Types of Chuvash. Chuvash people: culture, traditions and customs

Types of Chuvash. Chuvash people: culture, traditions and customs
Types of Chuvash. Chuvash people: culture, traditions and customs

The people of Chuvashi are rather numerous, more than 1.4 million people live in Russia. Most occupy the territory of the Republic of Chuvashia, the capital of which is the city of Cheboksary. There are representatives of the nationality and in other areas of Russia, as well as abroad. A hundred thousand people live in the territory of Bashkiria, Tatarstan and in the Ulyanovsk region, a little less - in the Siberian regions. The appearance of the Chuvish causes many disputes from scientists and geneticists about the origin of this people.


It is believed that the ancestors of the Chuvash were Bulgars - the tribes of the Turks who lived with the IV century. On the territory of the modern Urals and in the Black Sea region. The appearance of the Chuvash speaks of their relationship with the ethnic groups of Altai, Central Asia And China. In the XIV century, Volga Bulgaria ceased to exist, the people moved to the Volga, in the forest near the Sura rivers, Kama, Sviyaga. At first, it was an obvious division into several ethnic subgroups, over time it was smoothed. The name "Chuvashi" in Russian-speaking texts is found from the beginning of the XVI century, precisely then the places where this people lived, became part of Russia. The origin of it is also associated with the existing Bulgaria. It may have come from the nomadic tribes of Suvav, who later merged with Bulgarians. The opinions of scientists were divided into explanation of what the word indicated: the name of the person, the geographical name or something else.

Ethnic groups

The people of Chuvash spread along the banks of the Volga. Ethnic groups living in the upper reaches were called Viryal or Tour. Now the descendants of these people live in the western part of Chuvashia. Those that settled in the center (Anat Yenchi) are located in the middle of the edge, and the south of the territory sitting in the lower reel (Anatari). Over time, the differences between sub-ethnic groups have become not so noticeable, now it is the people of one republic, people often move, communicate with each other. At the same time, at the grassroots and ridiculous crustaceans, the lifestyle was very distinguished: housing was built in different ways, dressed, organized life. By some archaeological finds It is possible to determine which ethno group belongs to the thing.

Today, the districts in the Chuvash Republic are 21, cities - 9. In addition to the metropolitan, among the largest calls Alatyr, Novocheboksarsk, Kanash.

External features

Surprisingly, but only 10 percent of all representatives of the people dominate the appearance of the mongoloid component. Genetic specialists argue that race is mixed. Belongs mainly to the European-like type, which can be said by characteristic traits The appearance of the crude. Among the representatives can be found people with Rusy hair and the eyes of bright shades. There are individuals with more pronounced mongoloid signs. Genetics were estimated that the majority of the crude group of haplotypes is similar to the one that is characteristic of residents of countries in the north of Europe.

Among other features of the appearance of the Chuvash, it is worth noting a low or medium height, hair rigidity, darker eye color than Europeans. Naturally curly curls are rare phenomenon. Representatives of the people are often found epicantus, a special fold in the corners of the eyes characteristic of the Mongoloids. The nose is usually short.


The language remained from the Bulgar, but is significantly different from other Turkic languages. It is used so far in the territory of the republic and in the nearby areas.

In Chuvash, there are several dialects. Living in the upper reaches of Sura Tour, according to researchers, "discovery." Ethnic subspecies of Anatari larger emphasis on the letter "y". However, clear features Currently absent. Modern language in Chuvashia, rather, close to the used ethnic group. It has cases, but there is no category of animation, as well as the genus of nouns.

Until X century, the alphabet was used Runic. After reforms, Arabic symbols were replaced. And from the XVIII century - Cyrillic. Today, language continues to "live" on the Internet, even a separate Wikipedia section, translated into the Chuvish language appeared.

Traditional classes

The people were engaged in agriculture, grown rye, barley and the shell (wheat variety). Sometimes peas were sulfilled in the fields. Since ancient times, Chuvasy diluted bees and eaten honey. Chuvash women were engaged in weaving and weaving. Patterns were especially popular with a combination of red and white colors on the fabric.

But other bright shades were also distributed. Men were engaged in carvings, cut out dishes, furniture, decorated the dwellings with platbands and cornices. Developed was aegen production. And from the beginning of the last century, in Chuvashia, seriously engaged in the construction of courts, several specialized enterprises were created. The appearance of the indigenous chuvash is somewhat different from the appearance of modern representatives of the nationality. Many people live in mixed families, create marriages with Russians, Tatars, some are moving over the border or in Siberia.


The appearance of the Chuvish is associated with their traditional clothing types. Women wore tunic embroidered patterns. Snow dude from the beginning of the 20th century was dressed in motley shirts with assemblies from different fabrics. Front was an embroidered apron. From the decorations of the girl, Anatari wore a peel - a strip of fabric was covered with coins. On the head wearing special hats, in shape similar to the helmet.

Men's pants were called yem. In the cold season, Chuvashi wore a port. Skin boots were considered traditional from the shoes. There were special outfits dressed for holidays.

Women decorated with beads clothes, worn in. Lucky lapties were often used from the shoes.

Original culture

From Chuvash culture there are many songs and fairy tales, folklore elements. People have been made on holidays to play on tools: bubble, festards, drums. Subsequently, violin and harmonic appeared, began to compose new drinking songs. There were many legends that were partly related to the beliefs of the people. Before the joining of the territories of Chuvashia, the population was pagan. They believed in different deities, spiritualized natural phenomena and objects. IN a certain time Made sacrifices, as a sign of gratitude or for good harvest. The main among other deities considered God the sky - the tour (otherwise - Torah). Chuvashi deeply honored the memory of the ancestors. Strictly observed rites of commemoration. On the graves, usually installed pillars from the trees of a certain breed. For the dead women, limes were put, and for men - oaks. Subsequently, most of the population accepted orthodox faith. Many customs have changed, some have been lost or forgotten over time.


Like other nations of Russia, there were their own holidays in Chuvashia. Among them, Akatuu, celebrated in the late spring - early summer. It is devoted to agriculture, the beginning of the preparatory work for sowing. The duration of the celebration is a week, special rites are performed at this time. Natives go to visit each other, they are treated with cheese and diversity of other dishes, beverages are pre-boiled beer. All together sing a song about sowing - a kind of anthem, then a long time pray to God Tour, asking him about a good crop, the health of family members and profits. For a holiday, fortune telling. The children threw an egg in the field and watched, it broke or remained as much.

Another holiday in Chuvash was associated with the worship of the sun. Separately there were days to commemorate the dead. The agricultural rituals were also common when people caused rain or, on the contrary, they wanted it to stop. Large fees with games and envelope were held for a wedding.


Chuvashi settled near the rivers in small settlements called by Thala. The layout of the settlement depended on the specific place of residence. On the south side of the house lined up along the line. And in the center and in the north was used the socket type of planning. Each family settled on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe village. Relatives lived nearby in neighboring houses. Already in the XIX century, wooden buildings began to appear on the type of Russian rural houses. Chuvashi decorated them with patterns, thread, sometimes painted. As a summer kitchen, a special structure was used (las), made of a log cabin, without roof and windows. Inside there was an open focus on which they were engaged in cooking. Near houses were often built baths, they were called Munch.

Other features of life

Until then, Christianity became the dominant religion in Chuvashia, there were polygamy on the territory. The custom of Levirate also disappeared: the widow no longer obliged to marry with the relatives of the deceased husband. The number of family members has significantly decreased: now only spouses and their children included in it. Wives were engaged in all economic cases, counting and sorting products. There was also a duty of weaving on their shoulders.

According to the existing custom, sons married early. Daughters, on the contrary, tried to get married later, because there were often older husband in marriage. The heir of the house and property was appointed the younger son. But the girls also had the right to receive inheritance.

In settlements, there could be a mixed type of community: for example, Russian-Chuvash or Tatar Chuvash. According to the appearance of Chuvashi, they did not differ from representatives of other nationalities, because everything was coexistently peacefully.


Due to the fact that animal husbandry in the region was developed to a small extent, the food was mainly used by plants. The main dishes of the Chuvash were cereal, (cavity or lental), potatoes (in later centuries), soups from vegetables and greens. The traditional baked bread was called Hura Sakar, it was baked on the basis of rye flour. It was considered a female responsibility. Sweets were also common: cottage cheese cheese, sweet cakes, berry pies.

Another traditional dish - Hulles. Thus called the cake in the form of a circle, fish or meat used as a filling. Chuvashi was prepared by the preparation of different types of sausages for the winter: with blood, with a filling of croup. Chantan - the so-called sausage grade made of sheep stomach. Mostly meat used only on holidays. As for drinks, Chuvashi cooked special beer. From the received honey did BRAG. And later, they began to consume kvass or tea that were borrowed from the Russians. Chuvashi from the lowerday often drank Kumys.

For sacrifices used a bird, which was bred at home, as well as horse conn. The rooster chained on some special holidays: for example, when a new family member appeared on the light. Of chicken Yaitz Already then made the scrambled eggs, Omelets. These dishes are used to fit to this day, and not only the chuds.

Famous representatives of the people

Among those who possess the characteristic appearance of the Chuvish met and famous personalities.

Nearby Cheboksary was born Vasily Chapaev, in the future the famous commander. His childhood passed in the poor peasant family in the village of Budayk. Another famous Chuvash is a poet and writer Mikhail Sessel. Wrote books on native languageAt the same time was public figure republic. His name is translated into Russian as "Mikhail", but Misha sounded in Chuvash. In memory of the poet, several monuments and museums were created.

A native of the republic is also V.L. Smirnov, a unique person, an athlete who became an absolute world champion in helicopter sport. Training took place in Novosibirsk and repeatedly confirmed his title. There are among the Chuvash and eminent artists: A.A. Cockel received academic education, wrote many stunning coal works. Most of the life spent in Kharkov, where he taught and engaged in developing art Education. In Chuvashia was also born popular artist, actor and TV presenter

Tretyakov P. N.

The question of the origin of the Chuvash people in the light of archaeological data * // Soviet ethnography. - 1950. - Vol. 3. - P. 44-53.

One of the most complex and undeveloped issues of the ancient and early-medieval history of the USSR is the question of the origin of the peoples of our country. The bourgeois science, which emanated in solving ethnogonic issues from racist representations and nationalist trends, extremely complicated and confused this issue. Soviet historical science solves it completely re-accumulating the relevant actual materials And considering them in the light of Marxism-Leninism, in the light of the works of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin on the theory of the national issue.

Soviet science proceeds from that basic theoretical provision that the process of education of nationalities and nationalities is a historical process. It is determined primarily by internal socio-economic conditions depends on the level of their development.

The nature of the ethnogonic process also depends on the specifically historical situation. Together with ethnic traditions, the importance of which should not be understood, the specific historical conditions are largely determined by a specific (national) form of culture of a native people, one or another nationality.

The work of I. V. Stalin, devoted to issues of language and linguistics, which appeared to the new largest contribution to the theory of historical materialism, outstanding importance for research in the field of origin. In these works, I. V. Stalin showed that the views of Acad. N. Ya. Marra in the language, as an add-on, as the phenomenon of class order, his views on the development of the language, which have received significant distribution in the environment not only by Soviet lingules, but also representatives of historical disciplines, have nothing to do with Marxism. In its work, I. V. Stalin widely revealed the foundations of the Marxist language theory, as the instruments of communication of people, public phenomenon, directly related to the production and other activities of people in society, but generated by no means one or another economic structure of society, not a certain step public life. "The language is generated not by one or another basis, old

* Research published here on the ethnogenesis of the Chuvash people is reports read by the authors at the session of the history and philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Chuvash Research Institute of Language, Literature and History on January 30-31, 1950. The articles were already in the set when they were published Works I. V. Stalin "Regarding Marxism in Linguistics", "To some issues of linguistics" and "response to comrades", the most valuable instructions of which the authors tried to take into account.

or a new basis, within this society, and all the progress of the history of society and the history of bases for centuries. It was not created by one by some class, but by all society, all classes of society, efforts of hundreds of generations. "

It is known that language is one of the most important signs that define the tribe, nationality, nation. It makes up the national form of their culture. Therefore, N. Ya. Marra's views on the development of the language, non-critical those perceived by historians and archaeologists, dealing with the origin of the peoples of our country, led to a number of erroneous constructions in this area. A characteristic example is the question of the origin of the Chuvash people, which was considered N. Ya. Marre, as the people of Basfetic, preserving the features of the japhthetic stage in their own language.

I. V. Stalin showed that the "theory" of the stadial development of the language, which proceeded by N. Ya. Marr, does not correspond to the actual course of the development of the language, is a non-marxistic theory. Thus, clarity was made to the question of the origin of the Chuvash people, and excessive scientific perspectives were opened in this area.


The theory of the origin of the Chuvash people who currently adopted by the majority of Soviet historians and linguists represents full opposite existing earlier bourgeois concepts. According to the last, the Chuvash people were viewed as a fragment of the once allegedly existing Turkic world. Its immediate ancestors, according to bourgeois scientists (A. A. Kunik, A. A. Chematov, N. I. Ashmarin, etc.), were the Volga Bulgarians, the people who came to the Volga from the Priazovsky steppes and founding Volzhskaya or Kamskoy Bulgaria. The mentioned scientists proceeded from the fact that among modern peoplesLiving within the territory of the Volga Bulgaria, one of the Chuvash people discovers an ancient Turkic features in their own language. Another argument in favor of Bulgarian theory was several separate Chuvash words and names found in Bulgarian gravestones with Arab inscriptions. There were no other data in favor of Bulgarian theory at the disposal of bourgeois science.

The sharpness of the actual data, on the basis of which the Bulgarian theory was built is completely obvious. In the light of the news of the ancient authors, it is indisputable that Volzhskaya Bulgaria did not differ from all other countries of antiquity - was by no means nationally, but included a number of different tribes in their boundaries.

Volzhskaya Bulgaria was undoubtedly only a minor step forward compared to Caesar's states or Karl Great, which I. V. Stalin characterizes as "military administrative associations", "Conglomerate of tribes and nationalities who lived in their lives and have their own languages" 2. Bulgaria was included in Volzhskaya Bulgaria, both the seed tribes were included in the Bulgarian cities. Actually Bulgarians, i.e. the population that came to Volga-Kamie from the priazovsky steppes, also did not constitute a single group in ethnically. Based on, mainly archaeological, as well as historical data, is currently establishing that the population of Eastern European steppes in the second half of the first millennium N. e. He was very complex education in ethnicity. Its base was various Sarmato Alanian tribes, mixed with the Turkic elements presented,

1 I. Stalin. Regarding Marxism in linguistics, ed. "True", M., 1950, p. 5.

2 ibid, p. 11.

first, in the Gun Hordes of the IV-V Century N. e. And, secondly, in the Hordes of the Avarian, penetrated into Europe in the VI century. e. Such a combination of Sarmato-Alanian and Turkic elements is perfectly detected by the materials of North Caucasian, Don and Donetsk (Saltovo-Mayly) settlements and burial grounds. The same accurately mixed Sarmato-Alan-Turkic material culture brought Bulgarians Asparuha to the Danube, where she, judging by the materials of the excavations in the ancient Bulgarian cities - Plisk and Presbyla, remained for two-three generations before dissolving in the local Slavic environment.

Thus, the question of the origin of the Chuvash People of Bulgarian theory was by no means decided. The assertion that Chuvas are Bulgarians, was equivalent to an attempt to construct equation from two equally unknown values.

When characterizing the Bulgarian theory of origin of the Chuvash people, it is impossible, however, to limit the indication on the weakness of its actual base and theoretical vanity. The theory of this arise and got wide walking, first of all, as the theory of nationalist, which meets the interests of panturkists, on the one hand, and the Chuvash nationalists, on the other. Bulgarian theory was an integral part of the Panturkist legend about the ancient Turkic people, playing allegedly an exceptional role in the historical process; This myth about the grand-container state Bulgarian Chuvashov, dominating all other peoples of the Volga region. No wonder the enemies of the Soviet people in the early years after October were widely promoted this theory, trying to sow a national distribution between the Turkic-speaking peoples and the great Russian people, between the Chuvash people and other peoples of the Volga region.


It is known that almost all the peoples of the Volga region consist of two or more Parts. Such are two main groups mordovian people - Moksha and Erzya, to which the turkhans, karatas and shocks are added. Markets retained a distinct division on mountain and meadow. The Chuvash people also consist of two main parts that differ from each other in tongue and material culture. We are talking about the top chuvash - "Virail", which occupy the north-western part of Chuvashia, and the lower - "Anatini", inhabitants in the southwestern half of the Chuvash land. The Third Chuvash Group is "Anat-Enci", which is between the first and second, most ethnographers are considered not as an independent part of the Chuvash people, but as a result of the mixing of Virail and Anutar. It must be assumed that in the complex composition of the peoples of the Volga region, traces of ancient tribes are preserved, their study can shed bright light For questions of ethnogonia. Especially interesting at the same time that this division of the Chuvash people into two parts has a long-term preiceter, ascending to the II millennium BC. e.

For the characteristics of the ancient tribes of the North-West Chuvashia, we currently have the following archaeological material.

1. Near Kozlovka, the Village Balanovo was opened and explored by an extensive burial ground 3, and in the Yadrinsky district near the village of Atlikasa - Kurgan 4, belonging to the middle of the second millennium BC. e. and belonging to the group of archaeological monuments common in the Upper Volga region and received the name of Fatyanovsky

3 O. N. Bader, The burial ground in the Karabai tract near the village of Balanovo in Chuvashia, Soviet Archeology, T. VI, 1940.

4 P. N. Tretyakov, From the materials of the Materially expedition, messages of state. Acad. Stories of material culture, 1931, № 3.

by the name of the burial party at the village of Fatyanovo, Yaroslavl region. Fatyanovsky tribes were the first in the upper head of cattle breeding tribes, perhaps familiar also with agriculture. These were the first tribes in these places, acquainted with the metal - copper and bronze. The assumption of T. A. Trofimova on the Southern, Caucasian origin of the population, who left the Balanovsky burial ground 5, which still requires verification, even if it turns out to be fair, does not change the creatures of the case. The culture of Balanovevs is their farm and life - had a distinct northern, forest nature.

2. In the same part, the Chuvash ASSR is known numerous mounds of the second half of the second millennium BC. e., called Abashevsky named with. Abashevo Civil district of the Chuvash ASSR, where they were first investigated in 1925. V. F. Smolin 6. As studied studies have shown, Abashev tribes lived not only in the northern and central districts Chuvashia, but far beyond their limits (in the northern, northwestern and northeastern direction). Abashev's mounds are known on the bottom of Murom 7, in the upper eye pool. Ogubi 8 and on the shore of Lake Plescheev 9. In the form of a treasure, characteristic Abashev's Eudes - bronze guns and decorations made of bronze and silver were found in the Uralship near the upper Kizil. There are also known places of ancient settlements, belonging to, as assumed, or to abashevtsam, or a close to the culture of tribes 10.

3. Within the limits of the Chuvash ASSR, on the shores of Volga and Sura, several ancient settlements of the first millennium BC are known. e. characterized by the so-called "mesh" or "textile" ceramics, the same as known to numerous. Skinds and Seliashi in the Oka and Top Volga basin.

4. About with. Ivankovo \u200b\u200bon the bottom Sura 11 and near the village of Krioshi on the banks of the Volga in the mouth of the village. Anish 12 were investigated the grains of the beginning and middle of the first millennium N. er, close to the well-known Old-Kordovsky, Murom, Mari and Maryrystniki, the same time. Near with. Yandashevo in the lower reaches r. Civilian was found bronze jewelry of a drowoboric appearance 13, common at the turn and at the beginning of our era at the tribes of the Prikamye and Tremmetry.

5. In the same northern and northwestern regions of the Chuvash ASSR, owned by Chuvasham-Virail, there are several dozen settlements of the middle and the second half of the first millennium N. e. 14 settlements are miniature fortifications, usually located on the capes of the high shore. When excavations, the clay dishes were found on them, flattened without the help of a pottery circle, loaded from networks and dice of livestock. According to the general appearance, these settlements and findings made on them close resemble similar monuments of neighboring Mordovian land.

6. Finally, it should be specified on numerous kivĕ-çăva - language

5 See by T. A. Trofimova, to the issue of anthropological ties in the Epoch of Fatyanovsky culture, Soviet ethnography, 1949, No. 3.

6 V. F. Smolin, Abashevsky Mogsift in the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary,

7 Excavations B. A. Kuftina. State Hermitage.

8 excavations V. I. Gorodzova. State Historical Museum.

10 "Archaeological studies in the RSFSR 1934-1936", 1941, p. 131-136.

11 cm P. P. Efimenko, Meadulilian expedition 1925-1927, reports of state. Academy of the history of material culture, vol. II, 1929.

12 See P. N. Tretyakov, Monuments ancient history Chuvash Volga, Cheboksary, 1948, p. 55-56.

13 cm. Ibid, p, 53.

14 cm. Ibid., P. 46 and next., 65 and cl.

cemeteries of the XVI-XVIII centuries, which are famous in the land of Chuvash-Virliel. Study residue women's costumeoriginating from KIVĕ-çăVA, reveals some features, bringing the ancient suit of Viryal with Mariy. Such a detail of the costume is, in particular, suspended from behind to the head desire to brush from thick woolen cords, powered by bronze tubes - penetrates. According to T. A. Kryukov, one such a Chuvash is available in the collections of the State Ethnographic Museum in Leningrad. The famous parallel with the ancient monuments of Mariers is also numerous Chuvash "Ceremetics" of the XVI-XVIII centuries, as well as KIVĕ-çăAV, everywhere famous in the land of Chuvash-Virial.

As a result of the above review of archaeological monuments of the North-West part of the Chuvash land, it is possible to conclude that tribes were inhabited in this part of Chuvashia, closely connected in their material culture with the neighboring, more northern, western and eastern voltage population - the population of forest spaces of the average And the top of the Volga region. It can also be argued that this population is genetically associated with the part of the Chuvash people, which is called "Vir Seryal" and which to this day has retained many traits similar to the culture of the neighboring Mariy, and partly the Mordovian and Udmurt peoples. Give more certain picture The ethnogonic process in this part of Chuvashia at the present state of sources is not possible. It is not known that the tribes that listed above the group of archaeological sites were standing in each other, whether they were a continuous chain of autochthonic development or were the tribes of different origin, which changed each other in the territory of Chuvashia. It is also likely that not all groups of archaeological monuments of the North-Western Chuvashi are currently identified and studied. However, it is difficult to allow future discoveries to shake the main conclusion is to conclusion about the local origin of the Chuvash tribes that are part of the Chuvash-Virail, and that their ancestors were closely related to other forest tribes.


Archaeological monuments of the southern part of the Chuvash Republic, owned by Chuvasham-Anutar, are known significantly worse than antiquities in the field of Chuvash-Virail. However, then a little, which we currently have, suggests that, starting from a distant past, the population lived here, differing from the above described above. Here, the tribes associated with more southern regions have long lived, with the Steppe Middle Volga.

At a time when in the second millennium BC. e. In the northern part of the Chuvash territory, Abashevsky tribes lived, the tribes with other cultures were common in the south, well known for research produced by Soviet archaeologists in Kuibyshev and Saratov regions and received the name of the puffers 15. Two such Mound Kurgan were investigated by P. P. Efimenko in 1927 in p. Bairevo Yalchik district on the shore r. Bulbs. In one of them, there were 16 graves containing burials accompanied by the characteristic clay dishes and other objects, in the other - one grave 16. Unlike Abashev's Kurganov, the puffing mounds have

15 P. S. Rykov, to the question of the cultures of the bronze era in the Lower Volga region, "Izv. Local Lore In-Ta with Saratov In-Those, "T. II, 1927.

16 P.N. Tretyakov, monuments of the ancient history of the Chuvash Volga region, p. 40.

significant sizes, vague outlines and do not form large groups. Such mounds are known in a number of points on Boule, Cubne and other rivers of South Chuvashia. Next to the Kurgans on the territory of South Chuvashia there are remnants of the settlements of the passy tribes. One of them, in the tract of Winwaste-Cheese, about s. Bayesherey, subjected to small studies in 1927, during which the debris of clay dishes and dice of pets were found: cows, horses, sheep and pigs.

Research recent yearsproduced by different parts The Middle Volga region, showed that the puffy tribes that occupied in the second millennium BC. e. The huge area on both sides of the average and partly of the Lower Volga must be considered as the ancestors of two extensive groups of the population, known in the Volga region at the following time - in the first millennium BC. e. One of them was seduced cattle breeding and agricultural tribes, left puffy, Saratov and Kuibyshev settlement. They are usually considered as the ancient Mordovsky, and maybe the busty tribes. Other troupe was savromat-Sarmatian tribes, nomadic cattle breeding, arising in the steppe magic based on the local tribes of the bronze era in a wide compactance with the population inhabited to the east of the Volga's current.

What ways they went during this period the ethnogonic process in the territory of South Chuvashia is still unknown, since no archaeological monuments of the first millennium BC. e. Not found there. It seems, however, is indisputable that the sarmatization process closely touched the population of the Chuvash Volga region.

This question is of particular interest due to the fact that sarmato Alanian tribes of Eastern European steppes in the middle of the first millennium N. er., as you know, have been turgled. This happened as a result of penetration into Europe at first Hungary nomadic Hordes, then Avarov, etc. Most of them were a nomadic population of the territory of modern Kazakhstan, related European Sarmatian tribes. They carried with them, however, Turkic, turning during this period - period military democracy, the unions of the tribes and the "great resettlement of peoples" - to the dominant language of the nomadic population of the Eurasian steppes.

From here you can make an assumption that the turkization of some tribes of Volga-Kamya is the very old phenomenon that began in the middle of the first millennium N. e. Bulgarians, which appeared in Volga-Kamye in the VII-VIII centuries. n. e. And the priaudia's Turkized Sarmato-Alan region, was not an ethnic group, completely alien to many local tribes. Their arrival did not cause, probably, fundamental changes during the ethnogonic process in Volgo-Kamye, but only strengthened and completed what began significantly earlier.

It is precisely this, which is an emerging, then the difference in the fate of the Bulgarian tribes - the tribes of the conquerors - in the Danube and Volga Bulgaria. At the Danube, Bulgarians Asparuha were dissolved very soon and disappeared without a trace along with their tongue in the local Slavic environment. On the Volga, where they, as well as on the Danube, were undoubtedly a minority compared to the local population, the Turkic language won. It happened, first, because the Turkicization process has already affected the Tribes of the Volga region, and, secondly, because Bulgarians met here with a number of different tribes, whereas on the Danube they got into a homogeneous Slavic Wednesdaystanding at a higher level of historical development.

A serious impact on the development of the culture and language of all local tribes was the emergence of a number of large trade and craft cities connecting Eastern Europe with the countries of Central

Asia. It was at this stage of the historical life of the Tribal of the Volga region should be completed both the process of turkization and the process of consolidating the ancient tribes into larger ethnic education.

It is interesting to note that the culture peculiar to the Bulgarian kingdom was presented in the territory of not all the Chuvashia, and mostly in its southern part - in the land of Chuvash-Anutar. There, in the pool r. Bula and Cubes, the Bulgarian settlements are known - the remains of large cities and small villages, but strongly fortified castles. An example of the first-type fortification can serve as a huge Bulgarian fortification in the village of Deusheva on a swior, which has about two kilometers in a circle. Feudal castles were a settlement at the village of Big Toyaba on the river. Boule, a fortune of about t. Tigyshevo on r. Big Boule, Japanese Slate in the bottoms of the river. Cubes and others. There are numerous rural settlements of the Bulgarian pore around them. In the same place, connecting the settlements and rural settlements into a single system, along the rivers they stretch for tens of kilometers. Powerful earth shafts are stretched, the same as in other places of Volga Bulgaria. They were intended to protect the ownership of Bulgarian nobility from enemy invasions 17.

In the northern regions of the Chuvash ASSR, the remains of Bulgarian culture are almost unknown. Currently it is possible to name only two points - a small settlement of a rural nature in the mouth of the r. Anish near Kozlovka, where the characteristic Bulgarian dishes and some other things of the X-XIII centuries were found. 18, and the city of Cheboksary, where such finds are found. No fortifications of a Bulgarian character and shafts on the land of the Chuvash-Viyal is not available. By the same time there are a settlement of a completely different nature, noted above when transferring archaeological monuments of the North-West Chuvashia under paragraph 5.

From here we can conclude that the Chuvash people as a whole have not yet developed. The ancient differences between the northern and southern population were still strong enough. Undoubtedly, however, that Bulgarian time with his class society and statehood, with urban life, trade relations and other peculiar features of the economy and life was to create favorable conditions for the cultural and ethnic rapprochement of individual parts of the Volga-Kamsky population.

It is possible to think that the next XIV-XVI centuries were time when the process of addition of the peoples of Volga-Kamya, including the Chuvash people, in the main features reached its completion. Ancient differences did not disappear without a trace; They continued in the language and in material culture, they are still preserved. But they have long moved to the background, departed by those phenomena of culture that became common to all chuvash population. So, the urban was developed by Chuvash, the territory and cultural community - the elements of the Chuvash nation.

"Of course, the elements of the nation is the language, the territory, cultural community, etc. - not from the sky, they were created, and it was created, even during the period of time," says Comrade Stalin. "But these elements were in its infancy and, at best, represented only potency in the sense of the possibility of education of the nation in the future under certain favorable conditions" 19.

In the future, the history of the Chuvash people proceeded in close

17 See P.N Tretyakov, monuments of the ancient history of the Chuvash Volga region, p. 58-61.

18 cm. Ibid., P. 62.

19 I. V. Stalin, National Question and Leninism, op., vol. 11, p. 336.

interaction with the history of the Russian people. Here, there is a pre-revolutionary time when the economic life of the Chuvash people, which was one of the oppressed nationalities of Tsarist Russia, developed in the framework of the All-Russian economy, which was facilitated by the location of Chuvashia on the banks of the Volga - the most important economic artery of the country. Especially here, in mind the years of the Great October Socialist Revolution, when the Chuvash people, together with the great Russian people, rose against the general enemy, and Soviet times, when the Chuvash people have developed in the socialist nation as a result of the victory of socialism in the USSR.


The question of the origin of the Chuvash people can get a satisfactory decision only if it is considered in an inextricable connection with the question of the origin of all other peoples of Volga-Kamya and primarily with the question of origin tatar people.

As a result of the works of Soviet archaeologists, ethnographers, anthropologists and linguists, it was currently established that the ways of ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars in the main features were the same as the paths of the Chuvash ethnogenesis. The Tatar people have developed in the end of the long development of local tribes and mix them with Turkic-speaking Bulgarian elements that penetrated the Volga-Kamie in the last quarter of the first millennium N. e. The well-known role in the Tatar ethnogenesis has been played, undoubtedly, also the Tatar-Mongolian conquest, especially the formation on the ruins of the Volga Bulgaria of Kazan Khanate. During this period, the Kipchak (Polovtsy) elements were penetrated into the local medium, which made the bulk of the population of the European part of the Golden Horde 20.

By establishing a significant community of ethnogonic fate of the Chuvash and Tatar peoples, it is necessary to answer another question: how should the differences between these peoples should be explained, why in the region of Volga-Kamya at the site of the Bulgarian state there was not one Turkic-speaking people, and two are Chuvash and Tatar? The resolution of this issue goes beyond archaeological data and can be given mainly on the basis of ethnographic and linguistic materials. Therefore, we do not apply for a solution to this issue and stop at it only because there was some tendency here, with which it is impossible to reconcile.

We are talking about attempts to some researchers to turn the Bulgarian inheritance into the bellager object between the Tatar and Chuvash peoples, whereas it is obvious that it is the same common property of both peoples, which is the inheritance Kievan Rus For Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. Attempts these took place, in particular, at the scientific session, devoted to the issues of the origin of the Tatar people held in Moscow in 1946

So, A. P. Smirnov, who gave on the basis of archaeological data a very convincing picture of the ethnogenesis of the Tatar people in the above plan, sees the difference between the Tatars and Chudov, that tatars are descendants of the alleged Bulgarian actually, while Chuvashi - descendants of the Bulgarian tribe of Suwarov 21. Such a conclusion, supported by some other researchers, is, however, in contradiction with the concept of A. P. Smirnov itself. The contradiction is

20 nationals. "The origin of the Kazan Tatars", Kazan, 1948.

21 cm. Ibid, p. 148.

not only is that aliens - Bulgarians - again turn out to be the main ancestor of the Tatar and Chuvash peoples here, which does not correspond to the actual data, how much is that the Bulgarians themselves are depicted in essence as two monolithic ethnic groups, which in reality was not . As mentioned above, the Bulgarian tribes of the Azov region were ethnically a very motley education. It is assumed that within the Volga Bulgaria with its lively trade life there were Bulgarians and Suwars as two different ethnic groupsOf course, it is not necessary.

It is impossible not to stop at the attempts of some Tatar linguists to consider the Tatar people as direct descendants of the Volga Bulgarians, and the Chuvash - only as one of the tribes that were part of the state of Volzhskoy Bulgaria. "Kazan Tatar language is a direct continuation of the Bulgarian language," says A. B. Bulatov. "It is impossible to conclude," he says here, "the Chuvahs that they are direct descendants of Bulgaria" 22. Archaeological data is resolutely protest against the views of this kind. We have seen above that Bulgarian cities were located on the territory of Chuvashia, powerful earth shafts stretching for tens of kilometers, and the castles of the Bulgarian nobility. In South Chuvashia, there was a center of one of the Bulgarian principalities; This was by no means a deaf province of Volzhskaya Bulgaria. In the territory of the Tataria, there were also similar city and rural feudal centers, where the local population was mixed with Bulgarian. In some areas of Tataria, as in the north of Chuvashia, there are places where Bulgarian cities and feudal possessions were not. Living here the population undoubtedly kept his ancient time for a long time specific features Culture. What reason to put the Chuvash people to another attitude to Bulgarian inheritance than the people of Tatar?

According to Turcologists, Chuvash is the oldest among Turkic languages \u200b\u200b23. On this basis, some linguists make conclusions about some special antiquity of the Chuvash people. According to R. M. Raimov, Chuvashi is the rest of some ancient people, Bulgarians - descendants of Chuvash, and the Tatars are descendants of Bulgaria. As an argument in favor of this fantastic view of R. / L. Raimov gives ethnography data. The culture, life and language of the Chuvash people of the afterborn period, in his opinion, stood allegedly at a lower level of development than culture, life and language of Volzhskoy Bulgaria 24.

All this is undoubtedly deeply mistaken and theoretically untenable. No ancient Chuvash people preceding the Volga Bulgaria in the era of the primitive-communal system, there was no and could not be. It is impossible to compare the culture of the Chuvash village of the afterborn time with the culture of Bulgarian shopping cities, as well as with the culture of the feudal Bulgarian nobility and on this basis to conclude that the koles stood on a lower cultural levelthan Bulgarians. When R. M. Raimov says that Chuvashi could only be considered as descendants of the Bulgarian only if "the level of culture that was achieved in the Bulgarian period was preserved in the Chuvash people," he was entirely in captivity of the notorious uniform theory And idealizes the Bulgarian past. Then a little, goose, what we know about the village of Bulgarian time, testifies to a very primitive patriarchal life, the level of which was incomparably below the old Chuvash life, which allows us

22 Collected. "The origin of the Kazan Tatars", Kazan, 1948, p. 142.

23 cm. Ibid., P. 117.

24 cm. Ibid, p. 144.

restore archeology, ethnography and folklicy. When discussing the issue of the origin of the Tatar people, S. P. Tereev was completely right, when he said the following: "The Bulgarian state was a cultural state in the past. I believe in it conditionally. Yes, the old Bulgar and the new Bulgar-Kazan were cultural centers in the Volga region. But was the whole Bulgaria cultural Center? ... I think, the Bulgaria was not culturally solid education. Old Bulgar and New Bulgar (Kazan), mainly with the population of Bulgarian tribes, stand out as a magnificent developed shopping centers Among the barbaric tribes included in this state "25.

How can it be possible to explain the difference between the culture and the language of the Chuvash and Tatar peoples? Why did two Turkic-speaking people arose in Volgo-Kama, and not one? Our assumptions regarding this issue in the most short features Go down to the next.

In the middle of the first millennium N. e. In the Volga-Kamie, on the border of the forest and steppe zones, various tribes, South (Conditionally Sarmatian), a group of which began to undergo turquisites were inhabited. In Bulgarian time, when the inhabitants of the steppe fit penetrated here, when there were class Society and statehood and there were shopping cities associated with the East, the process of turkization increased significantly, capturing a wider (not only conditionally Sarmatian) circle of local tribes. In language and ethnicity, all the Volga-Kamsky tribes developed during this period in the general direction, to a certain extent, just as all Eastern Slavic tribes developed in the era of Kievan Rus.

Local tribes who later included in the Tatar people and inhabited below the Volga than the ancestors of Chuvash, has long been much larger than the latter, were associated with the world of steppes. The turkization process could not but deploy more energetically. And at the time when, in the environment of the ancestors of the Chuvash people, this process will not go further of that level, which was achieved in the era of Volga Bulgaria, in the ancestor of the ancestors of the Tatar people, he continued and subsequently. Even in the era of Volzhskaya Bulgaria, Pechenezhsko-Ogzovskaya and Kipchak (Polovtsy) elements penetrated here. During tatar-Mongolian conquest And during the period of existence in the Volga-Kama of the Kazan Khanate, the influx of the Kipchak elements dominating the European part of the Golden Horde could not continue. On Wednesday, the ancestors of the Chuvash people, the Kipchak elements almost did not penetrate. Their language has evolved at the local and old Turkic foundations. This circumstance, which is becoming, and is explained why in Volgo-Kamye not one Turkic-speaking people was formed, but two - Chuvash and Tatar.

Chuvashi ( self-calf - chăvash, châ) - The fifth of the people of Russia.According to the 2010 census, 1 million 435 thousand crusts live on the territory of the country. Their origin, history and peculiar language are considered very ancient.

According to scientists, the roots of this nation are found in the oldest ethnic groups of Altai, China, Central Asia. Bulgarians are considered the closest ancestors of Chuvash, the tribes of which inhabited the extensive territory from the Black Sea region to the Urals. After the defeat of the state, the Volga Bulgaria (14th century) and the fall of Kazan, a part of the Chuvish settled in the forest edges between the rivers of Sura, Sviyaga, Volga and Kama, mixed there with Finno-Ugric tribes.

Chuvashi is divided into two main subecadetnic groups in accordance with the current Volga: verkhovye (vIRAL, tUR.) in the west and northwest of Chuvashia, snow (Anatari) - in the south, except for them in the center of the republic, a group is allocated medium-line (anat yenci). In the past, these groups differed in domestic settlement and material culture. Now the differences are increasingly smoothed.

The self-confusion of the Chuvash, according to one of the versions, directly dates back to the ethnonym of the part of the "Bulgara-speaking" Turbs: * ČōŠ → ČuWaš / Čuwaš Čuvaš / Čuvaš. In particular, the name of the Savirov tribe ("Suvaz", "Suvaz" or "Suas"), mentioned by the Arab authors of the X century (Ibn Fadlan), many researchers consider the Turkic adaptation of the Bulgarian name "Suvar".

In Russian sources, the ethnonym "Chuvash" is first found in 1508. In the XVI century, Chuvashi became part of Russia, at the beginning of the twentieth century they received autonomy: since 1920, the Autonomous Region since 1925 - the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1991, the Republic of Chuvashia as part of the Russian Federation. Capital of the Republic - Cheboksary.

Where do Choudas say and in what language

The main part of the Chuvash (814.5 thousand people, 67.7% of the region's population) lives in the Chuvash Republic. It is located in the east of the East European Plain, mainly on the Right Bank of the Volga, between her tributaries, Sura and Sithow. In the West, the republic borders with the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the north - with the Republic of Mari El, in the East - with Tatarstan, in the south - with the Ulyanovsk region, in the south-west - with the Republic of Mordovia. Chuvashia enters the Volga Federal District.

Outside of the republic, a significant part of the crude compactly lives in Tatarstan (116.3 thousand people), Bashkortostane (107.5 thousand), Ulyanovskaya(95 thousand people.) And Samara (84.1 thousand) regions Siberia.. A small part - outside the Russian Federation,

Chuvash language belongs to bulgarian Turkic group language family And represents the only living language of this group. In Chuvash, it is highlighted with horseback ("okal") and the lower ("indicating") dialect. On the basis of the latter, a literary language was formed. The Turkic Runic Alphabet was the earliest, replaced by the X-XV centuries. Arabic, and in 1769-1871 - Russian Cyrillic, to which the special signs then added.

Features of the appearance of Chuvash

From an anthropological point of view, most Chuvash refers to the European-like type with a certain share of the Mongoloid. Judging by the materials of research, the mongoloid features dominate 10.3% of the crude. And about 3.5% of them are relatively pure mongoloids, 63.5% relate to mixed mongoloid-European types with a predominance of European-like features, 21.1% represent various European types such as dark and elongated and light-eyed, and 5.1 % are subject to sublaponoid types, with weakly pronounced mongoloid signs.

From the point of view of the genetics of the Chuvashi are also an example of a mixed race - 18% of them are the Slavic Gaplogroup R1A1, another 18% - the Ugro-Finnish N, and 12% - Western European R1B. 6% have a Jewish haplogroup J, which is most likely from Khazar. The relative majority - 24% are a haplogroup I characteristic of Northern Europe.

Elena Zaitseva

Chuvashi (Chuvash. Chăvashsem) - Turkic people, main population Chuvash Republic (Russia). The number of about 1.5 million, of which $ 1 million in Russia according to the 2010 census results. In Chuvashia, approximately half of all the crude living in Russia live, the rest live in almost all regions of Russia, and a small part - outside the Russian Federation, the greatest groups in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
According to the latest research, Chuvashi is divided into three ethnographic groups:
high Chuvashi (Vir Seryal or Tour) - North-West Chuvashia;
Medium-line chuvashi (Anat Yenchi) - Northeast Chuvashia;
Low Chuva (Anatar) - South Chuvashia and beyond;
Steppe Chuvashi (Hitty) is a subgroup of the lower churches living in the south-east of the republic, allocated by some researchers living in the south-east of the republic.

Traditional clothing clearly reflects the historical development, social and natural conditions of existence, aesthetic preferences, as well as the ethno-group and ethno-territorial features of the Chuvash people. The basis of female I. male clothes was a white shirt kĕpe.
It was made from a single hemp of hemp (prerequisite) canvas, frightened in half and stitched along the longitudinal line. The sidewalls were closed with straight inserts and wedges, expanding the book with a silhouette of a shirt. Straight and narrow sleeves with a length of 55-60 cm have been sewn at right angles and supplemented with a square lastride.

Women's shirts had a height of 115-120 cm and a central thoracic cut. They are ornamed with embroidered patterns on both sides of the chest, on the sleeves, along the longitudinal seams and the pic. The contour of the patterns was performed by black threads, the red color prevailed in their colors, the green, yellow and dark blue were added extra. The main patterns were chestted sockets Kĕskĕ or diamond-shaped soupbean figures (Pashtĕr, Kÿnchĕk, Kĕsel) from red domain or sortsal tapes.
Men's shirts had a height of 80 cm and ornamed modest. Right-sided pectoral incision was highlighted by strips of an embroidered pattern and red ribbons, as well as a triangular red stripe.

At the end of the XIX century, the Anatar's headed group spread shirts of colored domain canvas ulacha in a blue or red cage. They were decorated with stripes from a stern on the chest and shoulders, and on the hemp - 1-2 flips from the colored factory fabric or a colored domain canvas. On top of the shirt was told the apron of churoviti - ornamented, from white canvas or color, from red, blue, green motley. The rigid chuvashi wore a white scruting apron with a bib, decorated with patterns on a subsidence.
We were rejected by 1-2 belts of pivihhi and closed the back of the shape of the pendants of different types: Ancient jewelry from tubes and black fritters hunk, embroidered supplies of Sară, on the sides - pair suspension brightness. Until the 20th century, Chuvash had a special kind of swinging ritual clothing like a traditional robe - white straight neckline. It was distinguished by long narrow sleeves and rich ornamentation with a combination of embroidery and appliqués at the top, along the sides and the pic. The mandatory affiliation of female and men's clothing was white pants with a wide step, up to ankle or higher.

Festive and ritual hats are diverse and decorative. Girls wore rounded rugged hats, decorated with bead sewing and silver coins. Married women necessarily covered the head of the Surpan - a white strip of a thin canvas with ornamented ends, which descended on the shoulder and along the back. On the usual days, on top of Surpan, they were bodied similar in shape, but a narrower head dressing Puç Tuchri (or Surpan Tutri), and for the holidays - the elegant headdress of Hushpu, which was distinguished by a rich mint decor and the presence of a vertical species. In the form, 5-6 local species of Hushpu can be distinguished: cylindrical, hemispherical, rounded with a small vertex, like a high or low truncated cone, as well as the fitting hoop.

A single ensemble with elegant headboards was decorated from coins, beads, beads, corals and cauri shells. They had a sign, functional and aesthetic meaning, distinguishing on women's and maiden, and by location on the figure - on head, cervical, shoulder, cheerful, waist.

Outerwear and shoes
Robusts, kaftans Săhman, winter-fitted coats Kĕrĕk were used as demi-season clothing, and a long-range trim was dressed up for long journeys. Men's hats did not differ in multi-forming: tied cloth hats with fields, fur caps ĕĕ.

The casual shoes were woven from the Lapovy Lykti (çyapata), which the rigid chuvashi was wore with black cloth onchs, and the grassroots - with white woolen or cloudy stockings (Tăl Chălha). Festive shoes were leather boots or shoes, in the riding group - high boots in the harmonica. Since the end of the 19th century, high women's leather shoes on lacing began to appear. Winter shoes served white, gray and black boots.
Like most peoples of the Volga region, children's clothing was like an adult, but did not have rich ornamental and sign decorations.

Since the 1930s, traditional clothes everywhere began to replace urban clothing. However, in the rural environment, national complexes are preserved to date almost everywhere, especially in remote areas. Mostly, they are used as a festive and ritual clothing, as well as in folk-scenic activities. Traditions folk costume Many people and artists develop in the work of many people and artists, in the work of enterprises of folk artistic fields.

Modern fashion designers do not reconstruct the traditional outfit, and create costumes images on the basis of associative ideas and the study of museum scripts. They seek to understand the origin and meaning of patterns, preserve the value of handmade and natural materials. The most active and talented participate in the prestigious contests of modern fashion at the regional and Russian levels.

Rural masters make festive costumes for national weddings in villages and cities. In such updated outfits, genuine Hushpu and decorations are sometimes used. They still retain their importance as the most important semantic, aesthetic and sacred center of the Chuvash costume.


Source of information and photo:
The team is wetting.
Official portal authorities of the Chuvash Republic
Brief Chuvash Encyclopedia
Ashmarin N. I. Bulgarians and Chuvashi - Kazan: 1902.
Ashmarar N. I. Ancient Bulgarians. - Kazan: 1903.
Braslavsky L. Yu. Orthodox churches Chuvashia - Chuvash Book Publishing House. Cheboksary, 1995.
Dimitriev V.D. Peaceful accession of Chuvashia to Russian state Cheboksary, 2001.
Ivanov L. M. Prehistory of the Chuvash people
Ivanov V. P., Nikolaev V. V., Dimitriev V. D. Chuvashi: Ethnic history and traditional culture Moscow, 2000.
Kakhovsky V. F. The origin of the Chuvash people. - 2003.
Nikolaev V. V., Ivanov-Orkov. - Moscow - Cheboksary - Orenburg, 2002. 400 p. Ill.
Nikolsky N. V. Short course ethnography Chuvash. Cheboksary, 1928.
Nikolsky N. V. Collected Works. - In 4 tons. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bFair. kn. Publishing House, 2007-2010.
Peoples of Russia: scenic album, St. Petersburg, typography of the Partnership "Public Use", December 3, 1877, Art. 317.
Petrov-Tejpi M. P. On the origin of Chuvash.
Chuvashi // Bashkortostan (Atlas). - M.: Design. Information. Cartography, 2010. - 320 p. - ISBN ISBN 5-287-00450-8
Chuvashi // Peoples of Russia. Atlas cultures and religions. - M.: Design. Information. Cartography, 2010. - 320 p. - ISBN 978-5-287-00718-8

One of the most numerous peoples of the Volga region, has long become "its" in the family of Russian peoples.
What is more curious to know that his history and origin is the subject of fierce battles of historians and anthropologists!
Chuvish Rodnili with the most different nations The past and present and with anyone they do not have direct kinship.
So who are they really?

Invisible people of the Volga region

Despite the fact that the Volga region was on the outskirts of the civilizations of antiquity, his peoples were well known.
About Mordve, Mariers and Cheremis people mention long to Slavs!
The Herodotes and Jordan are written about the well-recognizable signs of these peoples, but about Chuvashah or a word ...

The Arab Traveler Ibn Fahdlan, in the 10th century, described in detail the local peoples, but did not see the Chuvish.
King King Joseph, wrote to his Jewish one in Spain, on subordinate peoples, but again without the Chuvash!
And even in the 13th century, the Hungarian monk Julian and the famous Rashid-hell-Dean crossed the Chuvashia along and across, but they did not see such a nation.

Nevertheless, there is a steady version that Chuvashi is not just the indigenous people of these places, but even the descendants of Hunov Attila!

Riders Attila or peaceful farmers?

Hun hypothesis

Traditionally, the Chuvash consider the descendants of the people suar-Svwar which was relative to the Khazarians and Bulgaram, developed somewhere in the steppes Central Asia And together with the Huns came to Europe.
Some Savirov, as part of the Sarmatian world, mentions Strama, and in myths siberian Tatars, there is a legend about how they walked these lands from the people suarwho went to the West.
Thus, Savirs could be one of the eastern branches of Sarmat, who early met with Turks and Gunns, after which they came to Europe under the banners of Attila, being a strongly mixed people.
After the murder of Attila and defeat his sons with a battle with hepids, with the recent, the remnants of Gunnov left in the Black Sea region, and from there further to the east, where Mixing with Aboriginal Finno-Ugrons, became chuvas.

The proof provides undoubtedly Turkic language of the Chuvash and a pronounced-mixed Mongoloid appearance and, in general, nothing more!

Bulgarian hypothesis

Another version, withdraws the crown from the population of the Volga Bulgaria, which broke down after the conquest of her Batym and some part of the tribe settled in the current Chuvashia.
In favor of the version says DNA genealogy - showing large percentage Haplotypes R1A in Chuvash and at the Bulgar, which relates to both Sarmatians.
But linguists strongly opposed, as Bulgars spoke on typical Western Turkic language, which is relative, but is very different from Chuvash.
it cousins, not direct rhodiers.

Khazar version

There are grounds, suspect the strongest Khazar influence in the Chuvash: a huge number of parallels from Chuvash language with the language of the Jewish rulers of Khazaria (about 300 similar words).
Even the name of the Supreme Divine "Torams" suspiciously coincides with the Holy Book of Judaism.
In the 19th century, this version was very popular

From the Khazar Kaganata carried Chuvashi and their ethnonym "Chuvash". They acquired him during the time of the uprising of Kavarov, when a split occurred among the Khazar.
As is well known, the rebellion of Kavarov occurred shortly after the religious reform of Kagan Obaddia, erected Judaism in the rank of state religion.
The uprising was raised by Khazary Muslims, outraged by providing the privileges of Judaists and the infringement of their own rights.
It was then that was the split of the Khazar people into two branches: at the rebels, nicknamed kavarai.(from Chuvash word kavar"Conspiracy, conspirators, frond") and on a peaceful Khazar who did not participate in the mouse and nicknamed chuvashami(from Chuvash-Turkic-Iranian jUASH, YUASH("Peaceful, Smart, Quiet").

Anthropology Chuvasha

Chuvashi - usually possess mixed european-water-mongoloid features.
And prevail, oddly enough for this region, mixes with southern Europeanoids, not in northern, like a face or perm.
Currentity, in general, prevailing typical mongoloids no more than 10% of the population.
But the appearance of the Chuvash is quite recognizable: small or medium height, with dark eyes and hair, dark skin, wide and flattened face, small eyes and a short, wide nose.
Men weakened the growth of beard and mustache, women often have excessive fat accumulation on male type in the area of \u200b\u200bshoulders and abdomen.
The length of the body is larger than the length of the legs, the head shape is round with a massive face and a weakly pronounced chin.

Language of Chuvasha

With all the influence of the Khazar words, as well as the differences in the written language of the Volga Bulgaria and Chuvashsky, the language of this people is unambiguously recognized by the Turkic and the only one live language of the Bulgar group.

Who are such chuvashi and from whom have happened?

Today it is obvious that Chuvashi have a large proportion of the haplotypes of the Indo-European population, and very ancient - the Andronovtsians of Western Siberia, who were the ancestors of the Altai Scythians and Sarmatov, as well as Avar.
This people were early mixed with early Turks: Huns, and then Bulgarians and Khazars.
Then they were joined by the indigenous inhabitants of the Volga region, close to the Finno-Ugrics, and possibly the West Siberian essays took part in the folding of this nation.

From such a cocktail of the backgammon, a very mixed ethnos turned out, where the obvious mongoloid signs of the people are combined with the Turkic language, the Finno-Ugric customs and the obvious influence of Tatar-Mongols and Khazar on the Chuvash Language Base.