Female images in the island drama. Women's fate and characters in the play A

Female images in the island drama. Women's fate and characters in the play A

Stolar, shoemaker, policeman, criminal investigation agent, screenwriter and brilliant writers - Mikhail Zoshchenko. Today is his story about Russian

Difficult this Russian language, dear citizens! The trouble is how difficult.The main reason is that foreign words in it to hell. Well, take a French speech. Everything is good and understandable. Kescorese, Mercy, Comsi - all, pay your attention, purely French, natural, understandable words. And nute-ka, now sling with the Russian phrase - trouble. The whole speech is transferred with words with foreign, foggy meaning. From this it makes it difficult to talk, the breath is disturbed and nerves will be treated.

Story about Russian

I have heard a conversation other day. At the meeting was. My neighbors talked.

A very clever and intelligent conversation was, but I, a person without higher education, understood their conversation with difficulty and clapped her ears.

It began to deal with trifles.

My neighbor, not an old man, with a beard, leaned toward his neighbor on the left and politely asked:

And what, comrade, this is a plenary meeting will be Ali how?

Plenary, - a neighbor answered casually.

You are, - I was surprised by the first, - then I looked, what is? As if it is a plenary.

Yes, be deceased, - the second answered strictly. - Today, a very plenary and quorum was treated - only hold on.

Yah? - asked the neighbor. - Is it really a quorum?

By God, "said the second.

And what is he, the quorum is this?

Yes, nothing, "the neighbor replied, somewhat confused. - I got out, and that's it.

Tell me for mercy, - the first neighbor shook his head with a grief. - Why would it be, eh?

The second neighbor spread his hands and strictly looked at the interlocutor, then added with a soft smile:

Here you are, comrade, I suppose, do not approve of these plenary meetings ... And somehow they are closer. Everything is somehow, you know whether it comes out in them minimally on the merits of the day ... Although I, how to say, I have recently rather permanently towards these meetings. So, do you know the industry from empty to empty.

It is not always that, - the first objection. - If, of course, see from the point of view. To join, so to speak, to the point of view and outstand, from the point of view, then yes - the industry specifically.

Specifically, in fact, - strictly corrected the second.

Perhaps, the interlocutor agreed. - That's me, too, I admit. Specifically actually. Although how when ...

Always, - briefly cut off the second. - Always, dear comrade. Especially if after speeches subsection will be brewing minimal. Discussions and screams will not be wrapped up ...

The man climbed the tribune and waved his hand. All smalcot. Only my neighbors, a few tricky dispute, did not immediately silenced. The first neighbor could not be reconciled with the fact that subsection is brewed as minimal. It seemed to him that subsection was brewed somewhat differently.

At my neighbors were firmly. Neighbors shrugged and smalkley. Then the first neighbor again leaned over to the second and quietly asked:

Who is who is there such a release?

It? Yes, this is the presidency of the release. Very sharp man. And the speaker is the first. Frames acutely speaks on the merits of the day.

Headman's hand forward and started speech.

And when he pronounced the words with a foreign, foggy value, my neighbors were sternly nodded. Moreover, the second neighbor was strictly glanced at the first, wanting to show that he was still right in the final dispute.

Difficult, comrades, speak Russian!published.

© Michael Zoshchenko

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

In the story of "Monkey Language", Mikhail Zoshchenko rises the disadvantages of the public: ignorance, void and illiteracy. The author leads a short and ironic story, how the illiterate people clogs a simple Russian speech by various foreign words, while not understanding what they mean and where they are appropriate.

Characters, communicating among themselves, insert into the dialogue incomprehensible words with an unknown value. Zoshchenko called the story - "Monkey Language", because people like monkeys repeat what they heard from others without understanding the meaning of these words.

The author tells himself from his face, who listens to the conversation of his neighbors the "ears of clapping" and does not understand anything in it. At the same time admires beautiful expressions and incomprehensible words for him. He thinks that it shows the "smart, intelligent conversation."

In this way, Zoshchenko is trying to show all the stupidity of the simple Russian people, ridiculously their illiteracy and monkey of the spray.

People who consider themselves intellectuals are not them, but rather belong to the neday men. They are expressed by words, not understanding and not knowing their meaning; "Quorum," Subsection, plenary session, permanent attitude, industry. " Taking a conversation by foreign words, consider themselves smart and aware. Reading such a dialogue, there is a great desire to laugh for a long time.

The people do not want to seem like misfortunes, clutch disputes, correcting each other in pronunciation, thereby showing its intelligence. In fact, every interlocutor is a simple and uneducated person. Having heard many unknown foreign terms for them, they are trying to tie them together and demonstrate their mind and awareness. The author moves this contrast speech to the reader.

Low-educated people do not know what they mean certain foreign words, but they try to repeat fashion to "smart words" and insert them into their dialogue. Sitting at the "plenary sessions", where the "industry is empty in the empty" they listen to stupid and meaningless speeches of the storytelors. The people try not to miss such meetings. In most cases, they are not solved on them, and simply spends time.

Analysis 2.

The main theme of the work is the problem of modern society, expressed in conscious distortion and clogging of the Russian language.

The main characters of the story writer represents officials participating in the meeting and leading alleged intelligent conversations, while using a huge number of borrowed, unnecessary words and offices in their speeches.

The narrative in the work is conducted on behalf of the narrator present at the event and dissatisfied with the complex statements of the speakers and their opponents. It is by introducing into the work of the description of the narrator who demonstrates the author's dislike, expressed using light irony and satire, about the excessive and illiterate use by Russian people of foreign words and expressions whose value is not clear or foggy. At the same time, inserting inappropriate borrowed phrases into his own speech, representatives of the official society position themselves as educated, intelligent people who thirsting to demonstrate their progressiveness and significance, not understanding that thereby only focus on full ignorance.

Characters of the story Corovecano and ineptly apply in the conversation of the expression borrowed in other foreign languages, roughly combining them with a distorted Russian words, while they do not have mixesters of phrases of various verbal styles, starting their speech in formal business form and ending with its conversational style with the inclusion of the surprise and stationery. The writer emphasizes the stupidity and uneducation of the heroes of the story, filling them with the statements of numerous speech errors.

In the name of the work, the writer reveals the author's plan, which consists in a negative attitude towards a illiterate person, whom the author in comic form compares with the curving monkeys, trying in the eyes of others to look smart, educated, authoritative beings. Using foreign words in the text, the writer makes a satirical emphasis on the exact and bright characteristics of the heroes.

Revealing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, the writer uses various artistic agents in the form of satirical techniques, humorous and ironic statements, sarcastic comments, thereby demonstrating in the images of officials a pitiful and funny similarity of truly progressive and developed people.

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Monkey Language

Difficult this Russian language, dear citizens! The trouble is how difficult.

The main reason is that foreign words in it to hell. Well, take a French speech. Everything is good and understandable. Kescorese, Mercy, Comsi - all, pay your attention, purely French, natural, understandable words.

And nute-ka, now sling with the Russian phrase - trouble. The whole speech is transferred with words with foreign, foggy meaning.

From this it makes it difficult to talk, the breath is disturbed and nerves will be treated.

I have heard a conversation other day. At the meeting was. My neighbors talked.

A very clever and intelligent conversation was, but I, a person without higher education, understood their conversation with difficulty and clapped her ears.

It began to deal with trifles.

My neighbor, not an old man, with a beard, leaned toward his neighbor on the left and politely asked:

And what, comrade, this is a plenary meeting will be Ali how?

Plenary, - a neighbor answered casually.

You are, - I was surprised by the first, - then I looked, what is? As if it is a plenary.

Yes, be deceased, - the second answered strictly. - Today, a very plenary and quorum was treated - only hold on.

Yah? - asked the neighbor. - Is it really a quorum?

By God, "said the second.

And what is he, the quorum is this?

Yes, nothing, "the neighbor replied, somewhat confused. - I got out, and that's it.

Tell me for mercy, - the first neighbor shook his head with a grief. - Why would it be, eh?

The second neighbor spread his hands and strictly looked at the interlocutor, then added with a soft smile:

Here you are, comrade, I suppose, do not approve of these plenary meetings ... And somehow they are closer. Everything is somehow, you know whether it comes out in them minimally on the merits of the day ... Although I, how to say, I have recently rather permanently towards these meetings. So, do you know the industry from empty to empty.

It is not always that, - the first objection. - If, of course, see from the point of view. To join, so to speak, to the point of view and outstand, from the point of view, then yes - the industry specifically.

Specifically, in fact, - strictly corrected the second.

Perhaps, the interlocutor agreed. - That's me, too, I admit. Specifically actually. Although how when ...

Always, - briefly cut off the second. - Always, dear comrade. Especially if after speeches subsection will be brewing minimal. Discussions and screams will not be wrapped up ...

The man climbed the tribune and waved his hand. All smalcot. Only my neighbors, a few tricky dispute, did not immediately silenced. The first neighbor could not be reconciled with the fact that subsection is brewed as minimal. It seemed to him that subsection was brewed somewhat differently.

At my neighbors were firmly. Neighbors shrugged and smalkley. Then the first neighbor again leaned over to the second and quietly asked:

Who is who is there such a release?

It? Yes, this is the presidency of the release. Very sharp man. And the speaker is the first. Frames acutely speaks on the merits of the day.

Headman's hand forward and started speech.

And when he pronounced the words with a foreign, foggy value, my neighbors were sternly nodded. Moreover, the second neighbor was strictly glanced at the first, wanting to show that he was still right in the final dispute.

Difficult, comrades, speak Russian!

The small story of Zoshchenko "Monkey Language" was written in 1925. He never accidentally appeared at this time. In 1917, a revolution occurred. In the early 1920s, civil war ended. The life of the country has changed greatly in all spheres. Among other things, the change has touched the Russian language, the problem of preserving its purity has become relevant. Among those who have expressed about this, Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 1923, he opposed the clogging of peasant newspapers borrowed by foreign-speaking words in the poem "On Fiaski", "Apogians" and other unknown things. "

"Language" is characterized by an annular composition. The work begins with the words of the story: "Difficult this Russian language, dear citizens! Bed, what hard ". It ends like a similar thought: "It's hard, comrades, speak Russian!".

Narrator and characters

In the "Monkey Language" the story is conducted on the person of a person of a small, uneducated, who considers Russian difficult mainly due to the fact that "foreign words in it up to hell." Obviously, the narrator in the work is not identical to the author. "Monkey Language" is written in a tale manner. The narrator is a direct member of events, his speech is simple and far from literary.

The main characters are two interlocutors who are sitting at a meeting next to the storytellor. Participants in the dialogue in the "Monkey Language" use foreign words, although they do not understand their meanings. Both want to seem smart and educated, but it turns out that they are badly bad. In their speech, the borrowed vocabulary is adjacent to conversational words and expressions. At the same time, some phrases spoken by interlocutors are generally deprived of meaning. But the story of their conversation seems "very smart and intelligent."

There is another character in the work - a speaker who speaks at the meeting. Its speech is not given. There is almost nothing unknown about him. You can judge this person only by the reviews of the narrator and one of his neighbors. The narrator says that the speaker "pronounced words with a foreign, foggy meaning." According to the neighbor, the speaker is "a very sharp man" and "Orator first". The conclusion from all the above suggests itself - the likelihood is great that the speaker differs little from the two neighbors of the narrator, that his speech is also illiterate and filled with foreign words that it uses to the place and not to the place.

In the story Zoshchenko, not some specific people are ridiculed - the characters of the work are as impersonal as possible. The main characters have no names, the appearance of one of the interlocutors is described quite a scoop - "not an old man, with a beard," about the appearance of the second participant in the dialogue at all is unknown. The main goal of Zoshchenko is to make fun of the inappropriate consumption of words borrowed from foreign languages.

The relevance of the story "Monkey Language"

Zoshchenko's story remains relevant today. First, not every day in Russian, new words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bappear. Secondly, there are often small people who use these words not to the place. It is clear that the Russian language is constantly changing and it would be stupid to perform categorically against the borrowing of foreign language vocabulary. The main thing is to observe the measure and not forget about the context.

In this case, the statement of the writer Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy is coming to mind: "... a well-known percentage of foreign words is growing into the tongue. And in each case, the artist's instinct must define this measure of foreign words, their necessity. It is better to say the "elevator" than "self-samplemaker", "phone" than "far-being", "proletarians" than the "hungerous", but where you can find a fundamental Russian word, - you need to find it. "

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