Download program for cleaning processes on a computer. The best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage

Download program for cleaning processes on a computer. The best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage
Download program for cleaning processes on a computer. The best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage

Hello, friends. In this lesson, I will show you how to clean the computer from garbage and unnecessary files. After all, it is no secret that all the trash that is on our computers does not carry any benefit by our system, and in some cases, on the contrary, it may be the cause of braking a computer and various glitches.

Let me show you how you can clean the computer from garbage and unnecessary files by doing some simple steps.

Cleaning the registry and removing unnecessary files

Using the free CCleaner program, we can and remove a huge amount of rubbish. Download the latest version from the official site:

Install the SSLEANER program and run it. Click the Registry tab, make sure that all the checkboxes in the section Registry integrity Installed and then click Search for problems.

A few seconds, all unnecessary records will be found. To clean them, click Fix and in the window opened. Fix marked.

Now open the first tab - cleaning. Here you can see what ticks are in the section Windows and applications. I usually leave everything by default and the analysis.

Upon completion, we see a list of all files ( trash) that can be deleted. Also indicated their size (almost 1 gigabyte). Click cleaning to remove all this matter.

Cleaning the system disk: Temp folders, disc cleaning

On the way to the next step we need clear Temp foldersIn which temporary files are stored, and perform "disc cleaning", which allows you to clean your computer from unnecessary files using standard system tools. Some functions have already completed the CCleaner program, but I assure you a manual check will not be superfluous!

Open the Computer section, then the system disk (C :) and the following folders: Windows - TEMP.

The contents of the TEMP folder can be completely deleted. Temporary files are stored here, and they do not carry any benefit. If errors appear, for example, " These files are used"We just click" Skip all. "Usually it is not possible to delete the minimum number of files!

In Windows, there is another temporary folder and get to it easier in the following way. Click Start and in the search bar, enter the% TEMP% request. Temp folder will be displayed in the found.

In Windows 8 and 10, you can run a key combination Win + Q..

Folder you need to open and clear the contents!

After cleaning folders, the tempo does not forget to "clean the disk" with standard means of the system. To do this, click on the system disk with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

On the General tab, there is a "Disk Cleaning" button. Click it to analyze unnecessary files.

After a couple of minutes, the program will offer to delete a certain number of files. Install all checkboxes and click "OK".

If you recently updated the system, then in this window you will see another additional button "".

Click it to delete the time of the files that were downloaded to update Windows.

Important! If you have little space on the system, I advise you to read my lesson :. There I told 10 cool chips, to clean the system disk

Computer Check for Viruses: Dr.Web Cureit

One of the important steps at cleaning a computer from unnecessary files - This is of course. To do this, you will need a utility from Dr. Web! Download the latest version on the official website.

Run Dr.Web Cureit ( does not require installation) And after accepting the agreement, click "Continue" and "Start Check".

Approximately for 15 minutes the system will be checked for malicious programs. If viruses are found, the program will propose to neutralize them.

To clean the computer from garbage, not enough to simply delete old and unnecessary files. You should not forget about the autoload, which can also be clogged by various trash!

Returning to the previously installed CCleaner program and go to the section "". Here we will see all the programs that run along with the computer. I advise you to highlight the unnecessary software and click the "Turn off" button.

To unnecessary software, I relate all programs that are not used immediately after the computer is turned on. They can be run manually at the earliest.

Removing unnecessary programs. 2 ways

If you decide clean the computer from garbage, then many programs can be unnecessary, if you just take and think about how often we use them? Some users set in their system everything is without thinking. It's time to analyze the software and clear computer from unnecessary programs.

It is possible to do this, for example, by standard means of the system entering the Start - Control Panel - Delete the program.

After starting Revo Uninstaller, you will also see a list of all programs and pressing any of them calls the "Delete" function.

But here immediately after deleting the program, we are offered to search for the remaining traces. Choose a "moderate search" and click "Next".

First, the remaining points in the registry will be found. Allocate what is indicated fat and click "Delete".

And in the next step, the program will find the remaining files and folders. They also need to highlight and click "Delete".

Double removal

From time to time your hard disk can appear identical files. Today you downloaded the film, and after half a year I forgot about it and downloaded again, you download the music, then we lose the pictures from the phone to the computer several times. All this leads to accumulation on the computer's computer.

Manually search for the same files is very difficult, so let's use a special program.

We return to the CCleaner program already familiar to us and open the SERVICE section, the search tab. There are many different parameters that can be configured under your needs. I do not set up anything for example, but I just click "Find."

After a few minutes, the search for duplicate files will be completed. Carefully having studied I see that I have a couple of identical videos on my computer, which can be safely removed.

I am not going here in details, because the program has found many files and to remove all the rubble you need to spend quite a lot of time on the analysis. But I think the essence of this function is clear!

Up to this point, we dealt with how to clean the computer from the garbage in Windows, using standard and third-party programs. But do not forget that computer and laptop need to be cleaned and inside.

Do not forget at least once a year to look inside the system unit and clean it from dust, as well as apply a new thermal chaser to the processor. Tracking the temperature components will also not be superfluous. On this topic I advise you to read my lesson :. Using the knowledge gained, you will know, your device overheats or not!

Now you know how to clean your computer from unnecessary files, garbage and programs. That's all, thanks for your attention, I wish good luck!

Hello everyone friends!

If you take care of the fast work of the computer, then at least a probe in three months you need to carry out a global cleaning of the system from a variety of garbage. If this does not do the computer will simply slow down.

After a long work of the computer, a lot of garbage accumulates, getting rid of which you can release gigabytes of free space on the disk gesture, clean your garbage disc in three steps. This is an article for beginners. Use it, and really notice the difference before and after cleaning the hard disk. The most interesting thing is that we get rid of the Temp folder more about it:

Step 1) Cleaning the Computer from the garbage - manually

Clearing the system disk "C" in Windows 7 is a pretty simple procedure, but before using programs, we will prepare our computer. To do this, we use standard means of the system. Go to B. "Start" -->"A computer" And we see our discs. We bring the mouse to the C disk, and press the right mouse button. We go to the property and start cleaning the disc.

The cleaning program will start, it will appreciate the volume, and will prepare files to remove.

Attention! If you clean the disk for the first time - it may take a long time, up to several hours. Therefore, for particularly "launched patients" have to be cleaned overnight.

We put a tick everywhere before cleaning. Look in the basket, maybe you have left the files you need.

Do not forget to enter the Advanced tab, there you can delete unnecessary programs and recovery points. Click "OK"--> "Delete Files" Unnecessary trash removed. The preparation of the system is completed, go to "heavy artillery" - we use a powerful program to remove garbage residues.

Step 2. CCleaner - We continue cleaning the disk

We continue cleaning. And in this the cool program of its name CCleaner will help us. This is the most popular utility among garbage cubs. Downloading Portable (Portable version does not require installation) Program. Loading will start automatically. Run the program, click "Analyze" (Analysis) after scanning "RUN CLEANER"(Cleaning). The program language changes so "Options" --> "SETTINGS" --> "Language" --> "RUSSIAN".

You can also clean the registry, I think you will understand - the interface is easierless. Go to the next step.

Step 3. Freespacer - full cleaning of a computer disc from trash

The program is called Freespacer and install it on your computer. I will say a few words about this wonderful program.

Freespacer I use it for a very long time that I like there are no complex settings in it, everything comes down to two actions. Search and removal is distributed free of charge and removes anything superfluous. I also want to say about her effectiveness, my friend she deleted 20 gigs of garbage and this is not the limit.

Run the program and click "Search." No other programs or background applications should be launched in the system.

After a program for cleaning the disk C finish your work click "Delete". After work, the program will show how much gigabyte garbage has been removed.

Do not forget to write in the comments how much you have freesed free space on the disk. It will be very interesting for me to users. Your friends probably also have a lot of garbage, give them a link to this post, they will be grateful to you.

More useful articles:

  1. - New and beautiful browser.
  2. - New program and social network from Pavel Durov.
  3. - Comfortable and cool program.

Greetings dear reader. Today, almost everyone has computers, laptops, tablets and other gadgets. For no matter how powerful is your computer, it is starting to slow down and the farther, the worse. There are many reasons for this, but most of the way can be fixed easily. The way described below will be for WindowsSince most ordinary users are sitting on it.

To begin with, clean the computer so that it does not slow down, in two ways. First - Call masters at home. This is if you are not sure about your abilities or simply do not have time. Second - Clean yourself, namely: clean from dust, from temporary files, from information debris, from viruses and malicious programs, optimize the system. This option takes time and perseverance, but you do not need to be a programmer or hacker, all actions are simple. But if not sure In their forces, actions - call the wizard or take a computer.

Why slows down the computer?

Of course, it's nice to work on a new PC or laptop, or if you just installed a new operating system. Everything works fast, does not slow down. But over time, the "brakes" begin, something does not immediately open, posits, sometimes freezes or even turns off, in consequently overheating. This can serve as several reasons. The most basic:

  • Case Pollution: Dust, Crumb, Wool ...
  • The processor is heated,
  • Unnecessary programs clog the RAM,
  • On the hard disk, the informational "garbage" accumulated,
  • Viruses and various malicious programs brake windows.

What about doing with it? There is nothing terrible, the described below can repeat any, even a novice PC user or laptop. To begin with, you need to clean the computer from dust. You need a wet cloth, a dry rag, cotton wands, vacuum cleaner, if possible, a compressed air balloon, but it is not necessary. And if you have a laptop, then most likely the dust will not be there, it means to physically clean it is not necessary. The fact is that the building of the laptop is arranged so that the dust is practically not accumulated there, and it is difficult to disassemble it, so it's better not even.

For subsequent cleaning, we will use various programs for cleaning the operating system, so get ready for what you need to install them.

Cleaning a computer from dust.

With the accumulation of dust on the inner parts of the computer, the heating of these very elements begins. In this connection, they cannot carry out 100% of their functions, it leads to the braking of the computer in games, programs, and so on. This is especially true with the top assemblies of computers, they are very powerful and warm often. Moreover, if processors often warm, whether it is central or graphic, it leads to irreversible processes inside the cores, which is a serious breakdown and is not repaired.

I also note that the cause of strong heating may be drying the thermal paste. If you are a novice in this matter - then to clean the computer well, it should also be replaced. In general, the thermalcaste is simpler to put the paste that helps to remove heat from the processor to the radiator. And it is between them, respectively.

And so how to clean the computer from dust:

Ideally, of course, it is better to remove all the elements and wipe separately. But you need to do it, if you are confident that everyone will collect back.

Removing unnecessary programs.

The next step is to clean the computer - to find and remove unnecessary programs and applications. The fact is that over time a bunch of programs is installed, they hang in autoload and some are simply not used, and the RAM is lit up.

First delete the program:

You can use third-party programs. I recommend to clean your computer, as such programs usually delete the program for all 100%, the subordination of the folder and the registry. For example, I use.

She is free, and weighs a little, I have never noticed problems for her. To use it easily, install, and just as I described above, delete the program. After it scans the computer, and if you find folders and files, click delete them.

Cleaning autoload.

Sometimes there are some necessary programs to leave, but they hang in autoload, that is, they are turned on with a computer. We can not use them and do not work and fill the RAM. Then we need:

There are also third-party programs for cleaning the autoload, but they are with great functionals and for those who understand what to turn off. For example, to clean the computer using the program. It is free and works fine.

Removing viruses and malicious programs.

If you have an antivirus installed, perform a complete computer check. This is one of the important factors how to clean the computer. What to say about antivirus? Many opinions, many programs. In my opinion, you need to establish licensed programs and buy licenses. Some of the best: Kaspersky Lab, Dr.Web (Doctor Web), ESET NOD32 (Node 32) and so on.

True, some of them load the operating system well, and it turns out that you do not speed up the computer, but on the contrary. But the system does not threaten viruses and malicious programs. Of course, it is worth to keep in mind if you have a powerful computer, it's not worth worrying. Well, it is desirable that the Internet connection constantly was, so that the antivirus was constantly updated.

There are certainly alternatives. I like many I love free, it was for myself that I was able to choose a good antivirus, more precisely this is a complex of programs, cleaning and unnecessary files, temporary files, optimization of the operating system and checking for viruses. it 360 Total Security . It is free and easy to use. And on personal experience, I will say that it is not bad with viruses copes.

Check or scanning, as elsewhere called, can last long. It all depends on the size of the hard disk and the number of information on it. Well, after that it is worth a computer reboot.

Cleaning the computer from unnecessary files and folders.

This item is very important in order to clean the computer well. After all, what happens when a lot of information debris in a man's head? He begins to blend. Similarly, with a computer. He sees all the information on the computer, indexes folders and files, and when the mess, then you need more time, in the investigation starts the computer to slow down.

Cleaning the registry.

What is the registry? Simply put, this kind of operating system database with settings and various parameters. Very important element of Windows. And when it is litlazy, the computer also slows down, because all the programs that we install there also prescribe their settings, and when we do something, the parameters also change in the registry. In general, to clean the computer, it also needs to be cleaned.

Here we will help the already installed program, it is wonderful with this copes.

  1. Run the program and selects the Registry tab.
  2. Here also, first we analyze.
  3. Now click "Fix". A window will appear, which requires a backup copy of the registry, agree, will not hurt.
  4. We are waiting to the end and reboot PC.

There is also a program that I really like and constantly use it - Wise Registry Clasner.. It does not even require installation. What are the pros:

  • Cleans the registry, as the analysis, then cleaning.
  • Optimizes the registry
  • Defragmenses registry

I do all three points, a powerful program.

Here, as well as with the registry, all files and folders must lie in their places and the shelves, and not scattered throughout the hard disk. This item is also important to clean the computer normally. After that, the operating system is easier to find files and folders, as a result of which the system does not slow down.

Now you can do your affairs, because this process is long, but effective. So you need to do with all the disks on your computer.

But if you already have a modern SSD disk, you don't need to defragment, it is simply meaningless, as such discs are the same flash drives. And on ordinary discs there is a disk that is spinning when reading files, and the head can read what is near. Well, if the files are scattered, then the head has a lot, the disc is spinning faster, there is a lot of time. And the flash drive excludes all these moments and reads information instantly practically.

Optimization of the Windows operating system

Here we will analyze several more points to optimize the system itself.

  1. Disable visual effects. Right-click on my computer - Properties - Advanced parameters - speed - parameters. Here we turn off as much as possible, see yourself, try. If the computer is generally weak - turn off everything.
  2. Clean the task scheduler. Go to C: \\ Windows \\ Tasks and all delete. Now without your knowledge, the system does not plan anything 🙂.
  3. Turn off system recovery. From practice, it rarely helps restore the system, but if necessary, leave this item. Again, right-click on my computer - select the property - system protection (in other versions of operating systems, it can simply be called the system recovery) - click on each disk and click configure - in the window that opens, click Disable and remove all the points so as not to occupy a lot of space and approx.
  4. Optimize desktop. All icons and folders on the desktop are loading the system, so in order to clean the computer well, leave on the desktop only the most necessary. Or better to create shortcuts on the desktop.

Well, I think this is the most basic thing to do to clean the computer. And it is better to do this at least once every two months, and then your computer will live and breathe freely. Have a nice day.

And here is a video about how to clean the computer so that it does not slow down.

How to clean the computer so as not to brake. Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

Over time, the PC, it begins to gradually work all slowly and the search for the best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage will arise. This is due to the accumulation of a large number of temporary files, the keys of the registry, including possibly damaged, as a result of the action of malicious files or simply their absence. All these at first glance, minor parts and elements of the activities of programs over time begin to significantly influence productivity and as a result of PC begins to slow down, where he used to work quickly.

Especially for this on the Internet there is a large number of computer cleaning programs from garbage and some of them are more attention than others. The most basic requirements for programs in users of our countries, as practice shows - it is not enough of what they should do with their tasks, but also available free of charge, at least for a temporary period.

Faced for the first time with a search for the best PC cleaning program, without knowledge in this area, you will have to spend considerable time for downloading, installing and checking on your own PC. Its performance and functionality. In this case, this article will be very useful for you.

Especially for this, we have prepared several best programs for cleaning a computer or laptop from garbage, on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, well-proven among users and available for free use, as well as links to download them.

Cleaning a computer from garbage with CCleaner (in Russian)

One of the most popular programs for cleaning and optimizing a computer, with a variety of additional tools:

  • Eliminating the incorrect opening of sites.
  • The most significant parameter of this program is the purification of PC with one touch.
  • Quick access to enable and disable programs in Windows startup.
  • Clearing the registry of the operating system after careful scanning, where exactly without special programs will not discern.

In order to make cleaning a system or laptop from garbage using CCleaner you need:

You can also scan the computer registry for errors and eliminate them - the presence of such faults may cause incorrect operation of Internet browsers.

  • To do this, open the section " Registry", Click" Search for problems"And after that button" Fix«.

After cleaning and correcting the registry errors, make reboot the computer.

  • To its advantages, you can attribute a very convenient and understandable interface in which even a beginner user will figure out, the lack of advertising policies, a slight size of the installation file.
  • There is also a simplified version that does not require installation.

This utility can really give a leading place in the rating of computer cleaning programs from garbage (2015 -2016).

Cleaning from garbage with AShampoo Winoptimizer Free (in Russian)

Another good utility that can be attributed to the best of the rating of computer cleaning programs from garbage (2015-2016). It also copes with cleaning tasks, removing traces of previously used applications that prevent the rapid operation of Windows, cleaning the registry, browsers, as well as other elements and records, improving PC performance.

She, as well as the previous one, is able to take an independent decision that you can turn off or delete that it is not replaceable for users who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge about PC.

  • Download Ashampoo Winoptimizer Free from the official website (free) and install.
  • The program menu is very logical, in Russian, follow the proposed sequential action by choosing areas for cleaning.

There is also a set of additional tools to improve performance, by optimizing services, Windows components and disabling unnecessary processes into one click.

Cleaning and optimization with GLARY UTILITIES (in Russian)

A sufficiently serious program is not only for cleaning from the garbage of the computer, but also has many other functions: system optimization, free space for disks, restoring the system after damage, work with labels (return accessories), work with Windows and so on. A very multifunctional utility that you can still talk about.

It should be noted its understandable interface in Russian, taking into account the degree of knowledge of the user in the field of the operating system and in connection with this, the ability to produce the necessary operations into one click, without understanding all the intricacies. It is really very convenient.

  • And install it.
  • Open the " 1-click»At the top of the center, use the recommended parameters of the analysis and cleaning areas or select yourself, then click" Find problems«.

  • After that, follow the proposed sequence of actions.

Cleaning a computer from garbage and enhancing security measures using Winutilities Free (in Russian)

A program with very great features and a wide functionality, especially more for experienced users. In addition to working with the cleaning of registry, disks, restore the activity of shortcuts, deleting selective programs and shutdowns, unnecessary from the starting service there is also a special direction in the field of security. This concerns situations where several people use a computer and need to protect not only their history of visiting pages on the Internet, by regular cleaning without the possibility of restoring, but also the protection of sampling programs from extension, for individual cases.

  • And install on Windows, a window will open with a proposal to buy a paid version or enter the license key, just close it.
  • There are several main modes of operation:
  • Performing analysis and recommended action on cleaning in one click in the tab " Service" Pressing " Run service"And further follow the proposed actions.

  • Independent choice of the area of \u200b\u200baction, including work in the Security section.

  • As well as the installation of work schedules for cleaning and reduce disk space using defragmentation in the section " Tasks«.

The direction is also provided for protecting folders and password setup files, rarely encountered function, in programs, as an additional functionality.

Utility for cleaning the system and Protection of personal information Comodo System Utilites (Russian Interface)

Comfortable and easy to manage a utility for cleaning a computer from garbage, free space on disk, delete programs and files, if required, irretrievably, which cannot be restored.

There is also a function of automatic cleaning with a certain frequency, which can be very useful. As in previous utilities, you can edit Windows autoload components.

  • And run on PC.
  • After it is installed, select the desired areas for cleaning or other or a complete analysis of the "button" Scan My Computer"And make the steps you need, following the instructions.

Also, with its help, it is possible to improve the PC performance, following the proposed recommendations, protect personal and confidential information, with the possibility of regular deletion on schedule and TD. He has a large number of positive feedback from users who have established it.

Cleaning and optimization with the Wise Disk Cleaner utility (with the support of the Russian language)

Another useful program that can extend the service life of your computer by cleaning from the accumulated temporary or simply not the necessary items of applications. Its capabilities enters both a quick cleaning of important objects and thorough cleaning, with a deep analysis of the established components.

Exemption space on disk by defragment and deleting temporary game files and other installed applications. Thanks to which the PC will work much faster and the number of unfortunately arising hangs will decrease.

  • unpack and run the file WisediskCleaner.exe,the program works without installation.
  • After that, locate at the top on the right tab of the settings " settings » and change the language " Default Language."In Russian and click" oK«

  • Select the Quick or Deep cleaning type tab and click " search".

  • Then follow the proposed actions or if you need to select the desired parameters.

Cleaning with SlimCleaner Free

Very serious utility for cleaning and optimizing Windows. The main advantage of this program is its intelligent base of self-definition of the necessary and respectively unwanted parts and elements of programs that can affect performance.

With this utility, you can clean the Windows registry, clear the browser from temporary files, and another garbage that has accumulated during the use.

  • To do this, download the SlimCleaner Free (from the official site) and run the file.
  • Cleaning can be made or automatically or after following the analysis, and then cleaned the selected areas.

It also provides for the possibility of obtaining useful information about the established programs, extensions in the browser, specific Windows services and their role in the system. Also, when you click on the "More Info" button, a window will open with feedback from other users about the program of interest or a specific process, which may be quite useful in making a decision.

We hope that you were able to offer the best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and you chose the most appropriate. Good luck!

Over time, the PC, it begins to gradually work all slowly and the search for the best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage will arise. This is due to the accumulation of a large number of temporary files, the keys of the registry, including possibly damaged, as a result of the action of malicious files or simply their absence. All these at first glance, minor parts and elements of the activities of programs over time begin to significantly influence productivity and as a result of PC begins to slow down, where he used to work quickly.

Especially for this on the Internet there is a large number of computer cleaning programs from garbage and some of them are more attention than others. The most basic requirements for programs in users of our countries, as practice shows - it is not enough of what they should do with their tasks, but also available free of charge, at least for a temporary period.

Faced for the first time with a search for the best PC cleaning program, without knowledge in this area, you will have to spend considerable time for downloading, installing and checking on your own PC. Its performance and functionality. In this case, this article will be very useful for you.

Especially for this, we have prepared several best programs for cleaning a computer or laptop from garbage, on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, well-proven among users and available for free use, as well as links to download them.

Cleaning a computer from garbage with CCleaner (in Russian)

One of the most popular programs for cleaning and optimizing a computer, with a variety of additional tools:

  • The most significant parameter of this program is the purification of PC with one touch.
  • Quick access to enable and disable programs in Windows startup.
  • Clearing the registry of the operating system after careful scanning, where exactly without special programs will not discern.

In order to make cleaning a system or laptop from garbage using CCleaner you need:

  • Download CCleaner and launch the installation file.
  • In the window that opens in the Cleaning section, will be offered recommended scope for cleaning And in the future actions to release free space on the disk, you can just click " Cleaning"Or choose areas at your discretion.
  • To its advantages, you can attribute a very convenient and understandable interface in which even a beginner user will figure out, the lack of advertising policies, a slight size of the installation file.
  • There is also a simplified version of CCleaner Portable, which does not require installation.

This utility can really give a leading place in the rating of computer cleaning programs from garbage (2015 -2016).

Cleaning from garbage with AShampoo Winoptimizer Free (in Russian)

Another good utility that can be attributed to the best of the rating of computer cleaning programs from garbage (2015-2016). It also copes with cleaning tasks, removing traces of previously used applications that prevent the rapid operation of Windows, cleaning the registry, browsers, as well as other elements and records, improving PC performance.

She, as well as the previous one, is able to take an independent decision that you can turn off or delete that it is not replaceable for users who do not have sufficient experience and knowledge about PC.

  • Download Ashampoo Winoptimizer Free from the official website (free) and install.
  • The program menu is very logical, in Russian, follow the proposed sequential action by choosing areas for cleaning.
  • After that, follow the proposed sequence of actions.

Cleaning a computer from garbage and enhancing security measures using Winutilities Free (in Russian)

A program with very great features and a wide functionality, especially more for experienced users. In addition to working with the cleaning of registry, disks, restore the activity of shortcuts, deleting selective programs and shutdowns, unnecessary from the starting service there is also a special direction in the field of security. This concerns situations where several people use a computer and need to protect not only their history of visiting pages on the Internet, by regular cleaning without the possibility of restoring, but also the protection of sampling programs from extension, for individual cases.

  • Download Winutilities Free and install on Windows, a window will open with a proposal to buy a paid version or enter the license key, just close it.
  • There are several main modes of operation:
  • Performance of analysis and recommended action on cleaning in one click in the tab " Service" Pressing " Run service"And further follow the proposed actions.
  • Independent choice of the area of \u200b\u200baction, including work in the Security section.
  • As well as the installation of work schedules for cleaning and reduce disk space with defragmentation in the section " Tasks“.
  • Then follow the proposed actions or if you need to select the desired parameters.

Cleaning with SlimCleaner Free

Very serious utility for cleaning and optimizing Windows. The main advantage of this program is its intelligent base of self-definition of the necessary and respectively unwanted parts and elements of programs that can affect performance.

With this utility, you can clean the Windows registry, clear the browser from temporary files, and another garbage that has accumulated during the use.

  • To do this, download the SlimCleaner Free (from the official site) and run the file.
  • Cleaning can be made or automatically or after following the analysis, and then cleaned the selected areas.

It also provides for the possibility of obtaining useful information about the established programs, extensions in the browser, specific Windows services and their role in the system. Also, when you click on the "More Info" button, a window will open with feedback from other users about the program of interest or a specific process, which may be quite useful in making a decision.

We hope that you were able to offer the best programs for cleaning the computer from garbage on Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and you chose the most appropriate. Good luck!