See owl: evil rock or luck

Owl casts most of the globe. She lives in the forests, on the swamps, settles closer to people - under the roofs and in attics dwellings. Folk signs say, Owl in the house - unfortunately. The value of the meeting with it depends on the circumstances.

The most common situations:

  • meet owl in the evening - get news, but not always joyful;
  • to see the day bad sign. So, it is necessary to be careful, otherwise the trouble will happen. Frost on the skin from assumptions, what news made a night bird fly to the house in a bright day of day;
  • pernaya Guest is located at night in the courtyard (on a tree, fence) - a career growth and financial prosperity is waiting;
  • see owl at night in front of the car - difficulties will arise. Check the machine condition before the trip, be careful on the road;
  • owl shouted 3 times at any time - trouble near;
  • outside the window of the car - the road. Suddenly saw the owl - take care of theft;
  • owl flew to the house - to the Good Wests. If flew, but can't get out - unfortunately;
  • i saw owl next to the house - a warning about possible troubles. In the old days her appearance was propheted. Today - the signal to take care of the house and be careful with fire;
  • owl sits on the roof of the house - to financial problems, trouble at work and dismissal;
  • if she flew to the balcony or village on the windowsill - a warning about the approaching misfortune;
  • slap wings and knocks on the window - a precursor of death or illness;
  • if hit the window and crashed to death - to the funeral;
  • see feathery in a dream - to loneliness;
  • the owl appeared near the house. Be careful! News from the feathery: "Beware of Financial Scam and Accidents!".

Not everything is so sad. There is something to thank the sovuke.

Good signs:

  • owl screams at the house - in the family will be added or a sick person will go on amendment;
  • meeting of newlyweds with yellow-eyed festing before the wedding - the Council and Love for many years;
  • sovice sat on a tree at the house - there will be a profit;
  • they saw the pen - to great luck. This is a powerful charm.

Not a sign, but a fact: Live owl in the house - the mascot for the family and the faithful friend.

Before worrying and predicting future problems, look back. Probably next to your house Bird Sville Nest. In this case, superstition is powerless.

Scarecrow owls: souvenir for memory or curse

In Russia, hunters took with them claws owls. They believed that if they were killed, the souls would be able to get from heaven with the help of trophy.

Our contemporaries are scarecrow owls - a spectacular element of the decor and the community. His magical purpose is enrichment and assistance in solving life puzzles. In this regard, it is often given to businessmen and politicians.

However, from the point of view of magic is a negative energy clot, enhanced by the emotion of horror and fear. It was formed at the time of the death of the animal. It is undesirable to be nearby. If, despite the warning, you plan to put the scarecrow in the room, spend cleaning rituals indoors.

Option number 1: Wipe the doors and windows of the room with water, in which a spoon of silver was lying all night. Wash the floor with a leaf of wormwood.

Option number 2: A room in which you plan to put the scarecrow, for 3 days, clean the fire. In each corner, put on 7 candles and burn them to the base.

On a note. Pictures with landscapes and still lifes on the walls of the room neutralize the effect of negative energy stuffed.

Weigh all "for" and "against" before deciding on the placement of trophy.

Keep me my talisman. Choose a figurine and statuette of owls

Owls in the house defend the owners from trouble, brings wealth, emphasizes wisdom, stops from thoughtless cash spending.

The main thing is to activate the magical effect of the talisman, based on the purposes.

Planning Improve Financial Position - Choose a figurine sitting on a money tree or coins. Put in place where savings are stored. According to Feng Shui, it should be the north-eastern side of the room or writing desk. Three statues of owls, located together, will strengthen the effect of the inflow of money, protect the family from the evil and ill-friendly neighbors.

Family life cracks on the seam - The figure of white owls in the bedroom or living room will strengthen the relationship. However, remember! Talisman accumulates negative energy. It is impossible to quarrel and find out the relationship, otherwise the negative from the figurine resonates several times.

Want to stay always healthy - Purchase an oak figure. It is enough to touch her once a day and mentally ask for healing.

Children are not studied - The image of the bird will help in learning knowledge and activates the desire from schoolchildren to nibble science granite. The statuette of white owls with folded wings gives children a dyingness and wisdom. The pennate mascot on books helps students pass session.

Dream of promoting - There is a talisman for this purpose. White owl with straighted wings of stone or crystal ash over for your career. Decorate her desktop in the office.

Resort to the help of faucenes. From force tested by time and result.

Caution! On the Owl Road!

The death of owls under the wheels of the car - bad sign. Its consequences for the driver are significant financial losses or minor road accidents. If the culprit of the incident of the problem with the law is expected by litigation.

What to do if you shot down the owl. Neutralize to the water. Take a shower, slip your face and hands in the nearest source. Be careful on the road.

Magic wand Harry Potter. Neutralize signs

The power of magic is that it not only creates events, but also neutralizes them.

Learn how to avoid trouble if she was sticking in Pernaya.

Simple and efficient rituals:

  • abandoned handful of salt in the fire neutralizes any bird prediction. Make this ritual as soon as hear the Sovic Creek;
  • if the uninhabited guest flew into the house and brought bad news, split a hot spot and outline around the housing line on Earth. You block the trouble way;
  • prevent the message of the feathery will help appeal to the temple. Put candles for resting the shower of relatives. It is believed that the birds transfer news from the world of departed;
  • if you found the Soviet, but could not be returned to the nest, shelter him at home. The chick will grow and protects the family from evil forces, will give wisdom in making decisions, will be a true friend. In the event that it was possible to return the Council into the nest, birds, as a sign of gratitude, will become your invisible protection;
  • If a bad premonition is worried, make the next ritual at sunset. Squeeze the owl feather or clay bird figurine. Ask for the whole heart to help the night leader - owl. The trouble will retreat.

Love and protect these birds. They will answer reciprocity. And in order to save themselves from trouble, know the signs of owls and methods of their neutralization. Take care of yourself!

Beasts and birds leading the night lifestyle rarely become carriers of good adoption. It is not difficult for understanding the course of people's thought: once someone does not live under the clear sun, it means that there is nothing to be unclean and binds to such a creature. So the owls with owls got the wrong fate to spread bad lead, scare the passers-by their Wuhan and to break the misfortune ... But the signs are rarely categorical. At times and pennate hunters, it happens to play the role of a good sign.

What to wait when you see owl?

Justice for the sake of challenge to admit that the nightly interest was not everywhere was considered a sign of disasters. In the ancient Greece, Owl for his wisdom was included in the retinue of the goddess Athena; In Kazakhstan, it was regularly dismissed by earliest from human dwellings; In Siberia, herself performed as a forest spirit, good and complacently tuned to the travelers. However, exceptions only confirm the rule: in the legends of the majority of the peoples of Europe and the east, the night bird entered the news of misfortune.

Depending on the time of day

If the love of owls to the dark humanity could still accept, then the day appearance of the bird caused a superstitious horror. In Rome of this sign, they were afraid so much that the Pernatoy Chatting Hortality was trying to certainly kill and burn, and the ashes throw into the river so as not to leave in the city and a trace of the bad prophet. Scottish superstitions and signs of some other European countries are caught about the same: if Owl appeared in the afternoon, she predicts that the trouble occurs.

In the dark time, starting in the evening, the value of the signs softened - that she and night so that owls hunted.

On CLadbische

Travelers with weak nerves with owls better not to meet

What could mean a terrible winged figure, silently moving over the graves at midnight? Naturally, fear, horror, death and illness to the one who saw her ... and the dead mouse, which was abundant at night in the thick grass of the ruins. But the oppressive atmosphere did its job, so the hunt was not considered sufficient excuse for the appearance of a predator. If I flew to the cemetery, then not to good - they reasoned the inhabitants of the surrounding houses near the place where everyone was crying. Moreover, Owl could provoke a real panic if she occurred to sit down to stay to the cross. And it did not matter, he rummaged over the grave or was hoisted on the passenger monitoring of the chapel near, the sign in any case succeed the distress of the whole district.

If Owl chose the church cross for the respite, the parishioners with a fading of the heart were taken to meet changes. At best, the bird propheted the appearance of a new priest, in the worst - a fire. Against this belief is a Belgian legend reporting on the minister of the Church, who personally invited the bird to settle in one of the tembol's towers to get rid of rodents.

In the yard or on the roof

After all, you have already decided that the tailed predator should be driven from the house shovel snapper? It was not here! Signs about owls near the human dwelling are contradictory, confused, but also you can extend a couple of favorable omen.

  • If the owl flies into the hlev and touches the wing of the cow, the blood appears in the milk, and after and the burly herself will inhabit. With milk after such an event, interruptions may begin - the orders will not wait for the frightened cow.
  • If the owl settles in the yard, and then without reason it will disappear, you need to be on the mood. Changes are close, and maybe they can be both bad and good.

Near the house or apartment

  • If the bird is circling over a human housing, one of its inhabitants threatens a heavy illness, and even death.
  • Sumits on the rustle of the roof - wept wept.
  • It will start to publish loud sounds - reserve water and battle, the fire is not far away.
  • But if the predator shakes to go through the paws and squat on the roof, under which there is a seriously ill person, he will recover.
  • If the owl to meet the day before the wedding, young people are waiting for real happiness.

Sat on the fence

If you save the Council, happiness will not leave you

  • The controversial is a sign of a predator who chose a tree or fence. If this happened directly next to the house, and the bird made at least one cry, it is believed that the financial problems of the hosts will soon be allowed. If a person passes with the voting feathers, his career growth will be stuck, and wallet will lose weight. So guess how to interpret the prediction, if the owner of the house will be passed! As a pedestrian, the Pernaya Mysterosa fumbled him difficulties like homeowner - joy. Maybe write off Wuhan on the good mood of the owl and do not score heads?
  • The same sign promises the recovery of the patient who will have time to look out the window and notice a noisy bird.
  • And the best sign: if Owl shouts on a tree next to the housing, there will be a baby soon on the white light. And they say - a bad prophet ...

If a person gets to find the Soviet who fell out of the nest and return it to his parents, the gratitude of things will be immense! Legends promise that wise birds will take the Savior of their baby under the wing and will be invisible to take care of his whole life. And they say, the one who will see the Soviet nest will become a terry melancholic! Look here, I understand ... It remains to assume that the good act will protect from this attack.

Appeared outside the window or beating in the glass

If the owl fell or slams the wings outside the window, knocks on the house, the signs attribute to her the desire to inform the owners of someone's disease or death. However, all the signs are annulled if you know that somewhere nearby is the Sovic nest. In this case, the appearance of birds does not carry a mystical load.

If I saw the owl

  • Signs believe that with their appearance, the owl gives a person to know: a hazard was taped in front! We can talk about both material things (fall and break the leg), and about the intangible (someone conceived to draw you into the asphar).

What does it mean if feathered predators shout at night or day

There is only a naturalist to distinguish the owl from owl.

  • If the owl fell at night to fly near the house and announce the surroundings with a loud cry, you can not tear the head from the pillow. Signs consider the violent behavior of the bird just a reaction to the coming cooling and rain.
  • The noisy behavior of the owl has a spicy interpretation. It is believed that this bird is accepted shouting and crying when the girl is deprived of innocence nearby. Real careman morality in feathers!
  • However, it is not a fact that the owl of the population was concerned about the level of morality. Some believed that the bird was taken to steal before the flood.
  • Species to troubles are considered to be a cry of owls, which sounded during the day, as well as a triple cry, regardless of the time of day.
  • If the owl hears a pregnant woman, it means that she wears a girl. But bad if the bird shines when the childbirth will begin! Legends were confused by Surgovo: the child, which appeared on the light under Wuwa, would have to have a hard way to pierce his way in this life.
  • Most otherwise looked at the birth in ancient Babylon. They believed that the feminine would be resolved from the burden easily and quickly, it is only a wise bird to drop his eyes on it. Because no one caught the beak of a predator with a predator, she could steal how much pleased, and no one scared it.

Bird settled in the dwelling

Almost everywhere in Europe and in most regions of Russia, guests in feathers, speaking into the window or opened the door, was considered a disgusting prediction for the family. In Ireland, the owl that flew into the house on his misfortune, they simply immediately killed! Sadly, the owners firmly believed: flying away, she grabbed good luck with him, and they were not going to risk. At the same time, if the bird accidentally died herself, superstitious Irish were ready to tear their hair from despair, because the signs were worse not to come up.

Home owls and owls

Hand-made owl strengthens the well-being of the family

And what about the owl home? Is it possible to keep it in the room without risking at the same time getting bad predictions 24 hours a day? Oddly enough, you can. Believers empowers wise birds with the ability to allocate family members and help the establishment of harmonious relations between spouses.

Remember the sign? If you can return to the socket failed, take it home and try to go out. The graceful pet will repay you for the care of devotional love, will protect the family from the dark forces, it takes the wisdom in making decisions. And if one day still stops the window, do not be discouraged. It is believed that the fucking manual owl will predict trouble and takes it out of the house on his tail ... although it does not hurt to look out of a feast of a feather person who does not hurt in life. Perhaps he dropped your trouble into any spiny bush, is not going to settle there and waiting nearby when you find it.

Nomadic peoples of Middle Asia, from time immemorial, decorated children's jackets feathers Filin and Owls, so nothing malicious could not get to the guys, and masters from claws of predatory birds are charging for home cattle and amulets against infertility. Boulevard from sovic eggs tried to treat a cough and encoding from drunkenness. And even included it in a kind of rejuvenation program! In Asia, they believed that the delicious dish could return sharpness, and the color to the hair was disintended.

Do you keep stuffed in the house?

Many consider bird stuffed by an interesting element of the decor. There is no controversy, strict and majestic owl will look at any interior ... However, esoterics are not advised to fill the house by the dead energy, which comes from such jewelry. The fact is that at the time of the death of a living thing is one large gruncture of the negative. Establish a similar thing nearby from relatives and households for mystical anyway, what to bring home burying uranium! No matter how old, it will affect the health of the inhabitants of the apartment.

If you shot down a bird by car

The unfortunate murder of owls was misfortune and was considered a big sin in many cultures, so even the avid hunters were in no hurry to throw a rifle, envying a predator over his head. And even if the bird crashed itself - for example, it snapped out of darkness right in front of the machine and crashed into the windshield - it does not have to count on a good turn of events. Remember only, as treated in Europe to the victim in the house of the owl! One comforts: the car is not a dwelling, it means that the action will adopt here significantly weakens. Most often, the bird that hit the lobovik and was shot down to death, costs the unlucky driver of a large sum, but without a threat to life and health.

Neutralization of negative adoption

  • If Owl focused on the bad, throw a burning salt into the fire, and the prediction burns.
  • If the troubles are threatened to the house, armaled red hot stuff and outline around his dwelling line on Earth, closing the path to trouble.
  • If you certainly want to put the stuffed in one of the rooms, in a row in a row in each of its corner of 7 candles and let them burn to the end. Purchase almost hundreds of candles does not fit into your financial plans? Then, at least wipe the windows and doors with water, in which the night lacquered a silver spoon, and wash the floor with a decoction of wormwood.

What are good signs with owls, so it is their ambiguous. If some kind of trembling predator suddenly scares you with his behavior, armared by the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, Babylonians and our Siberians and consider that this kind and wise spirit got to warn you to be careful. And it's not a fact that there are ahead of the problems in front of the problem, a new opportunity to see that only a tempering sovic eye will help?

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Owl is a night animal that he gave rise to many legends from different nations.

It was believed that secret knowledge was available to her, so she became an impersonation of wisdom. The mascot in the form of owl will help its owner better to absorb new knowledge, and also contributes to the development of logical thinking.

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