The new details of the life of Vitaly Timbalyuk Romanovskoy revealed. Sensational statement of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya brought Dzhigarkhanyan to extremes

The new details of the life of Vitaly Timbalyuk Romanovskoy revealed. Sensational statement of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya brought Dzhigarkhanyan to extremes
The new details of the life of Vitaly Timbalyuk Romanovskoy revealed. Sensational statement of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya brought Dzhigarkhanyan to extremes

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Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: biography, personal life, children

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Welcome on our portal new star - Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya ! General Director Moscow dramatic Theater. Known on relations with the cult actor Armen Gigarkhanyan. Let's try to figure out the situation. But let's start gradually, with the biography of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Biography of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalin was born in the capital of Ukraine in 1979. FROM young years She was fascinated by the music, behind her shoulders - a music school, according to the class of piano. After the graduation, he entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Tchaikovsky. Won the title of laureate international Festivalwhich took place in Paris.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Romantic feelings for Armen Borisovich Vitalin experienced feelings from young age, which does not hide.

According to Vitalina, she remembers how he noticed his first time - it was 1994, when Armen spoke with the performance of Mayakovsky theater in Kiev. At that time, Dzhigarkhanyan took part in two performances at once.

On that moment Vitaly was 16. She was still a schoolgirl. But Armen made it on her unforgettable impressionAnd since then she did not miss the opportunity to visit the theater when his last name was conquered on the billboard.

How Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya became acquainted

Acquaintance took place in 2000. The 21-year-old Vitalin graduated from the Academy, and just during this period she was brought with a famous actor her friend.

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in youth

In 2001, Vitalin moved to Moscow, and her mother with dad was emigrated to Russia - they were founded in the near Moscow region. History is silent about how the Armen Borisovich Yunoy Vitaly with these moving helped.

In 2002, the actor came down with a serious illness, and Vitalin was keen from the sister of the actor - Marina Borisovna.

After that, Dzhigarkhanyan invited Vitalyna to try his hand to his theaters, learning songs with actors. Events developed rapidly, and very soon Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya has already led the music director of the Moscow Theater.

June 18, 2015 she received the position of the theater director. Not to all the actors who worked here for a long time, her leadership was to her guide - many still believe that her decisions in this post led to the destruction of the theater and the loss of many eminent artists.

Personal life Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

What to say here? According to Vitalina itself, she is in love with Armen from the young age, and a huge difference in 44 years for her problem did not seem. As she says, the most important thing is mutual understanding.

Note that her novel with famous artist Long time was hidden from curious journalists.

Officially, they were published only in spring in 2015, and in September 2015, Armen divorced his wife - actress, Tatiana Sergeyevaya Vlasov. It is easy to assume that it immediately began rumors that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya married. So it happened, the truth is a little later, in the spring of 2016.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya: Divorce?

A year and a half withstood a couple in official marriage status, and thundered. In October 2017, the actor left his wife and disappeared in an unknown direction with his two friends. Vitalina stated that he did not take the phone.

The husband was found in the Moscow Hospital. But she still did not want to see her. What happened there is unknown, but immediately after that, information appeared in the media that Armen filed for a divorce with Vitaly. The final point set the actor, on the air program "Andrei Malakhov: direct ether" out of his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Schemers.

According to the journalists of the artist Arthur Soghomonian, a little earlier Vitalya secretly made a change in the charter, according to which she became the only person, which is entitled to make decisions. It turned out that she could drive out of the theater of Armen Borisovich, and he could not do in response to this document. In the same theater ... In addition, bank accounts and real estate also turned out to be decorated on the spouse.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not stand offeen accusations from her husband and filed for a divorce. Do you think it really happened there?

Since the situation around the divorce of the famous Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya The public continues to be interested, the point in all this history will be delivered very soon. So, literally the other day, a woman told the correspondents of our news agency that recently received an interesting news from the former spouse. And the speech here is about what it turns out, in December last year Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya "Gave" his one-room apartment In the village of Glukhovo near the Krasnogorsk ex-spouse. But what is the most interesting thing is the fact that a woman is the hostess of this property, since 2012, where she lived for several years along with Armen Borisovich long before marriage registration.

Against the background of the statement of a similar nature, it can be assumed that the property was acquired for the money of Gigarhahanyan. However, if you look Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Wikipedia, it was decorated to Vitaly, so a priori belongs to her by law. Meanwhile, at what basis, Armen Borisovich calls himself the legitimate owner of this apartment - a mystery. We are also submitted to us in such a way that someone decided to dispose of real estate, forgetting to inform the draft. And this is despite the fact that the lawyer of ex-wife Dzhigarkhanyan says that Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Has hard full package documents on the apartment in Glukhovo.

Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya News

After talking with the lawyer of the former wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Larisa Shirokova, we found out that the elite real estate near Krasnogorsk was presented by the artist by proxy. At the same time, herself Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya News I learned about it only after I tried to get into the apartment, but the castles were already changed there. Also a few days ago, the woman's lawyer came to an extract from Rosreestra, which states that the new property owner is Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan. And, if peeling Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest NewsYou can find out that the woman appealed to law enforcement agencies with a statement about illegal penetration into the dwelling. Especially since there are valuable things owners of apartments that can be stolen or spoiled.

If you turn to the letter of the law, it states that such a deal with real estate can be made only if the representative of the owner has a power of attorney, which, by the way, has an eline Mazur. If you consider the fact that Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest Months are in a state of confrontation with their former trustee, Mazur could well act as a manager of the property of Vitaly. And this is despite the fact that the woman itself is no orders essentially this issue did not give. Therefore, as they say about Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Latest NewsThis transaction will be challenged in court, and individuals involved in it will be brought to justice.

How to finish the history of the world

According to the statement of a friend of the People's Artist of the artist Nikas Safronova, Family Dryazgi Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly will not subside due to the fact that the media create a real excitement around this story. And if it were not for this circumstance, then former spouses Could have long come to the settlement agreement. Moreover, taking into account the fact that Vitalin Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya News They say that the woman is still continuing to love Armen Borisovich, then their union would be easily relaxing. At the same time, Mr. Safronov assures that here the main leitmotif of the story with divorce was the big popularity of Armen Gigarhahanyan, which led to the fact that family couple There were too many foreign people.

Speaking about outsiders, it is worth noting that it is about the most different people, from good acquaintances and good friends, before adventurers of different stripes. Moreover, many of them, despite their status, pursued their mercantile interests. If we talk about Vitaly, Nikas Safronov fired our attention on the fact that he knows this woman for 15-16 years. And all these years Vitalin never gave rise to even think that she married a folk artist from mercenary motivations. And only the media about Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya Last Months write in the same way that it is an agricultural and mercantile person, which for the sake of achieving the goal is ready to go for any sacrifices. And in fact, everything is the way that Dzhigarkhanyan found the replacement of Tsymbalyuk Romanovskaya By adopting a new young housekeeper to work to work, to which, according to some information, is of interest.

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See also:

  • Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Shalyapin spoke about shared children

Today is personal life, biography, husband and children of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for rumors around the country. News about an outstanding Ukrainian pianist, as well as former general directorist under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, appear daily.

Childhood and youth C. nabalyuk-Romanovskaya

Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was born in 1978, the city of Kiev. There was an education there. Is the laureate of international music Competition in Paris. He graduated from the music school in the class of piano, and after the National Music Academy of Ukraine. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 2001 he left for the Russian capital, there was submitted documents to the State Classic Academy. Maimonide. After a certain period of time began to teach in the same educational institution at the Faculty musical culture. Once the director Vladimir Yachmenov recommended the girl in the theater of Dzhigarkhanyan.

Also in hometownWhen young Pianist was only 16 years old, she went to the play, where he was playing ("Hello, I'm your aunt!", "On December 32", "Life Line"). Vitalin was able to receive an autograph from a loved actor and from the moment he began to seek the opportunity for a meeting. I found his mobile phone number. Somehow managed to cross them in Moscow and even dine together.

Once in 2002, a man fell into a hospital with a microinsult. At this difficult moment was near native sister and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. She tried to help a relative, care for a sick brother.

Work in the theater

In 2008, Armen invited a pianist to work in his theater, first as the head music. In this post, Vitalin worked for 7 years. On June 18, 2015, the woman became the general director of the Dzhigarkhanian theater.

Gradually, the news began to fill in the media, where the name of Vitaly flashed. 3 years after receiving the position in the theater, talented artists began to leave the troupe, Stanislav Madznikov, Andrei Merzlikin, Vladimir Kapustin, Alexey Shevchenkov and Elena Xenofontov.

Actor Alexey Shevchenkov, who worked in the theater for 14 years, as well as the colleagues with him, believes that Vitalin actually destroyed the theater.

Having risen in office, he began to delve into everything that she was not at all concerned. And when someone did not obey the instructions, Armen Borisovich immediately complained. As a result, the woman survived, one might say, all the troupe.

In 2016, the flow of scandalous news around the Dzhigarkhanian Theater resumed. Several former employees complained that they were left without work. In response to this, the general director answered that all the problems were already solved.

Tsymbalyuk spoke, in turn, about the incident. According to her, the costumes and actress, dismissed without reason, lost all proceedings. She is happy that, finally, everything ended in the team, the world will come. For the Ukrainian pianist, it is very important that each participant felt comfortable. According to Vitaly, it is better to part with a person than infinitely find out the relationship.

In February 2017, the Internet flew off new scandalassociated with the general director. Young actress Dana Nazarova, filed a statement to the court for an institution, in response to the statement of the Director General, that they no longer need a worker. The scandalous situation of Vitalin explained the desire of the girl just to break himself.

Personal life

The nee Cygalian Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for a long time could not arrange his personal life, because she did not have children. At least, in the biography of Cavaliers, except Armen Gigarhahanyna, nothing is known. The woman once confessed, somewhere in the depths of the soul felt that he was her fate. So it turned out.

The couple did not seek to somehow hide their relationship. But Dzhigarkhanyan was married to a woman with whom lately Practically did not communicate. By the way, she lives in the USA. In 2015, they divorced, and a year later, the actor suggested Vitaly to marry.

According to the pianist, the actor doubted the truthful of the senses of the second half for a long time, but soon realized that she loved him very much. In 2016, they led their relationships. At that time, Vitaly was 36 years old, and Armen Gigarchhanyan 80 years old. The wedding was very modest. It was known only to the closest people.

Before wedding ceremony The actor suddenly became bad. Because of the influenza, he had to go to the hospital. But despite heavy condition, a man for the celebration ran out of the hospital, not allowing to spoil best Day In my life. After painting, the new husband and wife went to work.

Armen told Armen in one interview that he could not say for sure what exactly hooked him in Vitaly. The feelings were so strong that they were impossible to formulate in the proposals. Even the difference in age (44 years) did not interfere with their happiness. He told that with early childhood It was very shy of his own appearance, and the young wife helped him forget about the complex.

Loud scandal

It seemed that happiness is so great that nothing can destroy it. But in the fall of 2017, news from the photo, where it was clear that the marriage gave a crack, and what. On October 16, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya filed a husband's disappearance statement. She thought he was kidnapped.

In one of the issues of the program "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov, Valentina Pimonova journalist reported that the actor lies in the hospital, but his life does not threaten anything. Her colleagues journalists took an interview with Armen. The latter stated that he did not want to know anything about his wife and was going to divorce with Vitaly.

Few later in the media there was information that the man left a letter in the theater, where he said, about the dismissal of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

October 18 in the program "Let them say" with Dmitry Borisov, the actor gave full interview, which confirmed that they were family Soyuz collapsed. Dzhigarkhanyan called former beloved "Toreka."

He told a whole story about how because of the muddy work of his wife literally remained without housing.

And also spoke Friend Armen Borisovich Arthur Sogomonian. According to his information, Tymbalyuk changed the statutory documents of the theater so that now Gigarchhanyan is listed as artistic directorAnd all the solutions have the right to take only she. A woman can even shift from the post of actor, and he is not. Soghomonyan still added that all accounts and real estate is reissued to Vitaly.

After the divorce, the Kiev woman became the owner large sums and several apartments. According to his representative, Elina Mazur, she feels offended, and that all charges of accusations of her address are absolutely unfair. And those 3 renewed apartments, it turns out, allegedly originally belonged to a woman.

After some time, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya shared his intentions on the Internet, they say, she plans to return to the favorite profession of the pianist, to establish a personal life and even have children. But the new chosen one will need a lot of courage and courage to protect the poor and unhappy woman with a stained biography.

It would seem that it is time to put an end to a handsome history, but no. In one of recent esters The transfer of "live broadcast" with Andrei Malakhov, Vitalina Viktorovna almost agreed with a friend of the ex-spouse by Mark Rudinstein.

A friend on the air has stood on defense famous actor, tried to understand what happened. But the situation aggravated even more. After almost the fighting fights, rumors appeared in the network about their imminent wedding with former wife Dzhigarkhanyan. Mark believes that this is Vitalina's wines with its excellent abilities to wrap everything in their favor.

Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, even after this transfer, for some reason I am sure that Armen Borisovich wants to return it. She told about it in one of recent interviews for women's magazine. But from questions about feelings on her part, I decided to comiterately go away.

Now already former husband And the wife, when the soul lived in the soul, live in one entrance, but on different floors. New Year holidays Armen met on a removable apartment along with a cat. How will the personal life of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya be folded on, and whether she has children - is unknown. But this scandal left a big spot in the biography.

They went under the crown after 15 years of dating. Armen Dzhigarkhanyanit was 80, and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - 36. Of course gossips We propheted a short life for this union, but in the first months after the registry office it seemed that the newlyweds were happy. Everything has changed in a year: national artist The USSR accused the new spouse that she absulted him to the thread, and he intends to sue, and Vitalin before it turned to the police with a statement about the abduction of her husband, who was allegedly in an inadequate state. Romantic story Love, which began many years ago, ended with a banal scandal and, apparently, goes to the divorce.

The first meeting

Future spouses first met in 1994, when Dzhigarkhanyan was on tour in Kiev. The 15-year-old Vitalin approached the eminent actor for an autograph, replenishing the impressive army of the artist's fans: she read all the interviews Armen Borisovich, watched films with his participation, visited the performances. A closer acquaintance with the idol took place 6 years later. The girl handed out a note by a note through his friend who worked in the theater. The actor called her and invited to come in front of the play in the dressing room for a cup of tea. The conversation between them has developed from the first seconds. Music got together: Vitalin studied at the conservatory in the class of Piano, Armen Borisovich was well versed in classical music. But after a mental conversation, they broke up again and met only when the girl finally moved to Moscow.

Up career ladder

In 2008, Dzhigarkhanyan offered Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to become the head of the music part in his theater, she picked up music design For performances. Literally a year later, Armen Borisovich had a stroke. The actor was then married, but alone lived because the spouse Tatyana Vlasovaby that time, firmly settled in America and practically did not come to the capital. Dzhigarkhanyan often fed in the theater buffet and, like many others creative people, did not follow my health. Once he forgot to drink the drug, which prescribed a doctor, and was on the hospital bed. Then Vitalin took care of the artist in his hands. After some time, Armen Borisovich returned to work in the theater and even went to the scene in the premiere play "Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneki."

Attentive and ... Young

Vitalina repeatedly told in an interview that the novel between her and the Dzhigarkhanyan did not start immediately. On the way to family happiness stood too many obstacles: the impressive difference in the age, different social status. In addition, it was difficult for an employee actor to believe in the sincerity of the girl's intentions. But the attention from Vitaly was over, and soon they became a real pair. Lovers were constantly together: at home, at work and secular rounds.

More than a 40-year-old difference between the ages between Dzhigarkhanyan and his new passion, of course, gave rise to many rumors about the most mercenary plans of the latter. But one nuance was forced to doubt the accusations of the evils: Armen Borisovich was officially married to another woman, and therefore, in the case of which all his property would have fallen precisely. However, in 2016, the actor decided to put the point in his relations with Tatiana Vlasovoy, who lasted almost fifty years, and go under the crown with Vitaly.

year 2012. Photo:

Weddings could not be

The proposal of the Hand and Hearts of Dzhigarhahanyan did at the premiere of "Christmas History" in the Mariinsky Theater, in January 2016, and the wedding took place in February. As Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya told in one of his interviews, she suggested to appoint registration date for March, since it was this month that the couple met. However, Armen Borisovich told her that he could not wait so long.

On the eve of the marriage, the actor fell into the hospital. Vitalin was not fully confident that the wedding would take place. But on the day x, the groom in love escaped from doctors and still came to the registry office. The ceremony was modest, without lush feasts and festivities. Becoming husband and wife, newlyweds went to the theater.

After stamp

It seemed that family life Armen Borisovich was a real idyll. However, in October 2017, the press appeared the news that Dzhigarkhanyan is hidden from a young wife in the hospital, accuses her in theft and flatly refuses to let Vitalina to his chamber.

Heself, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, otherwise interprets this unpleasant story. A woman assures her husband is very sick and in general was abducted, and she did not know about his whereabout for several days, so he turned to the police.

Friend Dzhigarkhanyana Arthur SoghomyanWho helped the artist to go to the hospital, argues that there were serious disputes between the spouses not only on the financial soil, because the girl allegedly rewrote all the property of her husband, but also on creative. In 2015, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya took the position of Director General of the Moscow Drama Theater under the leadership of Armen Gigarkhanyan, "and began to realize on its scene productions that her husband did not like. And when the scandal broke out, and at all issued an order, according to which Armen Borisovich was forbidden to overtake the threshold of his own theater.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

After the "escape" of Dzhigarkhanian's spouses do not communicate and, apparently, talking about the reconciliation of the parties, because Armen Borisovich declared his desire to divorce with Vitaly and deprive her position. Alas, even the third marriage did not become truly happy for the actor.


Vitalin was born in 1979 in Kiev. FROM early years Engaged in music. Studied in music school The name of Lysenko at the Kiev Conservatory in the class of piano and made huge successes on this field. Vitaly took part in many contests, and in international. Is a laureate international Competition in Paris. After school, Vitalin entered the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after Peter Tchaikovsky.


From youth, was in love with actor Armen Gigarhahanyan. As Vitalin told, for the first time she saw him in a play in 1994, when the Mayakovsky Theater came in Kiev with the tours. Gigarchhanyan played in two production: " Last victim"And" Cat on a hot roof ".

- Armen Borisovich made an indelible impression on me. I was 16 years old, I still studied at school. Then she tried to walk on all the performances with which Dzhigarkhanyan came to Kiev. Mostly it was entrepreneurs. As a rule, once a year, Armen Borisovich necessarily been in Ukraine- Vitalin shared.


Vitalin and Dzhigarkhanyan met in 2000. Vitalina was 21 years old, she just ended the National Music Academy in Kiev. They brought them a friend of Vitaly, who worked in the theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesi Ukrainka administrator. Vitalin wrote a note by Gigarchhanyu, and her girlfriend handed over to the actor. Dzhigarkhanyan called her back and offered to drive up to the theater.


For a long time, the couple hid his novel. For the first time they officially announced relations in February 2015. And in September 2015, Armen Borisovich divorced actress by Tatiana Sergeyevaya Vlasova. After that, we went about the imminent wedding of Gigarchhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. And February 2016, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan officially married Vitaly Cymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

- For my side, the feeling arose for a long time. Back in Kiev. I knew more interesting personMost likely, not a meeting. Happens unreal dream. You realize that it will never be, but you still think about it. It turned out to be so. And for Armen Borisovich would not answer. I think everything happened gradually She said.

Differences aged - 44 years old - she, according to her, does not feel.

- The difference in 44 years does not feel at all. We are wondering together, there is mutual understanding - this is the main thing - stated Vitalin.

Life in Moscow

It is not known whether Armen Dzhigarkhanyan attached to this hand, but since 2001, Vitalina was in Moscow, where he entered the State Classical Academy named after the Maymonide. By the way, it was soon after Vitalina closer to Moscow moved from Kiev and her parents were settled in the near Moscow region. It is known that in 2002, when the actor fell ill, then near him were sister Marina Borisovna and Vitalin.


Once Dzhigarkhanyan decided to put musical performance And he invited Vitaly to work in his theater - to learn songs with actors. And after some time, she has already become a music part of the Moscow Theater under the leadership of Dzhigarkhanyan. Officially, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya serves as theater of Gigarkhanyan since 2008. He worked as the head of the music part, and from June 18, 2015 - Director of the Moscow Dramatic Theater P / R Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.


A number of actors who for a long time worked at the Dzhigarkhanian Theater accused Vitalyna Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the fact that she actually destroyed the theater with its leadership methods, surviving a significant part of the artists. For example, this was stated by Alexey Shevchenkov, who was exposed from the theater after 14 years of work.

- Vitalin immediately began to delve into all the cases. And if someone did not obey her, Gigarhahanyan fled to complain. Because of her, I think, and all conflicts went ... I have a believer, but it was an opportunity, I scored the scorpions and threw it into a bag ... if it's good together - for God's sake, but these relationships should not be reflected in people. And as a result, almost the entire troupe went from Armen, including remarkable artists Elena Xenophon and Vladimir Kapustina, - told Alexey Shevchenkov in one of the interviews.


In October 2017, a new scandal struck, already in the pair itself. At first, the actor went from his wife with two buddies in an unknown direction and stopped taking a phone phone.

- Since then, I have not seen him, but said it once. He said he would kill me. I do not understand anything, - told Vitalin journalists.

Next, she found her husband in one of Moscow hospitals. However, the spouses could not see. Police officers who helped Vitaly find traces of the spouse reported that nothing could do anything: "He just does not want to see". Then there was information that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was submitted to a divorce with Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Finally, on October 16, Dzhigarkhanyan on the air program "Andrei Malakhov. The livestock "called his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Torovka.

- The most difficult thing is that in my life there are not very good processes. I had a wife like normal man. Then this woman turned out to be - or I don't like me, or she. I am talking about Vitalyna ... Although nothing threatened. Sad, sad. Vitalin, I, with difficulty, I will pronounce her last name, I brought me a lot of unfair pain. Always afraid when people close to me suddenly begin to approach me. Oh, I say no: "one minute. Let me think myself and take some decision. "... no, I'm not ready to forgive her. Now I say so. Even thinking, I feel confident not. I'll speak rude words. She led himself vile. Thief, she is a thief, not a man ... Yes, I'm talking about Vitaly, Said Dzhigarkhanyan.

According to Dzhigarkhanyan's friend - Arthur Soghomonian - a few years ago, Vitalin Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya changed the statutory documents of the theater in such a way that, according to the new charter, Armen Borisovich - artistic director, but all decisions take cEO, that is, she. According to Soghomonian, Vitalin can even dismiss Armen Borisovich, and he is not. According to a friend of the artist, all the accounts and apartments of Gigarkhanyan His spouse Vitalin also reapel upon himself. After public allegations from Gigarkhanyan, Vitalin, Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya decided to give a divorce. At the same time, its representative stated that several apartments owned by Vitalin, she bought independently, even before marriage, so after the divorce they will remain her.