Exhibition game for children in the library. Scenario Quest-Games on Literature "Journey through the Book Ocean"

Exhibition game for children in the library. Quest Game Scenario
Exhibition game for children in the library. Scenario Quest-Games on Literature "Journey through the Book Ocean"

This event traditionally opens the "week of children's book."


1) In the game form, familiarize readers with the rules for the arrangement of literature in the school library, to give the first concept about the library-bibliographic classification of literature.
2) introduce children with the history of the birth of the Children's Book Week.

Audience: Students of 4-6 grades.


1 Holiday name "Hurray! A week of children's book! ".
2 stars for scene decoration.
3 holiday emblem.
4 disk with a presentation.
5 disk with musical accompaniment.
6 Computer, Multimedia Projector, Screen, Columns.
7 Exhibition of Posters "Library, Book, I am faithful friends", exhibition of library exjibris.
8 letters to the best readers.
9 prizes for winners of games and competitions.

1 vehicle verse sounds "Do not twist the Pierce Globe ..."

On the screen - the starry sky and the planets move.

1 Planet "Library"

Hello, Girls, Hello, boys!
We are glad to welcome you at the bottom of the book Book!
We will go to a miracle journey,
In the "Book Galaxy fly all together.
The first planet - library, everyone knows you -
The best resting place after school and at home.

Let's, friends, make a little journey to our school library with the help of "Slideshow "(Song sounds Song" Librarian Song "). And now I will tell you when and where the children's holiday "Children's Book Week" was born

The birthday of the week of children's book can be considered spring in 1943. Chose the Great Patriotic War. Everyone was very difficult - and adults and children. Do you say, before holidays? But children's writers decided at this difficult time to make children a holiday of booknamen.

They passed in the cities of Moscow and Leningrad. Direct writers lion Cassil, Sergey Mikhalkov and others arrived right from the front to children.

And from the spring of 1944, the holiday became annual. Putting the time of the spring vacation, as writers and readers of children's books were going to the meeting. S. Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, A.L. Barto, L. Cissile and others, who are beloved by children, came to visit the guys. Every year the holiday of the children's book covered an increasing space. In 1970, the week of children's book was announced All-Union.

New day books celebrate children in large and small cities, villages, villages, everywhere, where there are young lovers of the book.

The book is a faithful friend, big and smart - does not let you get bored and lose heart:

The argument is aspiring - a funny, noisy, helps a new learn.

Talk books about heroes, south, north, to the East lead.

Secrets of the world, secrets will open, will find all the answer, the Council will give.

And let the girls and boys, the whole mischievous defense,

Today will say a good book: "We love you!" And "Hurray!".

In tradition and our festival is invited to our festival, poetess Elena Ryabinin. Elena Alexandrovna teacher in Nsosh No. 2 works. Meet the guest applause!

(Word E. Labinina)

2 Planet "Cognitive"

Sit it more comfortable, be careful!
The journey continues, miracles begin!
The second planet is this!
"Cognitive" is called, not anyone opens!
Here live inquisitive children
They want to know about everything in the world:
About plants and animals,
Love to count and invent toys
Know how to put experiences, collect mechanisms,
They know what H 2 O what is a prism.
On this planet the most creative and inquisitive children.
They prepared you a cognitive movie from animal life -
It is necessary to know this!

(Watching the film "From the life of animals)

3 Planet "Technical"

I invite you guys to find out than the third planet is rich.
This planet of the screw and tongue, pencil and self-relocine.
Here are those who are interested in technician.
For masters, this "technical" planet.
Master class with you will hold great masters,
Craftsmen hammer and ax - meet
"School of repair" welcomes everyone -
Where San Sanych, success is guaranteed there!

Master Class:

1) 2 participants wrap screws to speed.
2) blindfolded with work instruments: Topor, screwdriver, drill, chisel, soldering iron, planer. For laughter put a large spoon - this is the most common working tool)

4 Planet "Agricultural"

I will start acquaintance with the fourth planet
The question is humorous, everything is very simple in it:

A) Which of the fabulous heroes raised the biggest harvest? (Grandfather, Russian folk fairy tale "Republic")

B) the most cunning fairy-tale agronom, which two years in a row deceived his business partner and deprived his income. (Man, Russian folk fairy tale "Cups and roots")

C) The most famous heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which produced gold products. (Roast chicken)

D) And this hero instead of seeds planted monetary signs and waited for millions of profits. (A. Tolstoy "Golden Key or Adventure Buratino")

Well done! Fourth - "agricultural" planet
And you can say - "Young Agronom"
It has a lot of greenery, plants and lights
Here every resident in labor and in the ground loved.

Does there be in the hall those who love plants know how to plant them and care for them? I invite you to the scene of young agronomists. (Prepare 10 packages with seeds and 10 cards with their names. Competition: who will quickly determine the seeds of plants).

5 Planet "Medical"

Hello Hello,
Fifth planet - this one!
"Medical" - its name, take care of health - her vocation.
Who has a wet nose whom the cough beat
Who more than three times in this winter sick -
Those on the planet are not invited
And the entrance for them is strictly prohibited!
Well, young doctors, future doctors, to me on the game from all your legs!

(Invited from the hall 3rd "patients" and 3rd "doctors")

These patients are terribly sick - in touch them from the legs to the head!
Keep in mind - High-speed comments -
Who quick and better borrows, he will win
And the commissions of the doctors to him a prize will give!

("Doctors" wind up "patients" bandages)

And the audience and fans have quiz questions:
Questions are not complicated, but everything about medicine.

1. What doctor came up with K.I. Chukovsky? (Dr. Aibolita)
2. What is the name of its specialty? (vet)
3. What doctor came up with N.Nomov? (Dr. Pilyulkin)
4. And what is his specialty? (pediatrician)
5. What class was invited to vaccine in the poem S.Mikhalkov? (1st grade)
6. What diseases do you make vaccinations? (flu, tuberculosis, cortex, diphteria, rubella, vapotitis, hepatitis B, etc
7. Where in the winter you can find vitamin "C"? (lemon, apples, cranberries, currant, rosehip fruits, etc.)

Delivered? Let's make a merry workout!

Merry warm-up so as not to sink.

One, two, three, four, five,
I will ask everyone together to get up!
So that the figure is saved,
And posture to strengthen
I offer you a warm-up -
Strengthen we will be a back!
To the sun stretch friendship -
Let's be higher and slim!
We are trees - the wind blows
It shakes and worries!
It is very important in the courtyard rooster walks at the dawn.
Rooster depict, spine strengthened.
Here the kitten woke up: Sweet - sweetly reached out.
And the injection and scraping ran to catch it the mouse.
And in Africa, and in Africa there lives a big giraffe.
It has a neck long and goes backwards.
Left looks - heaven, right - clouds,
At all, for all everywhere, he always looks down.
Once, two, three, four, five - it's time to finish the warm-up!
All health and good, continue the game time!

6 Planet "Historical"

Planet Six - very not simple!
She is not only "historical", but also "political"
Inhabitants of the sixth planet - Young politicians and historians
They study times distant and relatives
Run the events and replenish lists,
Lead archives, chronicles, fixed dates,
What is the history of the world was rich.
Attention on the screen - there are symbols and portraits.
Here you will not see writers and poets.
We need to know our leaders of the face and names,
What the coat of arms and flag look like what is rich in the country.

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich - President of the Russian Federation.
Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich - President of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Sharapov Nail Shakirovich - head of the Nurlat district and Nurlat.
Coat of arms of Russia, the coat of arms of Tatarstan, the coat of arms of the Nurlat district, the flag of Russia. Flag of Tatarstan.

(Song "Victory Day")

Tell me guys, and what a significant date will be celebrated on May 9, 2010? That's right, 65 Victory Anniversary in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45.

Salute and glory anniversary
Forever a memorable day.
Salute victory that in Berlin
The power of the fire spawned the fire.
Salute her big and small
Creators. What went through one
Her fighters and generals,
Heroes of fallen and alive! Firework!

(Poem reads school student)

Guys! For the anniversary of the Great Victory in all school libraries, competitions of drawings "Books about War" are held. We invite you to take all of you the most active part. Drawings in the school library.

7 Planet "Sports"

The seventh planet is "sports", energetic and active.
On this planet, the athletes live,
Lifestyle healthy they all lead.
In the summer and in winter, they work, sports, physical education are engaged.
Who is sporty and active, hurry to me!
His power show, in a sports game, win!

(Sports games are held: rope pulling, jumps on the rope, arm wrestling, game "Petushki", etc.)

8 Planet "Book"

"Book" Planet - Eighth.
It happens serious, it happens ridiculous.
Everyone loves to read both adults and children
For them there is a genre of any on this planet:
Fairy tales, stories, novels, poems, essays, plays, essays and articles.
Each will find yourself a feligious: fantasy, thriller il detective.
Artistic literature on the planet reigns
And the tastes of any reader will satisfy.

Questions ask, and you give an answer, in which literary genre is this subject?

1) Dr. Aibolit ( tale B. verse).
2) Sherlock Holmes ( detective).
3) Harry Potter ( fiction).
4) Grandfather Mazay ( poems).
5) Vanka Zhukov ( story).
6) dragonfly and ant ( fable).
7) electronics ( fiction).
8) Shuraile ( story).
9) Philippok ( story).
10) Ellie and Totem ( story).
11) Uncle Step ( poems).
12) Robinson Cruzo ( novel).

9 Planet "Reference"

Which of you have heard the expression "background literature"?
If heard - we will repeat,
And to someone who did not hear - we will explain.
Planet "Reference" very necessary and mandatory
For all so much, it is wonderful.
Here encyclopedia live here, reference books from "A" to "I",
Dictionaries of various whole family.
And who is friends with them and can enjoy.
That is not by year, I will smack in minutes!
Attention! Parade of reference publications:

(References are pupils of the 10th grade)

1 Encyclopedia:

I am a collection of articles from A to Z,
My information is rich and useful.
In me story, art, names -
Diverse I know full.
About everything that is in the world
Children recognize me from me.

2 Dictionaries:

Toll-toll dictionary:

I can join any word,
After all, not a simple dictionary I, but sensible!
What does the word mean, I will explain
Intelligent kids I love.
You look at me more often -
You will be literate, and we will be friends.

Orthographic dictionary:

How do you write the word we are right no,
Only I guys can give you an answer.
Dictionary spelling lives in any apartment,
Adults and children all over the world are familiar with me.
If the spelling of the word doubt
You always apply to me.
I am glad I will help me
And I'm going to help you run.

Dictionary of foreign words:

Guten Tag! Bonzhur! Hellow!
Languages \u200b\u200bI will teach you new.
Foreign words dictionary - this is me, a carpet with me!
All I know languages, do not argue with me!
Inglish - Dichenri Raznes - you often take me.
I will give an accurate translation to become a polyglot.

Tatar-Russian Dictionary:

Tatarcha - River Sumpled: Keshe is a man
Maktep - School, Dustov - Friend,
Gayay - Family Circle.
Native language, friend, you learn,
Nowhere and never forget!
Caressing hearing and in the heart for century
Melody of the native language.

1 Planet "Library"

Our travel comes to an end
You listened to us and I ask you:
Have you fun? Have you learned a lot?
It is not a pity that time did you lose here?
We again on the "library planet"
And it's time for us to discover the secret to you, children:
It was not a simple game!

Traveling on the "book galaxy" you met with the rules for the arrangement of literature in libraries.

Attention on the screen: This departments are all literature in any library.

2. Natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, etc.).
3. Technique. Technical science.
4. Rural and forestry.
5. Health. Medicine.
63. History.
66. Politics.
75. Physical culture and sport.
84. Artistic literature.
9. Universal content literature.

And it is called "library-bibliographic classification" or abbreviated BBK.

If you listened to us attentively, now you can find the right book in the School Library Foundation

We returned to the Planet "Library" to fulfill a pleasant mission: award winners of the competition for the best library exlebris and for the best library poster.

(Presentation of prizes and diplomas)

The most active readers of the school library are invited to our holiday.

I invite them to the scene!

(Presentation of diplomas and gifts)

Ending the holiday of the song "Cartayka"

Development of a Russian language and literature teacher

Berezovskaya School of Razzolnensky District of the Republic of Crimea

Senchuk faith Nikolaevna

Extracurricular event

Travel to World Book

The main goal of literary lessons and extracurricular activities on literature is to instill love for the book, to raise interest in literature, careful attitude towards the book. To this end, the school needs to hold weeks of children's book, the book names, the holidays of the book "Only touches the cover with a foul hand", reading days, talks about the benefits of reading, the protection of readership forms, the holiday "Journey to the book kingdom - wise state", travel to country Literary heroes

Equipment: Exhibition of books, portraits of writers, expressing outstanding people about books, the best reading diaries, the best reading form, the wall newspaper "Good book is a friend for life", illustrations, presentations "Reading - Here is the best teaching."

We offer materials for events: opening, riddles and proverbs about the book, the statements of great people about the book, poems dedicated to books, songs about books, etc.

Station "Initial"

In no way can a student in the world live without good books!

The book is one of the wonders created by humanity. From the book we learn about the past and present, it leads us on an interesting trip to the country of knowledge, tells how the bread grown and build houses, cook steel and defeat the disease, create cars and fly into space ...

The book will tell you all

The book will show you everything!

Why the sun sits down

Where the surf about the shore beats,

Where heat and where frost

The leaves muffled with birch.

If you read the book,

Most knowledge will get

I will find better homeland

And she will love her stronger.

The book meets us in early childhood and becomes an eternal friend for life.

Even a little baby

Will only come out of the pellery -

Asks the book to show.

It is impossible to live without air, water and bread, so impossible to live without a book. The huge world is tempting and diverse - breaks into our room from the pages of your favorite books.

Books first pages

We meet from the first years

And they bear exactly the birds,

Lounged whole light.

Every time we approach the bookshers, we are mastered by a trembling feeling. Multicolor roots, different bindings, title sheets scored by colorful fonts. Books help mentally overcome time and space.

How much in the page of the pages,

So many friendly persons

So many new heroes we will meet.

Rows ribbons

Like road ribbons,

Running away in dawn.

Station " Historical»

    A kind of books are drawings of ancient people on the walls of the caves. On the walls of the temple in the philas (Egypt), the chronicle was carved, the stone pages of which reaches 40 meters in width.

    They wrote in an old book on Bereste - Bereza Korea, and in Egypt on papyrus. They wrote with sharp stone, and metal chopsticks, and corn stems, and clay, and goose feathers.

    The first old-Russian books wrote chroniclers (the most famous nonzero). It was a necessary thing, the chronicler often stood on his knees and took the letters. The first letter, as a rule, wrote in red paint, was decorated with flowers, the image of the head of extraordinary animals (hence the expression "write with a red string"). In order for the book longer saved, the title page was often from the skins, decorated with precious stones.

    The first printed book in Russia appeared in 1564. Ivan Fedorov worked for more than ten years over the creation of a printing house, then a whole year was published his first book - "Apostle". In Moscow, due to the clergy, he could not continue to work, moved to Lviv, was published in 1574 the "Lviv Apostle" in 1574.

Printed books did not arise immediately

The scribe rewrote each phrase.

The eyes were tired, her hand shook.

And so the centuries and century continued.

Without people, without friends, alone

He snapped the line.

Write just a couple of books -

And, you look, already a stray old man.

And now the 10th centuries ago in all European countries, including in Russia, they began to produce paper. More than 400 years ago, Ivan Fedorov and his assistants began to produce first printed books.

And finally, this period came,

When the printing machine was invented.

And it became available to the stock edge,

And there was a man very happy about it.

Station " Interesting books about books»

    The biggest book in the world consider the chronicle, which is carved on the walls of the temple in the philas in Egypt. Her stone pages have a width of 40 m.

    In the Italian city of Bergamo, two copies of the smallest book in the world were found. Its size 12 * 12 * 7 mm. She was printed in 1615 and has 117 Prints.

    The most "durable" textbook belongs to ancient Greek mathematics Euclida. He created his geometry system for 300 years before our era, but the Evklid's theorems are studying in schools to this day.

    The most ancient newspaper of the world is Chinese Congence, which goes out without a break since 1050, it is curious that the word "newspaper" itself is much younger and means a monetary unit.

    Of 11095 handwritten volumes consists of a large Chinese encyclopedia. 60 volumes takes only table of contents. 400 volumes of this unique edition are stored now in Paris.

    Writers not only create novels and stories, but also ... words. The word "gangling" came up with M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Heavyness means ridiculous and stupid business. D. Svift created the word "Liliput" - a small person. There is the author and the word "robot". He was invented by the brother of the writer K. Schape, Y. Schapek.

    History indicates that some scientists knew a huge number of languages. For example, Danish linguite R.K.Rask talked to 230 languages, and the German linguist L.G. Sutz is 270.

Station "What way is the book"

I am all people who work on the book,

I love, and respember, and appreciate.

And books - I already have a lot of them -

On the bookshelf gently stored.

As long as the book is a book,

Huge way she should pass.

And how many knowledge is required different

Labor, worries, so that she was born!

While paper will do guys,

Large, hard work.

Writer on paper writes a book,

Then she is entrusted to the editor.

For this book - how many days workers,

Nights Sleepless, Thoughts of Live ...

I am very grateful to the writers

For labor persistent respect them.

Here the manuscript is ready. And editor

Read it. Then give it to print.

For each word in this book

Before the people need to answer!

Printing machine

And day, and night prints sheets ...

But the sheets are not yet a book,

It is necessary to put it and cut.

In a good binding to overflow.

Pack on the train send

Throughout the country, all people have to drain.

And the book will live in the people,

Chatting with his reader.

K. Muhammadi

Station "The proverbs about books are not afraid of"

    Books - Bridge into the world of knowledge.

    I read a good book - met with a friend.

    With the book will tell - the mind will be cheated.

    Gold is mined from the ground, and knowledge is from books.

    Pearls are mined from the depths of the seas, and knowledge draws knowledge from the depths of books.

    Who reads a lot, he knows a lot.

    The book will help in work, will help out in trouble.

    With the book to live - the age does not rush.

    The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.

    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

    The book is a source of knowledge.

    A good book is the first friend of man.

    Not red Book letter, but Krasnoy mind.

    The book is a mirror of life.

    Standing of the century Book Grow man.

    Reading - Here is the best teaching.

    Who is a lot of literacy, this is not the abyss.

Station "Books' riddles"

    Although not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with the root,

Talking with us

Patient language.

    They say it is silent,

And it is clear and misfortune.

You talk more often with her

You will become four times smart.

    Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not shirt and sewn,

Not a man, but tells.

    Without language, but everything tells about

Without a head, and everything knows

No legs, and everywhere happens.

    White field, black seed,

Who sees him, he will reason.

6. I am going to beds, Rives without a score,

It does not decrease on the beds, and arrives in the head.

7. With girlfriends and sisters, she comes to us,

Stories, new brings new in the morning.

8. Hanging a dumb, brave the lazy.

(Wall newspaper)

9. What kind of water only for competent is suitable?


10. Sees well, but blind. (Illiterate)

11. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt,

Where the nose leads, there is a note there.

Station " Library»

All books live in a special home. Guess what kind of house?

It is located outside the house as a house,

But there are no residents of the usual in it.

There are interesting books

Stand up with rows. (Library.)

Do you know the book a house? Know that there are books there.

Short and long, new, vintage,

Ordinary, and strange, and even foreign.

Serious, educational, fun, magical,

About the sea and about the forest, with pictures and without.

In the library so many books!

Close carefully:

Here are thousands of friends of yours

On the shelves lay down!

Stand on the shelves and silent,

Affect - VMIG will conspire

Tell you about everything in the world

Domestically with them, children!

There is a library at school,

In it medicines, as if in a pharmacy,

From cunning, stupidity, laziness.

Treat books without delay.

There is a library at school,

In it, all means for a person,

To smart to become and great.

Let always live books!

Many books are wonderful,

Smart books, interesting,

Fascinating, funny

In cities, village, villages ...

You go to the library,

True person

Help books to become.

New books live lines

Open the way wide!

We could not live without books

Roads us their eternal light,

Good books, interesting

We all of our school (class)


Dedication to readers

We wish you learned to fly.

And will become a diligent any student.

We wish guys, with a fairy tale

And in the fabulous world to live a little.

We wish you all just signs to be,

And books and know, and, of course, love!

Hymn readers

Can see so much and learn so much

Open and explore new countries

Twist on the dolphin of the sea, oceans,

Can sit in a starship, visiting the moon

Take the book, children

Book Pages will help

Everything around is transformed.

Who will want, maybe he can become.

Captain, doctor, circus acrobat,

Good fairy, wizard, brave soldier.

Maybe in battle with evil

Win all enemies

Station " Knikina Hospital»

"Book book"

Skvortsova had a mushki - there were books -

Shaggy, torn, humpback,

Without end and without start,

Bindings like urine

On the sheets doodle,

Gorky books cried.

How do we be? - asked books. -

How to get rid of the grush?

And the brothers Grimm said:

That's what books, run away!

Disheveled task

Ground and loser

I stuck to them in response:

Girls and boyfriends

Everywhere is crippled books.

Where to run from the grush?

Everywhere salvation is not!

Do you agree guys that the books "no Salvation have no"?

(Pupil Answers)

You are right, good disciples protect the books, never pack, do not tear sheets. And if the books need an "ambulance", then you can contact the Hospital "Plovekin".

Where is the "booking hospital"?

Of course, in the library.

We run to the library,

In the free our shelter, -

There is a book of man

No offense give!

Song of library books

To us, sniffless

Care books,

In the rooms are spacious


Tramp books


Here from the paper

Save you shirts.

From Kneekora

Jackets safer

Will be cured soon

And the passport will give.

Speech school librarian. Conversation "Live the book!" Story about work

"Book Hospital".

The book comes out and turns to children.

Please do not touch me with dirty hands. I will be ashamed when I will take me other readers. Do not write on me either a handle nor a pencil, it is so ugly! If you have not finished reading, then put a bookmark in me so that I can relax and relax. In crude weather, wrap me in paper, because such the weather is harmful to me.

Help me stay clean, and I will help you be happy and smart.

To find out, a good pupil before us or not, just look at his books.

Staging the poem of M. Illina "Two books"

Two student come out. Their costumes are book covers. One is beautifully decorated, the other - torn, disheveled.

Once meet two books,

Communicated in themselves.

Well, how are your divids? -

One asked the other.

    Oh, honey, I'm ashamed before the class.

The owner of my cover snapped with meat!

What covers. ... cut the sheets!

It makes boats, rafts and pigeons ...

I'm afraid of the sheets will go for snakes,

Then fly me to the clouds!

Do you have a boc?

Your unfamiliar flour to me,

I do not remember such a day

So that without washing the pure hands

And look at my leaves,

You will not see the ink on them.

I'm silent about the blots - about them

And it is indecent ...

But I study him

Not somehow, but on "excellent."

Well, my troops rides barely barely

And even got a twice in that week.

Do you guys choose books?

Know what will tell directly

And books and notebooks, what a student you are.

If each of the guys blooms sheets, cover,

What is the book turn the guys little to?

So that the books were in children in the library, at school,

Many people have worked in the factory and in the field.

I am a book. I am a comrade!

Be, a schoolboy, careful with me ...

My pure look is always pleasant,

Go me from stains.

Oh, you dropped me to the floor!

Ah, soup you poured me!

What is behind the beasts, what birds?

Put the pages are not suitable!

Again my sheets lowered!

My binding is not vynybay!

My root is not worried!

Do not forget me in the garden:

Suddenly the rain will get it on trouble?

Remember: I am your best friend,

But not for dirty hands!

Conversation "How to repair a book."

Station " Poetic»

Reflects disappeared years

Facilitating everyday yoke,

Eternal Truths Neckless Light -

Relentless collateral,

The joy of each new shift,

Indication of the upcoming roads -

This is a book. Long live a book!

Clean joys light source,

Happy miga fastening

Best friend if you are alone -

This is a book. Long live a book!

T. L. Shchepkin-Cupernik

Bread and book, eternal from century,

On the table lie in front of me

Confirming the wisdom of man

Infinity of generosity earthly.

Kaisin Kuliev

How would we live without books

We are friendly with a printed word, if it were not it,

Nor about old, nor about the new we did not know anything.

Do you imagine a moment, how would we live without books?

What would make a student if there were no books.

If everything disappeared at once, which was written for children.

From magical good fairy tales to funny leaders?

You wanted to dispel boredom, to find the answer to the question,

He handed his hand over the book, but it was not on the shelf.

There is no your favorite book - "Chippolino" for example,

And escaped as Robinson and Gulliver boys.

No, it is impossible to imagine that such a moment arose

And you could leave all the heroes of children's books.

The book is bold, the book is honest, let a little pages in it,

In the whole world, as is well known, there is no borders.

She is open all roads and all continents.

She says in many different languages.

And she is in any countries

Through all the centuries will pass,

Like great novels

"Silent Don" and "Don Quixote".

Glory to our baby book

Swimmed by all seas!

And especially Russian

Starting from the tank.

S. Mikhalkov

Let's open new books

And again let's go from the page to the page.

Always it's nice with your favorite hero

Again to meet, find out, make friends.

I appeal to you, comrades children:

Useful of books is nothing in the world!

Let the books go to the houses

Read all your life, dial your mind!

Station " Musical»

The song "About the book" on the motive of the song "The world looks like a colored meadow"

If you don't read books yet

In vain, in vain, in vain!

With a book, any trouble is a matter

Yes Yes Yes!

The book is faithful in everything,

With a book will be brighter suddenly.

Book take no forget to go

Book friendly always be.

The book is not in vain collects friends

In the circle, in a circle, in a circle.

The book will make a gloomy day of fun

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.

With a book you will become smarter, believe me

Believe, Believe, Believe.

The book in science will open you

Door, door, door.

Song "If you are friends with the book" on the motive of the song "If a friend went into the way"

If you are friends with the book, you are friends

If you are friends with the book, you are friends

Cheerful lives.

And without a book, you understand

And without a book, you understand

Everything is more difficult to give.

That I feel snow that I know that I am rained pouring,

After all, the book is always with me.

And I tell you friends,

And I tell you friends,

With a book you are friends.

Books - loyal friends

Books are faithful friends.

Books you love.

Song "Read!"

There are many different books for girls and boys in the world.

Read, read, pages leaf.

Open your world

Everything is ahead in it.

Read, read,

Create, dream,

Find good luck on the way.

If you want to be famous

Good, smart, interesting,

Take the book, children

The world immense is glad to meet you.

Book Pages will help

Everything around transformed!

Station " Ready-ka"The poem of Vladimir Berestova" How good to be able to read! "

Do not need to pester mom.

No need to ask my grandmother:

Read, please read!

No need to tend to sister:

Well, read the page!

Do not call, do not wait,

(Student Answers)

And now we will listen to the poem of M.OSostrovsky "as Kolya read".

Kolya book did not read ...

He simply swallowed them:

For food and before bedtime,

In a boat with a raised oars,

In the lessons and in the garden,

Lyzhka, standing on the go.

At dinner swallowed

"Gullywer" with "Buratina",

He took a coat with hangers -

Bored Barto verse;

And in the pharmacy she took a while

Tomik Marshak talked.

Did not notice how with watermelon

He ate "Robinson Cruzo".

Finally, gathering to sleep,

Took "Hottabach" in bed.

He was asked at school:

    What did you read today, Kolya?

And answered Kohl like this:

Posted by Roman Marshak,

Like brave robinzon

Sat down in an extended car

And drove to Liliputs

Was the ropes of OUTAN,

But he saved him

Good dad "Karabas".

Friendly laughter rang out at school.

From what? - I did not understand Kohl.

Knows any of you

Why did the class laugh?

Student responses.

Pages of books are akin to powerful wings,

Lti, fly at least directly to the moon.

Revealed the book, it means that we discovered

Again opened a new country.

Station " Pushkinskaya»

Books Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin loved since childhood. As a child, he spent sleepless nights for reading, taper taking into the office of his father, without the analysis of "devouring" all the books that came across at her arm.

Having an extraordinary memory, Pushkin has already perfectly knew French, Greek literature on eleven years. When, in 1811, he entered the Tsarskoyel Lyceum, he struck his reading companion on the lyceum.

The poet was very careful to the books. In one of the letters from the road, he wrote that he was very upset, as the books he took on the road, in the chest interrupted and lost.

After the fateful meeting with Dantes, Pushkin lay in his office. The state of the wounded worsened with each hour. He already said goodbye to his friends, said goodbye to children.

The last words of Pushkin were words facing books. The dying poet looked down the bookshelves in a fading look and said quietly:

Farewell, friends!

Station " Read everywhere»

In difficult moments of life and in bright hour, a person is in -ureous with a book: she helps him strengthen faith in herself, in the triumph of mind and justice. Books are not silent: they are our smartest and sincere interlocutors.

With heroes of Jules Verne

And you flew, right

In the shells on a distant moon ...

For a brave Gulliver

We are like it

They went to giants to the long country.

At Brig Several

With fearless Robinson

We sailed to unknown seas

The ship was led by ourselves

Was uncle Step with us

Cat in boots and three heroes!

Merry, strong, bold,

Brave and skillful

It is impossible to forget the heroes of these books.

We are just friends with them,

We want to be so

They are all our best friends.

The books in the world are a lot of different,

Interesting and funny,

Book! Great word!

I sing about you

You soul soul.

I love you, love!

We are smart and richer

We are with her and grow and be friends

She asks us the tasks

And teaches how to think and live!

And in other things, how to say?

Without reading, I'm deaf without reading ...

Not a man, but only burdock.

Window to the world of knowledge to open

People learn to understand

Yourself in the universe find

Try to be closer to God

About the bright future dream ...

And with the book the world all understand

And a lot of knowledge get!

You can find out about different

And in distant countries to visit.

After all, books may surprise

About good people report

And about discoveries to tell

And all dreams to implement.

After all, you can find out

About all riddles and answers,

About everything that is on white light!

The English philosopher Bacon called the books by the books by the ships of the thoughts, traveling on time waves and carefully carrying their precious goods from generation to generation. "

Smart people no wonder:

We owe all the best book.

Books read old and young

The book is good every happy.

I read books, it means that I think

I think, it means, I live, and not Kisn.

In the book - wisdom, tears and laughter!

Good books are enough for everyone.

If you buy a book,

Do not throw on the regiment

It will not be

No sense.

All useful reading

About yourself and out loud.

The book is the surest

The best friend!

In it, poems and fairy tales ...

All to your services!

Take care of the book,

Become a big friend!

G. Ladonchikov

"The book," Alexander Herzen wrote, is the spiritual testament of one generation to another. "

Read free

Theatrical quest is the game "Travel Ocean" is designed for the organization of inspection time on the subject (literature).

Characters :


Baba Yaga,

Harry Potter,

Keeper "Alley Stars",

Winnie the Pooh,

Keeper "Code da Vinci",




Greetings to you, friends, on our ship! Today we will have an unusual journey - we will go to the sea cruise on the book ocean. Our ultimate stop is the island of treasure, on which, as they say, the treasure burned in the older times. The path will be difficult. At each stop, you are coming serious tests, at the end of which you will receive a cherished word from the statement of a well-known scientist. Passing all the tests, on the island of treasure you will need to collect from all words of the proposal. For better orientation, we will distribute you route maps. (Appendix No. 1. "Route card").

First stage: "Hut on curiped legs »

Baba Yaga keeps the key:

"Hello! What I must say to keep my hut! (Children say: "Hut, hut ..."). But to get the key, you need to solve a mystery. The mystery is fabulous, with humor.

Mystery : Name the name of a woman who first conquered airspace and became the owner of the world's first aircraft. (Baba -Yag and Stupa) 2Bull. Well, of course, this is all me, Baba Yaga! Come in (gives the key). Would you like to know how old I am? Then guess the riddles and write down the numbers of the numbers in order.The task : Guess the riddles and write down the ignition numbers in order. You must have the number of four digits. For each digit - 1 point.

1. It is one among the sheet alone, when the notebook is empty. Turning your nose to the ceiling, she scolds the student. And as if the Heron, the middle of the swamps of his laziness she pecks. Although she has one leg, she is slight, proud, strict. Neither the crane is neither the tit. And just ... (one)

2. The proverb: "I know how your own ... fingers" (five)

3. Guess the guys, what kind of figure acrobat? If the head becomes, exactly three will become more. (Six) 4.The words from the song "Funny Company" on the words Sergey Mikhalkov: Beauty, beauty, we are a cat with you, Chizik, dog, Petka-Zabyaka, Monkey, Parrot . Here is what company!

Question: How many members consist of a company? (six)

Answer:1566 years (for each correct figure in the correct order on 1 point)

And now in the way, according to unknown tracks, where the traces of unprecedented animals.

Guardians of "traces of invisible beasts",

Place decoration: On the floor, traces of animals are drawn on the walls

5 hours near five traces of riddles (you can offer any riddles). Each trail is a mystery of 1 point.

Second phase

Harry Potter: "Hello. You arrived at the "Island of Book Jungle." To get the cherished key, guess the riddle:

Although not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with the root.

Talking with us

All clear languages \u200b\u200b(book)

I offer you "Library Wanders"

The task : Choose from the command of 2 people who will find a book on the bookshelves for 1 minute, an excerpt from which you read together. 5 points

"Tom went outside with a lime bucket and a long brush. He looked around the fence, with a sigh, looked like a brush in a lime, spent a brush on the board, looked at the fence: how much remained to paint, again sighed and sighed in despair.

Ben appeared from the gate. He jumped, asked and gnawing an apple. Tom saw him, and suddenly he occurred a brilliant thought! Tom took the brush and quietly began to work, not paying attention to Ben: make a smear, will go away - to admire his work. "

And now your road lies through the island, whose name must be guessing now, and get covenant points.

The task : The name consists of the phrase "noun in I.P. + Noun in R.P. ":

SUD I.P.- This is the road in the park or in the garden, placed on both sides by trees or shrubs.

SUD R.P - this is the answer to the riddle of "Golden coals in the sky scattered" 5 points. "Alley Stars" (board of honor "School Pride").

Third stage

Registration of the site "Alley of Stars".

The index pillar on which is written: "Go right to go - you will not find anything. You will go left - "Green Island" you will find. "

Guess where to go, and get extra points.

The task:

1. The storage of knowledge about plants, animals, man (biology office - 1 point)

2. Name the name of the hostess of this repository and its translation (Victoria "Victory" - 1 point)

Fourth stage

Registration of the place "Green Island".

Flowers, umbrellas and items from the "Bureau of Finds".

Vini-Pooh: Hello everyone. Yes, there will be sweet your days. Oh, umbrella! Who lost it? (What is the literary hero (heroine)?

Answer: Mary Poppins - 1Ball

Yes! How sad - lose your things ... Remember the story of my friend's lost tail? So I decided to organize the "Bureau of Finds".

The task: For 1-2 minutes, guess the heroes of literary works or the name that could lose these items: 1 score for each + 1 score for the name of the work + 1 score for the author.





Queen Chachech

Pot with ball

Winnie the Pooh


Dad Carlo




Fly Tsokotukha





You can use any other items from literary works: cream ("Master and Margarita"), spindle ("Sleeping Tsarevna"), checkers ("Dead Souls"), a microscope ("left-hand") and others.

Fifth stage

Hello. You are on the peninsula "unsolved secrets".

Task "Da Vinci Code" 1: The Great Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the names of writers. Among the letter confusion, find as much the names of writers as possible. Maximum 13 points (1 score for last name).

YtsukengshshchzBunin Chulfywaprol.Andreev JajacmitTurgenev BouthuchengleskshchzkhafyvaprischvinroljachrptiumTvenkatanitancrylovyngshchzkhafypushkinvaproljeerminchsmiereminchsmieremkhetschshcheThreshitReopolskyTloneemAvkprrtopolvyatvlubrrtoltvubrnovyTornovolnotyprna-Mallapirtak

Sixth stage

Island "Sweet Dreams"

Carlson: "He welcomes you to the measure of a dubbed, but a terribly cute man at the dawn of forces. All you know that I am a sweet fan. Especially - jam. Yes, just get to it is not easy. Help ... and?!

The task : "Who belongs to?" Pick up the words located in the left column corresponding to the names of our own.

Seventh stage

Pirate : Yeah, fell! How did you dare to penetrate our territory? Do you even imagine to whom did you get and what will we do with you now?!

I am a dashing sea pirate,

I myself damn a long time for a long time.

I any enemy in the sea,

I need a black flag.

My shelter in the sea gave,

There I grab ships.

And it happens that I drown

And the treasures of Copper.

The eye of MIL such landscape:

Waves, fight, boarding.

I love to live

And with sharks to be friends

What? Clay Find you want? And find the treasure is not easy. Here is the "note". And the marine semaphore alphabet will help you solve it.

Answer: The treasure lies in the chest. Chest under the table.

The guys find a chest with a treasure (candy - gold coins). Open, there is a "bomb" (inflated ball with the inscription "minus 5" and ticking hours).

Note: Clock ticking can be downloaded on the Internet.

It is necessary for 1 minute to perform the final task, otherwise the "bomb" will explode (the ball will burst)

Final task: fold the "parts" quotes

"Books -

ships of thought


by waves of time

and carefully carrying their

precious labor

from generation to generation".

Journey game

"Read the city"

scenario Holiday Dedication to Readers

for accounting1 classes

Event Plan:

    The teacher comes with a list of students.

    Meeting in the lobby of the library, holding a tour of the library.

    Event in the hall.

    Review and viewing books from the exhibition.

    Record to the library.

    Presentation of gifts - bookmarks for books.





Of course, in the library! The library is a book kingdom, a wise state for all guys. Only here you will find a lot of fairy tales, poems, adventures and fiction, books about animals and plants.

Let's get to know better! And for this, we will visit our "read the city."

Let's go through the streets and prospectuses of this wonderful city!

Street riddles

In this wonderful basket, book heroes left some of their little things, let's refund them, but who?

It is necessary to learn a fabulous hero on the subject.

(Items: Arrow, Egg, Cobweb, Golden Key, Walnut Shell, Talking Thread, Fish or Pink bush, etc.)

Host: Do you love riddles?

(Rides the riddles)

This beast lives only at home,

With this beast you are familiar:

He has a mustache - like the needles,

He, Murlycha, Song sings,

Only the mouse is afraid.

Guess? This is a cat)

Not deer he and not a bull

In India, he got used to live.

On the nose has a horn.

Who is who? ... (Rhino)

Water Moon song sing

Sat on a twig ... (nightingale)

Who loves to wear on the branches?

Of course, redhead ... (protein)

On the shepherd, it looks like

That neither the tooth, then a sharp knife!

He runs, overlooking the mouth,

At Aries is ready to attack.

And the teeth are pitch and puck.

Who is it? This ... (Wolf)

In Malina understands sense,

The owner of the forest is a terrible ... (Bear)

He has big ears,

He is the owner obedient.

And although he is small,

Does he lead? Like a truck!

He screams: "IA-IA".

Today in the new Saraychik

He entered how Novosel

Who is the children? Bunny?

Not? Well, who then? ... (Donkey)

Clotter curled

Well-ka Trim.

From all sides of the prickly ... (hedgehog)

Boulevard Pychov

Our Tanya cries loudly

Dropped a ball into the river ...

You all know how many books in which you can read wonderful poems. And there are still fairy tales written in verses. What fairy tales in verses do you know? What is rhyme?

Host: Let's play rhyme! I say the word, and you rhyme me to this word. For example: Paint is a fairy tale, a shelf - needle. Agreed? Begin!

Horse - fire.

Picture - showcase.

Thunderstorm - goat.

Fox - sausage.

Mole - mouth, cat.

Well done boys!

Host: Well done guys! And you know that rhyme is the basis

Poem. There will be no rhyme - there will be no poem. Pick up rhymes to words.

I wanted to make a ball

And I have guests in myself ... (called)

Bought flour, bought cottage cheese,

Break crumbly ... (Pie)

Pie, knives and forks here

But something guests ... (do not go)

I waited until the strength had enough

Then a piece ... (swallowed)

Then he moved chair and villages

And the whole pie per minute ... (ate)

When guests come up,

Then even crumbs ... (Did not find)

This poem wrote the poet Daniel Harms. He has many such fun poems. And not only he. That's how many books are presented at our exhibition! All of them will come when you read them. And then we will meet with you again and talk.

Street fairy tales

Carlson: Hi! Can I land here for a minute? Host: Yes, yes, please! Do you know how to fly? It is very difficult?

Carlson: I am a droplet, because I'm the best shooting world. I

handsome, smart, and moderately dubbed man in the heyday. I am the world's best steam car specialist, and in all the rest I am the best in the world.

Host: You learned who granted to visit us guys?

Carlson: Does anyone else know me yet? Do not you read the book of Swedish writer Astrid Lingren.

Entering: Guys! Who is this and what is he a fairy tale?

(Children's responses)

Carlson: Do you really know fairy tales?

And try to guess my ...

1. Who is the best videos in the world and sweet tooth, big friend baby? (Carlson)

2. In what fairy tale the bear himself composed poems? ("Winnie Pooh and all-all-all ..")

3. What girl lost a shoe? (Cinderella)

4. What was the name of the owner of a cat in boots? (Marquis Karabas)

5. What was the name of the little girl? (Thumbelina)

6. Which of the three pigs built the most durable house? (NAF-NAF)

7. How many robbers reached Ali-Baba? (40)

Carlson: And now I would not be a little afraid. Maybe send chairs in the window? Or will you start some kind of game in the same way? And can you play in the ghost? After all, I am the best ghost in the world! I am a little ghost with the engine! Wild, but pretty! Where to get a sheet?

Host: Well, you, Carlson, you're in the library! Is it possible to throw chairs in the library or play ghost?

Carlson: since you do not like my offer, come up with something else, otherwise I will not be taken with you! I have to have something to do something. -

Game "Porters"

It is necessary to transfer as many balls as possible at one time from one place to another, do not keep them for the rope.

Game "Runway Sorryozhekov"

Playing are divided into 2 teams. Each is built into the column one by one, there are obstacles on the same line, which "Sorry-Troop" should get around, while not dropping them. And without breaking the "Sorry Troops".

LEADING; Well done boys! In each work, in every fairy tale there are evil and kind heroes. We will check now: which of you is familiar with the heroes of books. I call you the heroes, if he is kind - you clap your hands, if evil - so you have.

Thumbelina, Snow Queen, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Basilio Cat, Red Hat, Nightingale Rogue, Wolf, Dad Carlo, Baba Yaga, Lisa Alice, Dobrynya Nikitich, Snow Queen, Aldar Spit. Well done!

Street of integrity


And in the books there is about everything, about everything.

About rivers and sea,

And that the sky has no end,

And round earth.

About cosmonauts, clouds

Flying many times

About rain and lightning, and thunder,

About light, heat, and gas.

The game "Looks like or the same"

Name what you know

Onions are a plant, and also (weapons),

Parsley - Plant, Clown,

Spit - Hair, Tool,

Sandaloda - shoes, bass girl,

Bowler - dishes, headdress,

Brush - hands, artist,

Game "Merry Mushrooms"

The halls of mushrooms are distributed around the hall, which must collect participants of the game, while selecting only edible.

Host: Tell me please, how do you know what are edible mushrooms, but it's not? Of course, all this can be found from books!

(Review of scientific and educational literature for children)

Palace of books

Book: Finally we met, my little good friends. I am glad to welcome you in my palace. Inspect my possessions, get acquainted with its inhabitants. Know that the inhabitants of my palace speak silently, so there is a silence. Ordersmate you in my twisted good friends, let's refund them, but who?


Host: Much right! But sometimes it happens so that the books say. This is at night when nobody hears them!


Once meet two books,

Communicated in themselves.

Well, how are you doing?

One asked the other.

Oh, honey, I'm ashamed in front of the class -

My owner

Covers snatched meat!

What covers! Cut the sheets!

Of these, he makes boats, rafts.

Book: Yes, yes like this very often happens, with my sisters books!

Host: Guys, do you know how to handle the book?

the careful attitude towards the book is your very first and main reading duty. And now we will get acquainted with the basic rules: how to take care of the book. And the book and Carlson listens ..

Game: On the cards, the rules for handling a book and children are recorded alternately:

1. At home, tide the books a certain place on the bookshelf.

2. The book of completing paper - the cover will not get a dump.

3. Read the book at a clean table and clean hands.

4. Turn the book for the right upper corner of the page.

5. Do not write anything and do not draw on the book.

6. Do not elbows on the book when reading, do not put the book with the disclosed sheets down.

7. Do not put in pencils book, handles - otherwise the root will break.

8. In order not to lose the place in the book, where you read - put the bookmark.

9. Read books of Vernelics to the library. They are waiting for other guys.

Host: Now you know guys, the rules for handling a book.

Book: And today we must devote the guys to readers!

Host: I believe that all the guys will carefully handle books! True guys! Let's give an oath and the book will give you to readers.

(Children give an oath)


I swear: the heroes of the books know.

I swear: do not spoil the page

And the books to pass on time.

Host: Well, guys, you gave an oath to the book. And now you should not retreat from this oath.

(The book gives bookmarks for books)

Book: many books you have already read, even more you have to read and learn from books a lot of new and interesting. Come to us all together and you will become participants in the fun games. Come with dads and moms, grandparents, they will tell you about the books that they themselves read when they were children. Come yourself, librarians will be happy to talk to you about read, find the most interesting books for you.

Compiler: Nakrew T.B.

Children's Book Universe Virtual Book Exhibition Dear Guys! If you like to read if you like to travel, if you are interested in exciting adventures - then we invite you to make a virtual journey through the "Children's Book Universe" "Constellation of Friendship" invites you to become friends of Uncle Fedor, Deniski ship, electronics and other amazing and brave guys On the "Constellation of Kids" you will meet your favorite characters: Cheerful Pinocchio, Fair Chipollino, Funny Dunno and Winnie Pooh Bear

Uspensky EN Favorite girl Uncle Fedor / E. N. Uspensky- M.: Ast, Onyx, S.: Il.- (Series "Golden Library") Katya and Aunt Tamara Semenovna come to the village of Prostokvashino and meet with her old-timers: a boy named Uncle Fedor, Cat Matroskin, a dog with a ball and others ...

Gubarev V. G. Kingdom of curves mirrors: Tale-tale / V. G. Gubarev; Art. T. Profitovskaya. - M.: Soviet Russia, C.: IL. The Kingdom of Curves Mirrors is a fabulous story about the girl Ole, who suddenly saw himself from. And it helped her to get rid of the shortcomings, which she used to notice before

Wellists E. S. New Adventures Electronics: Fantastic Stories / E. S. Viltists. - Perm: "Ural Press", p. This is a story about the electronic boy and his friend and the twin of Sergey Syrovogany, the famous Professor Gromov, school mathematics Taratar, how the rarest electronic dog - Rassie was invented and much more. In the new, fourth, the stories takes place in the camp, where the electronics met with an electronics electronics electronics

Medvedev V. V. Barankin, be a person!: 36 \u200b\u200bevents from the life of Yura Barankin / V. V. Medvedev; Art. V. Yudina. - M.: Dragonfly, C.: Il .- (Schoolchild Library series) Tale of the scorpion of schoolchildren Yura Barankin and Malinin's bones, which, turning alternately in Sparrow, Butterflies and Muravyev, returned, in end to human existence and understood what happiness is to be a man

Dragunsky V. Yu. Denisian stories / V. Yu. Dragunsky; Art. V.N. Losin.- M.: Onyx, s., Il.- (Series "Golden Library") You, of course, are familiar with Denis and Mishkoy - the characters of the stories of the wonderful children's writer V. Kondogunsky. The life of these faithful friends is full of adventures that do not allow them to them nor their parents. Open this book and enter this cheerful world!

N. N. N. Adventure Slaughter and his friends / N. N. Nosov; Art. A. Shahgetyan.- M.: The world of the seeker, p., Il .- (Series "Library of Children's Literature") If you were small, I could get into a wonderful city where one shorty live. You would meet with littleness and his friends, and they would tell you a lot of interesting stories from your life. But while you did not decrease, then read about one adventure of the brief in this book

Tolstoy A. N. Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio: Tale-Tale / a. N. Tolstoy: Art. A. Kanevsky. - M.: Dets., C.: Il. The old wardrine dad Carlo cut out of a funny little boy and called him Pinocchio. Wooden boy came to life, but in order to become a real man, he will survive a lot of adventure. Kindness, courage and help of real and disinterested friends will help him with honor to endure all the trials

Volkov A. M. Wizard of the Emerald City. Urfin Jys and his wooden soldiers / A. M. Volkov. - Zaporozhe: Interbuch, C.: IL. Do you believe that there are wizards and fairies in the world? Do you want to get into the magic country? Ellie also dreamed of it. But when a terrible hurricane raised her little house into the air, she was very frightened. And it's good that there was a faithful dog

Rodari J. Adventure Chipollino / J. Rodari; Translation from Italian Z. Potapova Ed. S.Ya. Marshaka.- M.: Publishing House Mai, C.: Il. The story-fairy tale of the famous Italian writer Janni Rodari. Hero of the story of Chipollino - Boy-Lukovka, Walks in a fabulous country, protecting the poor, struggling with oppressors

Milnes A. A. Winnie Pooh and all, all, all: Tale-tale / A. A. Miln; Retelling. from English B. SKAKHOR; Art: B. Dibrov, Kalinovsky.- M., Children. lit., p. This book will introduce you to a cheerful plush teddy bear, whose name is Winnie Pooh and his friends: with the boy Christopher Robin, with a piglet Pigatch, with an old donkey IA-IA, with the owl, with a tiger, named Tiger, with a rabbit, and also with Mom Keng and her cheerful son

Municipal budgetary institution of culture "Association of Children's Libraries" Children's Library 5 Library and Information Center UL. Forest, 46 Phone: (8482) Skype: biblio_5 Compiler: L. A. Makarova, lead bibliographer Togliatti, 2012