Acquaintance with the cultural traditions of European countries. European traditions

Acquaintance with the cultural traditions of European countries. European traditions
Acquaintance with the cultural traditions of European countries. European traditions

3.1. Main rituals, customs and traditions of the peoples of Europe

In the second half of the XIX century. Many peoples of foreign euro-pop existed patriarchal-type families, but by the middle of the XX century. Almost everywhere there was a simple monogamous family. Although the head of the family is usually the husband is still considered, but the patriarchals strongly weakened.

It should be noted that in recent years, women have ever more actively demanded to establish complete equality in all spheres of life and practically achieved serious results in this long struggle: on the oppressed position in which they were previously, little left.

Christian religion in his initial dogmas was characterized by great asceticism; She not only allowed, but also the greeting-shaft of the celibacy as the most worthy way to serve God. That is why almost immediately after the appearance of Christianity, monastic orders appear, celibacy from Catholic clergymen, etc.

The church was rather tough to divorces, not allowing them even in the case of the physical impossibility of someone from the spouses to have children. Ocho, it can be seen that in many respects it was the church for many years determined the development of the European family. At the same time, the appearance of Protestantism facilitated the position of the family: the peoples (or parts of the peoples), which passed into Protestan-Tisma, began to allow civilianization of marriage, allowing the intelligence, more tolerately refer to extramarital relationships, etc.

In the Catholic countries, the influence of the church is still felt; Marriages are usually concluded in the church, the divorces are very difficult and often replaced by the receipt of church permit only on separate accommodation of spouses (with the possibility of entering them into neo-form-like marriage).

The most significant family ritual having a high social significance is a wedding. This is the process of connecting two different surnames, various families, by which the basis of a new cell of natural and socio-cultural reproduction is laid.

Most peoples retain a tradition to enter into marriage plants of the end of spring and autumn field work, before and after large religious posts; Among the Germans, the maximum marriage falls on November, the second maximum - to May; Among the British and some other peoples, Mai is considered an unhappy month to conclude marriages, and the most napa-road is June.

Before concluding a marriage, the engagement is declared, which I-Ranet is a very important role, because it binds the groom and inconsistently and terminate it, without having lost respect for the familiar and neighbors, it is possible only in exceptional cases. The execution period is not only time to check the feelings and marriage intentions, but also a kind of public control over marriage; To this end, it is customary to post a declaration of the upcoming wedding or declare several times about this on the recreation of the church.

In Europe, age for marriage is usually determined by civil majority (usually 21 years), but there may be an exclusive: in Italy it is 14 years old for women and 16 years for men.

In some countries, only church marriage (Spain, Portugal and Greece) is considered valid, in other countries such as church and civil marriage (United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Denmark), in third-of them (Italy, France, Germany, etc. ) A civil marriage is required, although here after the marriage of marriage in the municipality or town hall, Molo-Dias are often sent to the church.

In rural settlements, not only relatives and neighbors were usually invited to the wedding, but all fellow villagers who made newly demanded gifts things or money.

The wedding house in most peoples was made to decorate live flowers and greens if the time of year allowed; In the church or town hall, the bride and groom were driving in an decorated carriage.

Among the Italians and some other peoples, until the last time, the custom of which guys, holding hands, blocked the newlywed exit from the church and missed them only for a small redemption. Preserved, however, some customs associated with the baptism of the newly spilled. Thus, the Celtic peoples of Britain entered the system to take the name of their father with the prefix "Son" as a surname (in Scotland - "Mac", in Ireland - "O").

There is a widespread installation when the first child in the family is called the name of one of the parents of the Father, the second - mother's parents, so that the family may have children with the same name.

Baptism, especially in Catholics and Orthodox, is preceded by a careful choice of godfather and mothers who then play a significant role in the life of a gym or skeleton, in their family celebrations, etc.; Often, Catholics were chosen from 3 to 6 godfathers and mothers.

Despite the fact that the religiosity of the inhabitants of the West and Southeastern Europe almost everywhere decreased, the solemn events and holidays of the Christian calendar are so strongly in life, which is still preserved even among people, almost departed from Churches and, let's prefer to celebrate a birthday, and not name day.

One of these major holidays is the Christmas of Christ, celebrated by Catholics and Protestants on December 25, i.e. Before the New Year, and Orthodox - 13 days later.

An important attribute of Christmas is a Christmas tree decorated with bright toys, and in recent decades and garlands of bulbs; Candles on the Christmas tree are taken only to Christmas Eve.

In Italy and some other countries, they begin to get ready since the beginning of December, along the urban streets, they put Christmas trees in the tubs with Pie-com, hang out the garlands of bulbs, in churches are preparing layouts and figures for Christmas ideas (moving figures of Mary, Joseph, Magi, Mackets of nursery, etc.).

At home and apartments, it is customary to clean the greens; In Britain, a mistletoe, which was considered sacred still at the Celts is often used. The church bells beat the church bells in the floor, they burn candles on the Christmas trees.

Christmas is considered a family holiday everywhere, we are spent in a relatively narrow circle. Children are especially rejoiced, expecting gifts that put them in bed shoes or are awarded Santa Claus. The new year is made in a less intimate setting, for example, in a cafe, restaurant, or simply on the street, arranging noisy necks. In Austria, marches are arranged with broken brooms, "sweeping" the remains of the old year. Such New Year's processions are often accompanied by crackers, fireworks, launch missiles and special orchestras. In Italy, for the new year, it is taken as a sign of liberation from all the old to throw out unnecessary dishes, old furniture and other trash.

An important spring holidays are everywhere are the oil and Easter. In the Mediterranean and neighboring countries with them, where winter is going fast, it is Maslenitsa, held after the middle of February, before the great post, is considered the feast of spring offshore.

The indispensable component of the carnival are processions in different masks and costumes for the orchestra and usually headed by the king and queen (prince and princess) of the carnival, food on the decorated auto machine (and earlier - on the wagon).

In southern France, and especially in the Netherlands, where flower growers are strongly developed, figures are taken in the carnival procession. Flower battles are arranged. Such a magnificent, costume carnava lamas is usually started to prepare for 2-3 months.

In the north of Protestant countries, the Maslenitsa Praz-dull is modest. In England, for example, on her tradition, only one day is given when at 11 o'clock on the blow of the bell, the mistress begins the furnace pancakes; In some villages, it was customary to arrange women's running with a frying pan, on which they keep hot pancakes, sometimes throwing them up.

Easter holiday compared to Carnival is usually carried out externally less brightly, mainly in the family and church. In Spain, Porto-Galia and Italy, it is customary to organize church marches in which the scenes of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ are swirling.

In more northern countries, children who collect painted eggs hidden for them in different places of Rodi-telly or presented with them neighbors, relatives and acquaintances are most fun in this holiday.

The bright summer holiday of St. John, which coincides with Slavic Ivan Khapova (June 24), unlike Maslenitsa, the most popular in Nordic countries - Scandinavia and Finland.

In honor of this holiday, big bonfires are lit, houses are decorated with greens, high poles with a crossbar are erected, where the garlands of greens and colors hang, yellow-blue ribbons, water around dance, sing songs, jump through the fire, etc.; Young people bathe in lakes and rivers, goes about their fate. In the southern countries, fires are often, especially in Goro-dah, replace fireworks.

In addition to these holidays, there are other associated with the magnificent Christian church calendar days of the saints. Everywhere it is customary to celebrate the day of all saints (November 1), who is considered the day of the commemoration of the departed and those killed in the wars; On this day, the graves of relatives attend, and in large cities they arrange the processions to the grave of an unknown soldier.

In some carnival (spring) marchs of masks and costumes, adult participants have become increasingly to give way to children, preferring dance sites and costume balls. Their main feature is that truly folk holidays and celebrations have acquired the character of stylized ideas suitable not so much for themselves as to attract tourists.

And since tourism is a prominent article of income in all countries of Western Europe, then carnival ideas spread almost everywhere, and the organizers are trying to do not match them in time and differed in nature.

In the nature of leisure and entertainment of European peoples, there are no specific features that distinguish them in one degree or another and from the peoples of other countries of the world. According to the structure of daily time, Spain is highlighted here with Portugal and South France, where the hottest hours of the day are discharged for lunch and afternoon rest (Siesta).

For the Romanesque and especially the dedicated sacred peoples, the large openness of life and leisure, the pastime of residents (especially men) outside the house - on the streets and squares, where the cafes, snack bars and restaurants are taken; Women overlook the streets, but in the evening clocks for walks on the main street of the city or settlement.

In this ethnogeographic zone, the old folk view and submission are preserved, the most striking of which is the fight of bulls in Spain (Corrida); There is a similar spectacle in Portugal, but in less cruel shape - the bull is not killed here.

Many actually sporting games originated in England, which is still one of the most sporty countries of the world. Among these games, football, tennis, cricket, golf, horse run, cycling and yachtsmen competitions have become the greatest popularity.

In addition to the specified sports that spread in many Ev-Ropy countries, you can call skating and skiing, hockey with a washer (mainly in the countries of Northern Europe). Along with various sports in many European countries, still enjoy love People's national games, for example, the pushing of a log, competitions for the cutting velocity of wood (Finland, Norway), a game in metal balls (France) and wooden balls (Italy), a game in cards. In conclusion, it should be noted that the culture of European peoples, their main rites, customs and traditions are based on their Christian ideology. This religion was quite ascetic in its initial setups turned out to be popular not only among the bottoms, which the Heavenly Paradise in the afterlife was promised for their suffering, but also for the ruling groups to which the Caesar-Cesarean Caesarean "was applied. Christianity, as a world religion, includes Orthodox, Catholicism, Monophizite, Protestantism and Nestorianism, which are discussed in detail in the course of the foundations of religious science.

Questions for the seminar lesson 1

    The main customs and traditions of Western European peoples: the British, French, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, etc.

    Christianity as the basis of the lifestyle, customs and traditions of Western European peoples.

    Give a generalized ethnopsychological portrait of a German.

    Give a generalized ethnopsychological portrait of the Spaniard.

    Give a generalized ethnopsychological portrait of a Frenchman.

    Give a generalized ethnopsychological portrait of an Englishman.

    Give a generalized ethnopsychological portrait of an Italian.

Questions for the seminar lesson 2

    Mature and unity of cultural customs and traditions of the peoples of Western Europe.

    Features of etiquette in England.

    French etiquette: history and modernity.

    Features of business communication with the Germans.

    Features of business communication with the French.

    Features of business communication with Italians.

    Analyze the relationship between the traditions of the peoples of the United States and Europe.

    Features of culture and development trends

Ethnic and religious traditions of peoples

Japan and China

There is no people in the world, which would relate to their own honor more checkety than the Japanese. They do not tolerate not only the slightest insulted, but even rudely said words. They never bother other complaints and enumerations of their own troubles. Since childhood, they learn not to disclose their feelings, considering it stupid. The law for the Japanese is not the norm, but the framework for the discussion. A good Japanese judge is a person who can resolve most affairs to the court on the basis of compromises.

The Japanese always tries to be officially recommended by the person or a firm with which he wants to deal; She strives to give matter a person's personality. He should never break outdoor harmony (it is more important than proving the rightness or benefit), to put the fellow citizens to a position that would forced them to "lose face", (that is, to recognize a mistake or incompetence in your area). It does not appeal to logic - because for him, emotional considerations are more important. The Japanese do not show elevated interest in the cash side of cases, because the concept of "time is money" in their country has no walking. They tend to be expressed indefinitely - while avoiding independent steps, since their ideal is an anonymous general opinion.

The Japanese are benevolently relate to the fact that Christians-Kai Morality calls human weaknesses. Abstinence, build-up taste, the ability to be content with small does not mean that the Japanese is inherent asceticism. They press the grievous burden of moral duties. Japanese morality only emphasizes that physical pleasures, carnal pleasures should be diverted, secondary, place. They do not deserve condemnation and do not make up sin. But in certain cases, a person himself is forced to refuse them for something more important. Life is delimited on the range of responsibilities and a circle of pleasure, the main and the area is secondary.

Japanese children never cry. The education system seeks to avoid it. Children in Japan incredibly indulgent. You can say, they just try not to give a reason to cry. They, especially boys, almost never prohibit anything. Before school years, the child does everything that he pleases. In school years, children's nature will know the first restrictions, carefulness is raised.

The Japanese is the mystery of our century, this is the most incomprehensible, the most paradoxical of the peoples.

Tokyo's face is not the streets and not a building, these are primarily people. Tokyo worries, striking and depressing, as a giant accumulation of human vessels. Eleven million inhabitants live in it. And nine million of them live in the territory of 570 square meters. kilometers. It doesn't care what to buy all Hungary in Budapest. The population density on this block of land from the concept of statistical develops in tangible.

Music.People's music of Japan is rich and diverse. It has developed, it is under significant influence of China's musical culture. In the ATRU Kabuki to maintain singing, dance and pantomimic scenes apply tool music.

Theater and cinema.The origins of the Japanese theater will go up to the oldest on-native games - Tasobi, reproducing the agricultural process. Japan's theater art is saturated with religious ideas of Shito, mythological plots dominate, and the spectacular side of theatrical ideas overlooks the fore.

The puppet theater, which developed the origin of dolls and various types of dolls in Japan, was very popular in Japan, creating dramaturgy based on the folk epic tales - Dzeruri. Dzrapori text was performed by a teacher guide, under the accompaniment of the Oyamysen musical instrument. In the repertoire, Kabuki included the plays of Dzoruri, the act-ry was imitated by the movements of puppets, repeating in the declamination speech-tative Maneru performing guide; Sometimes I was introduced into the performance itself. Ballet panto mimes also received widespread in Kabuki (CE-Sagoto).

Movie.From 1896 in Japan, predominantly Fran Zuzovsky films were demonstrated. In 1906, domestic filmmaking appeared.

Large Japanese film companies produce many art films, imitating Hollywood standards. At the same time, progressive directors, overcoming reactionary influences, reflect in their films of the world's ideas, genuine interests -cakers. The work of the director Akira Kurosava is especially highlighted.

As ever for us, the words of Confucius are relevant to us: "respect the Dobrid-Tel, to protect the people" and "the ruling with the help of virtue is similar to the incense star, which occupies its place, and all other stars surround it." A genuinely cultural people will never allow the rapist to bring the place of the polar star, in the fire of his culture will certainly burn any authoritarian power, in whatever democratic clothes it is nearing.

4.1. Features of mentality, customs and traditions of the Chinese

Chinese ethnos created a special type of culture. Sensible ki-tapet never thought over the sacraments of the Being and the problems of life and death, but he always saw the standard of the highest virtue and considered him his sacred duty to imitate him. The greatest peel-kami here were considered those who teaches to live with dignity, in accordance with the law, live for life, and not for the sake of bliss on the light or spa from suffering.

In the Chinese tradition, religion turned into ethics, the individual in it as if depicted the gods. The people were declared herald of the will of the sky. The universal sense of the people was perceived by the ancient Chinese the most accurate manifestation of the Supreme Justice of Heaven. And at the same time, cosmically sanctified collectivism, according to the Chinese, finds individualism and the personal beginning of the culture of culture, which constitute the cornerstone of the spiritual life of Europeans in the mid-tech-European culture.

The world was initially perfect, harmony internally inherent in him, therefore it does not need to redo it. On the contrary, it is necessary to threaten, it is waiting for nature in order not to interfere with the implementation of harmony. Initially, the nature is inherent in five perfections: humanity (stump), a sense of duty (and); decency (Li), sincerity (blue) and wisdom (Ji).

From the point of view of Confucius, the personality receives its content is not-mediocre from nature. Thus, the basis of the harmony of society and nature was the idea of \u200b\u200ba socio-ethical and political order, a sanctioner-bathroom of the Great Sky. Taoism called for an organic merger with nature. Lao Tzu is considered the Creator of Taoism, who said that Confucius was too much noise regarding his person and perfectly spends strength on social projects and reforms. Lao Tzu believed that it was necessary to follow Dao (literally "path"). Tao is something comprehensive that it fills up all the space, it should be necessary for everyone and reigns in everything. Listening Tao. There is no habit of seeing only one side of the fancy, it does not have a linear perception, and the bulk, fixing changes.

As you can see, the Dao is the basis of all things in the universe, "the source of all things and phenomena, the individual manifestation of Tao -" DE ", i.e. the form of the manifestation of Tao in the individual. It reveals the moral perfection of the individual who has reached the absolute harmony with the surrounding worlds. These thoughts of Lao Tsey outlined in the book "On the Way to Virtue".

Confucius gives a detailed image of a noble husband, opposing his commoner, or a "low person" - "Xiao Zhen".

He formulated the basic principles of the social order that would like to see in the Middle Kingdom: "Let the Father be Father, the Son - Song, Sovereign - the Soviet, an official - an official," everyone will know their rights and do what they are supposed. The criterion for the separation of society to the tops and the bottoms was not to serve not the knowledge of origin and, especially, not wealth, but knowledge and virtue, more precisely - the degree of proximity to the ideal of Jun-Tzu.

In China, ancient times existed several methods of selection of officials, both common to the East and specifically Chinese. The first was the appointment of the post of personal decree of the emperor. It was necessary to earn a recommendation as a wise and fair official and to withstand the competitive exam. Three times the surveillance exams received a high degree and could hope for a prestigious position, the lowest of which was the post of county chief. Chinese Sanovnikov Uve-rolled that the firm knowledge of the letters of Confucianism and the ability to stand up for his canons in an open dispute with an opponent - the best proof of the suitable official to manage the country's affairs in accordance with traditions. That is why the education was for the Chinese a giant incentive to implement their ambition and loyalness.

The ultimate and higher goal of the management of the Confucius proclaimed the interest of the people. Of the three most important elements of the state in the first place there are people, in the second - deities, on the third - the sovereign. However, the same Confucians believed that his own their own interests were uncompressed and unavailable and that, without constant delicate care, he could not do without any permanent decent care. An important basis for social in-line - strict obedience to the eldest.

In China, there is an ancient cult of ancestors - both the dead and alive. Confucius has developed the doctrine of "Xiao" - sonarity. "Xiao", as Confucius considered, this is the basis of humanity. Following the Confucian tradition, the Chinese consider honoring parents with their duty and are ready to sacrifice personal interests in the name of the interests of the family and the family (clan). They have an unusually developed sense of responsibility: the father is responsible for all family members, the fault of parents applies to children, the boss is responsible for the activities of all his subordinates.

Since the Chinese must constantly remember that his acts must maintain the dignity of his family and the kind, he is always trying to "have a good face", that is, to look in the eyes of those who surround a worthy, respected person. It will be deeply offended if any violation of the traditional ceremonial will occur (let's say, when meeting guests, in a festive ritual or in official relations) and he is not a semi-cheat honorable honors. There is no greater misfortune for the Chinese, how to "lose face." According to the ancient custom in China, the highest honors and respect for the boss is the presentation of the umbrella. For this purpose, a special umbrella is made - large of red silk, with the inscriptions and the names of the donors. It is called "umbrella from thousands of persons." Ki Thais carefully care about the strict observance of the ceremonies, which "on the covenants of the ancestors" must be accompanied by various events of life.

The Institute of Sociology of the Beijing People's University conducted a study in which residents of 13 provinces and cities of China were subjected to survey. They were asked to express their attitude to various personality qualities on a 9-digit scale from "+5" ("very approved") to "-5" ("very not approved"). Average estimates turned out.

Middle Commitment



Sonna respect

Utilitarianism (desire for enrichment)



Diligence and thrift



False (cheating, diplomaticity)

This study shows that the Confucian virtues are "Guo-mannia", "Sonna respect", "hard work and thrift", etc. - still occupy a dominant position in the consciousness of Ki Thais. 70-80% of respondents consider them the main life values, and only 6-15% do not consider it necessary to adhere to them. The fact that the falsehood, which is spoken by McGanov, is very disapproving, deserves attention.

Thus, despite the deep social changes, the traditions of Confucianism in China did not lose their decisive place in the culture of Chinese society in China in the XX century.

China is one of the most distinctive countries of the world, but the trip there is associated with great psychological loads. You are all the time being the center of attention hundreds, and sometimes thousands of people. The Chinese are very funny, spiritual and intelligent people, but their ideas about the rules of good tone are not much coincided with our.

In China, it is important for the establishment of informal outlook with foreign partners. You can ask you about age, semery position, children - do not be offended: this is sincere interest in you.

During business meetings, Chinese negotiation participants are very attentive to two things: the collection of information on the subject and partners in the negotiations discussed; The formation of the "Friendship Spirit". Moreover, the "spirit of friendship" at the negotiations for them is generally very important, which is largely due to Chinese cultural traditions and values.

Tradition I. customspeoplesmira 2 229.80 459.60 ... 43 162,43 138 Fantasy - 2007 : Fantastic stories and stories \\\\ ...: Book for reading children \\ Tambiyev A. Kh. \\ Drop 1 52, ...

  • Report

    Validious 13.02. 2007 G. 2 Professional ... Traditions and customspeoplesmira Culture I. traditionspeoples Russia. Main aesthetic, psychological and religious customs ... Scientific and Practical Conference, Tambov, 2003. Faculty of informational ...

  • As a result of the studies, 87 peoples live on the territory of modern Europe, of which 33 are the main nation for their states, 54 - an ethnic minority in countries where they live, their number is 106 million people.

    In Europe, there are about 827 million people in Europe, this figure is steadily growing at the expense of emigrants from the countries of the Middle East and come here to work and study a large number of people from all over our planet. The most numerous European peoples are the Russian nation (130 million people), German (82 million), French (65 million), British (58 million), Italian (59 million), Spanish (46 million), Polish (47 million), Ukrainian (45 million). Also, residents of Europe are such Jewish groups as Karaims, Ashkenazi, Rominiot, Mizryhim, Sefard, the total number of their number - about 2 million people, Gypsies - 5 million people, Yenishi ("White Roma") - 2.5 thousand people.

    Despite the fact that European countries have a motley ethnic composition, it can be formed that they, in principle, passed a single path of historical development and their traditions and customs were formed in a single cultural space. Most countries were created on the wreckage of the once Great Roman Empire, stretching from the possessions of the German tribes in the West, to the borders in the east, where Galla lived, from the shores of Britain in the north and southern borders in the north of Africa.

    Culture and traditions of northern Europe

    According to the UN, the countries of Northern Europe include states such as United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Finland, Sweden. The most numerous peoples living in these countries and components of more than 90% of the population are the British, Irish, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Finns. In most, the peoples of Northern Europe are representatives of the Northern Group of the European Dream. These are people with light skin and hair, their eyes most often gray or blue. Religion - Protestania. Residents of the North European region belong to two language groups: Indo-European and Ural (Finno-Ugorskaya and the German Group)

    (English schoolchildren elementary classes)

    The British live in the country called the United Kingdom or as it is also called foggy Albion, their culture and traditions have a centuries-old history. They are considered to be a little reference, restrained and cold-blooded, in fact they are very friendly and stacks, they simply value their personal space and for them they are unacceptable kisses and hugs at a meeting, such as the French. They are very respecting sports (football, golf, cricket, shadow), holy thanks "File about a chick" (five to six pm - time to drink traditional English tea, preferably with milk), for breakfast prefers oatmeal and saying "My home - my Fortress "Just about such" desperate "households, what are they are. The British are very conservative and not very welcomed by change, therefore, with great respect they treat the ruling queen Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family.

    (Irishtian with his toy)

    The Irish is known for the general public in the color of the hair and beard, the emerald greens of national color, the celebration of St. Patrick's Day, faith in the mythical gnome of Leprechaun, who acting, the hot-tempered character and the fascinating beauty of the Irish folk dances performed under Jig, Rail and Horinpipe.

    (Prince Federick and Princess Mary, Denmark)

    Danes are distinguished by special hospitality and faithfulness to the old customs and traditions. The main feature of their mentality is the ability to remove from external problems and worries and completely dive into home comfort and peace. From other northern peoples that have a calm and melancholic temper, they are distinguished by a lot of temperament. They like no other than any other freedom and personal rights. One of the most popular holidays is St. Hans's Day (we have Ivan-Kupala), a popular Wiking Festival is held on Zealand Island.

    (Breaking Breeding Table)

    By the nature of the Swedes mostly restrained, silent people, very law-abiding, modest, thrifty and closed people. They also love nature very much, differ in hospitality and tolerance. Most of their customs are associated with the change of seasons, in the winter they meet the Holy Lucia, in the summer they celebrate Midssammar (pagan festival of solvent).

    (Norway indigenous representative in Norway)

    The ancestors of Norwegians were brave and proud Vikings, whose lives were completely devoted to the struggle for survival in the harsh conditions of the northern climate and surrounded by other wild tribes. That is why the culture of the Norwegians is impregnated with the spirit of a healthy lifestyle, they welcome sports in nature, appreciate the hardworking, honesty, ease of everyday life and decency in human relations. Their favorite holidays are Christmas, the day of the Holy Cant, the day of the summer solstice.

    (Finns and their pride - deer)

    Finns differ very conservative views and very well read their traditions and customs, they are considered very restrained, completely devoid of emotions and very slow, and for them silence and the circumstance are a sign of aristocracy and good taste. They are very polite, correct and appreciate punctuality, love nature and dogs, fishing, skis and bathe in Finnish saunas, where they restore physical and moral forces.

    Culture and traditions of the peoples of Western Europe

    In Western Europe countries, the most numerous peoples, here are the Germans, French, Italians and Spaniards.

    (In french cafe)

    The French are distinguished by restraint and polite appeal, they are very raised and the etiquette rules for them are not an empty sound. It ised for them - the norm of life, the French are large gourmets and connoisseurs of good wines, which even children drink there.

    (Germans at the festival festival)

    The Germans are characterized by special punctuality, accuracy and pedantry, they rarely violently express in people emotions and feelings, but in the depths of the soul are very sentimental and romantic. Most Germans are zealous Catholics and celebrate the holiday of the first communion having very important for them. Germany is famous for its beer festivals, for example, such as Munich Oktuberfest, in which the tourists drink millions of gallons of the famous foam drink every year and eat thousands of fried sausages.

    Italians and restraint are two incompatible concepts, they are emotional, merry and open, they adore stormy love passions, ardent courtship, serenade under windows and magnificent wedding celebrations (in Italian Matrimony). Italians profess Catholicism, almost every village and the village has its own Saint patron, in homes necessarily the presence of a crucifix.

    (Lively Street Buffet Spain)

    The indigenous Spaniards constantly spend loudly and quickly talk, gesticulating and exhibit violent emotions. They have a hot temperament, there are many "many" everywhere, they are noisy, friendly and open to communicate. Their culture is permeated with feelings and emotions, dancing and music are passionate and sensual. The Spaniards love to walk, relax during the summer two-hour sisend, to whip over the tickets on Borrida, leaving tomatoes on the annual Battle of Tomatoes at the Tomatin festival. The Spaniards are very religious and their religious holidays are very magnificent and pompous.

    Culture and traditions of the peoples of Eastern Europe

    The ancestors of the eastern Slavs live in Eastern Europe, the most numerous ethnic groups are Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

    The Russian people distinguishes the latitude and depth of the soul, generosity, hospitality and respect for native culture having centuries-old roots. His holidays, customs and traditions are closely connected both with Orthodoxy and with paganism. His main holidays Christmas, baptism, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala, Pokrov, etc.

    (Ukrainian Divic)

    Ukrainians value family values, honor and respect the customs and traditions of their ancestors, which are very colorful and bright, believe in the meaning and strength of champions (specially made items protecting evil spirits) and use them in various spheres of their lives. These are the hardworking people with a distinctive culture, in his customs mixed by Orthodoxy and paganism, which makes them very interesting and colorful.

    Belarusians are a hospitable and open nation, loving their unique nature and self-respecting their traditions, it is important for them a polite attitude towards people, respect for the suffering. In the traditions and customs of Belarusians, just like all the descendants of the Eastern Slavs there is a mixture of Orthodoxy and Christianity, the most famous of them - caalids, grandfathers, dogs, Guikanni.

    Culture and traditions of nations of Central Europe

    The peoples living in Central Europe include Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Moldovans, Romanians, Serbs, Croats, etc.

    (Poles at the National Holiday)

    Poles are very religious and conservative, at the same time open to communicate and hospitable. They are characterized by a cheerful temper, friendly and have their own point of view on any question. All age categories of Poles every day attend the church and exceeds the Virgin Mary. Religious holidays are celebrated with a special scope and celebration.

    (Five Palest Rose Holiday in the Czech Republic)

    Czechs are hospitable and benevolent, they are always friendly, smiling and polite, honor their traditions and customs, keep and love folklore, love national dances and music. National Czech drink - beer, a lot of traditions and rites are devoted to him.

    (Hungarian dancing)

    The nature of the Hungarians is distinguished by a significant proportion of practicality and vitality, combined with deep spirituality and romantic gusts. They very much like dancing and music, arrange the lush folk festivals and fairs with rich souvenir products, carefully keep their traditions, customs and holidays (Christmas, Easter, St. Ishthan's Day and the Day of the Hungarian revolution).

    Every year, interest in European states from foreigners grows with a huge speed. In most cases, this attraction is tourist. To conquer the impregnable mountain peaks, solar rays in the resort beaches, plunge into the blue abyss of the seas and the oceans, see the beauty of majestic architectural structures or just relax in luxury apartments - these are the main goals pursued by tourists from around the world. The question involuntarily arises: "But what about the acquaintance with the cultural traditions of European countries?" After all, they are the plast of culture of the peoples of Europe. Let's deal with the most popular of them.

    The origin of the traditions and customs of the peoples of Europe. European etiquette

    The rules and norms of behavior exist since ancient times, but the word "etiquette" itself appeared in France and received its distribution in Europe, and then the whole world only in the 17th century. It all started with the receptions in the royal courtyards, which were accompanied by the distribution of the so-called "labels" - cards with certain rules of behavior for guests.

    The modern etiquette of Western European states had a huge influence of established folk traditions and customs transmitted from generation to generation. These include different kinds of legends, legends, religious rites and beliefs. Communication among themselves in political, trading or other purposes led to the confusion in European countries of cultural traditions, which, in turn, made it possible to identify the basic rules of the good tone of the peoples of Europe. Among them are a delicate attitude and respect for the customs and traditions of each country without comparisons or criticism for their part, knowledge and skillful use of titles of interlocutors, appeal to the names of persons participating in the conversation and others. The most popular European cultural traditions today are wedding customs and culinary art.

    European wedding traditions

    Most customs related to the preparation and holding of a wedding celebration are well acquainted, but there are those that can become a real discovery for you.

    For example, in Portugal and Hungary, there is a certain rule of invitations of the bride to the dance. Wishing to dance with a young need to get a coin into one of its shoes pre-furnished in the center of the wedding hall.

    The custom of the sprinkles of newlyweds petals of roses, which is a symbol of light and happy life, appeared in the UK and joined the wedding culture of almost all countries of the world. Trying to make this tradition more unique, each of the countries contributed to her "highlight". So, on Romanian wedding rites, along with roses petals are also present and nuts and nuts.

    In the Slovak Republic there is a tradition of sharing gifts between future spouses. The bride gives his beloved ring and a shirt from Sochel, embroidered with gold threads. The response of the groom should be a silver ring, a fur hat, a tank and a belt of loyalty with three keys.

    In the Norwegian and Swiss weddings, we mandatory custom are the landing of trees: two firs and one pine, respectively.

    The beginning of the ceremony in Germany is accompanied by beating with friends and relatives of the bride's dishes in her house, in the Netherlands - a festive banquet, and in France, with newlyweds of wine from cups, symbolizing happiness and love.

    In addition to the traditions associated directly with the marking procedure, great attention is paid to the addition of wedding images of future spouses. So, for English brides, the presence of horseshoes or pins on the wedding dress is very important, which is a sign of a happy marriage, and the crown should be present on the heads of Finnish young people.

    The peculiarity of the wedding traditions of the European Society is the uniqueness of each of them, as well as popular among modern Europeans.

    European culinary traditions

    Traditional European cuisine is collected from amazing culinary recipes for national dishes of europe peoples. At the same time, each European state boasts individual culinary masterpieces.

    On the territory of Central Europe, Polish and Hungarian dishes are most popular, the crown recipes of which are goulash, strudel, vegetable dill soup.

    Eastern European cuisine has developed under the influence of customs of cooking by nomadic peoples inhabiting this territory in the old days. The most famous among culinary dishes of Eastern Europe - borsch, dumplings, pies.

    A special place in the culinary arena of Western Europe is the French cuisine, which is an example for imitating many countries around the world. A feature of the culinary masterpieces of France is the use of wines and spices in almost any dish. Unlike the French, their neighbors are Germans - prefer to eat potatoes, meat and beer.

    The culinary traditions of Northern Europe are extremely diverse. The most common cuisine dishes of European northerners are cream-brulee, sweet chocolate, duck in orange sauce and chicken hunts.

    South European cuisine is largely similar to Western European, especially with French. It is also popular to add wine to most of the dishes, but at the same time, also separately submit it at mandatory on the table before the start of the meal.

    Promotion to modern European culture

    In addition to wedding and culinary customs, modern European culture contains a huge number of diverse traditions related to all the areas of human activity. To get acquainted with them closer, to join or even become their integral part can any foreigner who received the passport of the European Union. Romania enjoys the greatest demand in the design of European citizenship. Romania's citizenship is the fastest and cheap way to integrate into European society today.

    The peoples of Europe are one of the most interesting and at the same time complex themes in history and cultural studies. Understanding the peculiarities of their development, life, traditions, culture will better understand the modern events that occur in this part of the world in a wide variety of areas of life.

    general characteristics

    With all the diversity of the population living in the territory of European states, we can say that, in principle, all of them passed one common path of development. Most of the states were formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, which included huge spaces, from German lands in the West to Gallian regions in the East, from Britain in the north to North Africa in the south. That is why we can say that all these countries, with all of them incurrence, are nevertheless formed in a single cultural space.

    The path of development in the early Middle Ages

    The peoples of Europe as nationality began to develop as a result of the great resettlement of the tribes, which covered the mainland in the IV-V centuries. Then, as a result of mass migration flows, a fundamental transformation of the social structure occurred, which existed during the centuries during the ancient history period, and new ethnic community took shape. In addition, the formation of nationalities had an influence and movement that was founded on the lands of the former Roman empire their so-called barbaric states. In their framework, the peoples of Europe are approximately in the form in which they exist at the present stage. However, the process of final national design fell for the period of mature Middle Ages.

    Further folding of states

    In the XII-XIII centuries, in many countries, the process of forming a national self-consciousness began. It was the time when the prerequisites for the residents of states began to identify and position themselves precisely as a certain national community. Initially, this was manifested in language and culture. The peoples of Europe began to develop national literary languages \u200b\u200bthat determined their belonging to a particular ethnic. In England, for example, this process began very early: already in the XII century, the famous writer D. Choseer created his famous "Canterbury stories", which laid the foundation of the national English language.

    XV-XVI century in the history of Western European countries

    The period of late Middle Ages and early new time played a decisive role in the formation of states. It was the period of the formation of monarchies, the design of the main bodies of the department, the formation of ways to develop the economy, and, the main thing - the specificity of the cultural appearance was formed. In connection with the specified circumstances, the traditions of the peoples of Europe were very diverse. They were determined by all the prior development. First of all, the geographical factor, as well as the features of the folding of national states, which finally took shape in the era considered.

    New time

    The XVII-XVIII century is the time of turbulent shocks for Western European countries, which survived a rather difficult period in their history in connection with the transformation of the socio-political, social and cultural medium. It can be said that in these centuries, the traditions of the peoples of Europe passed the durability test not only, but also revolutions. In these centuries, states conducted the struggle for hegemony on the mainland with varying success. The XVI century passed under the sign of the domination of the Austrian and Spanish Habsburgs, the next century - under the explicit leader of France, which was facilitated by the establishment of absolutism here. The XVIII century shaved her position in many respects due to the revolution, wars, as well as a domestic political crisis.

    Expansion of spheres of influence

    The next two centuries were marked by serious changes in the geopolitical situation in Western Europe. This was due to the fact that some leading states rose on the path of colonialism. Peoples living in Europe have mastered new territorial spaces, primarily north-American and oriental lands. This significantly affected the cultural appearance of European states. First of all, this applies to the UK, which has created a whole colonial empire that covered almost polim. This led to the fact that it was English and English diplomacy who began to influence European development.

    Another event was greatly reflected in the geopolitical map of the mainland - two world wars. Peoples living in Europe were on the verge of destroying as a result of devastation, which caused her fighting. Of course, all this affected the fact that it was the Western European states that influenced the beginning of the process of globalization and the creation of global bodies for the settlement of conflicts.

    Modern condition

    The culture of the peoples of Europe today is determined in many ways to erase national borders. Computerization of society, the rapid development of the Internet, as well as broad migration flows set the problem of erasing national original features. Therefore, the first decade of our century passed under the sign of the question of the preservation of the traditional cultural appearance of ethnic groups and nationalities. Recently, when expanding the globalization process, there is a tendency to preserve the national identity of countries.

    Cultural development

    The life of the peoples of Europe is determined by their history, mentality and religion. With all the variety of ways of cultural appearance of countries, one general development will be distinguished in these states: this dynamism, practicality, purposefulness of the processes that occurred at different times to science, art, politics, economics and in society in general. It was on the last characteristic feature that the famous philosopher O. Spengler pointed out.

    The history of the peoples of Europe is characterized by early penetration into the culture of secular elements. It determined such a rapid development of painting, sculptures, architecture and literature. The desire for rationalism was inherent in leading European thinkers and scientists, which caused a stormy growth rate of technical achievements. In general, the development of culture on the mainland was determined by the early penetration of secular knowledge and rationalism.

    Spiritual life

    The religions of the nations of Europe can be allocated in two large groups: Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. The first is one of the most common not only on the mainland, but throughout the world. At first, she was dominant in Western European countries, but then, after the Reformation that occurred in the XVI century, Protestantism originated. The latter has several branches: Calvinism, Lutheranism, Puritanism, Anglican Church and others. Subsequently, on its basis, individual generality of a closed type arose. Orthodoxy is distributed in Eastern Europe. It was borrowed from the neighboring Byzantium, where he penetrated on Russia.


    The languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Europe can be divided into three large groups: Romanesque, German and Slavic. To the first owned: France, Spain, Italy and others. Their singularities are that they have formed under the influence of the eastern peoples. In the Middle Ages, these territories were subject to the invasion of Arabs and Turks, which undoubtedly affected the folding of their speech features. These languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished by flexibility, sonicity and singer. No wonder it was in Italian that most operas are written, and in general, it is he who is considered one of the most musical in the world. These languages \u200b\u200bare easy to perceive and learning; However, the grammar and the pronunciation of French can cause some difficulties.

    The German group includes the languages \u200b\u200bof the Northern Scandinavian countries. This speech is characterized by the hardness of pronunciation and expressive sound. They are more complicated for perception and learning. For example, German is considered one of the most difficult among European languages. Scandinavian speech is also characterized by the complexity of building proposals and rather difficult grammar.

    The Slavic group is also quite difficult to master. Russian is also considered one of the most difficult to teach. At the same time, the opinion is generally recognized that it is very rich in its lexical composition and semantic expressions. It is believed that it has all the necessary speech funds and language turns to transfer the necessary thoughts. It is indicative of the fact that it is European languages \u200b\u200bat different times and centuries considered world. For example, at first it was Latin and Greek, which was associated with the fact that Western European states were already mentioned above, formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, where both were in the go. Subsequently, the Spanish was very popular due to the fact that in the XVI century, Spain became a leading colonial power, and her language spread to other continents, primarily in South America. In addition, it was due to the fact that the Austro-Spanish Habsburg was leaders on the mainland.

    But subsequently, the leading positions occupied France, which also also entered the path of colonialism. Therefore, French has spread to other continents, primarily for North America and North Africa. But already in the XIX century, he became the dominant colonial state, which determined the main role of the English language around the world, which is preserved in our. In addition, this language is very convenient and simple when communicating, its grammatical structure is not as complicated, as, for example, in French, but in connection with the rapid development of the Internet in recent years, English has greatly simplified and has become almost conversational. For example, many English words in Russian sound entered use in our country.

    Mentality and consciousness

    The peculiarities of the peoples of Europe should be considered in the context of their comparisons with the population of the East. This analysis was held in the second decade of the famous cultural scientist O. Spengler. He noted that for all European peoples, it was characterized by a rapid development in various centuries of technology, technologies and industry. It was the last circumstance that determined, in his opinion, the fact that they very quickly stood on the path of progressive development, began to actively master new lands, improve production and so on. The practical approach has become a key to the fact that these nations have reached great results in the modernization of not only economic, but also of social and political life.

    The mentality and the consciousness of Europeans, according to the same scientist, the time immemors were aimed at not only to explore and know the nature and surrounding their reality, but also to the active use of the results of these achievements in practice. Therefore, the thoughts of Europeans have always been aimed not only to receive knowledge in its pure form, but also to use them in the conversion of nature for their needs and improve the conditions of being. Of course, the above-mentioned path of development was characteristic of other regions of the world, but it was in Western Europe that he manifested itself with the greatest fullness and expressiveness. Some researchers associate such business consciousness and the practically directed mentality of Europeans with the peculiarities of the geographical conditions of their residence. After all, the majority of European countries are small in size, and therefore, to achieve the progress of peoples inherent in Europe, we went to. E. Due to the limited natural resources, they began to develop and master various technologies to improve production.

    Characteristic features of countries

    The customs of the peoples of Europe are very indicative to understand their mentality and consciousness. They reflect them and priorities. Unfortunately, very often in the mass consciousness is formed an image of a nation for purely external attributes. Thus, labels are superimposed on this or that country. For example, England is very often associated with reference, practicality and exceptional businesslikeness. The French are very often perceived as a cheerful secular and open people, relaxed in communication. Italians or, for example, the Spaniards are very emotional nation with a rapid temperament.

    However, peoples inhabiting Europe have a very rich and difficult story that put a deep imprint on their life traditions and life. For example, the fact that the British are considered houses (from where I went to say "My Home - My Fortress"), undoubtedly has deep historical roots. When fierce internecine wars were followed in the country, apparently, the idea that the fortress or the castle of some feudal was a reliable protection. In the British, for example, there is another interesting custom, which also goes back to the era of the Middle Ages: In the process of parliamentary elections, the defeating challenger literally makes his ways to his place, which is a kind of reference by the time a fierce parliamentary struggle. Also still preserved the custom sitting on a bag with wool, since it was the textile industry that gave impetus to the rapid development of capitalism in the XVI century.

    The French still has a preserved tradition to desire to especially express their nationality. This is due to their turbulent history, it applies to the XVIII century, when the country has experienced a revolution, Napoleonic Wars. During these events, people felt their national identity particularly sharply. The expression of pride for their fatherland is also a long-time French, which manifests itself, for example, in the execution of "Mosselease" and today.


    The question of which peoples inhabit Europe seem to be very complex, especially due to the turbulent migration processes recently. Therefore, in this section, it should be limited to only a small overview for this topic. When describing the language groups, it has already been said about which ethnic groups inhabited mainland. Here it is also necessary to designate a few more features. Europe became the arena in the early Middle Ages. Therefore, its ethnic composition is extremely PEST. In addition, at one time the Arabs and Turks dominated on it, which put their imprint. However, it is still necessary to indicate the list of Europe's peoples from the west to the East (only the largest nations are listed in this series): Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Italians, Romanians, Germans, Scandinavian Ethnic groups, Slavs (Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Croats, Serbs , Slovenians, Czechs, Bulgarian Slovaks, Russians and others). Currently, the question of migration processes that threaten to change the ethnic map of Europe are particularly acute. In addition, the processes of modern globalization and the openness of the borders threaten the erosion of ethnic territories. This issue is now one of the main policy in world politics, therefore, in a number of countries, a tendency to preserve national and cultural isolation was designated.

    Many of the tourists, deciding to go to rest in a new European country, do not quite know that customs and traditions in Europe are found in the root differ from Russian standards. In each country, for example, there are own rules of etiquette and a violation of them can, at least to force the tourist to blush for their behavior, so it is better to get to know the traditions of the peoples of Europe before going on a trip.

    In this article, I would like to stay on the etiquette in Europe, as well as on the wedding and culinary traditions of the old world.

    Traditions and customs of the peoples of Europe. Etiquette

    The concept of etiquette is widely used in the 17th century. During the reign of the French king, Louis XIV in front of their receptions, all guests were distributed cards in which some rules of behavior were written in this reception. It is etiquette, as the tradition of Western Europe, has received rapid distribution in other countries of the continent, and then the whole world.

    In Western European countries, etiquette developed under the great influence of traditional customs. Various strata of society, prejudice and superstition, religious rites determine the development of etiques in those times.

    Currently, many believe that modern etiquette inherited only the best of the customs and traditions of Europe, transmitting from generation to generation. And if some norms of behavior have been preserved unchanged and until today, it is probably no need to argue with folk wisdom.

    However, one should not forget that some of the requirements relating to etiquette are quite conditional and directly depend on time, place and circumstances.

    For example, you can remember that only a few centuries ago a man could wear a sword, a dagger or a saber on the left side, and if a woman was walking next to him, then she naturally, so as not to hurt the weapon went to the right. Now there are no such interference (unless in families where the man is military), but the tradition has been preserved.

    Wedding traditions in Europe

    In modern Europe, for a long period of its development, the traditions and customs of countries were mixed with each other. This largely concerns both the preparation and holding of wedding celebrations.

    Some of the wedding traditions of Europe are well acquainted to residents of Russia, but others can become a real revelation for us.

    For example, in Hungary, the bride should remove the shoes and put them in the middle of the room, and the one who wants to invite her to dance should throw coins in shoes. The same custom is common and weddings in Portugal.

    At the weddings in Romania, newlyweds shower with swings, nuts or rose petals.

    The bride in Slovakia should give his chosen one ring and a silk shirt, embroidered with gold threads. And the groom in response must give her a ring of silver, a fur hat, black and belt belief.

    In Norway, the bride and groom are definitely soldered two Christmas trees, and in Switzerland - Posina.

    In German weddings in front of the ceremony, friends and relatives of the bride beat the dishes near her house, and Frenchman newlyweds in happiness and love drink wine from the Cup.

    The festive banquet in Holland is usually carried out in front of the marriage ceremony itself.

    British brides challenge at their wedding dress of the horseshoe or the mace of happiness.

    Brides heads in Finland must be decorated with a crown.

    Before the start of the wedding in Sweden, the bride puts two coins in shoes, which her parents gave her - the mother is gold, and the father is silver.

    Each such wedding tradition in Europe is unique, and what is the most pleasant - they even in many years they do not lose relevance and live in the memory of modern Europeans.

    Culinary traditions of the peoples of Europe

    Culinary traditions of Europe are the most ancient in the world, however, the innate enterprise and curiosity of its inhabitants made the continent's cuisine extremely difficult and varied.

    The culinary traditions of the nations of Europe are amazing recipes of national dishes of different countries. It is rather a collective concept, because each country can be proud of its own culinary features and traditions.

    In Central Europe, Polish and Hungarian dishes are dominated. Crown recipes are the preparation of a walk, strzdel, vegetable soup with dill and others.

    Eastern European dishes are extremely diverse. The customs of cooking were transferred to modern residents from nomads, who many centuries ago settled these lands.

    In Western Europe, the French cuisine is distinguished, the chefs of which know the felt in vegetables and good fault. The neighbors of the French are Germans do not represent their lives without potatoes, meat and beer.

    The kitchen of Northern Europe is extremely diverse. From beer with fried potatoes or fish to cream brulee and sweets in chocolate.

    You can especially select duck recipes in orange sauce and chicken huntsman.

    Distinctive feature-European cuisine is the addition of wine to many dishes, which is also mandatory to be resolved on the table before the meal.

    Modern European culture

    In conclusion, articles should be noted that, starting from the second half of the 20th century, the concept of mass culture appeared in Europe - a characteristic phenomenon in the 20th century, which was caused by mass consumption and production.

    Mass culture rapidly embraced various spheres of life, and most fully manifested in the youth subculture (for example, rock music, etc.).

    It happened to its strengthening due to the media, an increase in the level of literacy of the population and the development of information technologies.