Feng Shui of a one-room apartment. Feng Shui of a small apartment: how to improve your life (55 photos)

Feng Shui of a one-room apartment.  Feng Shui of a small apartment: how to improve your life (55 photos)
Feng Shui of a one-room apartment. Feng Shui of a small apartment: how to improve your life (55 photos)

Achieving harmony in the interior is impossible if only the correctness of the composition is put at the forefront, without taking into account the inner comfort transmitted by the room to the owners and guests. In practice, it sometimes turns out that when drawing a project of a lush baroque living room or a stylish art studio, the designer forgot to "draw" the tenants. Sometimes a huge mansion furnished with exquisite taste has to be “settled” with incredible difficulties.

On the other hand, the smaller the apartment, the more difficult it is to comply with the laws of Feng Shui, because there is a great temptation to fill the space with an abundance of things that you would like to have before your eyes. However, even in a tiny apartment, one should follow the main rule - the location and shape of furniture should not impede the movement of the energy of Qi life.

Feng Shui masters are advised to abandon bulky items that dominate the rest of the environment. Even the fireplace should not "outweigh"

pieces of furniture, you should also not allow the ceiling beams, stylized in the Middle Ages, to "press down" the inhabitants of the house.

  1. Tall massive wardrobes are placed along solid walls as far as possible from the door.

  2. Mirrors should not be hung in front of doors and stairs, and also not reflect them at least partially.

  3. Chairs and armchairs should not have their backs to doors and windows. It is advisable to purchase products with high backs and armrests.

  4. A table in the living room and dining room is desirable in a round shape.

  5. Plasma screen, monitor, TV should not "look" out of the door or window.

  6. When decorating walls with painting, give preference to landscapes.

  7. Hang a family photo or portrait in the southwest area of ​​the living room.

  8. "Seating" places for family members should be "facing" to the south-east.

The bedroom, dining room, children's room, as well as an office if the head of the family works at home, are premises in which it is especially important to observe the rules for arranging furniture (as opposed to a living room, in which no family member lives).

  1. The desired shape for the bedroom is a square or rectangle.

  2. The perimeter of the furniture arrangement should repeat the perimeter of the room; improvised zoning is not encouraged.

  3. The most sensible placement of the bed is along the wall, but few follow this rule. In this case, at least do not place the bed as an "island", the headboard must be closed with the wall.

  4. The largest bed should be placed on the legs - the higher they are, the better for moving Chi energy.

  5. The bed must not be placed opposite the door, but it must be in the field of view of the owner lying on it.

  6. Opposite the headboard, it is desirable to arrange the wall especially beautifully - painting, fresco on a cozy theme.

  7. We put closets, massive sofas along the walls, the mirror should not reflect the bed.

  8. There should be no darkened voids in the bedrooms - negative energy Sha accumulates in them.

  9. For the bedroom, you should purchase not acute-angled, but rounded furniture.

  10. In the kitchen, the opposite elements should be separated - water and fire; cabinets should be placed between the stove and refrigerator and the sink.

  11. It is advisable to place the stove in the southeastern zone of the kitchen, the sink in the northeast.

  12. Partitions (bar counters) should not be solid.

  13. The entire kitchen should be evenly lit; windows should not be shaded with thick curtains and massive plants.

It is undesirable to place live green plants in the bedroom, even small ones - you can allocate a separate area for them in another room.

You can ask the price of the development of a design project for any room and find out the prices for repairs in the following sections of our website:

Chinese sages many millennia ago noticed that life becomes better if a person lives in harmony with the world around him. They noticed that everything is going well if, for example, the dwelling is protected from the winds by hills or trees, it is directed with its facade towards the sun and a stream flows nearby. Testing different ideas, grouping principles, over time, Feng Shui appeared - the Taoist practice of symbolic space exploration.

Symbol of the universe

Positive, positive Qi energy assists in prosperity, brings abundance and happiness into our everyday life, and gives vitality. Qi means the symbol of the Universe, it consists of 2 elements Yin and Yang, which are complementary.

Yin is feminine, passive and dark, Yang is masculine, active, light.

In order for them to be harmoniously combined, it is necessary to balance them with a variety of objects. There are positive and negative places in any apartment.

Feng Shui Fortune Center

It is located in the center of the apartment. The presence of a crystal chandelier will be very appropriate. It is a huge crystal that actively spreads Qi energy throughout 1 room apartment. To promote spiritual growth, good luck, happiness will help keeping the zone of good luck clean and tidy. There are other important areas as well.

Glory Zone. It covers the middle third of the rear of the apartment. If you have a great desire to become famous and popular, you need to activate it. Here you will be helped by objects that are related to your element, bright lighting, crystals - faithful helpers in this.

It is not bad to place a personal portrait on the walls in this part of a one-room apartment, or to exhibit all kinds of diplomas and awards. It is necessary to do high-quality cleaning by throwing away unnecessary things. This will help remove doubts, possible complexes and worries about your position in society. And you will see that in the near future everything will change for the better.

This zone is located diagonally to the left of. It is associated with well-being. If in a one-room apartment the wealth zone is littered, then people will experience material difficulties, distribute the wrongly earned funds received. If you want to become financially wealthy, you need to start activating this zone in your apartment. To do this, you need to increase the lighting. At this place, a metal element or crystals symbolizing wealth is placed, the task of which is to collect Qi and spread it in different directions.

Marriage Zone. This zone assumes intimate relationships and marriage. It is necessary to activate this part in order to successfully make new acquaintances and improve relations with the opposite sex. To draw Qi into it, you should place objects there that are related to you and your loved one, improve lighting. It would be appropriate to hang photos of your couple or some other lovers, various items on a love theme. In the marriage zone, order and cleanliness must be observed. This will guarantee positive changes in your personal life.

This zone is located on the wall where the door is located. Help you find another occupation or move up the career ladder:

  • bright light;
  • Fax;
  • crystals;
  • telephone;
  • The music of wind;
  • a computer
  • things that symbolize your element.

There is no need to put old things in this zone, put up indoor plants that have dried up, and hang a carpet on the wall. Basically, in this part of the apartment, they make a hallway. Comfort and cleanliness will contribute to the flow of Chi energy. All kinds of furniture, built-in wardrobes will hide stored things from prying eyes, which should also be kept in order.

Knowledge Zone. The Knowledge Zone is located farthest to the left of the front door in a one-room apartment. This is a good area, it is easy to learn lessons, work at the computer, and you can also perfectly engage in various mental activities. The Qi flow will become slower if there is insufficient lighting, a pile of unnecessary things. Improving the effectiveness of classes is facilitated by:

  • placement of crystals;
  • books related to the studied material;
  • properly organized lighting;
  • unnecessary things removed from the table.

Family Zone. This area symbolizes relatives. It is inextricably linked to health. The revitalization of this place can eliminate family problems and strengthen family ties. This can be done by hanging family portraits, spreading out objects that are associated with loved ones, then the troubles associated with any of the relatives will recede. Peace, harmony and tranquility will come in the family.

Children's Zone. This zone is to the right of the small diagonal. It is activated using objects that relate to the child's element in the birth cycle. We need to hang crystals on red ribbons, increase the lighting, put artificial flowers and houseplants. A children's corner should be set up in this zone. The relationship between parents and children is directly influenced by the order in the closets, table, under the bed and bookshelves.

Mentor Zone. It is located to the right of the front door. With the help of objects and crystals that symbolize your element, you need to activate this part of the apartment. This way you can attract people into your life who are ready to help. It is good if you hang pictures of the places you dream to visit on the wall.

Feng Shui in a studio apartment

The location of the apartment plays a huge role. There is no need to purchase housing where houses of different heights are located chaotically. In this place, the Chi energy wanders confused, disorderly, transforms into the unfavorable Sha energy. In addition, the location on the same level of your apartment with the roofs of other neighboring houses is also considered unfavorable. If the mirrors on the windows of 1 room apartment are located outward, then this contributes to the reflection of negative energy.

According to Feng Shui, an iron door is harmful. The negative will help neutralize the presence of a back door in the house, through which waste energy will go out. The windows are the eyes of the apartment. It is good if they are light and large, best of all located on the front of the building, provide an additional flow of vital energy.

According to Feng Shui, if in apartments terraces, windows, balconies and loggias are located on the back side of the building, then people's self-esteem decreases, nervousness increases. The reason for financial difficulty, the impossibility of free circulation of Qi energy according to Feng Shui in a one-room apartment will be the exit of the door to a dead end or a narrow corridor. In addition, it is undesirable to locate the door under an elevator, stairs or directly opposite the door of the neighbors' apartment.

Furnishing of a one-room apartment according to Feng Shui

On a person, his habitat has a positive and negative effect. The science of Feng Shui is knowledge about the harmony of a person with the world around him, with the help of which a person becomes a real master in the house. Feng Shui in a 1-room apartment is able to create a favorable atmosphere that will bring peace and tranquility. You should try to avoid the presence of broken lines and sharp corners in the house. The flowing shapes of furniture and objects evoke harmonious energy.

In order for life to become active, it is necessary to introduce several bright elements. The relationship between the married couple is adversely affected by the placement of the headboard under the window. Also, you cannot put the bed turned to the front door. Do not clutter the space of the room with a large number of dressers, wardrobes, tables. It will be great if, depending on the layout of the one-room apartment, arrange the furniture to your liking. It is desirable that a person sees himself in a full-length mirror. The bed should not be reflected in it.

The interior and layout of the apartment according to Feng Shui

The carriers of Yin and Yang energy are basically all elements of the interior of the apartment. There is Yin energy in objects that have a streamlined shape, carpets, patterns with soft lines, upholstered furniture, in soft muted tones. Yang energy contains objects with sharp edges, triangular and pyramidal patterns, aggressive bright colors, leather furniture, products made of polymer, synthetic materials.

The main task in the creation is the unity of the artistic direction, the combination of individual elements and a harmonious combination. A good layout in a one-room apartment presupposes the creation of coziness, comfort in the living space, where it is pleasant to relax and where you can invite friends.

Picturesque original images on the ceiling, walls, furniture and doors contribute to the creation of the illusion of reality, bring positive events to life, and also multiply the space.

In order to accurately determine and activate the zones of an apartment in Feng Shui, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Eastern teachings, which considers housing as the main factor affecting the fate and energy potential of a person. Every house, apartment or room has an aura on which the health, well-being and success of the residents depends.

The apartment number has a semantic meaning

To determine the apartment number in accordance with Eastern teachings, add the digits of the house and apartment numbers. For example, house 35, apartment 164 is reduced to the following form: 3 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 4 = 19 => 1 + 9 = 10 => 1 + 0 = 1. Each number has a direct impact on household members:

  • if the Feng Shui apartment number is equal to one, then the energy of independence, creative energy and healthy risk hovers in it;
  • number two provides a harmonious combination of masculine and feminine principles, defines a life of love and harmony;
  • apartment number three will help to realize the potential of open and energetic people;
  • the four contributes to gaining a sense of security in the house or room, improving health, helping to find a job to your liking and reliable friends;
  • people seeking to develop their intellect and acquire new knowledge should look for apartment number 5. Photos of Feng Shui apartments corresponding to this number are presented in purple shades, with accents in the form of historical artifacts and travel attributes;
  • in the house marked with six, the desire for all-embracing love, a passionate attitude to the profession and a caring approach to all aspects of life reign;
  • the atmosphere of housing, corresponding to the seven, is conducive to asceticism and spiritual development;
  • people living in apartment number eight are accompanied by success in love, in any endeavors and areas of life;
  • nine gives calmness and self-sufficiency, regardless of financial situation. Therefore, it is undesirable for people with ambitious plans to live in such apartments.

Apartment zoning

It is possible to determine the Feng Shui zones in an apartment (one-room or with a large area) using the Bagua scheme, which divides the space into nine zones. To obtain the exact location of Feng Shui zones in a house or room, a magic scheme is applied to the plan of the house in accordance with the cardinal points. Finding a photo of a diagram is not difficult and does not take much time, but the reward for creative work will be positive changes in life.

Financial Wellness Sector

The Feng Shui wealth zone is located in the southeast. To attract financial flow, install in the room aquarium with fish or a small fountain. In a one-room apartment, to activate energy flows, they have Money Tree, a pyramid of stone, or a model of a yacht with the bow oriented deep into the room. Fire symbols cannot be placed in this sector: candles and red objects.

Health sector

The health zone is in the east and center of the Bagua scheme. The main talismans of the sector are paintings and photos depicting animals and nature, houseplants and wood products. The center of the health zone should be as illuminated as possible, ideally glass or crystal chandelier with an abundance of faceted crystals.

To activate the health zone, Feng Shui experts recommend placing potted plants or a bonsai tree in the eastern part of the zone. If there is a table in the health sector, then a vase filled with fruits should become its indispensable decoration.

Love and marriage sector

This section of the apartment is located in the southwest direction and requires activation if it is necessary to improve relations in marriage or make new acquaintances. The love zone should be well lit, and in the sector it is also necessary to place a joint photo with the subject of your passion. The presence of paired symbols of love is obligatory: two candles of red and white color, figurines of kissing doves, as well as postcards in the shape of a heart and decent erotic photos.

Glory Zone

The sector is located in the south and symbolizes your achievements. If you need to reach new heights in the profession or study, place diplomas and awards in the zone of fame, a photo with your image at the time of the presentation of awards, statuettes of birds.

Career sector

The Feng Shui career zone is located in the north of the apartment and is activated by enhanced lighting and wind chimes. To consolidate career success, it is advisable to place a small fountain in the center of the sector. In conditions studio apartment support will be provided by a photo or painting depicting a pond, as well as paired turtle figurines.

Knowledge and Wisdom Sector

This is an ideal area for organizing intellectual activities. Activate the sector with subjects related to mental activity - dictionaries, textbooks, your photo against the background of a geographic map or a blackboard with calculations.

Advice! Never leave entertaining literature, cutting and piercing objects in the knowledge sector!

Assistant sector

The Zone of the Teacher or Assistant is located in the northwest sector. In the fateful moments of life, the activation of the zone contributes to the appearance of an assistant. Strengthen the lighting in this sector, post photos of people whom you consider to be your teachers and spiritual guides.

Family area

An important sector is located in the east, affects health and symbolizes the closest people. To ease disagreements, stabilize your health and live in love, place in the sector objects associated with people dear to your heart, family photos, flowering plants and home crafts: weaving, embroidery, appliques, carvings.

Sector of Creativity and Children

The zone is located in the west, and its activation is necessary in case of contradictions with the growing child, difficulties in the educational process, and also if the child does not establish communication with peers. Place figurines of protector deities, children's crafts and photos, fresh flowers in this area.

Feng Shui in a studio apartment

A one-room apartment or a huge house - according to Eastern teachings, the size of a dwelling does not affect any of the spheres of life! The above methods for defining sectors and how to activate them are suitable for small one-room apartments, rooms, and even tables. It is no coincidence that people of the East decorate tables with fruit vases, figurines or metal saucers. For proper zoning, use the Bagua grid and activate the desired zone.

Advice! Areas of a one-room apartment intended for vigorous activity should have intense lighting and brightly decorated areas.

Secrets of activating feng shui zones

It is recommended to create Feng Shui apartments at the stage of renovation or purchase of housing. Small city apartments, especially one-room apartments, do not allow to take full advantage of the wisdom of their ancestors. But the influence of space on a person cannot be canceled, and methods of correcting space and neutralizing negative energy come to the rescue. With the help of simple actions, try to attract well-being and good luck to your home:

  1. Clean and free-flowing energy feeds everyone in the household, so keeping order should become a permanent habit. Avoid clutter and dust accumulation, regularly empty cabinets and shelves from unnecessary things.
  2. Fix any broken appliances in your home or dispose of them without regret. Replace burned out light bulbs.
  3. Dispose of cracked, broken dishes.
  4. Neutralize unpleasant odors and eliminate their sources.
  5. Do not store money near water pipes or in the toilet.
  6. Flowers and pets noticeably improve the feng shui of an apartment or house.
  7. The corners of the furniture should not be directed towards seating areas. In a one-room apartment, you can neutralize the impact of negative energy flows by decorating the corners with soft drapery or climbing plants.

Advice! Feng Shui of any apartment is always possible to correct and improve. To do this, invite a specialist who will divide the apartment into energy zones and give the only correct recommendations for zoning and improving the premises.

It's great when you can choose a place for your future home and take part in drawing up its project. But what if such a possibility is still in the distant future? So far (just so far) your opportunities are modest, but by making your home your own assistant, you can achieve a lot.

Now you are worried about the question: "Is it possible to create a good feng shui in a one-room apartment?"

Of course, numerous obstacles will stand in your way, but the one who does not go anywhere does not come anywhere. It does not matter that many Feng Shui recommendations will be impracticable for you. Having done everything in your power, you can significantly improve the feng shui of a one-room apartment. And then luck will enter your home and bring with it new opportunities, including for improving living conditions.

What you cannot change and how to act in these cases

Of course, you will not be able to relocate the buildings around your house. But it is quite possible to protect yourself from their negative influence (if any). Appreciate the view from your windows. If you observe any objects unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui, you need to set up a defense.

You can keep the curtains tightly closed, which symbolically cuts out everything outside the window. If this is not possible, put talismans on the windowsill to protect against external negative influences. For example, a pair of Heavenly Lions or three Warriors. They should look towards the street.

Redevelopment to improve the feng shui of a one-room apartment, you are also unlikely to succeed. It is possible that such unpleasant premises from the point of view of Chinese teaching as the toilet and bathroom will be located in one of the important zones. Then you have two options.

The first one is simply to neutralize their unfavorable influence by making the doors (which in any case should be tightly closed) as invisible as possible against the background of the wall or to put mirrors on them, which will also visually expand the room.

The second exit is for those who have a bathroom in an area that requires not only cleaning, but also activation. First, do what is recommended in the first option, this will sort of "cut off" the energetically unfavorable area of ​​the apartment, and then work with a plan of what is left. Or even divide only the room into zones according to Bagua. Then you will have all the sectors available, and you can activate any of them.

Qi energy flows into the apartment through the front door. Naturally, feng shui of a one-room apartment will directly depend on the quality and strength of the flow of incoming energy. And what can crawl to your door through a dirty, littered staircase?

If there is no cleaning lady in your house, and the tenants do not want to maintain cleanliness themselves, you are unlikely to be able to influence them. Well, if you are not ready to regularly wash the entire staircase (which is quite understandable), put things in order at least on your flight and be sure to wash the front door.

And now let's move on to what you can and even should change to make the feng shui of a one-room apartment as harmonious and favorable as possible.

Cleaning the apartment

Cleanliness is the key to success.

First, let's get rid of the rubbish on the physical plane. To do this, you should carry out a general cleaning, dismantling all the rubble and cleaning all the corners. Fortunately, the area of ​​the apartment is not that great. Without pity, we throw away everything unnecessary, fix what we are going to use in the future, wash dirty linen (and in the future we do this not when a fresh set is needed, but immediately), clean and repair clothes and find a suitable place for it (wardrobe, chest of drawers , mezzanine, not chairs, bed or floor). We put things in order on the shelves and the desktop. We glue the lagging wallpaper, screw in the missing or burnt out light bulbs. We thoroughly clean everything and wash it and keep it in the same condition in the future.

Now you can start cleaning the thin plans of the apartment. Without a preliminary stage - a grandiose cleaning - this ritual would not bring tangible benefits, because material dirt would constantly accumulate energy dirt.

Open all windows, stock up with a glass of clean (not boiled) water, candles or incense sticks, and a spray bottle with an aqueous solution of salt (just stir a couple of teaspoons of salt in a cup of water).

It is advisable to ask all household members to leave the apartment during the cleaning. Now light a candle or incense stick and walk around the entire apartment with it, starting from the front door and moving clockwise. Pay special attention to the corners, it is in them that all the negative and stagnant energy accumulates. During the walk, you can drink clean water to maintain your strength.

After going around, take a spray bottle of salt water and spray it on any surfaces you can reach that won't hurt. If, after evaporation of the water, salt is visible in some places, wipe it off or wash it off. Take a shower.

The magical cleaning that improves the feng shui of a one-room apartment is over. If you want to make sure of its effectiveness, stand in the center of the room and clap your hands loudly. Cotton should be sonorous. If the atmosphere is polluted, it will be quiet and deaf. Use this diagnostic method from time to time to determine the need for a new cleaning.

Harmonization of space

Finally, you can do the most interesting thing - the definition of zones according to Bagua, and their harmonization.

It is not difficult to divide an apartment into sectors using a compass and a Bagua grid. When you do this, the turn will come to rearrange the furniture. Common sense and logical thinking will tell you what and where to place. For example, love and family zones are suitable for a matrimonial bed.

For a crib - a zone for children and creativity, and so on. Of course, this is a very straight forward approach. It would be desirable to take into account both personal favorable directions, and the position of the Flying Stars, and much more. Improving the feng shui of a one-room apartment, choose the recommendations that you can follow. First of all, housing should be comfortable for its inhabitants.

You can designate and activate the zones by arranging them accordingly and adding the necessary talismans. Try it, look for options that suit you. You will see that with the help of Feng Shui, the design of a one-room apartment will become much more interesting.

Recently, the so-called studio apartments have become very popular. Usually they consist of one large room in which there is a kitchen, an office, a bedroom, and a nursery. It is believed that Feng Shui Such apartments do not have a very positive effect on their owners, in their lives everything turns out to be, as it were, piled up in one heap, and attempts to put at least some order in their affairs are doomed to failure in advance.

We call on those who dream to demolish all the walls in their apartment to think about in order to be the happy owner of a fashionable apartment. The masters Feng Shui even the combination of separate bathrooms is recommended to be approached very carefully.

If the circumstances are such that you are already the owner of a studio apartment, do not despair! By following the basic principles of organizing space and making the necessary adjustments, you can significantly improve even the seemingly worst Feng Shui.

Give preference to flat surfaces. Tiered floors are very typical for studios. This seriously disrupts the flow of qi: that part of the apartment, which is located above the others, will dominate the life of its owner. For example, if there is a bed on a dais, then the person is constantly in a sleepy state. The dominance of the kitchen can lead to overweight, and if the nursery is at the highest level, the children will be in control of their parents. That is, the principle here is as follows: which part of the apartment is higher, that side of life to which it symbolically refers, and becomes more important. Of course, if you pay a lot of attention to relaxation, then you can specially raise the living area or bedroom, and if work is more important to you, raise your desk.

Remember, having a multi-level floor, you have in your home (and therefore in life) some important areas with insufficient energy and zones filled to the brim with it. So, by raising your office, you thereby increase the importance of work to yourself, but you will have very little energy to work, because most of the qi will flow down. And if there is a bed next to the office, that is, downstairs, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully rest there - it will become impossible to sleep due to an excess of energy around.

As for the multilevel ceilings, which are also popular in this type of apartment, they also disrupt the flow of qi throughout the house. They will divert energy downward along their slope (just like beams) and, thus, further worsen the situation in the apartment.

Follow the Golden Rectangle Principle. One of the mathematical theories of Pythagoras is of great importance for the design of our homes. He was convinced that there is organic harmony in nature, which can be expressed through numbers and proportions, and also that these proportions can be successfully used in everyday life. Although ancient architects around the world were certainly familiar with the magical relationship of different parts of one whole, Pythagoras was the man who brought it to the transcendental standard. Pythagoras called his discovery the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio, or Golden Rectangle. The ratio of this classic proportion is 1: 1.618. This proportion is a tool that is available to everyone, because when the habitat meets the golden mean, it feels right to us. To determine the Golden Ratio, measure the width of the room. Multiply the width by 1.618 and you get the length you want. There is no need to follow the resulting number to the centimeter, the approximate calculations you have made can also give an excellent result that you will immediately feel on your own.

It's pretty easy to use the Golden Rectangle principles in your home. In long and narrow spaces, emphasize the natural proportion line. You can move furniture to emphasize this proportion, you can use flowers, stucco and even columns that divide the room into separate parts. In a studio apartment, a large and spacious room must be divided into several Golden rectangles, so that each functional part pleases the eye with natural proportion. In small modules where this principle cannot be observed, use items for decoration that correspond to the proportions of the Golden Rectangle - mirrors, paintings, coffee tables or aquariums.

Choose low cut-through furniture. Separating functional modules and living areas of a studio apartment from each other, they usually use different furniture. The main thing is that its excessive piling up does not restrain the normal flow of qi. Imagine that you have only one source of light - the front door, your furniture should be arranged so that this light reaches every corner of the apartment. Cabinets should not form blind partitions, and there should be sufficient free space between the upper shelves and the ceiling for normal energy circulation. Pass-through furniture is the best solution for studio apartments, as well as large potted plants, portable screens and retractable screens.

Improving Feng Shui studio apartments, it is important to remember that even if you change something in it, it will already be good. Are we not trying to get as comfortable as possible on the bus, even if we get off at one stop?