What is the allegory. Allegory is allegoric translated from Greek

What is the allegory. Allegory is allegoric translated from Greek
What is the allegory. Allegory is allegoric translated from Greek

1) detailed comparison; 2) In the visual art - the personification of the distracted concepts, properties and qualities in the form of a certain character, creature or subject.

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As a rule, under the allegory understand " literary reception or the type of image, the basis of which is allegory: Imprinting a speculative idea in the subject. " In the allegory there are two plans: figurative and semantic, but it is "the" semantic plan is primary: the image fixes any more given idea. " In the "poetic dictionary" by A. Kattykovsky allegory is defined as "an image of an abstract idea through a specific, distinct image represented." The perception of allegorical imagery involves the rationalistic exhaustion of the meaning, a kind of liberation "idea" from the "body", the picturesque nature of the "object" of the image, which makes the allegory of a fundamentally opposite symbol that is not designed for such an intellectual operation and not having, unlike allegory, A rigidly defined value or set of values. The opposition of the allegory and the symbol was actualized in aesthetics and practice of symbolism. J. Seaas in the article "Symbolism" (1885, 1886) wrote that although "Symbolistic poetry is trying to dress the idea of \u200b\u200btangible shape", at the same time, "never comes to knowing the idea of \u200b\u200bhimself." Allegory and can be understood as the idea-in-one's idea. The symbol, considered against the background of the allegory or emblem, appears in the form of an infinite meaning "perspective" that does not have a certain conceptual semantic "bottom". According to the well-known poetic formula S. Mallarm from his sonnet "The Tomb of Edgar By", "the idea is not given to cast in the bas-relief." The initiality of the semantic plan of the allegory can be comprehended and as a given semantic conceptualization in the process of creating an allegorical imagery. The artist was to be in the process of creativity as it were to "wear", "Correct" in the figurative texture already ready and formed ideas. The symbol, on the contrary, is focused on the emerging conceptualization in the very process of creativity, and the logic and meaning of this formation, as it were, are hidden and independent of the intellectual efforts of the author-creator. " Real symbol- Writes M. Meterlink, - besides the will of the author himself. " Lit-Ra: A. Kvyatkovsky. Poetic dictionary. - M., 1966; L. Sch. Allegory // Literary encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1987; A. E. Makhov. Allegory // Poetics: Dictionary of relevant terms and concepts. - M., 2008; Jean Seaas. Manifesto symbolism // Foreign literature XX century. Reader. Ed. N. P. Mikhalskaya and B. I. Purishev. - M., 1981; M. Meterlink. [About symbol] // Foreign literature of the 20th century. Reader. Ed. N. P. Mikhalskaya and B. I. Purishev. - M., 1981; French symbolism: dramaturgy and theater. - St. Petersburg, 2000; Z.G. MINT. Modernism in art and modernist in life // Z. Mintz. Poetics of Russian symbolism. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

The term "allegory" occurred from the Greek word meaning "allegory". This concept is an expression of an abstract, distracted content of thought (judgments, concepts) with a specific image. That's what an allegory is. An example is an image of death as a skeleton with oblique, as well as justice in the form of a woman whose eyes are tied, there are scales in one hand, and in the other - a sword.

In Allegoria, so specific image Acquires abstract meaning. He is generalized. The concept is contemplated through this image. This element of abstract content, which makes a specific image of a service with respect to judgment or the concept hiding behind it, is the allegory of her characterlike. The value is in itself is not artistic element, and the fact that it is in one way or another is always present in the allegory, in the eyes of many there is a question of the last to artistic techniques.

Double nature of allegory

In fact, having a dual nature - a logical confinement (connection of the image with a specific concept) and the poetic correlation of the particular expression of the allegory in pure form It should be attributed to the category of so-called applied poetry. But this does not mean, however, that the allegorical image itself cannot be artistic. It all depends on the degree of underlining it with an expressed facility, from the measure of its independence. The more allegorical significance is emphasized, the more accurate is the correspondence between the expressed idea and the way the image is painted, diminishing its artistic value and independence. IN such cases A specific expression is directed towards the idea, that is, the image has some trend.

Especially clearly it affects various didactic poetic genresthat use such a means as an allegory. Examples: Bass, parable. They are usually built entirely on this technique. It is also characteristic of other allegorical works, the basis of which constitutes the intention to illustrate or explain to specific something abstract.

Emotional painting of abstract thoughts when using allegory

And vice versa, the more bright, the independence and specificity of the image seems to be directly directly than a logical correlation with an expressed idea less consistently carried out, the artistic is an allegory. In this case, the most abstract thought can get an emotional color, acquire a fiction and concrete visibility that an allegory receives. An example - expressed in the poem of Tyutchev, in the last stubborn ("went, the Lord, his reflection") a figurative allegory, developed throughout the other four stanz. The same seems to be the artistic implementation of the "three keys" from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's distracted concepts of oblivion, inspiration and adolescence. It is also the means as an allegory. Examples from fictionpresent in the work of other authors, we will give a little lower.

Where can the allegory be used?

This tool is very common in different areas art. Allegory, examples of which we led how allegory has the most close relationship with the metaphor, is considered often as a common, developed metaphor or as a number of images that are combined into a single closed integer. It is carried out not only in poetry, but also in various plastic arts. Such as a sculpture or allegory in painting, examples of which - "Mercy" Charles Lebedna, "Allegory of Painting" Jan Vermeer.

Allegory in literature

It is distributed for the image of artistic reality, is used traditionally as in book Literatureand in folklore. A dictionary of literary terms determines this tool as an image through a specific image of a distracted concept.

Allegory, examples of fourth literature of which will be considered by us just below, is very often used in bass and fairy tales. In them, under the guise of animals, they can imply different human vice. Allegorically important political and historical events can be depicted.

In Russian literature, the masters of using this fund were I. A. Krylov and M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Each in its genre, they created magnificent samples of works (allegorical). The use of this reception in both authors is complex.

"Will Piskary"

Always under the outer layer is hidden by philosophical, more deep meaning, has several values \u200b\u200bof these writers of allegory. An example is the fairy tale of the "Will Pischar" written by Saltykov-generous, in which the type of so-called moderate liberal is depicted under the guise of a small fish. This is always afraid of his life, a cowardly person. He is not interested in anything else. He burned out from the world Piskary, deprived himself all the joys, did not benefit anyone. He did not want to fight for his rights, for his life, preferring the whole century. There is a legitimate of the existence of this liberal piscory. The author concludes that such people cannot be called citizens, as it is just useless piscaries. From them, no one is cold, neither heat or dishonor, or honor. They are just a gift occupy a place yes eating food. It is clear that the author of the work implies depicting promotrated Piskary, supporters of liberalism - political direction. Summarizing the image is more widely, we can say that there are also other passive citizens who look at the ongoing lawless authorities and are silent, fearing for their own life. But, besides this meaning, modern Saltykov-generous, can be found in this fairy tale and the eternal: in order to live a bright, full-fledged life and unfortunate about empty years in old age, you should live, go to the fate towards being open to her, win, risk , not be afraid of everything.

"Wolf and lamb"

No less multi-layered Basni Krylov. Under the everyday, current sense, the universal deep ideas are hidden in them, which expresses allegory. An example is the fable "Wolf and a lamb", depicting the relationship between the people and the power, modern author, is the interaction between subordinates and all-in-room. At the same time, there is also a relationship between weak and strong in any sphere of our life. Often, unfortunately, a dishonest person, having met in his way more weak, trying to prove his power and strength to him, in every way mocking anything in anything in any way.

"Bear on Voivodeship"

And the wings, and Saltykov-Shchedrin in their works follow the traditions of the people. Most often, therefore, they bring human flavors, as well as public events, depicting them in the form of animals, the lives of various animals and birds. But we can easily recognize hints, we understand on separate items, as I wanted to say the author. For example, in one fairy tale of Saltykov-Shchedrin, called "Bear on Voivodship" Author under the Toptygin series implies the town teams who were sent in order to clean up order. In Folklore, the Bear is an personification of ignorance, rough strength, stupidity. The Saltykov-Shchedrin of this interpretation is adhered. His city leaders are shown as stupid barbarians who destroy everything on their way. Their main concern is in every way to heal before the superior - bosses. Do not care for people on the fate of the people.

In the image of the bear, the wings also displays various chiefs. For example, in the Basna called "Bear at Bee" depicts casnocrad, which was admitted to the state good. In his Berloga, Mishka dragged all honey. The bear here is represented as "Old Plut", a shameless thief.

Works depicting the helplessness of the Lord

We use both of these author and another type of allegory. In their works, people become quite often the heroes. Through a specific situation, various human defects are submitted here. More from Saltykov-Shchedrin than Krylov can find topical works. This writer, as you know, fought actively with public defects, speaking for the abolition of serfdom, having ridiculed the arrogant gazing, who could not step without "uneducated" and "dirty" men. Some of the most famous fairy tales created by the Saltykov-Shchedrin are dedicated to this topic. This is a "wild landowner" and "a story about how one man's two generals attacked."

Received in these fabulous situations the helplessness of the presented landowners. They are not able to survive without the use of the peasants. Without a man's supervision in everyday life The landowners are doomed to the wild. Absolutely deprived them of all the skills of the centuries-old life in which the serfdom existed. These gentlemen turn out to be capable only to "eat", "to play the ball", so to scold the "semietary" men.

In the two presented fairy tales, the situation was shown in allegorical form, which was characteristic of the contemporary author of the author, when there was a question of the cancellation of serfdom at the head of the corner.

"Wolf on Psarn"

In Krylov, we can also find many relevant bass. Its works are almost all written as a response to a public event in the field of art or politics. For example, everyone knows that the fable "Wolf on Psarn" depicts the allegorically events of 1812, the Patriotic War, or rather, attempt to Napoleon to start peaceful negotiations with Russia. Measured under the wolf Bonaparte, and M.I. Kutuzov is depicted in the form of a gray catcher. After hitting Russia (on the dog), the wolf itself is not happy. Crash for him became hell. This hero is decided to join the negotiations, but the catchnye does not give in to cunning tricks.

"Demianan Ear"

Consider another well-known fables of this writer under the name "Demianov Ear." The work this ridiculed the meetings that arranged "Russian-word lovers." Depicting a household scene in which Demyan, a warm owner, flows the ear of his guest so that he is not able to stand up from behind the table, the wings meant this very meeting of writers, in which the writers of the Pieces brought "to the white casting" listeners of various " creations. " This scene is an example of using such a means as an allegory, examples from the Krylov Bassen of which we already led. The moral of the work says that if you do not know how to silent and not regret your neighbor, you should know that there will be no prose and verses of such an author.

The use of folk allegory in works

These virtuosois were I.A. Wings and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin to use such a reception as an allegory. Examples from literature created by these authors, which we led, as well as their other works entered the treasury cultural heritage. These writers, using the tradition of allegories in the people's presentation, complicated and developed it in their works. Both author created both relevant, topical works and philosophical, universal deep creations. No wish to this day remain your favorite writers these creators of fairy tales and fables for readers of all ages.

We looked at such a thing as an allegory. Examples from literature In this article, only some were presented. In fact, they are much more. 5 examples of the allegories allocated by us in the headlines are only one of the brightest works. It will be very interesting to get acquainted with other creations of Krylov and Saltykov-Shchedrin. Examples of allegories in Russian due to the work of these and other authors today are very numerous. This tool enriches our speech. Widely used today in oral speech allegory. Examples of proposals depicting as living creatures such as love, death, glory, justice, try to make yourself.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Allegory is an ancient Greek word, and in translating it means " allegory».

It is believed that the very first one who began to actively use this technique in their works was the Basinist Ezop.

The fact is that Ezop was a slave. He wanted to make fun of the behavior and habits of his owners, but to do it in the open one inevitable death. So he came up with his own language, which completely consisted of hints, allegory and secret symbols.

Allegory is a masking of true meaning

A little lower definition of this term will be given, but first I want to continue the topic of its appearance. Just below, you can see the images of the author of this method of artistic speech (trail) - Ezopa.

Most often, he portrayed people in the form of animals, hanging them with the corresponding habits and character traits. And everyone, including the Lord, really liked the works of Ezop.

They gladly read them, without even suspecting that they laugh at this moment on themselves - with their vices and disadvantages. Later even appeared such a term as " Ezopov Language».

Now the promised determination of the allegory:

Very often in literary works and in ordinary life We encounter such compliance:

An example of allegory in modern literature

In front of you now excerpt one of the most famous poems Boris Pasternak "Winter Night". Read and answer a simple question - what is it about?

Melo, Chalot throughout the Earth
In all limits.
Candle burned on the table,
Candle burned.
On the illuminated ceiling
Laid the shadows
Hand crosses, leg crosses,
Fate crossed.
Chalk all month in February
And that's the point
Candle burned on the table,
Candle burned.

If you understand everything literally, it seems to be a picture clear. Before mental gaze, a harsh Russian winter is drawn, somewhere stands a lonely home. Everything is happening in some village, since there is no electricity, and the house is lit with candles. Well, inside there are two lovers who are periodically having sex. Looks like it's true? That's just not the droplets right.

To understand the meaning of the "Winter Night", you need to represent who Pasternak is. This is a rebel, beloved. The author who has long been banned in the USSR. And it would be strange to assume that he suddenly wrote such a banal love lyrics. And he did not write her! In this poem hidden much deeper meaning:

See, it seems to be a banal picture of winter Pasternak described one of the main laws of the universe. And it is better to say - disguised one in the other. This is an allegory.

Allegoria in Krylov's fables

The mass of the allegory uses in his fables and Ivan the wings. In each work, the main characters are animals. But in them we can easily learn human behavioral manners or actions, often not the most correct and exemplary.

The wings are very clearly ridiculed by human flavors or, on the contrary, praises the dignity. In each animal encrypted some kind of character:

But wings hides under allegory not only charactersBut even the entire foundations of life, the relationship between different layers of society and historical moments. A bright example is the fable "Wolf and a lamb".

Strong always powerless to blame:
In history, we are thinking of examples.

According to the plot, the wolf stresses and disgraces the lamb in every way, who dreamed of drinking water from the same stream as he. But not about this pair of animals. Over the images of the wolf and lamb of the wings hid the power of the property and simple people.

And there is a Basinista and a different work - "Wolf on Psarn".

Wolf at night, thinking to climb into sheepskirts,
Hit on the dog.
Suddenly suddenly the whole pot yard -
I expect gray so close to the gown.

In this bass, the wings skillfully disguised the events of 1812. Then Napoleon (Wolf), realizing that Russia would not overcome Russia, tried to spend peace negotiations.

But in the end, our commander led by Kutuzov did not bought this and drove the French army to Paris himself. And the fable just ends with the fact that an experienced catcher (Kutuzov) did not go to negotiations with Wolf (Napoleon) and lowered all dogs on him.

Other examples of allegories in literature

Of course, not only in Krylov, and not only in the fables we encounter allegory. For example, many tales Saltykov-Shchedrin full of allegory. Most bright example - "Will Pescar".

After all, under the mask of a little fish, which decided to exhaust themselves from everything in the world, not to put in any one, not to help anyone and live only for himself, you can consider passive people. They do not strive for anything, do not try to break into the very top, do not fight for improving their own life. And the author makes a fair conclusion that from such creatures (whether it is a fish or person) there is no benefit.

From them, no one is cold, neither heat or dishonor, or honor. They are just a gift occupy a place yes eating food.

One more example - "Song about the petrel" Maxim Gorky. After all, it is not about a bird, although it is the main character.

Stupid penguin timidly hides the body fat in the cliffs ... Only a proud petrel reheres boldly and freely over gray-sided from foam by the sea! ... storm! Soon the storm is born!

Penguins in this case - gray mass. People who are trembling in front of the government and are afraid to resist her. And the petrel is bolt, who are ready to challenge and dream of old orders.

The same discontent with centuries can be found and in the work of Alexander Blok.

Wagons walked the usual line,
Shuddered and creaked;
Silent yellow and blue,
In green cried and sang.

Although it is necessary to clarify what the author means. IN pre-revolutionary Russia The composition of the train consisted of multicolored wagons. In the first and second grade (yellow and blue) we went to the rich, and the simple people juts in less comfortable cars of the third grade (green).

But in this case, the block, of course, does not mean some particular train.

Through the allegory, he describes the overall way of life in the country - the rich enjoy and do not want to notice anything around, and the poor does not have anything to be silent and tolerate.

As an allegory, some authors use family character. For example, Gogol has a companion and Treipkin-Lapkin. Fonvizina - Pravdin and spaces. Griboedov - Molchanin and Scalozub. And as soon as we see, we immediately understand what character from a hero, and how the author himself belongs to him.

Than allegory differs from metaphor

Attentive reader can ask a question - what difference of allegory from metaphor? After all, both of these concepts imply allegory.

The essence is really the same - through bright images to strengthen the value written. That's just a scale here different. As a rule, just one word, which is very noteworthy by character or properties.

For example, golden hands, silence silence, running time. And here allegory can take the form of a whole work. It is richer and deeper in meaning. And sometimes it is even so difficult that not every reader will be able to solve its meaning.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Dictionary Ushakov


allego Riya [ale], allegory, wives. (greek. Allegoria).

1. Allegory, visual, artistic expression of abstract concepts by means of a specific image ( lit.). This poem is full of allegory.

2. only units. Allegorization, allegorical meaning. In all the bass, some allegory is.

3. only mN. Misty, incomprehensible speech, absurdity ( simple.). "He climbed such allegory and escakes, that, it seems, the century would not have achieved a sense." Gogol. You do not dive me allegory, but speak straight.

Pedagogical speech. Dictionary dictionary


(greek. Allegoria - allegory) - a trail (see trails), consisting in an allegorical image of an abstract concept or thought with a specific life Image. For example, in fables and fairy tales, the trick is shown in the form of fox, greed - in the wolf damping, cunning in the form of a snake, etc., is based on the convergence of phenomena on the correlation of their essential parties, qualities or functions and refers to the group of metaphoric paths. Do not mix A. with a symbol, the latter is more multi-rival and deprived of accuracy, certainty of an allegorical image.

Power A. is that it is capable of personifying the concept of humanity about justice, good, evil, various moral qualities. The goddess of the Femid, which Greek and Roman sculptors depicted with blindfolded eyes and weights forever remained the incarnation of justice. Snake and Bowl - A. Healing, Medicine. Biblical sayings: "Skip down the oral" - an allegorical appeal to the world, by the end of the wars. Many A. are obliged to their origin ancient custom cultural traditions (cf. coat of arms, emblems), folklore - mainly fairy tales about animals, Greek and Roman mythology, bible, etc.

Most often, A. are found in the visual arts (for example, the fresco of "fasteners and dogs" in Florence, drawing the struggle of the church with heretics). The verbal A. is common in riddles (for example, hanging a sieve, not by the hands of a SPOTO (web), proverbs (for example, every kulik praises his swamp), bass ("oak and cane" London-on, "Cobblestone and Almaz" I.A. Krylov), parables (almost all the parables, with whom Jesus Christ appeals to his disciples, were based on A., for example, the parable of the prodigal son, the parable of talents, etc.), morality (assessed drama of the Western European Theater of the Xiv-XVI centuries. ). Basic acting persons Morality had characters that personify various virtues and vices and jaying among themselves in the struggle for the soul of a person (the play "prudent and unreasonable", 1439, etc.). Separate allegorical figures have been preserved in the Pieces of M. Cervantes (Numania) and V. Shakespeare (" Winter fairy tale"). A. The most characteristic of medieval art, the art of revival, baroque, classicism.

In foreign realistic literature, allegorical, allegorical character have many works. Thus, the "Penguin Island" A. France is a philosophical allegorical novel, in which the writer traces the main stages of the development of bourgeois civilization. The characters of the novel - Penguins - the personification of human nerazumiya. Stupidity, hypocrisy, religious prejudices are their permanent satellites. Allegorical imagery underlies the "war with Salamandra" K. Chapeka, one of the first anti-fascist novels in foreign literature.

In Russian classic literature A. was a common reception in satirical works M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in the work of A.S. Griboedova, N.V. Gogol (for example, the allegorical surnames of such characters like Scalozub, Molchanin, Sobashievich).

A. Widespread in the poetic language, where the portable values \u200b\u200bof words and phrases, often unusual and new, are used as artistic techniques and give speeches a special expressiveness, a variety of shades of meaning.

Associate A. Secretary and Individual-Copyright.

Second-language A. is known not only in Russian, but also in other modern and ancient languages. Thus, cunning appears in the image of a snake, power - in the image of a lion, slowness - in the image of a turtle, etc. Any allegorical expression may be called. For example, the autumn came may mean: old age has come, faded flowers - the happy days ended, the train went away - there is no return to the past, etc. Such A. also bear a general language, as they are due to the tradition of their use in speech.

Individually copyright a.: For example, in poetry A.S. Pushkin A. undergoes figurative system poems "Arion", "Anchar", "Prophet", "Nightingale and Rosa" and others. at M.Yu. Lermontov allegorical meaning Enclosed in poems "Pine", "three palm trees", etc.

M.V. Lomonosov in the book "Quick Guide to Eloquence" (1748) divided A. to "clean", consisting only of words with portable value (for example, all the riddles, proverbs of type one in the field are not a warrior, on the catcher and the beast runs, etc.), and "mixed", built on the mixture of words with a direct value and words with a portable value (proverbs of type either In the side, either in the stirrup leg, either in the head of his head, or the chest in the crosses, or the head in the bushes, etc.).

M.V. Lomonosov warned: "An allegorical calm is excessively delighted and throughout the measure often this trail is used, and there are noctive those who do not know the genuine beauty of the Word, but are selected by its appearance. A moderately used allegory of the word decorates and elevates, and without measure, often in the word made by one permanently and disks. However, sometimes it serves to excite fear and in the middle of the night is similar, because the hidden scary is more than explicit. "

L.E. Tummin


(greek. Allegoria - allegory). The trail consisting in an allegorical image of an abstract concept with a specific, life image. For example, in the bass and fairy tales, the trick is shown in the form of fox, greed - in the purity of the wolf, cunning - in the form of a snake, etc.

Culturalology. Dictionary dictionary


(greek. - Allegory), the conditional form of statements, in which a visual image means something "other" than he himself, his content remains for him external, being unequivocally enshrined by a cultural tradition or author's will. The concept of A. Close to the concept of a symbol, however, in contrast to A. The symbol is characterized by greater meaningful and more organic uniformity of the image and content, while the meaning of A. exists in the form of some independent of the image of the rational formula, which can be "invested" into the image And then in the act of decryption, remove from it. Eg, bandage on the eyes of a female figure and scales in her hands essence in european tradition A. Fair; It is important that the values \u200b\u200bof meaning ("justice does not look at the faces and takes the attributes of the figure, and not its own one-piece appearance, which would be characteristic of the symbol. Therefore, A. is more often talking in relation to the chain of images, combined into the plot or other "collapsible", amenable to membership of unity; For example, if the trip is a frequent symbol of the spiritual "path", then the journey of the hero of the religious moralistic novel J. Benyan "Path Pilgrim" ("The Pilgrim" s Progress ", 1678-84, in Russian. Per." Pilgrim Travel ", 1878), which goes through the "Fair of Fudget", the "Hill of Difficulties" and "The Valley of humiliation" to the "Heavenly Hoody" - the undisputed A. A. In the forms of personification, parables and fables are characteristic of archaic verbal art as an expression of the backylosophical "wisdom" in its everyday, priest, oraculsky-prophetic and poetic versions. Although the myth is different from A., on the periphery he systematically goes into it. Greek philosophy is born in a sharp repulsion from the wisdom of the myth and wisdom of poets (cf. attacks against Homer, Gesiod and mythology as such from xenophane and heraklite to Plato); because, however, mythological fabul and the poems of Homer occupied a too important place in all Greek life, and the prestige could only be shaken, but was not destroyed, the only way out was allegorical Well interpretation, t. n Allegoreza, which introduced into the myth and in poetry such a meaning, which was needed by a philosophical oriented interpreter. Already for Faegen Regia at the end of the VI century. before and. e. Homer - the victim of a regrettable misunderstanding: the quarrels described by them and the battles of the frivolny gods, if you understand them literally, but everything becomes in our place, if we decide on the teachings of Ionian natural philosophy about the struggle of the elements (Gera - A. Air, Hephaest - A. Fire, Apollo - A. Sun, etc., see Porph. Quaest. Homer. I, 241). For Methodop Lammzaksky at the end of V c. BC e. Homerovsky plots - allegorical fixation of several meanings at once: in the naturalophilosophical plane Achilles - the sun, Hector - Moon, Elena - Earth, Paris - Air, Agamemnon - Ether; In terms of "Microcosm" human body Demeter - Liver, Dionysis - Splezenka, Apollo - bile, etc. At the same time, Anaksagores the same techniques have extracted from the poem of Homer an ethical doctrine "On Virtue and Justice" (DIOG. L. II, 11); This line is continued in antisphen, milestones and stoics interpreted the images of myth and epic as a philosophical ideal of victory over passions. An image of Hercules was particularly energetic rethinking, a predica of the chosen hero of Moralistic A. (the "Herakla's Motive" was the topic of choice between enjoyment and virtue). Search by A. As the "true" meaning of the image could serve more or less arbitrary etymology, aimed at finding out the "true" meaning of the name; This procedure (partly the paroding movements of the Sofists) is produced in the "chtille" of Plato (eg, 407Av: Since "Athena embodies the mind and self-thought", its name is interpreted as "Bog Holiday" or "elastic"). The taste of A. is distributed everywhere; Although the epicuretes in principle rejected the allegorical interpretation of myths, it did not prevent Lucretia to explain the torment of sinners in Aida as A. psychological states.

The same approach to traditional plots and authoritative texts from the time of Philon Alexandrian is widely applied to the Bible. Philon followed Christian thinkers - Origen, Exegenesses of the Alexandria School, Grigory Nissky, Amvrosy Mediolsky and many others. Only through A. Vera in revelation and the skills of Platonic speculation could be connected into a single system. A. Played an important role in the Christian Exegetics: The doctrine of the old and new covenants as two hierarchically unequnenable stages of revelation suggested t. And. The typology is a look at the Old Testament Events as A. New Testament, their allegorical anticipation ("transformation"). In the medieval West, the doctrine is formed, according to which the biblical text has four meanings: literal, or historical (eg, the outcome from Egypt), typological (indicating to the redemption of people with Christ), moral (voicing to leave the carnal) and anagogic, i.e. mystico-eschatological (hinting for the parish in bliss of the future life). Renaissance holds the cult A., connecting it with attempts to see for the diversity of religions a single meaning, affordable only dedicated to: Humanists, very widely use of the pagan gods and goddesses like A. Christ and Virgin Mary, these and other traditional christian images They may, in turn, interpret as A., hinting in this sense (Mutianus Rufus, Der Briefwechsel, Kassel, 1885, S. 28). Renaissance philosophers love to refer to antique mysteries (Wed. Wind E., Pagan Mysteries in The Renaissance, L, 1968) and strive, as Ficino says, "everywhere to cover the divine sacraments with the curtain of allegory" (In Parm., Prooem.). The culture of Barochko gives A. The specific nature of the emblem (Schonea., Emblematik und Drama Im Zeitalter Des Barock, Miinchen, 1964), which accents an important already for the Renaissance Mystery A. For enlightenment, didactic clarity and intelligence A., turned into a genus visual manual (philosophical fairy tales Voltaire, Basni Lessing, etc.) - in principle, as it was in ancient noscow and repeated in the XX century. In the work and aesthetics of Brecht (allegorization of life as its exposure, demisertification, reduction to the simplest processes).

The role of A. in the history of thought has thus two aspects. First, searching A. There is the only possible conscious installation of reflexion in the face of the heritage of mythopoietic thinking and epic (in Europe - Homerovskaya) tradition up to the opening of the intrinsicness and self-influence of archaic. Opening This is planned only in the XVIII century. (Vico, Iredromantism) and everywhere realizes in the XIX century. (Romanticism, Hegelian historicism, etc.). Secondly, the history of the culture knows at all times of leaving and returning waves to A., associated with the educational, didactic and exposure facility of thought in the face of reality.

Sergey Averintsev.

Sofia Logos. Vocabulary

Catholic encyclopedia


(greek. άλληγορία - allegory), in Exegetics - the method of interpretation of the texts of St. Scripture, going beyond the scope of their literal understanding.

The allegorical method of interpretation of texts originated in ancient Greece in the philosophy of the commanders who deemed the literal understanding of mythology, and reached the heyday in the comments of the Stoics to the poems of Homer and Gesiod. Ignoring East. The context of these works, commentators saw in their heroes of personification of physical or mental phenomena, and their episodes were interpreted as allegorical presentation of later philos. concepts. In the writings of Philon, Alexandrian A. It is widely used in the interpretation of books from the books (the events of holy. Stories are rethought as the peripetics of the life of the soul, seeking to know themselves and God). According to Filon, A. was not the property of only pagan philosophy, but also practiced in the Rabbinistic schools of Palestine. The authors of the NZ often interpret the quotes from the viola of allegorically. The word A. Word is found in Gal 4, 24, where Agar and Sarah mean Israel and the Church.

The tradition of the allegorical interpretation of the texts of the NZ and VZ was developed by representatives of the Alexandrian School (Clement Alexandria, Origen, etc.). Origen preferably followed Philon's concept; He spoke about three senses of Scripture: a bodily, or literally historical, mental, or moral-asked, and spiritual, i.e. Allegorical. Origen pointed out on A. As the most adequate way to interpret the Scriptures.

The attitude of representatives of various theologians. Schools to the allegorical method was ambiguous. So, Irina Lyon tied A. with the heretical teachings of Gnostics, which, in his opinion, resort to it because they do not understand the true sense of Scripture or have the intention to distort it. The legitimateness of the allegorical understanding of the Bible. Texts became the subject of a long controversy between the Alexandria and Antiogenian exegetic schools, the beginning of which was laid in IV century. The performance of Eustafia of Antioch against the extreme allegorism Origen.

The history of Exegetics knows many cases of combining the interpreters of the allegorical method with others. Ways to interpret the Scriptures. So, in the comments to the songs of the Ambrose, Mediolsky, says that the image of the bride symbolizes both the Church of Christ (in this case, a typological connection is established), and humane. Soul with her desire for the bride-Christ (classic A.). In the works of Augustine, the exegetic concept of which was under the influence of the sermons of the amvrosia, A. is also used along with other exegetic techniques. Lateant and cf.-century. The authors (since the Ilaria Pictavian, John Cassiana, Rufina Aquilaly) adopted the Origen classification of the 3 meanings of Scripture and allocated inside the spirit. sense 2 aspects - actually A. and anagogue (from greek. άναγωγή - climbing). So the concept of 4 levels of the meaning of the Scripture of the literal, i.e. direct value of the text (the basis for all other meanings); Allegorical, when some events are considered as denotation of other events (eg, images are belonging to the life of Jesus Christ); moral, which concerns the life of every Christian; Anagogic, which refers to eschatological or perpetual realities (CP. Thomas Akvinsky, Summa Theologiae I A 1, 10; Dante, Pier II, 1) This scheme is expressed in the famous Two-Film Nikolai Lirsky (approx. 1336): "Littera Gesta Docet, Quid Credas Allegoria, Moralis Quid Agas, Quo Tendas Anagogia "(" Letter teaches the facts; what should be believed to believe, teaches allegory; Moral teaches what it is necessary; to what it is necessary to strive, teaches anagoga).

Protest. Exegetic concept, land. The principle of which is the understanding of the Scripture "from the Scriptures", denies the allegorical method. The tradition of the Catholic Church allows the principal possibility of an allegorical interpretation of Scripture and in the present. time.

LIT-RA: Bychkov V.V. Aesthetica Patrum. M., 1995, p. 35-52, 215-251; Nesterova O.E. Typological Exegez: dispute about the method // Alpha and Omega 4 (1998), 62-77; Composition of ancient Christian apologists / Ed. A.G. Dunaev. St. Petersburg., 1999, p. 463-480; GRANT R.M. The Letter and the Spirit. L., 1957; Popin J. Mythe Et Allogorie: Les Origines Grecques et Les Contestations Judoo-Chrotiennes. P., 1958; Formen und Funktionen Der Allegorie / Hrsg. W. haug. Stuttgart, 1979.

Yu. Ivanova

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(dr. Greek. άλληγορία).

allegory; An expression of an abstract concept by image. A. As a trail is used in bass, parables, morality. IN last decade Activated in a journalistic style, where she moved from oral public speech; "Popularity" A. Like a trail in modern journalism is due to the fact that A. represents such a way of narration, in which the literal meaning of holistic text is used to indicate a portable, the transfer of which is the true purpose of the narrative "[Culture Speech, 2001 , P.272].

Terminological Dictionary-Thesaurus for Literary


(greek. Allegoria - allegory) - disclosure of an abstract idea (concept) by means of a specific image of the subject or phenomenon of reality. In contrast to the meaningful sense of the symbol, the meaning of the allegory is unequivocal and separated from the image; The relationship between the value is established by analogy or armament.

RB: language. Fine-expressive

Rod: Paths

Genre: Bass, Parable, Tale

Ass: Symbol

Example: In the bass and fairy tales, the trick is depicted in the form of fox, greed - in the presence of a wolf, cunning - in the form of a snake, etc.

* "Many allegories are obliged to their origin ancient customs, cultural traditions (cf. coat of arms, emblems), folklore - mainly fairy tales about animals (Fox - allegory of tricks, wolf - malice and greed, etc.)" (L.I. Lebedeva).

"The poetic image is perceived and revived by understanding, he says something else and more than what is directly concluded in it. Thus, Po-Zia is always allegory, allegory in the extensive sense of the word" (A.A. Phebennya ). *

Dictionary of the forgotten and difficult words of the XVIII-nineary centuries


, and , g.

Allegory, fiction.

* But for a long time was attached to the tavern, chalted such allegories and shells. // Gogol. Auditor //; How I composed such an allegory, and I didn't need it at all! // Chernyshevsky. What to do // *

Gasparov. Entries and extracts


♦ S. a.: The symbol and allegory are similar to the word and phrase, image and plot: the first blooms with the whole set of dictionary values, the second contextual one is unequivocal, like a oglocheter, cut down from this flowering trunk.

Philosophical Dictionary (Cont Sponville)



♦ Allegorie.

An expression of any idea through an image or oral story. Allegory inverse abstraction; This is a kind of thought that has acquired flesh. From the philosophical point of view, the allegory cannot serve as evidence worthwhile. And, except for Plato, no philosopher managed to use the allegory so as not to seem like this.

Design. Dictionary Terminos


ALLEGORY (greek. Allegoria - allegory) - An image of an abstract idea (concept) by image. The meaning of the allegory, in contrast to the multi-valued symbol, is unequivocal and separated from the image; The relationship between the value is established in similarity (Lion - force, power or royalness). As a trail of allegory is used in bass, parables, morality; In the visual arts, it is expressed by certain attributes (justice - a woman with weights). Most characteristic of medieval art, rebirth, mannerism, baroque, classicism.

Aesthetics. encyclopedic Dictionary


(greek. allegoria. - allegory)

the rhetorical figure of allegory, consisting of a speech or picturesque use of a particular image for a brighter, intelligible, impressive expression or explaining the abstract idea, an abstract, speculative principle. Allegory allows you to detect and display on foreground hidden meaning Or not obvious by virtue of its special complexity Idea through an indirect description. Masters of eloquence are able to create whole garlands of the allegories with the interpretation of ancient epic, religious, philosophical and artistic texts. So, B. ancient culture Allegorical interpretations of the ancient myths, the poems of Homer and Hesiod were distributed.

In the allegory, the emotionally-shaped, the pictorial start balables the beginning of rational, abstract-speculative. Asked to each other, they mutually highlight someone in each other in some kind of informative faces and are some kind of new integrity, where the efforts of feelings and mind are connected to a single vector of aesthetic perception and the understanding process associated with it. The allegorical beginning was entrusted with hollow genres, like parable, fable, fantastic utopia, anti-nightopia.

The allegorical method is used in the interpretation of the Bible for a rational clarification of its content. It is advisable most often in cases where the literal interpretation of a certain meaningful-semantic fragment seems for some reason inappropriate. The advantage of allegorical interpretations consists in which they allow you to see new, additional substantive faces and implicit semantic shades in biblical ideas and images. Thanks to them, the literal meaning can not only expand and deepen, but also transform. But here the interpreters will suit a serious danger: you can imperceptibly to go to the border that is permitted by the text content. And then there may be false interpretation, not approaching, and leading the true biblical meanings from understanding.

The advantage of the allegorical method is that it allows you to move away from naive biblicalism in the interpretation of multifaceted biblical truths and images. This method It was used in the interpretation of the Old and New Testaments by Filon Alexandria, the Clemete Alexandria, Origen, and others. Theologians. So, Philon Alexandria saw in the Old Testament History Certificate of Westerns human soultrying to comprehend God, his ideas and understand yourself. Origen allocated three ways to interpret the Bible - literal, moralistic and spiritual elegreat. At the same time, he considered the last method most suitable for features Scripture.

Irina Lyona looked at the allegorical method from the other side and saw a negative start in it, allowing the enemies of the Church to distort the true meanings of the Holy Scriptures, and those who are far from their true understanding, cover with colorful images your misunderstanding.

In medieval literature, the allegory was used quite widely as artistic, reception. A characteristic example is the poem of the pureness " Psychomahiya"(End of IV is the beginning of V centuries), drawing patterns of battles between virtues and vices. In the XII century Allegoric poems Bernard Sylvester (" On the universality of the world, or cosmography") And Alan Lillesky (" Against Claudia"). In the XIII century. Allegoric appears " Roman about Rose"Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Mena.

In the field of painting, artists who needed to portray the meanings of the disadvantaged rivers of Jesus Christ came to help the allegorical method. As a result, visual images appeared corresponding to, for example, the commandments of the Nagorno sermon, including "love your enemies" (Matt. 5, 44), etc. In Germany, in the period of the Reformation, engraving-allegory, called the "Mill of God" were distributed. They were portrayed by God-Father, squeezing on the clouds, and at the bottom of Jesus Christ in the form of a Melnik, which referred to the Mill Forenel of the Four Evangelists. The inscription was also present here: "The mill stood for a long time without work, as if Melnik would die." A purely Protestant meaning of the allegory was obvious: the Catholic Church did not fulfill its destination, but now through Christ, evangelists, the path to the truth opened through the entire New Testament.

In the XV-XVI centuries. In England and France, in line with allegorical aesthetics there was an independent genre of didactic drama - moralite. Allegoric characters appeared in front of the viewer, personified sins and virtue. Between them were played by the scenes of the struggle of the hero. At the same time, the scene of the scene could act as a small model of the universe, and the main character could symbolize the whole human genus, rolling in moral contradictions and dramatic conflicts between good and evil.

In the modern Christian world, Protestant theology, unlike the Catholic, allowing the allegorical interpretations of the Bible, avoids appeals to this form of an exegesis and insists on the need to seek the meanings of the Scripture in it itself, and not in side associative moves of thought and splashes of imagination.

LIT: Losev A. F. Shestakov V. P. History of aesthetic categories. - M. 1965 1 Chapter "Allegory"); Popova M. K. Allegory in the English literature of the Middle Ages. - Voronezh, 1993.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


♦ (Eng allegory)

(greek. Allegoria - a description of one thing through the image of another)

transferring the meaning of the narrative by attributing it to elements or images, the value that is not deleted with the literal reading. It can also be determined as a common metaphor where each narrative element is a symbol of values \u200b\u200bthat go beyond the frame.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(Greek Allegoria - allegory), an image of an abstract idea (concept) by image. The meaning of the allegory, in contrast to the multi-valued symbol, is unequivocal and separated from the image; The relationship between the value is established in similarity (Lion - force, power or royalness). As a trail of allegory is used in bass, parables, morality; In the visual arts, it is expressed by certain attributes (justice - a woman with weights). Most characteristic of medieval art, rebirth, mannerism, baroque, classicism.

Dictionary of Ozhegov

Alleg ABOUTRia, and, g. (Book.). Allegory, the expression of Chegon. abstract, kind. Thoughts, ideas in a concrete image. To speak allegories (It is unclear, with low-touch hints.).

| arr. allegorical, Aya, OE.

Dictionary Efremova


The form of allegory concluded in the expression of an abstract concept through
concrete image.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


Artistic separation of abstract concepts through specific ideas. Religion, love, justice, discord, glory, war, world, spring, summer, autumn, winter, death, etc. are depicted and presented as living beings. The opportunities attached by these living beings are borrowed from the actions and consequences of what corresponds to the partition concluded in these concepts, for example. The separation of battle and war is denoted by military tools, the seasons of the year - through the corresponding flowers, fruits, or occupations, justice - by weight and dressings in the eyes, death - through Klepsidra and Spit. Obviously, the allegory does not reach the full plastic brightness and the completeness of artistic creations, in which the concept and image is quite with each other coincide and produced a creative fantasy inseparent, as if consolidated from nature. A. Thebles between what is happening from the reflection concept and inventively invented its individual, and as a result of this afternoon remains cold. A., corresponding to the rich images of the presentation method eastern peoples, occupies a prominent place in the art of the East. On the contrary, she is alien to the Greeks with the wonderful ideality of their gods, understood and imagined in the form of living individuals. A. Appears here only in Alexandrian timeWhen the natural education of the myths ceased and the influence of the Eastern Presentations was made. Her domination in Rome is stronger. But the most stronger it ruled in poetry and the art of the Middle Ages since the end of the XIII century, at that time the fermentation, when the naive life of fantasy and the results of scholastic thinking are mutually contacting and, as far as possible, try to penetrate each other; So - most of the pipelists, at Wolframa von Eschenbach, at Dante. "Feuerdank", the Greek poem of the XVI century, which describes the life of the emperor Maximilian, can serve as an example of allegorical epic poetry. A. has special use in the Animal Epos. It is very natural that various arts Consist in essentially different relations to A. It is more difficult to avoid its modern sculpture. Being always doomed to the image of the personality, it is forced to give as an allegorical separation that greek sculpture Could give in the form of an individual and complete lifestyle of God.

Russian dictionaries

  • Allegory (from Dr. Greek. Ἀλληγορία - allegory) is an artistic representation of ideas (concepts) through a specific artistic image or dialogue.

    As a trail of allegory is used in verses, parables, morality. She arose on the soil of mythology, was reflected in the folklore and received its development in visual arts. The main method of the image of the allegory is the generalization of human concepts; Representations are revealed in images and behavior of animals, plants, mythological and fabulous characters, non-living objects, which is obtained by a figurative value.

    Example: Justice - Femis (woman with weights).

    Allegory is an artistic dressing of concepts with specific ideas. Religion, love, soul, justice, discord, glory, war, world, spring, summer, autumn, winter, death, etc. are depicted and presented as living beings. The most accompanying creatures and appeals are enclosed by the actions and consequences of what corresponds to the prisoner in these concepts; For example, the separation of battle and war is denoted by means of military guns, the times of the year - with the help of their colors, fruits, or classes, impartiality - by weight and dressings in the eyes, death - through Klepsidra and Spit.

    Obviously, the allegory lacks the full plastic brightness and the completeness of artistic creations, in which the concept and image is quite coincide and produced by creative fantasy inseparable, as if consolidated from nature. Allegory fluctuates between what is happening from the reflection with the concept and intensely invented by its individual shell and as a result of this halfness remains cold.

    Allegory, corresponding to the rich images of the presentation of the eastern peoples, occupies a prominent place in the art of the East. On the contrary, she is alien to the Greeks with the wonderful ideality of their gods, understood and imagined in the form of living individuals. Allegory appears here only in the Alexandria, when the natural education of the myths ceased and the influence of the Eastern Presentations was made. Notable to her domination in Rome. But the strongest of all she ruled in poetry and the art of the Middle Ages from the end of the XIII century, at that time the fermentation, when the naive life of fantasy and the results of scholastic thinking are mutually in contact and, as far as possible, try to penetrate each other. So - most of the pipelists, at Wolframa von Eschenbach, at Dante. "Feuerdank", the Greek poem of the XVI century, which describes the life of the emperor Maximilian, can serve as an example of allegorical epic poetry.

    Allegory has special use in the Animal Epos. It is very natural that various arts consist in essentially different relations to the allegory. It is the harder to avoid modern sculpture. Being always doomed to the image of a person, it is forced to give as an allegorical separation that Greek sculpture could give in the form of an individual and complete lifestyle of God.

    In the form of the allegory, for example, the Roman John Bunyan "Journey Pilgrim to the Heavenly Country", the parable of Vladimir Vysotsky "True and Lie".